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An Anthem for Justice
by Margaret Anna Alice
Don’t let them get away with it.
The Armenian genocide
was not a mistake.
Holodomor was not a mistake.
The Final Solution was not a mistake.
The Great Leap Forward
was not a mistake.
The Killing Fields were not a mistake.
Name your genocide – it was not a mistake.
That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.
To imply otherwise is to
give them the out they are seeking.
It was not botched.
It was not bungled.
It was not a blunder.
It was not incompetence.
It was not lack of knowledge.
It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.
The planning occurred in plain sight.
The planning is still occurring in plain sight.
The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.
The modelers projected the lies.
The testers concocted the crisis.
The NGOs leased the academics.
The $cientists fabricated the findings.
The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.
The organizations declared the emergency.
The governments erected the walls.
The departments rewrote the rules.
The governors quashed the rights.
The politicians passed the laws.
The bankers installed the control grid.
The stooges laundered the money.
The DoD placed the orders.
The corporations fulfilled the contracts.
The regulators approved the solution.
The laws shielded the contractors.
The agencies ignored the signals.
The behemoths consolidated the media.
The psychologists crafted the messaging.
The propagandists chanted the slogans.
The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.
The censors silenced the questioners.
The jackboots stomped the dissenters.
The tyrants summoned.
The puppeteers jerked.
The puppets danced.
The colluders implemented.
The doctors ordered.
The hospitals administered.
The menticiders scripted.
The bamboozled bleated.
The totalitarianised bullied.
The covidians tattled.
The parents surrendered.
The good citizens believed …
… and forgot.
This was calculated.
This was formulated.
This was focus-grouped.
This was articulated.
This was manufactured.
This was falsified.
This was coerced.
This was inflicted.
This was denied.
We were terrorized.
We were isolated.
We were gas-lit.
We were dehumanised.
We were wounded.
We were killed.
Don’t let them get away with it.
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Tucker Carlson in Australia
June-July 2024
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Explaining Govern-ment
to an alien
An inquisitive alien visits the planet to check on
our progress as a species, and gets into a
conversation with the first person he meets.
The alien discovers that we live under the rule of
a thing called “government”, and wants to
understand more about what “government” is,
what it does, and why it exists.
Produced and voiced by Graham Wright,
based on part of the talk by Larken Rose
at the ‘Free Your Mind’ Conference
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The people’s power to vote
into political office
the people of their choice.
The hallmark of democracy.
The best way for the people
to control their government.
ACTUAL MEANING: The meaningless final step in the political process where the powers in or behind central governments manipulate their own hand-picked people into positions of power.
Many people think they will vote the world into changing.
As if no one needs to think for themselves and be responsible for their own lives; we just need to keep abdicating our personal responsibility and choose to have someone else represent us in life.
We just give up our power and decision making ability for our own behaviors to live in harmony, alignment and unison with Natural Law, and instead have someone else decide for us what we can and can’t do.
To control us, because we don’t want to control ourselves, because we don’t want to be masters of ourselves, because we don’t want to become true sovereigns united within ourselves and united with what is right, good and true.
The election ritual is the ostensible gesture used by central governments to keep their subjects pacified — allowing them to think, erroneously, that they can exercise control over their government.
The preposterous idea that people can somehow control their controllers has been subtly planted into the minds of the American public. The concept is impossible — but the people mindlessly continue to believe it nonetheless.
Political positions are created, filled, and controlled entirely by the elite super-rich, the news media, and covert powers (like the CIA).
They coerce, threaten, murder, and bribe people to keep politics carefully controlled. Politicians serve their masters (bankers), not the poor voters who are permitted to vote for select banker-owned hirelings.
Voting — like the Colosseum games in old Rome where spectators were allowed to vote (thumbs up, or thumbs down) as to whether the beaten contestant lived or died — only serves to pacify a corrupt people and entice them to participate in a corrupt system.
Political elections are designed to give government a veneer of legitimacy and keep it in power.
By receiving a privilege or benefit from the government, we are gaining the favor of rulers; but scripture says, “Many wait on the favor of rulers; but justice comes to a man from the LORD” (Proverbs 29:26).
In other words, those who look to the favor of governments will not really get justice, which is one reason why many people complain there is no justice in today’s courts, no matter WHO they vote for.
Because voting does not bring about justice, in brings about injustice! Why does in bring about injustice?
Because people do not “vote” to do God’s Will, they “vote” to have people do their own will, for selfish reasons, and the consequences of selfishness is always injustice.
There is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). This has to do with voluntary servitude.
If you turn your back on God you become servants to men.
When you go out and vote, you are saying, “I am a servant of men and I want these men to rule over me.”
Real change will never happen as a result of people voting, petitioning, campaigning or otherwise playing “politics”.
Instead, real change will take place only when the people actually dare to disobey, when people stop begging for the legislators’ legislative permission to be free and start thinking and acting like free people even when the ruling class has declared freedom “illegal.”
“Authority” is always in the eye of the beholder.
When the people stop imagining that a group of parasitic liars and thieves have the right to control them, only then will the people have any chance to free themselves from authoritarian oppression, not through begging and petitions, but through pure disobedience and resistance!

