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a current, up-to-date-news resource.

To do that would require 24/7
maintenance and still be out of date.

Instead, news-worthy items that
deserve a longer life-span before
they disappear will be posted here
on an ad-hoc basis for interest only.

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Read this report from Real Raw News
11th October 2024
and then the following explanation

White and Red Hats have shelved ideological differences—at least for now—and united to fight a familiar foe: The Federal Emergency Management Agency, the governmental goliath that has been terrorizing, robbing, and murdering patriotic citizens ever since the late William Jefferson Clinton and his foul wife empowered the agency in 1993.

Over the past six years, White Hats have fought FEMA in its natural habitat—disaster zones ravaged by fires, floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

In each instance, invariably, White Hats caught agency agents tormenting and pillaging innocents whose lives natural and manmade disasters had upended.

According to sources in Gen. Smith’s office and at US Army Special Operations Command, White Hats have “neutralized” approximately 860 FEMA personnel, including upper management and former director Brock Long, while the agency’s current director, Deanne Criswell, is currently at GITMO awaiting a military tribunal.

But that hasn’t stopped the Deep State from keeping her in the public eye via artificial intelligence, CGI, and holography.

In 2022, White Hats attacked FEMA in its own stronghold, the highly secretive and virtually impregnable Mount Weather Emergency Operations Center, an innocuous-sounding monicker for a subterranean labyrinth brimming with enough firepower to start a war.

Although White Hats seized, and have held, Mt. Weather, the victory hasn’t shaken FEMA’s resolve or quenched its thirst for power over the public.

White Hats ascribed FEMA’s relentlessness to the agency as being more significant than the sum of its parts. Entrenched in evil, FEMA’s hierarchal structure is designed to survive amputation.

If someone in a leadership position is taken out, a subordinate is often unofficially promoted to fill the departee’s shoes.

Only a mass culling, White Hats say, can bring FEMA to its knees, though, given its historical endurance, that may not be a foregone conclusion.

Nonetheless, in the wake of Hurricanes Helene and Milton, which many believe were geoengineered by the Deep State, a concerted effort is underway to cripple the alphabet agency; however, the current offensive didn’t begin that way.

When White Hats failed to respond immediately to an armed FEMA presence in North Carolina, Red Hats—an amalgam of active-duty and retired military and non-federal law enforcement—took matters into their own hands.

Their leader, known as Colonel Kurtz, landed troops in Asheville and surrounding communities to halt FEMA’s takeover of the area.

At once they saw FEMA’s criminality. In areas devastated by flooding and landslides, FEMA and ATF agents warrantlessly entered homes and emerged from them carrying residents’ firearms and other private property, such as jewelery and cash.

An elderly woman who had braved the storm, and whose house was in disrepair, and protested the warrantless trespass got thrown to the ground for merely speaking up.

A FEMA agent told her, “This ain’t your property anymore.”

He had barely finished his sentence when three bullets struck his back. He toppled over, falling into the woman’s driveway flooded with brackish water.

The other agents, too, were dead before they could spin around and draw weapons. Our source said similar incidents have occurred throughout the area.

Instead of distributing relief supplies—food, water, etc.—FEMA confiscated cases of bottled water and canned goods that citizen Samaritans distributed among the walking wounded and the displaced.

Red Hats, our source said, “cleaned FEMA’s clock,” wiping out dozens of feds infringing on the constitutional rights of the citizenry.

The tenacious Red Hats suffered casualties as well.

Upon arriving in Chimney Rock—which the federal government had seized under “eminent domain” to commandeer the area’s valuable lithium deposits—Red Hats confronted tremendous opposition.

From flooded US Highway 64 to the peak of Perigone’s Point, the opposing forces skirmished incessantly, expending, our source said, enormous amounts of ammunition and other ordnance. Bodies from each side fell left and right.

After FEMA ambushed and slaughtered 12 Red Hats at a trailhead, Col. Kurtz, as reported previously, made an impassioned plea to Gen. Smith, asking that they set aside personal disputes and fight FEMA as a cohesive unit.

Kurtz even said he’d defer to Gen. Smith’s judgment, as he has more experience combatting FEMA.

Following an emergency White Hat council meeting, Gen. Smith agreed, and White Hats—Marines, soldiers, and members of the Special Operations community, joined Red Hats on the mountain, forming a “union,” as we call the coalition.

United, they reportedly drove FEMA off the mountain after gaining a tactical advantage, and killed agents who were holed up in positions above the flood zone.

When FEMA tried landing helicopters filled with reinforcements, Union forces fired at them, downing one and forcing the other to retreat.

That victory, though, was ephemeral.

The next day, a federal cavalcade barrelled into Chimney Rock, blockading the highway and ordering Union forces to surrender by order of “President Harris.”

The Union had prepped for a protracted standoff, and with elevation advantage, began plinking off feds as they stepped out of their vehicles, many of which had been fitted to traverse deep water.

As of this writing, the battle for Chimney Rock rages on, with neither side yielding ground.

Our source said the Union’s tactical expertise will ultimately lead to victory.

Elsewhere, Union troops have engaged FEMA in Florida, and we’ll provide details on that theater of conflict in the next article.

In closing, our source said Gen. Smith and Kurtz met in person to discuss the collaborative effort.

“Sometimes uniting to fight a shared enemy can bring two people closer together,” he said.


The Union, colloquially known as the North, refers to the United States when eleven Southern slave states seceded to form the Confederate States of America (CSA), also known as the Confederacy or South, during the American Civil War.

The Union was led by Abraham Lincoln, the 16th president of the United States, and sought to preserve the nation a constitutional federal union.

In the context of the Civil War, “Union” is also often used as a synonym for “the northern states loyal to the United States government”.

In this meaning, the Union included 20 free states and four southern border slave states, Delaware, Maryland, Kentucky, and Missouri, though Missouri and Kentucky both had dual competing Confederate and Unionist governments with the Confederate government of Kentucky and the Confederate government of Missouri.

The Union included the states of Maine, New York, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Kansas, Michigan, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Iowa, California, Nevada, and Oregon.

Abraham Lincoln was their President.


From Wikipedia

The American Civil War (April 12, 1861 – May 26, 1865; also known by other names) was a civil war in the United States between the Union[e] (“the North”) and the Confederacy (“the South”), which was formed in 1861 by states that had seceded from the Union.

The central conflict leading to war was a dispute over whether slavery should be permitted to expand into the western territories, leading to more slave states, or be prohibited from doing so, which many believed would place slavery on a course of ultimate extinction.

Decades of controversy over slavery were brought to a head when Abraham Lincoln, who opposed slavery’s expansion, won the 1860 presidential election.

Seven Southern slave states responded to Lincoln’s victory by seceding from the United States and forming the Confederacy.

The Confederacy seized U.S. forts and other federal assets within their borders.

The war began on April 12, 1861, when the Confederacy bombarded Fort Sumter in South Carolina.

A wave of enthusiasm for war swept over the North and South, as military recruitment soared.

Four more Southern states seceded after the war began and, led by President Jefferson Davis, the Confederacy asserted control over a third of the U.S. population in eleven states.

Four years of intense combat, mostly in the South, ensued.

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– all around us –
‘they think they’re alive,
but they’re not’
– (update 8) –


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More everything


NPCs – Non-Player character
Are you an NPC – not likely or you wouldn’t watch this video,
but recognise those you encounter on your life’s journey who are.

They’re here to generate your loosh for their masters.

To keep you on a never ending yo-yo of emotions from joy to grief to fear to anger.

They don’t know they are – they’re programmed to influence your life path
– maybe steal your soul if you let them get too close to you.

They’ll reward you with lifestyle, sex, money, ego, praise – whatever it takes

But in the law of the universe there will always be
a restoration of energy to create balance.

It’s a game – and you’re one of the main characters (players) in it.

While you’ll have the illusion of a great life,
your soul will be telling you it’s all wrong,
but you’ll ignore it until you fall.

And the NPC will move on to find it’s nest conquest.

The matrix is real – the movie was a documentary.

Where do they come from … ?

Charlotte NC
this evening,
2nd October 2024

(Author unknown)


Them: I can’t post this online because it’s not quite public yet, but government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed, bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government owned it all.

I don’t know what crazy play for land this is, but there’s a lot of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a stand down operation by federal government

Me: What the heck…?

That’s quite disturbing.

Is this first-hand, second-hand, or more distant info?

Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock.

They had a town meeting yesterday, and someone from the federal government told them all of those things in the town meeting but doesn’t want the information getting out.

Also, they are not picking up the bodies.

The stench of the bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does not want to pick up the bodies.

One pastor of a local church was going to order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to body bags because so many of the homes that they’ve gone to have needed body bags, we’re trying to keep the body count.

They’re not picking up the bodies.

They don’t wanna identify the bodies, and they’re just leaving them to rot in the streets.

Me: I…can’t…even. I’m stunned.

This is beyond anything I could have imagined even very recently.

You always pick up and bury the dead.

It’s what humans do.

They are violating every possible custom … on purpose.

Thank you for keeping me informed.

People need to know about this.

Let me know when you’d be comfortable with me posting to our forums in an anonymized fashion, of course.

Them: You can post it, and the message needs to get out.

Something evil is going on in the NC mountains.

I just didn’t want to be identified.

Just today, we filled up a trailer for a shelter in Hendersonville NC that had no food for tons of moms and babies.

All the stores rounds are empty or locked.

In Chandler NC 2000, people haven’t eaten anything or drank in 6 days and just got an SOS message out for help.

I’m trying to tag the Cajun navy and operation airdrop, but people are dying by the minute.

Multiple tuckers have reported having tires slashed.

Our friends from Chimney Rock said they have heard multiple stories of people being robbed at gunpoint making supply runs.

Two people that drove down to Charlotte yesterday and today, one that we helped said bodies in trees, all over ditches in major roads back.

Something weird is going on here in NC.

Me: God bless you. Let me know if I can help.

Them: Someone with a large national megaphone needs to amplify how bad it is.

People are now starting to die trapped.

My town is Operation Air Drop NC central command.

They need pilots with planes and now are asking just for trucks.

People with big equipment are needed, but more than anything, the nation needs to put pressure on Washington to deploy the National Guard asap.

The 82nd was begging to go since Saturday but has been told to stand down.

Every fucking Apache we have should be flying rescue missions.

Please amplify the message!!!

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History Has Been Made

Yesterday 1st October 2024
The RESET gave birth
to the NEW Banking System

𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙪𝙡𝙙 𝙗𝙚 𝙚𝙭𝙘𝙞𝙩𝙚𝙙
𝙖𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙧𝙚𝙨𝙩 𝙤𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙡𝙞𝙛𝙚
𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙖𝙧𝙩𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙤𝙙𝙖𝙮

October 2nd 2024

Banks are in check.

Government is in check.

Wall Street is in check.

Ports are in check.

The entertainment industry is in check.

The Legal system is in check.

All of this is happening today and will have ripple effects for decades to come.
and you will for the 1st time in history witness it all in real-time and see accountability unfold.

There will be no more getting over on the American people.

Your country will shift towards programs that serve you above all else or else.

And that’s the way it is going to be for the next few centuries or more.

We deserve it.

You deserve it.

Your children and
their future deserve it.

But the only way to solidify this is to bare from a witnesses stare what Law & Order can do for a country under siege.

This will be the stamp of approval.

This is what will give us confidence in our new system.

This is what will allow us to make sound decisions that actually reflect reality as it supposed to be.

No more hanky-panky under the table at our expense.

And you should feel very satisfied about that for many reasons.

𝘽𝙖𝙣𝙠𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙖 𝙇𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙝:

No more reckless speculation or shady under-the-table deals.

For the first time in modern history, the banking system is being held accountable.

Gone are the days when Wall Street fat cats could manipulate your savings for their own gains.

The gold-backed system will guarantee your hard-earned wealth is protected by real value, not inflated promises.

𝘼 𝙂𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩
t𝙝𝙖𝙩 w𝙤𝙧𝙠𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙔𝙤𝙪:

The era of government inefficiency, waste, and corruption is coming to a close.

No more secret deals or hidden agendas that favor a select few.

Instead, programs and policies will focus on serving YOU, the citizen, above all else.

Every law, every initiative, will be crafted with your well-being in mind, ensuring you and your family prosper in a system designed for the people, by the people.

𝙒𝙖𝙡𝙡 𝙎𝙩𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙩’𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙮𝙨
𝙤𝙛 m𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙥𝙪𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 a𝙧𝙚 o𝙫𝙚𝙧:

The financial elites are finally being put in check.

No longer will Wall Street have the power to rig markets or siphon wealth from the middle class.

The rise of decentralized, asset-backed systems like tokenized gold ensures that real value is driving the market, not fabricated bubbles.

You’ll have the power to invest in real assets, knowing the market can no longer be rigged against you.

𝙋𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙨 fl𝙤𝙬𝙞𝙣𝙜
𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 i𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙜𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮

The East Coast port strike has opened the door to transparent and equitable supply chains. The days of backroom deals that created shortages and price hikes are over. Goods will now flow through the ports with fair labor practices, ensuring both workers and consumers benefit from a system built on trust and cooperation. You will finally see the true cost of goods reflect the value of fair and honest trade.

𝙀𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙩𝙖𝙞𝙣𝙢𝙚𝙣𝙩 i𝙣𝙙𝙪𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮

Hollywood’s darkest secrets are being dragged into the light.

The fall of major entertainment figures signals a new chapter where art, media, and culture will reflect truth and integrity.

No more glorification of toxic behaviors or exploitation hidden behind the glamor of fame.


For the first time in your life, you will witness justice unfold in real-time.

From government officials to banking moguls and entertainment elites, those who have acted in secrecy or malice are now being held accountable.

You will see laws applied equally and fairly, no more playing favorites.

𝘼 𝙁𝙪𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚 𝙛𝙤𝙧 y𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙙𝙧𝙚𝙣:

The changes happening today will reverberate for centuries.

These shifts aren’t just for us—they’re for future generations.

Your children and grandchildren will inherit a world where truth, integrity, and fairness form the foundation of society.

They’ll grow up in a country where opportunity and justice are the norm, not the exception.


From Mike Adams,
lab science director,
CWC Labs.


It is now nearly certain that a recent attack impacting attendees of a Trump rally in Arizona was carried out via the deployment of a handheld UV laser device, battery powered, silent, and invisible to the naked eye.

The symptoms of those impacted are fully consistent with such a directed energy attack: Temporarily loss of vision, sunburns on exposed skin, skin peeling, extreme eye pain, redness, etc.

Yet all victims felt nothing during the moments of exposure.

UV lasers in the wavelengths of 280nm – 315nm are considered “UV-B” and are extremely dangerous to the human eye, as the optics of the eye add significant “gain” to incoming photons, in orders of magnitude.

When UV lasers are deployed as weapons at indoor events, the subjects’ pupils are dilated due to lower indoor lighting (compared to outdoor lighting, during which pupils are constricted), allowing orders of magnitude amplification of incoming light, even if invisible.

High intensity UV light causes permanent retinal damage / scarring / blindness.

The malicious deployment of handheld UV lasers in an indoor environment would be UNDETECTABLE during the attack, and it could cause permanent blindness via extreme retinal damage.

Importantly, UV lasers in this wavelength range are NOT visible on night vision optics or camera optics which can pick up IR illumination such as 980nm.

Handheld lasers have their own on board optics.

Beam spread is described in milliradians (mils).

A tighter beam hits fewer intended targets, but with higher energy density.

A wider beam spread causes the energy emissions to be spread out and therefore less dense.

But all lasers emit coherent light, so the beam maintains its shape over extremely long distances.

With sufficient power, a handheld UV laser device deployed with malicious intent and sufficient power could cause blindness from 500 yards or even farther, if exposure is maintained over several tens of seconds.

A malicious person deploying a UV laser would have a very difficult time accurately aiming it due to the beam being invisible.

Therefore, all security personnel and LEOs should look for members of crowds who are holding up linear-looking devices and attempting to aim down the primary linear axis of such devices, for example if a person appears to be carrying a large cylindrical flashlight, and appears to be trying to “aim” down the primary axis of that flashlight, they may actually be aiming an invisible UV laser at an intended target.

Similarly, UV lasers could be attached alongside media-looking camera equipment, so that a person who appears to be holding up a camera to film an event could actually be deploying a UV laser with malicious intent.

DETECTION: Night vision optics cannot detect.

Very sensitive, high resolution thermal cameras *may* pick up elevated surface skin temperatures as UV rays strike the faces, chests, eyes, etc., of intended victims, and this temperature rise would appear in the shape of a very large circle, perhaps 15′ in diameter, entirely depending on the milliradians of the laser optics and the distance of the assailant (think of a narrow spotlight, and the farther away the assailant, the larger the spotlight becomes due to distance, but the weaker it gets also).

To find malicious actors deploying such devices – FORWARD THIS TO RELEVENAT FEDERAL LEOs – US Secret Service should be checking for suspicious purchases of extremely high-powered laser diodes (in the Watts range, not just milliwatts) from China or other sources, in the 250nm – 315nm wavelength range, and understanding that 254nm is widely considered “germicidal,” which means there are many purchases of such UV laser diodes by hospitals and medical applications, especially in the post-COVID world, so it may be extremely difficult to separate a malicious purchase of UV laser devices from legitimate medical purchases.

I woke up and as I had my morning coffee,
I realized that everything is about to change.

No matter how I vote, no matter what I say, something evil has invaded our nation, and our lives are never going to be the same.

I have been confused by the hostility of family and friends.

