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Med-Bed information

This may not be for everyone
but it was decided to be included on this page
for those further on down the rabbit-hole
who will understand what it’s saying.

There is no formal evidence to support it’s content
… you choose to take with you what you want
… or not.

As someone who has been working with the ‘engine’ of medbeds (pulsed electrodynamic-magnetic field therapy called PEMF), laying out medbed construction, 222nm photon restructuring, magnetic resonance biofeedback and the other quantum components of what must be addressed to restructure cells on a telomere level since 2019, and someone who was privy to the unseen world of advanced beings for more than a decade as well as directly met super soldiers & spoken with others on many occasions (some 4-5 who have actually used mil -ET tech- for the replacement of limbs lost in battles both here as well as off-world), I can assure you the technology does exist and has for far longer than humans have even existed (560m years just this one very recent version of humans on Tara earth).

They can regenerate your body from top to bottom like new from the genetic blueprint held within every one of your almost 1 trillion DNA cells.

  The beds exist.

The tech exists.

Military has been
using them for years.

Age regression, limb replacement, restructuring of your body, teeth replacement, new stem cell production which obviously means new telomers generation (the body’s longevity gene) are all real.

The problem is, this is a trillion dollar industry that is owned by the fake gods of Babylon (you would possibly recognize the name of the House of Medici or the Hermetic Initiates of the Golden Dawn).

They rely on this as their primary source of income (loosh harvesting) and would think nothing of killing everyone down to a single tribe to keep us from reaching this device for open, pedestrian use.

I have been told that the white hats have the beds ready to go and had plans to place them in every now-collapsing hospital across the country, but were sternly warned that if they open this tech to the public, the Anunnaki (Freemasons act as their hit squad) have tactical nukes installed underground across all the major hot spots in the US, and they wouldn’t hesitate to detonate them in retaliation.

You have to understand these people are not human, so there is no moral sympathies or empathy for us at all. They are all hybrid beings carrying Jehovah Anunnaki DNA that is coded to war, rape, murder and chaos at a quantum level and are literally psychopaths, beyond sociopathic. To them we are exactly like cockroaches or vermin to be exterminated the second we get out of line.

What we are waiting for now is the elimination of these beings and the full removal of the secret societies that run the world so we can mitigate the threat of dirty nuclear war.

That’s a hell of a big job, so it is going to take some time.

But when I tell you all this tech exists, understand that I’ve been engineering the advancements of our Tesla PEMF technology, zero point tachyon restoration and witnessing the miracles now for over 5 years and it is real.

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Med Beds, Replicators, Free Energy,
Stargates & Antigravity

Before you proceed

aimed at desperate people

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The truth about ‘medbeds’
A miracle cure that doesn’t exist

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Strange corners of the internet are awash with chatter
about miracle devices that can cure nearly any ailment
you can think of using the power of mystical energy.

Some companies charge thousands for these “medbeds” –
but their claims are far from proven.

Here’s one …

A converted motel room in a small town on the Mississippi River seems an unlikely home for a world-changing technology – what a flyer in the mostly deserted lobby calls a “new wave of scientific healing”.

But since last summer, this building in East Dubuque, Illinois – three hours west of Chicago – has been outfitted with medical devices that supposedly imbue patients with “life force energy”.

It’s one of a number of locations run by Tesla BioHealing – no relation to the car company – dotted around the US.

I tried out a medbed on a recent gloomy weekday afternoon.

After being greeted at the front desk, a doctor tested my energy levels by having me place my fingers inside a metal box.

Then I was ushered into one of the rooms, mostly unchanged from its motel days, and I waited for “pure biophoton life-force energy” to stream into my body.

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The truth about ‘medbeds’
A miracle cure that doesn’t exist

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One TeslaBiohealing facility is in a converted motel in a small town on the Mississippi River

The company has placed its containers underneath ordinary beds in its facilities

Strange corners of the internet are awash with chatter
about miracle devices that can cure nearly any ailment
you can think of using the power of mystical energy.

Some companies charge thousands for these “medbeds”
– but their claims are far from proven.

 Here’s one … 

A converted motel room in a small town on the Mississippi River seems an unlikely home for a world-changing technology – what a flyer in the mostly deserted lobby calls a “new wave of scientific healing”.

But since last summer, this building in East Dubuque, Illinois – three hours west of Chicago – has been outfitted with medical devices that supposedly imbue patients with “life force energy”.

It’s one of a number of locations run by Tesla BioHealing – no relation to the car company – dotted around the US.

I tried out a medbed on a recent gloomy weekday afternoon.

After being greeted at the front desk, a doctor tested my energy levels by having me place my fingers inside a metal box.

Then I was ushered into one of the rooms, mostly unchanged from its motel days, and I waited for “pure biophoton life-force energy” to stream into my body.

The idea of medbeds – short either for “medical beds” or “meditation beds” – has become increasingly popular on fringe medical channels, on mainstream social networks and chat apps.

But people have very different ideas about what they actually are. Some insist that the technology is secret, unlikely to be encountered by mere mortals, hidden from the public by billionaires and the “deep state”.

The more conspiratorial theorising includes speculation about “alien technology” and bizarre claims like the idea that John F Kennedy is still alive, strapped to a medbed.

A separate, more earthly avenue of thought holds that medbeds are very real and publicly available, just not part of the medical mainstream.

It’s this strand that Tesla BioHealing and a range of other companies are staking their rather expensive claims on.

Tesla BioHealing offers home generators for prices up to $19,999 (£16,500), although an hour in one of their medbed motel rooms will only set you back $160 (£130).

But even in the consumer-focused medbed world, where there is no talk of aliens or JFK, there’s disagreement about what a medbed actually is.

And there’s a very good reason for that, says Sara Aniano, a disinformation analyst at the Anti Defamation League’s Centre on Extremism.

“It’s really hard to define something that doesn’t exist,” she says.

Ms Aniano has been researching the spread of medbed chat online, and as part of her inquiries signed up for trial with a different medbed company, 90.10.

“The trial is nothing,” she says.

“It tells you to lay on your bed and think really hard about the medbed.”

“In their defence, they do list on their website in the very fine print down at the bottom that the medbed is not meant to treat or diagnose illnesses,” she says.

It’s a common disclaimer that we saw used in some form by just about every company offering a medbed-related product.

Even though companies put out long lists of ailments that can supposedly be helped by their technologies, and provide testimonials from satisfied customers, they say that their products are not meant to replace treatments by a qualified doctor.

Tesla BioHealing is no exception. The top of the company’s website clearly states: “We cannot diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.”

And yet their promotional material states: “Many people note improvements in their wellbeing even after only an hour of resting on a Tesla MedBed.”

They also make a number of specific, unsupported claims about particular diseases.

More HERE …

Med Beds approved?
the Supreme Court’s
quiet Chevron decision

As of July 1st. 2024 …

The Supreme Court has quietly
made a decision that could bring
med beds to the forefront
of medical innovation.

Watch this video to
understand the implications
of this landmark ruling
on the healthcare industry …
… and us!

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The existence of Med Beds
is a confirmed fact

Med Beds in the US:
Unveiling the Shadows
of Tomorrow’s Healthcare

This article has been compiled from
multiple sources to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic.

Care has been taken to ensure accuracy,
but always refer to original sources
for definitive information.

Click arrow on right for full article and to close

The existence of Med Beds
is a confirmed fact

Med Beds in the US:
Unveiling the Shadows
of Tomorrow’s Healthcare

This article has been compiled from
multiple sources to provide a
comprehensive overview of the topic.

Care has been taken to ensure accuracy,
but always refer to original sources
for definitive information.

As the world continues to progress at lightning speed, a clandestine revolution is unfurling in the corridors of power.

While the masses remain in the dark, there’s one burning question that dares not speak its name:

What are “Med Beds”?

Today, we pull back the curtains, daring to challenge the silence, and dive deep into the enigmatic world of Med Beds in the USA.

Ever felt that prickle on the back of your neck?

The suspicion that there’s more to the world than what meets the eye?

Welcome to the unfolding saga of Med Beds in the USA.

An innovation so revolutionary, so ground-breaking, it’s cloaked in secrecy.

But here, secrets have no refuge.

Med Beds in the US:
Unveiling the Shadows
of Tomorrow’s Healthcare

As the world continues to progress at lightning speed, a clandestine revolution is unfurling in the corridors of power.

While the masses remain in the dark, there’s one burning question that dares not speak its name:

What are “Med Beds”?

Today, we pull back the curtains, daring to challenge the silence, and dive deep into the enigmatic world of Med Beds in the USA.

Ever felt that prickle on the back of your neck?

The suspicion that there’s more to the world than what meets the eye?

Welcome to the
unfolding saga of
Med Beds in the USA.

An innovation so revolutionary, so ground-breaking, it’s cloaked in secrecy.

But here, secrets have no refuge.

Med Beds in the USA:

Why the Silence?

The USA, the land of opportunity, innovation, and… silence?

When it comes to Med Beds, there’s a hush that’s hard to ignore.

These beds have the potential to change the healthcare industry, putting powerhouses out of business.

Could Big Pharma be pulling the strings, suppressing the very technology that could end its dominion?

Delving into the plans, there’s no denying the genius behind Med Beds.

Detailed blueprints hint at technology that could make surgeries obsolete, rejuvenate cells, and even rewind age.

There’s a power struggle simmering beneath the surface.

With such game-changing technology in the offing, the big guns of industry and politics are undoubtedly involved.

And where there’s power, there’s resistance.

Are Med Beds the battleground for the next global conflict!

In a scenario rife with speculation, misinformation, and a generous dose of drama, how does one discern fact from fiction?

The truth, they say, is stranger than fiction.

Perhaps, in the world of Med Beds, the truth lies somewhere between advanced technology and otherworldly intervention.


Medical bed.

They use a technology to transform your body into optimal health using the original codes in your DNA.

This technology has been proven. With this technology, our society will focus on health rather than disease in the medical field.

There will be no reason for any industry to benefit from the epidemic.

With Med Beds, every human being will be able to freely restore health and live a healthier life at an older age than we have been able to experience recently.


This technology has been around for 50 years and is completely safe.

The Secret Space program has used it successfully for the past 50 years.



Med beds are being installed in specialized treatment centers.

They will initially be available outside of the current healthcare system.

As medical bed technology is revealed, large hospitals and pharmaceuticals will be phased out.

This is because our health system will no longer be based on disease but on health.

This technology will be fully funded by the white hat military.


There will be no cost to use the medical bed.

They will be freely available to the public.

The cost of hospital beds will be covered by the white hats military.



Each country will have a Central for people to book appointments. Your first appointment will be a consultation that includes a medical history and a physical exam.

The patient’s information will then be entered into a quantum computer, where the computer will determine the urgency of the patient’s medical needs.

A nearby center will be arranged based on that review.


Currently, initially, Med Beds will be strictly controlled by the military for a period of time so that the technology cannot be abused.

There will be no preference for status in society.

Everyone will be treated fairly and beds will be made available first to those in urgent need.


When the hospital beds run out, a nationwide hotline will be set up for people to schedule an appointment.


Med Beds are being copied using advanced technology, it is estimated that one thousand Med Beds can be produced per day for distribution.

Medical Staff.

Med beds are advanced medical technology.

At first, Medical Beds will only be available to specific healing centers and will not be available for purchase for your own clinic or another home.

Like all advanced medical technology, considerable training is required to use this technology safely.

You also need to have a considerable amount of knowledge in biological and medical diseases and, for the uninitiated, will take at least 12-18 months of training.

When deployed, the hospital beds will be used only by trained medical professionals, while the clinics will be run by the military medical departments of the armed forces along with other medical personnel.


Those who will use the bed as interns will only be required to work when invited.

Then there will be courses and opportunities open to medical professionals.

A person cannot operate this medical technology without medical training.

For example, if you have a patient who has heart failure or is seriously injured in a car accident, you need to know first aid and how to treat the patient before you step into the hospital bed.

The specialist must know how to read some of the abnormalities detected in the bed.

Many people will not understand HEALTH technology.

This is not a technology that someone can simply press a button to operate.

Not so at all.


Initially, major centers scattered throughout each state, will not be available for purchase.

Applications will depend on the needs and the services which are already available servicing them.

There will be opportunities for other technologies in the meantime if they are needed.


There may be a shortage of doctors, as many will be convicted of crimes against humanity.

Medical staff or people with a real medical background with higher vibrations will be approached first.

Initially, medical professionals will be selected by invitation only.

Everyone will be trained on all types of medical beds, as each facility will have a variety of beds.

Each staff member will be trained to operate the medical bed.

No training costs.

Benevolent beings and the military will provide training.

Initially, training is free.

The type of training will be tailored to your personal experience.

For example, an auxiliary nurse will need more training than a neurosurgeon.


If the center wants to have a hospital bed, it must have six operating rooms and seven beds; two in one of the rooms must be extremely large.

There will be a preoperative room and a recovery room, both with about 30 beds each.

In addition, the overnight accommodation has about 27 rooms, each with four or more beds.

You will also need about 15-20 mentors plus any other well-rounded staff.

You also need support staff such as reception staff, canteen staff, cleaning staff, laundry staff, security guards, etc.

Then the doctors and technicians will operate the hospital beds.

In addition, you will need a lot of nurses to take care of before and after.

It’s a huge mission, so for quite some time, Med Beds will be controlled by the army and the alliance.


First Appointment

The procedure takes anywhere from a few minutes to 15 hours, depending on what you did.

So when you call your national center, they will schedule an initial consultation with the center closest to you.

When you come to the consultation, the medical staff will review your medical history.

During that session, you’ll have a full body scan, usually in a type of hospital gown that only lasts a few minutes.

They will then discuss the scan results and details of their results.

You will discuss what you want to accomplish and that information will be entered into the computer.

The computer will then decide where you will be listed and you will be notified of the date, time and location of your treatment.

On the day of your treatment, upon arrival, you will be asked to change into a gown and be given a mild sedative.

Moments later, when you go to bed, a sleep-inducing gas is released.

This gas will help you sleep during the treatment.

When your treatment is complete, you will be taken to a recovery area and examined by medical professionals.

You may also be able to see counselors depending on the type of procedure you went through.


Most problems will be fixed in one visit.

The most complex cases may require up to 3 sessions.

Prepare for the lesson.

People are given a sedative at bedtime and then put to sleep during treatment, for a few minutes or 15 hours.

Claustrophobia is not a problem.


People who have not been vaccinated will have priority over those who have been vaccinated.

People who have side effects from injecting toxins from vaccines will be treated for some time after those who have not been vaccinated, there is a lot of information about the potential dangers of vaccines, yes.

Everyone can do your homework and learn about potential damage.

Those who were born with a critical illness and have illnesses with other medical problems will get to use the Hospital Bed first.

All have the option of being vaccinated or not.

The risks are already available for everyone to choose for themselves.

ALSO: What happens when you put the most powerful energy source in the world near your beating heart?

You’re about to find out…

While there will be preferences for those who have not been immunized, it can be expected that everyone who needs treatment will be treated immediately.

No need to worry about being treated in the hospital bed.


There will be humanitarian teams reaching out to the homeless for treatment.