When a government no longer serves the will of the people,
it is the right and the duty of the people of that nation
to lawfully rebel to set their government right
and ensure the safety and future of their nation
We have a
moral responsibility
unjust laws
All forms of government are feudalism/slavery.
Government, taxation, licensure, mandates, prohibition, etc. are euphemism to make slavery sound more accepted.
We aren’t told it’s slavery, so we don’t see it as slavery.
Justice against what’s wrong doesn’t come when we corrupt reality, truth or morality.
When we create falsity through false authority, injustice reigns.
Freedom is the absence of a ruling class.
You cannot be free and have someone that rules over you, they are complete opposites.
Therefore freedom can only be obtained by removing the people claiming to be above you.
There is no other way to be free than freeing ourselves from a ruling class.
As long as there are people that can dictate what you can or cannot do, you will always be enslaved by them no matter how many privileges they allow you to have.
There is no such thing as a good or righteous ruling class because the very foundation of ruling over someone is to dominate them.
Real change will never occur as a result of people voting, petitioning, campaigning, or in any other way playing “politics.”
Instead, real change will occur only when the people dare to actually disobey, when people stop begging for the politicians’ legislative permission to be free and start thinking and acting like free people even when the ruling class has declared freedom to be “illegal.” “Authority” is always in the eye of the beholder.
When the people stop imagining that a group of parasitical liars and thieves has the right to rule them, only then will the people have any chance of ridding themselves of authoritarian oppression, not through begging and petitioning, but through outright disobedience and resistance
It’s time for you to take note of the source and realize your own potential and it’s time for all of us to stand together and address the root cause of the problem.
Stop complying with it and you will shut it down.
Simply stop giving these people the power to control you.
Innerstand that the only power they have is the power the people themselves grant to them.
We are free and sovereign by the very nature of being born.
No rulers or masters exist above us in Nature.
It’s a delusion
to believe otherwise.
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Controlled Chaos
Full spectrum domination
The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the globalscape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda.
The purposeful orchestration of controlling mass perception through the intentional spreading of a genetically modified biological weapon to unleash a global pandemic, is setting the stage for the trigger event to be manipulated in the timelines.
Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age.
This is inaccurate.
The Power Elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move.
Controlled Chaos is based on subjecting individuals to sophisticated methods of a global Psychological Manipulation designed to reform and suppress the mass consciousness, by Shaping False Narratives that destroy Unity and Empathy within humanity.
Divide and rule strategies encourage divisions, conflicts and chaos among the opposing groups to prevent the formation of strong alliances and unification that could challenge the power of the Controller or Ruler.
This extends to the negative entities, such as the Luciferian or Satanic groups, that exert further control over their human representatives that have been socially engineered to carry out their divide and conquer agenda against the human race.
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Controlled Chaos
Full spectrum domination
The current chaotic events that are being revealed in the global-scape drama are designed to perpetuate mass psychological operations against the earth inhabitants that ultimately serve the objectives of those negative Controlling forces, competing to succeed in their version of the One World Order agenda.
The purposeful orchestration of controlling mass perception through the intentional spreading of a genetically modified biological weapon to unleash a global pandemic, is setting the stage for the trigger event to be manipulated in the timelines.
Many people still believe that the current state of world suffering, poverty, disease and violence was created accidentally, and that what we see today in the globalscape was the organic evolution of humanity since the industrial age.
This is inaccurate.
The Power Elite families have methodically and patiently grown their global agenda through specific objectives, which they sought to create through the use of Social Engineering and hidden technological Mind Control, along with gaining surveillance over our every move.
Controlled Chaos is based on subjecting individuals to sophisticated methods of a global Psychological Manipulation designed to reform and suppress the mass consciousness, by Shaping False Narratives that destroy Unity and Empathy within humanity.
Divide and rule strategies encourage divisions, conflicts and chaos among the opposing groups to prevent the formation of strong alliances and unification that could challenge the power of the Controller or Ruler.
This extends to the negative entities, such as the Luciferian or Satanic groups, that exert further control over their human representatives that have been socially engineered to carry out their divide and conquer agenda against the human race.
Comprehending the motivation of the controlling power elite means understanding their spiritual and ideological beliefs connected to using controlled chaos against their opposition, which essentially is to continually incite chaos and division in order to control the rest of earth’s inhabitants.
Controlled Chaos is understanding the role of chaos theory that is used in military based decision making, when planning divide and conquer tactics being targeted against any group, demographic or nation.
Controlled Chaos is used both as a spiritual warfare strategy on the metaphysical front by non-physical dark forces, and as a propaganda-based disinformation tool and weakening tactic aimed against the masses in the physical world.
This is a global strategy for full spectrum domination of earth carried out by the Evildoers forces, who use human controllers on the ground that have been handed access to unlimited wealth and resources of the planet in order to manage the rest of us in a Controlled Chaos.
By methodically destroying the cohesion and unity that exists within any targeted group, organization, state, or nation, the group is weakened by internal division and chaos, whereby outside organized forces that use controlled chaos tactics can intercept and easily impose control over the group’s resources.
As a case study, the intended destruction of a powerful state could be potentially desired by multinational corporations, crime syndicates and institutions that intend to gain aggressive control over the global financial, military and information resources in that state.
Strategies would include saturating the death culture propaganda into the population by reinforcing destructive behaviors; such as increasing destitution and homelessness, handing out free heroin needles, pushing sexual misery to reduce birth rates and increase death rates.
When there is indifference to the suffering, misery and destitution of others, people become suicidal and lose their will to live. This acts as a general euthanasia mechanism for facilitating a eugenic strategy or kill off in the targeted culture.
Instigating and seeding continuous chaos, particularly through natural disasters or emergency situations, overwhelms the capacity for supporting sustainable living and disrupts the stability and cohesion that is necessary to restore order to the disorder.
Uprooting people from their homes, creating refugees and mass migrations are tools used for destabilization and psychological warfare, by gaining control of these areas through inciting chaos while destroying the local culture.
When the natural environment and earth beauty is being destroyed, such as trees, plants and animals, this decimation produces a Dehumanization and demoralization effect upon the people living there.
Living in a barren, desolate wasteland as a result of abject poverty, war and cataclysmic events is not highly desirable to evolve consciousness and develop the local culture, it produces primitive values and barbarism.
Through conditioning propaganda of continual controlled chaos as a way of life being seeded as the global Death Culture, it achieves the aims of the Controllers in various ways.
Controlled Chaos strategies and intentionally inciting the forces of chaos in the world at large are also entwined with the overall Satanic Ideology and its highest principles.
Those individuals that are either moderate or extreme occultists in their different branches of the satanic belief system are also practicing the same divide and conquer strategies in order to gain advantage and oppress the masses, through Lack of Empathy and compassion for others plight.
Satanism promotes the rise of master manipulators and sociopathic personalities to exploit all human psychological and emotional weakness for personal gain.
For the Satanic occultist, psychic attacking and Black Magic is designed for siphoning soul energy for producing spiritual weakness along with the premeditation of complex strategies that are designed to destroy their opposition at any cost.
Hence many Satanists are master propogandists, using complex deceptions for psychological manipulation in attempting to indoctrinate the public into various forms of moderate to extreme Satanic Ideology throughout the controlled mainstream media.
: The Papal Bloodlines Black Nobility Crime Families
: The Unholy Roman Church — Control Power Tri-Entity Pyramid
: Currently the earth and all inhabitants are subjected to hidden and obvious Mind Control technologies used to increase Cognitive Dissonance:?
: ➝ Orchestrating Plandemic for Great Reset — Globalization for Full Spectrum Dominance

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What choice do we have?
Larken Rose
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The Jones Plantation
Larken Rose
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The Tiny Dot
Larken Rose
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How we lose our freedom
one piece at a time.
Your liberty
where do you draw
YOUR line?
End of the day,
until everyone can
answer this question
and then act,
all the rest of the talk is just BS.

A big problem we have is that we want to project our own capacity for empathy and compassion onto those in government.
Most people cannot imagine that these “authority” figures are completely void of empathy and compassion.
People don’t want to accept that psychopaths are running their lives like slave masters, murdering people by the millions, raping children, etc.
“They’d never do that!”
Yes, they absolutely would.
It’s going on right now, and you should be enraged.
Not angry about your comfort zone being disrupted, or about losing a sports game, or not getting your way.
You need to be filled with Righteous Anger at the looming amount of evil that is destroying our Freedom as a species… destroying our souls.
Yet here we are, unwittingly accepting the idea that we must put the worst people of society in charge of our lives in order to be protected from… the worst people of society… while fighting each other over differences that are completely irrelevant.
It’s mass delusion.
“He who is not angry when there is just cause for anger is immoral.
Because anger looks to the good of justice.
And if you can live amid injustice
without anger,
you are immoral as well as unjust.”
— Thomas Aquinas
Many people are getting angry for the right reasons, but channeling that anger in the wrong ways.
We have to understand that nothing can be changed for the long term by going after the things that are already happening.
You can’t protest or
vote your way out of slavery.
Government doesn’t care
how much you plead and beg.
They laugh at that, because despite your anger you’re still believing in “authority,” still asking them for Freedom that is yours inherently.
As long as you continue
doing that, you will never be free.