I look at people I have known all my life–so hate-filled that they agree with opinions they would never express as their own.

I think that I may well have entered the Twilight Zone.

You can’t justify this insanity.

We have become a nation that has lost its collective mind!

• If a man pretends to be a woman, you are required to pretend with him.

• Somehow it’s un-American for the census to count how many Americans are in America.

• Russians influencing our elections are bad, but illegals voting in our elections are good.

• It was cool for Joe Biden to “blackmail” the President of Ukraine, but it’s an impeachable offense if Donald Trump inquires about it.

• Twenty is too young to drink a beer, but eighteen is old enough to vote.

• People who have never owned slaves should pay slavery reparations to people who have never been slaves.

• People who have never been to college should pay the debts of college students who took out huge loans for their degrees.

• Immigrants with tuberculosis and polio are welcome, but you’d better be able to prove your dog is vaccinated.

• Irish doctors and German engineers who want to immigrate to the US must go through a rigorous vetting process, but any illiterate gang-bangers who jump the southern fence are welcome.

• $5 billion for border security is too expensive, but $1.5 trillion for “free” health care is not.

• If you cheat to get into college you go to prison, but if you cheat to get into the country you go to college for free.

• People who say there is no such thing as gender are demanding a female President.

• We see other countries going Socialist and collapsing, but it seems like a great plan to us.

• Some people are held responsible for things that happened before they were born, and other people are not held responsible for what they are doing right now.

• Criminals are caught-and-released to hurt more people, but stopping them is bad because it’s a violation of THEIR rights.

• And pointing out all this hypocrisy somehow makes us “racists”?!

Nothing makes sense anymore, no values, no morals, no civility and people are dying of a Chinese virus, but it racist to refer to it as Chinese even though it began in China.

We are clearly living in an upside down world where right is wrong and wrong is right, where moral is immoral and immoral is moral, where good is evil and evil is good, where killing murderers is wrong, but killing innocent babies is right.

Wake up America, the great unsinkable ship Titanic America has hit an iceberg, is taking on water, and is sinking fast.

The choice is yours to make. What will it be?

Time is short, make your choice wisely!

(Not my words but very accurate and disturbing!)

Some of us had this convo here the last few days.

Some of us are even asking how did we let this happen?

How did we get to this point?

I think I’ve already answered those questions here before.

We weren’t paying attention.

It’s our fault to some degree.

It’s everyone’s fault.

We were to busy in our own little irrelevant, contrived world’s to see it, preferring to be comfortable in our blissful unawareness of what’s happening in the world around us.

Oh, it’s their problem, or someone else’s, yet here we all are.

Now, don’t take that literally.

Some of us were paying attention.

Some of us screaming it from the rooftops, most of us ignored and called crazy by some of the ones we love.

By people you’d never think would turn their back on us.

But they did.

Many of them STILL don’t see.

What a sad state of affairs our world is in.

There is but one way now.

This site does not support or endorse any political ideology

The clock is ticking!

Trump’s war on corruption, military tribunals, and a massive election sting are about to explode.

With foreign occupation ending before November 5th, the battle for America’s soul reaches its climax.

Will the Republic survive, or will chaos reign?

Prepare for the final reckoning!

This is not just another election cycle.

This is a war,  a war for survival.

Everything you thought you knew is about to change, and the truth is far more shocking than anyone could have imagined.

Obama’s Directive:
The Hidden Sabotage

In July 2016, Obama quietly issued PPD-40, a move that went unnoticed by most.

But it wasn’t just about government continuity, it was about ensuring foreign agents maintained control.
Just four days before Trump’s inauguration, this directive was activated.

It was no peaceful transition.

It was sabotage of Trump’s incoming administration, designed to keep the shadowy powers pulling the strings.

Trump fought a war that wasn’t visible to the public.

Behind the scenes, he battled for the very soul of the Republic.

Trump’s Declaration of War

From his first day in office, Trump declared himself a Wartime President.

He activated the PEADS (Presidential Emergency Action Documents), preparing the nation for a fight.

This wasn’t just a political battle, Trump was up against a deeply entrenched, corrupt system that had been festering for decades.

But Trump didn’t fight alone.

He placed key military figures in positions of power, ensuring that the Republic would be defended.

Under the COG protocols, Trump gave authority to the military, handing them the power to act in defense of the Constitution.

The Executive Orders:
A blow to global corruption

Trump’s Executive Orders 13818 and 13848 in 2017 were game-changers.

They targeted corruption and foreign interference in elections.

But this wasn’t just a domestic fight, Trump’s orders hit a global network of corruption.

Assets were frozen, and a global sting was set in motion.

Military Tribunals:
Justice at Last

The 2006 Military Tribunals Act allowed Trump to prosecute high crimes like treason.

These tribunals were not for show, they were created to root out traitors within the government, ensuring swift justice.

The Election Sting:
2020 Was never what it seemed

2020 wasn’t a normal election. It was a trap, set by Trump’s team.

Military intelligence recorded everything – every manipulation, every fraudulent ballot.

The fraudsters were caught red-handed.

The election was rigged, not by Trump but by those who sought to overthrow the Republic.

The military now has all the evidence it needs to step in.

The Biden Administration:
Just a Show?

What if the Biden administration isn’t what it seems?

Insiders say it was all part of a military strategy.

A staged operation to expose the remaining swamp creatures, luring them out, while the military controlled everything behind the scenes.

The Final Countdown

With the 2020 election fraud exposed,
the countdown to November 5th, 2024 begins.

Will SCOTUS and the military
rise to the occasion?

The Republic stands on the brink.

This isn’t just about Trump
this is about the Constitutional Republic.

Prepare yourselves.

The storm is far from over.


Executive Orders
13848 and 13818

Executive Order 13848:

Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election.

Signed by President Trump on September 12, 2018.

Declares a national emergency to deal with the threat of foreign interference in U.S. elections

Requires the Director of National Intelligence to conduct an assessment of any foreign interference in a U.S. election within 45 days of its conclusion.

Authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to impose sanctions on foreign individuals and entities determined to have interfered in a U.S. election.

The national emergency declared by this order has been continuously renewed and remains in effect as of September 2024.

Executive Order 13818:

Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

Signed by President Trump on December 20, 2017

Declares a national emergency with respect to serious human rights abuse and corruption around the world.

Authorizes the Secretary of the Treasury to impose sanctions on foreign individuals and entities involved in human rights abuses or corruption.

Suspends entry into the U.S. for individuals whose property and interests are blocked under this order.

The national emergency declared by this order remains in effect as of December 2021.

In summary, Executive Orders 13848 and 13818 both authorize the imposition of sanctions on foreign individuals and entities engaged in malicious activities, with 13848 targeting election interference and 13818 addressing human rights abuses and corruption.

Both orders remain active national emergencies.

The Quantum Financial System (QFS)
is no longer a distant dream, it’s
happening NOW, and it’s turning the
global financial system on its head.

September 2024

The days of the corrupt, elite-controlled economy are numbered.

Right now, behind closed doors, the world’s most powerful bankers are in a panic, forced to comply with a system that’s about to redistribute their hoarded wealth to the people.

This isn’t just a tech upgrade; it’s a revolution.

The QFS is being deployed with surgical precision by the White Hats, dismantling the old financial structures that enslaved us for generations.

The Global Economic Security and Reformation Act (GESARA) is in full effect, and the greatest wealth transfer in history is already in motion.

Trillions of dollars, stolen from you through lies and manipulation, are about to be ripped from the hands of the corrupt and returned to where they truly belong.

 Banks worldwide are being audited, tested,
and connected to the QFS grid
at an unprecedented rate.

CEOs and financial heads are getting late-night calls, attending secret briefings, and being told in no uncertain terms: comply with the QFS or be cut off from the new global economy.

The parasites have had their day,
but now the tables are turning.

 Behind the scenes, covert teams are working around the clock, integrating every financial institution into the QFS.

The mainstream media is silent because they’re part of the old system, desperate to keep you in the dark. But the signs are there—sudden banking outages, unexplained changes in procedures.

This is the QFS takeover, and it’s happening faster than anyone could have predicted.

 But this isn’t just about the banks.

Patriots and whistleblowers, the true heroes who’ve fought against this corrupt system, are being rewarded.

They’ve been given early access to QFS accounts, not just as a means to secure their financial future, but as a badge of honor in the war against financial tyranny.

These pioneers are leading the charge into a new era of financial freedom, where the power is finally back in the hands of the people.

 The QFS is a fortress of security, with quantum-level encryption that no hacker or rogue state can penetrate.

Your money is yours, and yours alone, shielded from the greedy clutches of banks, governments, and anyone else who dares to claim it.

The QFS is the ultimate equalizer, a system that ensures every dollar is accounted for, every transaction is legitimate, and every person is free from financial oppression.

 The old system is crumbling, and the elites know it.

They’re desperately trying to hold on, but the QFS is unstoppable.

Banks that refuse to comply are being systematically cut off,
assets seized, accounts frozen.

This is a total reset,
a clean sweep of the corrupt,
and there’s nothing they can do to stop it.

 The QFS is more than just a financial system—it’s a global movement, a declaration that the era of financial enslavement is over.

The world is waking up, connections are being made, and soon, everyone will have the chance to be part of this revolutionary shift.

 The QFS is here,
and it’s already rewriting the rules.

The future is clear: QFS is the path forward.

Embrace it, because the world as we knew it is gone …

… and what comes next is a financial landscape
that finally serves the people, not the parasites.

Stay alert, stay informed,
and get ready

The storm is here.

We are in the midst of
the most significant
military operation
in history

“Mark your calendars
—Sun. 1 Sept. 2024—
Disclosure Day is coming,
and with it,
the dawn of a new era of
freedom and justice.”

We are in the midst of the most significant military operation in history, and it’s about to reach a critical point.

Since March 2020, the United States has been under the control of a federalized National Guard, supported by the US Navy, Coast Guard, and a global military alliance.

This isn’t just another operation; this is Operation Castle Rock—a covert military action aimed at exposing corruption and restoring justice.

Phase One is Complete.

The military has successfully trapped the corrupt Washington establishment, and now we are moving into Phase Two.

The Supreme Court has already made its decision on the Brunson vs. Adams case, which is set to blow the lid off the 2020 Election fraud.

Congress’s failure to investigate the widespread voter fraud is about to bring down the entire Biden administration and all of Congress.

A trusted military source has leaked that within the next 24 to 48 hours, the Supreme Court will announce the government’s shutdown and its replacement.

Are you ready for the Great Comeback?

The global media is prepping for Disclosure Day, where GESARA’s principles, the largest wealth transfer in human history, and the new global economic system will be revealed.

This synchronized broadcast will reach billions, utilizing the Emergency Broadcast System (EBS) to deliver the truth to the masses.

Get ready for 10 days of communication darkness. Shutdowns will occur, but only in certain areas.

Banks will close, ATMs and credit cards will stop working, and you’ll need at least three weeks of food and water.

If you’re unprepared, don’t worry—the military has your back and will supply what you need.

Nonstop education will be broadcast, teaching everyone about the true principles of freedom and justice.

Operation Castle Rock is also bringing justice to those who have committed treason.

Military tribunals are in full swing at GITMO, Diego Garcia, and other secret locations, where the global elite are being tried and sentenced for their crimes against humanity.

This operation will restore our nation to the principles of 1776, overturning the corrupt laws of the past and implementing a new system of justice.

Soon, vaccines will be ruled illegal, and Med Bed treatments will become available to heal the damage caused by these toxic injections.

The Quantum Financial System will release NESARA/GESARA funds, erasing debts and restoring our economy to the prosperity of the 1950s.

Mark your calendars—Sun. 1 Sept. 2024—Disclosure Day is coming, and with it, the dawn of a new era of freedom and justice.

The world will finally know the truth,
and we will witness
the greatest comeback in history.

Get ready.

Major industry disruption coming

  Nuclear energy

Healthcare Software

Fintech (crypto)

Genomics (Bioengineering)



These are the fields
that will face
massive disruptions.

Now that the C-Doc has been revoked cures that have been put on the backburner can be released exponentially fast.

New medical tech can be developed without the bureaucratic red tape.

The Chevron Doctrine stems from the 1984 Supreme Court case Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc.

It established a legal test for determining when courts should defer to a government agency’s interpretation of a statute that it administers.

The Chevron Doctrine was this little legal nugget that basically said, “Hey, courts, if Congress wrote a law that’s as clear as mud, just trust the agency in charge to figure it out.”

It was like giving the keys to the kingdom to federal agencies, allowing them to interpret laws as they saw fit.

Now, imagine a world where big, bad monopolies on medical technology (like those pesky med beds) were running amok, crushing innovation under their tyrannical heels.

The Chevron Doctrine was like their best buddy, helping them keep their iron grip on the market.

You see, with the Chevron Doctrine in place, these monopolies could lobby the agencies to interpret laws in their favor, effectively blocking any upstarts from entering the scene with their fancy new med beds or other medical marvels.

It was like a legal shield, protecting them from the harsh winds of competition.

Think about all the sci-fi ideas
over the last 10-15 years
you have been hearing about.

1. Neural interfaces for direct mind-computer connection

2. Holographic displays and augmented reality contact lenses

3. Teleportation devices for instant travel

4. Nanobots for medical treatment and bodily enhancement

5. Anti-gravity vehicles and personal flying suits

6. Replicators that can materialize any object

7. Time manipulation devices

8. Invisibility cloaks or fields

9. Artificial general intelligence indistinguishable from humans

10. Memory editing and implantation technology

11. Consciousness uploads to software

12. Genetic engineering for bio-design with enhanced humans

13. Fully immersive virtual reality worlds

14. Faster-than-light space travel

This is just a rough list of things you can expect to start major production.

This is one of the reasons why I think Donald Trump put out that warning to the Deep State.

Because the only way all of this can go into production in earnest is once we do a massive illegal immigrants sweep across the country.

Then as that is happening you will start to see a fast-track of revolutionary innovation across all industries in record time.

You are about to experience the debut of America 5.0. This is why you all feel this lethargic drag everyday you wake up because we have parasites living among us who are not supposed to be here.

Which is why everything has this slow pace to it.

And it messing with you mentally.

Which is why people are reaching their breaking point.

Why do you think you are always seeing videos of people in their vehicles talking about how hard things are?

How challenging life has become? How much financial hardships they are going through?

Because we have strained our system to benefit people who are not adding anything to it.

And the burden is falling on Americans and the weight had become unbearable.

Not anymore.

This 5 month transition period into next year will see massive changes.

The Chevron Doctrine has officially opened up the door for a massive breakthrough in that regard.

You are about to see things turned up a notch so be on guard through the remaining months of this year.

Because a lot of people do not want you to have what you are about to receive.</p

Click button to go to QFS page

President Trump
has announced that the
Quantum Financial System (QFS)
is now activated

President Trump has announced that the Quantum Financial System (QFS) is now activated, and he is awaiting confirmation from the US Treasury in Reno that the new gold/asset-backed US Note is active.

Over 900 bankers have been arrested by the Global Alliance Military and sent to GITMO for Tribunals, due to their attempts to prevent the Global Currency Reset (GCR).

Upon GCR activation, these bankers and the Deep State Cabal Globalists would lose control of the Global Financial System, which they have held since 1871, and more fully since 1913.

On Sunday, August 25, 2024, at 6:00 pm EST, all bank accounts converted to gold/asset-backed currencies on the QFS, signaling the end of the “Central Banking System” that perpetuated global “Debt Slavery.”

The QFS operates independently of the centralized banking system, preventing nefarious use of funds and denying bankers access to individual accounts.

Bank of America, JP Morgan, and Goldman Sachs, along with other major banks, are rumored to be insolvent, though these banks and Central Banks worldwide have been taken over by the Global Military Alliance.

As banks adapt to the QFS, they will either close or transition to serving only customers, with the system ensuring that every QFS account is solely owned by the account holder, not by banks or governments.

This transition prepares for a Global Financial collapse expected this week. Despite a media blackout, reports indicate a worldwide liquidity and credit crisis, with outages affecting US and European banks and online payment systems.

In Australia, customers have been turned away when trying to withdraw money, while discussions of bank runs are being banned on social media.

The Stock Market is expected to drop by 20% this week, with further declines possibly totaling 85-96%.

Tether and other stablecoins could fail, causing a cryptocurrency crash.

Bitcoin servers may shut down, with 99.5% of cryptocurrencies switching to Chinese currencies.

Hedge funds are likely to collapse, and banks could fail critical margin levels, leaving the bankrupt Federal Reserve with an empty bag.

The US Dollar’s insolvency is making international headlines as silver and gold prices soar.

US bonds are expected to be dumped, driving interest rates sky-high.

This catastrophe traces back to the treasonous Act of 1871, which unlawfully handed control of US taxpayer dollars to globalist bankers, leading to the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913 and the economic control by the Federal Reserve Bank, a private corporation.

The Deep State Cabal, through decades of corruption, has plunged the world into debt, spending taxpayer money on their own agendas.

Judgement Day – August 29th 
is the official date given by
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s character
in the film ‘Terminator 2: Judgment Day’
for when Skynet,
a man-made artificial intelligence program,
becomes self-aware &
annihilates most of humanity.

Have a nice day

The Bible is a
slave manual…

(author unknown)

The Bible is a cobbled-together slave manual, enforcing submission and servitude.

It instructs people to work six full days as slaves and mandates that on the seventh day, they must be on their knees, symbolizing complete submission.

The payment of taxes to one’s master is emphasized as a duty.