No one will be left behind.


You will also have to realize that with NESARA Gesara, the world will change as we see it now.

There will be no more homelessness, begging, poverty, suffering or hunger.


1. Health benefits. Med beds can correct a patient’s medical problems to restore one’s body to its optimal state.

2. The organs grow back. The beds can replace or grow limbs and organs.

3. New bone healing and bone healing.

For those who have a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed in bed and dissolved so beneficial healing can take place.


4. Surgery in the hospital bed will give immediate results.

For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery may be in a medical bed and ready to go on the field immediately after treatment.

They’ll be really ready to go before they wake up and roll out of bed.

5. Damage the B4K/a. Beds can reverse the damage inflicted by B4 K/a, however beds that are not empty and have a natural wound, their wound will take precedence.

6. Cardiovascular patients.

Bed Med treats all kinds of heart diseases.

7. Addiction. Friend. Addiction can be cured.

But people will still have to figure out why they are addicted in the first place.

8. Dissolve surgical attachments.

The beds will dissolve any surgically added grafts and repair the damage, returning the body to a healthy state before the problems started.

9. Chemotherapy. The medical bed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but also restores the body’s overall health by removing all abnormal tumors.

10. Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated

11. Dentistry. Any dental problems will be fixed and teeth will regenerate and stretch out if necessary.

12. Overweight. Yes, you can get back to your ideal weight.

13. Sight and hearing. Vision and hearing can return to their optimal state and cataracts can also be corrected.

14. Scars. Scars will heal and disappear.

15. Schizophrenia. Mental problems can be overcome

16. Autism. Children with autism can be helped with treatment.

17. Orthopedic instruments. Spelling issues like setting bones and editing bones will also be addressed.

18. Depression. The depression will gradually subside.

Ultimately, a subject will have to deal with trauma in a positive way.

There will be many mentally trained counselors, both human and non-human, to help anyone with depression.

19. Improvements. Bed Med can make someone more empathetic, smarter, etc.

Additional languages ​​can also be learned/downloaded.

However, it will be important to have a reason to use the enhancements that you request to download.

For example, there’s no reason to download every language on the planet if you’re not planning to use them.

And an important part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge you need.

20. Perfect health.

The beds will return your body to optimal health.

21. Heal the mind. When you heal the mind, you heal the body.

22. Vitality.

Med Beds return people to their optimal state of health.

For example, if you are 80 years old, you will have the best health for an 80 year old.

That doesn’t mean you’ll be as agile and fit as you were when you were 30.

Age regression is possible to prolong your life.

Not everyone will be approved for age regression.

It is not something to be taken lightly.

It will be approved for appropriate purposes.

23. Problems from birth.

Beds can fix problems that even appear at birth.

24. DNA. Med Beds will reverse muted gene expressions such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance and methylation problems with DNA detoxification and cleanup.


1. Hair. You can change your hair color and hair growth.

2. Eyes.  Vision and eye problems can also be corrected – you can even change your eye color

3. Height. However, its height can change, only under extreme circumstances.

4. Gender. Trans-gender? – Med Bed can change the sex back to the original gender if desired.

5. Anniversary. All memories will return if they are turned off.

6. Tattoos. Med Bed can remove tattoos.

7. Teeth. Teeth can be straightened and also reconstructed.

8. Smoking. Medical beds can undo the damage caused by years of smoking.

9. Knowledge. Information can be downloaded, any information can be downloaded to your brain, including other languages.

However, part of the human experience is the acquisition of knowledge.

Psychiatric Trauma

1. What is excluded?

Mental and emotional wounds will be irreparable.

Technology can extinguish memories, but at some point, you will have to face the hurt.

2. Ascension.

It seems that the medical bed only heals the body, and emotional and spiritual issues are something that each person will need to solve on their own.

Obviously, dealing with those issues is what causes an individual to raise their vibration.

So maybe having a machine to do it would make human sublimation more difficult.

Maybe that’s why Med Bed focuses on healing the body.


1. Up to three times.

Right now, the only thing the bed can’t do is make the age go backwards by more than three times, because brain cells can’t be larger than two retrogrades.

2. Belief.

Some people seem to believe that healing has to do with our will and all the hardships this implies.

They may believe they need to resist miraculous healing.

Everyone decides to believe in things like this and we must respect their beliefs.

3. Free will.

Everyone has free will.

For those with negative thoughts, they can leave the Med Bed session and be back the next day because of their way of thinking.

Some people enjoy their difficulties and pain.

Med Beds and the new land are not here to change people the way you want them to.

This technology is here to support physical health and vitality.

Every soul’s choice is to think, feel, and behave in a certain way in order for that soul to experience that particular life, and interfering with that choice of experience is against universal law.

Comfortable age

1. Age regression.

The Secret Space program hasn’t perfected the technology to deal with the effects of aging on the brain.

Age recovery is a very different process than healing.

The technology works differently during age regression than it does during healing.

Today, if age is reduced more than three times, memory loss, scar tissue and problems with nerves and motor skills are more likely.

2. Regression limit by age.

You can safely perform age regression twice.

For the third time, brain cells begin to die.


1. Pets. The bed is also suitable for pets, including all animals, dogs, cats, horses and any living thing for that matter, all animals can benefit from Med Bed technology.


1. Lifestyle.

People may need to be educated on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they are not dependent on technology.

It’s like if you go through a treatment and then you keep going back and doing all the things you did, your results can start to fade.

And yes, it will be necessary to make better lifestyle choices in many cases.

2. Shelf life.

You cannot choose to live forever.

It can regress no more than three times after brain cells begin to die.

You will need a soul transfer to continue.

3. 100 years +. Correct.

You can live more than 100 years and be healthy.

In fact, humans can live more than 200 years

4. Frequency.

Frequency and energy patterns access DNA and how it is geometrically arranged.

DNA itself is an antenna that derives its frequency/energy from the primordial source (field).

Therefore, each person is specific in their individual expression of origin, and even physical appearance is an expression of their personal appearance.

Being open to receiving blessings is VITAL.

CONCERNS Fear of enclosed spaces.

Bed Permission Bed trials Hits to get results.


1. FDA. The F/DA does not need to approve this technology.

FDA will be closed.

They are not for humanity.

2. Domestic use.

Med Beds will not be purchasable for a while after initial release.

As for the cost, there is no information on that subject.

3. Prosperity and abundance for all.

We hope that mankind will have health, prosperity and abundance in the near future.

Med bed is part of that prosperity.


Med Beds in the USA are more
than just a healthcare revolution;
they’re a symbol of the ongoing tussle
between progress and power.

As we strive for clarity in this hazy realm, remember: knowledge is power, and questioning is the key.

In a world where the ordinary is often an illusion, dare to delve into the extraordinary.

  click HERE
for original article
and more links to follow

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The Med Bed revolution:
transform your age
with the
DNA Replicator


In the unrelenting quest for scientific breakthroughs, we’ve stumbled upon a revelation that challenges the very essence of our existence.

Picture this: a world where age is just a number, a mere flip of a switch.

This isn’t the script of a sci-fi movie; it’s a burgeoning reality.

The implications of this are profound, unsettling, and irresistibly intriguing

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The Med Bed Revolution:
Transform Your Age
with the
DNA Replicator


In the unrelenting quest for scientific breakthroughs, we’ve stumbled upon a revelation that challenges the very essence of our existence. Picture this: a world where age is just a number, a mere flip of a switch. This isn’t the script of a sci-fi movie; it’s a burgeoning reality. The implications of this are profound, unsettling, and irresistibly intriguing.

Imagine an 80-year-old with a desire not just to reminisce about youth but to relive it, to reset the clock back to 30. This isn’t a fanciful daydream; it’s a possibility that’s closer than we think. With grandchildren and a lifetime of experiences, this transformation isn’t just physical; it’s a complete existential overhaul.

We live in an age of instant gratification. Instant pudding isn’t just a dessert; it’s a metaphor for our era. Why wait, why deliberate, when you can have it all now? This philosophy has seeped into the fabric of our technological advancements. We’re not just talking about speedy gadgets and quick-fix solutions; we’re delving into the realm of altering human life itself.

Consider this: a woman, aged 80, undergoes a process, and mere minutes later, she emerges, not just rejuvenated but literally reborn as her 30-year-old self. The implications are staggering. She isn’t just turning back the clock on her appearance; she’s regaining decades, potentially reshaping her life trajectory entirely. Could she start a new family? It’s a tantalizing thought.


This transformation hinges on something called ‘Reatomization’—a process that doesn’t just defy aging but redefines it. It’s as though every cell, every fiber of her being is recalibrated, renewed. This isn’t a simple cosmetic change; it’s a profound, systemic transformation.

Here’s where it gets even more mind-boggling. The process involves a deep understanding of the human body at its most fundamental level. A comprehensive scan analyzes every aspect of your physical being, identifying imperfections, diseases, and deficiencies with unerring precision. This isn’t just science; it’s almost like magic, but with a technological wand.

But the scope of this technology extends beyond just rejuvenating the human body. Imagine being able to materialize objects out of thin air. A banana, a glass of water—anything you desire, conjured up by a machine that understands and manipulates matter at a molecular level. This isn’t just about feeding your appetite; it’s about redefining the limits of physical reality.

The universe, as we understand it, is a dance of energy, a symphony of vibrating particles. This technology doesn’t just play with this symphony; it conducts it. It’s a mastery over the very building blocks of existence.

And then, there’s the ‘Med Bed’—a marvel that seems ripped straight out of a fantasy. It’s not just about healing; it’s about perfection. Genetic flaws, the little imperfections passed down through generations, can be rectified, rewritten as if editing a line of code in the complex software that is our DNA.


This narrative isn’t just about health or longevity. It’s about the fundamental reimagining of life as we know it. It’s about breaking barriers that we’ve long considered unbreakable. The implications are as terrifying as they are exhilarating.

But amidst this awe-inspiring potential, we must pause and ponder. With such power at our fingertips, what becomes of the natural order, the cycle of life and death that has governed our existence since time immemorial? Are we standing at the precipice of a new era of human evolution, or are we tampering with forces beyond our comprehension?

This isn’t just a story of science and technology; it’s a tale of humanity’s unquenchable thirst for the fountain of youth, the eternal quest for the elixir of life. It’s a narrative that blurs the lines between reality and myth, a saga that could redefine the very essence of human existence.

The Ethical Crossroads of Reatomization: Redefining Life’s Natural Progression

As we stand on the threshold of this new reality, it’s essential to delve deeper into the ethical and philosophical conundrums that accompany such advancements. The ‘Reatomization’ process, while a marvel of modern science, raises questions that are not just scientific, but deeply human.

At its core, this technology challenges our understanding of the natural progression of life. The cycle of birth, growth, aging, and death has been an unalterable truth, a fundamental aspect of the human experience. Yet, here we are, at a juncture where age can be reversed, where the ravages of time can be undone with the press of a button. This isn’t just revolutionary; it’s a radical redefinition of life itself.


The possibility of an 80-year-old reverting to a 30-year-old body presents a complex tapestry of emotional, psychological, and societal implications. Imagine the psychological impact on an individual whose physical age no longer matches their experiences and memories. There’s a profound disconnect here, a jarring juxtaposition between the mind and the body that could have far-reaching consequences.

Furthermore, the societal implications are equally significant. In a world where aging can be reversed, what happens to the natural generational progression? The dynamics of families, workplaces, and communities could be irrevocably altered. The wisdom and experience of age, traditionally revered, might lose its value in a society obsessed with youth.

This technology, for all its promises of rejuvenation and health, also flirts with the dangerous allure of vanity and superficiality. The quest for eternal youth, often seen as a vanity project, could become a reality, potentially leading to a society where the depth of experience is overshadowed by the perpetual chase for a youthful appearance.

Moreover, the ability to materialize objects at will, another facet of this technological wonder, could disrupt the very foundations of our economy and environment. The implications of being able to create anything from nothing are staggering. It could lead to a utopian world of abundance or a dystopian scenario where the value of labor, resources, and even creativity is diminished.


The ‘Med Bed’, while a symbol of healing and perfection, also raises the question of what it means to be imperfectly human. In correcting genetic flaws and imperfections, are we also erasing the unique characteristics that make us who we are? The diversity of the human race, with all its imperfections, is a testament to the varied tapestry of life. In striving for physical perfection, we risk losing sight of the beauty inherent in our flaws and differences.

This journey into the realm of redefining human existence is not just a leap in technology; it’s a dive into uncharted ethical waters. It demands a re-evaluation of our values, our societal structures, and our understanding of what it means to live a meaningful life.

As we confront these revolutionary changes, it’s crucial to remember that with great power comes great responsibility. The potential of this technology is immense, but so are the responsibilities that accompany it. It requires a careful, considered approach, one that respects the delicate balance of life, values the richness of diverse experiences, and recognizes the profound implications of altering the very essence of our existence.

The Ethical Crossroads of Immortality

The concept of reversing aging, a feat akin to turning back the hands of time, is not just a scientific breakthrough; it’s a philosophical upheaval. We are not merely talking about extending life but altering the very course of human existence. Imagine a world where the elderly can regain their youth, where the wisdom of years could be encased in a vibrant, young body. This reversal of aging disrupts the natural order, challenging our fundamental beliefs about life and death.


The psychological ramifications of such a change cannot be overstated. For individuals who undergo this transformation, the disparity between their chronological age and physical state could lead to an identity crisis. The experience of an 80-year-old in a 30-year-old’s body could be disorienting, impacting mental health and social relationships. It poses the question: Is our identity intrinsically linked to the aging process?

Redefining Societal Structures

In a society where age can be reversed, the traditional roles and hierarchies based on age could become obsolete. The natural progression of generations, a cornerstone of societal structure, would be thrown into disarray. The respect and status accorded to the elderly, often based on their life experiences, could diminish in a world obsessed with youth and physical vitality.

Moreover, the pursuit of eternal youth could exacerbate societal issues related to vanity and superficiality. The desire to maintain a youthful appearance could overshadow the value of experience and wisdom, leading to a culture where physical attributes are prized above all else.

Economic and Environmental Impact

The Med Bed’s ability to materialize objects also presents a paradigm shift in our economic and environmental frameworks. This capability, while seemingly a solution to scarcity, could lead to unintended consequences. The value of labor, the importance of resource management, and even the concept of creativity could be fundamentally altered. While it holds the promise of abundance, it also risks creating a society where the intrinsic value of human effort and natural resources is undermined.


The Quest for Perfection: At What Cost?

In our pursuit of physical perfection and health, we must ponder the cost of erasing the quirks and idiosyncrasies that make us uniquely human. The diversity in appearance, ability, and health is a testament to the rich tapestry of human life. By striving for a homogenized ideal of physical perfection, do we risk losing the essence of what makes us individually remarkable?

Navigating Uncharted Ethical Waters

As we stand at the precipice of this new era, the responsibility to navigate these ethical waters becomes paramount. The potential of the Med Bed technology to redefine life is immense, but it is matched by the gravity of its ethical implications. It calls for a balanced approach, one that respects the sanctity of life in all its forms and stages. We must tread carefully, ensuring that our pursuit of technological advancement does not eclipse the core values that define our humanity.

