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Ten minute look
at the hidden history of Australia.

This is the history
that they don’t want you to know.

That’s why it was
never taught in the
Education ‘system’.

A treaty was signed in Geneva
called the
‘Declaration regarding
he Teaching of History’
(Revision of School Textbooks)
to change the way history is taught
because Australians might get a
little upset to discover the truth
which is that we are a foreign occupied nation:

See treaty here

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Some truths about
Australia Day

This is information that
all Australians should know
but won’t want to.

Time to expose the BS about
what people think ‘Australia’ is.

It’s not what most people
will even want to think.

The reason Australia day is celebrated on 26 January but don’t expect any education system to provide you with these facts as it is more important to the agenda of the parasites that Australians do not find out what’s been ‘going on’ in their backyard for over 100 years and how they’ve been screwed by selected and inserted traitor governments since then for their own personal enrichment and the enrichment of their parasite masters.

Australia Day does not celebrate the arrival of the first fleet or the invasion of anything.

Captain Cook did not arrive in Australia on the 26th January.

The actual landing of
Captain Cook in Sydney
happened on the
28th April 1770
not on 26th January

The first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on 18th January.

The 26th was chosen as Australia Day for a very different and important reason.

It is the day Australians are told
they received their independence

from British Rule, largely because Australia
was sold to the USA by the UK
to pay off loans UK had taken to pay for it’s wars
and Australia became an ‘occupied territory’.

However, Captain Cook’s landing was included in Australian bi-centenary celebrations of 1988 when Sydney-siders decided Captain Cook’s landing should become the focus of the Australia Day commemoration.

Sadly the importance of this date for all Australians has begun to fade and now a generation later, it is all but lost.

The media as usual is happy to twist the truth for the sake of controversy.

Captain Cook didn’t land on the 26th January, so changing the date of any celebration of Captain Cook’s landing would not have any impact on Australia Day, but maybe it would clear the way for the truth about Australia Day.

Australians of today, quite rightly, abhor the treatment of the Aborigines, the Irish and many other cultures around the world under British governance.

So after the horrors of WW2, we decided to try and fix it.

We became our own people.

On 26th January 1949, the Australian nationality came into existence when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was enacted.

That was the day we were first called Australians and allowed to travel with passports as Australians and NOT British subjects – which makes sense as, essentially, ‘Australians’ are, in reality, USA ‘subjects’.

In 1949 therefore, we all became ‘Australian citizens’ under the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948.

Before that special date, all people living in Australia, including Aborigines, were called ‘British Subjects’ and forced to travel on British passports and fight in British wars – now Australians fight in USA wars, e.g. Vietnam and, lately, Ukraine.

26th January is the day Australians thought they became free to make our own decisions about which wars we would fight and how our citizens would be treated.

Well, that’s what Australians are told, in reality it’s the USA that decides where Australian forces are deployed.

It was the day we were all ‘declared’ to be ‘Australians’ – though it’s just a term to give Australians a ‘warm fuzzie’.

Until this date, Aborigines were not protected by law.

For the first time since Captain

Cook’s landing this new Act gave Aboriginal Australians the full protection of Australian Law.

This is why 26th January is the day new Australians receive their citizenship.

It is a day which celebrates the implementation of the Nationality of Citizenship Act of 1948 –The Act which gave Australians the illusion of freedom and protection to the first Australians and gives all Australians, old and new, the right to live under the protection of the Australian Law”, which is owned by USA bankers, united as one nation as a profit-making (for them) corporation, registered in USA.

We’re told, what was achieved that day is something for which all Australians can be proud.

Isn’t it time that all Australians were taught the real reason we celebrate Australia Day on 26th January and let Australians make up their own minds about how good it was for them to this day?

Though, most would not want to even consider the truth

More about this,
from various sources,
follows on this page


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Australia is a major world economy,
with highly developed industries and
close to 25 million of
the wealthiest citizens in the world.

But Australia is harbouring
a deep, dark secret …

… it is an American company!

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Part 2A
The Ark of the Covenant

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Part 2B

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Part 3

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How To Hijack a State

– Exposing –
– The Great Australian Government –

On Our Channel, Exposing The Great Australian Government, We will be using Official Government Documentation to show you, The People, what these Purported Politicians and Political Parties have conspired and done behind your back’s and behind closed doors to side step Our Primary Law, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under Royal Coat of Arms.

“If you do not take an interest in
the affairs of your government,

then you are doomed
to live under the rule of fools.”

― Plato

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Australians are forced to vote,
whether we like it or not.

We all know that our vote is meaningless,
because no matter who we vote for
we only end up with one of two
major political parties;
either the ALP or the LIB/NATS.

Yet, very few people understand why our wishes are ignored once we elect these people to power over us.

The simple answer is that the Political Parties have already sold us out to the United Nations while we were all asleep.

Since the Whitlam Labor Government Australia has been registered as a Corporation.

We have lost our sovereignty.

We are no longer subjects of HM Queen Elizabeth the Second.

Nor are we a part of the Commonwealth under the Crown.

Instead, we have been sold out and we are now dictated to by the United Nations.

The MEDIA are complicit and being very quiet about it.

Corporate Government?

How did this happen?

  Link to full article HERE

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Some points
to explain why
the 1901 is a fraud

1. There is only one commonwealth and that’s the commonwealth of great Britain of which Australia is a part.

It has a prime minister that is suppose to be put forward by Parliament to be approved by the governor general, the representative of the crown.

This means that Australia is under the governance of one system and cannot create its own commonwealth.

2. The royal prerogative to deny assent was removed in 1688 by Parliament through the creation of the bill of rights therefore Queen Victoria did not hold the authority of the people to grant assent to any commonwealth nation having their own constitution as she was a treasonous monarch.

So under the correct governing monarchy structure all fake constitutions are null and void.

3. The Magna Carta 1215 is a democratic common law constitution that recognises the people as the supreme judiciary and legislature meaning the people govern themselves through the independence of the jury the judge and annul government legislation.

4. The 1688 bill of rights took away jury independence so that a government dictatorship could be established..colonisation began 100 years later therefore the colonies were established on the principles of dictatorship.

5. The 1901 was written by British parliament (a dictatorship) that set up Australian parliament as the supreme judiciary see chapter 71 judicature act.

Any system that gives government the power to judge the legitimacy of it’s own legislation and the power to punish people into compliance is by definition a dictatorship.

6.Australia was setup as for profit outdoor prison whose largest revenue raiser was crime and prisons because administered by Parliament considering it gave itself the power to write and enforce legislation the interfered with peoples natural born rights.

7. Back in 1901 the people were ignorant and still are as to the meaning of democracy.

They were led to believe democracy was voting for two wings of the same bird with one agenda. By then voting in elections for a political party was well established therefore what the people accepted as democracy.

Consensus does not change the truth but it does become what is accepted as truth political parties only began to form prior to the creation of the bill of rights which signalled the shift of power away from the last governmental failsafe mechanism of the monarch (takes an oath to protect the rights of the people from government intrusion) denying assent to any legislation that infringes on the peoples rights.v

8. Government has the capacity to become criminal in nature by being influenced by private interests and the only mechanisms that prevent criminal government (royal prerogative and jury independence were removed in 1688.

9. By upholding the 1901 dictatorship people are saying they are bound to the ignorance of their forefathers to remain a prison colony under government dictatorship.

10. The word democracy means the people rule not the people vote for which flavour of slave master they want to be whipped by. Without jury independence the people are enslaved.

The 1901 is the antithesis of democracy and it’s time for Australians to mature by understanding the sins of the past so they can stop repeating them.

11. Magna Carta 1215 is a restatement of the democratic common law constitution that formed the construction of a nation state which was sealed in perpetuity making it the sole constitution for the entire British Commonwealth realm because a legitimate constitution imposes limits on what government can do not the people, so we need to take responsibility and use the standards government knows it’s bound to assert our natural born freedoms therefore liberating ourselves from government dictatorship.

Understanding the principles of democracy contained in the MC1215 is the only solution to getting government get out of our way and back to its intended purpose of keeping the power on and emptying the bins.

Federation of Australia

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Australia Corporation

Australia was sold out in 1966. (There’s that ’66’ again)

Since then, Australia has been ‘without a Prime Minister, a Governor General and all elected heads of State’

There’s only 1 political party – The Liberal Party – the rest are fakes.

There’s so much in this video – just watch it and see how Australia’s been shafted.

Simple proof that it’s illegal – there’s been no referendum.

There must be a way out – but when the courts aren’t representing the people because they’re business’ employed by the ‘Corporation’, there’s no government, no police, no military where can ordinary people go?

Australia’s new PM, Albanese, not around for even a week, is already making moves to break away any remianing ties with England completely.

If he gets to do this, Australia’s ‘watertight constitution’ will be gone forever and Australians will be slaves to the Corporation, represented by those who have all the power – who are unelected.

Share this – the only possible fight we have is for a billion people to know what’s been going on – and do something about it before it’s too late, if it’s not already.

BTW – it’s likely both Canada and New Zealand, at least, are in the same situation.

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The (Aus.) government fraudulently
remove the Commonwealth
(us the people) and
signed treaties with the U.S/U.N

(Author unknown)

(Using the ‘Lima’ agreement, unidroit treaty)
they seized the sovereignty on this land.

Only those born on the land are the genuine right to the governments sovereignty, so what they did was conveyed everyone born since 1966 from the land to a fictional ship run by the corrupt gov called “Australia” they have committed treason by removing the word commonwealth from documents (which is removing us as the power- we the people) and by creating a fake Queen “ the queen of Australia” that every politician since the Australia act 1986 swears an oath to.

They even went as far as trying to pass a bill called the Queen of Australia act.

The government are supposed to serve us, and this is why they don’t because they have been over taken by infiltrators.

  Mostly ALL Australian
prime ministers have been Fabians
(go to ‘Fabians’ page on this website)

The biggest issue we face right now is by not learning these truths and then removing ourselves from the frauds that they have created – we too are foreign occupiers on our own land under international law.

How they conveyed us was when we were born, they berthed us into a ward in a state and got the informant to report on us and register it.

It became a document with an all caps name that stole your crown grant- god given right to land and made you a debt slave to their system.

You will hear mainstream that this is all fiction because they want full control.

All the info is out there.

You just need to research and dig (not give up) a lot of their legislation (statutes) show the lies they are pushing.

We the people don’t sit under statute that is for corporations and that’s the reason they gave you the birth certificate, so they can contract with you.

They can not contract with anyone that does not use the fraudulent all camps surname that was given to them on the birth certificate.

That name in fact is a equitable tittle that unbeknownst to the majority holds value and every time you sign a document with that name, you are consenting to being a trustee (a debtor) while they use your title as the beneficiary to trespass on your land because you have been conveyed off it all these corporations have access.

Every department of the gov is a separate entity and has a separate ABN number.

Only corporations carry ABN’s the commonwealth of Australia can not because it’s men and women are alive.

By law your birth certificate is a death.

It was the only way
they could get people to contract.

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Australia Constitution


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In 1975 Gough Whitlam
signed the LIMA Agreement.

He sold Australia to the United Nations – but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.

Donald J Trump’s Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE. Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 – City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned)

The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer. This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.

The Whole World goes to 1776 in law.

The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD – Think Revaluation of All Currencies.

The Whole World goes to 1950’s Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]

The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes.

13818, 13848, 13959.

The White Hats must be in control or Biden would have immediately cancelled the Executive Orders after his ‘inauguration’.

Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.
Ladies & Gentlemen


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David Walter Documents

the following is just a copy

David Walter is this amazing man who lives up in north Queensland, he was a police prosecutor for over 40 years – a Sergeant for many years in Northern Territory – he witnessed first hand Gough Whitlam and met the Queen on her second visit to Australia when they tried to get her to sign the Royal Styles and Title Act 1973 but she knew exactly what they were doing and signed her name at the top of the page above the wrong seal making it invalid. 

David had 40 years and a few personal experiences that enabled him to figure out how they managed to hijack the entire political landscape of Australia including the courts, the judiciary and the minds of the over fluoridated Australian people in the guise of a republic and self identity all the while stealing and lying to parliament to line their own pockets, it would be genius if it wasn’t so evil.

David’s original petition which sits on the King’s bench un-rebutted is drawn from his right to do this according to the 1627 Petition of Right Act, it has also been successful in court and is now flagged to be stopped (they don’t make it easy for you)  you have it submitted to court  as a link (it is up on Public Notices Australia board). 

Don’t make any changes to this document
file it as is.

Print out David J. Walter’s Full Original Petition – it is 119 pages, print the first page in colour the rest in black and white, double sided will make it lighter to post ( its heavier that 500 gram deeming it too heavy for a standard pre paid registered international envelope) – it needs 4 holes in the spine to thread it with purple ribbon watch the video below for instruction.