Consider these verses:

1. Leviticus 25:44-46: “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them, you may buy slaves.

You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.

You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.”

2. Ephesians 6:5: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ.”

3. Colossians 3:22: “Slaves, obey your earthly masters in everything; and do it, not only when their eye is on you and to curry their favor, but with sincerity of heart and reverence for the Lord.”

4. 1 Peter 2:18: “Slaves, in reverent fear of God, submit yourselves to your masters, not only to those who are good and considerate but also to those who are harsh.”

These verses are often used to reinforce the idea of absolute obedience and submission, promoting a system where the enslaved are expected to serve their masters faithfully, regardless of the circumstances.

The Bible’s commandments were designed to keep people in a state of servitude, ensuring that they work hard, pay their dues, and remain subservient.

The seventh day, presented as a day of rest, is, in reality, a day to reinforce submission, compelling the slaves to kneel and recognize their subjugation.

Get ready to be blown away
by an extraordinary exposé
that will keep you at the
edge of your seat.

(author unknown)

We have unearthed top-secret U.S. NATO war plans that were never meant to see the light of day, unraveling a colossal web of corruption that strikes at the very heart of global integrity.

Step into a clandestine world of power and opulence where billions of dollars from the CCP have been discreetly stashed away in Silicon Valley banks.

But this revelation is just the tip of the iceberg.

In the shadows, intelligence units are tirelessly decrypting the covert codes utilized in the SVB financial democratic laundering systems.

The sinister collapse of SVB and its eerie connections to the Deep State trace back to the highest echelons of the U.S. government—the CIA, Pentagon, Obama, Biden—exposing a vast network of corruption entwined with the Ukrainian money laundering system and the far-reaching grasp of the CCP.

Meanwhile, the arrest of Trump reverberates around the globe, but behind this intricately choreographed event lies a hidden message, ingeniously conveyed through a potent photograph.

By deciphering this cryptic military communication, we unveil a breathtaking pattern—flags meticulously positioned to symbolize the stages of war as defined by the Laws of War Department of Defense procedures.

This mind-blowing revelation uncovers a meticulously crafted plan, leaving no room for coincidence.

For months, we have been fed a steady diet of lies about Ukraine’s supposed triumph in the war, propagated by the Pentagon, mainstream media, and the Biden administration.

However, now, valiant insiders emerge from the shadows, shedding light on the truth.

Among them stands Colonel Douglas MacGregor, a trusted confidant of Trump and a seasoned war strategist.

Backed by classified intelligence reports and the unwavering commitment of oath keepers and the Military Alliance, MacGregor’s revelations paint a bleak picture of the Ukrainian battlefield.

As the supply of cutting-edge weaponry and systems from the US and EU grinds to a halt, the imminent collapse of Ukraine becomes undeniable.

Prepare for the ultimate shockwave—leaked U.S. military and NATO war plans are making waves online, courtesy of Russia.

These classified documents lay bare the true extent of Ukrainian casualties, revealing that hundreds of thousands have perished on their side, while the Russian losses pale in comparison.

The Pentagon, CIA, and NATO find themselves reeling as their hidden motives and objectives are laid bare.

Desperate to regain control, they dismiss the leaked documents as Russian disinformation or heavily manipulated data. But the truth cannot be silenced!

Ladies and gentlemen, we are witnessing an unprecedented series of events, masterfully orchestrated according to the Laws of War—3.4, 3.5, leading to the climactic 3.6. Each thread we unravel, from Epstein to Ukraine, Obama to the Clintons, the CIA to the virus, and even Silicon Valley Bank, weaves an intricate tapestry of intrigue and corruption.

Every sign points to a pivotal date—11.3—the point of no return.

But that’s not all—the floodgates of truth have burst open, overwhelming the CIA, the Pentagon, and the Biden administration.

White hat AI systems, unleashed to counter the deep state’s AI, have sparked a seismic shift in power.

We are now witnesses to an epic battle where the fate of nations hangs in the balance, and the truth can no longer be contained.

Buckle up for an unparalleled journey into the heart of darkness, where global power structures crumble and heroes and villains clash in an epic struggle for dominance.

This is the storm you’ve been anxiously awaiting
the world will never be the same again!

The ‘Brunson’ case

There’s not much information
about this ‘Brunson’ case to hand
– yet!

It’s been to the Supreme Court
many times over the last couple of years
and has always been rejected
– but it just won’t go away.

Anyone looking at this
would have to consider this is
all part of some master-plan –
– as to what it is, no-one can work out.

But it looks like it’s still a ‘thing’
that could cause the necessary demise
of both U.S. Congress and SCOTUS.


Like clockwork,-
the WHO has just declared
a “public health emergency
of international concern.”

Mikki Willis
20th. August-2024

Anyone paying the slightest bit of attention to our rapidly declining world can see that we are headed for another (if not a series of) planned events.

It will be fascinating to see how many Americans will submit this time around.

When we pulled back the curtain on COVID in 2020, few were ready to see what was being revealed.

Today, most people have come to terms with the heartbreaking fact that we are the target of a very dark, anti-human, anti-nature, anti-family, and anti-God agenda.

Those who have yet to see, don’t want to see. As they say, “ignorance is bliss.”

What they don’t tell us is, blissful ignorance has an expiration date.

Soon, even the mask wearers
will be forced to see the
harsh reality they’ve helped to create.

The question is, how bad does it have to get before we, the people, get off our asses and do something?

Where are the men of this Nation?

Where are the fathers?

If you’re one of the few who have given your life to this historic moment, God bless you!

If you’re one of the millions who have yet to stand up and speak out, what are you waiting for? Seriously.

Gloves off.

What we’re facing is nothing new.

The masses have always been controlled by small groups of narcissistic tyrants.

Go back as far as the cradle of civilization and ask yourself, “How did they do it?

How did a few fat and flimsy royal types overpower thousands of behemoth slaves in an era prior to guns and surveillance?”

Answer: Mind control.

Not much has changed since then. However, what has changed is significant! Today, we have the ability to share information, person-to-person, on a global scale.

The very technologies that are being used to destroy us can also be used to sustain us.

What we have at our fingertips no people in history have ever had access to.

We have the ability to be the first generation to stop history from repeating itself.

Social media can be used as a weapon or as a tool.

It is a bullhorn that can be used to amplify your voice or theirs. To spread your truth or their lies.

I’ve always found it fascinating that The Holy Bible states, “In the beginning was the word,” and that the very first amendment of the US Constitution is about the protection of free speech.

Our voices matter.

YOUR voice matters.

Now more than ever!

Are you going to allow another round of assaults against your civil and human rights, or this time will you say something?

Will you allow the discomfort of disagreeing with your friends and family to stop you from doing what you know is right, or will you stand in the fire in the name of love and life?

Contrary to the plot of every Marvel movie, there is no superhero coming to save us.

For well over 30 years, I’ve been studying the work of Joseph Campbell, who dedicated his life to mapping what he called The Hero’s Journey. What Mr. Campbell discovered was that there’s a common thread within the stories humans have been sharing since the beginning of time.

It goes something like this…

An everyday person is confronted by a challenge between life and death.

A challenge far too big for them to handle… or so they think.

They set out on a quest to find a hero with the strength to take on the challenge.

Along the way, they endure trials and tribulations that push them beyond their personal boundaries of self-imposed limitations.

What doesn’t kill them only makes them stronger.

Ultimately, what they discover is, “the force is within.

I am the one.”

This is your journey.

Your story.

You are the hero
you’ve been waiting for.

Click button to go to NESARA/GESARA page

This could be NEWS-worthy
or it could be more BS

read with caution
14th. August-2024

If this were not such a serious and dire situation for so many of us and please believe me when i say i’m not minimising in any way what we are going through (not all of us as I’ve said before because there are a few folk very happy and content with their lives – most of them probably own their own home – that’s a biggie because it does give that wonderful sense at least of security by allowing you to think that the roof – walls and land are yours, i mean your the one paying back the mortgage right?

We downunder learned only last week – that our self appointed government did exactly the issue that i raised last week and brought in one of those middle of the night bills, which now makes them co-owner as it were with what you thought was your home I’m sadly one of many paying off our landlords mortgages off for them for the last ten years – but – if I ever did have the blessing and miraculous opportunity of owning my own home, I’d for darn tooting be finding a way to make sure the only person with their name on those title deeds was me/my trust – prayerfully once we do go back to common law – whatever piece of illegal money grabbing unlawful law was just passed will be overturned – it’s probably only got to take a few to rise up and speak up about the nefarious act passed to have it repealed for everyone – let’s pray that is the case, no one wants to have the home of their dreams taken from them by criminals and also keep in mind if this just happened here in australia – it can happen anywhere in this realm – no one is safe.

For now though those like myself struggling to pay that weekly rent and being so benevolent in doing so paying off that landlords mortgage, when to be honest it’s your own home those hard earned dollars should be buying.

We’ve worked very hard all our lives, with the dream of owning our own home, i don’t think I’m wrong in saying this has to be very high and on top of most people’s to do lists.

I am personally sick of paying off slum landlords mortgages – this journey has been so much easier for some than other’s and it’s the other’s that I’m not ashamed to say my heart goes out to the most.

To even contemplate that we’re now looking at close to the middle of august and we’re still waiting upon those notifications which every week one minute we so happy to even feel in our hearts (as most of us positive one’s do – this is it – this time those in charge of this movie here on earth – will do the right thing) I like you have read all the posts on they only have one chance to get this right, or it will all fall back into the hands of the ds – really ?

Isn’t that what the qfs has been solely designed to stop that same playbook script from ever again repeating itself over and over again.

So many are now awakening to see the sheer insanity that prevails now in this broken world – some of it might be possible to regenerate or re-invent and make new, but for what is totally evil and corrupt like the main stream medical system and our hospitals which frankly are nothing more than killing fields.

Those are the things that have to be torn down and built anew with only healing modalities that do just that – heal – not line the already silken pockets of big pharma and self appointed governments.

Click image for video

Just when you think
this channel can’t
produce anything better
than it already has 
it breaks new ground (again)
and releases another
blockbuster episode like this.

Do yourself a favour
click the image to 
watch this episode then
subscribe for immediate
notification of future episodes.

Ultimately, your perception of
this world we seem to ‘live’ in
will never be the same again.

Today we expose things in Iraq, massive Tunnel Systems, possibly other motives for going into Iraq.

Destruction of our true History.

Exposing hundreds of miles of Tunnels to the world today.

Exposing things that were said 20 years ago, that the whole world may have missed.

We find Articles that show clues about what happened between the USA & Iraq in 2003.

Today, we expose something to the world … something that has been hiding right in front of our faces for far to long.


  My Lunch Break
Rumble Channel

From wikipedia - for article click header image

(below original report)

This is here because it's relevant to the subject -
not because it's guaranteed 'authentic'.

No-one can deny there's been no 'official' information
released about NESARA/GESARA and all information
has come from 'TRUTHER' channels - based on speculation.

All we can do is bring this to visitors attention
in the interests of non-bias.

End of the day YOU have to make up your mind
what you want to believe.


The following article is
taken from Wikipedia

WHY would they do that?

The suggestion is ...,


This is a legitimate statement
so it's important you read
this entire section before proceeding ...

before you make up your own mind if there's
anything here you choose to take with you.


  View Wikipedia article

The FACTS: The National Economic Security and Recovery Act (NESARA) is a set of proposed economic reforms for the United States suggested during the 1990s by private citizen Harvey Francis Barnard.

Mr. Barnard claimed that the proposals, which included replacing the income tax with a national sales tax, abolishing compound interest on secured loans, and returning to a bimetallic currency of gold and silver, would result in 0% inflation and a more stable economy.

These proposals
were never introduced to Congress
before this time line…

Since the early 2000’s, NESARA has become better known as the subject of a cult-like conspiracy theory… whose original promoter & propagator was an Internet personality who’s real name was Shaini Candace Goodwin, who used the online profile name of "Dove of Oneness".

Mrs. Goodwin, who appropriated the NESARA notions without Mr. Barnard's consent, claimed to her followers that the act was actually passed with additional provisions as the National Economic Security and Reformation Act, and then suppressed by George W. Bush administration and the Supreme Court.

Mrs. Goodwin's conspiracy emails were translated into several languages and had a large following online.

Adherents and other online influencers to the disinformation theory have also been using the name GESARA (standing either for Global Economic Security and Recovery Act … or Global Economic Security and Reformation Act…) in order to extend the proposed NESARA reforms outside the U.S. and to the rest of the world.

The True Origins of the Monetary reform proposal known as NESARA… was the conception of a gentleman and scholar named Harvey Francis Barnard who died in 2005....

He was a successful engineering consultant and teacher with a PhD in systems theory… and he is the one who created the NESARA proposal during the late 1980s and early 1990s.

Mr. Barnard printed 1,000 copies of his proposal, which was titled… “Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform” … which was originally published in (1996).

Mr. Barnard had sent copies to each member of Congress, believing that they would accept and adopt his research… and that they’d do the right thing for America.

He also believed it would pass quickly on its merits.

Based on a theory that debt is the number one economic factor inhibiting the growth of the economy, and compound interest the number one "moral evil" and reason for debt…

Mr. Barnard made several other attempts during the late 1990s to draw political attention to the problems he saw in the U.S. economy, and he suggested an economic recovery proposal.. based on the root causes he determined.

After Mr. Barnard's multiple efforts to gain political support did not succeed, he decided in 2000 to release his proposal to the public domain and publish it on the Internet.

Mr. Barnard established the NESARA Institute in 2001… and published the second edition of his book in 2005, retitling it… Draining the Swamp: The NESARA Story – Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.

Soon after Mr. Barnard released NESARA on the Internet, an early influencer known as "Dove of Oneness" began posting about it in many conspiracy forums that she owned and managed… and eventually created a website devoted to it.

"Dove of Oneness" was later identified as Mrs. Shaini Candace Goodwin, a former student of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment.

Mrs. Goodwin lied and claimed…
that the NESARA bill languished in Congress
before finally being passed by
a secret session in March 2000
and signed by President Bill Clinton.

Her theory held that the new law was to be implemented at 10 a.m. on September 11, 2001, but that the computers, and data (of the beneficiaries of the trillions of dollars of "Prosperity funds") were destroyed on the second floor of one of the World Trade Center towers in New York City during the terrorist attacks.

She also promoted in her self constructed theory that an earlier gag order had been issued by the Supreme Court… and had prohibited any official or private source from ever discussing it, under penalty of death.

With no evidences again backing up her "theory"..

Mrs. Goodwin referred to a group named the "White Knights,"... who allegedly comprised mostly high-ranking military officials… who have since been struggling to have the law implemented… despite opposition by President George W. Bush.

Mrs. Goodwin purported that Bush orchestrated the September 11 attacks and the Iraq War as distractions from NESARA.

Mrs. Goodwin's modified & embellished version & description of NESARA… goes far beyond Mr. Barnard's proposal… by canceling all personal debts, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, declaring world peace, and requiring new presidential and congressional elections.

Mrs. Goodwin often claimed that Bush officials were attempting to hack into and bring down her website to prevent her from publicizing the alleged law.

She did this to create a sense of urgency for her followers to buy her online doc's supporting her self-perpetuating theories..

She would purport to be connected with powerful authorities… with no proof or evidence to back her claims… and then used authoritative language, while publishing messages to create the image, that she had the ability to "order" the "White Knights" to enforce NESARA..

To keep promoting her self-created psyop.

Mrs. Goodwin began commenting on NESARA in connection with the Omega Trust, a fraudulent investment scheme whose creator, Mr. Clyde Hood was on trial at the time for criminal charges.

According to Mrs. Goodwin, all Omega Trust investors would receive their returns after NESARA was announced.

Mrs. Goodwin repeatedly predicted that the NESARA announcement would occur in the very near future… although in later years she became much more reserved in these predictions.

Mr. Barnard became aware of Mrs. Goodwin's description and deception of NESARA before his death in 2005.

He denied that NESARA had been enacted into law.

That it never made it to the Congressional floor for a vote… or even assigned a tracking number so that it would be recorded in the Library of Congress… and he condemned Mrs. Goodwin's allegations as a disinformation campaign and conspiracy theory, while profiting off her lies.

  View Wikipedia article


Mrs. Goodwin promoted her
altered version of the
NESARA theory
until her death in 2010.

Further developments ensued during Mrs. Goodwins NESARA disinformation campaigns.

After Mrs. Goodwin began commenting on NESARA many other Internet-based conspiracy theorists latched onto it.


And started figuring out how they too could make money off of their listener's, the same way Mrs. Goodwin's platform had done previously.

Jennifer Lee, another online fledgling influencer, who used to publish internet NESARA status reports almost daily on her now defunct site… discussed a host of other-worldly and "interdimensional" beings who are helping behind the scenes to get NESARA announced.

Late Internet conspiracy theorist Sherry Shriner, who operated multiple websites, saw NESARA as linked to malevolent reptiloid aliens she asserted long controlled the U.S. government.

Some NESARA supporters also make the claim that otherworldly beings are working to get NESARA announced.

Mrs. Goodwin has claimed that
Ascended Master Saint Germain
came down from the etheric plane
to physically meet with heads of
banks and world leaders
regarding the NESARA announcement.

Followers and propagators of the NESARA conspiracy theory, began using the name "GESARA" in the mid-2010s, by referencing the set of reforms as a "Global" - and not "National" - Economic Security and Reformation Act.