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Personal Responsibility
The sovereign ruler of the self vs.
the sovereign ruler of the collective.
Guess which one is based on
Truth and justice?
I am here to inform you
that you have been fashioned.
Your thought processes have been steered, your emotional responses preyed upon, and your various worldviews have been MANufactured.
“But by whom and for what end?”, you ask.
And I declare,
“Wake the hell up!”
Stop being a weak, timid sheep who has the capacity to be the ferocious lion which is your birthright.
This world, in all it’s splendor, beauty, and magnificence has been HIJACKED by MANipulative, EGOmaniacal, SOPHISTicated sorcerers whose only ambition in this life is the furtherance of their personal power.
Call them psychopaths, sociopaths,
narcissists, or flat out pigs –
It doesn’t matter what they are,
or what you call them.
They exist, they are in control
and you are not.
That’s the bottom line.
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Personal Responsibility
The sovereign ruler of the self vs.
the sovereign ruler of the collective.
Guess which one is based on
Truth and justice?
Freedom begins with a concept — a state of mind. The mind, once freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well.
In John 8:32, Jesus states: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come from central government — itself being a fraud, and its methods primarily lies, tricks, and deceit.
Freedom for man is expressed perfectly in God’s law as it sets guidelines to protect one’s own freedom without violating the freedom of others.
God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the means for freedom.
Jesus reiterated it.
Truth leads us towards freedom and away from slavery.
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited.
It must be learned and preserved by each generation.
The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man’s birthright and individual responsibility.
It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government.
People who don’t accept individual responsibility, and won’t strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
In this physical world of matter you either matter or you don’t.
You are either an individual or you are part of the group.
You are a freeman OR you are a slave.
You are either a sovereign monarch on this planet or a subject, which is it?
You either believe in absolute freedom, truth, and all it offers or you resonate with the fear of chaos and succumb to literally being an insignificant speck of mud.
I am here to inform you
that you have been fashioned.
Your thought processes have been steered, your emotional responses preyed upon, and your various worldviews have been MANufactured.
“But by whom and for what end?”, you ask.
And I declare,
“Wake the hell up!”
Stop being a weak, timid sheep who has the capacity to be the ferocious lion which is your birthright.
This world, in all it’s splendor, beauty, and magnificence has been HIJACKED by MANipulative, EGOmaniacal, SOPHISTicated sorcerers whose only ambition in this life is the furtherance of their personal power.
Call them psychopaths, sociopaths,
narcissists, or flat out pigs –
It doesn’t matter what they are,
or what you call them.
They exist, they are in control
and you are not.
That’s the bottom line.
They use their vast resources, wealth, and power (which you literally give to them via income taxes, estate taxes, property taxes, etc) to restrict your consciousness from expanding to ever greater and higher horizons.
The antithesis of Love is fear and the wealthy power brokers, lawyers, and unsuspecting shills aggressively promote this idea as a progressive policy when it is nothing of the such.
Much like prestige and sophistry, their policies have the surface “appearance” of beneficial” but the inner heart of deception to the core.
It is fallacious to “believe” we can accept “part” evil mixed into “part” good; the evil spoils the whole thing. This corresponds to part healthy diet to part unhealthy diet – the unhealthy portion spoils the whole basket.
So, it all boils down to either the acceptance of personal responsibility (our sovereign rulership of our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, both internally and externally) or the abdication of that personal responsibility to an authority outside of ourselves (an external sovereign ruler – aka: a collectivist governing body).
We are either going to cry victim-hood from being duped and hoodwinked or come to understand how it is, exactly, that we are too blind to see that we are hoodwinked by investing our beliefs. We are blindfolded from understanding our true dominion on this physical plane.
And coming to the understanding of that truth requires focus and attention on the spiritual plane; the realm of causation where the binding of our minds into the control grid is presently taking place.
It is the abdication of our personal responsibility, from understanding that our complicity with “the system of control” in which we are “buying into” is what legitimizes it.
We are the one’s shining our lights into that dark world giving it life. We’re the one’s purchasing the story line and accepting it as a viable path.
We’re the one’s investing our energy and lives into this graven image of reality.
But who’s doing this to us again?
We are born into this world with the responsibility to learn the operations of nature’s laws, understand the balance between the laws and our free-will choices, and then consciously grow from that interplay in a positive, expansive way.
Our purpose is to learn what is good and true by removing the wrongs from the equation.
And if you have read any of my posts, you can come to understand quite clearly that it is your PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY (as an individual) to do this TASK with determination in your personal life IF YOU EVER wish to cultivate any actual freedom from authority.
Number 1 is to STOP believing in authority out there somewhere.
You are an individual with specific talents, skills, traits, personality, etc.
And you are extremely valuable.
Not as a human resource to this control grid chained around the Earth but to your fellow human being.
We literally need you to come out of your induced stupor of football, beer, and pizza to take up the most noble cause life has to offer – that of cultivating personal integrity, honesty, purity, sound reason, courage, conscience, care, empathy, compassion, and dominion over your thoughts, feelings, and deeds.
Number 2 is to STOP operating on your feelings.
Okay, so you feel bad about yourself sometimes, and I would suggest that if you don’t you’re very good at lying to yourself, and you’ve convinced yourself that you can not possibly cultivate any relevant change on this Earth.
I submit that that is a negative belief you keep buying into.
The pattern of failure deserves your immediate attention because “poor me” is not making you “great me”.
What comes around goes around and we perpetuate our own feelings of dismay, dissatisfaction, and disappointment by feeling helpless.
In a world, right now, of unlimited data, the answers are at your fingertips to helping you discover your demons and conquer them so there is no excuse for this behavior any longer.
Number 3 is the notion that action is required if change is going to occur.
You literally have to move your mind into thinking about an outcome you would personally like to achieve and then do it.
Laziness and procrastination are by-products of helplessness and you are not helpless.
You may “think” you are and that’s the issue… your thinking.
It’s so easy to not think that it becomes habitual, just remember if you are not thinking you are being dominated.
And if you are being dominated, you are part of the problem with the world.
Knee pain, back aches, neck aches, without any physical damage are resultant from helpless thinking and can be changed.
It takes effort, persistence, and a vision to alleviate those ills.
We are born into this world with unlimited power.
It’s true. Just seek and find this out for yourself.
Our free-will is precious indeed.
But to limit our power/ possibility, past generations of humanity have instituted restrictions on free-will.
And as a result of being born by Parents who were conditioned their whole lives into the habits of staying within the parameters of that box, fear of the chaos is driven home to the progeny, generation after generation.
It is a system of control on exactly where the free-will can extend to and this is morally wrong.
We are, as a result, coerced into blindly accepting this box as reality when it is not.
This box is a mental construct that imprisons consciousness from expanding into greater beyonds of imagination and possibility.
Adherence to, and complicity with human laws that promote this restriction of free-will is an individual choice.
There is no “common good” that restricts free-will by way of coercion, threat of violence, or duress.
It’s just a matter of fact.
The Imagination of Man and the Possibilities of where that CAN take us as a species is RIGHT NOW being controlled.
It is being controlled by the varying degrees upon which restrictions are placed upon us by Government and it really hits home because the jobs we go to work at everyday of the work week are under the command of this giant institution.
And WE OURSELVES enable that restriction by complying with those restrictions on an individual basis.
How are we ever to understand what is possible if we are mentally driven down the same road where we repeat the same mistakes over and over in a wash, rinse, repeat cycle?
People are so worried about things within this construct, this illusory system of control; sick over struggling to survive that they do not literally have the time or energy to seek after that which is genuine, authentic and true – that of which can literally save them from the clutches of tyranny, KNOWLEDGE.
We are not to abdicate our personal responsibility, in this regard, as individuals.
If we can sense grips of control that are opposite to what we know is right, it is our duty to not comply.
We are born to come to understand the operation of how nature actually operates and the laws that govern the whole also govern the individual component parts.
We are to learn by making mistakes INDIVIDUALLY to comprehend this.
If we are going to continue to create restrictions, say this is legal or that is legal because we fear chaos erupting, we are essentially stagnating the natural growth of the evolutionary possibility of where consciousness itself can transcend to.
Why is this not common knowledge?
abdicate (AB duh kayt”) (verb), abdicates; abdicated; abdicating
1. To renounce formally, which is commonly done by a monarch of a throne; to vacate a throne, to relinquish, to abandon: Edward VIII of England abdicated the throne so he could marry a commoner whom he loved.
A king who abdicates, renounces, or swears away his kingly privileges and duties.
This is YOU.
You are the KING/ QUEEN.
Here in America, the founders instituted the universal law that all human beings are sovereign kings/ queens over their own lives.
It is a universal truth and people are just now beginning to discover this truth very deeply.
You are only a victim so long as you bury your head in the sand leaving your buttocks exposed to the raping and pillaging it is going to get.
And once they are done with your rear-end and have no further use after it’s obliteration, it will be burned to ashes and forgotten.
The time is nigh to pull the head out of the proverbially sand and start paying attention to the barbarians tactics, tools, organization, strategies, and implementation.
2. To refuse to accept an obligation or responsibility: When the author agreed to edit the book, she was abdicating her contract when she suddenly quit without notice.
This is where we have given away, for free, our personal responsibility that we are bound to fulfill with the cosmic intelligence which underlies the evolution of consciousness.
Think about that! We have become so consumed with our own little vain individual egos that we have completely forgotten, and overlooked, as a species, that the parts are not greater than the whole.
The whole herein described is not the “collective” in some “group” of humanity itself but is the creative will that is the evolution and furtherance of consciousness which beget the human race into manifestation.
3. To proclaim or declare to be no longer one’s own, to disclaim, disown, cast off; especially, to disown or disinherit children: Gary Brown abdicated his responsibilities as a husband and father and never returned to be with his wife and children.
To no longer accept responsibility for your actions. To identify yourself as a victim.
To blame others for as to why you are behaving irresponsibly is still the total abdication of your rightful and true throne of Sovereign.
4. To give up (a right, trust, office, or dignity); to leave, to lay down, to surrender, to abandon; at first implying voluntary renunciation, but now including the idea of abandonment by default: Governments, both national and local, seem to be abdicating their responsibilities to provide a good education for all of their citizens by greatly reducing the financial expenditures that are needed.
When you do not possess the capacity to ACT responsibly, someone is going to step in and FORCE you.
For instance, if you cause harm to other sentient beings as you move through life, that is a selfish act and it is the responsibility of those of us who can see that for what it is, to correct that action.
Theft, murder, rape, invasion, violence… all acts of a puny little mind that has not grown up and in some cases, can not grow up.
Just because people like this do exist, such as in the case of born psychopaths, does not mean we must all lower our standards to accept this behavior as the norm.
It is not the norm, it is pathetic.
5. To abandon, to surrender, or to give up: Tom abdicated his responsibilities and left town.
You can not escape your duty. You can believe that you will be leaving your responsibilities behind but you will be lying to yourself.
We are BOUND to this obligation to the universal will whether anyone sees that clearly or not, you will ALWAYS relive that lesson no matter where you try to run and hide or escape to – because there is no hiding from it.
It’s always knocking at your door.
It’s called the natural law of attraction.
6. To leave one’s position, office, or power: Yielding to the pressure of public opinion, the president of the country is abdicating his political authority.
The outraged citizens forced the talk-show host to abdicate his radio program.
Now this is where we are calling on those who are currently in positions of so called “authority” to abdicate their “perceived” thrones and get with the program of equality of individuals rather than the common good of the “perceived” group.
7. Etymology: from Latin ab-, “away” + dicare, “to proclaim”.
When people abdicate their positions, they “proclaim away” their authorities.
abdicate (AB duh kit) (adjective), more abdicate, most abdicate A descriptive term for a person who has given up a right, a trust, or an office; either voluntarily or under pressure: The abdicate congressman resigned his position after his party urged him to leave when he finally admitted presenting himself inappropriately on an internet social-networking site.
abdication (ab” duh KAY shuhn) (s) (noun), abdications (pl)
1. The act or fact of giving up a high office, a throne, or an authority; resignation: The council denied that their decision represented any abdication of responsibility.
2. The action of formally renouncing, disowning, or casting off. Now only applied to the disowning of a son in Roman Law: In choosing the abdication of his son as his successor, the landlord broke the line of succession of ownership.
3. Resignation, surrender, abnegation: Following the abdication of Joy Little’s position as judge left her with a sense of relief.
4. Resignation or abandonment, either formal or virtual, of sovereignty or other high trust: The abdication of Gerald Room’s position as Chief Executive Officer surprised everyone.
5. A formal yielding or relinquishment of the ownership of goods by an insurer to the underwriters: The insurance company determined that the abdication of ownership of the ship was the only way to cut their losses when the ship was wrecked. It seemed like a long summer of abdications; first the prince’s abdication of the throne to marry the woman he loved, then we had the CEO’s abdication of his position as head of the company.
6. Etymology: from Latin abdication em; from ab-, “away” + dicare, “proclaim”.
abdicator (s) (noun), abdicators (pl)