Sending this petition of right to the Queen is essentially asking the CEO to appoint a new Governor-General as we have not had one in 55 years – it too will sit on the King’s bench.

Download your personal version from the state or colony you reside in and swap out the red writing with your details and don’t forget to make it all black before printing its only 6 pages long.

The Commander-in-Chief fraud
By Anna Von Reitz

How Lincoln affected Australia
you can’t make this up

Information provided to H.E. Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court regarding our Claims March 6th 2005, January 19th 2023 in Seq:

We are attaching a summation of exactly how the lawful Australian Government and Constitution owed to the people of Australia was undermined by the British Monarchy, and how in fact, arbitrary changes in the definitions of words and the creation of a Commander-in-Chief office were used to implement this unlawful and illegal change.

This is how the British Territorial Government contrived to and succeeded in creating dictatorial powers for itself throughout the Commonwealth, and how its commercial “service” corporations overthrew the lawful national governments by fraud and deceit.

The author of the attached expose, Dick Yardley, a dedicated researcher, has done a masterful job of detailing the process that was also used to do the same thing throughout the Commonwealth nations, substituting an unlawful Territorial Government for the National Government owed — by sleight of hand and legal deceit.

The Perpetrators of these gross wrongs undertaken in breach of trust and service contract were consciously re-creating the fraud that Abraham Lincoln worked in America and spreading it to the Commonwealth with malice aforethought.

Lincoln deceived the public by appearing to run for and be elected to the actual Public Office of The President of The United States of America, while secretly operating in a private corporate capacity, that of “President” of the United States of America, Incorporated.

This substitution scheme allowed Lincoln to access, use, and abuse the empowerments of the actual Public Office with nobody being the wiser.

The military unknowingly accepted Lincoln as Commander-in-Chief, an office attached to the actual Public Office, and never questioned his authority.

This allowed Lincoln, an Undeclared Foreign Agent, to promote and conduct the entire illegal and unlawful Mercenary Conflict we know as The American Civil War, and also allowed him to promote dictatorial powers for the Office of Commander-in-Chief and the use of so-called “Executive Orders” to commandeer both the military and the civilian government offices.

The Perpetrators were so pleased with this Substitution Scheme in America, that they literally created Offices of the Commander-in-Chief throughout the Commonwealth— as documented by Dick Yardley in Australia– so they could make use of this template to undermine the lawful national governments throughout the British Commonwealth countries, too.

The problem, of course, is that Lincoln was never the lawful Commander-in-Chief, and had no possible standing or authority to occupy the offices of our American Government to begin with, including the Office of the Commander-in-Chief.

Both the original prohibitions against foreign conflicts of interest and the Titles of Nobility Amendment ratified in 1819 made sure of that.

So while the British Monarch could raise their pen and create a brand new Office of the Commander-in-Chief in Australia or South Africa or any other British Commonwealth, and then use that office to take over the military and subourn the lawful civilian government, the original template for all this grossly unlawful activity by commercial corporation personnel— all undertaken in breach of trust and contract — was provided by Abraham Lincoln acting forty years before the events in Australia.

We wish for Dick Yardley’s claim to be incorporated into and made part of our claim on behalf of our nation-states of the Union and living claimants worldwide, who have suffered from the same evils, and the same undermining of the national governments at the hands of commercial corporations under contract to provide essential government services.

We wish for his claim on behalf of Australia to be extended generally to all the Commonwealth nations pending further research.

We already know that these Commonwealth nations were all similarly impacted by this same gross breach of trust and violation of service contracts, including but not limited to the individual national Constitutions, and we also know that the imposition of new offices of the Commander-in-Chief were instrumental in all cases wherein these nations had standing defence forces of their own.

Lincoln was never validly “Commander-in-Chief” and thus, everything he did devolved into fraud.

He committed gross breach of trust and commercial service contract and, yes, treason in conflict of interest.

As he personally “declared” war on the Southern States-of-States without any Public Office and without any Congressional Declaration, the responsibility for the destruction and the loss of life and everything else associated with The American Civil War, rests upon the British Crown and the British Monarch and the Principals responsible.

Likewise the breach of trust and service contracts visited upon the Commonwealth nations rests on the same Parties, promoting and extending a known criminal fraud scheme against the countries and people of the Commonwealth nations.

We wish for the immediate return of all vested authority to the control of elected national governments and the end of illegal territorial occupation, that is, occupation by mercenary forces in the employment of the Municipal Corporations and their franchises and agencies discussed throughout.

We wish for disclosure to the General Public and announcement of Public Elections and an end to private political party elections being substituted for legitimate Public Elections.

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We do not have
a legitimate Government
in Australia?

Australian Government
is an illusion

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Petition of Rights
David Walter

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Australian Tax Office ATO
does not exist

A barrister in Sydney presented this information to a Judicial Registrar who was hearing a liquidation proceeding.

The Registrar adjourned the case immediately, after appearing “visibly shaken”.

Only a matter of hours later, an airline pilot who is in the Federal Court in Melbourne, against the A.T.O., was contacted by solicitors representing that august body, and informed that they were not proceeding with the case.

I wonder why?

I quote from an earlier F.O.I. Act request asking for “.. certified copies of the documents that establish the Australian Taxation Office”.

In response, Mr. R. J. Tomkins, (A.T.O. Solicitor), reports:

“With regards the creation of the Australian Taxation Office (A.T.O.), I was able to ascertain that the A.T.O was created as a branch of the Commonwealth Public Service by an executive instrument in 1973.

Officers of the Commonwealth Public Service are assigned to the A.T.O and the Commissioner of Taxation is put in charge of those Officers by section 25(4) of the Public Service Act 1922.

“An extensive search of the A.T.O. library and records management system failed to identify any document relevant to this part of your request.

Similarly, enquiries to the Commissioner’s Office, People and Structures Branch, The Delegations and Authorisations Officer and the Parliamentary Business Unit did not identify any document.

“On the advice of the Australian Government Solicitor’s Office, I contacted the Office of the Official Secretary to the Governor-General in an attempt to identify, and obtain a copy of the executive instrument.

This office referred me to the Federal Executive Council who then suggested I contact Australian Archives.

A detailed search by all offices failed to locate the relevant document.

“Accordingly, I am obliged in terms of section 24A of the Act to deny access to this part of your application on the grounds that I was not able to locate the requested document”.

It was from this original F.O.I. Act request, that the I.T.R. was eventually able to identify that the A.T.O. was never legally formed, and therefore, has been illegally illiciting taxes since its formation!

The I.T.R. takes the view that all the tax laws in the country are illegal anyway, (under an illegal Constitution), and that therefore, taxes are voluntary.

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ASIC has been
sentenced to death

4 Jul 2024

Today is a historic day with the handing down of the Senate Economics References Committee inquiry report into ASIC or the Australian Securities and Investments Commission.

Every major business news story across Australia tonight is covering the Bragg Report.

The major headline from today’s report is that:

o ASIC is broken and cannot be fixed;

o ASIC must be abolished in its current form;

o ASIC must be split up into two regulators – one of corporations and one for financial services.

Consistent with our last show, the report goes to great length to show that ASIC is an absolute failure. It mandate, structure and culture are contributing factors for why it has failed to deliver for Australians for the past 15 years.

The cost, financial, mental and emotional has been very significant for tens of thousands of Australians.

Today is a landmark report by Senator Bragg as the 35 year bi-partisan consensus has now officially collapsed with the Coalition now calling on scrapping on the ASIC model.

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King Charles III
proclaimed as Lord of Mann

His Majesty King Charles III will be proclaimed as Lord of Mann at Government House at 12 noon on Sunday 11 September 2022.

Only 3 days after official death of QE2

The Proclamation will be read by the Lieutenant Governor, His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer.

Whilst the public are able to attend, regrettably there is only limited on-site car parking at Government House.

Therefore, the public are instead encouraged to attend the second Proclamation Ceremony in St John’s at 11 am on Friday 16 September 2022.

The second Proclamation will be made from Tynwald Hill, the ancient seat of the Kings and Lords of Mann.

Following this, a resolution of loyalty and condolence will be put before a sitting of Tynwald Court in the Royal Chapel.

This ceremony is based on the one held at St John’s in February 1952 to proclaim Queen Elizabeth II, and is similar in outline to the normal Tynwald Day ceremony.

It will begin with a short act of worship in the Royal Chapel. The actual Proclamation will take place on Tynwald Hill and the sitting will conclude back in the Royal Chapel.

The public are welcome to witness the proceedings on the Hill. Sound amplification will be put in place as far as possible in the time available. The event will be broadcast on Manx Radio and live-streamed online. There will be no grandstand seating.

Office-holders who formed part of the processions at the most recent Tynwald Day will be contacted by the Clerk of Tynwald’s Office with detailed instructions.

King Charles III proclaimed
as Lord of Mann
What’s REALLY going on

  What’s REALLY going on?

click image to follow link at bottom

ATO Illegally
collecting tax

There is no such thing as "law" - only scribbles/words on paper which people are duped into believing are "special words" which they "must obey".

Unless a document is signed as a contract voluntarily and intentionally by the people it's supposed to apply to, the words are of no authority over anyone, nor of any obligation to anyone.

So even if the scribbles about an "ATO" were so-called "gazetted", it would make zero difference in reality - the theft and robbery called "taxes" have always been, still are and always will be theft and robbery.

Another version of this image has been spread around the internet... to which I further replied:

The argument that "the ATO was never legally formed" misses the fundamental point and is actually irrelevant anyway. It contains a false implication that it would be possible to be "legally formed" - if only they had done this or that according to some other (also bogus) procedure, or used some other "seal", or waved their "magic wand"...

Freedom advocates must stop wasting their time (and everyone's time) spreading this and similar useless arguments, when they could be teaching the fundamentals and be vastly more effective.

"Tax" is a euphemism for theft/robbery.

No matter what a bunch of shysters and parasites who masquerade as "government" do or say, the simple obvious fact remains that no-one signed any contract authorizing anyone to "govern" them, therefore there is no valid/legitimate institution authorized to help themselves to your income/assets, therefore you cannot have any kind of "Tax" (theft) Office that isn't actually just theft/robbery.

They fabricate all manner of nonsense, trying to trick/brainwash people into believing that they are "authorities", but all of it is lies. The more people "research" into their scam "system" - with the presumption that ANY of it is valid (it's not - the whole supposed "system" is a fraud/scam) - the more they waste their time and tend to become tricked, in some way or another.

There's a lot more on this here:

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AUSTRALIA and "Commonwealth of Australia" are not the same!

it appears that AUSTRALIA's border starts 200 Meters offshore and extends 200 nautical miles out to sea also including some islands, however, the Commonwealth of Australia is not "included" in the government's interpretation of what constitutes AUSTRALIA.

This may be happening in all western countries around the world.


What Australia REALLY is
according to the
Australian Taxation Office

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Where is Australia

What the government is hiding

Australia was sold to USA many years ago - but what was sold?

WHY are we paying tax to Australia?
WHERE does the tax go?
WHO is the tax being paid to?
WHAT is the tax used for?

The 'territories' or the huge lump of mineral-rich-dirt-with-no-name
surrounded by the locations listed.

Many of them couldn't even be listed as 'islands'
as they're not much bigger than bumps sticking out of the ocean.

Either way, more history that's been hidden
by the traitors posing as 'goverment'.

More skulduggery to screw us over
if it wasn't it wouldn't be a secret.

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What the government is hiding

Australia that we know it to be
does not exist.

The following excerpt from the
Australian Taxation Assessment Act 1997

Section 960 5.05
Confirms 'Australia' is:-

SECT 960.505

Meaning of Australia

  •  (1)  Australia when used in a geographical sense, includes each of the following:
  • (a)  Norfolk Island
  • (b)  the Coral Sea Islands Territory;
  • (c)  the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands;
  • (d)  the Territory of Christmas Island;
  • (e)  the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands;
  • (f)  the Territory of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands.

    (1) Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provides that an
    Act is taken to have effect in the coastal sea
    as if the coastal sea were part of Australia

    Offshore areas

    (2) Australia when in a geographical sense, includes an offshore area
    for the purposes of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

    Note 1: The offshore area includes all things located in that area,
    including all installations and structures such as oil and gas rigs.
    The area also extends to the airspace over,
    and the sea-bed and subsoil beneath, that area.

Note 2:  The offshore area includes the
exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Australia

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What Includes Australia

Due to the events Re: the so called Corona Virus,
this has been urgently uploaded for the latest finds
in relation to what includes Australia and New South Wales.

Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

Justinian Deception

An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”. DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin.

It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract.

If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.

The “presumption”
of a foreign military occupation

of our country
under the foreign control of Rome:


  Justinian Deception
The Mother of all Deceptions:
The Concept of Modern Day Slavery (PDF):
By: Romley Stewart.


