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Author unknown

… can only happen when
there are no longer
jews in this world.

Now I got  your attention …

But don’t get carried away by that statement, either side of the fence, because it can only happen when there are no longer Arabs also.

No longer Christians and no longer Hindis, Buddhists, or Muslims.

No longer brits or Americans, Russians, Chinese or Ukrainians.

No longer left or right, wrong or right, no longer sickening wealth divide of thirty six trillion in tax havens and a child dying every five seconds of hunger.

No longer, me and you, the root of it all.

Me, a Christian Brit, you an Israeli Jew or a Muslim.

Identity has become more important to our lives than our lives and identity is killing us.

Because identities divide us.

What is more important to our lives, the continuity of security found in living tribally divisive valuing past traditions of unknowable authenticity, or the ability to live freely at peace today, which is denied by the divisive nature of these traditions?

We find security in being patriots.

Every side in a battle finds this security.

A psychological security which tears the flesh of our children from their bones in acts of war.

And so no security at all.

We find security in reigious belief, which divides our lives equally one from the other.

Division is the root of all conflict.

Why have we never realised this?

Will we ever?

The division of wealth this day, maybe as it always has been, is so obviously orchestrating the unfolding events of terror which began in 2019 on a war like footing.

The words were accurate, authentic and precisely descriptive.

The horror our lives as human beings which is unveiling before our eyes is however a very old story indeed.

It is our eternal accompaniment.

In times of so poorly named ‘peace’ a huge slice of all resources is spent by every nation preparing for the next war.

and we are all responsible.

Our tax dollars pay for the deaths of our children and the rivers of tears sourced from every mothers eyes.

As equally if we wave our little flags on bank holidays or find security in a divisive belief which offers no insight into life we have come to find for ourselves.

I am not denying the existence of God.

I am however denying any ability to understand the truth of this matter through an accepted belief.

No one believing in God is a ever a truly religious man.

A man of love.

I am not insulting, merely stating facts which need faced.

The complex problem our race faces today is this.

Divisions lead us to war.

And divisions are what we find security living within.

This is our communal human problem this day as every other.

We end these pointless divisions, learn what it means to truly relate, beyond divisive images, or these pointless divisions will certainly end us.

Don’t pray for the Palestinians, remove from your mind and heart what divides your life from theirs, as well as from the Israeli Jews.

Only then, will we find the ability needed to act in the name of humanity and to bring into being a world of peace.

Synagogue of satan

One group and one group alone is responsible for virtually all wars and bloodshed on the face of this planet.

This evil cabal is few in numbers but, like a deadly octopus, its tentacles reach out to grip and strangle untold multitudes of innocent victims.

The initiates of every secret society and internationalist organization, from the council on foreign relations and the jesuits to the bilderbergers and the order of skull & bones, obey the dictates of this sinister group and tremble when standing before its leaders.

The cabalist group i refer to is the synagogue of satan, an ancient, yet modem elite so politically powerful and so fabulously wealthy that even past history has been twisted, reshaped, and revised to meet its preferred version of humanity’s gloomy, totalitarian future.

Religious and racial in nature, the synagogue of satan is, at its essence, a grotesque, satanic cult.

Its high council is composed of high priests of lucifer; these are men who literally worship death while practicing sexual magick and occult rituals of the blackest nature.

Regrettably, this luciferian cabal of high priests is supported by over eighteen million people around the globe who call themselves “jews.

some of these people, a great many,
are fanatical in their support
of the synagogue of satan.

they go by the name, “zionists”

others provide the cabal with
only token, often nominal, support.

These eighteen million jews are joined in their often zealous embrace by a great number of gentiles who are also boastful of being zionists.

While these gentile supporters are, on the whole, woefully ignorant of the horrific, ultimate goal of the synagogue of satan, their support and service to the cause of lucifer helps drive the global synagogue of satan’s never-ending successful campaigns of revolution, war, famine, financial calamity, and bloodshed.

Given the proven fact that the elitist high priests of lucifer who comprise the synagogue of satan and their servants possess ownership of almost every major book publishing firm in the world, rarely is a book or volume ever printed that has the courage and audacity requisite to expose the ongoing conspiracy of this monstrous group.

Iam, therefore, extremely pleased to recommend to thinking men and women this excellent volume.

The synagogue of satan, by Bbritain’s Andrew Hitchcock.

You will find it to be a useful, revealing, and accurate historical guide to the sinister crimes and dark events that have propelled the synagogue of satan to the precipice of world power.

So I believe you’re asking about
things purposely hidden from us.

It goes very deep from my research
stemming all from the Canaanite’s,
Kazarians, Luciferians, cabal, NWO,
elite, Illuminati, blood line families, etc.

They are ANTI anything Christ, followers of Satan.

Their purpose has always been to deceive, destroy, hurt, confuse, falsely lead, etc.. they want to destroy anyone who doesn’t follow their master and they’ve always had the money via them also being the national bankers to control everything.

Tel-a-vision, Hollywood, governments, anything we sheeple see through the ages that was purposely to brain wash us and deceive us but NOW we are waking up finally.

Almost everything we have been lead to believe has been merely a deception to keep us in the dark.

Deceivers have crept into every institution and we were unaware, even though we were warned in God’s Word.

It’s a trickle down…some deceive on purpose (like brainwash) and some believe they are telling the truth because that’s what they were taught.

Example…like many preachers who were taught by the seminary schools.

Deceivers infiltrated the seminaries and churches and Christian entertainment to trick us to stand down so we would not identify and fight them.

Gods word cannot lie but you can twist and turn verses, words, use their interpretations and what now is the most confusing set up to divide us as Gods beautiful children is the rapture and Daniele’s dream I believe.

The church taught us we would escape this earth and then the whole earth would be destroyed so most being taught this from generation to generation believed it and are expecting to escape and not have to conform and fight the beast.

Classic brainwashing.

Take a truth in God’s word and twist the truth into a lie, repeat it often from every source, especially from trusted sources, like pastors and people accept it.

Ask most Christian’s if they’ve read the WHOLE bible through and through and most I’ve asked say no but then defend themselves as knowing scriptures and quoting them but their missing out on the whole truth.

The Old Testament is loaded with clues, major and minor prophets and so much wisdom. Most people pick and choose their stories and verses.

Doesn’t mean their lost because God knows our hearts.

I believe the Angels of Revelations have now stood back to reveal the truth to us and now we’re being called to dig deep.

Look how fast the last several years the truth and information wars have been revealed.

I’m sorry if I got off topic to your questions, there’s so much I’ve discovered and I will try to answer you so please if you want my humble opinion ask again.

I may not have it all right but I’m sure digging and praying for wisdom and discernment.

This is why God told me and I’ve told you the story many times that he was going to teach me his ways and not by what man has taught.

And said now go and I will be your teacher.

I argued with God I didn’t want to leave school I wanted to stay in seminary and get my degree and get ordained.

But God said no that’s not my way for you.

Now go back to the darkness and be the light I’ve called you to be and I will show you myself.

I didn’t want this path but God put me on it.

And until he takes me off of it I will promise to give you all that I can.

Everything is leading up to God reviling everything to us all.

Stand strong in his promise and know that he is in control of everything.

We are in this world but not of this world and you are loved dearly.

Gods got this.

Click image to play song


The song has lots of lyrics that describe the MATRIX.

If you can understand the lyrics, you would know what is really going on here on earth

Let me break it down

  1. The matrix is neither hell nor heaven.


The Matrix is hard to describe in an objective way. On another angle, it can fit to be called HEAVEN. Using another lens, it also fits to be called HELL.

Basically, there is no objective definition of this place. It depends on what you are going through.

It’s a matter of Yin and Yang. Though I think the truth about it is on the invisible middle line between yin and yang. That’s why the most suitable definition would be to call it a SCHOOL. But again, it’s not designed as a school. It’s a real hell for some and literally heaven for others.

2. You imprison yourself in the matrix


The statement is quite straightforward.

The Matrix is forever free from karma.

You get yourself entangled, and sometimes you can’t figure out how to free yourself.

The desires of our flesh are the main reason why we become “prisoners of our own devices.”” We need to focus more on ensuring that our astral bodies are secure and happy than pleasing the flesh.

3. The matrix is a keeper


That statement sounds quite nefarious if you can really read into it. It entails the system has one way traffic…you can all come but there is no provision for leaving

The next post will expand on this…

4. You can’t leave the Matrix


Imagine checking out of a hotel, but you find yourself unable to leave its yard

You will be tempted to check in again to be in a comfortable room, right?

That’s why you REINCARNATE

Checking out means you can die.

On a dark desert highway
Cool wind in my hair
Warm smell of colitas
Rising up through the air
Up ahead in the distance
I saw a shimmering light
My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim
I had to stop for the night

There she stood in the doorway
I heard the mission bell
And I was thinkin’ to myself
“This could be heaven or this could be hell”
Then she lit up a candle
And she showed me the way
There were voices down the corridor
I thought I heard them say

“Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
Plenty of room at the Hotel California
Any time of year (any time of year)
You can find it here”

Her mind is Tiffany-twisted
She got the Mercedes-Benz, uh
She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys
That she calls friends
How they dance in the courtyard
Sweet summer sweat
Some dance to remember
Some dance to forget

So I called up the Captain
“Please bring me my wine”
He said, “We haven’t had that spirit here
Since 1969”
And still, those voices are calling
From far away
Wake you up in the middle of the night
Just to hear them say

“Welcome to the Hotel California
Such a lovely place (such a lovely place)
Such a lovely face
They’re livin’ it up at the Hotel California
What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise)
Bring your alibis”

Mirrors on the ceiling
The pink champagne on ice
And she said, “We are all just prisoners here
Of our own device”
And in the master’s chambers
They gathered for the feast
They stab it with their steely knives
But they just can’t kill the beast

Last thing I remember
I was running for the door
I had to find the passage back
To the place I was before
“Relax, ” said the night man
“We are programmed to receive
You can check out any time you like
But you can never leave!”

The dark occult “ruling class”
cannot just outright tell people …

“Hey, we’re Satanists, and we’re gonna
give you our ideologies and mindset.

And then you’re gonna help us enslave yourselves.”

No one would accept or cooperate with that.

So, they have to create a dialectic.

Their main method is through different “Appeals To Authority,” because they want to set themselves up as the gods of society.

Thus, we have the political wings. They know people are basically split into two camps.

There are people with motherly abandonment issues which is the Left-Wing, who want authority in the form of provider and nurturer.

They’re appealing to their sense of misplaced compassion, to this right-brain imbalanced notion that “we have to care for everyone,” to secure the “common good” needs regardless of the means, regardless of Individual Rights.

This camp wants government and authority to be Mommy that’s going to nurture and care for everyone, and provide all the resources like mother’s milk.

The individual doesn’t matter, and the “common good” has to supersede everything.

This imbalance is exploited and preyed upon by the Satanists.

The method of the Right Wing sect is also Appeal To Authority, but through selfishness and security of individual desires.

The social engineers realize there are other people in society that are more selfish and care more about themselves than providing for the “common good,” so they prey on that dynamic.

These are people who focus too much on selfish concerns at the expense of the TRUE common good, and there is such a thing. It’s the Law of Freedom.