1. Someone who gives up a high office, formally or officially; especially, a royal throne: The duke, by giving up his title, was seen by many as an abdicator; but he was happy to retire to the country and since his younger brother also chose to abdicate his position, they were referred to as the ‘Brother Abdicators’.
2. Anyone who fails to fulfil a duty or responsibility: The manager of the store lost his position because he was accused of being an abdicator of his duties.
abduce (verb), abduces; abduced; abducing
1. To lead or to draw away by some act or a persuasion: The Pied Piper was able to abduce the children to run away from home. The ditch abduces the flood water off the street. The children were abduced from the proximity of the barking dog by their teacher. By abducing the kitten to move from the ledge of the window with a bowl of milk, the woman saved the kitten’s life.
2. To draw away or to move away from a median plane: The doctor had to abduce the patient’s right arm from its midplane to the side and back again.
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Most people believe that they are free because the media and politicians tell them that they are, however in truth we are merely slaves caught up in an illusion we think as being freedom.
Freedom is very simple; it is the ability to be an individual free from all law. In order to have law, which is in of itself an artificially created reason to control someone other than you, force is used to gain compliance, hence force of law.
However this is done without gaining permission from the creator of us, the earth and of all of creation, there argument falls apart as their authority is based only upon hearsay.
They work their authority through fraud being that everyone and everything is considered to be some form of property all owned by the Ruling Bloodline families.
At birth your parents give you a name unknowingly transferring the ownership of that name to the state.
We could not be owned if we did not accept names as it is through the names that ownership of our bodies by the few exists, yet we are not the names and there in is the fraud.
The ruling bloodline families have and are using force against us on a daily basis to gain our compliance to follow a set of laws which we have no say in nor control over all of which is designed to enrich the bloodline ruling elite families as all law is based in commerce thus for each law broken millions of dollars are created in various types of bonds and fines, which only benefit the system and the Bloodline Ruling Elite.
Thus there are two sets of laws, one for the poor who are the slaves and virtually no laws for the ruling elite families and their enforcers; which are the Police and System slaves in general.
In truth we live on the earth and not in Countries. They have divided up the earth into Countries through use of force projected through imperialism and war.
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Most people believe that they are free because the media and politicians tell them that they are, however in truth we are merely slaves caught up in an illusion we think as being freedom.
Freedom is very simple; it is the ability to be an individual free from all law. In order to have law, which is in of itself an artificially created reason to control someone other than you, force is used to gain compliance, hence force of law.
However this is done without gaining permission from the creator of us, the earth and of all of creation, there argument falls apart as their authority is based only upon hearsay.
They work their authority through fraud being that everyone and everything is considered to be some form of property all owned by the Ruling Bloodline families.
At birth your parents give you a name unknowingly transferring the ownership of that name to the state.
We could not be owned if we did not accept names as it is through the names that ownership of our bodies by the few exists, yet we are not the names and there in is the fraud.
The ruling bloodline families have and are using force against us on a daily basis to gain our compliance to follow a set of laws which we have no say in nor control over all of which is designed to enrich the bloodline ruling elite families as all law is based in commerce thus for each law broken millions of dollars are created in various types of bonds and fines, which only benefit the system and the Bloodline Ruling Elite.
Thus there are two sets of laws, one for the poor who are the slaves and virtually no laws for the ruling elite families and their enforcers; which are the Police and System slaves in general.
In truth we live on the earth and not in Countries. They have divided up the earth into Countries through use of force projected through imperialism and war.
All of which has been done without any proof authority to do so from our creator.
The Bible talks about God and LORD God. Genesis 1 you will read all about God and his creation of the earth and all that exists.
Then in Genesis 2 forward it is all about LORD God and his enslavement of man and claiming to be the creator of all that exists.
However God the creator did not create religion or ask us to worship him in anyway.
God went so far as to give man dominion over all the earth, meaning we all rule equally as stated in Genesis 1:26.
That said we can clearly observe that God’s will has been thwarted by those who pretend to uphold it, mainly being the Popes of the Catholic Church and all leaders of Religion in general, including Islam, Hinduism etc.
This is simply because in the Bible in God’s own words he gave all man dominion and the various religious institutions are there to create enforceable laws that are designed to enslave and restrict free thought and expression and mostly enslave people.
The Foundation of freedom is that we are all suppose to be free to think and do what we wish to without anyone using any force against us to make us comply in fear for our safety.
The Justice System is a complete farce in that it pretends to represent the will of the people by creating laws which enslave them.
In many cases there is so much greed and corruption that goes on, that the only thought that goes into creating laws, is this law going to be good for the ruling elite or not.
They are all there to serve the ruling elite and so as long the laws don’t apply to the enforcers or the ones creating them, the ruling elite simply create a system of laws that benefit them, especially laws concerning the creation of money and usury through loans.
The foundation of mammon or money is based in fraud. For whatever they use for money, be it Gold, Silver, Fiat Currencies, the value of the species of mammon does not reflect the labour put in to create it.
For example you can hit a ore deposit where you simply chip away at the deposit for 10 minutes and get 24 ounces of Gold, worth about $42,000.00 for 10 minutes of work versus spending labouring at some dead end job for a whole month and getting $1200.00 in pay.
Thus those who control the amount of mammon allowed to circulate and own the sources of the mammon get to have everything that they want, while everyone else slaves to get a small amount of mammon in comparison to pay for the basics.
It allows for inequality to artificially exists allowing the few to have a lot more than the many in terms of products and services and ultimately power over the system to control others.
The other aspect to this is that fiat currency the money is merely paper with some ink and some fancy security protection built in as to not allowing others to copy it easily in creating counterfeit notes.
The problem again comes into play with the labour required to make the notes compared to the labour to earn a note.
The Federal reserve and other scams like it run through central banks, print the money at a labour cost of pennies per sheet of bills of any denomination and give it to the people as private money for the face value enriching themselves from pennies to produce lets say a $100 bill then selling into the market at face value making a huge profit on it, then charge interest on it and collect that interest through personal income tax, which has nothing to do with running the services needed in a country.
The services are paid through issuing cheques and using the signature of the one cashing the cheque to create the funds for the cheque, thus the funds created by the signature was simply a data entry into the computer.
So in order to stem inflation, the personal income tax and other taxes are implemented and economies are set up so that there are many low paying jobs and only a few high paying jobs.
Thus the system of control is enforced through artificially created scarcities. The other thing they do with fiat currencies is valuate different currencies at different values so that they can create artificial scarcity in one country and plenty in others; such as you see with African Countries versus European and North American Countries.
Where we see starving African Children and a simple donation of $30/month and will save one child from starvation, we see $30.00 as for paying for one meal at a restaurant.
Yet there is no defensible argument that can be put forward that one hours labour by someone is worth something different by someone else.
The idea that we have higher education and can do more difficult work does not detract from the fact that education should be free to begin with and simply because you learn to do something that others can’t doesn’t mean that your labour is worth more, it just means that you have improved yourself to help serve others better to make a better world or place for your fellow man.
This brings us to the notion of service to self versus service to others. Service to self to enrich oneself over the detriment of others creates in the end a very unbalanced and dangerous situation, where many laws and people are needed as enforcers to hold the masses back from you, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of the labour of others with little or no labour from yourself and thus dictate to the masses how they should live and be.
Versus service to others where we are all individuals wanting to be the best we can be in service to our fellow man and willing to make do with a little less so everyone is cared for in terms of the necessities of life and meaningful purpose to do what they want to help build a future based on equality and love for all life on earth.
On a side note those who believe that professional sports are fairly run, you have got to get your head out of the sand and look around.
It is so obvious how one team is heavily penalized for the most minor infraction while another gets away with murder so to speak.
Star players are given room from other players so they can have the time and opportunities to line up good shots on the goal, such as it is in hockey and basketball.
Sports has always been used as a distraction for the masses getting them more involved in what team wins or loses as being more important as to how you are being enslaved.
The people behind all this are Satanists.
They are at war with God and thus have no will to follow what God said in his own words that we all share in dominion over the earth.
Outside of the religious connotations who is the creator of the earth and if you don’t know, then where do you get to assume that you can use force of law against others to create wide spread poverty and despair so you can have a sheltered and wealthy lifestyle?
They do not care about us as they only care about themselves and what is in it for them.
Further the level of pedophilia and Satanic Human Sacrifice runs rapid as they live to serve a top down structure of control.
There are also evil spirits that they worship that feed off the fear created by them through their system of control. Many people are not aware of the satanic rituals that take place in there churches today, one being cannibalism of Christ’s body through the bread and wine thing in Catholic Churches.
Simply put from cradle to grave you are feed a bunch a shit, told you are worthless and a sinner and then spat out once you can not produce as a good slave anymore.
Each day I cringe in disbelief at the level of lies people by into.
The big one being that if you work hard like the rest of us you too can have a big house and fancy cars. Well minimum wage doesn’t do that for you.
Those that do get good paying jobs have to usually pay off a mortgage in student loans and pay heavy taxes on the larger sums of money they earn to give to the ruling elite for having a few hired slaves to print money for them sell you and through their phoney front Corporations called Governments at face value and then charge you interest as it is merely considered debt money.
There is no way to pay back the debt so again when it all crashes they just wash away the debt and start over, except this time they aim to kill off the 80% or more of the worlds population by devaluing the currencies and creating artificial scarcity through lack of money.
In the USA they are looking to pass a law making it illegal for people to grow there own food and sell food outside of the controlled system.
Thus bringing in the enforces again to create widespread starvation once the currency is devalued.
The $26 Trillion dollar theft that Congress allowed to take place to bail out the bankers was not used to prop up the defaults on the homes, but rather was used to give the bloodline families and their enforces the money they needed to survive a devaluation of the world currencies.
They also own most of the God as well. So where does that put us? It puts us the 93% who have to endure all this into a position of wondering why are we allowing a few to control the many in this way?
We can and should have changed all this many years ago to doing things out of service to others rather, meaning we do what we love to do and do it for the love of our fellow man.
The few that are among us that are perpetuating this system of insanity through their enforcers care only about themselves and what is in it for them.
Slaves must not be allowed to have weapons and is the reason that they are desperately trying to disarm us before the hammer comes down.
Why we are being made to suffer and potentially being wiped out by the few is merely so that the few can have Pedophile and Satanic heaven on earth, controlling their slaves with micro chips and “non-lethal” weapons.
They want to torture us and want to bring about a level of suffering like no one could ever believe possible and yet enjoy all the fruits of our discoveries and technological advancements.
We do have some help in that the truth vibrations are getting stronger and stronger by the day now. Within the next 10 years I suspect much of this will be over with as the earth aligns with our Galactic Center and we start doing what we do out of love for one another instead of self gain for the few. How we get there I am not sure, but I can tell you each day I move forward in this, I hate the system a little bit more and yearn to be free of it.
I think the introduction of free energy technology and a move to make everyone self-sufficient in terms of food, shelter and clothing will go a long way in helping us break free. But you can see them moving to bring in laws along with their enforcers to stop that from happening.
So I suspect at some point a line will be drawn and a few will be killed by the many to bring about change.
I hope they can see that they are in a lost cause, but they think their enforcers along with their laws will keep people buying into the system long enough for the few to kill off the many. So when will you draw your line and when will you begin to try to do your part in helping with the transition from slavery to freedom?
Freedom, like truth, is not inherited. It must be learned and preserved by each generation. The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man’s birthright and individual responsibility.
It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government.
People who don’t accept individual responsibility, and won’t strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.
Freedom for man is expressed perfectly in God’s law as it sets guidelines to protect one’s own freedom without violating the freedom of others.
God, by teaching us His law (truth), gave us the means for freedom.
Jesus reiterated it.
Truth leads us towards freedom and away from slavery.
Freedom begins with a concept — a state of mind.
The mind, once freed, then goes on to pursue physical freedom as well.
In John 8:32, Jesus states: “And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.”
Freedom comes from truth, and cannot come from central government — itself being a fraud, and its methods primarily lies, tricks, and deceit.