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Justinian Deception

An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”. DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin.

It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract.

If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.

The “presumption”
of a foreign military occupation

of our country
under the foreign control of Rome:

In 1973, Whitlam, Prime Minister of “AUSTRALIA” signed us up to a private military “Roman” contracting system of governance called: “UNIDROIT”, head office in Rome.

This is why the written language and its relationship to Private Contracts is so important to be aware of.

The UNITED STATES, being the de-facto government of the United States of America, is now also a part of UNIDRIOT, under the power of Rome.

DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) appears to be the official language of the Infants: Military, infantry of Rome.

It appears to be the language of the DEAD, (Debtor) and the only way you can hold a military name is in the ALL UPPERCASE APPEARANCE of the dead language: LATIN and or DOG-LATIN, being the designation of things and not proper names, such as your SURNAME.

Proper Latin appears to be the official language of Rome and we “Assume” that DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) is the language of the military debtor accounts/ledgers of Rome and a lack of understanding of such facts may be the cause of many Australians and people from around the world, to be losing their property and all their common law birth rights via a lack of understanding in relation to the appearance of such LATIN-TEXT-AND-ITS-DOGGED-CORRUPTION.

The Beast is the VATICAN and the mark of the beast is its written text.

Preamble: A simple question about the validity of the Queensland Driver License appearing in an all uppercase text, was never answered by a Queensland Magistrate, (2010) causing such research to be undertaken to understand how a government can take your $30,000.00 car and never return it.

How did they do it? (Stolen by a massive grammatical corruption)

This Article is the result of over seven years of research in relation to three questions that were put to Magistrate PINDER (Queensland, Australia) in 2010, relating to the validity of the Queensland Driver License. (And such a deception now extending to many governmental instruments)

The three questions were:

(1) Why is the name on the Driver License back to front, with the last name first? and:

(2) What is the all uppercase text because it does not appear to be any correct form of English text in relation to the Oxford English Styles Manual, and:

(3) What styles manual did you use in order to construct the Queensland Driver License with the name appearing in all uppercase text. Such questions caused an “Estoppel” in the court because the magistrate refused to answer the questions, and the police were warned by Magistrate PINDER to “Never touch me again”. (A vendetta has been carried out ever since by State Police)

This research was undertaken in order to find the answers to such questions that all magistrates refused to answer.

This article is a disturbing account to what has been uncovered in relation to such three questions.

(The Government is
nothing what you ever assumed)

This is not legal advise, it is just an account of the research that may have uncovered what appears to be the underlying facts about why magistrates could not answer such questions for fear of exposing the truth about the grammatical standing, or lack thereof, of International Foreign Corporate “Maritime Law” governance over-ruling the sovereignty of our common law birth right to our own countries.

The grammatical deception uncovered by this research may very well be hundreds of years old, Re: Justinian, 530 – 560AD, and may even be a surviving system from the Egyptian masters of slavery and symbolism themselves, being thousands of years old, the Egyptian system of the Gods of the dead such as Osiris, Anubis, Horus, and the like, may still rule over us today via a deception that is more cunning and clever than anyone could ever imagine.

1: Justinian and the DOG-LATIN deception.

A The: SECRET-FOREIGN-SIGN language hidden in plain sight. “DOG-LATIN”: The poison in the text: It is a poisonous gloss that corrupts the essence of the text.

This story is about simple English text and a hidden text that has been usurped into the English text without you ever being aware of such a deception, causing such a corruption in the text to take on a different meaning than what you ever assumed.

This story explains how a foreign alien text appears in contracts, court orders, your Driver License, passports etc., without you ever being aware that such a foreign text existed.

This trick played upon the unsuspecting public is administered by the true dogs of the underworld in order to render you as a trustee of a foreign corporate banking entity that is alien and foreign to your true sovereignty.

The lawyers, judges, and the Courts and their military Police are the administrators of this hidden secret deception played upon the masses in order to maintain control of such Slaves.



B The “GLOSSA” is the all uppercase LATIN-TEXT appearing on any document.

It is not English, it is an illustrative text (Picture-Symbol) and not a descriptive text such as English. It has no jurisdiction with other written text such as English Descriptive Text unless agreed.

2: If its not English, its not common law!

The poison in the text of the GLOSSA is now identified as: “DOG-LATIN” and has no correspondence with proper written English appearing on the same page It is a corruption that can only be agreed to.

Samples of how the fraud text appears.

“This is proper English descriptive text”


“THIS TEXT IS DOG LATIN BEING LATIN TEXT BASED ON THE GRAMMATICAL RULES OF ENGLISH” … Notice, no hyphens: This is know as: Debased Latin: “DOG-LATIN, language of the illiterate: Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition”

And is noted as criminal under the English Dictionary, identified as a “Dog Latin, being a debased form of text”. Debase synonyms appear as Criminal and Immoral and Evil and as a counterfeit, along with many more declensions.

There is no jurisdiction between two separate languages appearing on one document. This is the guts of their deceptive crime: “English” and “Latin” or “DOG-LATIN” can not exist as one jurisdiction. Reference: Article: 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles: Sixteenth Edition: Foreign Languages.

The reason why “DOG-LATIN” is used to deceive the public, is because, as a foreign written language, it resembles English text closer than any other written foreign text.

It has deceived the best of the best… “EVEN THOUGH YOU ASSUME YOU CAN READ THIS TEXT AS ENGLISH”, Grammatically, its impossible, and this is how they can claim that “their” law is a “presumption”, because it grammatically does not exist.

According to the Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition, DOG-LATIN, is the language of the illiterate, it is the: LATIN-ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT usurped into the English Descriptive text, appearing under the grammatical rules of Descriptive English Text, (ALL UPPERCASE SYMBOLIC TEXT without the hyphens) and not appearing under the true correct grammatical rules of Latin and done in order to deceive the illiterate, being the ignorant masses. “Ignorance is negligence”.

It is the hidden secret that destroys the dominion of living man over the land, the sky, the sea and the thing that creep, (SURNAME). (Genesis 1:26) DOG-LATIN is the “Babylonian” language of the VASSAL, being the third party, debtor of the debtor. (Vassal of the Vessel) It is found on the ledger, (TOMB-STONES) and by you being attached to it, renders the presumption of conformation “SIGN” that you have sinned and you are dead.

You are no longer the servant of the God of living man, you have become the servant of the underworld, the Gods of the dead Corporation, the servant of the VATICAN, the debtor of the debtor, subject to the Justinian Corpus Juries, (Language of the DEAD).

The VATICAN holds the souls of the dead and the DOG-LATIN is the language of the DEAD.

(Look at any tomb stone in the grave yard, its written text is: DOG-LATIN)

The Person, and the Corporation, exists only in the water world, maritime jurisdiction of the DEAD.

It has no place on land and with the living existence of good men.

Land corporations are ships in dry dock, and their fraud DOG-LATIN language is a crime of deception and fraud against the living man.

(Check the synonyms of the word “debase” in your dictionary because DOG-LATIN is identified as “Debased” Latin, a crime)

Dog Latin is the poison in the text, the counterfeit contract, the false charge, the deception that tricks the unsuspecting illiterate ignorant masses into accepting the debts of another.

A man can not live in the sea without a ship, and if you enter into the legal world of commerce, (Maritime Jurisdiction, law of water) you must be able to trust your ship that holds your estate.

If your ship is dogged with a corruption, your estate (Cargo) is in peril.

It may also help if you know the difference between the grammatical rules of the written language of the land and the written language of the sea or you may find yourself, “presumed”: “LOST AT SEA”

The: Power of Rome, is alive and well in the modern systems of governance that govern the “citizens” of the world today but is it right? is it Just? … Or is it the system of Satan itself, a system of hidden slavery in order to control the masses via a private CONTRACTING system in order to forgo true Justice? being a system to remove man from the common law of the public jurisdiction in order to subject such a man to fall into private foreign contracts in order to forgo common law justice without arousing suspicion… As described in Blacks Law Dictionary under “GLOSSA”, and Justinian.

the power of Rome in relation to modern day governance, depends on the hidden grammatical rules of a foreign language usurped into the English language without the common man ever being aware of such a deceit.

London or Rome? …Or Babylon?… A question only answered by a comprehension of the grammatical rules of: English, and the foreign: Latin, (SIGN-LANGUAGE) used as the official written language of the Roman debtor accounts. (Language of the Debtor)

3: Is England Really England?:

Is England and its “City of London” really “England” or the “Roman Empire”? and if such a choice exists, what official language controls the VATICAN if the Vatican holds Legal Title over England and its so called commonwealth subdivisions? (AUSTRALIA and CANADA etc.) is it the “English language” or is it the official language of Rome, being “Ancient Latin”? meaning, if you are the holder of any account rendered in Ancient Latin, (ALL-UPPERCASE-SYMBOLIC-ILLUSTRATIVE-TEXT) are you just the corporate citizen of Rome and no longer a true common law subject of the common aggregate of England, its subdivisions and the English Language? … Were you sold out to the foreign Roman military enemy as a Trustee Slave or were you ignorant to the greatest grammatical deception ever known in modern history and “fell” into their trap, deceived by a grammatical masterpiece revived by the: Justinian Deception and the Roman occult?

Occult, means: Hidden

The Latin meaning for Latin is: Concealed, Hidden.

The Ancient Latin (ALL UPPER CASE TEXT DOGGED INTO DOG LATIN) is the copyright property of the debtor of the VATICAN, the Military: Roman Empire, and if you use it, you attach yourself to the terms and conditions of such property of the Roman Empire, being the “babble text” of BABYLON.

You need a License to use it! … But! is the Latin you see every day on Driver License, Court Documents, Banking Contracts, Government contracts, really true Latin? or is it the Dogged corruption that is neither, true English or true correct Latin? “If this written text is English” and “THIS-IS-PROPER-SYMBOLIC-SIGN-LANGUAGE-LATIN” than “WHAT IS THIS TEXT WITHOUT THE HYPHENS” and why is Rome and its Legal Eagles turning the blind eye? …. who benefits from such a corruption? …

If Rome holds the legal titles of the countries of the world, than it alone is the debtor, but if Rome has the ability to confer the legal title to a third party debtor! Rome becomes the benefactor of all such countries.

This knowledge to confer such legal title, being the debtor of the world, to the unsuspecting masses, is the key to their success, Rome transfers itself from the world debtor to the world creditor via an incredible grammatical deception that you are/were never meant to know.

The Latin meaning for BABYLON (BABY-LON) is: Baby for long time.

That’s why the infantry of the Roman Empire (UNITED STATES MILITARY) are called infantry, they are the infants, the children that have not grown up and never likely to.

At the age of majority (21) when they are handed their Key to Life, such children are made sure that they are unaware of their true standing, and for that reason, such children remain holding the Rome military account (SURNAME) being the “cognomen” therefor remaining subject to the power of Rome and their true Christian Account (Ledger) is never claimed. After seven years, the child is legally presumed lost as sea and the Christian Credit Account remains under the control of Rome.

The STATE has become Father of the Child and the Military have become the loyal DOGS that serve the State and that’s why their ID tags are called. (DOG-TAGS), because of their military language: DOG-LATIN.

What did the child lose? his right to direct the Dominion, it remained under the control of the State because the child never claimed it back at the age of Majority.

That’s why the Christian name and the military SURNAME account have two different certificates of birth.

The birthing of the Credit LEDGER and the Debtor LEDGER.

What one you hold is up to you.

If ROME has become the legal title holder of England and its subdivisions, “defender of the Christian Faith”, than have you become the legal “third party” title holder of Rome? being the debtor of ROME evidenced by any account you may be holding with your name “GLOSSED” into Ancient Latin, (American Sign Language) or a corrupt version, being the property of Rome or its banking debtor, and appearing in such names or effigies as: “JOHN PAUL SMITH” or “John Paul SMITH” or “MR SMITH”? …(What foreign text appears on your Passport, Driver License, Bank Account, and the list goes on)…Is it even Latin or DOG-LATIN?… And if so, maybe you are not aware that a true name can never grammatically appear in “illustrative” (Symbolic) text? …(Illustrative text is a picture, not writing) Grammatically speaking, true proper names are “Capitalized”, not “SYMBOLIZED” (Oxford Manual of Styles) rendering the presumption that your own ignorance of the grammatical rules of English, and Ancient Latin, are the root cause of your own inability to know the difference between your true name and a foreign debtor account or LEDGER of the foreign Roman Empire that you were deceived into holding without your knowledge.

Even your own name is made up of two entities, “Christian Name” and “SURNAME“, that is two! not one! and this is even evidenced by two birthing Certificates.