They notably claimed that several East Asian groups were involved in enforcing the reforms worldwide.. including the purported "White Dragon Society"... which would benefit from funding by "the successors of the last Chinese Emperor, Pu Yi."

One prominent advocate of "GESARA" has been a blogger based in the UK and going by the name "Alcuin Bramerton."

In 2020, "Mr. Bramerton" asserted that the "NESARA global prosperity programs"... were about to be announced and activated.. through an entity called the "Saint Germain World Trust".

Which would provide "one quattuordecillion U.S. dollars" to "zero out (permanently cancel) all personal, corporate and national debts worldwide" and that further money would be provided to the "White Dragon Society" by the "Manchu family syndicate".

NESARA groups are known for certain to exist and to have attracted press attention in Utah, and the Netherlands.

Members of these groups get together to discuss the status of NESARA, read the various reports, hold protests, and pass out fliers about NESARA to the public.

Here is another example of the lies and false claims by Mrs. Goodwin engaged in conning people out of their monies while promoting her disinformation campaign…

Mrs. Goodwin also claimed that NESARA groups existed throughout several nations and U.S. states including California, Washington, Arizona, and Texas, and provides hundreds of pieces of photographic evidence of people in public protests holding NESARA banners… but it is not clear to what degree the people holding the banners are aware of what NESARA actually is or for how long these groups were active.

A media company named The News Tribune, has traced the story behind at least some of these photos (photos of trucks driving around Washington, D.C. bearing the words "NESARA Announcement Now!")... and found… that they were part of a $40,000 advertising campaign.. allegedly paid for by an elderly San Francisco resident who had made donations to Mrs.Goodwin.

NESARA's concepts have also been
incorporated by other conspiracy theories.

In 2022, online investigative group Bellingcat, compared NESARA/GESARA to a "grandfather" of QAnon, and reported that QAnon's iconography and concepts were starting to decline in popularity… its adherents were becoming more and more invested in various NESARA concepts and reviving the older movement.

Many people involved with the sovereign citizen movement have also subscribed to NESARA-related conspiracy theories…

Critics consider
NESARA to be a cult…

Pointing to the fact that Mrs. Goodwin, Mrs. Lee, and Mr. Nidle.. frequently solicited donations from their readers, they accuse these leaders of being primarily interested in securing a steady stream of income for themselves.

Mrs. Goodwin, who also asked readers to donate their frequent flier miles, claimed that she needed and had used the funds.. to travel to various locations around the world, to secretly meet with high-level government officials about getting NESARA announced.

Does this sound like
some other influencers that we all know?------

In 2004,
The News Tribune published an article
which called Mrs. Goodwin
a "cybercult queen"
and described the
NESARA phenomenon as a scam.

In June 2006, a complaint was filed to the Washington consumer protection division accusing Mrs. Goodwin of using the NESARA story to defraud a 64-year-old San Francisco woman of at least $10,000.

The alleged victim's daughter.. said the actual amount is much, much larger, in the hundreds of thousands.

The prominence of failed prophecy also lends support to the cult theory.

NESARA supporters often tell their readers that the NESARA announcement is going to happen in a matter of days.

According to the documentary,
“Waiting for NESARA”...
the claim was also made
prior to March 2003,
that George Bush was planning
the war with Iraq only to further
delay the NESARA announcement.

It was prophesied that spiritual beings
and UFOs would intervene with Bush's plans
and prevent the war.

That obviously didn’t happen.

  View Wikipedia article


One has to query, these days,
the accuracy or agenda of
some wikipedia articles -
treat this one with caution
and do your own research.


Possibly, from the above
wikipedia article
might all be BS
proceed with caution


On the other hand ...
from here on
... another perspective
we'd probably prefer!!


Gradually news of NESARA
began to be leaked to the public...

A plan was formed to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by the Cabal.

NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice to discredit NESARA and spread misinformation.

False websites and Fact Checkers were set up by the government under the direction of CIA/FBI personnel. Claims were made that there was no such law as NESARA, that it had no Congressional file number, no sponsors, and was only a thought somewhere under consideration.

The public was told through the government that there never was such a bill, it was never acted upon, nor passed by Congress and that the president had never signed it.

Since October 10, 2000 the US as a nation have been under their original Constitution of the Republic of the United States of America, but have not realized it.

They have also been under Common Law, but the courts have continued to destroy them with the Cabal's Admiralty Law (Law of the Water) due to their ignorance.


Donald Trump had been recruited by US Military Intelligence to run in the 2016 Presidential election.

Three generals approached him in 2015, it would be fair to guess that Lt. General Michael Flynn was involved.

As a former head of the Defense Intelligence Agency, Flynn would have been aware of the deep corruption underscoring the Clintons and the dirty tricks played by the CIA in support of the Deep State.


Donald Trump won the Presidency in November leaving the Cabal in utter shock.


There's a special reason (exact reason) why the military stood behind Trump at his January 2017 inauguration, and ONLY for this single sentence-line!

The United States is at war with enemy combatants inside the country, the Cabal.

Ever since Trump’s inauguration speech when he said he was going to take the country out of the hands of corrupt government officials and give it back to the people, they have attacked him non-stop.

Many suggest that Trump was President for like two minutes on his Inauguration Day as he gave authority over to the military to start their massive global Alliance operation to remove the Cabal, a cleansing process that would take years since 2017...

Remember Trump saying during his inauguration speech, "We're transferring power today from Washington DC back to you, The People!"

To understand the significance of these few crucial words, you must understand that Washington DC, the Cabal's seat, does not belong to the United States at all, it is an independent foreign country with its own flag and Construction (Corporation) that controls the Republic of the United States.

This was a stranglehold by the Three City States of the world:

The Vatican [Religion],

 London City [Financial],

Washington D.C. [Military].

This power Trinity has systematically been removed since it's inauguration by the global military Alliance.

We The People must thus rule exactly as Pres. Trump instructed, listen very carefully to his words, “we are transferring power from Washington DC back to people”, watch carefully here!

What Trump meant was that he was handing the full extent of the power over to the military (for the people), that it will be a full military operation till GESARA is announced.

Military is the only way!

That’s when the military turned their backs to him and walked away.

Many suggest had Trump still been President, they couldn’t have turned their backs on him, and that this powershift was executed in excellence.

(But any army needs a Commander in Chief!)


Here's a post that debunks
the Wikipedia article completely

NESARA / GESARA is the most ground breaking reformation to sweep not only this country but our planet in its entire history.

The act does away with the Federal Reserve Bank, the IRS, the shadow government, and much more.

The NESARA / GESARA implements the following 20 fundamental changes / reforms to free humanity from the Cabal bankers and the controlled puppets, the Deep State Governments, study these 20 exciting here!!


On October 10, 2000 at gunpoint and surrounded by Special Forces (Delta Seals), President Bill Clinton, signed the NESARA bill into law, knowing full well that the Illuminati were in charge, and that this Law was never to be enforced by them.

No Congress members originally wanted to sign and enforce NESARA because this Law requires their physical and permanent removal from their government positions and all those who had committed treason, which included the US President, VP, Presidential Cabinet, all members of Congress, various government departmental heads, all fifty governors of the fifty states, judges, bankers, and many others.

During this time Secret Service and White House security personnel were ordered to stand down, disarmed, and allowed to witness this event under a gag order.

From its very inception Bush Sr., the corporate government, major bank houses, and the Carlyle group have opposed NESARA.

To maintain secrecy, the case details and the docket number were sealed and revised within the official congressional registry, to reflect a commemorative coin and then again it was revised even more recently.

This is why there are no public Congressional Records and why a search for this law will not yield the correct details until after the reformations are made public.

Members of congress will not reveal NESARA because they have been ordered by the U.S. Supreme Court Justices to deny its existence or face charges of treason punishable by death.

Some members of Congress have actually been charged with obstruction.

When Minnesota Senator Paul Wellstone was about to break the gag order, his small passenger plane crashed killing his wife, daughter, and himself.

If fear is not enough to keep Washington in line, money is.

Huge routine bribes are offered to governmental / military officials by the power elite/secret government.

NB. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA / GESARA can be found on the internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation.

Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill—National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act was rejected by congress in the 1990s.

Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions.


What follows on the rest of
of this website what we thought
is all about and the
information it contains
has been gathered from
online sources over a
number of years which
seemed authentic at a time
when information about
was relatively scarce


click image for link to whole article

A deeper look at
Operation Warp Speed
reveals something astonishing

Many of us are concerned that Trump could be part of the Cabal, because he released the pandemic vaccines with Operation WarpSpeed.

That is indeed a valid concern… if we merely look at the surface of things.

However, when we have the courage to look a whole lot deeper, to what the true motivation behind this operation was, we find something absolutely astonishing…

What if I told you that without WarpSpeed, you could have been in one of the many re-education camps that have been built all around the USA and worldwide?

What if I told you the original plan of the Cabal was to keep the world population in lockdown for at least two years, possibly three?

They wanted to make sure that the entire world would be in total ruins.

Every small business had to be destroyed, the entire middle class had to be wiped out, and every single member of humanity – except for the superrich – had to be plunged into extreme poverty and despair.

Then they would have offered the ‘glorious salvation’ of the Great Reset:

Cancellation of all debts that would have resulted from the lockdowns.

But in return, everyone would have to surrender all private possessions and become fully dependent on the elites for everything.

  Click to link to whole article


Click image for link to article and videos

The Brunson Brothers case

Ok folks, yes this is real…
And yes this is current
(extracted from original post
July 19-2024).

But there’s a little wrinkle…
…allow me to explain.

The Brunsons are prosecuting
the supreme court judges
for mal-practice …

The Brunson Brothers have filed several cases over the past few years, primarily Loy Brunson and Roland Brunson.

Here’s a quick summary of how we got here, which might help bring you up to speed:

Roland Brunson’s case against three Supreme Court justices, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson, revolves around allegations that they violated their judicial oaths by denying a previous petition for certiorari.

Roland’s lawsuit claims that by dismissing Brunson v. Adams, the justices provided “aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution,” which he characterizes as treason and fraud.

This case is intertwined with Loy Brunson’s as they both challenge the actions of federal officials and the judiciary’s handling of their claims regarding the 2020 election.

Both cases emphasize the Brunsons’ contention that the failure to investigate election fraud allegations is a significant constitutional breach.


Now by Roland Brunson’s own Facebook post,
he confirms his case is now back on the Docket
for the supreme court Judges to reconsider:



Here’s the best part…

Since the case is against the
three liberal Justices of the Supreme Court,
they have all 3 had to recuse themselves
from the voting!



  Three treacherous Supreme Court Justices
recused themselves from a case
involving the overthrow of
the United States government

•   2021, Roland Brunson filed a massive lawsuit against hundreds of members of Congress for certifying the overthrow of U.S. government on Jan 6.

The lawsuit, they violated their oaths of office by not investigating the criminal conspiracy into election fraud before certifying.

“avoiding an investigation on how Biden won the election, is an Act of Treason and an act of levying war on the U.S. Constitution.”

•   The lawsuit was dismissed by the lower courts and the appeals court.
Brunson appealed to the Supreme Court, whom ended up denying the petition of certiorari.

A month later, Brunson tried to get a rehearing, but was again denied.

And NOW,

•   Brunson filed a new lawsuit, Brunson vs. Sotomayor

• This lawsuit accused the 3 treacherous Justices, Kagan, Sotomayor, and Jackson all recused themselves of violating their Judicial Oath,

“the three justices violated their oath of office by giving aid and comfort to enemies of the Constitution, which is an act of treason, fraud, and a breach of contract.”

•   Brunson’s 2nd suit bounced from the State to the Federal courts, where it was ultimately dismissed because the Supreme Court Justices enjoy Sovereign Immunity. Imagine that!

•   Brunson appealed this decision again to the Supreme Court

•   The Solicitor General of the US, Elizabeth Prelogar, as the Attroney for the Supreme Court Justices being sued.

May 2, 2024, she waived the US Gov’s right to respond to the petition, leaving the decision up to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court REJECTED the petition without giving any reason.


I have a feeling things are about to get VERY interesting!

Can you imagine a ruling finally coming in on these cases at the same time as Biden steps down and/or drops out of the race?

Right after the Assassination attempt?

And only about 16 weeks out from the Election?

Strange July, Strange July!

They all FALL in Fall?

We will see!


UPDATE: The Brunson Brothers Case
is NOT dead (with Loy Brunson)

I keep telling you to keep your eye on the Brunson Brothers case….

Because it is NOT dead.

And it’s not over yet!

That’s not just my opinion, that comes direct from Loy Brunson himself just yesterday.

And the Supreme Court sure has been busy recently, handing down win after win to President Trump and MAGA.

Are they saving the best for last?

I’ve got a full update in the video below — and yes, this is BRAND NEW.

Watch it right here:

Go to original article and videos links

Loy Brunson declares
2020 election fight isn’t over:
Supreme Court case
could STILL change everything!

Anyone watching this saga has to realise there’s
‘something’ about this case and it’s timing
that makes it worthy of considerable attention –
that it’s probably going to bring down SCOTUS
and Congress –
something that MUST occur if USA and the world
is going to move on into it’s destined future.

It’s part of NESARA
things that have to happen along with
the removal of ALL govern-ments
but, by the book, or people will
have no faith in legal systems.

And of course best known for their incredible cases they’ve brought to the U.S. Supreme Court regarding the 2020 election, especially considering that Loy is NOT an attorney.

Just someone who has actually sat down to read the Constitution.

Imagine that!

There has been so much hope about the cases the Brunson Brothers have brought to the Supreme Court but then disappointment as they either get dismissed, sent back, or just plain ignored.

So are they dead?

I know that so many of you are wanting an update (me too!) and until now I haven’t had much to share with you.

But I just came across a brand new interview Loy Brunson did just a couple weeks ago on May 25, 2024, and it comes with an incredible message of hope and optimism!

Loy says the case is NOT dead.

He says it could be picked back up by the Supreme Court at any time, it’s entire up to them and they could do it today, tomorrow a week from now, etc.

There is nothing stopping them from picking it back up.

Perhaps….at the most ideal time possible?

Oh my, wouldn’t that make for an incredible end to this movie!

I’ll give you a bunch more information down below, but first watch this new interview

The last update we had from Loy was back in May of 2023 and it actually comes from my interview with him.

It was such a pleasure to get to chat with him and so informative!

Much of this is still relevant, especially the letter writing campaign and I have all of those links for you down below.

Supreme Court Compromised?
Why Loy Brunson thinks
we can STILL win!

What a class act and a brilliant mind.

One of those questions that Loy was asked was: “if the Supreme Court is compromised in some way — either bought off, blackmailed, threatened or something else — how can we ever expect them to rule in your favor?”

I thought his answer was brilliant.

So was the entire interview.

So in case you missed it, please enjoy this interview for his answer to that question plus a whole lot more.

  Enjoy article and videos : HERE

Click image for link to article and videos

or does he?

Click image for video

In a landmark decision,
the Supreme Court has overturned
the long-standing Chevron doctrine,
fundamentally altering the
balance of power between
the judiciary and federal agencies.

The ruling, which came in the case of
Loper Bright Enterprises et al. v. Raimondo,
Secretary of Commerce, et al.,
marks a significant shift in the balance of power
between the branches of government.

July 1 – 2024

The Chevron doctrine, established in the 1984 case Chevron U.S.A. Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, has long been a source of contention. It granted deference to federal agencies in interpreting ambiguous statutes, effectively allowing unelected bureaucrats to make laws through their regulatory actions.

However, by a 6-3 majority, the SCOTUS has now declared that such power is unconstitutional and goes against the principles of democratic governance.

“Chevron is overruled,” Chief Justice John Roberts wrote in his majority opinion. “Courts must exercise their independent judgment in deciding whether an agency has acted within its statutory authority.”

Chief Justice Roberts, emphasized that the role of interpreting laws and making policy decisions should rest with elected representatives in Congress, not with unaccountable agency officials. The ruling has been hailed by critics of regulatory overreach as a victory for the separation of powers and the rule of law.

SCOTUS Blog reported:

Chevron, Roberts explains, “defies the command of” the Administrative Procedure Act, the law governing federal administrative agencies, “that the reviewing court–not the agency whose action it reviews–is to decide all relevant questions of law and interpret … statutory provisions.

It requires a court to ignore, not follow, the reading the court would have reached had it exercised its independent judgment as required by the APA.”

Chevron’s presumption that statutory ambiguities are implicit delegations of authority by Congress to federal agencies “is misguided,” Roberts explains, “because agencies have no special competence in resolving statutory ambiguities. Courts do.”

Roberts notes that today’s decision does “not call into question prior cases that relied on the Chevron framework. The holdings of those cases that specific agency actions are lawful–including the Clean Air Act holding of Chevron itself–are still subject to statutory stare decisis despite our change in interpretive methodology.”

The decision comes with the concurrence of Justices Thomas and Gorsuch, who added their perspectives, underscoring the constitutional necessity of judicial independence in statutory interpretation.

“Justice Neil Gorsuch, the son of a former Environmental Protection Agency administrator, wrote separately to call Chevron Deference “A grave anomaly when viewed against the sweep of historic judicial practice,” according to “The 1984 decision, he said, “undermines core rule-of-law values ranging from the promise of fair notice to the promise of a fair hearing,” adding that it “operated to undermine rather than advance reliance interests, often to the detriment of ordinary Americans,” the news outlet added.

This is a massive win for the Constitution.
This is a massive win for the American people.

Leftist Laurence Tribe wrote, “Chevron is now overruled. The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.”