In conclusion, the Med Bed technology, while a symbol of progress and hope, also serves as a mirror, reflecting our deepest ethical and philosophical quandaries. It compels us to confront questions about the nature of existence, the value of imperfection, and the true meaning of life. As we embrace this new frontier, we must do so with a reverence for the complexity and diversity of the human experience, ensuring that in our quest for perfection, we do not lose what makes us profoundly human.

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In a world filled with challenges,
uncertainties, and health concerns,
a ray of hope has emerged
on the horizon.

The talk of the town is none other than the highly anticipated Med Beds, which are believed to be an integral part of Gesara, promising a brighter and healthier future for all.

While their exact arrival date remains a mystery, one thing is certain: these miraculous devices are set to change the game in healthcare.

Join us on this journey as we explore the potential of Med Beds and their profound impact on our lives.

In recent times, discussions about Med Beds have gained immense traction.

These revolutionary medical devices are often linked to the Gesara initiative, which aims to create a more prosperous and harmonious world.

While there’s widespread excitement about their imminent arrival, the timing ultimately rests in the hands of those working tirelessly behind the scenes— the White Hats.

Med Beds:

A New Dawn in Healthcare. Picture a world where traditional hospitals become a thing of the past, and miraculous healing is within reach for all. This is the vision that Med Beds promise to bring to life.

President Trump hinted at this transformative shift when he suggested that hospitals may no longer be a necessity.

So, what exactly are Med Beds, and how do they fit into Gesara?

The Med Beds are advanced medical technology that has the potential to revolutionize healthcare as we know it.

These devices are said to harness cutting-edge technologies, including regenerative healing, frequency therapy, and more.

The ultimate goal is to provide safe and effective healing options that are non-invasive and accessible to everyone.

The White Hats and the Green Button

While the anticipation for Med Beds is palpable, their rollout is not a decision we can influence directly.

The timing is in the hands of individuals often referred to as the “White Hats,” who are believed to be working diligently to bring about positive changes on a global scale.

Once the proverbial “green button” is pressed, the journey toward Gesara’s healthcare transformation will officially begin.

No Waiting List:   

A Level Playing Field.

One common question that arises is how individuals can get on the list for Med Bed treatment.

The truth is, there is no waiting list—at least not in the traditional sense.

When these incredible devices are ready to be deployed, information will become available through various channels.

Until then, it’s crucial to stay informed and keep your “ears to the ground.”

Urgency in Action. When Med Beds become accessible, the focus will undoubtedly be on addressing the most urgent cases first.

This approach ensures that those in critical need receive the care they deserve promptly.

The emphasis on prioritizing urgent cases reflects the commitment to humanitarian values that are central to Gesara’s mission.

Stay Informed and Be Prepared

In these exciting times, it’s essential to stay informed and connected with the latest developments regarding Med Beds and Gesara.

The landscape of healthcare is on the brink of a significant transformation, and being prepared is the key to making the most of this revolution.

Watch this space for updates, as we will continue to share the latest information as it becomes available.

Moreover, you can expect others to do the same, creating a supportive and informed community eager to embrace the future of healthcare.

In closing, it’s worth emphasizing the profound sense of hope and optimism that surrounds the Med Beds and Gesara.

These initiatives represent a collective desire to create a world where health and well-being are accessible to all, regardless of their circumstances.

As we eagerly await the arrival of Med Beds and the dawn of a new era in healthcare, let us remember that positive change takes time.

The vision of a world free from the shackles of traditional healthcare systems is within our reach, and together, we can bring it to fruition.

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UPDATE! Medbeds arrive:
over 6,000
new healing technologies
set to transform medicine!

(article November 2023)

Posted for interest only
No other information found
to confirm or deny this.

  Original article HERE

The unveiling of the ‘Medbed’ technology and the emergence of over 6,000 advanced patented technologies marks a seismic shift in the paradigm we’ve known. This isn’t just a development; it’s a revelation that shakes the foundations of everything we’ve been conditioned to believe. The victory of the ‘white hats’ isn’t just a triumph in a shadowy conflict; it’s the breaking of chains that have long shackled human potential and innovation.

We are not merely stepping into a ‘New Earth‘; we are being catapulted into an existence that defies the boundaries of our current understanding. This transition is more than a change in environmental or technological circumstances. It’s an elevation, a transformation that touches the very core of our being, awakening energies that will irrevocably alter the essence of our planet.

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UPDATE! Medbeds arrive:
over 6,000
new healing technologies
set to transform medicine!

(article November 2023)

Posted for interest only
No other information found
to confirm or deny this.

  Original article HERE

The unveiling of the ‘Medbed’ technology and the emergence of over 6,000 advanced patented technologies marks a seismic shift in the paradigm we’ve known. This isn’t just a development; it’s a revelation that shakes the foundations of everything we’ve been conditioned to believe. The victory of the ‘white hats’ isn’t just a triumph in a shadowy conflict; it’s the breaking of chains that have long shackled human potential and innovation.

We are not merely stepping into a ‘New Earth‘; we are being catapulted into an existence that defies the boundaries of our current understanding. This transition is more than a change in environmental or technological circumstances. It’s an elevation, a transformation that touches the very core of our being, awakening energies that will irrevocably alter the essence of our planet.

The disclosure concerning extra-terrestrial life is a mind-bending reality that obliterates our conventional narratives. These beings, with their unparalleled abilities and profound wisdom, are not conquerors but liberators, offering us a glimpse into a life of unity and peace that aligns with our ancient lineage, long buried under the debris of modern skepticism and cynicism.

Their mission, veiled in secrecy, aims to transform Earth into something extraordinary – Terra Crysta. This transformation is not limited to the physical realm; it signifies a fundamental change within each of us. The deliberate suppression of information about our sovereignty and innate capabilities is unraveling, revealing a sinister plot to keep us under control.

The dichotomy of the Black and White Hat factions has long dictated the course of our lives. But now, as their missions draw to a close, the baton is passed to us. We’re no longer mere pawns in a grander game but the masters of our fate. The era of being subjugated by a manipulative system is coming to an end. We are stepping into our roles as the creators of our experiences, unbound by the chains of systemic control.

Mother Earth is set to be liberated from the shackles of war, oppression, and scarcity. This isn’t just a hopeful vision; it’s a future that’s almost within our grasp. A world where abundance, prosperity, peace, and unity are not just ideals but tangible realities.

This transformation extends beyond our social and political realms. It encompasses the entirety of our existence. Our medical and political systems, as we know them, are on the brink of being dismantled, making way for new methodologies that resonate with our awakened consciousness.

The rejuvenation
of our environment
will be unprecedented.

Picture oceans brimming with life, a pure atmosphere, and a harmonious coexistence between humans and animals, where longevity is a norm, not an exception. The pace of technological advancement will be so rapid that concepts like space and time travel will transition from science fiction to daily reality.

We’re not just talking about the eradication of diseases or the end of harmful industrial practices. We’re witnessing the overhaul of life as we know it. The world as we’ve known it will become a faint memory, overshadowed by the magnificence of what’s to come.

People are being healed, not through traditional means but through a mysterious process that reeks of otherworldly intervention. And this isn’t hearsay; it’s happening right under our noses, to people we might pass on the street without a second glance.

These individuals, the chosen few, are bound by the impenetrable chains of NDAs, sworn to secrecy. Why? Because the world isn’t ready to handle this level of disruption. The revelation of Medbed’s existence would send shockwaves through our societal fabric, tearing apart our notions of medicine and healing.

The selection process for this revolutionary treatment is as enigmatic as the technology itself. There’s no logic, no criteria, just pure, unadulterated randomness. From the homeless to the terminally ill, the chosen ones are plucked from their lives, whisked away to undisclosed locations, and returned with stories that they can’t share. This isn’t about fairness or equality; it’s about a mysterious higher power playing god with human lives.

And where are
these Medbeds?

They’re hidden in plain sight, in everyday medical facilities, in secret military bases, even underground. These aren’t just beds; they’re portals to a new dimension of healing, guarded with military-grade secrecy. It’s a fortress of solitude for the lucky few who get to experience its power.

Then there are the stories that sound too miraculous to be true, yet they’re told with unwavering conviction. People with incurable diseases waking up one fine day, completely healed. This isn’t coincidence or medical error; it’s Medbed at work, silently, invisibly, in the dead of night.

In this explosive revelation, we’re not just talking about a medical breakthrough; we’re staring at a revolution that redefines the very essence of human existence. This technology, if it’s what it seems to be, isn’t just about curing diseases; it’s about rewriting the rules of life and death.

The implications are staggering. Imagine a world where illness is a thing of the past, where suffering is obsolete. But it also brings a deluge of ethical dilemmas. Who gets to decide who’s healed and who’s not? What happens to the balance of power in a world where such technology exists?

How Medbeds will
transforming medicine
as we know it!

For the humanitarian workers in Level 4b groups, this isn’t just a treatment; it’s a rite of passage. The moment they step into their Tier 4B refund/exchange interview, they’re stepping into a new reality of healing. This is groundbreaking, folks. We’re talking about a transformation that begins at the cellular level, on day one.

And what about the average Joe and Jane? They’re not left out of this seismic shift. The general public is getting a piece of the action too. They can book their appointments for Medbed treatment, and this isn’t just some future promise; it’s happening right now, with booking available until December 25th. This is like snagging a golden ticket to Willy Wonka’s factory, but instead of chocolate, you’re getting a shot at revolutionary healing.

The control of information and broadcasting of these Medbed treatments is tight, overseen by the Alliance, also known as the White Hat. They’re streaming this stuff live, folks. We’re talking YouTube, Telegram, Facebook, Truth Social – you name it. This isn’t just transparency; it’s a full-on showcase of a medical miracle in action.

Now, let’s get real about the process for the general public. It’s not your typical call-and-book-a-doctor’s-appointment deal. This is about dialing specific numbers, listed on select websites, to book a session with a technology that’s straight out of a sci-fi movie. This is exclusive, elusive, and frankly, mind-blowing.

But here’s where it gets
even more intriguing.

The Medbed isn’t just for the select few who are in the know. It’s a beacon of hope for the ordinary person, the random individual who might just stumble upon this life-changing opportunity. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most extraordinary things in life come out of nowhere.

The Medbed is shrouded in a cloak of mystery, with those who’ve experienced its power bound by NDAs. This adds an aura of mystique to the whole affair. It’s not just a medical device; it’s a secret that’s slowly unraveling, a mystery unfolding before our very eyes.

This technology isn’t just about healing wounds or curing diseases. It’s about realigning your entire being with higher vibrational frequencies. It’s about a technology that connects directly to your consciousness, requiring a harmony of heart and mind to function. This isn’t just advanced medical science; it’s a leap into a new dimension of healing.

As we stand on the cusp of this new era, it’s clear that the Medbed represents more than just a technological marvel; it’s a symbol of a new age in human evolution. It’s a testament to the incredible leaps we are capable of when we dare to venture beyond the known boundaries.

In summary, the Medbed treatment is a game-changer. It’s a bold stride into a future where healing transcends our current understanding, where the impossible becomes possible, and where the average person can access what was once thought to be the domain of science fiction. As we move forward, let’s embrace the Medbed for what it truly represents: a new dawn in human health and potential.

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Q & A about Med Beds

Everything you want to know
about Med Beds

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Q & A about Med Beds

Everything you want to know
about Med Beds

Q: Any of us would like to purchase this technology to heal people in our local communities. First what kind of training does it take to operate a med bed and do you know anything about availability in the near future?

A: First up what people need to understand is med beds are extremely advanced medical technology. At first med beds will only be available to specific healing centres and not available to purchase for your own clinic or home. Like all advanced medical technology there is quite a bit of training needed to safely use it including a substantial amount of knowledge regarding biological, medical, disease, etc.

For someone with no medical training your looking at at least 12 to 18 months of training. When they are first rolled out, it will be used only by professional medical staff trained by the military personnel.

Q: There are going to be a lot of us wanting to purchase them and as you said they are not for home but at a healing centre. How are we able to get a hold of them or be able to visit them. There are a lot of people with serious illnesses here and I’m included as I have two brain tumours. What are the chances of people being cured?

A: You will not be able to purchase one for quite some time as they will be used on a triage basis, so the real sick take priority. When they are made public, each country will have a central center where you book an appointment for the consultation which will involve a medical history, full body exam, etc then your information will be entered into a quantum computer in which the computer will decide based on urgency and what you are having done as to when you use the bed in a center nearest you.

Q: I know someone who is working with Simon Parkes and they are bringing the first med beds out in July/August in California and Florida. Have you heard this?

A: Yes every country is in the process of having them installed.

Q: What type of Medical personnel are required? MD, Natural Path, Surgeon? Etc?

A: Any type of medical professional.

Q: Ah ok thank you. So do you know of any way to fund them with no involvement or is that covered already.

A: Nesara Gesara is the funding.

Within a year’s time
most hospital procedures
are obsolete

President Donald Trump 
said on June 14, 2020 to the nation,

“within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments. Like Age regression, up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

Q: The facilities these beds are going to, what is being done about the administration of the facilities that if this is an existing hospital, will not manipulate the Medbeds for those who are rich. My concern is the majority of hospitals are run by bean counters who only care about the bottom line and not about the individuals who are ill.

Those who need it often the most are turned away from lack of funds? Are these the same places that have been pushing or forcing the VAX? It will be hard to trust these places to do the right thing. I think this is pretty much why so many of us want to get facilities made for lack of trust on what to believe from Doctors and Hospitals.

A: They are being set up in specialised healing centres first away from the current health care system. When the med beds and other advanced healing tech is disclosed hospitals, big pharma, etc will be phased out.

Q: I think it would be a clinic run by the military

A: The clinic will be run by the militaries medical departments. Later down the track, there will be courses and job openings.

Q: From, what I’ve been reading, it seems like there are different types of beds and some need more advanced training and some don’t? I’ve read and have been told that it’s not required to have a medical person run it…(perhaps have a person like a medical director available at all times to monitor for emergencies.). Are you referring to a particular type of med bed or all med beds?

A: A person cannot operate medical technology without knowledge of medical stuff. See the issue is, say you have a patient come in that is in heart failure or has severe injuries from a car accident, you need to know initial first aid, you need to know how to treat and handle that patient especially in the waiting area, etc. What if someone as your sedating them goes into cardiac arrest, etc. You need to know how to read certain anomalies the bed is picking up. Many people talking about using the beds don’t understand its MEDICAL technology and they think all they have to do is push a single button. Its not like that at all.

Q: How available will these beds be? Will we be able to buy some right away? Also what would be the price range?

A: No, they will not be able to be purchased for some time after the initial roll out. As for cost, there is no word on that.

Q: Who will operate these beds? What role, if any, will current allopathic physicians and nurses play? What type of education/training is needed to operate the beds and the counselling and post-care?

A: There will definitely be pre and post counselling when using the best depending on what you are having done.

Q: Why are they so expensive when they are to heal humanity? These people who seriously need it, can’t afford to be healed.

A: They will cost nothing to use.