(Birth of the Christian Name ACCOUNT (CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH) and the birth of the Surname name ACCOUNT) (State BIRTH Certificate) …

The only time that the full legal Person was birthed, being the name appearing with the Christian name and surname appearing as one in proper English, such as: “John Paul Smith” is on the day of “registration” not the day you were born because the date the Christian Name was registered was on the registration date some time after you were born! and not your born date.

Your true full name is only the Christian name or given name, it is the “State” that joined the family name to your Christian name so they are liable for the debts under the full name: “John Paul Smith” because its their property, their copyright, their creation. He who creates owns.

One would even wonder why the Church itself remained quiet about such a deception, was it because it was the roll of the Church to serve Christ so if Christ never returned, maybe the VATICAN (Debtor of man) would only need to serve itself? It could render itself as the benefactor if the beneficiary (Christian Account) was lost or not present?

I wonder why Latin and Grammar have been removed from the corporate “State School System”? …because if you could “really” read, and you knew your Latin and your Grammar, you would see the deception in plain sight. If you were born into fraud and lived your whole life in fraud without ever being aware of such a fraud, then coming face to face with the truth would understandably be a difficult thing to accept… Many will refuse to accept that their own lack of knowledge in relation to grammar is the cause of their own misunderstanding in relation to their own name.

Your surname appearing as a symbol (GLOSSA) is assumed, it is not your property and does not appear as a part of your name on any birth certificate.

4: The: JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION 530-AD: Death of Humanity?


5: JUSTINIAN: Emperor of Rome from 527-AD to 565-AD, and the JUSTINIAN Principle of Corporate Dead Governance of the dumbed down distracted masses.

So why do we shed light on this “person”, what did Justinian do that changed the history of modern day governance? … Its simple, he understood the meaning of “G-O-D”, he had the comprehension to understand: “Article 1:26 Genesis”, being the authorization that granted total authority over the world to man, and nothing else, “Grantor of Dominion”, being the greatest of Authority that was granted to “man” from the GOD of the Bible we are all aware of today.

G-O-D: Meaning: Grantor Of Dominion. (So there can be many Gods to deceive you)

All that needs to be done is for living man to give his consent to a DEAD corporation in order that a dead corporation can access the “dominion” (Total Authority) from such a living man.

If the man does not consent, then a secret system of deception may have to be created in order to deceive such a man into consent without such a man ever being aware… The secret system exists. Its deception is: “Legal Title” and its tool is Grammar.

6: TRUST-LAW, the legal CODE to modern day SLAVERY:

Article 1:26 Genesis, is the foundation to TRUST-LAW, and what is TRUST-LAW, it is the legal code to a “Master-Servant” relationship, being SLAVERY, (Devolution) however, slavery is outlawed, but, “voluntary servitude” is legally accepted! … What this means is that the servant (SLAVE) must “agree” or “consent” to a private “contract” of slavery.

No one in their right mind wants to be a SLAVE, and that is why the warnings appear in the Bible, warning against the deceptive nature of the serpent-snake in the Garden of Eden, because it is through the clever deception of the serpent (Being the usurper-snake) that TRUST-LAW has become the new system of slavery, perfected over hundreds of years by the legal minds of deception, the Masters of Deceit.


7: KEY-TO-Conferring the Ledger upon the Unsuspecting Illiterate Ignorant Masses.

The key to their deception is not to send you a bill but to send you “their” account in order that you agree to become the “trustee” of “their” account!

That’s right! it was never your bill that appears in the mail with your (So called) name appearing in the false Dogged DOG-LATIN, it’s pure grammar that confirms that proper “names” are never “SYMBOLIZED”, they are “Capitalized” and when you see: “SMITH” and not “Smith” or the symbol: “MR” or “MISS”, you are looking at the foreign accounts or “LEDGERS” of a foreign (Roman) entity sealed in its coffin (Envelope or Article) waiting for the illiterate ignorant masses to claim their debt property appearing as a “symbol” of “their account” that looks so much like your name, and once you “Break the Seal” of the sealed envelope, the “spell” (Contract) within, the contract to pay the debt, will be attached to the LEDGER that you claimed, rendering their account to be settled by their new consenting debtor, YOU, being the one that “Claimed” the ledger appearing within such an Article or what you assumed was a bill in your name. It was their Account! and they needed a fool to hold their LEDGER, dogged into “their” dead DOG-LATIN text in order to subject you to the accounts of the underworld.

Posting means to confer an “Account” to a “LEDGER” …

A Ledger is the stone on top of a tomb, in other words, you're DEAD.

However, the world of the dead is not all bad, the distractions are entertaining and to find your way back to Eden, is complex and not for the faint hearted.

The world of the dead has: Footy, Porn, Television, Sports of all kind, things to keep you distracted, things that you love doing on the condition that you keep paying the debts of your master.

A lot of people have the best life ever as the Slave and in a way, their masters try to keep them happy and distracted because the wealth that the masters generate from their true dominion (True Title) is possibly beyond your comprehension.

The masters are not really rich from their own wealth, they are rich from acting as the Equitable Title holder of your own Dominion.


Without that one simple article: (1:26 Genesis) being the granting of such dominion over the land, the sky, the sea and the thing that creep, man would never have any legal ability to govern anything.

Such a Biblical statute also prevents any form of governance over man because “man” has the highest authority over all living things on this world as well as the authority over the thing that creep, and what is the thing that creep, the legal dead SURNAME, being, in Latin, the name that creeps up from below.

9: Respect for the Assize of the VATICAN:

Only living man holds the highest authority, being Dominion, over the natural mineral and energy wealth of Eden, (Earth-land) so man must be assumed DEAD-IN-THE-WATER in order that the serpent (Usurper) can claim equitable title over Eden but remember this, how many men are worthy of holding the true wealth of Eden (Mineral and energy reserve) over the VATICAN? and that is why the code of understanding in relation to the Biblical codes are so complex, in order that only the true learned, the servants of the first Grantor-Of-Dominion (The first GOD) comprehends why the serpent or Satan must exist.

The Serpent (Usurper VATICAN) only holds authority over its own property, being the dead accounts and the “Persons” of ROME. You can only hold the dead accounts of Rome by holding the VATICAN created “Person”.

If you hold any account of ROME, you, by your own “claim” are the property of ROME, rendering your GOD as the VATICAN, and not the true God because the VATICAN created the “Person” and when the living man is annexed to the “Person”, such a living man no longer serves the first GOD of the living “Existence” of man, he serves the grantor of the person, and the life granted to such a person by the VATICAN.

Only the VATICAN created “Person” has the ability to hold a debt account, man has no ability to hold any account, that is why your Christian LEDGER (Dead Christian Name) has a trustee, in order that we, man, only need directive powers over the Dead governing corporate contractor.

It is the VATICAN, being the: VAT-I-CAN “holder”, that granted a “life” to a “person”.

Man was granted “Existence” and without existence, there can be no person or life of a trust or contract or anything for that matter.

To kill the life of a “person” does not kill the existence of the man, but if you kill the “existence”, the “person” no longer “Exists” and that is why no man or person has the right to end a mans “existence” for such a crime of ending existence, is the greatest insult against the highest Grantor-Of-Dominion.

10: Born into: LIFE or Existence?

Remember this, without “existence” there can be no life, so when you see the meaning of born: meaning, born into “life” or “existence”, it was “existence” that the first G-O-D granted, not life, life is only the duration of the Vatican created Person, being the life span of a Contract or Trust in a legal term.

Only the true G-O-D can grant Existence, where as the VATICAN grants life, but only for the dead person.

Hold life and you my very well be “existing” as DEAD.

Hold life and your God is the VATICAN, not the true God, hold Existence, and your G-O-D is the true God, that grants real Existence and this may be where the saying: “own nothing and direct all” derives from.

Understanding the “Christian name”, and its trustee legal standing, and the words: in my name you will be saved, may be the greatest key that returns you to existence but before you search for your true God, the Gods of the underworld and Egypt, did offer the dead a life within death and if you are happy within that existing death, (As you hold your person) than think carefully before you search for your real God of “existence” because such a road to the truth and the real G-O-D is long.

The ACCOUNTS of ROME can only be attached to the property of ROME, being the “Persons” of ROME.

A Person is not a living man, it is the rank in a society, a military account holder and by your own actions by agreeing to hold any form of Account, you have agreed to act as the person (Mask), you have agreed to serve the false GOD, being the GOD of the Person, the GOD of the Pagan (Pay-Again debtor of the Vatican) being the VATICAN, the world debtor, the legal title holder of Eden.

The VATICAN is the: Beast of Burden, of man and by holding any accounts of Rome, you become the servant of the Beast by holding the Mark of the Beast, being dogged: DOG-LATIN. You have left the true God. You hold the dogged: DOG-LATIN text, and you are assumed: DEAD, chattels of the STATE, chattels of the VATICAN, you are the property of Rome.


So what did Justinian do in order to gain so much power and authority over man?

He created the greatest deception concept ever perpetrated against living man in modern known history, he killed man without any one ever knowing that they were all legally dead, sacrificed at birth, dumped into the sea (Sea of commercial paper) in order to be “salvaged” by the Roman Empire before they were ever aware that they were assumed dead, lost at sea and never likely to return. Justinian (Emperor of ROME) and his legal team between 530 and 560 AD created a governmental masterpiece of modern day deception in order to deceive the public into “falling into” the private military contracts of the Roman Empire, under the direct control of the VATICAN in order to forgo true justice.

Shortly after the Magna Carter in 1215, Accursius, Accursius was a Roman jurist, around 1230 in the Hohenstaufen Dynasty of the Roman Empire, had completed the Justinian GLOSSA Corpus Juries Code, laws of the Dead Corporation System.

Such a system is now fully in play operating under the ALL CAPS GLOSSA LATIN HIDDEN CONCEALED SYSTEM OF WRITTEN LATIN TEXT, or a DOGGED VERSION OF IT, (Property of Rome) that is assumed as common English text today, however, this is still far from the grammatical facts as confirmed in Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition in relation to the: “GLOSSA” and also confirmed by article 11:147 of the Chicago Manual of Styles SIXTEENTH-EDITION, identifying American Sign Language, operating under the grammatical rules of Latin Text, being used in modern day governance and Private Banking Contracts.

Common law of the land is not gone, but if you hold the “Person”, being the property of Rome and the VATICAN, you have no right to be subject to the Common Law of the land, you have become the property of Rome and you are bound by the Justinian Code, code of the DEAD-CONTRACTS, because the “person” that you hold is not your property, but you are subject to its debts if you are “acting” as the “holder” of such a “Legal Person” that was granted to you by Rome. The Christian Name is also not your property, but it is the remedy because it has a trustee, saving you from death. Trustee’s are legally dead.

Justice is a straight line, DOG-LATIN is the bending of the line, the corruption, the spurious document, the declension, the debasement, the counterfeit, the immoral act that no positive law could ever follow. It is the clever deception that “PEOPLE ASSUMED THIS TEXT WAS ENGLISH” and that’s how you corrected the error in the name, it was never your name in the first place… This deception was right under your nose in plain sight all your life but because it was always there, you didn’t notice it.

12: Translations in Relation to the use of DOG-LATIN:

What is DOG-LATIN? Blacks Law Dictionary claims that it is a debased form of Latin Text appearing under the Grammatical Rules of English. Its unreadable, so what does it look like: “IT SIMPLY LOOKS LIKE THIS“, and where do you find it? well, look at Court Documents, Government documents, banking documents, and your DRIVER LICENSE, yes, all the entities you assumed that you could trust….. It exists only with the consent of the Ignorant, it is the language of the Illiterate.

Just to give an example of how dangerous this deception is, I will give you a translation from “DOG-LATIN” to “English” and then from “English” into correct “LATIN”. In relation to the text used by the US FEDERAL RESERVE, the BAR, the banking Systems and the UNITED NATIONS, the European Union (EU), such “things-entities” use American Sign Language, being the ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT in order to identify CORPORATIONS registered with the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, but do they? or is it the deceptive: DOG-LATIN?… Here is the presumption and the fact in relation to “DOG-LATIN“.

A sample is given in the Chicago Manual of Styles, in section: 11:147, [image below] FOREIGN-LANGUAGES, of the correct way LATIN Re: ASL, is to be used in relation to the sample: “A car drove by“.

The translation into ASL (American Sign Language) appears as: “VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY“…

Did you notice the “hyphen“? … One rest in Written LATIN and American Sign Language, constitutes a break between the two signs, (Words) where as in relation to the English grammatical rules dealing with English Text, one rest constitutes joinder between the two words. Two rests or one rest and a full stop constitutes the break in relation to the written English Grammatical rules.

Two different sets of very different grammatical rules! … This means that when LATIN or American Sign Language is used without the “hyphen” it renders nothing in fact, leaving only an ignorant presumption that such ALL UPPERCASE TEXT is valid.

This is just word science.