American colonists LOST the American Revolutionary War
American colonists
American Revolutionary War
to a clever Deep State trick.
A plan was delivered to the British Parliament by Edmund Burke in 1775 that it would be better for England to let the American colonists “believe” they were free, while a shadow government controlled the financial future and reaped benefits for the British Empire from their work.
The Americans would work harder if they believed that they were free. It was a very successful agenda.
It is fact that George Washington never attended the “surrender” of British Admiral Cornwall, and instead, he sent his office intern to pick up Washington’s surrender to the CROWN.
All was hidden from the people.
Since that time the US has been owned by England and the CROWN is controlled by the Vatican.

World War I officially began on June 28th, 1914 when members of the Illuminati Black Hand secret society assassinated Archduke Franz Ferdinand.
Europe quickly polarized and warred for nearly a year before Americans were given their false-flag reason to join. On May 1st, 1915 the British Naval cruiser “Lusitania” was scheduled for Liverpool, taking off from New York harbour loaded with 600 tons of explosives, 6 million rounds of ammunition, 1,248 cases of shrapnel shells, other war materials, and last but not least – American passengers.
The German embassy in D.C. was fully aware of the war materials being shipped into England on the Lusitania and tried to warn American travellers.
German embassy officials attempted to place full-page ads in 50 U.S. newspapers reading: “Notice! Travelers intending to embark on the Atlantic voyage are reminded that a state of war exists between Germany and her allies and Great Britain and her allies … travellers sailing in the war zone on ships of Great Britain … do so at their own risk.”
Due to actions taken by the U.S. State Department, 49 of those 50 newspapers never ran the ad.
The following presentation “The Lusitania and WWI” was taken from a chapter in my book “The Atlantean Conspiracy” available here: http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/ericdubay