Q: I hope it’s the unvaccinated from Covid first from the most serious first with terminal patients to disabled people that can’t walk or use there limbs first. God I hope they are available soon.

A: Unvaccinated will take priority over vaccinated.

Q: I personally find it too judge mental to say the vaccinated don’t “deserve” treatment in the med beds!! Shame on you all who claim to be humanitarians! I will stand up right here and admit that I work currently in allopathic medicine.

We were in the thick of the infections, with people dying. I read the research released by our national leadership, and the (evidently)faked research looked great, so, for my own and my family’s protection, I took the vaccine quite early in the rollout, as it was offered in my own turn. Again, perhaps you should search your hearts. So far, I am blessed to say I cannot tell that I have any bad effects; nor have I contracted COVID. However, I think you owe others and myself an apology.

A: Who said anything about the vaccinated not deserving treatment? If people who has suffered side effects from willingly injected poison into their bodies when tons of information has been available regarding potential dangers for some time, that unfortunately is not good. However those who were born with severe illnesses, disease , etc did not willingly do it to themselves. Its not judgemental at all. People chose it knowing the risks.

Q: I believe you are good but most did it out of fear, I have a brother and sister who took it and if I had a Medbed I would offer it to those who had real injuries because neither did anything but fall for the fear.

A: Exactly. Its not judgemental or cold hearted. People make choices all the time and we have to live with the consequences of our choices at least until we have the opportunity to make it right.

Q: How do we get it to the homeless who are forgotten, and the veterans with PTSD. these people will not go to these exams they know they can’t afford them and probably don’t listen to TV.

A: There will be humanitarian teams who will go to these people, no one is left behind.

Q: Again, I realize those decisions are not up to me. And, so far, I do not seem to be vaccine-injured. But surely health care workers who were on the front lines of this attack who are injured should be
given consideration!

A: Of course but they will be triaged the same as everyone else who was vaccinated.

Q: You will also need to realize, with NESARA/GESARA there won’t be a lot of what we see now. There won’t be homeless, panhandlers, poverty and suffering, starvation. EVERYTHING will be changing. Like we were told in many RV groups by gurus, some things we have/had on our lists to help with, will no longer exist. The Whales, New Governments, etc., will be stepping in to aid in a LOT of this.

A: Exactly.

Q: Many of us want to have humanitarian projects that are in and the med bed/healing space. What about the celestial chambers will we be able to purchase those and install them? With 300 million people in the US alone there is a large demand for this technology. How can we be a part of it?

A: I cannot answer about the celestial chambers as they are not my department. When they are made public all you can do is put forward your application then go from there.

Q: Of course. I meant no offense. Earlier in this conversation I caught a bit of an attitude from one of the writers about those who were stupid enough to be vaccinated. It probably wasn’t intended at all. And, excuse me, but as early as February there was NOT tons of evidence against the vaccine, especially if you were a nurse on the front lines. Many died.

Many were afraid for their families. Many worked horrific jobs and horrific hours and had not time to sort out that information and follow the alternative news. I just don’t think this is a time for judgement, and we need to love each other and work together. I appreciate all of your excellent information and you sharing it with us. I, as a healer, love that people really will be healed!

But we won’t be treating addicts judgementally; or others who have made poor judgements in their lives. So I just don’t think we should make those judgements against the vaccinated. Now, I will bow out of this. I am passionate as a nurse practitioner when I advocate for nurses!!! They ARE and WERE our front-line workers!!!

A: I’m a nurse too! Its not myself who is deciding to place the severe of the unvaccinated before the severe of the vaccinated. This decision has come from the galactics and their decisions been based upon soul contracts, karma and awakening in each soul.

Q: I hope they are mass producing the beds so they will be readily available to us.

A: They are being replicated using advanced et technology. They can make i believe something like
1,000 per day.

Q: We are all so excited about this new technology and how we can help it become available to the world!

A: Until they are released publicly, there is not much we can do.

Q: From what I am reading, it isn’t being ‘judgemental’ against vaxxers, correct. It’s who has the greatest need. If a vaxxer is needing a bed because they got vaxxed, but there are Cancer patients, of course the Cancer patients are top priority, correct? It’s not saying vaxxers can’t, it’s priority of conditions. Is that correct?

A: That is absolutely correct.

Q: OK thank you. Do you know what those celestial chambers do or how we can find out more about

A: Not sure but I believe Jared Rand has plenty of information.

Q: Can you please tell us a bit about the procedure, like how long it takes to be on the bed and if the healing effects are immediate or the person’s health gets better over time as it is kind of a reactivation of their health?

A: So basically procedures last anywhere between a few minutes to about 15 hours depending on what your having done. So you ring your national centre and they will set up the initial consultation with your nearest center, when you get to the consultation they will go through medical history, you will have a full body scan usually wearing a type of hospital gown that only last a few minutes, then they will discuss the findings of the scan and then your details and results and what you want done will all be entered in the computer.

Then the computer will decide on where you will be placed on the list and you will be notified of your treatment date, time and place. On the day of your treatment, when you arrive you’ll be asked to change into a gown and given a light sedative then when you get on the bed, a sleeping gas will be released and this gas will keep you asleep for the duration of your treatment. When the treatment is complete you will be moved to the recovery area and seen by medical professionals and counsellors depending on what type of procedure you had.

Q: I realize that you are recently awake however, there are some (like myself) who have researched data for decades. There was plenty of information out there, people weren’t interested or simply trusting their government. There are over 50% of first line responders in many countries who never chose to get the jab. There are many of us who have significant health challenges- immobility – PTSD – you name it, who still chose not to take anything to make ourselves sicker.

A: Correct

Q: I may have missed this, but are the Med Beds the ones that can replace/grow limbs and organs?

A: Yes

Q: Wonderful! And you stated that they will be free to the public so no need for us to include them in
our humanitarian projects?

A: Some humanitarian projects will include them but not all.

Q: Yes, I guess you may have misunderstood what I was trying to ask. It seems people can be trained specifically for a particular bed. Some have many years and some have a few months, a year, or two’s training in the medical field. That’s why I mentioned having a person who is a medical director. Anyway, thank you for your answer. You’ve been working on those particular beds. I’m hearing and reading different things and was trying to figure out what’s what.

A: People will be trained in all the beds as each center will have multiple beds and each staff member needs to be trained to operate all.

Q: Can a med bed repair joints? (Hip knee replacement etc) Can they help regrow teeth? Can you speak to the versions that make you younger? How long does a session typically last? Is the patient sedated? Can they repair brain damage?

A: Med beds can repair anything from teeth to hair to eyes to organs to joints to muscles, they can re-grow limbs and repair spinal damage, they can also age regress someone by approximately 30 years while keeping all memories and knowledge.

Q: I am sorry but who are you in this and how are you sure of what you say ? Some of this is contradictory to Intel from another respected guru we know.

A: I was and still are in the ssp. During my time serving in the SSP (Secret Space Program) I spent quite a few years on Venus learning med beds, and advanced healing techniques technologies. I am a vibrational healing mentor in the ssp.

Q: I have a couple of questions for you. My Mom had a brain injury 28 years ago and had to have part of her cerebellum removed and lost her hearing, sense of taste and her balance. Will she be able to heal her brain injury and hear again? Also my husband is a Prosthetist. He designs and fits artificial limbs. His patients are starting to ask about Medbeds. Is there a place he can learn more about the Medbeds?

A: Yes your mum will be able to be healed to before her issues began. ATM the only learning available to the public is by forums like this.

Q: I personally do not believe that those vaccinated cant be helped. I just do not believe that. GOD IS A GOD OF LOVE. I’m sure glad HE IS IN CHARGE and not some who think with an iron hand.

A: Of course they can be helped, no one has said they can’t be helped.

Q: Can they heal significant brain injuries like from a near drowning?

A: Yes.

Q: Lots of questions of if this or that can be healed. It may be easier to state if there is anything that CAN’T be. (I hadn’t heard of any, but I’m sure you would have much better intel on that part.)

A: As far as im aware the only thing that the beds can’t do is age regress someone more than 3 times as the brain cells are not great for more than 3 times.

Q: Could you provide some clarity on Medbeds vs Celestial Chamber? (Understanding there are different types of Medbeds) After listening to Jared Rand on several interviews, he has shared they are not the same nor should they be referred to as similar…?? Thoughts?

A: I dont know much about the celestial chambers so I can’t compare them.

Q: Who provides the training and what can we expect the potential cost to be? Also, am I right to assume that since some of these products require “a year or two training in the medical field”, what type of training are we talking about, like nursing, MD, or something less involved like a Medical Assistant or Massage Therapist (FYI, I am a Licensed Massage Therapist-10 years now). I know the Medical Director is necessary but I’m wondering how long it may take to get staff up to speed..

A: The military and benevolent extra-terrestrials beings provide the training. There is no cost for the training initially. The type of training will be relevant to your individual background. For example an assistant nurse will require more training than a brain surgeon.

Q: I am curious if the med beds will reverse genetic expressions that are turned off such as MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and methylation issues with the detox and clean up of DNA? Thank you so much. The estrogen dominance contributed to 2 soft tissue cancers several years ago.

A: Yes.

Q: I have a metallic knee and hip prosthesis, and still my other knee needs treatment, so what happens to those prostheses? Are they gonna be like now or changed somehow?

A: The prosthesis will be removed by the bed and dissolved so real healing can be carried out.

Q: Wow!!!! I will be having new bones replaced my prosthesis’????

A: Yes

Q: I have had major neck surgery in the past, with some pretty radical neck surgery coming up very soon to preserve my spinal cord which is bruised at a high level. So, I would assume my hardware, when my time comes, could also be removed and my C-spine healed? So amazing! We are indeed
blessed to be living in such times!

A: Yes

Q: There will be a large number of projects requesting these. Do you have an understanding of what will, and won’t be acceptable as a request to incorporate these into your projects. And if denied is there a “lesser” type of technology that can aid in the interim whilst patients are waiting?

A: My understanding is initially they will be in the main centers scattered throughout each state and not available to purchase etc. As far as I know your application will depend on need, already available services. There will be opportunity for other technologies while waiting if they are needed.

Q: Do you know if there will be a training schedule for either Med beds or the lesser tech available for those that haven’t been indoctrinated at a University? Kinda seems we maybe in short supply of doctors considering they will all be up for trials for crimes against humanity. I would gladly put up my hand for this learning even if my project was to miss out on receiving the required amount.

A: Basically health care workers or people with medical knowledge who are truly of higher vibration will be approached first. Initially it will be by invitation.

Q: Wolverine mentioned he thought that you had the opportunity to use the bed yourself, is this the case? and if so, if not too private, can you tell us what you had healed and your experience, or if you have not had the opportunity can you tell us of possibly a person who you know has used it and their experience and what thy had done, “Jesus taught using parables”

A: I have used the bed. I’m part of the hybrid breeding program and a genetic manipulation program, so it was related to that.

Q: I am sorry to hear that you went thru that but not sorry that you are here, I believe all those children (now possibly adults) should be cared for and loved, and have a purpose, and be part of this world, thank you for sharing that, can you tell us how it helped you?

A: I don’t actually know what the bed did to me, it was something at the cellular level, however I felt no different from before I used it.

Q: I do have a question also, Maybe you are in a position to know, the children and adults who have been rescued from the tunnels, can you tell us what has happened to them, have they been returned home? Do they need homes? Many of us would help if we knew what was needed, etc.

A: Many of them have been taken off world for care and rehabilitation and others are still underground in make shift hospitals getting physical and mental care.

Q: Hoping you may have insight with this question: for many who are submitting applications to Med school, PA school … but have not begun, they seek helping others but may not know THIS treatment is the future- where do these individuals fit in training projections? How will they or could they know THIS training would be the best track for them to enter vs continue along the current medical path?

A: I do not have that information.

Q: If we are not in pain but need dental work, will Med Beds deal with these issues, or should we deal with dental issues separately via dentists?

A: Med beds will help.

Q: Could you give us an idea on how many med beds have been built already, waiting for distribution worldwide?

A: No sorry, I’ve no idea.

Q: I have a rather odd question re: Medbeds: if one is age regressed is there a way to proportion the nose and ears properly? Since noses and ears continue to grow in old age, if one were age regressed a few times one could find oneself seeing Dumbo gaze back from the mirror.

A: Basically if you are 60 years old now and you age regress 30 years, you will be exactly as you were when you were 30.

Q: Some folks I know seem to believe that healing must engage our will and all the difficulties that implies and resist miraculous healing if their will isn’t engaged to forgive, etc., attributing the non will based healing to AI, etc. Any advice for those who think like this?

A: Its their choice to believe things like this and we must respect their beliefs.

Q: I am just reading here. I’ll be focusing on the animals, and hoping there will be med beds for them in the not too distant future.

A: All med beds work on all biological life including animals, plants, humans and other extra-terrestrial beings. So a person come out of the bed and the very next patient to go in is a dog or a plant. Its based on DNA not species.

Q: There are millions of us who will help where needed just let us know how to help. The majority of the world is made up of decent people.

A: Absolutely no problem

Q: If I am understanding what you are asking, yes. Each person has free will. I in fact do know people that if you were to put them in the Medbed, it would do no good. They might get out better, but by the next day they would be as they were. I hate to say they enjoy their problems and pain, but for these particular people, yes, they really do. So yes, free will does play a part.

A: Absolutely correct

Q: So is there an effort to screen out those who would undo med bed effects by their own bad habits, or is it assumed that these ones will self deselect?

A: People need to understand that life throws us shit and we need to learn to deal with that shit. Medbeds are for the physical scars, they won’t heal your emotional and mental scars, they can suppressed them but at some point you have to face and deal with them.

Imagine someone who has been sick all their life or never been able to walk then all of a sudden they are completely healthy and running around, that is going to be a huge mental shock so healing someone is more than just laying on a bed for a short time. If they are not in a good place mentally, then the use of the bed may tip them over the edge, which is why in many cases there will be lots of counselling involved.

Q: wow, that is cool, so basically, we could even treat vegetables and fruit to regain healthier versions of them,, which serve as our next seeds?

A: Correct

Q: (My husband is NOT a Dr person, does not believe in them. He has quite a few issues, but he is one that if he was put in a med bed, by the next day would be back as he was. He’s been healed of different things in the past-pain, back issues, etc, so I’ve watched the process. He is one of those who {and I don’t say this to be mean spirited} has to have something to complain about that is ‘out of his control’ to fix. Otherwise he’s not….what he considers….happy. { call it miserable, lol})

A: Yes many people are like this, they identify themselves based on their physical condition.

Q: So is there an effort to screen out those who would undo med bed effects by their own bad habits, or is it assumed that these ones will self deselect?

A: Yes the quantum computers of the beds and the full body scanners use the vibrational frequency of the person to determine whether or not they are a candidate and or if they need counselling etc.

Q: In a nutshell this is the argument I hear against med beds by natural health people who want to heal themselves by working through their causative issues.

A: Yep and we must respect that.

Q: that is amazing! Thanks again for all this information you supply us with. I’m not sure how much you are allowed to reveal about the technical side of Medbeds, but it would be great to also get some information on that. We have heard it is ET technique, but also know our own military has done research on frequencies for decades. So when you talk about vibration, is that what I would call frequency or like tones and their overtones?