Aggregate freedom comes about through aggregate morality.

That’s the common good – doing good in the common sense term of understanding Conscience; by understanding the actual objective difference between Right and Wrong behavior.

The Right Wing also has parental abandonment issues.

They want government to be Daddy, the protector, with a strong military force.

In other words, a standing army which our own Founding Fathers repeatedly warned against.

“Once a standing army is established in any country, the people lose their liberty.

Recollect the history of most nations of the world. What havoc, desolation, and destruction, have been perpetrated by standing armies!” — George Mason

The Left Wing creates false notions of “equality,” because they think Rights come from government or from social agreements.

They believe Rights can be granted or taken away, and that some can have more Rights than others.

The Right Wing also has false notions of Rights, often referring to the Constitution as the source.

Both have the “ME ME ME” mindset in one form or another.

Neither has any true understanding of Rights, Sovereignty, or Freedom.

We are ALL equal in our Rights under Natural Law because we are born with those Rights.

They are the gift of Creation.

But the Right-Wing sect is always more self-absorbed and self-oriented (“MY rights, MY comforts, MY freedom, screw the rest of you”) while the Left-Wing are only concerned with the whole.

There’s no balance there… for either. For individual rights AND the good of society.

That’s the equilibrium point. You have to focus on what’s morally good and right for the individual AND for society as a whole.

That’s a very difficult balance to strike because most people are imbalanced towards one brain hemisphere or the other.

The dark occultists know this because they know more about the brain – the physiology and psychology – than almost all of the people of the world put together.

All of them constitute a “mastermind” of evil, and the universe is going to grant their manifestations because they’re all on the same page while we’re all divided in the dialectic that they’ve set up for us.

Sadly, people still can’t see it, and still won’t abandon it because they’re too attached to it, EGOICALLY… and can’t admit they’ve been duped. It’s pure evil brilliance.

It’s a genius-level methodology and strategy of dividing and conquering.

And that’s why the average dupe – eating poison, drinking poison, watching poison – cannot cognize or conceive the level of these people’s genius and methodologies at work in the world.

Many people think they will vote the world into changing.

As if no one needs to think for themselves and be responsible for their own lives; we just need to keep abdicating our personal responsibility and choose to have someone else represent us in life.

We just give up our power and decision making ability for our own behaviors to live in harmony, alignment and unison with Natural Law, and instead have someone else decide for us what we can and can’t do.

To control us, because we don’t want to control ourselves, because we don’t want to be masters of ourselves, because we don’t want to become true sovereigns united within ourselves and united with what is right, good and true.

If you understand everything about this whole operation, and can cognize it fully, you know what you need to do next, right?


Quit your cult and help others, teach others.

Regardless of which political sect you’ve bought into, they both lead to one ultimate goal: HUMAN SLAVERY.

That’s all government has ever been, what it is now, and what it will always be.

They don’t care which one you choose, as long as you choose.

Many people think they will
vote the world into changing.

As if no one needs to think for themselves and be responsible for their own lives; we just need to keep abdicating our personal responsibility and choose to have someone else represent us in life.

We just give up our power and decision making ability for our own behaviors to live in harmony, alignment and unison with Natural Law, and instead have someone else decide for us what we can and can’t do.

To control us, because we don’t want to control ourselves, because we don’t want to be masters of ourselves, because we don’t want to become true sovereigns united within ourselves and united with what is right, good and true.

Regardless of which political sect you’ve bought into, they both lead to one ultimate goal: HUMAN SLAVERY.

That’s all government has ever been, what it is now, and what it will always be.

They don’t care which one you choose,
as long as you choose.

We are being controlled by
our belief in the “justness”
and “legitimacy” of authority.

Authority and fear.

That’s what it comes down to.

We are being controlled by our belief in the “justness” and “legitimacy” of authority.

By our belief that authorities have rights we don’t have. By our fear of what will happen to us if we don’t do what the authorities tell us to do.

Be it the fear of something they say will happen, or the fear of authorities themselves harming us, stealing from us, or locking us in a cage if we don’t do what they say.

The root is belief, not truth: the belief in the legitimacy of authority and the fear of what that authority will do to us.

That’s how we are being controlled, how we have been controlled for centuries, and how we will continue to be controlled going forward until we change our behavior.

The overt external authority imposed to control us has become that much more obvious due to the fear-hyped scamdemic. Look around and see the world we have created.

We have people telling us what to do. Do this, don’t do that.

Are we being told we aren’t allowed to do thing because those things are immoral and cause harm to others?


The coronavirus was an unknown.

And an opportunity to exploit.

The unknown is a dark spot in our awareness.

This abyss in our worldview is a point of discomfort, insecurity, anxiety and fear. That fear of the unknown has some people act cautiously, but it’s also an opening for a power grab and implementing control over a population.

People are getting tired of it.

They are protesting.

They are gathering in the streets.

They are disregarding the commands to obey their authoritarian dominator-controllers in government and their hired goons the police.

People have been economically cut off, their jobs deemed “non-essential”.

Well to them, their job is essential. Essential to them surviving, eating, paying bills, and not ending up on the street.

Non-essential my ass.

We have been sold a falsity.

hen you’re not harming anyone and the ‘authorities’ come after you, coerce money from you through fines, or put you in prison being you don’t ‘isolate’ yourself enough, other people need to wake up and realize what society we have created.

click image for video




The Truth and the Lie meet on the road one day.

The Lie says to the Truth:
“It’s a marvellous day today”!

The Truth looks up to the skies and sighs,
for the day was truly beautiful.

They walk together for a while,
until they reach a beautiful well.

The Lie tells the Truth:
“The water in the well is very nice,
let’s take a swim together!”

The Truth, once again suspicious, tests the water
and discovers that it indeed, is very nice.

They undress and start the bathe.

Suddenly, the Lie jumps out of the well,
puts on the clothes of the Truth and
runs off towards a nearby village.

The furious Truth leaps out of the well
and runs to find the Lie and get her clothes back.

The Villagers, seeing the Naked Truth,
are horrified and look away with contempt and rage.

The poor Truth returned to the well and
disappeared, forever hiding her shame.

And since then, the Lie travels around the world,
dressed as the Naked Truth,
satisfying the needs of society, because,
the world in any case,
harbours no wish at all

to meet the Naked Truth.

Copied from :
𝗝𝗲𝗮𝗻-𝗟é𝗼𝗻 𝗚é𝗿ô𝗺𝗲,𝟭𝟴𝟵𝟲

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Don’t worry
be happy

We’re taught to worry about
and fear everything

The parasites feed off of it.

Your Birthdays

Are they really satanic rituals
that make you older
and remind you to die?

click image for video

Jim Caviezel

leaves the audience speechless
Set yourselves apart
from this corrupt generation,

be saints
you weren’t made to fit in,
you were born to stand out,
God Bless You

click image for video

Your children
will never know free

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Rivers of Blood (2008)

Enoch Powell speech

This video explores Enoch Powell’s infamous ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech and the negative result that immigration and forced multiculturalism has had on Britain and it’s people since Powell first made the speech.

Ubiquitous anti-White violence and media rhetoric, grooming gangs and massive White-erasure are a testament to how well Powell was able to accurately predict the horrid outcome of mass immigration to the UK, as well as the entire White, Western world.

The speech was made by Powell, as a British Member of Parliament, on 20 April 1968, to a meeting of the Conservative Political Centre in Birmingham, United Kingdom.

His speech strongly criticised mass immigration, especially Commonwealth immigration to the United Kingdom and the proposed race relations bill.

It became known as the
“Rivers of Blood” speech,
although Powell always referred to it
as “the Birmingham speech”.

click image for video


This is a more in-depth look at the ethnic origins of Communism, Bolshevism and the ‘Russian’ Revolution.

The most atrociously wicked and heinous acts of sadistic torture, bestial rape and vicious murder, which have been rightfully called the largest Jewish human ritual sacrifice in recorded history.

Dmitry Medvedev

Deputy Chairman of the Security Council
of the Russian Federation
and the previous
President of the Russian Federation.

What are we fighting for?

Russia is a huge and rich country.

We don’t need foreign territories, we have plenty of everything.

But there is our land, which is sacred to us, on which our ancestors lived and on which our people live today.

And which we will not give to anyone.

We protect our people.

We are fighting for all of our own, for our land, for our thousand-year history.

Who is fighting against us?

We are fighting against those who hate us, who forbid our language, our values and even our faith, who inculcate hatred towards the history of our Fatherland.

A part of the dying world is against us today.

This is a bunch of crazy Nazi drug addicts, drugged and intimidated by them people and a large pack of barking dogs from the Western kennel.

With them is a motley pack of grunting piggies and narrow-minded philistines from the disintegrated Western empire with saliva running down their chin from degeneration.

They have no faith and ideals, except for the obscene habits invented by them and the standards of doublethink imposed by them, denying the morality granted to normal people.

Therefore, by rising up against them, we have gained sacred power.

Where are our old friends?

We were abandoned by some frightened partners – and I don’t care about them.

So, they were not our friends, but just random fellow travelers, clingers and hangers-on.

Cowardly traitors and greedy defectors have fallen far away – let their bones rot in a foreign land.

They are not among us, but we have become stronger and cleaner.

Why were we silent for a long time?

We were weak and devastated by timelessness.

And now we have shaken off the sticky sleep and dreary gloom of the last decades, into which the death of the former Fatherland plunged us.

Other countries were waiting for our awakening, raped by the lords of darkness, slaveholders and oppressors who dream of their monstrous colonial past and long to preserve their power over the world.

Many countries have long disbelieved their nonsense, but are still afraid of them.

Soon they will wake up completely.

And when the rotten world order collapses, he will bury all his arrogant priests, bloodthirsty adepts, mocking servants and wordless mankurts under a multi-ton pile of his debris.

What is our weapon?

Weapons are different.

We have the opportunity to send all the enemies to the fiery hell, but this is not our task.

We listen to the Creator’s words in our hearts and obey them.

These words give us a sacred purpose.

The goal is to stop the supreme ruler of hell, no matter what name he uses – Satan, Lucifer or Iblis.

For his goal is destruction.

Our goal is life.

His weapon is an intricate lie.

And our weapons are the Truth.

That is why our cause is right.

That is why the victory will be ours!

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The ‘Agent Smith’ effect


The Tavistock Institute



Why Political ‘Parties’
should be abolished

In law, the creator is
always the sovereign authority.

This means, that whoever creates something will hold ultimate authority over its creation under the rules of common law.

Therefore, if you create something you may claim exclusive ownership, even though you did not apply for a registered patent.

You might, however, need to prove, that you were indeed the original creator.

It should also be noted, that under common law, patents and copyrights, only enjoy a duration of exclusive right for seven (7) years.

When this exclusive license expires, it returns to the public domain for each and everyone to freely enjoy and use.

Under the constitutions of most countries, Members of Parliament are elected by the We, the people within each nation.

It is a rule of common law, that one can only [lawfully] be governed by the consent of those to be governed.

The Members of Parliament/Congress, therefore, owe allegiance to We, the People who elected/created them.

These elected Members are therefore the public servants of We, the People.