If you operate English text or Latin text in breach of its relating Manuals, you void warranty! just like operating an automobile in breach of its manuals. You void warranty.

13: BABYLON TEXT, The language of babble:

So lets translate: The: “The cat sat on the mat” into the Latin, in relation to article 11:147 of the: Chicago Manual of Styles, to see what happens:

“The cat sat on the mat” = “THE-CAT-SAT-ON-THE-MAT”

Now from DOG-LATIN to English:

“THE CAT SAT ON THE MAT” = “The. Cat. Sat. On. The. Mat.”

As you can see, the second sample translated into nothing readable, its babble, that’s why the second sample is called: “DOG-LATIN” or “Dog Latin” being the language of the illiterate.

It is debased.

It is a “declension” or a “debase” meaning, it is wrong, immoral, counterfeit and void.

It is also the language of the DEAD LEDGER, being depicted as the Egyptian God of the dead underworld: Anubis, depicted as a man with the head of a dog in Egyptian hieroglyph symbolism. (DOG-LATIN),

The Eye of Horus (God of War and the dead) also depicted on the US One Dollar Note, but is that even grammatically correct appearing in DOG-LATIN? Is this a revival of Egyptian Slavery?

Lets look at the company registered on the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, District of Columbia, being the registered company: “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” The translation from DOG-LATIN into English text:

“COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” = “Commonwealth. Of. Australia” …???

Does it grammatically exist in fact? Notice the full stops after each word? So lets translate the “Commonwealth Of Australia” into correct: American Sign Language, under the correct grammatical rules of Latin Text:

“Commonwealth Of Australia” = “COMMONWEALTH-OF-AUSTRALIA”.

There is no ALL UPPERCASE TEXT constituted in the English Grammatical rules.

It does not exist, and there is also no “unhyphenated” strings of SIGNES in the LATIN or American Sign Language. Article 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles, also states that there is no correspondence between the words and signs of any two languages, meaning, the DOG-LATIN has no jurisdiction with the written English on any instrument (Contract) unless agreed! but was your agreement to such a false corruption in such a contract done by consent or were you deceived by your own ignorance and illiteracy? and why were you never taught Grammar and Latin in School? … to keep you enslaved by a false debt? … one may ask…


Are you starting to see the deception yet?, the foreign private banks such as the US FEDERAL RESERVE, (That owns the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA account) may not exist in any lawful de-jure ability! it is only assumed by the illiterate ignorant that could not read proper English.

Why does the Governor General “Assume” Office? … because there is no office in fact! … Is this how the real governments have been destroyed by the private foreign banking entities? have they pulled a swiftie over the people of the world via a Grammatical deception, a trick in the text? (A JOKER card?)

Is DOG-LATIN the language of the Dog that is always subject to their master, man? … Is the Dog the slave? is your DRIVER LICENSE your identification that you agreed to be the DOG?

Are you a “Mr” or “Miss” in the military holding the “DOG-TAG” written in “DOG-LATIN”.

Are you legally DEAD? but you have not worked it out yet?

Are you a SLAVE by deception? …

15: Adam and Eve: The warning concept of TRUST-LAW being its real hidden meaning.

This concept is not new, its “TRUST-LAW“, and the original warning about such a deception is the first story in the Bible: “Adam and Eve“, Such a story has all the elements of a TRUST-LAW-ARRANGEMENT, the usurper (VATICAN) and the HOUSE of the DEBTOR (Tree of Knowledge) and the HOUSE of the CREDITOR (Tree of Life).

(Split title being the concept of TRUST-LAW) (Divide and Conquer)

The warning from GOD, being the first Grantor of Dominion to man, warned Adam (Man) to stay away from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. (HOUSE-OF-THE-DEBTOR) (Was the Fruit the “privilege” of SLAVERY?)

The very attachment (Annexing) to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, being the HOUSE OF THE DEBTOR, (Legal Title Holder) rendered Adam as no longer a man, he became the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” (Trustee) of a dead Account of Rome being a dead “thing”.

(As GOD claimed, You will surely die if you eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge) being the “debtor account” of the garden of Eden, Adam became the “Legal Title Holder” losing the Equitable title of Eden to the serpent, (VATICAN) preventing Adam from entering the garden without permission (License) from the grantor of the legal title.

Adam was cast into the Sea and could only enter back into the garden under “license” because he was no longer the holder of the Equity, he held the Knowledge, the NOTICE, the Legal Title.

He held the LEDGER, being the TOMB… He surely legally died.

Again I remind though: The very word “Posting” means transferring an account to a ledger, and what is a ledger, the stone that covers a tomb, the holder of the “ledger” is dead, entombed into the contract, just like God warned Adam, (Living man).

Remember, Re: Trust Law, “True Title” is split into “Legal Title” and “Equitable Title”, and if you hold Legal Title, you don’t have rights over the Equitable Title without License.

If you need a License to drive your car, you no longer hold Equitable Title over your car, evidenced by the fact that you need a license to drive it on public lands. The equitable title belongs to the one who granted you the license, and if your government is a company registered with the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, I assume that the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, private banking system is holding your Equitable Title to your car, maybe your home, maybe your own country, your own dominion, your own body and all the oil and mineral reserve (Dominion) that goes along with it?

Did they take it? or did you give it to them without a fight?

16: SPLIT-TITLE: The Two Birthing Certificates:

That’s why you have two Birthing Certificates, and also why the bank needs the details of “one” of them in order to give you Legal Title, because you may be holding the wrong one? … The two Birthing Certificates are evidence of Split Title, being a “trust” agreement, Split Title, Debtor or Creditor, the choice is yours and the certificates identify the difference …

You can’t get the “Other” CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH unless you know your name and date of birth of your Christian Account. (Its under your nose, again, on your Birth Certificate.)

Another disturbing account is the Birthing Certificates themselves, they are also “DOGGED” in DOG-LATIN, rendering them potentially void from the beginning to the end.

The signs: “CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH”, translates to: “Certificate. Of. Birth.” as you can see, its nonsensical.

The Prima Facie Certificate, being the certificate of the Christian Name (Effigy) is DOGGED in DOG-LATIN…

Why you may ask?

Because when they are exposed, it is only your own stupidity and ignorance of the biblical codes and plain old grammar that gave them your equity.

You applied for everything, to hold their accounts, so they are obligated, as good dog servants do, and gave you what you wanted, LEGAL-DEATH…

As Eve said, the “Privilege”, being the fruit of the house (Tree) of the Debtor, “tastes good”…

And credit does taste good, until you miss a payment.

Adam’s (Man) loss of the Equitable Title over Eden (The Earth-Dominion) was due to a masterpiece of deception, deceived by the serpent (Usurper) the snake. (Reptilian) Remember the Biblical maxim: “Thou shalt not worship engraved images” (Or other GODs) and when you know your grammar and Latin, you become aware that the ALL-UPPER-CASE-TEXT, is grammatically, an “engraved image”, it is an “Illustrative Text” being an “Egyptian hieroglyph”, the engraved image is not that of the descriptive text of English, it’s the dead language of the HOUSE-OF-THE-DEAD. (Tree of Knowledge).

It even tells you its dead: en-“graved” its the language of the “ledger” and what is a ledger?

The slab of stone that sits on a tomb.

When GOD said that if you eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, (As the usufruct) you will surely die, God was not joking! … God meant every word, the language of the tree of Knowledge being the HOUSE OF THE DEBTOR is the illustrative text, the SYMBOLIC language of the DEAD, even the word “corporation” means: dead-speaking, “Body Corp” dead body, so how can you be assumed as the living man when you are the holder of the DEAD ACCOUNTS-LEDGERS of Rome?

What does the Christian Cross symbolize, it means “Died” …(Webster’s Dictionary Re: Symbols)

The warnings are everywhere.

By holding any form of “License” you are telling the world that you are DEAD and you are no longer the Equitable Title holder of Eden, you are the Legal Title Holder of Eden and you worship the Serpent (SATAN), you are the servant debtor of the snake, you pay his bills and not even the true GOD of living man can save you from your adultery for worshiping “other” Gods of the DEAD.

You lost jurisdiction with the first GOD of living man by holding the dead “Person” and the DEAD-ACCOUNTS of ROME, being the creation of the Serpent. (Usurper) G-O-D simply stands for “Grantor Of Dominion”…

The grantor is the master, the grantee is the Slave-servant.

In relation to the illustration above: Some words are far too dangerous to take for granted. Re: names: a “nomen” is a name, the power of Rome but a SURNAME is a “Cognomen” not a nomen!

A cognomen is Rome, it is not the power of Rome, it is subject to the direction of the nomen, and if your Christian name (Nomen) is attached to the “cognomen”, (SURNAME) you become the servant of Rome and lose your directive power over Rome.

Why does the Queen of England, hold no SURNAME?…

The property of Rome is not your business. unless you make it your business.

Remember, Adam (The living man) was in the Garden of Eden first, he was the first trustee of the first Grantor of Dominion, the trustee of existence itself, trustee of the first God of the Bible and only when Adam was deceived into holding the legal title, by accepting the fruit of the tree of Knowledge (Meaning NOTICE), did Adam lose his equitable title hold over the dominion… (Total authority) Adam was not forced to accept the privilege of acting as the debtor, he accepted the fruit under his own volition and said that it tasted good, but it comes with death, meaning, you can not be the holder of Legal Title and Equitable Title at the same time.

One or the Other, however, Christ offered a remedy within the dead world of the tree of knowledge (Jurisdiction of the debtor), he offered a “trustee” for your legal Christian ACCOUNT, rendering you as the living man to remain as “Director” of the serpent within the world of the DEAD. (That’s why you have two names, both being the property of the DEAD STATE but one has a trustee or a credit ledger whereas the other is the debtor ledger).

Every system must have a remedy but this remedy comes with great comprehension of the nature of such a biblical TRUST-LAW system and a comprehension of just what G-O-D really means.

17: So what is G-O-D? (In the legal degree)

Anyone who grants or creates is the God of what he grants or creates, the grantor is the master and the one who accepts such a grant is indebted, being the slave or servant.

Even if you grant a deception, the one who accepts such a deception is obligated because the grantee agreed to whatever the grantor granted.

The VATICAN (ROME) granted the “Person”, not the first GOD of Existence, God granted existence, not death.

If you are a “Person”, your GOD is not the first God of the living, your god is the second God of DEATH, the serpent.

A Person is a dead entity, a corporation subject to the en-graved world of the dead.

The Serpent (VATICAN-ROME) is now the “Benefactor”, being the “de-facto quasi” holder of the Equitable Title of Eden and all its mineral and energy reserve because the true first ”Beneficiary” being “man” has been evicted via deception, lost at sea and assumed to never return and that is why the secret codes of Governance over the masses is kept so hidden in grammatical deceptions such as the Justinian Masterpiece.

(GLOSSA and its DOG-LATIN Deception) The return of the “Beneficiary” would render the “benefactor” back as the “Debtor-Trustee”.

The VATICAN must surrender to the Christian Account because the VATICAN holds the dead “LEDGER” of Christ, and Christ holds the dead “LEDGER” of Man and Existence.

The power of ROME is only a grammatical deception.

The VATICAN is the servant of man via Christ, being no more than an Account of man.

Man granted legal title over the dominion of Eden to the VATICAN, as the debtor and the VATICAN accepted.

It is the VATICAN’s deception that deceived man into becoming the legal title holder of the VATICAN, turning man from standing as the beneficiary of existence into the “VASSAL” of the Vessel, being the debtor of the debtor, debtor of the dead accounts and LEDGERS of the VATICAN…

Such a deception was done by a grammatical masterpiece of fraud in order to “annex” (Attach) the living man to the dead accounts of Rome, rendering such a living man as the “Account Holder” of the property of the Roman Empire, therefor giving Justinian, Emperor of Rome, total authority over the ACCOUNTS of Rome when being “attached” to such a living man, rendering his own standing from beneficiary to trustee of his own account.

It was not the man that was under the Power of Rome, it was the ACCOUNT that was under the authority of Rome and because the living man had unwittingly become the “Holder” of such an account, (Assumed attachment) the man was bound as the assumed “trustee” of such a foreign account and is obligated to settle the debts of such an account.

The Dog Latin trustee is the legal DEAD third party SLAVE of such a Roman Account.

Remember this, Under the legal meaning of TRUST, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th. Edition), a trustee has right to be compensated for acting as Trustee, however, if you were never aware that you were made a Trustee, than were you ever compensated? …

The VATICAN-ROME grants their system of mass control by deceit to the Empire in order to administer it, the VATICAN also has the power to resume such a system in order to end any empire that operates under such a VATICAN owned code (Copyright) if such an empire does not please such a grantor of such a system, in other words, if the serpent (VATICAN) doesn’t get its cut of what has been plundered by the administrating Empire, it may recall its copyrighted system and end such an Empire and may have the right to claim such a legal ability to justify itself…. Because Rome owns all persons, even though it doesn’t own the man, if the man is attached to the person, than the Vatican will claim the property of the man right along with the “Person”.