Chevron is now overruled.

The administrative state just died. The imperial judiciary joins the imperial presidency, relegating Congress to a secondary role except when it legislates with unrealistic specificity and foresight.

“For far too long, the Chevron doctrine has allowed D.C. bureaucrats to go unchecked. Today’s SCOTUS ruling restores decision-making powers back into the hands of lawmakers who answer to the American people, not unelected Biden bureaucrats,” Sen. Cynthia Lummis wrote.

For far too long, the Chevron doctrine has allowed D.C. bureaucrats to go unchecked. Today’s SCOTUS ruling restores decision-making powers back into the hands of lawmakers who answer to the American people, not unelected Biden bureaucrats. June 28, 2024

“Goodbye Chevron deference, hello again, Constitution! Unelected bureaucrats cannot make the law, and our courts can once again protect the American people from them,” said Sen. Mike Lee.

Goodbye Chevron deference, hello again, Constitution!

Unelected bureaucrats cannot make the law, and our courts can once again protect the American people from them. — Mike Lee

Ron De Santis weighed in, writing,

“The Chevron doctrine distorted the constitutional separation of powers and helped create the unaccountable, bloated administrative state. This decision is a necessary corrective to decades of wayward constitutional jurisprudence but is, by itself, not enough to restore the proper roles of the federal government’s three branches, which will require Congress to take its obligations under Article I of the Constitution more seriously by using its law-making and spending authority to rein in the federal bureaucracy.”

The Chevron doctrine distorted the constitutional separation of powers and helped create the unaccountable, bloated administrative state.

This decision is a necessary corrective to decades of wayward constitutional jurisprudence but is, by itself, not enough to restore the… — Ron DeSantis


A family fishing company, Loper bright enterprises, was being driven out of business, because they couldn’t afford the $700 per day they were being charged by the national marine fisheries service to monitor their company.

The thing is, federal law doesn’t authorize NMFS to charge businesses for this.

They just decided to start doing it in 2013.

Why did they think they could away with just charging people without any legal authorization?

Because in 1984, in the chevron decision, the supreme court decided that regulatory agencies were the “experts” in their field, and the courts should just defer to their “interpretation” of the law.

So for the past 40 years, federal agencies have been able to “interpret” laws to mean whatever they want, and the courts had to just go with it.

It was called chevron deference, and it put bureaucrats in charge of the country.

It’s how the OHSA was able to decide that everyone who worked for a large company had to get the jab, or be fired.

No law gave them that authority, they just made it up.

It’s how the ATF was able to decide a piece of plastic was a “machine gun”.

It’s how the NCTS was able to decide that a small puddle was a “protected wetlands”.

It’s how out-of-control agencies have been able to create rules out of thin air, and force you to comply, and the courts had to simply defer to them, because they were the “experts”.

Imagine if your local police could just arrest you, for any reason, and no judge or jury was allowed to determine if you’d actually committed a crime or not.

Just off to jail you go.

That’s what chevron deference was.

It was not only blatantly unconstitutional, it caused immeasurable harm to everyone.

Thankfully, it’s now gone.

We haven’t even begun to feel the effects of this decision in the courts.

It will be used, for years to come, to roll back federal agencies, and we’ll all be better of for it.

And that’s why politicians and corporate media are freaking out about it.

Click image for video

Med Beds approved?
the Supreme Court’s
quiet Chevron decision

As of July 1st. 2024 …

The Supreme Court has quietly
made a decision that could bring
med beds to the forefront
of medical innovation.

Watch this video to
understand the implications
of this landmark ruling
on the healthcare industry …
… and us!

Click image or link below to see entire article

Assange released

This opinion-piece arrived and it’s 
worth consideration.

The news is roaring around the world:
Julian Assange, the man who, apparently,
is reputed to have ‘lifted the lid’ on the
‘unspeakable crimes of the US Deep State’,
and ‘revealed them to humanity’
through WikiLeaks,
has been released from prison,
after five years of being in
‘solitary confinement’.

This means that for the public Julian Assange
was finally released from prison, but in reality
he is finally being released from his protection…
to continue his mission.

That might signal several things
that (could be) highly encouraging.

First of all it means that a lethal threat
to his life has been eliminated.

In other words:
entities who would previously
have been able to kill him,
are no longer around.

That is incredibly hope giving.

The good side would never release
Assange from protection,
if there was still a risk
that he would be murdered.


While the Assange saga and the popular story continues in the media and minds of people who regard Julian Assange as a fighter of freedom and freedom of the press there persists many alternative opinions about the true agenda of Assange and Wikileaks – the opinion here is don’t be dazzled by the media and leave your options open.

Look at the timing of Assange’s apparent incarcerations
at various locations and ultimate release.

There’s no doubt some kind of an agenda going on here
and it could be more pantomime for us masses.

  Read entire article

Click image or link for video

Turns out the the
‘Death of the Petro Dollar’
story is all BS

The U.S. ‘Petrol Dollar deal’
with Saudi Arabia
never existed in the first place.


THIS is the BS we was told

  Click HERE
or image above for video

Click HERE
or either image below for article


1. Presidents and Former Presidents can be impeached

2. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to reveal tax and business records

3. Presidents and Former Presidents lose executive privilege

4. Presidents and Former Presidents lose attorney-client privilege

5. Presidents and Former Presidents can be forced to release private phone records and text messages

6. Presidents and Former Presidents can have their homes raided by the FBI

7. Presidents and Former Presidents can be subpoenaed by partisan committees

8. Presidents and Former Presidents can be repeatedly indicted and arrested

9. Presidents and Former Presidents lose their First Amendment right to free speech

10. Presidents and Former Presidents lose the right to a jury trial

11. VP no longer has authority to question validity of disputed electoral votes

12. The losing party no longer has authority to submit contingent electors when results are disputed

13. Presidents and Former Presidents don’t have Presidential Immunity


24th May 2024

– Shutdown Sunday –
Monday Memorial Day

– UEFA Champions League –
Final is next Sunday also

FINAL 70% of Bitcoin and the main Data Center to get hit.

Hit the 2 Northern Dams in ChongQing it floods down to the 3GD,
Hit the Underwater BTC Server, they have already disassemble 24 Nuke Reactors,

This flood will go down to Wuhan where they hit the 2 Soros & Gates Big Pharma Labs
plus then Tiananmen Square 3rd Red Castle.

Taiwan Defence Forces will destroy the Three Gorges dams
when China invades the independent country.

Hey MBS BTC > 28th

All Flushed into Stellar.

Same goes for 29th on Ethereum.

This is the “GAS” & Oil Pipelines into Europe
> Means Red October & Poseidon time.

Hey England dissolves next Thursday.
London Tower Bridge cops it.

– Lithuania, Home of the Bolsheviks.
– All Israel Leaders have come from Lithuania including Ariel Sharon,
Ehud Barak and Benjamin Netanyahu. [Research Families]

– 1 of Hitlers daughter’s Daila Grybauskaite
fmr Lithuanian Leader.
– Eyes on Suwalki Gap.

– Lithuanian Election is Sunday.
Day before Memorial Day.
– Lithuania just voted for sending troops into Ukraine.
– Lithuania are NATO.
– This will trigger Article 5.
– This will trigger the Gog/Magog War

Putin vs Netanyahu.

Russia is the Bear with 3 Ribs in it’s mouth.

The 3 Ribs are Libya, Egypt and Persia.

Egypt the largest Army in Africa with MOAB, JORDAN surrounding JUDAH.
Egypt = The FROGS in Exodus 8.

MOAB in Q drops = MOAB Jordan also double meaning
Global Currency Reset + precious metal standard + Quantum Gesara
[You know on Stellar]

MAGOG wins ie Russia.
BRICS delivers GESARA.

FSB are coming to WhipLash347 next week.

President Putin just met with President Lukashenko
another leader I love and told me he is also coming here.

Remember, Remember, Memorial Day,
The Week To Remember,
JFK 107th Bday

Click image for full article

UN Globalists declare
fake crises to enslave humanity
and wipe out millions
– Guterres’ Plan EXPOSED! –

posted here
May 2024


They’re coming for you, and they aren’t even pretending to hide it.

António Guterres, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, is orchestrating a diabolical takeover that will stamp out your freedom and chain humanity to his whims.

This September, under the guise of the “Summit of the Future,” the UN will be gathering its globalist henchmen to unleash the greatest power grab the world has ever seen.

They’ve rigged the game, stacked the deck, and are ready to cash in on the ultimate heist.

Click image for full article

HAARP or Solar Storm?
public speculates
Northern Lights were “Man-Made”
following experiment on
Earth’s upper atmosphere May 8-10

posted here


Follow this link to the
HAARP page on this website
for some recent startling
discoveries for you to consider


  See full article


“The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) will be conducting a research campaign May 8-10 UTC, with operating times specified in the table below. Operating frequencies will vary, but all HAARP transmissions will be between 2.8 MHz and 10 MHz.

Actual transmit days and times are highly variable based on real-time ionospheric and/or geomagnetic conditions. All information is subject to change.

This campaign is being conducted in support of research proposals from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and is studying mechanisms for the detection of orbiting space debris.

Space debris poses a major risk to all space operations, including manned spacecraft and communications satellites.

The experiments being performed at HAARP will help identify ways to improve collision detection on satellites.

  For more information on space debris,
see the NASA Orbital Debris Program Office’s FAQ:-

  For more information on research
at HAARP, see the online HAARP FAQ HERE

Click image for video

ECLIPSE 8-April-2024

Everything OK except
it seems … 
… the moon didn’t turn up!

This is a fascinating video
literally looking at the 

2024 solar ‘eclipse’ and 
visual information
not found
anywhere else
which throws an
different ‘light’ on this topic.

click image for video

Solar eclipse HOAX?
April 8th – 2024

Click image for video

Aussie guy explains
martial law and it’s purpose.

A simple explanation
… easy to understand

posted here
May 2024


Chapter 11

This Chapter addresses
military occupation.

The GC provides specific rules for the internment of protected persons in occupation, which are addressed in Chapter X.

Military occupation is a temporary measure for administering territory under the control of invading forces, and involves a complicated, trilateral set of legal relations between the Occupying Power, the temporarily ousted sovereign authority, and the inhabitants of occupied territory.

1. The law of belligerent occupation seeks to account for both military and humanitarian imperatives.

The Occupying Power’s primary objective in conducting military occupation is to further the purpose of the war in which the occupying forces are engaged and to ensure the maintenance and security of those forces, but the Occupying Power is also bound to provide for the interests and welfare of the civilian population of the occupied territory.

2 The Occupying Power has obligations related to the maintenance of public order and safety, and the protection of civilians and property in occupied territory


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This is turning into
a conspiracy theorist’s

But everything here
isn’t a conspiracy
and it isn’t a theory

This update is cut/paste
from social media

15 March 2024

(PART 1)

On the 17th January Princess Kate had planned abdominal surgery.

On the 3rd February 2023 Spanish press reported Princess Kate’s operation wasn’t planned, she was in a coma, intubated and at one point doctors feared she would die.

The Spanish press are saying there is a major blackout in the UK media on it.

As we know Kates not been seen since 25th December 2023.

Reports have come out that there are 17 issues with Kate’s Mother’s Day photograph as royal apologises for editing it.

The last photo of Kate is her and William sitting in back of car with her staring at a poorly edited brick wall through the back window driving out of Windsor Castle on the her way to a private appointment on the 11th of March.

You can’t see her face in the photo.


Innumerable reports and videos are almost daily coming in regarding ‘bits’ falling off of Boeing airplanes.

Like wheels falling off, doors breaking away and fuel leaking from undercarriage.


Yesterday 12th of March a car crashes into the brick wall of Windsor Castle.

This comes after Buckingham Palace’s gates being boarded up after a car smashed into them in the early hours of Saturday morning 9th March and after a report from China saying a car crashed into Chinese Presidents Xi Jin Ping’s residence that was an ‘assassination attempt’. (If it was, it would have been the worst-planned event in history)

There’s specualation this could be also comms for a financial crash incoming.

We know the City of London is the financial pillar of the world and with the head of the Rothschild family who owned most of the central banks in the world Lord Jacob Rothschild being announced dead on the 26th February it all seems like the White-hats are preparing us for something big to drop.

We also know that BRICS is ditching the US dollar and trading in their own precious metal backed currencies with many countries joining the alliance and coming away from the Rothschild slavery financial system.

In other news…

… .nearly a 100 UK MPs are standing down
at the next election and Theresa May also calling it day.

A couple of days ago reports came out that the U.S. and U.K. authorities unveil a massive takedown of The Annex, “One of the largest child pornography websites in the world,” following the sentencing of three men in British courts.

Over 100,000 pedophiles uncovered in an elaborate “international enterprise.”

How many of UK MPs are involved?

A week ago breaking news came in on UK MSM that Britain’s biggest banks have been placed on high alert over hundreds of ‘rogue’ filings which appear to have been lodged at Companies House, the UK’s central corporate register.

Apparently, it’s long been known that companies house is a massive front for massive criminal activity and fraud which connects to human and child trafficking through bogus companies that are being listed on the Government owned site.

This also connects to our Judiciary system
and local councils which are involved in
massive fraud, child and human trafficking
and funding terrorism.

Many local councils in the UK are declaring bankruptcy and filing for a section 114, because their assets have been seized through Trumps executive orders and as the massive numbers of people in the UK are waking up to huge corruption across the board and are stopping paying unlawful taxes to corrupt councils etc…

This all comes after the Post Office scandal being exposed in January 2024 also called the Horizon IT scandal, which arose from faulty software, provided by Fujitsu, and known as Horizon, creating false shortfalls in the accounts of thousands of sub-postmasters, It has been described as one of the most widespread miscarriages of justice in British history.

Between 1999 and 2015, over 900 sub-postmasters were convicted of theft, fraud and false accounting based on faulty Horizon data, with about 700 of these prosecutions carried out by the Post Office.

Again all connected to the Government corporation corruption and fraud.

(PART 2) Continued…

Yesterday it was reported that Andrew and Tristan Tate would be extradited to Britain following the issuing of two UK arrest warrants.

They were arrested over sexual misconduct and human trafficking in two separate cases from 2012 to 2015.

After the Oscars on Sunday the 2 brothers put a video out to expose the Oscars  and their Satanic rituals and paedophilia within the industry.

Then after the video the UK authorities Westminster Magistrates Court in London served them both an arrest warrant.

As we know the Magistrates courts are corrupt and involved with sex trafficking and ran by a bunch of Satanic Pedos.

The UK definitely don’t want them speaking the truth and it’s a distraction from their own sick crimes as so much is being exposed right now within the UK.

On Monday night at 9pm channel 4
put out a documentary called ‘Accused:
The Hampstead Paedophile Hoax’.

In 2015, two children accused parents and teachers of running a baby-eating satanic cult in a Hampstead school.

Yes it was full of lies and propaganda reporting that the parents had nothing to do with the satanic ritual abuse and sacrifice of children and they focused more on the conspiracy theorists, blaming them causing stress on the parents.

Which we know parents, teachers and schools, MPS, social services, churches, and other authorities were involved in the satanic abuse, rape and murder of children in Hampstead and UK authorities and MPS covered it all up and called us all conspiracy theorists for exposing them.

Them children did not lie about what happened to them by sick Satanists nor did their mother Ella Draper.

They have always spoke the truth.

So why bring this documentary out now during so much exposure – because it all ties to the Royals involvement with Hampstead and connects to the big Paedophile networks in the UK and across the world.

The Whitehats are putting this out to prepare the masses, to put Satanic ritual abuse back into the consciousness.

It also exposes channel 4 for covering up the truth and editing a lot of the original videos by the children and mother.

Hampstead is going to be one of the biggest reveals and it’s going to be shocking.

It was reported yesterday in a landmark ruling that children will no longer be prescribed puberty blockers at gender identity clinics, NHS England confirmed.

This includes Tavistock close to Hampstead and Portman NHS gender identity clinics which Tavistock is supposed to be shutting for good this month along with Portman Clinic.

Then we have major news coming out of Haiti that the Haitian Prime Minister has stepped down as chaos and violence has erupted from armed groups in one of the biggest child and human trafficking hubs in the world.

Which is massively connected to the Clinton foundation and other sex trafficking organisations.

It will also all tie back to the UK’s involvement with trafficking children to places like Haiti and Epstein island.

The guy who is leading the militant group in Haiti called ‘Barbecue’ yesterday said “Today, we are taking the occasion to tell the international community to give Haiti a chance.

Because what is happening in Haiti now, we Haitians have to decide who is going to lead the country and what model of government we want.

We are going to figure out how to get Haiti out of the misery it is in now.”

Let’s see how this plays out – as we know the Deep state are now longer in control of countries like Haiti as Q has told us that access ports to child trafficking hubs have been closed by the Military.

Then we have Assange being held in a Belmarsh prison since 2019 as he fights against U.S. extradition. We know Assange is safe and being protected by the Military.

No doubt this will boomerang back round.

So yeah a lot flooding out the UK right now with it all heading for massive exposure and the satanic systems about to collapse. Feels like everything is building for huge revelations about to drop.

History Repeats Itself
– the USA –
Alabama Huntsville
the City of Nazis –
Operation Paperclip

In part one it was about Europe and the Baltic states, after massively embracing the Nazi ideology during the occupation of the Germans in WWII, thought Hitler would help them gain independence.

This article is about the US and the hidden secret of Alabama. Photo: WWII Traces, Times of Israel – members of the Latvian Legion, Getty Images, Wikipedia, editing: Mirjam©Photo

The city of Huntsville which is located in northern Alabama.