And as a direct result, elected Members cannot act against the interest of We, the People, or affect them adversely in any way, whatsoever.

The sovereign power remains at all times with We, the People.

The servant cannot become the Master.

In stark contrast, Political Parties elect their [party] members for the purpose of standing at elections.

Hence, when elected, those members then represent, and owe allegiance, to that Party, and not to the People within the electorate.

In truth and reality, our Parliaments have been hi-jacked by political parties.

These political parties have thrown We, the People out of the window, and with it, any notion of democracy.

We, the People have now become subjected to the political and whimsical influences of political parties, and to the unknown sources that sponsor them.

These [unknown] sources may well include foreign Governments and Institutions.

This has indeed been discovered of late.

This clearly is against the interest of the People and constitute acts of Treason.

The entire purpose of Parliament/Congress has been destroyed, and the Voice of We, the People has been silenced.

Elections, today, are only a power play for political parties.

The winner takes all.

Sure, some bones will be tossed to the opposition under a gentleman’s agreement, but only in order to keep the corrupt political system into play.

The sad truth is, and remains however, that We, the People are totally shut out, and removed from our democratic process.

We no longer have any say whatsoever.

Voting has little effect, no matter which Party you vote for.

Politics is a closed shop for those who wish to enrich themselves at the expense of We, the People who elected them.

Government makes for a wonderful milking cow.

We, the People are presently controlled by organised crime syndicates that parade as ‘legitimate’ governments.

These governments are meant to be the custodians of our National Estate, which is our common wealth, and belongs to the people.

But governments are not our trusty custodians.

They have proven to be nothing more than private racketeers and common thieves, who are willing to sell off our National Estate for their own personal gain.

What happened to democracy?

“politic adj. 1. artful or shrewd; 2.

crafty; cunning;” In most countries there are generally only two major political parties, that effectively can win the right to govern following general elections.

In most countries, both major parties are controlled from without by the same foreign source.

Is it really surprising, therefore, that we have been taken for this [huge] fraudulent ride for all these years?

Were We, the People not born free and sovereign?

Do we really need parliaments to determine what we can do, or not?

Is it not our God given sovereign right to determine, for ourselves, what is good for us, our family, and our community?

What has happened to our common sense, and being responsible for our own actions?

Do we really need endless statutes, rules, codes, and regulations (which we have never even read, or understood) to tell us what we may do, or tell us how we should behave?

Our Prime Creator supplied us with a very simple Code by which we could to live in perfect harmony.

One, that covers all things and situations imaginable.

A Code that is easily understood, and makes everyone responsible for their own actions; “Do to others, as you would have them do unto you” The above code of conduct is the foundation on which true humanity is built.

Combined, and individually, we are ALL THAT IS.

We are all connected to another, and connected to all other species.

More importantly, we are directly connected to SOURCE and ALL THAT IS.

Even, if, we presently do not understand, or appreciate this.

What affects one, will have an effect on the other.

Unfortunately, we have failed to consider this indisputable fact for decades, and even centuries.

NATURE is but ONE, and we are all part of IT.

It can’t be separated.

NATURE mandates Balance, Security, and Harmony for ALL.

These essential ingredients bind us to another.

Not just to other people, but to all other species .

in fact to everything around us.

It is just not possible to have but one element, and to reject the other.

Nature does not discriminate.

All was designed to act in perfect harmony and in perfect balance.

” humanity n. 1. the human race; 2. the quality of being human; 3. kindness or mercy; the study of literature, philosophy, and the arts.

” Please, let us all re-examine our current own attitudes whilst we have this wonderful opportunity, right now, to return to ‘The Light’ and to our inviolable inherent common law.

Let us accept the true meaning of Nature and be guided by it.

Let us return to our true common law, the Law of Nature, and rid ourselves of our fears, greed, discrimination, hatred, distrust, disrespect, and disbelief.

>Instead let us embrace Love and The Light.

The Time is Now!

United we stand, divided we fall.

Let us abolish all political parties, and re-assume our own natural responsibility to our fellow men, and to Nature.

Let us all be mindful, that what is good for one, will, and must be good for all.

Let us jointly embrace the simple codes of Nature, and reform this world into the Paradise of Peace, Love, Happiness, and Fairness, that it was meant to be.

How to reject
‘The Great Reset’

Try to fulfil as many points as possible:

👉🏻 Have more than two children.

👉🏻 Eat lots of pasture meat, feed bugs to chicken only.

👉🏻 Stop eating more than 8g of sugar per day (it makes you addicted).

👉🏻 Learn one new hard skill per week/month.

👉🏻 Drive a robust car without many electronics.

👉🏻 Insist on your privacy.

👉🏻 Pay with cash, avoid bonus programs.

👉🏻 Consider home-schooling to avoid the kids getting brainwashed.

👉🏻 Connect with like-minded people.

👉🏻 Take responsibility for your own health.

👉🏻 Turn off your TV.

👉🏻 Continue expressing your opinion.

👉🏻 Exercise more, and reduce your time on social media instead.

👉🏻 Diversify you savings and investment.

👉🏻 Don’t put all your trust in big banks.

👉🏻 Don’t comply!

👉🏻 Reduce the usage of Google and Meta platforms that track your actions.

👉🏻 Positive vibes are contagious.

👉🏻 Live in dignity.

👉🏻 Own your land and farm it (agroforestry and permaculture).

👉🏻 Improve the soil of your land.

👉🏻 Consume alternative and objective media.

👉🏻 Learn how to read and interpret scientific studies.

👉🏻 Listen more than you speak.

👉🏻 Ask more questions than you make statements.

👉🏻 Turn you mobile phone off until you want to make a call.

👉🏻 Read books.

👉🏻 Turn you TV off forever.

👉🏻 Never read or watch main stream news.

👉🏻 Don’t read magazines that depend on advertising.

👉🏻 Reject vaccination and CO2 passports

👉🏻 Reject digital IDs.

👉🏻 Use cash not cards or tap phones.

👉🏻 Buy local products.

👉🏻 Practice spirituality of any (positive) kind.

👉🏻 Be self-sufficient regarding water, food, and electricity.

👉🏻 Stop drinking canned or bottled drinks – even ‘healthy’ ones with any sugar.

👉🏻 Do not consume artificial sweeteners.


We are all here for a reason.

We all know that.

We also know that we are finally coming to the end to this portion of our mission.

But we must still hold the line because cabal is in their final death throes and this is where they can be the most dangerous and/or deadly because they are fighting for their lives….

but…they aren’t going to do what we have done…we saw that their plan was to rid the planet of 80-90% of us and we united to defeat them.

They will not win.

We will never become slaves to them again because when we broke free…we united and became stronger than they ever imagined.

We became stronger and stronger as we stood up to save our children…save our families…save our communities…save our country…save mankind.

So please please please my amazingly courageous family…
please don’t tell me that you didn’t do much</br /> because you did what was thought of as impossible!!!

Do you not get it???

We are the chosen ones that God
placed here to drive evil out of this world.

God knew we were the ones determined enough to see it through.

There are no coincidences.

You may truly think your part is insignificant but it is far from that.

You, my brave family members are the driving force.

You have helped wake up so very many and now WE are the majority.

You chose to hear God’s whisper.

You chose to become digital journalists that formed this winning digital warrior army.

Yes, we are no doubt all exhausted but we all can feel the shift in the air.

History will show that a band of patriots took up the gauntlet and took our world from dark to light.

How are we pulling this off???

We wield the only weapon we have ever truly needed…


We are protected because God gifted us with our Armor of God….

We win because we have become FULLY RELIANT ON GOD.

Need I say any more???

Nahhhh you all know.

You all can see and feel what is happening.

You are the new superheroes but real superheroes not cartoon caricatures.

You knew that if we united, nothing could stop us.

You did it because you knew you had to end the atrocities….

that you needed to help unshackle the people.

You followed your instincts.

You took up your weapon voluntarily…no one demanded you to do that.

Do you not see that was one of the Trump cards?

Trump, Kennedy and the White Hats believed in you.

They not only knew you would stand up but they counted on you to do just that.

So, yes …everything that you did…every meme and fact that you posted helped wake up soooo many.

You are all Superheroes.

The best that the world has ever seen or known.

We will all be walking (or racing) into the light together because

Where we go one, we go all.

Where we went one, we went all.

As President Trump has told us “the best is yet to come”.

Nothing nor no one can stop us or this mission.

So give yourself credit for what you have been part of.

Enjoy each day as we get closer to the finish line.

Stay alert.

Keep your head on a swivel when out in public.

Stay safe.

Above all trust that we are following God and His plan and that we have been mightily blessed by our Heavenly Father.

Love and continued courage to all.

Lately it feels like
we are experiencing
two different realities

Lately it feels like we are experiencing two different realities, and as time progresses these two realities are not only becoming more defined, they are also becoming more polarised.

Some of you will have no idea what I am talking about, whilst others will immediately be able to relate to my words.

This is yet again, another example of this dual reality we are confronted with.

We are experiencing an unprecedented time in humanity’s evolution, a tipping point, a quantum leap, a transformation.

Some of us can see this imminent ‘awakening’ and it has not only become our reality, it has become the motive for our current existence.

Everything that is happening we see through the lens of this extremely necessary evolutionary change that is finally here to transform us and the world for the better.

We not only hold it as our truth, we try to bring it to light for others to see.

It is critical after all, that more and more people switch to this reality; collective consciousness is the most powerful engine of creation, and one we must use to save ourselves.

But we are cognitive of the fact that this is a reality that only some of us are experiencing.

Many others cannot see it nor understand it.

In fact, it’s not even registering with them! So just as if we lived in parallel universes, some go about life suffering and accepting the situation with no awareness, no true understanding and no appreciation of how everything is about to change, whilst others are acutely aware of how important it is to seek truth, to claim sovereignty, to reject the dystopian reality and to raise our frequencies and consciousness to match the reality we seek.

Those of us that see how humanity is about to go through a metamorphosis comparable to that which the worm experiences to become a butterfly, have had to face many difficult moments to get here.

The journey has not been easy.

It takes courage to face certain truths and humility to accept that a lot of what you based your life on, was a lie.

Only when you are willing to let go of everything you were taught and look at things with an open mind and an honest heart, can you begin the journey of awakening.

As you do, bear in mind, you are indeed stepping into another reality and the further you go, the further apart you will move from those that have still not started the journey.

You are taking a road less travelled, away from mainstream, a road out of the matrix.



For thousands of years
these satanic demon rats
have been managing and
controlling their human cattle (us)

We must arm ourselves with knowledge and truth,
because we do battle with ignorance, deception and lies.

Throughout history, psychopaths, sociopaths, narcissists, and assorted antisocial-personality-disordered individuals have ruled societies.

When knowledge in history increases – trust in govern*ment decreases!

For thousands of years the ruling elite classes of monarchies, priests, black nobility, pharaonic blood lines, secret societies, money changers, dark occultists and cabalists have been keeping knowledge from humanity, dividing and ruling us through fear and ignorance while all the while setting up a system of enslavement.

Dark forces have used infiltrating bloodline satanic 10,000 years old phoenician mega trillionaire aristocratic families which have existed running global trading companies for thousands of years.