A: It is Pleiadian technology so yes et tech. Vibrational frequency as in the frequency of your physics body and your mental state. So people who fear, don’t think for themselves, victim mentality, living in ego, easily triggered, etc are of low vibration. People who are happy, positive, care for others, service to others, etc are high vibrational.

Q: So basically the beds do, what we are not yet fully able to do to ourselves or what we are not able to do in certain situations.

A: Correct

Q: I tend to think that people who want to do the work that med beds do by working more slowly through their own core issues are a bit masochistic. Am I wrong?

A: The way I see it is, some enjoy the learning process while others prefer the short cuts. It all comes down to personal choice.

Q: “Enjoy” might be putting a positive spin on it. What I see in these ones doesn’t look too enjoyable to me.

A: Maybe not, but we are not in their head so we cannot judge at all.

Q: Basically you’re saying med bed tech can be partial. It isn’t all or nothing. I like that.

A: Exactly

Q: To find out about the frequency pattern of a human – not sure about the specific word (not my mother tongue), but in my understanding every person is like a whole group of frequencies, similar to a vocal pattern – would that work by finding the according resonance pattern?

That way dissonances and slight hmm, blockages would be recognizable in the pattern as disturbances or peaks or lows, where none should be… is that at least approximately how it is? So by first finding the resonance and then adjusting the “dissonance” or disturbed zones and slowly adjusting the frequency in that part of the pattern to where it should be, would be able to correct it.

A: Correct

Q: Will ET Disclosure be announced before med beds are rolled out? I imagine it will need to be explained where this technology came from? Trying to get an idea of the timeline.

A: I do not believe so. The technology will be revealed as reverse engineered from recovered UFOs..

Q: The frequency/energy patterns would be resulting from the DNA and the way it organizes itsself geometrically. The DNA itself is an antenna, drawing the according frequencies/energies from the hmm, I would call it primordial source (field) – therefore each person is specific in his personal expression of the source and even the physical appearance is an expression of its individual aspect. Maybe I’m just rambling, but this is how it feels right. Any clarification would be appreciated.

A: Spot on

Q: I have a friend whose daughter is Schizophrenic can she be cured?

A: I believe so.

Q: I read about a small version of a healing technology that you could have in home or even in a back pack or for use by Fire and Police that can be used to heal damage until the patient can be put into a med bed. Does this exist and what would it be called?

A: Yes it does exist I’m not sure what its called.

Q: Can autistic kids be healed?

A: I believe so.

Q: I have a question….is this an open Medbed? What if you are claustrophobic?

A: That is one type of bed. Everyone is given a sedative before going in the bed then put to sleep for the duration of the treatment whether that be for a few minutes or 15 hours. Claustrophobia is no issue.

Q: I turn 70 this year and want to live a longer and healthy life so I can see the projects in my heart come to fulfilment. I was thinking about doing multiple age regressions 10 years at a time so it wouldn’t shock those around me as much, but I now know that I shouldn’t do more than 3 age regressions. How long after a regression of 30 years does the regression manifest?

Is it immediate or can it be made to manifest more gradually? Related issues: If I had injuries prior to the 30 year age regression could those be healed in the same treatment or would that need to be dealt with separately? If I was genetically balding etc. at 40 years old, would that be my condition after age regression?

A: It is immediate. You go in at 70 and come out at 40. During your first consultation they will discuss and former injuries, genetic anomalies etc. They generally can be done at the same time.

Q: I honestly think an easier question is what will it not fix.

A: That of mental and emotional trauma. They can suppress the memories but at some point you will need to deal with them.

Q: I think Skye has told us that low vibrational thought patterns due to our habits of attention won’t be healed by med bed tech and new thought patterns by those easily manifesting negativity will need to be learned, otherwise physical improvements will be short lived. Correct?

A: Correct

Q: So far the only thing I ‘question’ from what we’ve heard for years now on the Medbeds is….the age regression. I’ve also had quite a few asking me about this, so, I decided to post and ask for clarification for all of us. We have been told you can age regress up to 30 years gone. So if you are 60, you can look 30 once again if you so choose.

But, we were told that would then become your forever look, and you would be ageless, which is why we have also been hearing we would have much, much longer lives…into the hundreds (<—Plural) if we chose, but would still look the age we regressed to. It kind of raises a flag to several of us that now it is said it would need ‘maintained’ and could be done at most 3 times and the brain cells are getting affected.

If it is truly a healing technology, and can even heal TBI’s (Traumatic Brain Injuries), we really question this. Can you offer some additional information on this Skye ? I don’t have the answers on that one to be able to tell folks who are asking me.

A: The ssp has not perfected the technology to deal with the effects on the brain from age regression. Age regression is a very different process than healing. The technology works differently in age regression than it does for healing. At the moment if you age regress more than 3 times, dementia, scar tissue, neurological and motor skills issues become more likely.

Q: Would this psychological help include learning to better control your thoughts via something like biofeedback? Currently psychological “help” seems somewhat subjective with random, unpredictable results.

A: The psychological help will be done based on a spiritual framework, some more severe cases may require herbal supplements but the counsellors, psychiatrists, psychological all be retrained if they are suitable candidates and of higher vibrational frequency.

Q: wow — science teaches us, that Venus atmosphere is toxic (acidic) and the pressure is that high on the surface, that everything is crushed – pressure would be normal for us in about 50 km altitude – so is that totally wrong?

A: No that is correct. 90% of planets, the civilizations live underground just like the Anshar in middle earth. Venus is no different.

Q: I see this as development — going from 75 years to 160 years of life span also means making adjustments in the morphogenetic field. Once mankind on this planet has adopted to the possibility, we might be ready to find another way to enhance the life span.

A: Exactly. We also must remember that emotional and mental trauma/ behaviours cannot be treated or healed without a willing partner, so the person must want to heal and be an active participant. No one can do it for them. If they choose to remain in pain or with the same behaviours then that is their choice and we have to respect their choice.

Q: My husbands son lives with us. His skull was crushed with forceps while being born. He is a full 24/7 care. Basically, since he doesn’t have the brain function to even comprehend, this wouldn’t help him, correct?

A: That is a brain injury so yes it would definitely help.

Q: My pituitary gland was removed in 2006 due to Cushing’s Disease. Can it be regrown?

A: Yes

Q: Any adverse or side effects to the Medbeds at all?

A: Yes they are addictive. They can re-shape your body, grow your hair, bigger/smaller breasts etc. It takes plastic surgery to a whole new level. People will become dependant on them thus taking unnecessary risks and the like.

Q: I would imagine that people are going to need some education on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle so that they are not dependent on technology. It’s like if you have a treatment and then you keep going back and doing all the stuff you’ve been doing I would guess that your results may start to fade?

A: Eventually yes which is why the quantum computer decides if each patient is a suitable candidate for the beds and what/if any issues can, need or want to be fixed/healed. There is no point in healing a drug addict when their first action is going to shoot up again. Its cold but not everyone has the mental strength or capacity to deal with ‘health’.

Q: Skye I was told that when you age regress you can go back to age 21 and whatever age you pick you stay at that age for 1,000 years. Based on what you have said that is not accurate?

A: That is not accurate.

Q: Skye it also seems that the med bed will fix only physical things but the emotional and mental issues each person needs to work on those themselves? Obviously working on those issues is what makes one ascend as you overcome them you rise in vibration. Probably having a machine to that would hinder the ascension-process for the person?

A: You are correct.

Q: Also, you mentioned everyone lives underground in Venus and I know Mars and the moon are the same. Does living underground of the planet slow down the aging process? And does living on the surface speed up the aging process? If so why?

A: The aging process is the same whether on the surface or underground. The reason why they live underground is because the environment is stable. You don’t have the weather, earthquakes, volcanoes etc to deal with.

Q: When did you go to Venus and how did you get there?

A: I’ve been going to Venus from my knowledge for the past 11 years. But I’ve definitely been going since I was born, especially since I’m a Venusian hybrid. They generally pick me up out of my bed at night and when they return me its always the same night as they took me.

A: The med beds are based on your vibration. If you are not willing to heal the mental or emotional pain, the healing of the physical body will be pointless as the mind still wants to be in pain. The computer is unbiased and removes all emotions and feelings and potential aggressive people wanting to push in and use it first. It is done this way, so people need to improve their mental state and believe it or not that’s exactly what humans are here for. To learn to deal with life’s challenges.

Q: What is the interest in Venus? Why would humans want to go there or Mars for that matter ?

A: Why not?

Q: So very true!! If it is just handed to people with no expectations they won’t appreciate it near as much.

A: Exactly. I think so many people are stuck on the idea that once you use a med bed, all your problems will disappear, this is not true. Med beds while incredible pieces of technology open up a whole other set of issues. Its not just an overnight healing, there is so much more involved than just lying on a bed a few minutes.

Q: Exactly. Like ascension, you have to put in the work, and do the Shadow work whether you like it
or not. Otherwise you just stay, stuck.

A: Correct

Q: I am a Chiropractor and I wanted to know if we would be considered medical personal?

A: I am not sure about chiropractor’s, I haven’t heard anything.

Q: Can i ask a question that may have been answered already. What about heart patients. I cant get on much. Has anyone heard on hear if it can help heart disease.

A: They definitely heal heart issues.

Q: Have you ever witnessed a removal of protheses and bone re-growth operation, or do you know a possible testimonial. I would like to know more details.

A: Yes most definitely but Randy Cramer can help you with that.

Q: Where can I find him?

A: Everywhere, YouTube especially

Q: Will med beds heal diabetes and leg circulation problems?

A: Yes

Q: Anyone else who is positioned to know… are there different med bed groups perhaps with somewhat different tech and methodology developed in different locations of the galaxy or amongst different cultures?

A: Every civilization has their own version of med beds and other healing tech.

Q: Has anyone told you about when and where these med beds will show up? Asking for my brother that is really sick with CHF.

A: No

Q: What happens to our body when we die? Is there a heaven or not and if so do we get to meet our loved ones that have passed away?

A: The body or the soul?

Q: The soul.

A: The soul returns to source which is where your soul not only came from but still remains while you are in physical form. Heaven and hell are simply states of mind. As we are all one, you always are fully in unity and communication with ALL of source so not only will you see your loved ones, you become one with them.

Q: Will Medbeds heal addictions?

A: Yes but you still need to work on why you are addicted in the first place.

Q: I’m wondering , I have a friend with a metal hip , it’s giving her blood poisoning , she’s waiting for an operation to remove. It , how will she go in a med bed , do they take it out then she goes in x

A: The beds will dissolve it and repair the damage to before the issues began.

Q: Skye what if you have a disease from birth. Like autism and many others. Can the beds correct that being they don’t have a healthy baseline to come off of ?

A: I believe they can.

Q: Not sure if this was answered previously but does it heal all the damage done from chemo therapy? And if it does will the body return to the form before starting chemo or even better state?

A: It not only heals the damage done from chemo but returns the body to complete health removing all abnormal growths.

Q: My grandson who is 6 is going to have an operation in the autumn to remove a kidney, I’m hoping and praying that the med beds could solve that problem for us and I really need a knee replacement but again holding out for Medbeds.

A: Do what you have to do for your health NOW!!!! MEDBEDS although are slowly being rolled out may not come until its too late. YOU ARE ALIVE NOW, SO LIVE IN THE NOW, NOT FOR TOMORROW.

Q: Are the rescued children being taken off world to be treated in the Medbed ?

A: Some are yrs.

Q: I am very interested in being trained in the operations of the med beds. I was an Emergency Medical Technician for 12 years and then went to school to become a Radiologic Technologist. Do you think I have any chance of becoming trained in this?

A: Of course, everyone has a chance.

Q: Skye what’s the requirement for choosing the priority for people to go into the Med bed? I know you said they will take the most severe cases first. How is that determined? Ex: cancer, heart issues, brain diseases etc.

A: Its based on triage, so the ones closest to death will obviously go first then it filters down from there.

Q: Suppose you have something that at the moment is not life threatening but it could rupture and be life threatening? How would that be taken care of?

A: The same way as it would be now. It all depends on urge.

Q: Do those of us in these rooms who know about this get first priority? Before the general public?

A: Absolutely NOT!

Q: How does one get on the list to be treated? How do you find one?

A: When they are released, a national enquiry line will be set up where you book your appointment

Q: Those who are in the most severe need would most definitely need and should go first. Those who believe they are privileged are still in 3D thinking. Might be some of those that go “poof”

A: Yep

Q: When do you think they will go into effect in Australia here..?

A: We already have one at RPA in Sydney, however it is only being used as a scanning machine atm.

Q: Do they have any ‘ready to go’ in South Africa yet?

A: I haven’t heard anything yet.

Q: Wouldn’t med bed prioritization based on triage encourage health risk taking for those highly
motivated to get to the front of the line?

A: That’s why I’ve said med beds heal the physical, you still need to work on the mental and emotional.

Q: I only have one lung due to cancer will it help me?

A: It will re grow your your lung.

Q: My daughter has Down Syndrome and I’m wondering if you know whether the med beds can bring her back to “normal”. Since this is a genetic disorder that is present at birth in the DNA, I’m curious if they can help her. Thank you so much for all the fascinating information you are providing us with!

A: I believe they can.

Q: How strong are your beliefs? I also have a from birth genetic issue to do with nerves. have you seen this for real?

A: My job in the SSP was to not only use the beds but to train people to use them, my beliefs are 100%.

Q: I imagine from your higher perspective, you have seen a vision of how the Medbeds will rollout around the world. How can we best support this plan? I am hearing healing centers will be created. How can we help?

A: Yes from my understanding it will be healing centres created by the military and white hats. From what I’ve been told, in the beginning, hospitals will only have emergency centres and maternity wards, the rest of the hospital will be converted to units, etc. There’s not much we can do to help as its being taken care of, I guess the only thing we can do is be there as a voice of confidence to those who are unaware.

Q: When can we be able to use it here in Sydney or anywhere in Australia please?

A: I believe its still in trials, so at least a few weeks.

Q: Probably been answered but if I wanted to train to be able to treat patients how would i go about this please? I know it will take a long time but I’m just very interested in training in this field.

A: I share information regarding med beds from my memories in the secret space program. I have no information on how to acquire med beds or how to be trained in their use. I am just as excited as everyone else but I am no more in the know as to when, how or where they will be rolled out than you. If I receive any information I will let you all know.

Q: Skye, can you share how this Medbed technology effects our Souls? Our inner Being/consciousness? Our connection to God/Source? Or does it only effect our bodies? And is it 100% safe and effective?

A: It doesn’t affect our souls at all or our connection. Yes this technology is Pleiadian tech and perfectly safe, its been used in the SSP for over 50 years.

Q: I’m new to this room, will the Medbeds be made available immediately when the RV happens or a few months afterwards? Do we know a cost? Medbeds are a big part of my humanitarian projects.

A: Each country will be different, they will be free to use.

Q: Skye there are many images of different types of med beds on the internet. How did the ones look like, you have been put on and/or working on?