False Iraq War Intelligence
Fed to Journalists (2003)
who did it benefit?
follow the money

but it caused a war
A single event, would result in a tough, 20 year war that would take the lives of close to 2 million civilians and almost 4 million soldiers.
But the event never existed.
The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, was never really an “incident”
The cause of escalation of war, was a imaginary event, an imaginary attack on US vessels.
Through this “imaginary” attack, President Lyndon B. Johnson of the United States of America, would begin conventional war against North Vietnam without a declaration of war, and without an adequate reason to do so.
This conflict would see the cold war yet again turn hot, even after the frightening timeline of events in 196, surrounding the Cuban Missile Crisis, which almost resulted in all out nuclear annihilation.
Who did it benefit?
follow the money

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Operation Northwoods
FAKE invasion by CUBA
Operation Northwoods was a proposed military operation against American citizens that originated within the US Department of Defense of the United States government in 1962.
The proposals called for the CIA operatives to both stages and commit acts against American military and civilian targets, blaming them on the Cuban government, and using it to justify a war against Cuba.
The possibilities detailed in the document included the possible removal of Cuban immigrants, sinking boats of Cuban refugees on the high seas, commandeering planes to be forced down or given the appearance of being taken down, blowing up a U.S. ship, and orchestrating events in U.S. cities.
The proposals were rejected by President John F. Kennedy.
Fidel Castro had taken power in Cuba in 1959 and began allowing communists into the new Cuban government, nationalizing U.S. businesses and improving relations with the Soviet Union, arousing the concern of the U.S. military due to the Cold War.
The operation proposed creating public support for a war against Cuba by blaming it for terrorist acts that would be perpetrated by the U.S. Government.
To this end, Operation Northwood’s proposals recommended acts followed by the introduction of phony evidence that would implicate the Cuban government.
It stated:
The desired result from the execution of this plan would be to place the United States in the apparent position of suffering defensible grievances from a rash and irresponsible government of Cuba and to develop an international image of a Cuban threat to peace in the Western Hemisphere.