Infiltrating and taking over the power structures in every country, using propaganda – emotional rhetorical religious concepts to control humanity, they themselves are satanists, worshiping all the pagan gods, including lucifer, satan, baal, bel, molech, ashtoreth, cybele and attis.

All these satanic heartless demons who have cut themselves off from the energy of the one good god, who have rejected god so as to live eternally, immortally.

Therefore they control humanity so as to steal and vampirise the energies of humanity forever!

Bloodline satanic phoenician mega trillionaire aristocratic families infiltrated every country, every empire, from their phoenician colonies in ancient egypt, carthage, rome, venice and london, marrying in to, taking over or infiltrating every ruling aristocracy and aristocratic, bloodline family.

Their phoenician sons and daughters pretending to be natives of Europe, Britain, America, India, Israel and China, using their satanic phoenician mega trillionaire inheritances to get into positions of power to manage and control their human cattle in every country in the world!

And, despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.

No more will we be victim to war, hate, greed and poverty no more will we allow the destruction of the planet or the enslavement of humanity!

The time for talk is over – the time has come for action!

United we rise – divided we fall!

The great resist!

Another Great American

Ever wonder what happened to all the people from the great civilizations of the past? I mean, where’d they go? Their civilizations have flourished, sometimes for thousands of years, and then, all of sudden, in a relatively brief period of time, poof! They vanish.

Just like the German and Polish Jews during World War II, who were unwise enough to invest in Hitler’s Third Reich.

Worshiping an all-devouring “god” has its advantages.

You made a little “mistake” and an unwanted baby shows up — so, sacrifice it in honor of Molloch.

You made a little “mistake” and over-extended your credit by, oh, more than you could pay off in a hundred thousand lifetimes — sacrifice your creditors in honor of Molloch.

A giant furnace (Molloch) comes in handy, and if you can gloss things over with some sanctimonious religious overtones and excuses, hey, it’s a very convenient way to erase a lot of mistakes.

So, good-bye to the Babylonians! Farewell, the Hittites and Assyrians! The Mycenaean Greeks! The Minoans! The Etruscans! The Persians! The Egyptians! The Romans! The Brits! and now, the US, Inc.!

Too bad the pesky Americans are the actual Preferential Creditors, because it would be too obvious to single them out for extinction. It has to be a bigger overall sacrifice to mask the actual motives for it.

Evasion of debt via the “death” of the Creditors is as old as the concept of debt itself. And if you have a giant furnace all stoked up, well, it’s easy to clean up afterward.

So, first they stole all our gold to “safekeep” it, and trafficked it to the Philippines and placed the Filipino Government over it as the Trustee. Then they issued Gold Bearer Bonds against it as political payola to get everyone in on their scheme. Then, they borrowed all our silver in exchange for paper I.O.U.s….. the list goes on.

That’s how all this happened. That’s how Americans became the Preferential Creditors. And that’s why they came up with the scheme to “kill” all the Americans on paper by unlawfully converting us into British Territorial Citizens. And then converting those British Persons into Municipal Trusts.

And now, having that scheme fall apart, they’ve hit upon killing us for real by unlawfully converting millions of innocent people into patented Genetically Modified Organisms that their corporations can claim to own as property assets.

It reads like a really bad novel. Welcome to the Narrative . It sounded like such a good idea to kill all the American Creditors, they said — if some “debt relief” is good, then more is better! We owe money to almost everyone, so let’s kill everyone off! The more the better! But convert them all into GMO’s first, so we can claim their estates….

That’s what these cretins have done, and what motivates them. Simple greed and evasion of debt. And it’s been the same cycle ever since Babylon.

I was just thinking
of my own journey
to where I am today.

Looking back it truly has been an incredible process of discovery, not only of the world and people around me, but very much of myself.

It occurred to me that even if the circumstances may have been different for all of us, the process itself might have been similar.

In my case, there was a before and an after one particular event; something happened in my life that shook me to the core.

As painful as it was, I am now extremely grateful that it happened, for it set me off into this journey of awakening that I am still on 10 years later.

I am grateful to have discovered some of the truth of the nature of the world we live in, though I still feel like the more I know, the more I realise I know nothing! Practically everything we’ve been told about everything is a lie! So it’s as much about learning as it is about unlearning.

Nonetheless, the ongoing discoveries have helped me make the right choices and resist the wrong things.

But what I’m most grateful for, is how the journey itself has made me evolve personally.

I remember myself 10 years ago and realise how clueless I was about so many things.

How ignorant, how naive! Now I feel like I am beginning to be who I was meant to be; I am comfortable in my own skin, stronger than I have ever felt, much wiser than before and more importantly, I’m at peace.

There is a wonderful sense of peace when you finally know who you are and what you are here for, a sense of ease and relief in knowing you are travelling on the right train to the right destination.

Somehow fear begins to dissipate and courage, hope and truth become the fuel that drives your every step.

It’s not about knowing exactly where you are heading, it’s about knowing that wherever you are going is where you need to be.

I hope you are all beginning to feel that peace in your own self, despite the trouble, the chaos and the uncertainty that sorrounds us.

I know how painful it has been for all of us to be awake in a world of sleeping people; we’ve all been insulted, rejected, discriminated and casted as crazy.

It seemed unfair that those of us trying to save others were experiencing the most pain, but it was through that suffering, that we were gaining the strength, the courage, the conviction and the inner peace we now have in order to deal with what’s coming.

The journey is not in vain, the process has a purpose and you will find your true self along the way.

So keep going, it’s the only way to get there.

Love them from a distance…
(author unknown)

“If you don’t jump on this train, I will have to leave you at the station.”

I once (literally) said those words to someone I deeply loved.

I tried to explain this was not a train I could get off from, it was not a journey that could be stopped, once you are on it, you are on it for life.

The destination is evolution, and as you evolve, you realise there is actually no destination, there is simply the celebration of each step travelled in the right direction.

As much as I tried to make him see, he could not understand.

In his mind there was no reason for the journey to begin with, what on earth was I going on about?

Everything was just fine as we were!

What train?

What journey?

A journey to where?

And so my metaphorical train started moving and I had to leave him behind at the station, where he’s still at. In that station everyone is vaccinated, they wave blue and yellow flags, Gates is a wonderful philanthropist trying to save us and everything is Putin’s fault.

Do you know that station?

That station is so far behind me that I can no longer see it, in fact, I can’t even remember who I was when I first stepped on this train.

There have been so many ups and downs and twists and turns that you lose track of the distance travelled.

But, like many of you, I’ve come a long way and despite the roughness of the terrain, I still look forward to each step along this journey.

Who would not want to be on a journey that makes you better?

More courageous, stronger, more empowered, independent, understanding, empathetic… all of these things!

And proud!

Proud of the steps taken, proud of the lessons learned, proud of the choices made!

It’s a wonderful journey of discovering about the world, about yourself about those around you and ultimately, and most importantly, about God.

So to those that chose not to grow with us, I am deeply sad for them, but we can only wish them well and continue to love them from a distance.

Will they ever catch up?

It feels lonely sometimes…

At the end of the day, even with loved ones around us, we’re still alone with our own thoughts, our worries and our insecurities.

I converse with myself all the time.

I tell myself to calm down, to take a deep breath, to stop stressing, to not worry, to take time off, but I’ve noticed I don’t always obey myself!

🤨 I guess I have taken the non-complying thing too far! Now I don’t even comply to my own rules! 🤣🤦🏻‍♀️ That’s when I start talking with God.

Mostly I thank him, I have so much to be grateful for, and then I ask for his guidance.

I always feel better after our chat.

I don’t get immediate answers but I have learned to pay very close attention to things and it’s magical when answers come to me from the most unsuspected places.

I feel sorry for those who don’t nurture their connection with the Creator.

That’s like turning your back to the source of life, of infinite wisdom, of limitless creativity, of love in the greatest, all mighty sense of the word!

Why would you do that!?

No wonder humanity feels powerless, no wonder it feels helpless, we are like birds ignoring our wings, capable of flying but choosing to walk, fearful of being who we truly are, ignorant of our own divine nature! No wonder we are where we are, we were given everything and we chose to turn our backs to it.

Such foolishness, such folly!

The Great Awakening is about realising our own stupidity, it’s about shaking our heads in disbelief at our profound ignorance, our idiocy and our myopic existence.

It’s about asking for forgiveness for our senselessness, for our egoic shortsightedness and our lack of gratitude.

The Great Awakening is about redemption, it’s our chance to be better, to do better, to finally become who we were meant to be and free ourselves from all limiting beliefs and oppressing structures.

The time is now, the chance is ours, let’s not fail to realise who we are, let’s not fail to use our wings and fly.

Tasks ahead of us

If you really must know the Truth now,

Of what Humanity absolutely must resolve to doing now..,

Then for the sake of our children and their children too,

Consider no less than dismantling and burning of ALL secret society houses of dark incipid evil worship, that’re sadly not so few,
Judeo-Masonic bloodthirsty pyramid places of so called worship burnt to the ground, Is now the latest order of the day,

For once this is then committed to, although so long overdue, Immediate Trials for those cretinous and vile, responsible for millions of innocent children’s lives, you will have to confront it as they must now pay,

Could you imagine once you’d understood what they have been doing,

To allow this to go on at all in any damned way?!

We think not – as you will accept they must be rounded up and made to confront,

God’s Justice that simply won’t desist and could never go away,

Brutally honest balancing of power,

Though must now be restored,

And preferably of course within the hour,

The families of those lost would not, could not, have it conclude, At all; without the proper searing vengeance – by the people near and far,

Until this occurs you will not know, will not fathom the depths of their occult evil spell that they’ve had over the entire world,

Do you not perceive that there could be indeed, a future where this would be told?

We do not sway from the now very real Tasks Ahead of us that must and will be resolved.

click image for video


The rich men and their friendly politicians of Davos and the rest of the world this day.

Traditionally, religiously, politically, nationality and patriotically, rich and poor, titled and pleb.

Ideological as well as cultural traditional divisions which see us repeatedly coming to war and ever arming to prepare for war against each other.

Man finds security in psychological divisions, because our minds are functioning within an educated programmed approach to life of measurement, becoming, which is self interest, based on an identification to childhood educated concept providing psychological security.

What we never notice is that our psychological security, which divides us all, arrives at the cost of our physical security, which is rather more important.

A movement of identification, desire, fear and an accumulation seeking forever the abstraction of achieved ‘success’ and living in conceptual time, both remembered past, and projected future, forming out of the projected continuity of a continuing past remembered and consistently built upon.

Living within an inner world of concepts, as a conceptual self, constantly becoming in time.

An ego, a name, taken to be a thinker of thoughts, a permanent entity.

This inner feeling of continuity is behind our societal system of “progress” as well as our individual longings of ever seeking greater pleasure and success.

And so inviting fear and psychological pain into our lives.

We find our security in life by living in traditional historical divisons, ideological and long standing in nature.

These accepted ideological and psychological divisions bring our lives to war, as divisions always do, (a war takes two sides), and so the security we find in the continuity of our national, religious, social, class and personal and familial identities, images, words and symbols, providing psychological security, brings to our life the absolute global physical insecurity in a world which has never known anything but bloody war and conflict in every year during the past 6,000 recorded years of our communal sorrow filled history.