A: They look very similar to this:

Q: What does SSP stand for?

A: Secret space program

Q: Will they be in each country?

A: Yes, every country even countries that did not sign on to NESARA/GESARA will have them.

Q: When do you think they’ll be rolled out?

A: They are being rolled out now, they are just not publicly known yet.

Q: Any idea of a roll out in Canada? I really need one.

A: No, sorry

Q: This awesome, what about weight reduction?

A: Yes that too

Q: Skye there are billboard here in a Sydney shopping centre promoting this new technology Quantum Scan. I wonder if this has to do with Med Beds or not.

A: The quantum scan is the med bed, they just haven’t released its true capabilities yet.

Q: By chance is the OPUS bed also part of this quantum healing technology?
I’m thinking of investing but want to be sure it’s legit technology.

A: I believe so.

Q: I’m 70 yo this year. If I’m accepted to do a med bed 30 year age regression, some folks are sure to notice. How do you advise handling this? Is it permitted to openly explain it to those who seem open or are we advised not to say too much?

A: Unfortunately age regression is not considered a priority therefore people will know all about the technology so you won’t have to explain anything.

Q: How will we all even have a chance at the Medbeds. People are going to be crazy trying to have their turn when the word does get out.

A: It is based on a triage system. Those who are in most need will use it first.

Q: I was supposed to be dead years ago. No one understands why I’m still breathing.

A: Yep I’ve had a few NDE’s (near death experiences), you are here for a reason.

Q: Looks like GESARA has started so Med Beds here we come

A: In what way?

Q: I just meant that with GESARA the roll out of medical knowledge will become available to all of us and we all know how much this will improve all our lives.

A: Absolutely

Q: Will “important” people be treated first? Has President Trump been treated?

A: There are NO ‘important’ people ! Only people who are most in need.

Q: I assume it will be the needy first. Prioritised by the people who can read souls.

A: The only priority that will be is those whose condition cannot wait. Reading souls, money, names etc are completely irrelevant.

Q: I realize we will not be able to purchase the beds for awhile but what size of a room would each prototype take so I can plan space in the health centres?

A: About the same size as a regular operating room.

click image for article

Demystifying Med Beds:
The Revolutionary Technology
Which Transforming Healthcare
and Longevity

Imagine a world where technology holds the power to restore the human body to its optimal health, a world where disease is a relic of the past, a remnant of the old medical system.

In this world, the focus is no longer on disease, but on wellness, not on profit, but on the betterment of humanity.

Welcome to the era of Med Beds.

Let’s go down the rabbit hole, shall we?

The time has come for you to become acquainted with an astonishing breakthrough that is about to transform the entire field of medicine.

A technology that has been hiding under our noses for the past half a century, a technology so revolutionary yet so veiled in secrecy, the ‘Med Beds’.

Med Beds: The Future is Here. Med Beds are not just beds.

They are miraculous healing contrivances, masterpieces of advanced technology, capable of restoring your body to peak health by utilizing the original DNA codes.

Sounds like science fiction, doesn’t it?

Except it isn’t.

This technology, while concealed from the public eye, has been tested, refined and successfully used by the Secret Space Program for a span of 50 years.

Our society has always had a rather skewed perception of health.

We have been chasing symptoms, fighting diseases, funding a system that profits from our infirmities.

But with the emergence of Med Beds, we’re about to shift our focus from disease to wellness.

And that’s going to bring about a sea change in the medical industry.


Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

Financing the
Health Revolution.

Here comes the next question – who will fund this health revolution?

The answer is simple – the military and the ‘white hats’.

And hold onto your seats for this, because it’s going to blow your mind.

The usage of Med Beds will be entirely free of charge to the public!

That’s right.

This extraordinary technology will be funded completely by the white hats and the military.

Now, how will this be rolled out?

Initially, Med Beds will be installed in specialized treatment centers, operating outside of the traditional healthcare system.

These centers, while separate from the existing system, will eventually lead to the phasing out of hospitals and large pharmaceutical enterprises.

But this is a process, a journey that needs careful orchestration and responsible handling.

As we embark on this journey, it is crucial to understand that the use of this technology will initially be tightly controlled by the military to prevent any disruption.

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Financing the
Health Revolution.

Here comes the next question – who will fund this health revolution?

The answer is simple – the military and the ‘white hats’.

And hold onto your seats for this, because it’s going to blow your mind.

The usage of Med Beds will be entirely free of charge to the public!

That’s right.

This extraordinary technology will be funded completely by the white hats and the military.

Now, how will this be rolled out?

Initially, Med Beds will be installed in specialized treatment centers, operating outside of the traditional healthcare system.

These centers, while separate from the existing system, will eventually lead to the phasing out of hospitals and large pharmaceutical enterprises.

But this is a process, a journey that needs careful orchestration and responsible handling.

As we embark on this journey, it is crucial to understand that the use of this technology will initially be tightly controlled by the military to prevent any disruption.

Access to Med Beds will not be based
on societal status, wealth, or power.

The primary principle here is fairness and providing care first to those in dire need.

A central center in each country will be established where individuals can book appointments.

The first visit will comprise a detailed consultation, medical history documentation, and a comprehensive body examination.

This data will then be fed into a quantum computer that will assess the urgency of the patient’s medical needs and schedule appointments accordingly.

Setting up the Infrastructure.

Producing and distributing the Med Beds will be an intricate operation.

It is projected that 1,000 Med Beds can be manufactured per day using cutting-edge technology.

But, before your imagination runs wild with dreams of having your personal Med Bed at home, remember that initially, these beds will only be available at specified treatment centers.

Operating Med Beds isn’t a walk in the park.

This advanced technology requires substantial knowledge in biology, medicine, and disease, along with considerable training to ensure safe usage. For an individual with no medical training, this could mean 12 to 18 months of intense training.

The clinics offering Med Bed treatment will be managed by the military’s medical departments in collaboration with benevolent beings.

Practitioners operating the Med Beds will work strictly by invitation. Subsequently, courses and vacancies will be offered for medical professionals, ensuring that only the best hands are placed on deck.

The Med Bed Revolution: Ready to Unfold In the near future, when the Med Beds are finally vacated, a national telephone line will be established for appointment bookings.

This innovative and ground-breaking health revolution is just around the corner.

It is not a question of if, but when.

Med Beds represent a medical revolution that is about to redefine everything we understand about health and longevity.

It’s a game-changer, a paradigm shift that will turn our medical system on its head, replacing the model of profit-based disease management with a model of wellness and holistic health. We are standing at the precipice of a new age, an age of Med Beds.

Are you ready for it?

Demystifying Med Beds: Revolutionizing Healthcare with Unseen Technology Deep beneath the surface of conventional medical wisdom, an upheaval is brewing, one that promises to recalibrate the very essence of our understanding of healthcare.

This is the reality of Med Beds, a technology poised to rewrite the script of human health, longevity, and wellbeing.

The medical world as we know it is poised for a revolution that will usher in an era of unparalleled advancement, the likes of which we have never seen before.

The torchbearers of this revolution?

Med Beds.

However, this isn’t a revolution for the faint-hearted.

It’s time to strap in and embrace the world of the unseen.

ALSO: ‘Quantum Field’: Secret Techniques Used By A Former CIA Scientist To Open Your ‘3rd EYE’ Understanding Med Beds.

The term ‘Med Beds’ paints a simplistic picture, one of a bed with possible medical features. But it’s far from simple.

It’s not about pressing a button
and experiencing a miracle.

The complexity behind these beds, the anomalies they detect, the precise work they do – it all requires extensive understanding and professional skills.

The Centers: Hubs of Transformation. Med Beds won’t be sold in your local store or listed online for you to place an order. At least not initially.

The first phase will see the establishment of specialized centers, located strategically in major hubs throughout the states.

These centers will house Med Beds, each with the ability to transform lives and usher in an era of unprecedented health.

The Selection and Training of Med Bed Operators Here’s a curveball for you – it seems there’s going to be a shortage of doctors.

With an alleged slew of prosecutions for crimes against humanity looming, the pool of medical professionals available to handle this technology might run thin.

However, all is not lost.

It is the individuals with a higher vibration, medical knowledge, and a passion for serving humanity who are going to lead this revolution.

Training is a crucial aspect of this transition.

The good news? Training is free!

Yes, you read that right.

It’ll be conducted by the military
and benevolent beings.

The depth and breadth of the training will vary based on the individual’s existing medical experience and background.

For instance, a nurse assistant would require more training compared to a seasoned neurosurgeon.

Building the Team: A Herculean Task. The vision of a fully operational Med Bed center is awe-inspiring, yet the task is massive.

Imagine a center with six operating rooms, seven medical beds – with one of the rooms being large enough to accommodate two beds.

Preoperative and recovery rooms with approximately 30 beds each.

Accommodation facilities comprising of about 27 rooms, each housing four individuals.

A team of 15 to 20 consultants, additional integral staff members, support staff such as receptionists, cafeteria workers, cleaners, laundry staff, and ward personnel.

A center like this is going to need medical technicians and doctors to operate the Med Beds. It’s also going to need a host of nurses for pre and post-care.

It’s a gigantic undertaking, which is why, in the initial stages, the Med Beds will be under the control of the military and the alliance.

Preparation for Treatment and Expectations

Now, let’s address what’s been on your mind – how does the treatment process work?

Here’s how.

The procedures can last anywhere from a few minutes to 15 hours, depending on what is being done.

When you make the call to your national center, they will schedule an initial consultation for you at a center nearest to your location.

At this consultation, the medical staff will review your medical history, conduct a full body scan, discuss the scan results, and outline a personalized treatment plan for you.

Once this data is entered into a computer, it will decide your placement on the treatment list.

You will then be notified about the date, time, and location of your treatment.

On the day of the procedure, you will be asked to change into a hospital gown and given a mild sedative.

As you lie down on the Med Bed, a gas-induced sleep will ensure that you remain asleep throughout the treatment.

After the treatment, you will be transferred to a recovery area and monitored by medical professionals.

Med Beds symbolize a seismic shift in the healthcare landscape, one that has the potential to rewrite the rules of medicine.

It’s an extraordinary journey,
one that we are about to embark on together.

As this paradigm shift unfolds, we stand on the brink of an unprecedented era in healthcare.

An era that promises to transform lives and shape the future of humanity.

The Quantum Healing Technologies of Med Beds President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation, “within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments.

Like age regression,
up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other def

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Med Bed ‘cabinet’ – video
have a shower in the morning
and come out a brand new person

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Med Beds – video
this is probably
everything most people
want to know
in 3 minutes

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Med Beds

More information from
November 2020

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Q & A about Med Beds

answered by Skye Prince

This pdf contains questions from
participants of a telegram channel
and answers by a nurse
active in the Secret Space Program

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Med Beds
full healing with
Quantum Healing Technologies

Medeea Greere,
an independent publisher

The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

The third leading cause of death is hospital stays and procedures, and many are unwarranted.

No doubt, this is definitely one of the most profound technologies and said to have been used in the secret space program for over 80 years; imagine health care and maintenance so advanced that it can turn back the hands of time erasing the physical; mental and emotional scars and battles of the everyday traumas of life and aging process through the technologies of frequency healing and quantum devices.

They will arrive in the very near future, although exact dates have not been released yet.

Tesla Technologies and Jarad Rand are two primary forces behind the Med Beds and said that the time frame of our abilities to utilize these modern-day free energy-based “Fountain of Youth” healing devices could start with the rollout as early as late 2021.

More dire estimates say it could take up to ten years, depending on the environment of society.

So mind-bending are these medical advancements that can grow back missing limbs and organs within hours.

Advanced medical technologies literally rejuvenate the DNA, RNA, cells, muscles, ligaments, bones, organs, senses, and systems within the human body.

Med Beds are the destination of perfect health and wellness, and civilization as we know it is now within that journey.

When this earth-changing re-atomization process known as “Regenerative Technology” is released to the public, it will reduce health care costs to nearly nothing at about 20%.

This revolutionary technology is said to have been in existence for at least 80 years.

Once classified, the covert technology will be released to the public via the military.

It is said to have been utilized within the “Secret Space Program.”

There is speculation of how much control the public investors will hold as there have to be measurements put in place to safeguard manipulation and greed.

Remember, we’ve all experienced bouts with the weaponization of all things good and bad; deep state operatives exist in all industries.

The military-industrial complex once controlled and operated these patents, and many others, dangling them in front of us through their deep-state owned Sci-Fi and Hollywood movie productions.

These medical miracles perform and support diagnostic procedures, surgical repairs, cellular, DNA, reconstruction, and regeneration through free energy systems via Tesla energy coils, new anti-gravity, and replicator devices, correcting all human bodies’ imperfections.

President Donald Trump said on June 14, 2020 to the nation, “within a year’s time or so almost all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Every city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all ailments.

Like Age regression, up to 30 years.

No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer, Fibromyalgia (fi·bro·my·al·gi·a) a condition that causes joint pain all over the body, sleep problems, fatigue, and often emotional and mental distress, and many other deficiencies.

There are said to be three different types of Holographic Med Beds, each one performing a specific healing modality as they will be used in conjunction with trained medical supervision, returning our physical bodies into the most optimal shape without having our organs removed, use of radiation and chemotherapy or being sliced and diced.

This also means that our bodies will be free of the dysfunction of disease and scars, we won’t need to be rehabilitated as our organs, bones, and all systems within our bodies will be fully repaired.

It sounds too good to be true, but this is the quantum leap into the new Aquarian age of healing, and before long, every country around the world will be ready to receive its supply of Holographic Medical Beds.

The Regeneration Med Bed Resonance field benefits those who require organ transplants, missing or severed limbs, skin grafts work with cell memory, stem cells, and DNA templates; its endless applications regenerate old tissues and missing organs.

The Rejuvenation & Regression Bed rejuvenates cells; offers age and memory regression therapy; and heals all the senses, especially sight, sound, and taste, that have become dull through trauma or age; this therapy bed also eliminates unwanted suppressed memory; which will support and heal so many victims who have endured mental and emotional anguish.

PTSD and traumatic memory sufferers will benefit from the use of this Med Bed as it heals the heart-mind connection ridding disparity.

This is also considered the foundation of youth. It will return the appearance of yesteryear, returning muscle tone, tightened skin, working with our individual DNA templates, and multiple refractory lenses and body’s internal clock; these procedures are performed pain-free.

Before the deployment of Med Beds meets with the arrival of the world, trained technology and manufacturing crews must be established to keep up with the world’s supply in the creation and infrastructure along with the environment of society’s weaponized forces dissipated to prevent future greed and control.

Society, as we know, wants all good things yesterday, never in the existence of humankind, have we been blessed with the news of such miraculous medical advancements; we are currently sitting on the horizon of a limitless and creative tomorrow; let’s learn from history and protect destiny’s power from those who have destroyed the fringes of our past.

“If you want to find the
secrets of the universe,
think in terms of energy,
frequency, and vibration.”
Nikola Tesla

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Information about med-beds
is almost impossible to find.

No-one really knows
what med-beds look like
or exactly how Med Beds work.

This subject seems to be
one of the worlds best-kept secrets.