ROME is now the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE under the direction of the DOG-LATIN: CITY OF LONDON, so it is assumed. It may hold the Power of the Holy Lance of Rome, the Lance that divides and conquers, that Lance, power of Rome that split Christ into Blood and Water, Creditor and Debtor.

18: The Deception: and how it deceives us by our inability to read common English text.

The deception was simple, if a man assumed that his heritage name: “Smith” appearing as the foreign glossed account (Thing): appearing as the symbolic designation of a thing: “SMITH” on any paper instrument, and claimed such a name (Thing) assuming it to be his own property, then such a living man, in fact, has claimed “ownership” over a foreign Roman Debtor Account, being a Debt LEDGER in the foreign illustrative symbolic text appearing as “SMITH” and unbeknown to such a deceived living man, he has become the unsuspecting “debtor” of the property of the foreign Roman Empire.

The SURNAME is the property of Rome, not you!

Why? because it appears in the Roman text: “SMITH”, and not as a true noun: “Smith”. The living man has become the dead “ACCOUNT” holder “trustee” of the property of foreign Rome, (UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE Accounts) subject to the laws and statutes of such a foreign ACCOUNT and without compensation.

He has been conned-trapped-snared-deceived into the savage grasp of the Justinian Deception and unwittingly become the ACCOUNT “holder” of the Accounts of the foreign Roman Empire.


The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA company is a foreign account of the Roman Empire, and such registration information is in the public domain.

They didn’t really hide anything! that’s how clever the deception has been, its your mind that has been programmed to not believe the truth. (Get rid of your TV, take it from your home and dump it or just use it for your own choice of movies or whatever, and start learning your grammar and understanding just what LATIN and Grammar really is)

You will notice that any Government ACCOUNT relating to power bills, rates bills, water bills etc., being “ACCOUNTS”, are all rendered in the “illustrative” ALL UPPERCASE SYMBOLIC TEXT known as: DOG-LATIN, and why? they are grammatically telling you that the accounts are foreign and have nothing to do with correct English or even correct LATIN…

They are the debts of a foreign private administrator.

They are not your property.

It is the property of the usurper (Serpent)

Anything rendered in the ALL UPPERCASE TEXT such as a name, or a town, or a street, or a suburb or an address or a State or even two or more capital letters joined together without a space renders a “presumption” it is not a fact! and this is where the “Presumption of Law” derives from. the ALL UPPER CASE SIGN language is not written text! it is a picture, an illustration, a symbol, it is the “JOKER” within the document. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition.

19: The DANGER of the Truth:

When you start looking for the truth, you will confront the reality of just how corrupt and dogged our system has become, you will be subject to brutal attacks from the serpent, because, you are the real beneficiary of Eden but the Quasi Counterfeit will not let go without a fight and probably a fight to the death.

Beware of these loyal DOGS of the Justinian Deception, their rich life depends on your slavery and your lack of ability to see the Justinian Deception in full swing.

The Kennedy kill, the 9/11 murder of thousands of people, the causing of World War in order to sell arms and run drugs, causing massive debt and hardship at the cost of your lives and the lives of our children for nothing more than profit for the people that cause the war in the first place, these people stop at nothing to keep hidden the deception they need in order to hold such corrupt power over the right to control the treasury of the people.

You will be cast as a “Terrorist” or “Sovereign Citizen” being things that make no sense legally but will be tagged to you in order to discredit your stand for the truth.

Your good will is their enemy, your quest for the truth undermines their fraud and their deception.

This truly is a sad situation for good people and once you become aware of how utterly corrupt and dogged the system is, you then must live with such disturbing knowledge but not having the ability and might to correct it.

To make a stand for what is right may lead to nothing but humiliation and even death.

I myself have now been subject to threats against the well being of myself and my children, and I fear for our well being.

This document is all I have left in order to explain the danger I have faced for the research undertaken in order to discover the Grammatical Crime employed by such counterfeit deceptive corporate administrative entities passing themselves off as true common law governments of the people.

It is the fraud in the beginning that renders such a fraud to the end, such all uppercase symbolic text is only “assumed” to be the “written” fact because we, living man, have become stupid and ignorant and dumbed down to the point where we can not ever read proper English, but not really, we have been indoctrinated, programmed from the day we were born, birthed into a fraud and we have never known any better.

Its only when we start to feel things are wrong within our natural bodies, within our hearts that some of us start to look deeper into what is causing so many people to wonder, what is wrong with our system.

When you notice the rates bills, power bills, court bills, all state entities bills appear in the mail, they are not bills! they are “LEDGERS” they are not even domestic accounts, they are foreign accounts and its only when you claim such an account by opening such an envelope that “houses” such an account, you become the “claimant” of such a “foreign” ACCOUNT-LEDGER appearing within.

Its only after you have claimed such an ACCOUNT appearing in the mail, does the ACCOUNT become your “bill”, why? because you agreed to “act” as the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” and why? because what you “assumed” to be your name or street, or town or your address, was in fact the foreign designation of a foreign assumed “ACCOUNT” and by your actions relating to you opening and claiming the mail, did you become the assumed “ACCOUNT HOLDER” of such an account.

The ALL UPPERCASE TEXT was not even proper English! but you were never told.

ACCOUNTS are things and things are rendered in the “SIGN” language, all uppercase text.

The big question is who sent you the ACCOUNT? was it your true government? or was it a private quasi “foreign” corporate “Shadow” government that we know nothing about? … (Hidden in their Dogged Deceptive Language)

ACCOUNTING is the art (Art of cunning) of conferring debt titles upon the unsuspecting. The all uppercase text is just a legal title that renders you as the trustee of such a title. You must settle the debt if you have claimed “ownership-trusteeship” over such a debt ACCOUNT.

The greatest deception that people of today refuse to believe is that “THIS TYPE OF ALL UPPER CASE TEXT IS NOT ENGLISH“, and “This type of text is English“.

The great difference is that “THIS ALL UPPER CASE SYMBOLIC TYPE OF TEXT” is totally foreign to the English language and has different grammatical rules to the English language and if you are not aware of such a difference between the grammatical differences between the two languages “English” and “Ancient Latin”, (American Sign Language, Re: Article 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles) and the difference between their different grammatical rules, you will fall for the deceptive trappings of the foreign accounts of ROME, CITY OF LONDON and the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, (All foreign corporate accounts)… You become the Citizen of Rome, the debtor trustee of the VATICAN, you are no longer the living man with common law rights, you are the dead legal fiction, ripe for plunder by the Emperors of Rome in order to rape and plunder its own Citizens.

You are no longer a Townsmen or a Countrymen or Civilian, you are a foreign “citizen” being the trustee to Rome, the world debtor… The very word “city” is an abbreviation of the: “CITY OF LONDON” being the square mile in in the middle of London.


Is the new style of militarized Police bordering on terror in order to terrorize the citizen to comply and not question their own Courts, Police, Government Officials, and its actions in relation to ever increasing debt and poor miss-management etc., or even theft of the Treasury of the People? Is it OK to ask who owns your own Government? … Tyrannical Governments are organized terrorists entities.

21: Article 11:147 of the Chicago Manual of Styles: SIXTEENTH-EDITION:

This (Picture below) is (One of the many bits of evidence) the written hard evidence that identifies the ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT as a foreign entity, a foreign language to the English Written Text and goes on to confirm that there is no correspondence between the SIGN language and the language of the Written Text.

Not only does it confirm that there is no jurisdiction between the two written styles of text, it further identifies the grammatical error in all government and Court and Banking documents relating to the grammatical rule dealing with the SIGN language relating to hyphens between signs in order to string a sentence in SIGN-LANGUAGE.

One rest in relation to SIGN-LANGUAGE constitutes a stopple between the signs, whereas, one rest in written English constitutes the joinder between the two words.

Two rests are needed to confirm the stopple between words appearing in written English text, whereas only one rest will cause the stopple between words appearing as SIGNS. (Article 11:147: Chicago Manual of Styles: SIXTEENTH EDITION_ See illustration below).

These are also the rules Re: Ancient Latin, being an illustrative text, meaning symbolic text or SIGN-LANGUAGE and renders a very different grammatical rule to the written descriptive English text.

Such grammatical rules can only confirm that your Christian name and all uppercase SURNAME have no jurisdiction with each other, in a legal sense, unless “agreed” by the two parties, but if you were never aware of such hidden knowledge that deceived you into assuming that the two names were one and you entered into a private foreign contract without you being aware, how could such a contract ever be deemed valid? … unless you were never made aware of who you really were until the day your body really did die. Deceived and denied from birth until death, your “first” GOD given rights that were granted to you when you were born were never known to you or hidden from you all your life.

What appears to be happening is that TERROR is now being used by such de-facto corporate foreign governing contractors, in order to enforce corporate governance upon the people.

People that question any part of the system meet face to face with a very different government than what they assumed existed. Terrorizing the masses into a submission of servitude may be effective but is it right and will it work in the long haul? …

But always remember, its what we don’t know that scares us, and what you do know about their Deception, scares them … Once the light is turned on, you can see your way through the dark, the Owl can see in the dark, you must be like the Owl, know the foundation of your own standing and see the weakness in their own foundations of deception! …

If BANKS profit on the selling of debt and the corporate governments are a subdivision entity of such a foreign bank, (COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA and CANADA registered to the foreign USSEC) than is that not a conflict of interest when the Government causes outrages amounts of debt upon the people of a country because such a de-facto government is owned by the bank that needs to “sell” outrages amounts of debt in order to make such an outrageous amount of profit?


Meaning of Gloss: Disguise, mask?… the word “Person” derives from “Mask” Take notice in section 2 of the meaning of “gloss” the gloss, like the Latin meaning of Latin, means hidden, mask, camouflage, disguise, words that identify the all uppercase GLOSSA text as something in disguise, something hidden, a smokescreen! something spurious, in other words, you are being told that something is not right when you see such “ALL UPPERCASE FOREIGN LATIN TEXT LIKE THIS” Its you that must be vigilant because the people that operate such a text have already knowingly sold their souls to such a deception and crime.

Chicago Manual of Styles: FOREIGN-LANGUAGES: The Sign for a car drove by is: “VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY”…

The Chicago Manual of Styles is the one book that is used by the UNITED STATES corporate banking system…(Enforcement military arm of Rome) All banking paper and instruments must be rendered as a FICTION and must never exist in Fact…

It is you that agree to accepting their fiction in order that they are never held “ACCOUNTABLE” for the crimes you have committed by accepting such a crime against the living man and the laws of Grammar and God…(You served a foreign State).

If you were ignorant to the rules of English, you only have yourself to blame because “Ignorance of the Law” is no defence and the real “Laws” are only the rules of the language used within the account you agreed to hold and the laws of GOD…

If you don’t know your own GOD or don’t bother to research who your real GOD is, you may be serving and following the rules of a false GOD…


If you were aware of what the New World Order (Maritime Jurisdiction) government did to you in order to acquire your consent, you would never trust the Government, the Media, the Police and the Courts again.

They are all one “thing” that maintains a massive grammatical deception over your mind in order to keep you “under VATICAN control”. One World Government or the so called NEW WORLD ORDER, can only appear under the water law of corporations, operating under the copyright of the written language of the VATICAN or a total corruption of such a language, and if you become the “citizen” of a private corporation operating under such maritime rules of such a corporation, you are no longer a civilian of the land.

You are “over-seas” presumed dead.

If you don’t know who you are or your real name, you will be assumed LOST-AT-SEA, giving Rome and the Church the right to “salvage” (Salvation) you and plunder your estate, being your God given Dominion, but as Christ claimed, only in his name shall you be saved! ….

You do have a “Christian Name” for that very reason, but not when you attach your given Christian name to the foreign ACCOUNTS of ROME, being the “mark of the beast” (DOG-LATIN-ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT)

That’s why you have two state birthing certificates, one is the birth of the SURNAME “ACCOUNT” (Born Date) and the other is the birth of your Christian Name “ACCOUNT” (Registration Date).

The choice is yours but only if you are aware that there is a choice. Such a choice appears in Adam and Eve, House of the debtor and the House of the Creditor…

22: Warning: To the Good People of the World

In reality, if you discover the key to the fraud of the private Banks and the VATICAN and their foreign counterfeit written language (DOG-LATIN)… you will come face to face with the worst type of corporate greed and such people that serve such a massive deception over the people of the world.

Such corporate citizens will go to any length to uphold such a system of deceit and sometimes may go to extreme levels of terror in order to uphold your compliance to such a corrupt-deception.