It is here where German scientists developed NASA, the renowned organization responsible for the first US mission to the moon, which they secretly founded after World War II and from here the US’s new rockets were developed.

Operation Paperclip is still little talked about today in Huntsville, the US and Europe.

In Huntsville you can get everything from Germany, Bratwurst, Beer, Oktoberfest, probably dirndls and much more.

The second and third generations of Germans”: the children of the engineers and scientists who, after developing V-2 rockets for the Nazis, invented the rockets that took Americans to the moon.

NASA would conduct a total of six moon landings as part of the Apollo program, with Apollo 17 concluding the program in 1972. It was the headquarters of National Aeronautics and Space Administration called NASA.

Their fathers, led by the legendary Werner von Braun, surrendered to the Americans at the end of the war and were taken to El Paso, Texas under ‘Operation Paperclip’, a secret Cold War program to capture the world’s brightest scientists of the Third Reich and send then to the US.

There in Huntsville they lived their lives in luxury and worked on the US space program, most of these scientists were Nazis, some of the inventions at the time in Peenemünde, Germany, were used for further development at NASA.

Click image for link to original article

Global Currency Reset and
ISO20022 System Activation
A revolutionary shift
in global finance!

November 24 2023

Thursday morning, November 23, 2023, dawned with a sense of urgency and an undercurrent of tension that could be felt across the globe. The world as we knew it was teetering on the brink of monumental change, a change so profound that its ripples would be felt for generations to come. This wasn’t just another day; it was a day that would be etched in history, a day where the hidden truths and the silent battles fought in the shadows would finally come to light.

Let’s cut through the noise and focus on the hard-hitting facts. Banks around the world are bankrupt. This isn’t mere speculation; it’s a reality that’s been cleverly masked by those in power. But why? The answer lies in the ongoing war in Ukraine, a war that’s not just a geopolitical conflict but a battleground for financial dominance.

The Army and National Guard have been on high alert, a move that speaks volumes about the severity of the situation. This isn’t just about national security; it’s about safeguarding a financial revolution. On Sunday, November 19, 2023, a global currency reset was set to occur. This wasn’t just another financial adjustment; it was a complete overhaul of the existing system, a system that has been manipulated and controlled by a select few for far too long.

But let’s delve deeper. The war in Palestine and Israel, often portrayed as a mere regional conflict, is in reality a battle between good and evil, with both sides committing atrocities. This isn’t just a fight for land; it’s a fight for control, a fight that’s been raging for decades, hidden from the public eye.

The significance of Wednesday, November 22nd, cannot be overstated. It marked the 60th anniversary of JFK’s assassination and the 113th anniversary of the collapse of the Federal Reserve System with the activation of the GCR. This date was chosen for a reason; it symbolizes the end of an era of deception and the beginning of a new era of transparency and truth.

The military’s activation of its global emergency broadcast system on the same day was no coincidence. It was a calculated move, a signal to those in the know that the time for change had arrived. The Odin Project, controlled by the White Hat Global Alliance, is at the forefront of this change. This isn’t just a project; it’s a movement, a movement to reclaim power from the hands of the corrupt and return it to the people.

The military and police exercises around the Capitol since Sunday, November 19, were not routine; they were preparations for something much bigger. The movement of US troops towards the East Coast and the high alert status of the National Guard across the country are clear indicators that we are on the cusp of a major event.

The United States’ high alert status in preparation for riots caused by immigrant sleeper cells is a stark reminder of the deep-seated issues plaguing our society. The use of all hotel space in New York by the National Guard is not just a logistical move; it’s a strategic positioning in anticipation of what’s to come.

The 60th anniversary of JFK’s assassination and the 113th anniversary of the start of the cartel known as the Federal Reserve System are more than just historical dates; they are symbols of the struggle against a system designed to control and manipulate.

The announcement by the White Hats using three different emergency systems was a bold move, a declaration of intent to break free from the shackles of the old system. The rounding of the Iraqi Dinar and the green light for the world currency reset are not just financial adjustments; they are the first steps towards a new world order, a world where power is distributed fairly and justly.

The global currency reset that took place on November 19th may not have been announced yet, but its effects are already being felt. NESARA/GESARA, though still unannounced, is a key component of this new world order.

The deep state’s plans have been countered by the White Hats through game theory strategies, turning LGBTQ, Black Lives Matter, antifa, and woke liberals against Biden. This isn’t just a political move; it’s a strategic play to dismantle the deep state’s control.

The DAVOS Deep State Plan and the simultaneous rejection of war by the LGBTQ, antifa, Black Lives Matter, and “woke” liberal communities are not just social movements; they are rebellions against the old guard, against a system that has long exploited and oppressed.

The largest protests and riots against Biden’s Mandatory Draft in 2024 are not just expressions of discontent; they are the voices of a population that has been silenced for too long, a population that is now rising up to reclaim its power.

The timeline for restoring the Republic is clear. The 113-year-old cartel known as the Federal Reserve System is coming to an end. The green light for the global currency reset and the release of the ISO20022 World Financial System are just the beginning.

The devaluation of US Treasury bonds, the bankruptcy of banks worldwide, and the beginning of the Odin Project are not just financial events; they are the dismantling of a corrupt system.

The potential start of World War 3, the end of the exchange period, and the establishment of global gold/asset-backed currencies are not just economic adjustments; they are the foundation of a new world order, a world where power is no longer concentrated in the hands of a few, but distributed among the many.

In the US, the significant increase in Social Security benefits and the start of SS R&R payments are not just social welfare measures; they are the redistribution of wealth, a move towards a more equitable and just society.

This isn’t just another conspiracy theory; this is the unveiling of a truth that has been hidden for far too long. The time for change is now, and the world is watching.

click image for link to article

December 1st EBS:
exposing political satanists,
revealing Rothschild Rockefeller collapse
JFK’s dream of true peace
and activating NESARA!

As the dawn of December 1st approaches,
the air is thick with anticipation.

The EBS Gyokuon Gokuraku Broadcasting
is set to go live,
heralding a seismic shift
in our world.

This isn’t just another media event; it’s the precursor to a transformation where love, light, peace, and harmony will reign supreme among us humans. The significance of this moment cannot be overstated.

Let’s rewind to a pivotal moment in history, a moment that resonates with the same fervor of change and hope.

On June 10, 1963, President JFK, in his graduation speech at American University, laid down a vision so profound, so far-reaching, that it echoes through the corridors of time.

His words weren’t just rhetoric; they were a clarion call for a new era of peace, not just in America but across the globe.

This wasn’t just a speech;
it was a blueprint for a future
where humanity could thrive in harmony.

But beneath this veneer of hope, a darker narrative was unfolding, one that has been meticulously kept away from the public eye.

The Rothschild Rockefeller, yielding to the nefarious designs of the Khazarian Jewish mafia, has been orchestrating events from Ukraine to Palestine, and then to the Corona crisis, setting the stage for what could be the third World War.

This isn’t just speculation; it’s a pattern, a design woven into the fabric of global events, steering us towards chaos.

In this grand scheme, entities like the Illuminati, the Vatican, the British Royal Family, and the Emperor’s Zaibatsu aren’t just passive observers; they are active participants.

Their influence, often dismissed as the stuff of legends, is very much real and potent.

They aren’t just power players;
they are the architects of a
world order that thrives on
conflict and division.

But let’s not lose sight of the essence of JFK’s message – the pursuit of true peace.

It’s a concept that seems almost utopian in today’s world, where cynicism has replaced optimism, where the idea of lasting peace is scoffed at as naïve.

Yet, JFK’s vision was clear – peace is not just a fleeting moment of tranquility; it’s a sustained state of existence, a world where conflicts are resolved not with arms but with tolerance and fairness.

Fast forward to the present, and we find ourselves at a crossroads.

Rumors are swirling about NESARA being activated in states like Georgia, Florida, Maryland, and California.

Reports of financial aid being distributed to the needy are emerging, painting a picture of a world where economic disparities are being addressed, where the forgotten are being remembered.

This isn’t just a policy shift; it’s a paradigm shift, a step towards realizing the world JFK envisioned.

But as we navigate these changes, a sinister plot is unfolding. Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, has openly declared a war of financial dominance.

His threats of imposing sanctions and withdrawing funds aren’t just economic strategies; they are weapons of control, tools to enforce compliance and submission.

This is financial slavery in its most blatant form, a clear manifestation of the dark forces at play, forces that seek to control not just economies but the very essence of human freedom.

Schwab’s plans don’t stop at financial manipulation.

The agenda to implant microchips in humans, to turn them into programmable entities, is not just a dystopian nightmare; it’s a reality that’s being quietly rolled out.

This is about more than just surveillance; it’s about control, about reducing humans to mere cogs in a machine, devoid of free will and autonomy.

At the heart of this narrative
is the alarming revelation
that humanity is being covertly
led into occult Satanism.

This isn’t just a baseless claim; it’s a conclusion drawn from a series of interconnected events and decisions made by those in power.

The so-called Future Party, far from being a beacon of progress, is alleged to be nothing more than a front for devil-worshiping cults, where the devil himself is said to prolong his life through unspeakable means.

The DS, a term that has been whispered in hushed tones in certain circles, is reportedly at the forefront of these nefarious activities. Their reach is global, and their methods are chillingly effective.

In parts of the world like Sweden and Scandinavia, experiments to implant microchips in humans have already been conducted.

These aren’t just any humans;
these are key figures in the DS,
now walking among us
with microchips embedded
in their arms.

This technology isn’t just for tracking or surveillance; it’s far more insidious.

At international conferences, the DS has used this technology to manipulate news and events to their advantage.

Even more disturbing is the claim that cloned humans, a concept straight out of science fiction, are being used by the DS.

When these clones are arrested, the implanted microchips are activated, causing them to vanish without a trace, erasing any evidence of their existence.

But there’s a glimmer of hope
in this dark tale.

The reformed US military is said to have completely shut down the DS’s plan to enslave humanity.

A new dawn is on the horizon, a dawn that only a select few are aware of.

This isn’t just a change; it’s a revolution, a seismic shift that will redefine our world.

In the realm of global finance,
a monumental transformation is underway.

The GCR, guided by the reformed US military, is set to dismantle the vast financial empire built by the Rothschild family.

This isn’t just about economic reform; it’s about breaking free from the chains of financial control that have long bound nations and individuals alike.

The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, both creations of the Rothschilds, have already concluded their last meeting.

The message is clear:
their game is already over.

The central banks, long considered untouchable pillars of the global financial system, are next in line.

The collapse of these institutions will have far-reaching consequences, reshaping economies and societies.

In Japan, the involvement of the Rothschild family in the Bank of Japan is a closely guarded secret, with claims that they own a significant portion of the bank’s shares.

This isn’t just a financial issue; it’s a matter of national sovereignty.

As we brace ourselves for what’s to come,
the schedule for the next week is crucial.

Starting from December 1st,
a wave of change is set to begin.

The broadcast of
EBS Gyokuon Gokuraku,
initially slated for November 23rd,
is more than just a media event;
it’s a psychological operation
against the remnants of the DS.

By December 2nd, this wave is expected to reach Japan, bringing with it a shockwave that will awaken those who have been in slumber.

This isn’t just about staying informed; it’s about being prepared for a future that’s radically different from our present.

As we share this Intel information, we’re not just passively observing; we’re actively participating in a historic moment.

December 1st isn’t just another day;
it’s a symbol of the change that’s upon us.

Let’s not just watch from the sidelines;
let’s be part of this monumental shift.

The future is here, and it’s
nothing like we’ve ever seen before.

Click image to follow link to video of interview

Joe Rogan/Tucker Carlson

This podcast has gone viral
– a class, probably carefully scripted production.
Well worth a long look.
No-one was prepared for what
Tucker talked about at around the 8 minute mark.

Click image to follow link to video of interview

Tucker Carlson interview
with Vladymir Putin
(authors unknown)

click links for videos

Dr. David Martin

The Great Setup
parts 1 and 2

February 2024

Vaccines are a deliberately
planned and manufactured
bio-weapon – they want to kill you

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 1 (34 mins) – click image

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 2 (33 mins) – click image

Dr. Martin does a good job at explaining things.

He has known about the patents for this scamdemic for decades.

This was a planned conspiracy.

Why weren’t we allowed to question ANYTHING?

Because they wanted us all to get the VACCINE.

They have declared WAR on humanity.

In the Spring of 2019, Moderna filed 4 Patent Applications,
which had been previously rejected..

In those patent applications they made reference to an
Accidental or INTENTIONAL release of SARS Coronavirus.

** In April of 2019.**
** BEFORE the China Virus.**

Why would a company that has NEVER made a commercial product, EVER – Why would a company that has NEVER had any expertise in respiratory pathogens AMMEND Patent Filings that have been previously REJECTED to INCLUDE the language of ACCIDENTAL or INTENTIONAL release of a Respiratory Pathogen IF somebody wasn’t already PREPARING to release a Respiratory Pathogen???

Then right before the actual “Plandemic” occurred, you have BOTH the WHO and Event 201 preparing for a release of deadly worldwide pathogen for the WHO and Event 201 was an exact SCRIPT of what happened just ONE month later.

It was PLANNED and the plan was to get people the Vaccine and the Purpose of the Vaccine was an Upgrade like Sabrina Wallace says, so we all can be networked wirelessly – then there is that Depopulation (sudden deaths) and making us live much, much shorter.

Next will come the Self-Spreading Vaccines, which they will probably label a disease and then tell us we need a vaccine for the vaccine, just to guarantee everyone gets their dose or DOUBLE DOSE.

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 1 (34 mins) – click image

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 2 (33 mins) – click image

The Courts across the board made unambiguous declaration that we were in a public health emergency and that the World Health Organization – WHO and the Centers for Disease Control – CDC were the ONLY arbiters of what the facts were.

You could NOT argue the facts.

If a Medical Doctor attempted to argue the facts, they were taken before the medical board and censored (embarrassed).

Bill Gates basically owns the WHO as his donations account for 88% of ALL the donations the WHO receives. If there is ONE person on this planet who is responsible, it is Bill Gates. He should be numeral UNO when we go after these b*stards.

They were removing licenses just for telling their patients they should take more Zinc, D and C.

This was f*cking Tyranny.
This was MURDER

What has anyone done? Absolutely Nothing. The doctors are now busy treating all kinds of Blood Clots and wondering why they are increasing. Duhh, dumb f*ckers.

They never associate illnesses with vaccines, which is why the USA is one sick a$s nation. It is time for the white coats to get their heads out of their asses and connect a few dots.

If anyone doesn’t believe in Brainwashing, just go to the doctor.

You have our own DoD being involved in the greatest conspiracy of all time. They were the ones in control and ordering Big Pharma to do this.

What do we do when EVERY Single Agency developed to PROTECT us is trying to KILL us and at the very least CONTROL us?

When we look at this Great Conspiracy we need to go back to 1913 and look at what the Rockefeller Foundation and the Welcome Trust did.

These are the colluding parties that authorized Allopathic Medicine. The Flexner Report came out and flat out said that if you attempt to heal people in ANY other way than the Industrial Pharmaceutical way, that you will be banned and have your license removed and be forever labeled in history as a QUACK.

Then you have the Welcome Trust that was the commercial aspect for the German Pharmaceuticals. The Welcome Trust was responsible for developing plans on taking over the German Pharmaceuticals and REMOVING the treatments that WORKED.

In 1947, the Rockefeller Foundation put the WHO on the map. Then you had a UN CHARTER with the WHO, that said you cannot be prosecuted in ANY way for ANY crime as long as your actions were performed under the Umbrella of the WHO.

*There is nothing more powerful than Charters.

The WHO has nothing to do with Health. It is a criminal conspiracy that was put in place by two foundations who had a commercial interest in building a criminal liability shield for themselves.

It LITERALLY is a Criminal Organization.

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 1 (34 mins) – click image

  Video of Dr David Martin
Part 2 (33 mins) – click image

Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

State of the
UNION 2024

State of the Union address
2024 -> 2023 -> 2022
same every year

Some interesting facts

  1. Biden entered the room
17 minutes late

  2. Address lasted
1 hour 17 minutes

  3. Message was exactly the same
– almost word-for-word – last 3 years

  4. There was no gold fringe
around the US flag
(Admiralty Law gone)

  5. Speaker, Mike Johnson,
did not introduce/announce
Biden as President of USA

  6. There was no Presidential Sea
l on the podium

  7. SCOTUS judges was
led in by US Marshall

  8. There was only 6 judges present
(4 did not attend)

-0-0-0-0- See Comment -0-0-0-0-
-0-0-0-0- below -0-0-0-0-

Click arrow on right for additional SOTU comment

-0-0-0-0- Comment -0-0-0-0-
-0-0-0-0- author unknown -0-0-0-0-

There were many things said tonight
in the show State of the Union.

Don’t kid yourself this was exactly what it was.

The whole point was to lie, lie,
lie to the people and lie some more about everything.

And why you ask.

Well it’s to setup the major failures that are coming.

For when the economy crashes and the banks collapse.

This is a 100% no ifs or butts.

It’s coming.

But telling the average American that you’re not suffering
and the economy is strong and getting better everyday.

You can’t believe your lying eyes and your empty wallet
when you pay your bills and when you go to the grocery store.

This whole address was for the people
who are suffering and are still sleeping.

To break the psychosis of the deep
MK ultra programming.