Actual med-beds may not be
represented in any of the images.

author unknown

This explanation of how Med-Beds work
is extracted and reproduced from it’s source.

If you’re aware about the reputed capabilities of Med-Beds it will come as no surprise and may even offer closure.

If you was under the impression that Med-Beds was just some new fangled contraption invented by humans and can’t see your way past that notion – this isn’t for you.

End of the day, it doesn’t matter – if this is fantasy, there’s no harm done, nothing’s changed for us.

But … if it’s true, just consider it’s the long-overdue demise of the pharmaceutical industry that’s been killing us with it’s poisons as we look to a future of good health for all of us using natural remedies.

Add to the the demise of the financially-bloated and inefficient medical ‘industry’ that streams us to pay for unnecessary tests that discover anomalies we didn’t know we have, medications that don’t rectify them only hide the symptoms for an outrageous expense. 

Then, if you suffer side effects of it’s medications, it’s remedy isn’t to stop pumping them into you, it’s to sell you more medications to counter the effects of the first lot that causing the problems they created.

It overcomes those costs by getting governments to set up ‘medicals aid’ plans
that either pay for or subsidise the cost of those mediations.

Either way, the drug company gets paid – it doesn’t care where the money comes from and if it comes from government, it can pretty much charge what it likes.

Once you get hooked by this industry it will never let you go –
a ‘cured’ person is the loss of an ongoing customer.

It’s not difficult to see why med-bed technology hasn’t seen the light of day long ago.

But – med-beds  ARE coming
and the news is, so far,
that Med-Bed treatment will be


(beware manufacturers of bedding
and other associated electronic items who
are cashing-in and confusing things by
calling their line of products ‘Med-Beds’
and selling them for highly inflated prices
to gullible people)
Our job is simply to share this updated
intel version with everyone.

So let’s just start off with saying that  med beds are reputed to use holographic technology, along with color, light, and sound.

It’s also reputed that this knowledge has been around on this planet since before Atlantis and it has existed off-world for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands – possibly millions of years with other star nations and star traveling pioneers.

They understood a very, very long time ago that our bodies are holographic; that we are essentially made of color, light, and sound.

It wasn’t until about 25 or 30 years ago, that we were able to scientifically prove that.

Looking at the body under an electron microscope, what they did NOT see was physicality.

What they saw was light.

Of course, he was having contact with ETS in his own way during his lifetime.

He is a genius and I don’t know that there’s been anyone like him since.

The technology wasn’t there for him to actually put all of this together like where it is today.

Unfortunately he didn’t live long enough.

Essentially, what we’re talking about here is healing the human body.

Now the holographic camera that the Andromedian’s use, they call it “a camera”.

It takes a picture of your body and this picture, because it’s holographic, is a picture of the present time when the picture’s being taken and, it goes all the way back to conception.

What they do is: they will go through the series of slides that are taken in this one holographic picture and what they will do is – they will pull out the particular slides of where your body was the healthiest, whether it’s kidneys, liver, muscle, knees, brain, heart, it doesn’t matter.

And, what they do is put those pictures together and create a new hologram. Then, they overlay that new holographic picture onto your physical body.

This literally heals and renews your body while you’re there, in a short time.

To them, (the Andromedians), it’s simple because they understand and have all the knowledge, since no knowledge is suppressed.

They understand who we are, and what we are, here on Earth (Terra).

Here and on other star systems that have been controlled and manipulated by the Orion group as well, we haven’t had that education or that knowledge available to us.

Nonetheless, this technology is coming out.

This technology has been created.

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Med-Beds Discussion
author unknown

It’s pretty much if our immune systems are free to do what they were designed to do, keep us young and vibrantly healthy.

“The problem is that the the allopathic system and the corruption on Earth’s surface doctors telling you that you got to take this pill for this, and this pill for that.

And because of those pills or foreign entities being introduced into your body the side effects of bleeding, nausea, diarrhea, constipation and death follow.

“When you’re looking at all of those things you start to realize that your immune system is attacking those chemicals because they’re foreign substances.

Your immune system, as time goes by, is constantly being affronted and attacked, so it never has time to renew your teeth, skin, hair and eyesight, so your body slowly but surely deteriorates and becomes compromised.

Your immune system becomes so compromised that it cannot recover as it is fighting constant abnormalities that you have been told to introduce into your body on a continual basis.

“The fear factor is played in there by saying, well you know Mrs. Johnson you have to take this pill because if you don’t this will happen.

You’ll have side effects but they’ll be okay.

But because of the side effects of that pill Mrs. Johnson we had to bring you back in, we have to give you another pill because it’s damaged this area here by taking that pill so we have to give you another pill. It continues that way, as you’re a dollar sign in the current system.

“You’re kept alive artificially, actually the life expectancy rate in our country has actually dropped with all of these so-called wonderful pharmaceuticals.

“With the Med Bed your body is healthy and new again, but your mind isn’t because you’ve lived those years and you will be counselled on becoming much more aware of naturopathic, ayurvedic, herbology, crystallology etc., the different applications of how you can keep yourself healthy naturally, so you don’t need the Med Bed again.

“The Med Bed will be available when the forces out there, even hidden, we’re not talking about the big ones because they’re being taken down, we’re talking about the many ones that are in towns and cities and different villages across America that are not good people.

They’re miniature versions of DC and so what happens is that they try to stop you and then do bad things.

We have to be very covert on the deployment of the Med Beds.

We just can’t go out there and start putting them out there like suckers.

We have to have manufacturing, crews, high level security, manufacturing facilities with clean line of assembly which means totally medically clean rooms to put the parts together and to get them working.

“We have plans for an infrastructure that we put together over the years to introduce the technology of the Med Bed.

The whole idea of that is to get to the serious the ones, that are really bad, if you’re going to die in 2 weeks, people that have severe forms of diabetes for example.

“We’ve got a long list of people but we have to do it securely and safely and so we put together a plan in order to carry that out and to get to as many people as we can, go to certain areas on the planet and then start the treatments for people and to have enough units so that we can process many people at one time.

“Imagine that if it was a publicized situation we will be inundated and overwhelmed and basically be trampled on and probably killed with the feeding frenzy of the human race wanting to be fixed, the dark side of human nature.

They want it now and they’ll do anything to get it.

It would be nice if everyone was benevolent, loved everyone and all is wonderful.

“There’s a lot of talented people that have so much to offer and obviously we’ll call on the universe and Creator to bring those people forward so that we can get things done.

“One word let out the wrong way can cause a lot of attention and you’re dealing with organizations that would prefer not to have this Med Bed technology out there.

That’s why it’s been hidden from Humanity.

The Violet Ray was originally developed by the famous scientist Nikola Tesla.

Tesla coil violet ray technology creates ozone penetrating the skin, can act as a disinfectant in the cells of the body.

Research found ozone kills CoVid19 in the cells.

A form of light disinfectant.

Tesla was successfully experimenting on disease and rejuvenation with ozone in the late 1800s and early 1900s. In the 20s and 30s, Oxygen-Zone Therapy was used in hospitals, clinics and sanatariums.

In the second half of the 20th century, pharmaceutical companies started disparaging all electro-therapies as drug-oriented medicine was taking off under the Flexner Report which banned everything from being taught in Medical Schools besides deadly allopathy`.

Tesla had a hunch that, since his high-potential currents could be passed into the body harmlessly: “these currents might lend themselves to electro-therapeutic uses.”

He experimented upon himself.

When Tesla was struck down in the streets by a New York taxi, he didn’t deliver himself over to the medicals but dragged himself up to his hotel room where, in seclusion and with the help of his own electrotherapy, he recovered from his fractures and contusions.

He never patented in electrotherapy but in 1891 began publishing his observations in technical journals, and seven years later we find Tesla giving a speech to the American Electro-Therapeutic Association in which he details with drawings the Violet Ray apparatus he has invented for this purpose, which included a Tesla coil.

The Violet Ray was ultimately banned by a fake doctor commissioned by the Rockefellers & Carnegies named Abraham Flexner.

In his Flexner Report of 1910, the stage was set for pharmaceuticals & allopathy with many alternative healing modalities deemed “Quack” thus removing AMA certification from schools who taught these therapies & destroying the doctors who used them.

The USA is the only country in the world where Ozone Therapy and Electrotherapy are “banned”.

Med-Beds Discussion
author unknown

Our doctors will be known as medical experts.

Doctors will be screwed as soon as the truth is known about the health fraud that is being perpetrated to the detriment of humanity. Here are some facts about the new vibrational medicine: ….

There will be 5 types of medical beds that will perform different functions….

Holographic Medical Pods:

These can be portable and the smaller version of a laboratory on wheels.

Putting the wounded in the capsule and putting them to sleep so that they stop degenerating and weakening, (staying awake is dangerous for our well-being).

It is used for basic wound healing, skin healing, organ regeneration and minor problems…

Regeneration Beds:

These beds work with medical experts to isolate your DNA, stem cells, and specific cells to return your body to the best you.

The patient lies in bed and the computer system connects with his mind and her body to determine the best plan of action for rejuvenation and healing….

You can perform healthy, non-invasive, simple procedures with quick results.

The computer’s hands can perform precise operations, using lasers to open and seal the damaged area.

All missing organs and body parts will be rebuilt using your genetic sequence and bodily functions.

Eyes, legs, arms, kidneys, etc. ; everything will be generated as the body retains the muscle memory of all the parts of its human being.

The lasers used will have a three-dimensional metric unit and plasma power to repair or replace.

Rejuvenation Bed:

This bed uses your genetic codes to rejuvenate your body and fight aging.

You can turn back your age with a biometric gel and remove unwanted memories.

You can eliminate areas of your life that were wrong or things that made you feel uncomfortable.

Antipathogen Bed:

These beds remove heavy metals, debris, parasites, and all other invaders that cause health problems.

Here is the spiritual bed that will reconnect you with your higher self, mending and repairing the silver thread.

The back of the brain, where the heart muscle is located that connects you with your higher self; it can and will restore your spiritual connection to a greater version of your consciousness…

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Med Bed Clinics

more information

Med Beds are Real…

The technology has been hidden for many years.

The nay-sayers will be right in line when they too see the light and can see through all their darkness!

I know many need this now, I too lost a family member recently that could have been saved.

Yes she was jabbed which lowered her immune system to the cancer she was fighting.

However there are so many new technologies similar to med beds but not quite that you can try now.

Spooky 2 for instance heals with frequencies.

You can program in just about any ailment or disease and start healing yourself until the real ones are released.

There’s also facilities popping up everywhere, one of our members frequents one in Florida often.

He’s noticing that now he’s seeing Doctors there.

I find that very interesting and encouraging, hope you do too!

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Med Beds – video
more information

Published 05/05/2022

We talked about Med Beds from a layman’s perspective, and asked the Universe if their availability and use would be more evident and mainstream within 18 months?

There’s virtually no images at this point of med-beds. 

Even the those shown on this page might not be accurate but it’s all we got.

click image to follow link

A new way of healing.

Within a year, most hospital procedures are obsolete.

Hidden technologies:

Med Bed, Quantum, Anti-Gravity, Replicators, Perpetual Fountain of Youth Healing through Frequency Therapy.

Anyone who is not on Earth’s specific frequency to awaken and heal, ie open to incoming ascension energies; the inner waves of harmonic resonances that lead to unity consciousness will have to transform or fail.

This consists of your body and soul, and it’s not fantasy, it’s science and measurable, real fact, called Schumann resonances which are global electromagnetic resonances, generated and incited by energies in our universe and perceptible during lightning strikes.

The older we get; more errors occur in coding the DNA.

As a result, the general condition of our bodies declines over time.

We age, we get wrinkles, we get sick and eventually we die.

Method for treating physical complaints through radio frequencies, it is aided by highly advanced and avant-garde equipment, to treat physical complaints or to prevent, reduce and cure. Intentionally hidden from the public eye as it is not benefiting Big Pharma.

The Last Place You Want to Go, in This Age of Pandemics, Is the Hospital/Medical Clinic/Doctors Office

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We hear sound because our ears distinguish different frequencies and resonances, which are interpreted as sound by the brain.

Light is received by our eyes and translated by the brain into images.

Both sound and light have frequencies.

Radio frequencies are used in this treatment.

The equipment transmits specific frequencies to the body.

These are individualized for each individual.

People can distinguish different musical instruments and individual tones in the complexity of music frequency signals, so our body can individually distinguish radio frequencies from a complex signal.

Some feel it as vibrations, some don’t.

Each matter has its own frequency; just touch the table or window and you will hear the difference in sound, which is the frequency of each. Likewise, atoms, molecules and cells have their own frequency.

If these frequencies match the frequency of the body’s cells or molecules, a resonance is generated.

This is called bio-resonance.

Living matter reacts to any frequency that corresponds and consequently can be received.

Cells can be affected by bacteria, fungi, viruses, cosmic radiation, X-rays, ultraviolet light, and toxic substances.

These changes in the DNA code, which is copied to the next generation, occur through cell divisions, ionizing radiation, some viruses, and recently through Covid mRNA vaccination.

These code changes are passed on to the next generation of cells.

With each cell division, errors in DNA copying occur, and even after repair by the cell’s own DNA repair mechanism, some of the errors remain.

As a result of changes in DNA over time, cells can no longer perform their original function.

This, among other things, is called an autoimmune reaction that increases, along with an increasingly worse presence of pathogenic microorganisms.

There is a protection mechanism against new mutations, causing irreparably damaged cells to be put into a silent mode, called senescence, the organism’s aging, a kind of hibernation, stopping new cell divisions.

These senescent cells increase in number during aging and in themselves have a degenerative influence on their immediate environment. In short, both the quality and quantity of functioning cells decrease.

New research is underway allowing removed senescent cells to be replaced by functional cells.

Frequency therapy applies a multitude of different frequencies simultaneously.

It is a harmless homeopathic treatment, comparable to rewriting a hard drive in a computer, but in this case the rewriting of the immune system and DNA structure that are completely reprogrammed eliminating autoimmune diseases that, among other roots, are caused by the injection of mRNA.

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Within a year,
most hospital procedures
are obsolete.

President Donald Trump told the nation on June 14, 2020, “Within a year or so, nearly all hospital procedures will be obsolete.”

Each city will have many medical beds and Tesla chambers capable of healing and repairing DNA along with curing all diseases.

As; Age regression, up to 30 years. No more Cancer, Autism, Alzheimer’s, Fibromyalgia (fi · bro · my · al · gi · a) a condition that causes joint pain throughout the body, sleep problems, fatigue and often emotional and mental distress, and many other shortcomings.

The proof is in the signed executive orders.

Medical beds have the ability to regenerate missing organs like gallbladder, kidneys or lymph nodes etc.

Through the use of spectra and frequencies of light.

The Holographic Medical Pods or Med Beds are automated stations where a medical specialist healer selects the type of procedure to be performed from the computer’s database, the patient lies down on the Pod or Bed and the Machine performs the medical operation or procedure.

Finally, the lasers close the entry points where the procedure started. Med Beds diagnose, treat and perform a wide range of surgical procedures with ultra-thin laser incisions that are guided by 3D anatomical scanning. 3D Scan has refractory lenses that make live scans of the body to perform various medical procedures.