Truth and right is not an easy road to travel so think carefully before you learn the JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION, but if you are honourable and understand the roll of the Beast of Burden, (VATICAN), and avoid interference with the underworld of Satan, the Gods of the DOGS, Anubis, and the underworld God: Horus, you may be forgiven or survive… but be careful, these gods of temptation and deception are powerful gods and their trustees, being the dead corporations of the sea, may go to extreme lengths to maintain the greatest deception ever.

23: WARNING-TO-THE-Industrial Military Complex:

When a dog bites the hand of his master, the trust is gone.

24: THE-SEVEN-YEAR-SEARCH: Conclusion:

In relation to the maxim: “GLOSSA VIPERINA EST QUIE CORRODIT VISCERA TEXTUS. 11 Coke, 34. It is a poisonous gloss which corrupts the essence of the text“, it has taken me seven years to find the poison in the text. the answer is: “DOG-LATIN” identified in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition: DOG-LATIN, the language of the Illiterate, being: Latin Text based on the grammatical rules of English.

In relation to the English Dictionary, Dog Latin is debased Latin, and is criminal, immoral and constitutes a counterfeit.

this research will probably be hidden in time, and I am not even sure that the World wants to be saved or released from such a deception. It serves a lot of internally powerful people too well.

For the love of people and humanity:
The Deception is DOG-LATIN,
being the corruption in the text.

The all uppercase foreign text is the DOG-LATIN
appearing as the cause of the counterfeit-fraud.

The act of usurping “DOG-LATIN”
into English written instruments
in order to deceive the public
into surrendering the Treasury,


  Justinian Deception
The Mother of all Deceptions:
The Concept of Modern Day Slavery (PDF):
By: Romley Stewart.


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Justinian Deception

if you hold the correct birth certificate,
you can't get a driver license!

You don't need a driver license on public your own lands but a CITIZEN of any company registered to the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, District of Columbia, does need a license to do anything on his land because he became a CITIZEN of a foreign (Off shore) corporate entity... (CITY OF LONDON)

The first birth certificate births the foreign administration corporation on to your birthright land rendering you as the beneficiary and them as the trustee!

The second state birth certificate (The one every state citizen holds) births you into the foreign state! rendering you as the trustee of such a foreign state! ...

Once you accept the second state birth certificate, your standing as the national beneficiary is transferred to the foreign company so they collect all the royalties that were meant to be paid to you... (It is paid to you but you left).

They fool the masses by using a debased SIGN LANGUAGE as English in order that the public make the mistake and "assume" that the sign: UNITED STATES is America, or the sign: COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is Australia, when grammatically it is not but it sure fooled the illiterate idiots! ...

If you are the citizen of the foreign state appearing in SIGN LANGUAGE, such as: UNITED STATES or COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA, you need a license to do anything on foreign lands (Being your own land you lost) and that is why you need a license to even shit! ...

You were converted from beneficiary of a foreign administrator into the trustee of the foreign administrator destroying your national political standing to the country you were born on... (Birth right stolen) ...

The reason why "debased Latin" is used is because UNITED STATES appearing correctly in sign should appear as: UNITED-STATES.

The debased SIGN with the removed hyphen translates to English as: "United. States", and not the "United States", rendering the sign: UNITED STATES, as a total fiction.

A dream, a nothing in fact...

Your consent to be governed by a foreign corporate private banking entity was due to you complete ignorance to grammar and the syntax of English and Sign language, that gave them the advantage over you in order to take your national birth right of your own lands...

Roman maxim:
Let those that let themselves be deceived,
be deceived...

Click Image for website or button for PDF

The Justinian Deception
The Perfect Crime

A trust has three parties but a Quasi trust has the office of three parties, the Office of Creditor, the Office of Debtor and the Office of Administrator but only two such offices are held by man at any one given point rendering such a three way trust as a fraud or false trust.

When only the debtor and the Administrator are present, without the Creditor appearing, such a trust will convert the Administrator from Administration to Creditor! and never have to settle the bills of the State because we were deceived into falling from creditor into debtor through a dirty planned grammatical deception

So only knowing half the story or half of the deception is dangerous, its when you know your own legal or political standing, (Creditor, Debtor or Administrator) you will have the ability to know when to speak and when to shut your mouth.

Political Doublespeak, a governmental and private bankers weapon used to deceive the illiterate into falling into contracts
that they may never have agreed with if fully aware of the deceptions employed...


Using the words
'Banking' and Principles'
in the same sentence
is almost a contradiction of terms.

How do BANKS really work when "Money" and "DOLLARS" are completely separate "things"?

A DOLLAR is a Military or Company Scrip, an internal bank note or promise to pay at some point in the future and only relates to the "internal" private account holders of such a private "corporate" banking entity.

A DOLLAR is not money evidenced by the Latin meanings of both words: "Dollar" and "Money" The very word Bank, does not mean "Safe", a bank is the edge of a river, that controls (Directs) the flow of current, (Currency) energy is current, dollars are the ACCOUNTS of debt currency, so a bank does not have money! it is the director of the flow of debt currency.

(Debt titles being DOLLAR's)

The gold is you, being the dominion over the Mineral and Energy wealth that was originally granted to the living man and without you acting as the ACCOUNT holder of their bank, (Under a hidden TRUST-LAW-SPLIT-TITLE arrangement that renders you as the Legal Title holder of their ACCOUNT), they lose equitable rights over your Dominion because Dominion was never granted to a dead entity such as a corporation, "Dominion" was only ever granted to man and the Bank can only act as a commercial "agent" of living man on the condition such a living man has agreed or been deceived into acting as the DEAD ACCOUNT holder of such a BANK in order that the "Equitable Title" falls into the hands of the Bank.

The BANK sits between your "Christian" name (CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH) and your "SURNAME" (STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATE) as an Agent-administrator of the Christian name (Christian ACCOUNT. being the separate CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH, birthed on the registration date), Once the BANK can deceive you into assuming that "their" SURNAME, that looks a lot like your heritage name, ("Smith" is glossed into "SMITH") the bank assumes consent in order to confer the legal title of the BANK to their SURNAME that you assumed was your property. (ALL UPPERCASE TEXT is a foreign written language identified in article 11:147 of the: Chicago Manual of Styles 16th edition)

Your surname glossed into a foreign SIGN language, is not your property! but when you attach your Christian name, being the name that is attached to your dominion, to their foreign ALL UPPERCASE SURNAME you, by your own consent, become subject to the ACCOUNT of their property ... So simple but so effective and yet so biblically perfect once you violate the laws of the first GOD by serving the false God, GOD of the person-corporation.

The POWER of TRUST-LAW is the greatest power of all... Trust Law is Master-Servant, relationship, it does not work backwards, it is the system of conferring debt ACCOUNTS onto the unsuspecting...

The one who accepts LEGAL TITLE is the one who acknowledges that the Equitable Title is with the one who granted such a man the LEGAL TITLE.

LEGAL TITLE can not be held by a living man. only a "Person" can hold Legal Title and what is a Person you may ask, it is the legal title holder of man.

The only thing that created the "Person", being a mask in a play, was the VATICAN: "ROME".

The Word "Vatican" means: "vat I can", meaning, "holder or vessel I can do", meaning, the VATICAN has become the first Trustee Legal Title holder of the dominion of the living man.

The VATICAN has become the beast of burden, it has no jurisdiction with living man because it agreed to act as the trustee...
The VATICAN, that now held the Legal Title over the Dominion of man, offered the ACCOUNTS of the Legal Title to its own Persons by offering such a title to a living man and only when the living man was deceived into accepting such an ACCOUNT, did such a man become the "assumed debtor trustee person" of the world debts of the VATICAN and such acceptance of such an ACCOUNT was the "conformation" that granted Equitable Title back to the VATICAN because the living man accepted Legal Title, rendering the living man to fall into the jurisdiction of the DEAD ACCOUNT holder of the VATICAN beast instead of being the first trustee to the real GOD of living man.

The VATICAN is the GOD of the dead persons because it was not God of man that created the DEAD juristic corporate Person, it was the VATICAN that created such a thing as the "Person".

The VATICAN is the false GOD

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Queen's Double-Speak

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Why is Satan depicted as the goat?
... this may be the symbolic answer....


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ILLUSION of power

Dealing with the occult-fraud of foreign corporate banking entities.

In relation to the: "Entertainment Only" My family and I received threats from the head of CIB in Cairns: (McLeish) (And other warnings) warning that if I maintain the work that I do, "I won't know what hit me" and he went on to say that anyone else involved with me will get it even worse. So for this reason, I publish all my work as "Entertainment only" leaving it up to you in order to do your own checking in relation to such subject matter within such videos.

Australia is now governed by the UNIDROIT treaty of Rome, under "PRIVATE-LAW" (Foreign corporations and their foreign grammatically debased written language) so all I want Australians to do is wake up to the reality of what the so called "Australian Government" has done to the people of Australia by selling us out to foreign corporations by way of stealth.

The system of "consent" in relation to private contract law is complex and cunning and in order to comprehend such complexities, one must understand the "concept" of how private contract law (Corporate governance) really works first and once you comprehend such a concept, dealing with it starts to fall into place...

remember this, the public standing is the highest political stand, the "private" is the lowest rank in the military! so if you claim to be "private" you better know the rules of how the PRIVATE-SYSTEM works or you could loose everything you thought you owned...

The world of PRIVATE-CONTRACTS is the world of the DEAD and the Bible is the warning in relation to dealing with such dead entities. The VATICAN, being the serpent in the garden of Eden, holds the "copyright" over such a DEAD world and its written symbolic language. Adam and Eve, is a hidden code and probably the most important code to comprehend in relation to understanding modern day corporate foreign governance.

The "Creditor" and the "Debtor" ....

The political standing: Public or Private.

Thanks to all the good people from all over the world that care about our God given rights and freedoms and our public political standing...

Romley Stewart.

ILLOUSION of power

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A License to be killed

Why are all "Acts" that are passed in corporate governing parliaments reliant on a "proclamation" date yet to be set at some point in the future?

... To make a "claim" is to take upon ones self!

.... Do you serve a "foreign nation" because you were grammatically deceived?...

PROCLAMATION A license to be killed

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Deceived into Consent

There are three languages, one for the debtor, one for the creditor and one for the administrator....

Even though you may assume that you can read all three, they are totally three separate languages and have no jurisdiction with each other unless you "consent' ...

but your consent comes with ignorance of the difference between such three languages and assume them to be one language... Its all a big fat lie...

The Governor General and the Australian government is a counterfeit...

There is no such written English as: "Governor-General", it should be: "Governor General" without the hyphen...

The hyphen grammatically destroys the name.

Deceived into Consent

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Presumption of Law

The deadly secret grammatical deception
administered by the private banking system
that destroys our ability to access
common law and true justice.

The deadly grammatical trick explained.

Presumption of Law

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Rohan on the latest news
to do with the GLOSSA

Rohan on the latest news
to do with the GLOSSA

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Public Service Announcement
for ALL Australians

More on how Australians are being screwed – but universal information.

Australians, you’ve been screwed since forever.

There’s so much in this video – too much to list.

Just watch it.

click image for video


See where YOUR money goes
and why Australian governments
kow-tow to the whims of these
oligarchs – Australia is owned
by USA – Wall Street – Rothschilds

Click image for video

Australian Freemasons

SchindlerS list of freemasonry Australians

I knew it would disappear
so I copied the list of Australians.

There are few surprises.
Here it is some of it:

Victoria Police Sargent C. Weir
NSW Assistant Police Commissioner Tony Cooke
Epidemiologist, Tony Blakely
Channel 7 Australia – Sunrise Program Co-Host – David Koch
Jane Goldsmith NBN News
Paul Lobb NBN news
Kon Vatskalis Lord Mayor of Darwin, NT Australia
Lydell Huntly, Centre Manager, Australia
Jackie Lambie, Senator for Tasmania, Australia
Senator for Wallsend, NSW, Sonia Hornery of Australia
Kerry Chant, Health and Population Minister, NSW Health
Kylie Minogue, singer and entertainer
Malcolm Turnbull former Prime Minister of Australia
Hugh Jackman, actor Australian
Nicole Kidman, actor Australian
NSW Parliament, every Minister
QLD Parliament, every Minister
Queensland Health, Metro South Health, every Nurse Unit Manager
Sharon Cadwallader / Mayor Ballina Shire Council 2022 – / Ballina NSW Australia
Ben O’Shea, PerthNow Journalist, Australia
Katie Woolf Mix 104.9 host Darwin Northern Territory Australia
Reece Whitby, Environment Minister, Western Australia, Australia
Dr Neil Fong Executive Director Bethesda healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Tri Suseno Deputy Chairman and Director Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Colin Barnett Director Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Alex Hawke, Immigration Minister, Australia
Professor Jill Downie Director Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Grant Robinson Director Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Kylie Brooks Exec. Mgr. People & Culture Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Libby Oakes Exec. Mgr. Quality, Risk and Infection Conrtol Bethesda Healthcare Claremont Western Australia
Australian Red Cross Lifeblood, Australia
Paul Murray, reporter, SkyNews Australia
Deborah Bell Director of Nursing Bethesda

click image for video

Royal Commissions
in Australia

In 1973 Gough Whitlam
sacked the Queen

Since then,
true royal commission’s
don’t exist anymore.