This was a setup for them that wouldn’t ever admit
how much they were lied to and wrong.

Everything is coming to a head.

Even the MSM is not able to
cover up the facts that were all just lie after lie.

They are having to expose the lies or expose themselves
to the fraud they have been complicit in as well.

Let’s just see how this plays out in the days a head.

Everything and everyone is being forced into the light.

The angry old man act was beautiful
and the actor playing JB is doing a great job
pissing off the American people.

Just look at the people who are now
protesting against their own government policies
in the sanctuary cities like
New York and Chicago and around the country.

Just remember that was all a show
because everyone in that stage tonight has no power.

We are under COG and the Military is in control.

But the average person has
no idea and believes they are running things.

And they must so the American people have to experience this plan.

Because it was the real plan that the deep state
had for us to be enslaved and turned into a 3rd world country.

They had to break America so the deep state
could turn the world into a one world government.

Break and to kill us.

And to kill anyone that would stand up
and against their complete evil takeover.

So the military is showing us the plan
with it being controlled by them.

This is extremely hard to do.

But had to be done to keep us
from getting sucked into a civil war.

That the deep state wanted.

They wanted us to kill each other just as they did back
during the Civil War even in the address tonight
JB brought up that our country is in a fight
just as in the time of President Lincoln and the civil war.

What happened just after the Civil War the bankers moved in
and invaded our nation with the Organic act of 1871.

This was the infiltration from within and being ruled by the crown
and taking away our sovereignty and
turning the country into a corporation and
usurping our sovereignty and making us all dead straw men.

Nothing you saw tonight was real
that was a show of the fake corporation on complete display
for the people of America and the world.

The rebuttal from the Senator of Alabama
from her kitchen was heart felt for all of those
who are lost right now and hurting.

She knocked it out of the park.

She pulled on the heart strings of the people
who are hurting and are sick and tired
of being lied to but are still asleep but have had enough.

Stand strong patriots this was exactly what needed
to happen right now for the people that are asleep
to the bigger picture and to what is coming.

The over all people are being for-told
and primed for the events that we are about to go THRU.

I want to encourage you that God is in control.

And God is using our
Great American Military
to protect and to serve at his will.

Comment on State of the Union

There were many things
said tonight in the
show State of the Union.

Don’t kid yourself this was exactly what it was.

The whole point was to lie, lie, lie to the people and lie some more about everything.

And why you ask. Well it’s to setup the major failures that are coming.

For when the economy crashes and the banks collapse.

This is a 100% no ifs or buts.

It’s coming.

But telling the average American that you’re not suffering and the economy is strong and getting better everyday.

You can’t believe your lying eyes and your empty wallet when you pay your bills and when you go to the grocery store.

This whole address was for the people who are suffering and are still sleeping.

To break the psychosis of the deep MK ultra programming.

This was a setup for them that wouldn’t ever admit how much they were lied to and wrong.

Everything is coming to a head. Even the MSM is not able to cover up the facts that were all just lie after lie.

They are having to expose the lies or expose themselves to the fraud they have been complicit in as well.

Let’s just see how this plays out in the days a head.

Everything and everyone is being forced into the light.

The angry old man act was beautiful and the actor playing JB is doing a great job pissing off the American people.

Just look at the people who are now protesting against their own government policies in the sanctuary cities like New York and Chicago and around the country.

Just remember that was all a show because everyone in that stage tonight has no power.

We are under COG and the Military is in control.

But the average person has no idea and believes they are running things.

And they must so the American people have to experience this plan.

Because it was the real plan that the deep state had for us to be enslaved and turned into a 3rd world country.

They had to break America so the deep state could turn the world into a one world government.

Break and to kill us.

And to kill anyone that would stand up and against their complete evil takeover.

So the military is showing us the plan with it being controlled by them.

This is extremely hard to do.

But had to be done to keep us from getting sucked into a civil war.

That the deep state wanted.

They wanted us to kill each other just as they did back during the Civil War even in the address tonight JB brought up that our country is in a fight just as in the time of President Lincoln and the civil war.

What happened just after the Civil War the bankers moved in and invaded our nation with the Organic act of 1871.

This was the infiltration from within and being ruled by the crown and taking away our sovereignty and turning the country into a corporation and usurping our sovereignty and making us all dead straw men.

Nothing you saw tonight was real that was a show of the fake corporation on complete display for the people of America and the world.

The rebuttal from the Senator of Alabama from her kitchen was heart felt for all of those who are lost right now and hurting.

She knocked it out of the park.

She pulled on the heart strings of the people who are hurting and are sick and tired of being lied to but are still asleep but have had enough.

Stand strong patriots this was exactly what needed to happen right now for the people that are asleep to the bigger picture and to what is coming.

The over all people are being for-told and primed for the events that we are about to go THRU.

Click image to follow link to article

UK Gov’t Bombshell:
“Over one million vaxxed
have died this year”

  Click HERE
to follow link to article

Click image for video


click either image for video



Barry Young is a Whistleblower in New Zeeland that shows all the date on death after getting the jab.

He worked with a pay system program that gives money for every jab given.

In that program he noticed that many died shortly after the jab, Now he gives this information to the people.

He is risking jail for a long time.

This information will if going viral stop WHO and stop the jabs for all time! BUT if you don´t share there is no enlightenment in this!!!

James Freeman is an International Liaison at the World Council for Health, a former Member of European Parliament, and prior to politics was Head of UK Trade and Business Inflation at the Office for National Statistics.

James also has a masters degree in Psychology and plans use his unique set of skills to debunk the establishment’s narrative and wake-up the masses.

Click image for video

The Young Ones
under 40’s
NZ covid jab data

Whistleblower Barry Young provides his data
on the New Zealanders, aged 40 and under,
who died between the nationwide rollout of
the covid vaccination in 2021,
and who were registered as having had
at least one dose of Covid vaccination
before November 2023

Thanks so much Liz for all you are doing for us and all of us in this country and world.

Please also pass on our deep gratitude, love and respect to Barry, we are forever grateful.

You both inspire us to continue on in our fight for justice and truth.

There is nothing else for us to do on this earth while we remain here.

We see so clearly the hand of the eternal loving spirit and of Rory in our conversation and the timing yesterday.

So grateful you have this wisdom with you.

click image for video

Alex Jones
New Zealand whistleblower

Barry Young,
along with
Steve Kirsch

& Liz Gunn

Freed New Zealand whistleblower
gives first major interview after
exposing killer COVID jabs

  Link to longer
original article HERE

On 30 November 2023, entrepreneur Steve Kirsch gave a talk at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, claiming that New Zealand data showed COVID-19 vaccines have “killed over 10 million worldwide”.

Kirsch, who had been invited to speak by the student group MIT Students for Open Inquiry, has a record of propagating vaccine misinformation.

As documented in previous reviews by Health Feedback, Kirsch’s claims frequently rely on methodologically flawed analyses.

The video recording of Kirsch’s talk has been archived here and the slides he presented during the talk can be found here.

The Rumble video of the talk has been viewed more than 217,000 times.

The New Zealand data used by Kirsch turned out to be personal health information taken from government databases without authorization by Barry White, a database administrator who worked for Te Whatu Ora, New Zealand’s public health agency.

The New Zealand Herald reported that White was arrested on 3 December 2023 in connection with the privacy breach and has been charged with “accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes”.

Prior to his arrest, White had appeared in a video with Liz Gunn, a former TV presenter and anti-vaccine campaigner, which revealed that he had taken the data from the database.

Kirsch uploaded the illegally acquired data online and signaled to his Substack readers that they could download the data for themselves, although he also claimed to have anonymized the data.

Te Whatu Ora has since been granted an injunction to prevent any publication of the data to protect the privacy of those affected by the breach.

Kirsch and other individuals have had their accounts on private hosting services taken down after using these services to host the data.

In this review, we examine the claims made by Kirsch and explain why the claims cannot be substantiated by the New Zealand data that he obtained.

We will also present the evidence showing that, contrary to the claim, COVID-19 vaccination isn’t responsible for “millions of deaths worldwide”.

  Link to longer
original article HERE

Click image for video

  Link to original article

WELLINGTON, New Zealand (LifeSiteNews) — A whistleblower who published alleged government data about excess deaths and their relation to the COVID jabs has been arrested and faces up to seven years in prison.

Barry Young, a data analyst and, until recently, an employee at the New Zealand public health agency Te Whatu Ora, was arrested and charged with “accessing a computer system for dishonest purposes,” 1news reported.

Shortly after being released from jail on bail, Young gave an interview to InfoWars host Alex Jones, in which he detailed his arrest. The whistleblower said that eight policemen arrived at his house while he was not home, “busted in the door,” and “thrashed the place,” apparently searching for evidence. When Young arrived at the scene in his car, the policemen surrounded his vehicle, dragged him out, put handcuffs on him, and took him away in a police car.

“It was like the Gestapo, honestly, it was awful,” Young recalled.

READ: New Zealand’s former COVID tyrant Jacinda Ardern appointed to censorship role at Harvard

Young was greeted by cheering supporters when he arrived in Wellington District Court to face his charges. According to The National Desk, Young could face up to seven years in prison for his offense.

A few days before his arrest, a video featuring Young and Liz Gunn, the leader of the NZ Loyal Party and outspoken critic of the COVID shots, was published on Rumble. In the video, Young shows data that he says he acquired from a government database that points to a correlation between excess deaths and the COVID jabs.

Young highlighted several tables to demonstrate a link between excess deaths in New Zealand and the rollout of the COVID jab campaign. According to official government data, over 90% of New Zealanders over the age of 12 have received the COVID shots.

In one of the tables, Young pointed out specific batches of the COVID-19 jabs that were related to an exceptionally high death count. According to this data, between 4.52% and 21.38% of recipients of these batches have died since getting the shots. Young explained that the underlying mortality rate should only be 0.75%, meaning that it would be expected that around 0.75% of people have died of various causes since receiving the jab. According to the whistleblower, these batches were administrated across all age groups, so mortality rates above 0.75% are cause for concern.

At the bottom of the table, Young stated that “Chances of these batches not being a Killer are 100 billion to one!” highlighting that it would be highly improbable that the high number of deaths is just a coincidence.

author unknown

November 30th 2023



This ‘Emergency Broadcast’
has been talked about for ages

on the ‘truther’ channels –
some even giving predictions about the timing.

Do not be relying on ANY information
from ANYWHERE regarding this … 

… but – be ready for EVENTS to unfold to


You will know we are right around the corner from a NEW WORLD

Do not get angry, and do not panic.

This is NEEDED.

Yes it TRULY must HAPPEN like this so we can TRANSITION to a BRIGHT FUTURE.

It is part of the SCRIPT and LAST PHASE of, indeed gut wrenching, AWAKENING movie that was necessary to AWAKEN the masses.

This will ensure EVERYONE is SAFELY placed in their HOM and able to WITNESS the HISTORICAL moment that REVEALS all of the TRUTHS, cover ups etc. through the EBS which is imminent.


Circle the DATE on your calendar and PLEASE pay attention.


There must be a TEST and then a review of all OCCURRENCES and ACTIVITIES.

The possible implications on a NATIONAL and GLOBAL level can be quite COMPLICATED so things must be in ALIGNMENT to the PROTOCOLS.

Yes there are many consequences if things aren’t done with PRECISION and perfection.

This is the PRACTICE run before the REAL ONE to see responses and accuracy to what is FORTHCOMING which changes HUMANITY.

We hear the SCHEDULE is now FINALLY firm, but again I’m just the MESSENGER.

Be READY to adjust if needed in regards to possible TIME changes.

Only a SELECT few know the MOMENT of exact and precise TIMING of EVENTS.

For SECURITY and other obvious reasons it must be properly kept PRIVATE.

Again the EBS is going to AIR playing an 8 HOUR VIDEO.

It will be replaying 3 TIMES a day for 10 DAYS Communication DARKNESS.

During those 10 DAYS of Communication DARKNESS the following things will happen.

We will RECEIVE 7 TRUMPETS aka EBS text MESSAGES on our PHONES alerting US to tune into our TV at this TIME.

Our PHONES will only work for 911 and we are INFORMED the Signal App, which is MILITARY encrypted will be available.

Our TV’s will only show 3 EXPLANATORY MOVIES on a continuous loop for the 10 DAYS.



Our INTERNET will not work during that TIME.

Our ATM’s will not work.

After the 10 DAYS of Communication DARKNESS, we will connect to a new QUANTUM internet.

People are urged to STOCK UP on at least THREE WEEKS of FOOD and WATER.

We are PROMISED the new Star-link Internet System by the end of the month.

Again I repeat be PREPARED with FOOD, WATER, TOILET PAPER, generators etc. for this GREAT AWAKENING REVEAL.

As we speak the TEAMS coordinating this IMPORTANT HISTORIC EVENT are revamping the EBS to ensure the utmost SECURITY for all INVOLVED so remain PATIENT as things get finalized.

They want to make CERTAIN there are not any interferences of any sort at all.


Those making the PLAN want no ONE to PANIC because it’s simply the release of the TRUTH.

After the EBS and we’ve gone through the 10 DAYS mainstream media BLACKOUT and sat through all the 24/7, (eight hours long movies) do we go back to NORMAL like business as usual?

Answer is: After EBS and the 8 hours long 24 7, movies all will change.

The, LIFE support, attached to the OLD and EVIL systems will be PULLED.

HUMANITY, and PLANET EARTH simultaneously move to QUANTUM reality consciousness system (PEACE and PROSPERITY).




We will have new CURRENCY called the USN US NOTE and GOLD backed.

The TIME is now to ALERT as many who will LISTEN.

Do not have too much PRIDE.

Go WARN those you LOVE even though they think you’re CRAZY.

Your GOAL for OTHERS is TRULY to HELP absorb the SHOCK of what is COMING.


SUPPLIES for the EVENTS happening and coming.




Click image for link to original article

November 12 2023

The secret plan to
replace the US Dollar
Gold-Backed Currency in 2024:

QFS Gold Backed
Digital Currency

This information is being repeated in
different media sites –
let’s hope they’re not getting their information
from the same source.

In a ground-breaking development
that is poised to reshape the
global financial landscape,
January 1, 2024,
is marked as the date
when the traditional
fiat US Dollar will undergo
a historic transformation.

The US Dollar, as we know it, is set to be replaced by the gold/asset-backed US Note, establishing a one-to-one parity with all other global currencies backed by tangible assets.

Brace yourselves for the imminent monetary revolution that will send shockwaves through the world economy!

Breaking News:
The transition to a
Gold-Backed US Note

The world as we know it is on the cusp of a monumental shift, as the United States prepares to bid farewell to the traditional fiat US Dollar and usher in the era of the gold/asset-backed US Note.

This transformation, set to take effect on January 1, 2024, is not merely a change in currency; it is a seismic shift in the very foundation of the global financial system.

What’s driving this transformation?

The driving force behind this historic change is the need for greater stability and security in the world of finance. In recent years, the fragility of fiat currencies has become increasingly evident, as governments worldwide grapple with economic uncertainty and mounting debt.

The US government, in a bid to safeguard its economy and restore investor confidence, has taken the audacious step of backing its currency with tangible assets, primarily gold.

One-to-One parity
among Gold-Backed currencies

The most striking aspect of this transition is the establishment of a one-to-one parity between the gold/asset-backed US Note and other global currencies backed by similar tangible assets.

This bold move is designed to create a level playing field in international trade and finance, eliminating the dominance of any single currency and reducing the risk of currency manipulation.

The secret plan unveiled

While this transition may appear sudden, insiders suggest that the plan to replace the US Dollar with a gold-backed currency has been in the works for years, shrouded in secrecy.

The details were only recently revealed, shocking the financial world and sending ripples through the halls of power.

The Gold Rush begins

The impending switch to the gold/asset-backed US Note has already ignited a global “gold rush.” Investors and nations alike are scrambling to amass gold reserves to secure their positions in the new financial order.

re: – This ‘surge in demand for gold has sent prices skyrocketing, leading to frenzied buying and selling in the precious metals markets.’

Note: Do not use this report
as a basis for any investment decision.

This ‘Buy Gold’ message is common
with price of gold ‘skyrocketing’
on many web sites

Simple research suggest that Gold prices
have not ‘sky-rocketed’ at all.

Gold/Silver prices might adjust
up or down in the future –
they might not.

Also research the costs/fees of bullion dealers
in a buying/selling process –
they are not insignificant
(circa 20% in total)
added to any DROP in price you paid
prior to when you sell.

Click image for video

ceased to exist
as a
– owned corporation –
and is no longer
a country


Israel as an independent sovereign nation was registered as a corporation in 1947 when the state of Israel was created.

Israel’s registration
expired on October 31, 2023.

A corporation cannot register itself twice under the same name particularly if it is bankrupt.

Once a corporation is formed it exists as a separate entity from its owners meaning it has its own name, tax ID number, legal rights and obligations as a corporate structure.

Israel is bankrupt and when it enters that status it has zero contract rights.

It means that if Israel was involved in human trafficking its assets are frozen.

Click image for link to original article

Criminal complaint
Ms von der Leyen
and others at the
International Criminal Court
in The Hague

December 4 2023

click image to link to article

WEF caught
paying arsonists
to ‘burn down the world’
as part of
sick depopulation plan

September 2023

Far-left arsonists are engaged in
a globalist plot to “burn down the world”
according to a WEF insider
who warns that humanity has been primed
to fall for the globalist elite’s three-card trick.

The global elite laid the groundwork with the covid pandemic, training the masses to be compliant, while pre-programming them with years of climate change propaganda in the media.