The technology of Holographic Medical Pods It’s not from planet Earth.

It is not a technology created by a humanoid.

It is a technology that was given to humanity by extra-terrestrials from other worlds.

A Med Bed is based on the energy of tachyon particles, which are hypothetical faster-than-light particles and plasma energy.

Plasma energy comes from the universe, balancing the planets to keep them in their positions so they don’t collide with each other. In other words; the solar system is in balance with itself and with all the planets.

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Everything is plasma energy

The soil, the atmosphere, the water, everything is plasma energy, in fact everything in the universe is plasma energy, it’s just in a different form amid different vibrational frequencies.

Medical beds have controllable Artificial Intelligence (AI) so it can’t go out of control and run wild, in fact a computer.

It works like a magnetic resonance imaging – MRI, which makes a magnetic oscillation and an MRI of the body to diagnose diseases. Med Bed examines the skin, muscle tissue, every organ and everything else in the body.

Shows everything – down to the micron level of blood. In fact, it identifies your DNA and does a complete internal analysis of the body. In doing so, it detects any disease and any genetic imperfection.

For example, stage 4 leukemia on a Med Bed is cured in about 2.5 minutes without any side effects.

If an organ has been removed; Med Bed’s re-atomization process regenerates this organ as if it had never been removed.

Due to the original resonance of the body, its vibrational frequency.

The body always remembers when an organ has been removed or has stopped working.

Med Bed’s artificial intelligence connects to the body’s vibrational frequency and DNA to regenerate the organ.

It’s that simple. Hidden Med Bed Technologies, Quantum, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators Again, Med Bed technology has been “suppressed” and “hidden” from the public for a long, long time.

This technology is not available for purchase or service to the general public until after the Deep State Cabal is rendered powerless.

Fortunately, because of the recent planetary shift from 3D to 5D and the growing demand for transparency from the human collective consciousness; brave people are stepping forward to reveal what has been hidden for decades, even centuries, and probably thousands of years.

The global transition for decades and has information on many topics that the general public is not aware of, including, but not limited to, gifts of extra-terrestrial technology to humanity such as the Quantum Financial Monetary System, Anti-Gravity Propulsion, Replicators, and Medical Beds.

This Is The BEST Source for Essential Trace Minerals Your Body Craves – Humic & Fulvic

It’s not hard to imagine that there are suppressed technologies today that are being purposefully hidden from the common masses for the benefit of those at the top of society; those who are “in charge” of the system to maintain its control over everything – natural resources, institutions, the military, political and even psychological aspect of each individual.

What is difficult to accept, however, are claims that these advanced technologies are not from Earth, but were given or left by extra-terrestrial beings existing on other planets.

There are three types of medical beds: Holographic;

Regenerative that regenerates tissues and parts of the body and, finally, Re-Atomization Med Bed that in about two to three minutes regenerates the entire human body, from head to toe.

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Perpetual Fountain of Youth

What does this advanced technology mean to an 80-year-old?

He/she can turn 30 again in less than three minutes.

Fifty years ended his life.

Now, she can have children again.

They can have a new family if they want to. It seems Med Bed technology is a perpetual fountain of youth.

Med Bed technology looks at the body and corrects imperfections.

This technology has been around for some time.

He was kept hidden from the human race for a long time.

Some people may think that this healing technology is science fiction.

Too good to be true.

Nor is it very complicated to manufacture these medical beds in quantities and distribute them to all desired places.

Jared Rand says;

“When you’re in a medical bed, you don’t experience any pain, you don’t experience radiation.

It’s not like an evil event.

You fall into a deep sleep.

There is no injection, no needles or anything.

You wake up and look in the mirror and your scary skin is gone. Your white hair is the color it was when you were twenty (20 years old).

It’s the same for your sight, your hearing, your taste, your smell.

Everything is restored to a perfect youthful state again.”

This is the new era for the new Earth and the new human race.

It’s the complete opposite of what we live in.

Those technologies are already here.

It’s a matter of getting them safely to the people who can use them. ”

Finally, as of the year 2020, Med Beds technology is not available to the general public.

Replicators recycle old stuff back into plasma energy.

There is no waste, no garbage, no garbage, nothing to pollute the environment or destroy the ecosystem.

Soil is plasma energy.

Plants are plasma energy.

Take a replicator to a poor village and these people can have everything they ever dreamed of in a matter of minutes.

Replicators will eliminate the need for large amounts of land to feed the population.

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Whatever you want,
you can have it

3D printers are the forerunners of replicators.

Speed ​​this up a hundred times and you’ll have a Med Bed replicator.

Everything in creation and is composed of plasma energy.

Replicators are otherworldly technology, given to us by the Galactics, who are sharing this technology with the human race.

This technology is coming! It will be available everywhere.

You could have a phenomenal future.

There is such a long list of genetic diseases and disorders that it is unbelievable!

Once you understand how DNA, RNA, mRNA and proteins work, you will soon understand that all diseases are genetic mutations.

These mutations, or variants, are all caused by something that changed the information in the RNA, which the mRNA gave the protein to tell the cell what it would become.

Think about;

Vaccines cause genetic diseases; since the 50′s these are the causality of all variants/mutations that cause a genetic disorder. In other words, the medical institution causes all diseases on earth, although none of them cures!

They have destroyed the quality of life for billions of people over the years.

Finally! New Technology Eliminates and Harmonizes

The Damage to Your DNA and Cells Caused By EMF’s and 5G – See Proof

The world of humanitarian initiatives, we are here to empower and educate people and unite humanity to instil awareness, eliminate ignorance and act to create a better world.

Med Beds
more information

author unknown

Randy Cramer describes his experience with the med bed in the secret space program:

“Essentially it is a combination of two pieces of technology there’s a software element and a hardware element.

The software element is able to take a blood or tissue sample and get a perfect read of the DNA code from that sample then that software is able to take that code translate it through a software code so that it rebuilds that person to a level of cellular resolution via that genetic code that’s as then as an electronic essentially image.

Now the hardware element is the holographic projecting lens which has some special properties to it so even though I explain this I’m not giving away this all the secrets by telling how this works.

The holographic projecting lens then projects that image that cellular level genetic identical image of the person that you’re treating over the damaged tissue and one of two things sort of happened at the same time there which is that the damaged cells through a physical phenomenon again a phenomenon of the laws of physics something called dominant harmonic frequency resonance will then naturally begin to conform and change their shapes back into ideal cells.

The other thing that happens is that the nuclei of damaged cells become fooled by the presence of holographic cells and holographic nuclei that then these cells will continue to grow into so not only can you restore any damaged tissue interior or exterior but you can also restore lost tissue so a finger that’s blown off a hand that’s blown off an arm or a leg that’s blown off you can grow all the way down to fingertips or toes and regrow severed and destroyed limbs”

It only takes a couple hours doesn’t it?

“Well it depends on how much tissue you have to repair the more tissue you have to repair the longer it can take if i had my hand burnt and had third degree crispy burns all over it I could probably get that hand repaired in an hour and a half to two hours if I lost an arm or had an arm that was fully damaged that could take you know the better part of a day if I had you know couple arms and a couple legs that had gone missing and a good portion of my torso i could be you know in that thing regenerating cellular tissue for several days” Ref – Credit

Alex Collier describes how the med bed holographically functions:

“We can share this updated version as well for everyone with everyone, so let’s just start it off with the med beds is holographic technology, it’s also color light and sound, this knowledge has been around since before Atlantis on this planet and it has existed off-world for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands possibly millions of years with others, with other star nations and star traveling pioneers.

They understood a very very long time ago that our bodies are holographic, that we are essentially made of color light and sound and it wasn’t until, I don’t know 25, 30 years ago, that we were able to scientifically prove that by looking at the body under an electron microscope and what they did not see was physicality, what they saw was light.

Now Nikola Tesla had talked about all these types of different technologies or concepts that he knew to be true simply because he was a genius, but of course he was having contact in his own way as well during his lifetime, but he was just the genius and I don’t know that there’s been anyone like him since, but the technology wasn’t there for him to actually put all of this together to where it is today.

Unfortunately he didn’t live long enough, so essentially what we’re talking about here is healing the human body. Now the holographic camera that the Andromedan’s use, it’s they call it “a camera”, what it does is it takes a picture of your body and this picture because it’s holographic is a picture of the present time when the picture’s being taken and it goes all the way back to conception and what they do is, they will go through the series of slides that are taken in this one picture and what they will do is they will pull out the particular slides of where your body was the healthiest, whether it’s kidneys, liver, muscle, knees, brain, heart, it doesn’t matter, and what they will do is, they will put those pictures together and create a new hologram and then what they will do is they will overlay that holographic picture onto your physical body literally healing it and renewing your body while you’re there.

It’s just there are no words, and to them it’s simple because they understand, they they have all the knowledge, nothing’s been suppressed for them and they understand who we are and what we are, here on earth, however, and in other star systems that have been controlled and manipulated by the Orion group, we haven’t had that education or that knowledge, but nonetheless this technology is coming out, this technology has been created.”


author unknown

Procedures take from a few minutes

Set up an initial consultation with a center near you.

1. Health benefits.

The medical family can correct a patient’s medical problems to restore an individual’s body to optimal condition.

2. New growth of organs.

The family can replace or grow members and members.

3. New bones and healing.

For those with a prosthesis, the prosthesis will be removed at bedside and dissolved so beneficial healing can take place.

4. Surgery. Surgery at Med Beds will provide immediate results.

For example, a baseball pitcher who needs surgery may be placed on a medical bed and ready to be discharged shortly after treatment.

They actually need to be ready to put on their shows before they get up and out of the medical bed.

5. The damage of VAX.

Family members can reverse the damage caused by the wax, but those who did not suffer pain and have natural injuries, their injuries will have priority.

6. Heart patients.

Family doctor treats all kinds of heart problems.

7. Addiction. Yes. Addiction can be cured…

But people will still have to figure out why their addiction in the first place.

8. Solve the additive parts to surgery.

The family will surgically dissolve any pieces of additive and repair the damage, restoring the body to normal health before trouble starts.

9. Chemotherapy.

Med Bed not only heals the damage caused by chemotherapy, but also restores the body’s health and eliminates all unnatural growth states.

10. Allergies. Allergies will be eliminated.

11. Dentistry. All dental problems will be fixed.

And the teeth will be renewed.

The teeth will also be adjusted if necessary.

12. Gain weight.


You can return to your ideal weight.

13. See and hear.


Your sight and hearing can be restored.

Blindness of the lens of the eye can also be corrected.

14. The scars.

The scars will heal and disappear.

15. Schizophrenia. Mental problems can be solved.

16. Autism.

Children with autism can be helped to heal.

17. Orthopaedic.

Orthopedic issues such as orthopedic amendments and corrections will also be addressed.

18. Depression.

Depression will gradually be helped.

Eventually, one has to deal with the trauma in a positive way.

There will be many spiritually trained counselors both human and non-human to help anyone suffering from depression.

19. Improvements. The medical family can make a person more compassionate, intelligent, etc.

Additional languages can also be learned/downloaded.

However, it’s important to have a reason to use the upgrades you need to download.

For example, there will be no reason to download every language on this planet if you don’t plan to use them.

A large part of the experience on this planet is the process of learning the knowledge that you need.

20. Perfect health.

The family will restore your body to optimal health.

21. Healing of the mind.

When you heal the mind you heal the body.

22. The E V E V E Med family returns people to optimal health.

If you are 80 years old for example, you will have the best health and 80 years.

That doesn’t mean you have to be as fit as a thirty-year-old.

The fall of age can prolong your life.

Not everyone will be approved to age backwards.

It’s nothing to take seriously.

It will be approved for the appropriate purposes.

23. Problems from birth.

The family can correct the problems that occurred at birth.

24. DNA.

Med Beds will reverse discontinued gene expressions like MTHFR, estrogen dominance, and gay issues with DNA detoxification and cleanup.

The Revolution of Healing

This past weekend, TLS encouraged me to go to Las Vegas to interview someone who currently has the power to bring true healing (on all levels) to the entire world. An individual who they approached back in 2011. An individual who has developed a healing technology that may even be more advanced than what many refer to as “MedBed Technology”. A technology that dissolved a 12.5-centimeter cystic fibroid in my aunt’s uterus in a period of only 4 hours.

Her name is Dr. Sandra Rose Michael and she is the first person I know of, with the exception of myself, that TLS has agreed to associate with in the public realm. TLS has encouraged me to raise awareness regarding this incredible technology while also finding a way to make this technology accessible to the entire world. Additionally, not only have they welcomed Dr. Michael to publicly share her experiences regarding when the organization approached her in 2011, but they even sent me to Las Vegas to document it!

She told me herself that they informed her back in 2011 that they would assist in bringing her technology to the forefront in due time. Well, I guess that time is NOW! MedBed technology here and we are going to make this technology accessible to the entire world, once and for all. We’ve got an entire planet to heal!

I ask you all to share this interview FAR & WIDE because that is how we change the world! Through AWARENESS. The revolution of healing is here and I am grateful to be a part of bringing it to the forefront alongside the gracious, Dr. Sandra Rose Michael.

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Why would they hide
these Med-Beds
if they are so amazing?

One reason springs to my mind instantly. It’s obvious that Big Pharma would not want such an item out and about healing the people they were desperately trying to keep sick! They are making too much money off sickness and disease to fall for that!

The methods available to us for healing and wellness have been hidden for potential decades. It’s believed it could even be for centuries! Is it true or not, I don’t know, but it’s what they’re saying.

There are three different types of Med Beds:

  • Holographic Med Beds
  • Regenerative Med Beds – regenerates tissue and body parts
  • Re-atomization Bed Beds – takes about 2-3 minutes to regenerate the whole human body from head to toe.

This is truly an amazing technology and hard to get your head around. I mean, it sounds totally unbelievable! It’s like what they make movies out of, and you walk out of them saying ‘ha-ha!’

Could it be true?

Those people familiar with the ‘Mud-Flood’ theory will find this subject more beleivable – and that Med Beds could be more of an inheritance than a new invention.

Given the rumour that Trump’s father grabbed 6000 of Tesla’s patents gives it more creedence.

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People we’ve tried to discuss

think we’re totally crackers
and away with the fairies.

We think we’ll probably be more like gurus at some stage of the future but, by then, when this is all common knowledge the know-it-alls who originally poo-pooed this information will venture into the public eye as authorities as id they knew all along.

In the meantime … follow these links to read on about this astonishing innovation and make up your own minds.

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The world is about to take a giant quantum leap into the revolutionary ‘New Age’ of healing technology systems that will become an integral part of transforming the way our traditional medical communities heal and remedy the masses with plasmatic use energies and healing frequencies.

Can you dare to imagine at some point in the future of the world, hospitals will play a very different role, they will be fortified with many unique quantum technology devices; lasers and Med Beds; Big Pharma will be eradicated; this futuristic technology will promote longevity and humanity will be free of the masses suffering from strokes, heart disease and many other diseases that contribute to the evils of ill health.

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Information about Med-Beds
is difficult to find

Here’s an older article


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