Our cause is not lost yet, though it surely must be close to lost, for another companion to the ever present bloody chaos of living always within a system of measurement, comparison, becoming and competition, is an ever accompanying rapidly expanding progressive technology.

We are already building death drone squadrons and robotic coffee makers which fire machine guns.

Men in position of power, (money), are apparently discussing ‘death’ panels today.

the inhumanity of divisive human consciousness acting on the ignorance of another life.

large numbers, seldom equates to large levels of intelligence.

Nor empathy.

A limited view to life of a giant inner self, leaves little room to care for the life of another.

Money is apparently seeking the running of our world on “Ai”, – going full digital – which i think might be better changed to be named “as” (absolutely stupid).

Bbecause, if we do not come to understand, (and soon), the limited nature of knowledge, (our own mind), which is our divisive thinking, which means to come to understand ourselves, and so bring deep valuable change to our lives, unless we understand how our knowledge based educated and limited thinking divides us and so repeatedly brings our world to conflict, we shall, at last come to final everlasting peace.

For we shall no longer exist.

And our very own divisive consciousness, programmed by society to live within its divisive tendencies, seeking its success, will have seen it so.

How weird is all of that?

Source of world economic forum poster: world economic forum.

One World People’s Forum

Psychopaths Sociopaths
and Narcissists
Rule The World

Psychopaths and sociopaths often exhibit glibness and superficial charm, have a grandiose sense of self-worth, are pathological liars, display extreme narcissism, are deceitful, cunning and manipulative, exhibit a lack of remorse or guilt, show a callous disregard for the feelings of others, have no conscience, lack empathy, and fail to accept responsibility for their actions.

In a competitive world, the people who act immorally, who have no regard for truth, are going to have an advantage over those who play by the rules.

The result is that those who achieve positions of power will be the most ruthless, the most sociopathic, the ones without conscience.

In societies run by psychopaths, ambitious individuals and sycophants, who are not clinically psychopathic, are induced to model themselves after powerful psychopaths in order to achieve power.

The result: psychopaths
breed more psychopaths.

When corporate leaders, bankers, media executives, academics, military officers, government officials, Congressmen and Senators, and even Presidents and Prime Ministers, are liars and deceivers, and are ruthless, callous manipulators who have no regard for truth or other people, the entire fabric of society is twisted in their image, and psychopathic behaviour becomes the norm.

Our world is characterized by: permanent war, full-spectrum dominance, targeted assassinations, rendition, torture, water-boarding, NSA, FBI, CIA, Mossad, MI6, NATO, Gladio, Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, mercenaries, Blackwater, paramilitaries, Contras, counter-insurgency, nuclear weapons, cruise missiles, drones, landmines, cluster bombs, napalm, white phosphorus, Agent Orange, depleted uranium, biological and chemical weapons, enemy combatants, shock and awe,

It is clear that this world has not been built by caring human beings, but has been constructed and is run by powerful hallow soulless individuals.

And, despite the violence,
suffering and chaos they have caused,
we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.

“All tyrannies rule through fraud and force,
but once the fraud is exposed
they must rely exclusively on force.”

– George Orwell


  Government cannot protect you
from Violence and Chaos because
government IS Violence and Chaos:

of the control system

 The Real Pandemic in Our World
is Moral Relativism

Pandemics Come And Go
So Do Tyrannical Empires:

Divide and Conquer Full Spectrum Domination

Ordo Ab Chao 
Order Out Of Chaos: Their Order 
Hegelian Dialectic 
Controlled Opposition:
Problem — Reaction — Solution

For Thousands of Years
These Satanic Demon Rats
Have Been Managing
and Controlling their Human Cattle (us)

The Papal Bloodlines
Black Nobility Crime Families

Everything is Alright

They DON’T Serve You

by Dr. Sam Mugzzi
July 22-2022

For the next 4 weeks,
our world is going to change into
a higher vibration planet.

The Golden Age

Here is what to expect:

The greatest transfer of wealth from the DS thugs to “WE” the people.

This wealth will be transferred into the QFS and then dispersed through GESARA/NESARA programs.

The new financial system is a gift from the Space Brothers.

New Elections begin November 3rd, after the July 27th restart of planet earth and the GESARA/NESARA announcement.

All government positions were stolen through the Blackrock/Evergrande/Vanguard connection.

The DC government is part owners in the Evergrande umbrella.

They were not electing officials, they were placing them.

Through Dominion voting machines and their Skittle servers and the 5 Eyes, they made sure to put their Satanic approved bloodlines into positions of power.

It was all for the child abduction, adrenochrome and human slavery/sex programs.

Did you know that Obama signed an EO to enslave us?

End of Taxation! Do you know where our taxes went?

It was to support the dark web and money for Bit Coin, BioLabs, Bank Theft, Poisoned Foods, Western Medicine’s killing machine, Bribery money, control over Universities, fund the Tiers of agencies to support and push the Agenda of the Reptilians and Greys.

Sunday/Monday looks like the beginning of the Black Swan event where all the house of financial cards comes down for the dark lords.

Supreme Court decisions rectifying bad laws and unconstitutional protocols.

Roe vs. Wade was a scam to be able to kill babies lawfully.

This was an agenda to feed the non human entities here on earth.

By reversing Roe VS. Wade, we are reversing killing innocent lives and installing ethics back into culture.

We are now allowed to protect ourselves from rioters.

The SC just upheld the second amendment and this is going to put a little fear into the Antifa, BLM and baby killing groups.

Q is pushing the good patriot people of this country front and center, so we can be the law of the land.

The SC upheld “just” voting by pushing for voter ID cards.

The SC will also dispel climate change and other bogus initiatives that were intended to enslave us further.

Lastly, the SC will over turn the elections and declare Trump as the real president.

The SC is returning us back into God’s Laws creating a lawful and “just” Republic.

This is a World Wide initiative and all great White Hats are cleaning the crap of darkness from our planet.

The light of Brahma will return!

Bill Barr coming soon, and John Durham is building a case against the FBI. He will be the one to take them down and all the other “investigation” agencies.

There will only be military when he gets through with his big reveals.

US attorney’s ‘apolitical’ reputation on the line as he reviews origins of the Russia investigation | CNN Politics

The arrest of Hillary is coming and Obama will run back to Kenya for protection.

Joe will also go down, for he was vastly involved in horrible actions in the Ukraine.

Don’t forget Hunter and his laptop.

Disney is also going to go down and their crimes against children is going to make you puke.

Epstein was selling children to the elites so they could do what they wanted with them, is also going to be made public.

The rioters will send off the destruction of churches and planned parenthood facilities.

Then we will see the nuclear show of the destruction of satanic constructs like dams, homes, museums, castles, Vatican, DC, Buckingham and more.

The Black Swan event is about Financial, Medical, Historical and Science fraud that has been MK into people’s minds.

The lies that will be told during the days of truth is going to make a lot of people very ill.

The ECM (electronic counter measure) will unleash a power that wipes out our phones and computers.

These are horrible devices and full of radiation.

They will be destroyed and we will get new equipment that is in alignment with free energy.

Lightening causes the “BOOMS” of all Ba’al alters around the world.

‘Rods of God’ will be activated through SpaceX.

Coordinated efforts cause Airplanes and Trains to go on strikes so no transportation, everyone is meant to stay at home.

Gas prices and rationing will cause travel impossible so plan on very high prices.

Housing bubble will pop since Evergrande owns 80 % of all real-estate.

When it goes down, it takes the mortgages and companies with them.

Most banks used Evergrande’s backing. White House to issue loans to other DS companies.

Currently teachers and Antifa are rioting in big cities over Abortion rights.

Since teachers are involved and they are also part of the Transgender movement … schools are going to close.

They are bad for your kids health.

The Republic is going to issue vouchers to chose the school of your liking.

If it’s a bad school then they get no credits and shrivel up and go bust.

The way it should be.

After NESARA and new Quantum system, then the MedBeds will become available.

Lots of frauds claiming to be, but they are not what they say they are, not the real deal!

You have to have a faster and cleaner internet speed to run the new Med Beds.

Only a few have the new Starlink system and that belongs to Space X and the militaries.

Everyone else is fibbing.

The best we have at this time, is the BioFrequency devices, Red Light Therapy and Tesla’s violet ray wand.

Water is very important an the minerals are crucial.

Atlantis is returning and its a 5D planetary system.

Is this where we are moving to? Hmmm, don’t know for sure yet.

However, God is absolutely flushing out all the Satanist so he can clean the planet of evil. Its happening!

All riots are being monitored and the National Guard, Police and Sheriffs have taken the oath to protect the people.

It should be mentioned here, God allowed for 2 years for people to show their true colors.

He is choosing the people for his new world.

He wanted to see who respects life, their babies, their children, their bodies and want a better way of life.

Who are the ones Homesteading and grounding in for a new reality?

God wanted to see what we would do with no rails on.

This is also true, those that allowed their kids to be jabbed, are not in favor with God.

They did not protect their young ones and therefore, will have a terrible time trying to conceive for many years to come.

Remember, God said he was removing branches from the family tree.

These people will return to the 3D fortress to develop their inner selves.

They are not ready to live in a rails off environment.

They still need teachers telling them what to do or not do. No judgement, just the truth.

During the 120 days between July 27 and November 3rd, you will witness the transitioning into the new world.

Q is not playing, nor are the White Hats.

They are pretty disgusted at how STUPID people have become and allowed themselves to be fat, lazy, and non caring about life in general. Q says, “Being idle is Satan’s playground”.

Therefore, we are all going to need to roll up our sleeves and help Q and friends create the new world.

Its going to take education, and training to learn how to best serve our communities.

4th of July, this is a time for celebration and booms!

Arrest and destruction of the old world is happening in July.

Russia is taking down London Bridge with a missile called Poison.

N. Korea and Nuke strike and Iran too. It’s Defcon and Red October time.

August is the launch of new structures and establishments.

September is the launch of the new financial system.

October, building planning, redesigning and learning, learning, learning.

Don’t think for one minute the Sheep won’t be allowed to panic over what is crawling through their veins.

March 6, 2023 is the new inauguration.

This will more than likely be for JFK Jr.

Trump is already King over in the UK.

Patrick Kennedy is King of Russia.

This case threatens the federal government’s ability to write and enforce any regulations that was created by EO.

This action will also cause a domino effect because we no longer need Congress.

The States will step into their position making it prioritize “WE” the people.

WE are discussing the legitimate authority of any government agency created through an Executive Order.

Powers not delegated to these agencies through the people’s vote is now seen as unlawful!

No more top down regulations. It’s the Republic first in rule of the land and it puts God back on top of the pyramid of control.

All the agencies have now lost their enforcement ability and effectively nullified.

This is HUGE for a step closer to FREEDOM and the protection of our general well being and welfare.

What you are seeing is the creation of our Republic!

Other countries will follow suit as America is rebuilt and created for a Golden Age.

I must warn you it looks like the White Hats are going to allow the DS to throw their last card.

This is to crash the monetary system. Those in the blockchain and part of the 20022 QFS system should be safe. Everything else is debatable.