As far as they are concerned, the wildfires are the final nail in our coffin.

Climate change is not only a hoax, it is a decades-old global depopulation plot, and WEF-infiltrated governments all over the world are going along with it.

According to the WEF, the wildfires will leave most of the world in chaos for years, and cause enormous fear and anxiety in normal people, and it is from this chaos that a phoenix will rise from the ashes, according to a WEF insider, who explained the global elite plan to seize control of the US, removing our fundamental freedoms, and ushering in the Great Reset.

Make no mistake, this evil plot has been in the works for decades and now we are seeing it play out before our very eyes in all its grisly detail.

In 1972 the Club of Rome published the Limits To Growth, a disturbing text that outlined the depopulation agenda that would be implemented by Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum in decades to come.

Watch as the Limits To Growth co-author Dennis Meadows says that he hopes that we all die slow, painless deaths, so the elite can enjoy their time on a less populated Earth.

The DS cannot stop bragging about their plans for humanity. It’s part of the plan to condition humanity to become desensitized to the idea of children being burned into ash while they barricade roads, turn off the water, and incinerate millions of people.

Maui was just the beginning. These terrorist tactics are now being rolled out across the world. Expect more cities to literally burn while they barricade the useless people in “for their own good.”

Directed energy weapons (DEW) are being used to attack humanity, destroy their property, and force them to accept the agenda of the globalist elite.

All around the world, fake wildfires are being orchestrated by the globalist elite to poison our air, water, and soil, and redistribute property into the hands of the DS.

And all around the world, the WEF are leaving their fingerprints all over the crime scenes.

In Greece, far-left activists have been found responsible for igniting the devastating wildfires that tore through the country.

Billions of dollars to rebuild – but the town will be rebuilt as a 15 minute city, also known as an open air prison, designed for total authoritarian control and permanent lock downs.

Biden and the globalist elite’s catchphrase “Build back better” literally means destroying things first and then rebuilding according to New World Order plans.

In the wake of the Maui fires, Democrats and the mainstream media are now begging Joe Biden to declare a “climate emergency” which would grant his administration vast unconstitutional and undemocratic powers.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration has signalled it already has its finger on the trigger, with Biden letting slip that he has already “practically” declared a climate emergency, and Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre admitting Biden “is doing everything that he can” to “deal with this existential threat.”

The globalist elite cannot stop talking about their plot to depopulate the world, and now they are making their moves. Burning down the world is a key part of the Great Reset agenda.

The one percent of the one percent — and their cronies in media and politics — all seem to agree that the Great Reset is a great idea. And the fact no ordinary person shares their enthusiasm does not bother them one bit.

But the future does not belong to them and the people are slowly but surely waking up to their agenda.

Meanwhile, videos filmed by locals in Lāhainā reveal tell-tale “pulse flashes”, which are a feature of directed energy weapons.

And if you are wondering what a clear DEW strike looks like from a distance, here is video from Chile in May this year showing a confirmed DEW strike – and according to eyewitness accounts from Maui, we are dealing with the same technology.

The mainstream media are desperate to dismiss these claims as conspiracy theories.

But we now know for a fact that directed energy weapons are not conspiracy theories. They are conspiracy facts.

The devastation wrought by these attacks on humanity are not conspiracy theories either.

The mainstream media has covered up the extent of the carnage, but more evidence is emerging everyday.

Locals were barricaded in, refused water to fight the fires, and they were burnt to a crisp with their children in another crime against humanity.

Prepare for the unthinkable:
world economic collapse

September 2023

Trillions of dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds are flooding back to Europe and 110 nations, revealing the alarming truth that the U.S. Corporation is teetering on the brink of insolvency.

Brace yourself for the impending catastrophic collapse that will send shockwaves throughout Europe and beyond.

France’s brazen act of pilfering its citizens’ wealth has ignited widespread riots and civil unrest.

Hyperinflation in Germany is decimating the metal industry, crippling weapons production, and pushing corporations to the edge of bankruptcy.

The Deutsche Bank’s entanglement with Epstein’s dark connections and its web of international ties, including Estonian banks, is unravelling, as world courts launch far-reaching investigations that could shatter the global banking system.

Israel’s descent into chaos: an unfolding catastrophe.

The nation of Israel finds itself in dire straits as it hurtles towards an imminent collapse.

Concealing the true state of its markets, banks are fabricating gains as civil unrest spirals into full-blown riots.

Meanwhile, the colossal collapse of SVB banks in California, resulting in a mind-boggling loss of $10 trillion, sets off a catastrophic domino effect rippling across multiple countries.

The collapse, underway for over a year and a half, is finally unmasking the deep state’s cover-ups and exposing their false market reports.

As the Biden administration trembles, governments worldwide teeter on the brink, and the military courts, along with the alliance, silently monitor the collapse, knowing that it will lead to military intervention.

The intricate web of connections between governments, worldwide money laundering operations, bioweapon creation, and incitement of proxy wars through the U.S. heralds an era of potential war crimes, crimes against humanity, and a global plandemic.

The global event: we stand at the precipice of chaos.

Massive chaos looms on the horizon,
as citizens around the globe remain
shockingly unprepared for the
impending collapse event.

click image to link to article

Internal CDC Documents
Reveal the Agency Expected
serious issues from
the COVID Jabs

“[From these contracts] they’re expecting
almost 700% more reports during this time
for COVID and they said only
5% [historically]were serious…
[but now were] expecting about 40%,
so what did they know??”

click image to link to article

Over 2 million excess deaths
recorded globally since the rollout
of the covid-19 injections

  Vaccinations CHART
ENGLAND – OFFICIAL to 31 May 2023

Operation Warp Speed
was a depopulation program

  FULL article HERE

Operation Warp Speed (OWS) is not saving lives.

The excess death data confirm the opposite
is taking place over 2021 and 2022.

Since the emergency use rollout of the covid-19 injections,
over 2 million EXCESS deaths have been recorded globally.

The US suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021,
and then another 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022.

Europe suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021
and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022.

It’s not a “pandemic of the unvaccinated”
as was advertised in 2021.

In fact, most “fully vaccinated”
adult populations are more likely to
contract covid-19, get sick and die.

While covid-19 vaccines aren’t the only vector
destroying people’s immune systems and
killing them off, they are obviously the driving force.

click image for NHS Report


They couldn’t hide the bodies forever


In the UK their Office of National Statistics have just released an updated data set Death by Vaccination Status, England with data for 2023 until the May.

  Deaths involving covid

Notably, the Australian Bureau of Statistics has similar data, but they refuse to publish it. I wonder why ?

This just published data shows that from Jan to May 2023 there were 8,766 Covid deaths in England

8,330 deaths (95.03%)
were people vaccinated

436 deaths (4.97%)
were people unvaccinated

That’s it.

The last card the vaccine pushers had to play, the claim that the jabs prevented covid deaths has fallen.

But its worse.

The just released data also shows that the vaccinated are overrepresented in all cause deaths.

The UK data is the best in world, and with this latest data release all remaining mandates must end and the vaccine must be pulled off the market today.

To allow another person to be injected after today when this data has been published would be criminally negligent.


Deaths involving covid19
by vaccination status England

click image for video


more MOABS Dropped!
PCR testing – it’s All Fake!
Stew Peters
with Dr. Ariana Love


click image for video

August 2022

click image for video


Pfizer : – Vaccines
NEVER tested before release

YOU are the test

Pfizer drops a bomb on the European Parliament
and tell them the bioweapon injections were
untested at time of release..

YOU and your relatives ARE the test according
to former President Barack Obama.

If you don’t get vaccinated, you’re anti social.

This is what the Dutch Prime Minister
and health minister told us.

You don’t get vaccinated just for yourself,
but also for others.

You do it for all of society.

That’s what I said.

Today, this turned out to be complete nonsense.

In a COVID hearing in the European Parliament,
one of the FISA directors just admitted to me,
at the time of introduction,
the vaccine had never been tested on
stopping the transmission of the virus.

This removes the entire legal basis for the COVID passport,
the COVID password that led to
massive institutional discrimination
as people lost access to essential parts of society.

I find this to be shocking, even criminal,
please watch the video until the end.

And I will speak in English.

So there are no misunderstandings.

Was the Pfizer COVID vaccine tested on stopping
the transmission of the virus before it entered the market?

If not, please say it clearly if yes,
are you willing to share the data
with this committee?

And I really want a straight answer yes or no.

And I’m looking forward to it.

Thank you very much.


Regarding the question around,
Did we know about stopping immunization
before it’s entering the market?


These you know,
we had to really move at the speed of science
to really understand what is taking place in the market.


This is scandalous, millions of people worldwide
felt forced to get vaccinated because of the myth
that you do it for others.

Now this turned out to be a cheap lie.

This should be exposed please share this video.

Transcribed by machine
ai and may contain syntax errors.

click image for video

2021 Documents Reveal:
the Australian Government
has openly planned a GENOCIDE

💥💥💥 Documents Reveal the Australian Government
has Openly planned to POISON its Citizens
& Children! Then A Mass Die-Off…... 👺☠️👺☠️👺☠️


September 8th 2022


Just thoughts… looks like the ‘doctors’ got it right. 

Trying to picture what to expect…

I’ve finished Derek’s first document and have scrolled through the others.

It’s clear to me that the military is in control of everything.

I mean, everything. Not bits and pieces, but all of it.

This is all theatre from both sides and from the media, designed to crumble the matrix and end in unity for everyone.

They are going to take the country to the precipice, it’s the only way to set up the planet for the next 1,000 years & free the minds of those stuck inside Mk Ultra hypnotism/psychosis.

There could not be any other way. Alliance countries are helping, and by alliance I mean Saudi Arabia, NK, BRICS etc.

That’s my take.

Any mention of Nuclear war is staged.

Any ‘Sum of all fears’ scenario is staged.

Half of the players on the board are actors, the other half have been flipped and are being monitored.

There’s still more to go, China taking Taiwan etc, Queen’s death and the complete flip over for banks to run on the QFS.

Even SWIFT have announced a complete flip to ISO20022 standard crypto in the next 3 months (Meaning Ripple wins and all other crypto’s are going to basically disappear).

We are extremely close, and by close, I mean months/ weeks.

On top of that, when the corporation is declared gone, so do go all of the debts to that corporation, then GESARA, a return of stolen wealth back to the people.

I imagine that may have something to do with the Vatican demanding all funds and assets be returned to the vaults within 30 days of Sep 31st, and it has something to do with the Knights of Malta’s 1000’s of years of tradition essentially being dismantled.

Looks like the Queen wasn’t too highly respected by
the UK Military judging that the flag over her coffin,
lying in ‘state’ and on the procession as few days later
is crumpled, upside down and just slung over the coffin
like a table-cloth indicates a ‘traitors’ death.

Evelyn de Rothschild
8 November 2022
age 91

(For the newbies)


Last week a warning was sent to the heads of the Rothschilds in the United Kingdom, a community of 300 people, and around the world, that the operations of the Red Coat regime and the control of the World Bank were coming to an end.

This warning was that Evelyn de Rothschild must die – which happened on the eve of the Red Blood Moon – a symbol that the Alliance was exercising control and ushering in a new era – the Golden Era.

Most people are not aware that they are living in the New World Order.

That era is now over.

On the eve of the Red Blood Moon, Evelyn de Rothschild receives a heartbreaking pill on behalf of the Alliance.

If he defied the order, his family and children faced a future that would quickly destroy their heritage and possessions.

Lady Rothschild was a sleeping mole (coup plotter) within the Rothschild regime.

She maintains important connections in the world – which are now turning against NATO, the UN and the elite.

The Rothschilds were the royal family of the Khazar Empire under the name of Bauer, once stationed in the southern Russian and southern Ukrainian territories, reaching as far as Kiev.

The Khazars worshipped Satan as their god and sacrificed small children and babies to him, then drank their blood and ate them.

They were known by neighboring peoples as spies, thieves and cheats, and most of the children they sacrificed to Satan were stolen Russian children.

Kiev was the capital of Russia at that time, and in 965, after repeated warnings, Prince Svyatoslav of Kiev destroyed their land and expelled them from there.

Their royal family, the Bauer family at that time, stole the treasury and in one night on their ceaseless flight managed to reach the city of Frankfurt in Germany, where they renamed themselves the Rothschilds.

As they fled, they swore eternal vengeance on Russia and have followed that line ever since.

Many of these people have remained in these countries in their former homeland, posing as Jews to cover up their bad reputation.

Zelensky is also one of these Khazars.

The Rothschilds are not Jews – they are the royal family of the Khazars, but they pretend to be Jews to cover up their bad reputation.

Later they settled in London, established the City of London as an independent state in England, killed the rightful royal family in the 17th century at the hands of Oliver Cromwell, and later put their own representative on the throne.

From London they led the struggle against Russia, staged the so-called October Revolution in 1917, assassinated the royal family and destroyed the Russian Empire, killing millions of Russians.

Today, the war in Ukraine against Russia is again being waged by London.

The British Empire is the greatest historical enemy of both Russia and the United States.

We are witnessing its destruction by the new global alliance led by Presidents Trump, Putin, Xi Jinping and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Poor India was a British colony for 300 years.

Soon, all that will be left of the former Great Britain will be a little England.

To connect the DOTS, WATCH:

click image for video

Evelyn de Rothschild
8 November 2022
age 91

Blood Moon


Evelyn de Rothschild, banking heir and financial collaborator to the queen, dies at 91 just 3 months after Queen Elizabeth II declared dead.

If anyone cares, Sir Evelyn was the son of Anthony de Rothschild and Yvonne Cahen d’Anvers of the Bischoffsheim banking family.

He is widely recognised as one of the leading philanthropists and financiers of his generation and was knighted by the Queen in 1989 for services to banking and finance and because he owned the UK Royal Family – as can be demonstrated in the image below giving instructions to one of his favourite Royal bitches.

Evelyn continued in the philanthropy of the Rothschild family which goes back many centuries and includes financing every war since the French revolution which, reputedly allowed the Rothschild family to break The bank of England and create central banks which have kept the population of the world in poverty and debt slavery ever since.

The attached video gives a history about this.

A keen horse trainer and owner, Sir Evelyn’s horse Crystal Ocean won the Hardwicke Stakes at Royal Ascot in 2018 which, apparently, is a huge accomplishment and news-worthy.

Well, let’s face it, winning horse races is so important to the world’s rich people and they can afford to spend huge amounts of money to buy pedigree horses that make them look good by being able to run fast and win races – like they ran in the race themselves.  Nah! – get a pedigree horse someone else bred to do it for you and if it doesn’t get the job done …

In a statement, his family said: ‘It is with great sorrow that Lady de Rothschild announces the death of her beloved husband, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild after a short illness with, reportedly, Rommel disease.

Given that EDR was reported to have died about 7 years ago there’s some speculation the reports have it right this time, we can only hope on their accuracy.

‘Sir Evelyn passed away peacefully yesterday evening at his home in London with his loved ones by his side.

Wouldn’t have been many real people there, then.

‘The family appreciates thoughts and prayers at this very sad time.’

Let’s pray the reports are accurate.

Any survivors of the Romanov family, if there are any, might like to comment.


Coincidentally, the 8th. November was an unusual blood moon which are sometime considered to bring good vibes to Earth – it’s been a busy few months, let’s hope good fortune for this world continues.

September 9th 2022

White Hats


VATICAN announcement of ALL Central BANKING system assets across the Globe in nearly every country must be returned to the VATICAN Bank. This includes all paper/coin money including Gold, Silver,  precious metals and minerals.

ALL deeds and collection of debts connected to World banks, housing markets, loans, marketed services and debts must Returned to the VATICAN between September 1 through September 30 .

This MAJOR announcement from the VATICAN comes at the same time (week apart) the death of the Queen of UK Majesty had been publicly announced (but for my Q The Storm Rider subscribers I had said three months ago [they] were getting ready to announce her death and had been preparing the EVENTS…..

As we inside the Great AWAKENING movement knew she was executed years before as a warning from MILITARY ALLIANCE GENERALS that the end of the DEEP STATE CABAL was nearing. Her death was recorded and sent to [DS] LEADERS & DARK MIL. GENERALS and was a direct Warning to the VATICAN and KAZARIAN MAFIA.

With the execution of George Bush Sr.(who planned the killing of JFK and help give massive power to the world CABAL in his lifetime and operated Human Trafficking networks with the Clintons C_A) the Q OPERATIONS began overtly in the deep state Elite world corruption rings.

NOW the death of the Queen insures the [COLLAPSE] of the WORLD CABAL DEEP STATE regimen. With 14 countries controlled by the Queen including Australia. New Zealand. CANADA …..

Now these certain countries are heading into a REPUBLIC STATE

Who long wanted freedom from the British control and Queen. (What this all means is the GDP of these countries into Trillions$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ WILL STOP paying the CABAL Installed Royal Monarch regimen).


Now with the VATICAN in FEAR of losing its assets and control through the World [they] have asked STATE Street, VANGUARD, BLACKROCK to return assets back to the VATICAN Bank as the world [COLLAPSE] CONTINUES.

click image for video

Nuclear Diamond Batteries

Batteries that last forever.
Coming soon to a place near you?

Click Image for full report

March 2022
Aussie Cossack reports on news
that Australian Research centre
the ‘Doherty institute’
has received samples of
Ukrainian Bio-Weapons

Video: Click Image

Australian Government
sanctions people for
sharing unauthorized thoughts

click image for video

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