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The day of deceit
The truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor
December 7, 1941
For years rumors have circulated that Roosevelt knew that Japan planned to attack Pearl Harbor—and just let it happen.
On December 7, 1941, the Japanese navy attacked the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor.
The following day, president Roosevelt described it as “A date that will live in infamy.
“In spite of this country’s official neutrality, Roosevelt personally had been eager to have the united states enter the war on the side of England.
He had persuaded congress to assist England with money, food, munitions, planes, ships, and lend lease, and by patrolling and convoying British ships in the Atlantic.
These measures were intended, Roosevelt assured the people, not to take us into war, but to keep us out.
Japan’s attack, while we were still formally at peace and negotiating to settle various disputes, gave Roosevelt the excuse he wanted to ask congress for a declaration of war.
When the president announced that the fleet had been attacked “suddenly and deliberately” by Japan, people believed him.
Only after the war did the people discover that FDR’s administration and top military officials had not been as surprised as they were:
The U.S. government had been privy to many of Japan’s intentions since mid-1940 when intelligence officers deciphered her top diplomatic code.
Washington officialdom had been expecting aggressive Japanese action somewhere in the pacific.
Whether or not they were expecting the Pearl Harbor attack is another question.
By far the most detailed and credible claim to date is contained in Robert Stinnett’s book day of deceit:
Stinnett is a navy veteran of World War 2 who spent his life as a newspaper journalist and photographer.
He argues that ample evidence was available to the U.S. administration and military officials—through Japanese intercepts decoded and translated before the attack—to indicate that japan was planning to attack Pearl Harbor.
The Pearl Harbor commanders, Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and General Walter C. Short, would not have been surprised if they had been properly informed.
Washington, however, chose to keep them in the dark.
Stinnett describes what appear to be three “conspiracies”:
The first to compel the Japanese to attack the United States and thus to bring us into World War 2;
The second to deprive the Pearl Harbor commanders of available information about Japan’s intentions;
The third an attempt, which still persists, to keep pre-attack information from the public.
The first “conspiracy” began, Stinnett says, in October 1940, with a memorandum by Japanese expert Captain Arthur McCollum, chief of the far eastern section of naval intelligence.
The memorandum listed eight steps to induce Japan “To commit an overt act of war.
“First, the main strength of the U.S. fleet should be retained in Hawaii.
This, Roosevelt promptly arranged, over the objections of James Richardson, Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. fleet.
Over the following year, McCollum’s other suggestions were also adopted.
According to Stinnett, U.S. cryptographers had deciphered not only Japan’s diplomatic code known as magic, but also some of her military codes, enabling operators in U.S. monitoring stations around the pacific to intercept and decode countless Japanese military dispatches.
Significant information was received from these intercepts, Stinnett says, including the Japanese task force’s last-minute choice for its staging area, its destination, and its attack order.
But that intelligence was purposively withheld from the Pearl Harbor commanders.
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after WW2
all a charade to
keep the masses happy.
When World War 2 ended, the world population wanted there to be a public retribution for war crimes along with a public ‘De-nazification’ of Germany.
They got one.
But … it turns out … it was contrived BS …
Here is what really happened.
They serve the NAZIS

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During the Cold War, the British Government used the general public as unwitting biological and chemical warfare guinea pigs on a much greater scale than previously thought, according to new historical research.
In more than 750 secret operations, hundreds of thousands of ordinary Britons were subjected to ‘mock’ biological and chemical warfare attacks launched from aircraft, ships and road vehicles.
Up until now historians had thought that such operations had been much less extensive.
The new research, carried out by Ulf Schmidt, Professor of Modern History at the University of Kent, has revealed that British military aircraft dropped thousands of kilos of a chemical of ‘largely unknown toxic potential’ on British civilian populations in and around Salisbury in Wiltshire, Cardington in Bedfordshire and Norwich in Norfolk.
Substantial quantities were also dispersed across parts of the English Channel and the North Sea.
It’s not known the extent to which coastal towns in England and France were affected.
The research reveals, for the first time, that around 4600 kilos of the chemical, zinc cadmium sulphide (now thought to be potentially carcinogenic, on account of its cadmium content) were dispersed from ships, aircraft and moving lorries between 1953 and 1964.
The secret operation – carried out by scientists from the government’s chemical and biological warfare research centre at Porton Down, Wiltshire – involved the release of large quantities of bacteria called Bacillus globigii.
The scientists were keen to discover whether ‘long distance travel of aerosols’ in the tube network ‘was due to transportation within trains’ or through the tube’s air ventilation systems.

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What does a nuclear
explosion feel like?
Now ‘Useless’ Australian soldiers returning home
from WW2 got to find out how they was now
‘excess to requirements for the
‘Mother’ country and it would probably be
better if they didn’t return at all.
After Word War II
the British government
decided to randomly explode
a nuclear bomb right next to
20,000 soldiers
just to see what would happen.
What a sick and vile experiment.
Notice these are all Australians
All through this time period and WW2
Aussies were considered expendable
by UK Military and Churchill –
probably because they was easier to ‘hide’
in those days of limited news coverage.
Like his father,
Churchill was a Eugenicist and
puppet of the Rothschilds.
He considered Australians as ‘colonials’
and of little ‘value’ and he was renowned
for his sacrifice of Australian Troops to do ‘work’
that would involve heavy casualties that
he didn’t want to explain to people in England
who considered him a hero.
Also – the war was over so these troops
was now ‘expendable’ as they was no longer needed
and would probably incur financial expense
to the ‘mother’ country as they was demobilised.
In effect, they was a liability
and now disposable.

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USS LIberty
the day of infamy
when Israel attacked America
Al Jazeera investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel.
Nearly 50 years after the deadly attack on the USS Liberty by Israel’s Air Force and Navy in 1967, it is still a matter of controversy.
The combined Israeli assault during the Six-Day War in June 1967 killed 24 Americans and wounded 171, while the Liberty was monitoring 12 miles offshore in international waters.

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The Titanic Secret
Jekyll Island
Robert Sepehr
Jekyll Island is located off the coast of the state of Georgia, where a secret gathering of elite bankers and politicians took place in 1910 laying the foundations for the Federal Reserve System in 1913, a year after the sinking of the Titanic (or sister ship Olympic).
Three of the wealthiest Americans living at the time, none of whose wealth came from banking and all opposed to the formation of a central bank, passed away on the maiden voyage of Titanic: (((Benjamin Guggenheim))), (((Isidor Straus))), and John Jacob Astor IV, the richest man in the world at the time.
The legislation establishing the Federal Reserve was then passed the day before Christmas Eve, while most of Congress was away for the holidays.
Operating outside of the constraints of the U.S. government, the “privatized” FED controls the US government’s central banking
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We have inherent natural, pre-existing,
inalienable unalienable Creator-given
rights that existed thousands of years
before the fiction called “government”.
“In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons.
The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible.
The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”
We have inherent natural pre-existing inalienable unalienable Creator-given rights that existed thousands of years before the fiction called “government”.
Now, ask yourself: Then how can a fiction rule over a living wo/man? And, the answer is by numerous frauds of conversion and semantic deceit (legalese)
Theory of Government
The theory of government is supposed to be that we have surrendered some of our rights to government so that the government protects the rights that we have not surrendered; that is the sole purpose of government: to protect our rights! Not lord over us.
The government derives its powers from the consent of the governed; the fiction is that we have consented to the surrender of ALL our rights; the reality is that our rights have been stolen from us because the government monopolises force; it’s a sad and terrible reality;
The government must stop! When it wants to touch our natural rights, whatever we think our natural rights are; because these are the things that we all yearn as human-beings to do; to be free from interference by the government;
If my rights belong to me as my fingers belong to me then they cannot be taken away by majority vote; they cannot be taken away by legislation; they cannot be taken away by command of the executive; they can only be taken away if I give them up myself.
Since mankind lived in co-operative, non-coercive, non-hierarchical, self-organizing and self-governing tribal societies we were never without a common law – which means to exchange together;
If, our Creator has made us with reason to govern ourselves, then it makes no sense at all for corporate fictions fronting as government and for London, Rome, Washington DC and New York to interfere with our independence and claim authority over us with unrestrained power;
When rights become subjected to unrestrained power, respect for natural law and natural justice is destroyed, and rational self-government is impossible.