In other countries banks are closing with the people money still in it.

Banks are broke and only a few will be able to debit their money freely.

The rest will lose it all. It’s already happening.

How do you awaken the sheep? You take their money away!

B. COMEX RULE: It is the Bible 1 to 15 ratio in Rubles.

The Biblical Gold and Silver Ratios will be installed and the SWIFT Bankers can’t manipulate the price anymore.

Silver and Copper are heavily under priced and junk silver is just as valuable as the shiny rounds.

C. POTUS is protected and safe.

There will be some fear mongers trying to spread dis-info about him being targeted and such.

However he is away and under protection.

During the NWO “pretend” take over; POTUS will not come on the stage.

The White Hats will stand down so the Sheeple can see.

After the NWO takes over the banks, shopping food stores and causes a nuclear war, (watch NATO), then the military will be ushered in with the sound of the blaring horns:

EBS will be activated!

This is how regulation for Basil III takes place as well.

F. AFRICA just got trillions of dollars in gold.

The even playing field just injected Africa with the wealth they deserve.

They “found” a gold mine worth gazillions and this will be enough to pay back for the RV bonds.

This has to go through the BLOCK-CHAIN!!!!

There is no meeting with someone that can kill you and steal your wealth.

It’s all done in private at home on your computer.

You will have a way to access the bonds from Zimbabwe and this will probably be through Bianance.

They will be the international stock exchange.

They will use XRP to send you funds and then you convert them to XLM.

From their you will use a Lobstr account to convert your funds into Tokens that are then invested into companies you like.

For instance we like BANKS!

The new Banks like DZ Bank in Germany.

This one is going to be huge but there is also CBTX from China, also huge and backed by John MacAfee some how.

Great investment opportunities coming up once we get our bond XRP.

I repeat, the likelihood you will go to a bank and sit down with someone is extremely thin.

It’s not safe and unless it’s the military controlled operation, (they created the blockchain) in charge!

When the EBS sounds off the National Guard moves out.

They will take over all the DS businesses like banks, hospitals, food stores, fast food places and gas stations.

Expect gas prices to double in the next 30 days.

G. EMP (electro magnetic pulse) can kill all nanite and the mark of the Beast chip!

It is an electrical thing and watch for Thor’s Thunder.

H. General Raising Caine that POTUS spoke about is non other than JFK Jr.

Cities were designed as circuit boards and were created for specific paradigm experiences.

J. Supreme Court Decision announcement soon to Reinstate Trump.

This will free up Biden so he can be formally arrested.

The Democrat society will be demolished and their crimes revealed to the world.

Then the Republicans come down because they were also involved.

The whole US DC Illuminati criminal enterprise will finally be defunct and never to return.

Then the Rods of God will further take it down.

This will also lead into the practice of Treason and voter fraud that happened in all states.

The whole net of DS puppets will be arrested during the National Guard operation.

They will also be working with the Police and Sheriffs to conduct this huge enterprise of unsealing indictments and arrests.

This includes the Secret Societies and all their off shoot clubs.

K. The two most recent decisions have a much wider impact than what you realize.

When the Supreme Court makes a decision, it is usually using the small agenda which eliminates the big agendas as well.

A great example is Ghislaine Maxwell.

She got 20 years so she got a “CRIMINAL” verdict.

Everyone else will too and that means anyone in her black book.

This will take down all the top officials, Kings, Princes, Queens, and so forth.

All of them who went to the Island of Hell will get terminated.

L. Another great decision is about the Indians.

The people who took the Indian children and committed crimes on sovereign land, used to get away with these crimes because the laws were not part of the US Constitutional Law.

There was no protection.

Clarence Thomas just reversed this and gave protection back to the Indians and anyone that committed crimes on their soil can now be persecuted under America’s Republic.

M. Israel is last because it is the final card to take the whole evil empire down.

It will never return because they are all being destroyed along with the spider webs they created.

Humpty Dumpty goes boom and you will never glue his keister back together again.


Netanyahu requests court postpone opening of trial – It looks like the Israel is taking their 120 days and then in November will hold elections.

They must be under the GESARA and Marshall Law rule now.

Look for Netanyahu to be arrested next for he was the one that took down 911 and attacked the USA.

He used Mossad agents and the Queen Lizzy signed of on it.

Iran is not the bad guys and they are one with the US and Russia. They will work with us to help destroy the DS.

Hitler was a Rothschild, and Obama was his Grandson.

Therefore when Israel goes down, so does Obama and his connections.

This will take down the Jews, Mossad, ISIS, Zionist, Khazarians, Illuminati, Cabal, Nazi, and Secret Societies that work for them.

When Balfour came down so did the Rothschild’s control over this country.

Saudi Arabia also played a role in the demise of America and this was through the CIA and the Queen owns both.

The Jews stopped the 9/11 NESARA that was suppose to be released.

The Pentagon stole the money that was intended for the people.

There was suppose to be a reset at that time but due to the hive of Satanist they decided to steal our future. That is what 9/11 was about.

The Pentagon stole the money 24 hours prior to the planes hologram hitting the buildings.

This set off the bombs that were installed by the ISIS Mossad art students who had placed them within the building.

The money was stolen by the Bush family and they moved it out through California in shipping containers at Huntington Beach.

Then the money was circled back to the Vatican where they hid the gold in a massive underground tunnel system that was ancient.

Once the gold was stolen, then the Rothschild’s and Israel had the funding to control the world!

The Event should be 3 days, this is the WW3 sirens and EBS.

10 Days of shutdown – this is the time to learn and the EBS takes over the TV, Radio and internet

Fall of London and Fiat currencies including 99% Crypto backed by nothing. Money will go to digital backed through the QFS and block chain.

All voting goes through the Block Chain.

What sets us free?

The Quantum Internet, Quantum Financial, Free Energy, 6000 cures, MedBeds, Replicators, 1955 prices, better quality foods, less government, equal treatment to everyone, prosperity, Pi/Q Phone, better schools, free education, less threat to our livelihood and existence, flying cars, automatic truck drivers, speed rails, automatic taxi services, cleaner environment, living nicely with nature, homesteading and not living without, working a career you love and all the systems and structures to support it.

Everyone will get their Golden Age.

No matter which dimension you are on…you get a Golden Age.

Look for the Fourth to also bring in the XRP! The SEC is now going after Trump’s Truth Social and the company that works behind the scenes.

This will not work out well for the SEC.

There will be regulations and a cleaned house so the White Hats can bring in the new financial system. QFS blockchain.

The operations are called:

Black Swan – Stock market/Financial crash of Humpty Dumpty 11.5

Poseidon – China’s next then the Russian missile that takes out the London Bridge

Red October – Nuclear War Scenario that brings the whole Reptilian Matrix down and also SpaceX activate the Rods of God.

Here is where the 34 Satanic alters go boom!

Kill Net activated: Massive Cyber attacks have started and over 1000 websites have crashed in Lithuania. Multiple government sites and portals down. Mobile services frozen. Several private investment firms hit bottom.


As we move into the “Storm” this is when food shortages will be happening.

The hospitals will be transitioned into military centers and there will be military on the streets.

We are moving into Global Marshall Law.

The unsealing of all the rest of the indictments happens during this time. Watch for the green armor trucks.

Looks like they are transporting criminals.

Housing markets will crash, banks crashing, ATMs frozen, stores locking their doors and total lockdown of planet earth.

This is for 10 plus days as the dark world is erased from the old matrix, and the Golden one is plugged in.

Then, once the dust settles, the celebrations come out. The Fourth of July brings fireworks.

Remember, George told us years ago, the Fourth would be a magnanimous day. He said it would be a celebration like no other and truly a FREEDOM DAY!

July 10th is Nikola Tesla’s Birthday.

We should see his Free Energy on this day being introduced to the people. July 11th is the historic Flood (7-11) which is the flooding of the dams and then the new world appears.

Lots going to happen in July so buckle up, and shift into flexible mode. Life needs to change so swing with it.

Keep your kids close and watch over them. Help them enjoy our freedom as the cleansing occurs.

No one has to suffer.

Fur babies too and don’t forget the ones outside.

They need our attention too.

Peace is finally ours!

Black Swan!

The Lost Gospel of Q – The Sayings of Jesus

Europe Union Will be the first to Fall!!!!!

This is huge!!!

A. This latest Supreme Court ruling will allow the demise of the power the EPA. In a landmark case, West Virginia vs. EPA, it was decided that these congress created establishments are not part of the Republic.

This will soon end the FBI, CIA, ATF, DEA, IRS, NIH, CDC, FDA, School Boards and more!

This cornerstone case is now set up to take the whole corrupt government down.

The power is being returned back to the people and government will be curtailed to 10%.

That means, all Executive Order DS POTUS created agencies that were unconstitutional, can now be demolished! All three letter agencies, blown up! All, All, All and the States that don’t follow suit, well, it will be a fast trip to GITMO.

Now the States will step up and take this landmark case West Virginia vs. EPA and eliminate all installed organizations and branches of DC government corporations.

This can also include Cities since they are also incorporated by Executive Orders!

Ask yourself this,
why have we gone from COVID,
to UKRAINE, to monkeypox
all in this very short period of time?

This is evidence that their narratives are falling apart at the seams and can no longer be justified to hold people under their spell.

Never in history have the cabal had to spin narratives this quickly, they work on a generational scale.

Never have they been forced to come out of the shadows to fight like this before.

These people are on life support and fighting for their very lives and they will stop at nothing to take us down with them, but in this process of lashing out and sloppiness they only further bring about, and escalate their downfall.

This is why us anons laugh, because it has become so overwhelmingly insane, and inverted that you have to. This distortion of reality is shaking peoples belief systems to the core, so much so that it WILL wake up even the most uncaring or asleep of people.

I have come to realise that the worse it looks, the better it gets. Until you come to this realisation that this has to occur you will likely continue to get worried, angry and frustrated.

The wheels of justice are moving, have patience.

We are watching what is termed a “death blossom”, these are the last insane moves by an out of control and soon to be extinct group of people who have lost all semblance of reality and are so out of touch with humanity they may as well come from another planet.

Embrace the chaos my friends, because what lies on the other side of it is a beautiful new future for us and our planet.

We are living history, don’t just let it pass you by!

August 2022
Remember Trump EO on
Child & Human Trafficking?

Trump owns the World now.

GESARA LAW all signed off at the HAGUE
(International Court Of Justice)

Reversal of 1871 Act Of England –

Reverses Balfour Declaration.

Crown No More.

Australia listed on New York Stock Exchange.

Trump EO13818 & 13848 – Seizing Assets of
those involved in Crimes Against Humanity &
Foreign Election Interference.
(New York Stock Exchange/Wall Street)

Therefore Australia is, by default
in the care of :-

Donald J Trump

All the Central Banks were seized in
Operation Defender Europe 20 & 21.

Vatican had the Snakes chased away on
St Patricks Day last year when 50k troops
descended on Rome.

Buckingham Palace = Empty.

City Of London Bankrupted

Vatican Empty & Bankrupted –
Pope told you that.

Washington D.C Empty and Bankrupted.