Gough Whitlam also removed
1901 constitutional right
to referendum and royal commission.

We’re on a legalese Roman law system now,
Corpus Juris Admiralty.

The bar survives on Gough’s treason,
so does the corporate 1986 Australia Act.

So anyone thinking that
royal commissions get
real recognition,
needs do do some research.

Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

Copy of Letter from
Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT I am a former member of the High Court and I wish to take this unusual method of informing you about a matter that is going to deeply affect us all. Unfortunately, a document such as this is too easily “lost” in the bureaucratic jungle in which we operate.

A group of Australian Citizens have taken it upon themselves to test the validity of our current political and judicial system.

Click arrow on right for full article and to close


Copy of Letter from
Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs

EXPLANATORY STATEMENT I am a former member of the High Court and I wish to take this unusual method of informing you about a matter that is going to deeply affect us all. Unfortunately, a document such as this is too easily “lost” in the bureaucratic jungle in which we operate.

A group of Australian Citizens have taken it upon themselves to test the validity of our current political and judicial system.

Like you, I have lived my entire legal career with the assumption that the basis for our legal and political system, state and federal, was written in stone.

This group has undertaken to present this paper when they test the legal system.

The group is articulate, well educated and counts some of our best legal minds amongst its members.

One of Australia’s best known barristers is one of the group’s leading lights.

It is far better informed with regard to international law than most members of the judiciary or for that matter, the legal academe.

It has better international contacts than I would have thought possible.

After spending some time with the group leader, I was able to elicit its primary intentions.

It is the introduction of a totally democratic system of government devoid of party politics operated by the will of the people incorporating a system of debit taxation which should go a long way to eliminating the current unemployment problem and also addressing other pressing social issues.

An Australian Bureau of Statistics model supports the proposal.

The group has so far concentrated on matters relating to taxation, state and federal, minor industrial and motor traffic while undertaking not to present a criminal defence using their current presentation.

I challenged the leader of this group to present any evidence he had with regard to the above defence so I could use my legal expertise to play the part of the devil’s advocate.

It should be brought to your attention that the group has access to documentation that we members of the judiciary have little knowledge.

I refer to the British Parliamentary Papers for the Colony of Australia for the years 1860 through to 1922.

These are photocopies of all documents correspondence etc., between the states and later the Commonwealth of Australia, the British Crown and the British Government. They are very revealing documents and indicate the degree of chicanery in which the politicians of all shades were involved and as I can now see, at the expense of the legal academe and the judiciary.

I present for your perusal the details of the group’s presentation along with my comment on each major item.

The group relies solely upon historical fact and rejects political rhetoric and legal opinion unless based upon historical fact.

1. “The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) is an act of the parliament of the United Kingdom. It did not contain any substance of sovereignty and was a colonial act centralising self-government of the six Australian Colonies. Australia remained a colony of the United Kingdom.”

1a. Although the late Lionel Murphy attempted to show that there was an element of sovereignty in this act he failed. The international definition of sovereignty has been espoused at length and the above act although important in the development of Australia, did not have the authority of sovereignty. The historical evidence that Australia remained a British Colony post 1901 is overwhelming. Page 1 Copy of Letter from Sir Harry Gibbs

2. “Australia made an international declaration of its intention to become a sovereign nation when Prime Minister Hughes and his deputy; Sir Joseph Cook signed the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. On its cognisance of signing this treaty, Australia was granted a “C” class League of Nations mandate over former German territories in the Pacific.

In effect, Papua New Guinea became a colony of Australia achieving its own independence on 16 September 1975. The League of Nations became part of International Law on 10 January 1920 with Article X of the Covenant of League of Nations guaranteeing the sovereignty of each member,”

2A. The Significance of Australia joining the League of Nations as a foundation member has never been addressed in Australia before. Strangely, only one book has ever examined the question of Australian independence. Written by W. J. Hudson and M. P. Sharp in 1988 “Australian Independence” printed by Melbourne University Press.

As both were members of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade at the time of authorship and had access to the, British Parliamentary Papers, I find it most interesting they have avoided any mention of these papers in their book. Their conclusion that Australia became an independent nation via. the Statute of Westminster in 1931 flies in the face of contradictory evidence within the above mentioned papers and readily available historical fact.

Prime Minister Hughes address to the Commonwealth Parliament on 10 September 1919, “Australia has now entered into a family of nations on a footing of equality. Australia has been born in a blood sacrifice.” demonstrates the politicians of the day were only too well aware of the change of status from a colony to that of sovereign nation while attempting to remain within the Empire.

Prime Minister Bruce made this reply to the British Government in 1922 after a request for troops against Kernel Ataturk in the Chanak crisis.

Bruce’s reply is contained in the British Parliamentary Papers: “We have to try to ensure there shall be an Empire foreign policy which if we are to be in anyway responsible for it, must be one to which we agree and have assented. If we are to take any responsibility for the Empire’s foreign policy, there must be a better system, so that we may be consulted and have a better opportunity to express the views of the people of this country. We cannot blindly submit to any policy which may involve us in war.”

This is a far cry from the declaration of war against Germany made on behalf of the British Colony of Australia by George V of the United Kingdom in 1914.

I have re-produced Bruce’s reply in full as I believe this reply contains clear historical evidence of a Prime Minister who was well aware of the change of status from a. colony to a sovereign nation.

The later Statute of Westminster 1931 was an acknowledgment of that status.

3. “Paragraph 4 of the Statue of Westminster Act 1931 contravenes Article X of the Covenant of the League of Nations. Paragraph 1 of the Australia Act 1986 contravenes Article 2 paragraphs 1 and 4 of the Charter of the United Nations.”

3A Paragraph 4 of the Statute of Westminster reads “No Act of Parliament of the United. Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to a Dominion as part of the law of that Dominion, unless it is expressly declared in that Act that Dominion, has requested, and consented to the enactment thereof.”

Paragraph 1 of the Australia Act is very similar: “No Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom passed after the commencement of this Copy of Letter from Sir Harry Gibbs Act shall extend, or be deemed to extend, to the Commonwealth, to a State or Territory as part of the law of the Commonwealth, of the State or of the Territory.”

I passed this one to the Federal Attorney General and asked him what was the source of this quite incredible authority that sought to overturn the authority legislated within the Covenant of the League of Nations in Article X and the Charter of the United Nations in Article 2 paragraphs 1 and 4.

He is unable to provide any documentation to support these clauses, Article X of the Covenant of the League of Nations states: “The members of the League undertake to respect and preserve against external aggression the territorial integrity and existing political independence of all Members of the League. In case of any such aggression or in case of any threat or danger of such aggression, the Council shall advise upon the means by which this obligation shall be fulfilled.”

It is appropriate that I now introduce a statement by Sir Geoffrey Butler KBE, MA and Fellow, Librarian and Lecturer in International Law and Diplomacy of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge author of “A Handbook to-the League of Nations” used as a reference to the League by virtually all nations at that time.

He refers to Article 1 of the Covenant of the League of Nations.

“It is arguable that this article is the Covenant’s most significant single measure.

By it the British Dominions, namely New Zealand, Australia, South Africa, and Canada, have their independent nationhood established for the first time.

There may be friction over small matters in giving effect to this internationally acknowledged fact but the Dominions will always look to the League of Nations Covenant as their Declaration of Independence. Article 2 paragraph 1 of the United Nation’s Charter states “The Organisation is based on the principle of the sovereign equality of all its Members.”

Article 2 paragraph 4 of the Charter states ‘All members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, or in any other manner inconsistent with the Purposes of the United Nations.”

In view of the above, the historical evidence for Australian Independence by 10 January 1920 when the League of Nations became part of International Law is overwhelming. When this evidence is reinforced with the contents of the Charter of the United Nations, the continued usage of any legislation that owes its very legitimacy to the parliament of an acknowledged foreign power cannot be supported by either legal opinion or indeed historical evidence.

I therefore have come to the conclusion that the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States and Territories has no basis in law.

Following discussions with members of the British Government relating to the Letters Patent for the Governor General and State Governors I find that these documents no longer have any authority.

Indeed, the Queen of the United, Kingdom is excluded from any position of power in Australia by the United Nations Charter and is excluded under UK law from the issue of a Letters Patent to other than a British Subject.

A Letters Patent must refer to an action to be taken with regard to British Citizens.

The Immigration Act. 1972 UK defines Australian Citizen as aliens.

The Governor General’s Letters Patent is a comedy of errors.

We are greeted in the name of the Queen of Australia who suddenly becomes the Queen of the United Kingdom in the next paragraph.

This Queen the gives instructions to the Governor General with reference to the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK.

Here we have a clear breach of Article 2 paragraph 1 of the United Nation Charter.

Under both UK and international law, the-Queen is a British Citizen.

State Governors are in a worse position as their authority comes from the late Queen Victoria of the United Kingdom.

Regardless of the validity of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 UK, if the authority of Governor General and the State Governors is invalid then so is the entire political and legal system of government.

When advised that the War Crimes Commission was taking an interest, I called them in Geneva.

Under the 1947 Geneva Convention, they are empowered to look into eases here in Australia where it is alleged the law of a foreign country was enforced against a citizen of a member state of the United Nations. As they perceive that only the judiciary can actually enforce the law, the judiciary becomes their target.

The group has already placed cases before them which they ate currently investigating.

If found guilty, the penalties are horrific and include the death penalty!

I could go on with more relevant information however I think now is the time for a summary.

The group leader, a QC, states the obvious when he asked me how could a colony now acknowledged by all world nations to be a sovereign Nation retain exactly the same legal and political system it enjoyed as a colony without any change whatsoever to the basis for law.

This point alone requires an answer.

The High Court has already answered with regard to the position held by treaties signed by the Commonwealth Government in the Teoh case of 1994. “Ordinary people have the right to expect government officials to consider Australia’s international obligations even if those obligations are not reflected in specific Acts of Parliament: the rights recognised in international treaties are an implied limit on executive processes.”

My advice is to adjourn any case “sine die” that that challenges the authority of the Letters Patent. Under no circumstances hear a case that challenges the validity of a State or the Federal Constitution.

It is the politicians who are using us as pawns without them having to face the music.

These matters are of concern to politicians, let them sort out these problems and accept any inherent risks themselves ! Article 36 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice is the correct reference for you to refuse to hear a matter when an international treaty is cited as a defence.

Things you didn’t know
Australian capital cities.

The global elite originally set up the parliament building in Canberra as their central seat of government to rule the planet.

The US intelligence headquarters is not in Langley, Virginia, but in Melbourne, Australia.

Central Australia is the base of the world’s major underground facilities, built as underground hotels from which the global world can be searched and run.

Below Canberra there are many levels of draconian bases accessible by submarine and spaceship landing in the lake in front of Parliament House (Lake Burley Griffen).

Beneath the lake, they access the many levels that are below the Australian Parliament Building.

Beneath Uluru (Ayers Rock) in central Australia is the world’s largest dark genetic cloning lab.

Located in Australia, Under Pine Gap is the world’s most important UFO surveillance facility used by the systems parasites.

Most children conceived in underground facilities are under Sydney’s suburbs.

Then they are taken to Circular Quay Harburg in Sydney and transported via P&O Cruise Lines around the world to places like New York, LA, the Middle East and Europe for use in satanic sacrificial rituals, child hunting and adrenochrome harvesting.

Australia has a MASSIVE underground tunnel system and is dotted with DRACON bases, all connected by major tunnel systems built many years ago using draconian ET technology.

Tunnels from Melbourne lead directly to Tasmania and from Tasmania to Antarctica.

Tunnels from Sydney lead to New Zealand and Norfolk Island.

Tunnels from Sydney lead to Canberra and from Canberra to Pine Gap and Uluru (Ayers Rock) and also to Melbourne.

Tunnels from Perth (Geraldton) in Western Australia lead directly to South Africa.

Tunnels from Darwin lead to Indonesia.

MINERALS minded underground from under Coober Pedy in South Australia are by ANCHORED HUMAN SLAVES and then shipped directly to Alpha Draconis.

Australia is not what most people think it is.

Australia was an important GLOBAL stronghold for the Dark Ones.

The underground fighting was very tough.

The Special Forces & The Galactic Federation have won and completely eradicated evil from under Australia.

Now you also know why Australia was called Down Under


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