The cornerstone of justice:
Do no harm
IN 2019, 11 Supreme Court Justices reaffirmed the Rule of Law across the United Kingdom, though this may come as a surprise to many of us who have borne witness to events since.
In what was essentially an argument between government and Parliament about who the boss is, the Supreme Court confirmed the constitutional position established by the Bill of Rights (1688) that Parliament is sovereign, but sovereign only over the government. Parliament as legislature has no authority over anyone other than the government (the executive).
Importantly, the Supreme Court did not stop there, as that would allow for a corrupted Parliament to approve governmental interference in our lives beyond the constitutional constraint to do no harm.
The court reaffirmed the correct constitutional position as evidenced by both the Bill of Rights and the Coronation Oath Act 1688, that it is the court and the court alone that determines the lawfulness of what they, Parliament, approve.
This is law; it is fundamental to recognise that legislation is not law, a common error which disrupts our ability to go peaceably about our business.
The judiciary then went further still, and said that it is the people who create the law of the land through the independent judiciary, after all, as the Act of Settlement (1700) clearly states: “…the Laws of England are the Birthright of the People thereof.”
Hence, from an argument between the government and Parliament as to who is the boss, it transpires that the court has restored the position that it is we, the people, who are the boss, in keeping with our founding constitutional documents.
Indeed, when viewed from on high, our forebears bequeathed an incredibly elegant system of lawful governance whose beating heart is to do no harm. However, before we explore this any further, it is necessary to bring God into the courtroom.
Simply put, until such a time as we can bring the Creator (howsoever you may see it,) into the court, to provide firsthand, cross-examinable witness testimony that any individual, or group of individuals, can impose their will upon another, then it is self-evident that all are equal under the law, and that no one is above the law.
To understand what it means to be equal under the law, you need to apply one simple question: can I also do that? If the answer is no, then the action to which you are applying the question is unlawful. That no one is above the law simply means that we are all accountable for any harm we cause.
In 2019, when those 11 Supreme Court justices, flanked by an expensive retinue of silks, delivered a verdict that Boris Johnson was not able to prorogue Parliament, they would no doubt have arrived more promptly at the same verdict had they simply asked whether they themselves – or indeed, you or I – are able to do similarly. Clearly, I cannot prorogue Parliament, and consequently, neither could Boris Johnson.
‘What one can do, all can do’ is the simplest and most efficient test of whether something is lawful or not.
Turning back to our lawful governance arrangements, with a fuller understanding of its central tenets in hand, we can now sketch out how the monarch swears to govern us according to our laws and customs, by instituting a government controlled by an independent Parliament.
And it is a Parliament constrained to do no harm to the people, and whose every act is subject to the independent judiciary to determine whether they are acting lawfully or not. Following this, and understanding that we are all equal under the law and nobody is above the law, it is illegal for any individual or group of people (for instance, Parliament) to knowingly impose their will upon any other person without first obtaining their consent, freely given.
In this way, and only in this way, are our duties, rights, and obligations created, i.e., by contract.
Clearly, if I cannot tell you what to do without first having reached an agreement, then neither can anybody else.
Not one item of parliamentary legislation has the people as a contracting party, due to the impossibility of obtaining the consent of all the people.
Similarly, the judiciary, the police, and all officers of the state are bound under contract of their oaths, attestations or affirmations, through which their respective duties, rights and obligations are created.
These contracts are the social contract, and unless you are in possession of one, then you have none of those duties, rights, or obligations bar one, to do no harm.
Our constitutional arrangements are an elegantly designed contractual set of arrangements such that the parties to the agreements are bound over to keep the peace (do no harm), corralled by an independent judiciary in which the people create the law.
It is precisely here where our collective obligation arises.
Should we wish to properly restore the one right that is foundational to us all, the right to do whatever we wish, save that which causes another harm, then we are obligated to act, in the face of harm, to see that the peace is kept.

Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority.
Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand.
They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives. We comply for fear of punishment if we do not.
We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear. Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct.
These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing?
Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism. Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?
In society there are some who are punished and lose their freedom for not having harmed another, while others who engage in harm against another are never acted upon and stopped.
In order for someone to violate Natural Law, another must be violated or harmed, and then action can be taken against them to stop this harm.
No imaginary rights can be invented or granted to individuals or groups where they did not exist for every other individual.
For example, can you imagine giving someone a right you do not possess? If one person can’t steal from others, who then can take from the labors of others?
No one.
No amount of people collected into a group can assume or grant such a right that does not exist.
If 1000 people don’t have the right to take the labor of others by threats (which is what taxation is), then a group of those 1000 people calling themselves “government” can’t invent or assume a right that does not exist. Granting something you do not possess yourself is an illusion.
A right cannot be assumed if it does not already exist. So why can’t we write laws into existence? Because we are not “God”.
Man’s law is irrelevant in light of the revelation and recognition of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law.
If man’s law is in contradiction with Natural Law, it is false and immoral and not binding upon anyone, otherwise it is in harmony with Natural Law and is redundant.

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What is Government?
“What is government itself
but the greatest of all reflections
on human nature?
If men were angels no government
would be necessary.
If angels were to govern men,
neither external nor internal controls
on government would be necessary.”
– James Madison
Supreme Court of the
United States 1795,
“Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons.
The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible.
The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)
Government is merely a legal fiction which was created solely to protect peoples’ rights, property and natural resources; and, to provide the people with services, not to lord over them.
Ask yourself, how can a
piece of paper rule over
real living tangible people?
It cannot, dear people;
only by our consent;
It has no jurisdiction over the tangible as affirmed by the above ruling.
What is the essence of government?
After you cut through the rhetoric, the doublethink, and the smokescreen of altruism that surround the subject, you find that the essence of government is force…and the belief it has the right to initiate the use of force whenever expedient.
Government is an organization with a monopoly, albeit with some fringe competition, on the use of force within a given territory. As Mao Zedong said, “The power of government comes out of the barrel of a gun.”
There is no voluntarism about obeying laws.
The consent of a majority of the governed may help a government put a nice face on things, but it is not essential and is, in fact, seldom given with any enthusiasm.
The word ‘government’ comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means “to control” (also the root for the word ‘gubernatorial’), and the Latin noun mens, mentis which means “mind.”
Put them together.
In colloquial English, the suffix ‘-ment’ means “the state of or condition of,” but all things must first begin in the mind.
Those who formulated the English language knew this which is why they used the Latin word for “mind” to mean this.
All creation
emerges first from thought.
So, if you want the world to be a certain way then you have to steer and control how people think.
If they think and believe what you want then that is the reality they will manifest.
So yes, “government”
does mean mind control.
Through the control of our thoughts with false ideologies (religion, culture, statism, solipsism, scientism, and other erroneous and dogmatic beliefs) resulting in Wrong Action in the world, we are – as a species – manifesting a reality of suffering and slavery.
Government cannot protect you
from Violence and Chaos
because government
IS Violence and Chaos.

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