“When pregnant, the cells of the baby migrate into the mothers bloodstream and then circle back into the baby, it’s called “fetal-maternal microchimerism”.⁠

For 41 weeks, the cells circulate and merge backwards and forwards, and after the baby is born, many of these cells stay in the mother’s body, leaving a permanent imprint in the mothers tissues, bones, brain, and skin, and often stay there for decades. Every single child a mother has afterwards will leave a similar imprint on her body, too.

Even if a pregnancy doesn’t go to full term or if you have an abortion, these cells still migrate into your bloodstream.
Research has shown that if a mother’s heart is injured, fetal cells will rush to the site of the injury and change into different types of cells that specialize in mending the heart.

The baby helps repair the mother, while the mother builds the baby.

How cool is that?

This is often why certain illnesses vanish while pregnant.

It’s incredible how mothers bodies protect the baby at all costs, and the baby protects & rebuilds the mother back – so that the baby can develop safely and survive.

Think about crazy cravings for a moment. What was the mother deficient in that the baby made them crave?

Studies have also shown cells from a fetus in a mothers brain 18 years after she gave birth.

How amazing is that?”

If you’re a mom you know how you can intuitively feel your child even when they are not there … Well, now there is scientific proof that moms carry them for years and years even after they have given birth to them.

I find this to be so very beautiful.

Benjamin Fulford,
[02-Aug-22 8:02 PM]

Sometimes it is important to take a break from the daily struggle for planet earth and look at the big picture:

Here the evidence is obvious: the planet earth is moving towards some kind of Cambrian explosion, and dark forces are trying to prevent it:

In other words, we are dealing with something much more important than just the political struggle of the 21st century:

To understand what we are talking about, let’s turn once again to the Cambrian explosion:

For about 3:5 billion years, life on earth was microscopic in scale:

What we could see with the naked eye would be brown foam or perhaps algae clusters:

Then suddenly, about 530 million years ago, macro-life exploded:

The oceans were filled with a dazzling variety of life forms that were trillions of times larger than anything that had existed before:

It was the evolutionary equivalent of the big bang:

Now we are facing a similar type of evolutionary big bang:

The reason is that people have learned to control and direct the life force:

Now we have the technology to use the basic genetic building blocks of life to create new forms of life:

We are also close to gaining immortality and superpowers:

For example, now we can take an ordinary chicken and turn it into a creature similar to a tyrannosaurus, weighing several tons, with just a few genetic changes:

Whether we want to create hunting grounds filled with t T-Rex mutant chickens is another question; the point is that we now have the ability to do such things:

We can also change our own genes to have the strength of an ant, eagle eyes, radar like bats, sonar like dolphins, electric senses like eels, etc:

We can also become virtually immortal:

So we could all become immortal super-beings:

It’s not science fiction, now it’s really possible:

This means that we need an open debate about what to do with this newfound godlike power that we have:

At least, i think most of us would prefer to live much longer than we do now:

The standard argument we hear against immortality is that “the planet will become overpopulated:

That’s a lie:

First of all, at present, if we gave each person a Chinese-style subsistence economy, we could accommodate the entire population of the earth in the state of Texas:

In addition, with suppressed energy technologies, we could create whole new ecosystems in deserts, frozen wastelands and underground:

We don’t even need to refer to “free energy:

This can be done using hydrogen taken from water, for example, using solar energy:

This means that we could support many times more people living in harmony with nature than we do now, even if we were not allowed to colonize space:

However, something or someone is trying to prevent this:

If we look at what has happened to us, especially in the west, over the past two years, we will see that an influential group has tried to change our genes with vaccines designed to turn us into pets:

As Henry Kissinger once boasted: “in the future, it will be as impossible for ordinary people to rebel against us as it is for a sheep to rebel against a farmer:

“we are fighting against a tribal group that wants to monopolize the ability to become superhuman:

They want the rest of us to have a short ignorant life of inevitable and permanent slavery:

In other words, humanity is at a crossroads:

Either we will embark on the path of permanent enslavement or we will rise to a completely new level of existence:

None of my friends wants to become livestock living in inhumane conditions, so we have a battle ahead:

To defeat the high-level psychopaths who control us, let’s see what a forensic, fact-based investigation can tell us about who or what is trying to prevent a new cambrian explosion:

Because of this, i want to share my own direct experience of this evil entity trying to stop the development of humanity with many new readers who may not have heard this story:

My involvement in the secret struggle for planet earth began when I read the un reports of the 1990s, which stated that by the year 2000, poverty and environmental degradation could be stopped:

Reports say it only takes $200 billion a year to end poverty, and $400 billion a year to stop environmental degradation:

I realized that this could be achieved by convincing the Japanese to act:

Japan was sitting on $7 trillion generated from exporting cars, televisions, etc: to the rest of the world so I tried to convince the Japanese to spend their money for this purpose:

As the head of the Asia-Pacific bureau of Forbes magazine, I was a regular participant in a prime-time tv show in japan:

However, when I started talking about Japan’s decision to spend its own money to save the planet, I was blacklisted:

The TV producers told me they would like me to be there, but they were told not to:

In Japan, the blacklist was created by the government of Junichiro Koizumi, his henchmen Isao Iijima from Japanese intelligence and finance minister Heizo Takenaka:

When Ii started exposing these high-ranking criminals in the Japanese government, many Japanese journalists told me that if a Japanese had reported what I was doing, I would have been killed long ago:

Iit is well documented that since the second world war, the occupiers of japan have used organized Japanese criminal groups to kill journalists, politicians, etc: , who criticized the regime:

To understand what is really going on, i found sources in Japanese Ninke organizations (they are usually called yakuza, but this is a pejorative term):

They were told that they could only kill Japanese and that they were subcontractors of the CIA and Mossad:

In any case, the real journey down the rabbit hole began after I started reporting that Takenaka had transferred control of all public companies in japan to foreign “vulture funds:

” a judicial investigation revealed that these funds were controlled through donations by people such as the Rockefellers and the Rothschilds:

At that time (around 2004-2006) there was literally not a single hint on the internet about the true power of these controllers:

The closest I could find was one sentence in an Israeli chat that said, “there are rumors that the Rothschilds helped found Israel:

When I had the opportunity to interview Takenaki (he thought it was done to promote his book), I told him that he had transferred control of all registered Japanese companies to the Rockefellers and Rothschilds:

At that moment, I opened Pandora’s box:

Takenaka (who was in Davos recently) later sent a self-proclaimed ninja assassin to me:

He informed me that I would get the position of finance minister of Japan, but only if I agreed with the plan to kill 90% of the world’s population: he stated that it was necessary to “protect the environment”, and since the war is not killing enough people, this time they will resort to disease and starvation (I have it on film):

If I don’t go, I will be killed, he added:

This self—proclaimed murderer later gave me—at great personal risk-a tape recording saying that the people behind this plot to kill 90% of humanity were the “elders of Zion:

Around the same time, Kaoru Nakamura, a cousin of emperor Hirohito, came up to me and gave me a videotape showing evidence that 911 is the work of an internal organization:

At the time I thought: “this is an anti-semitic conspiracy theory that i read about in the New York times: ” however, as soon as i was finally persuaded to look at the evidence, it became obvious that 911 was the work of their own hands:

Being a journalist by training, Ii started tracking the evidence to its source:

In short, the investigation led me directly to David Rockefeller through Heizo Takenaka and his contact Henry Kissinger:

When Rockefeller came to Japan to promote the Japanese translation of his autobiography, I managed to get an interview:

He obviously believed that his people had arranged this to publish his book:

After Rockefeller’s interview, a whole string of secret societies and groups jumped out of the ground:

The gnostic illuminati sent Sasha Zarik, also known as alexander Romanov, to meet with me:

Zarik said he was recruited by former chess champion Bobby Fischer:

This group recruits 6,000 influential people of each generation who do not belong to the old ruling blood elite:

He said their group was responsible for the American, French andRrussian revolutions:

Common to these revolutions was an attack on the genealogy of the aristocracy:

They are particularly influential in meritocratic organizations, such as the us military, and among self-made billionaires:

So it’s good that the line-up includes people like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos:

The gnostic illuminati told me then i was contacted by the p2 masons through Leo Zagami:

They told me they had ruled the planet for 26,000 years based on a plan given to them by extra terrestrial beings:

The plan was calibrated according to the movements of the moon and planets:

Zagami said that the plan expired in 2012, but after that date, the supervisors decided to act independently in order to remain in power:

This group claims to control the Vatican, the mafia and world communism:

They told me they were going to get rid of prime minister Silvio Berlusconi and Papa Ratzinger, and they did:

P2 has also made a deal with Asian secret societies:

They promised to bring a black communist to power in the united states in 2008 in exchange for further funding from Asia:

This led to an agreement to use 700 tons of Asian gold to create 750,000 tons of gold-backed bonds:

This has led to the creation of $23 trillion that will keep the us government afloat until 2020, when the funds run out:

Here you can see how Lord Blackheath talks about this port in the British parliament:

P2 also blamed japan for the Fukushima attack on march 11, 2011:

This was done in order to force japan to give up the $7 trillion it has earned since World War 2:

Over the years, a long list of other groups has appeared, including: the dragon family, the Japanese society of three-legged crows:

Mossad, CIA, NSA, FSB of Russia, MI6, Red Swastika, various Chinese secret societies, Red Dragon (communist china), Blue Dragon (old middle eastern assassins guild), Secret US Space Forces, etc:

In any case, I personally met with representatives of these groups, who clearly proved that they are real and powerful:

These groups have now formed an alliance to liberate planet earth and start a new Cambrian explosion:

A group known as the Khazar Mafia, which seeks to kill 90% of humanity and enslave the rest, is now fighting for survival:

KM is now desperately trying to achieve its goal of killing 90% of humanity through events such as a pandemic, a vaccination campaign, an artificial nutrition crisis, the war in Ukraine, etc:

The alliance is taking retaliatory measures by tracking down agents of KM and arranging an international boycott of the united states and other countries still under the rule of KM:

Forwarded from Way of Sparta
The Training of Spartan Males

Suffering and enduring pain without complaint was part of the Spartan Way.

Thus, the Spartan boys were proud of the amount of pain they could endure through clenched teeth, and let us remember that Nietzsche also said that the degree of suffering a man is capable of reaching determines his hierarchical place.

It is understandable that this type of stoicism can be interpreted as a masochistic worship of suffering, but we must avoid falling into this error of interpretation.

Suffering in Sparta was used as a means to awaken the warrior instincts of man and to connect his body with the Earth itself.

Suffering was not meekly accepted with bowed head, but it was struggled to be dominated, and everything was aimed at achieving indifference to suffering.

Loyalty was another very important part of Spartan training.

According to Seneca, “loyalty constitutes the most sacred good of the human heart” and according to Goethe, “fidelity is the effort of a noble soul to be equal to another greater than itself.”

Loyalty directed them towards superior forms of being and served to magnify them.

Spartans were instilled with an unwavering loyalty to themselves, their fellow Spartans, and their own Order—that is, the Spartan state.

For them, loyalty was an ascesis that led them along the path of dharma, of right order, of the morality of honour and compliance with sacred duty.

As has been said, obedience was also paramount in Spartan instruction, but to what extent did this obedience go?

The answer is that it had no limits and it was put to the test day by day.

For example Spartan child might be ordered to fight with a fellow Spartan brother, and it was assumed that he would ask no questions, but would obey quietly and efficiently.

They could give him seemingly absurd orders to test him, but the important thing was that, without hesitation, he sought obedience to the order.

Spartan obedience was sacred and basic, because it was understood that the superiors would never demand something that was not necessary and that the superior knew what the subordinate did not yet know.

Spartan boys were constantly put to the test.

All this, to laymen, may seem exaggerated and outrageous, but such laymen still do not understand what it means.

When the individual is sure of belonging to something higher — of being directly at the service of the Divine Will, orders are not questioned because they come from Above, from there where they cannot be understood — for the time being.

To serve a similar but superior individual is to serve oneself, since that command represents at that moment the whole, of which the individual is a part.

When all the pieces of a whole assume their function with conviction, it gives a general feeling of calm, confidence and order that allows men to carry out the most dangerous and heroic deeds with the greatest serenity and naturalness.

If something strange was ordered, it was understood it was for the greater good, and so no questions were asked.

They obeyed for the love of obedience itself, as part of a monastic-military discipline.

To obey an order was to obey oneself and the clan, because the chief was an embodiment of the will of that clan.

This magic of loyalty, duty, and obedience is what lead Spartans down the path of glory.

As nutrition, boys were given a small & measured daily ration of food which included the famous rough and bitter Spartan black bread and the famous Spartan black soup which was totally and utterly inedible for any non-Spartan.

It is said that it contained, among other things, blood and pig entrails, salt and vinegar.

Probably the ingestion of such a concoction was in itself a self-control practice that helped harden the mouth, stomach and digestive system.

Spartan food was generally considered by other Greeks to be very strong, if not disgusting.

Strict and meagre food rations were also meant to inspire Spartan boys to learn to find their own food by hunting and gathering, and to learn how to cook it themselves.

In Sparta they wanted to people to to know how to get food on their own, to get them used to this idea, and to make them be adaptable to a way of life of uncertainty and possible deprivation.

Xenophon said that “a hunter, accustomed to fatigue, makes a good soldier and a good citizen.”

All of these measures created a body of great hardness and stature: tall, compact, solid, flexible, slender, hard, agile, resistant and athletic bodies, used to the maximum extremes, with a concentrated, trimmed and fibrous musculature not prone to injuries and with great resistance to pain, fatigue, hunger, thirst, heat, cold, illness, blows, to explosive or prolonged effort and to the most terrible wounds.

They were not bodies with overdeveloped musculature, requiring a huge diet and constant impractical maintenance, but concentrated & proportionate bodies, adapted to to survive with the bare minimum, perfect biological machines in which every vein, every tendon, every ligament, every muscle and every muscle fiber exposed to the skin could have been studied with the naked eye.

Their strength must have been impressive, otherwise they would not have been able to live, march and fight with the full weight of their weapons, armour, shield, etc. Plutarch explained that the bodies of the Spartans were “hard and dry.”

Xenophon said that “it is easy to see that these measures would produce a race outstanding in construction and in strength.

It would be difficult to find a more healthy and efficient race than the Spartans.”

Theirs was the most appropriate body for the combatant.

Plato, in his “Republic” made it clear that the meticulous regimen of diets and specific exercises carried out by athletes makes them not perform well when they are suddenly deprived of their daily routines – during a military campaign, for example – since their bodies were used to having and depending on nutrients.

In these extreme situations, such bodies reacted instinctively by reducing their muscle mass, producing exhaustion, weakness, and discomfort.

By getting Spartans used to hunger and adapting to anything that happened, these situations were avoided.

As we can see from their lifestyle, the Spartans were certainly muscular, but not exaggeratedly muscular.

They were not massive individuals like the bodybuilders of today, and to be sure of this, it is only necessary to see the rationed portions that they were fed, as well as the exercise regimen that they practiced, very abundant in intense aerobic efforts.

The level of definition and muscle tone on the Spartan body must have been impressive.

Spartan boys were taught to observe, to listen, to learn, to be discreet, to assimilate quietly.

Spartan children were taught to feel a strong dose of disgust towards their enemies, whom they were taught to despise.

They were taught that retreat or surrender in battle was dishonourable, that any combat they engaged in must end for them in victory or death, and that, as Xenophon said of the Spartans, “a death with honour is preferable to life without honour.”

Or in Nietzsche’s words, “one must die with pride when it is no longer possible to live with pride.”

The lifestyle that Spartan children led would kill the vast majority of adults today in less than a day. How did they bear it?

Simply because they had been bred for it.

From a very young age they had been taught to be tough and strong, to be one with Nature and to despise the comforts of civilization.

And thus the children’s bodies and spirits learned quickly and adapted easily to any situation, quickly developing the qualities they needed to survive.

They were not allowed contact with anything that might soften them in the slightest, and so they grew up uncorrupted and uncontaminated.

As they grew older, the children’s discipline became harsher: puberty was approaching.

Said transition, in a society as close to its tribal roots as the Spartan, must necessarily have been accompanied by some kind of ritual initiation, surely in the brotherhoods to which they belonged, since it is in adolescence that young people begin to develop their own masculinity, and in Sparta they were well prepared so that the advent of masculine forces would not take their innocent instincts by surprise.

Thus, all throughout childhood, on a day-to-day basis, they were learning to become men without the chaotic physiological and mental maladjustment currently associated with the arrival of adolescence.

Spartan boys were fully prepared for the arrival of manhood; indeed Spartan boys before puberty were already more manly and masculine than any modern men today

What is there in for
young men to fight for?

author unknown

Maybe have a look into the following, if you want to understand why the young men have given up.

Divorce laws (only protect and benefit women)

Royal commission into family law courts (suicide rates, false accusations accepted without evidence, etc)

No parental rights

Gender quotas for comfortable well paying jobs (why no quotas for sewage workers?)

High divorce rates (women file 80+%)

Education has been geared towards the feminine style of learning(i.e. sit, listen), resulting in declining male attainment and ADHD medication.

Being raised in single mother homes.

Homelessness (men are 80+%)

Underfunding medical research(e.g. breast cancer and prostate cancer kill at same rate yet breast cancer receives magnitudes more funding)

Suicides are one of the biggest causes of death in men under 45yrs.


The plandemic is just one battlefield in a much larger war. It is FULL SPECTRUM WARFARE.

Vectors of attack:

Air: chemtrails, pollution, etc

Water: fluoride, estrogen(from pill, Atrazine, etc)

Food: GMO, pesticides, etc

Psychological: propaganda, indoctrination/education, etc

Financial: fiat currency, taxation, manipulation, etc

Physical: police brutality, war, etc

Family: Marxism, feminism, sexualisation of society, gov & legal.

If you wanted to destroy a nation, would it not be wise to first destroy it’s warriors? (what do you think they’ve been doing for 60yrs?)

All I’m trying to point out is, society and women have been attacking men for 60 yrs for being men.

Now all of a sudden you want them to be men again.

And are using shaming tactics to try and persuade them.

Unless people wake up to the bigger picture, this war is lost.

The Swiss game

You won’t see it until you understand it

Understand that there are higher dark forces at the power wheel of this planet who are in control.

Powers that do not want the best for you and me.

This is your wake up call

WEF/ WHO/ WWF/ UN/ CERN and Switzerland

Switzerland, one of the few countries to remain completely independent during the Second World War.

A lot of people talk about
(WEF) World Economic Forum,
(WHO) World Health Organization
(WWF) World Wide Fund for Nature,
(UN) United Nations
(CERN) European Council for Nuclear Research.

Where are the headquarters of these organizations located?

All in Switzerland.

If you delve into the wonderful book ‘The great Reset’ by Professor Klaus Schwab, you will soon discover that this book is a summary of all the ideologies of all these organizations.

These organizations are completely led from the rulers of the world.

The people with the most money.

They are also all maintained by the same shareholders.

All these organizations act as if they want the best for people, but if you look at what they actually do, you will soon notice that this is not the case.

Also, all these organizations are led by people who claim to have many titles, but are mainly concerned with public administration and total control of the entire world.

The Great Reset begins with Schwab explaining how the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting the entire world.

If you realize that this entire pandemic only exists because it was worked out in CERN and then declared as a pandemic by the WHO, you understand that this is only a continuation of the elaborated plan.

The conceived climate crisis has been completely indoctrinated by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) to give us the idea that they were really busy saving nature and animals.

The WWF is also an independent foundation registered under Swiss law but led by the International Presidency.

The shareholders of this organization are again The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, The Rothschild Foundation and well, it is fully funded from The Bilderberg Group.

The WHO (World health Organization) also claims to be an independent organization that fully stands for global leadership on human health.

This organization also consists entirely of gifts from shareholders.

Shareholders who keep coming from the same corner.

The UN (United Nations) proclaims that it is there for all people and that it wants to help solve poverty and especially war. They often use the slogan “There is only 1 Earth”

Also, the UN (United Nations) is an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain international peace and security, develop friendly relations between nations, establish international cooperation and be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.

The UN was founded in 1945 in Switzerland and has been in full control of many things ever since.

I personally think that “there is only 1 earth”, it is better to change to “There is only 1 boss”.

Because if you look at the shareholders of the UN again, you will find out that these are the same people again. And well, these people invest a lot of money in creating war in order to keep their own finances optimal.

Because all these organizations ultimately have only 1 goal.

To completely monopolize the whole world, and to treat ordinary people like animals.

WEF uses the slogan “Committed to improving the state of the world”

Which world? I wonder then…

Because Mr Klaus Schwab may be the founder of this Forum in 1971. He is also, according to the information, the sole chairman of this Forum.

Still, if you look at who really run the forum, you’ll come across the names Rothschild and Gates again. The WEF is also fully linked to the Bilderberg Group.

The indoctrination of the school system is already optimal and is also completely controlled from the WEF, only by George Soros, the great philanthropist who also wants nothing more than to help the people.

In any case, he says.

You can’t tell me that sex education for children from 4 years old contributes to improving the world.

But this is what all these leaders do. They give themselves titles and buy people’s adoration with a lot of money. If you really look at whether these people actually have knowledge, this is often not the case.

It is an illusion with wizards and warlocks who under the guise of saving the world are currently destroying the whole world and are more concerned about how to exterminate people than they are really busy making one good world for everyone.

Money and power always come first with the Elders of Zion.

With this they have been playing their ultimate divide and conquer game for years.

A game that the common people really have nothing to do with.

Symbolism is very important for this group of people.

If you look at the logos you will also encounter these a lot.

The comparison of the logo of the red cross and the Swiss flag is clear I would say.

click image for video

The Swiss
Octagon Templars

The Octogon Group: an ultra-secret globalist network based in 🇨🇭Switzerland🇨🇭, consisting of powerful Catholic and Jewish families whose lineage dates back to the Egyptian Pharaohs.

It is the wealthiest, deadliest and most technologically advanced mafia in the world with hundreds of front organizations.

Their various insignias contain 8 points, sides or elements.

Octogon group is in the process of being dismantled by a global revolution involving populist insurgencies, covert military operations turncoats within the Octogon ranks who have seen the writing on the wall;

That the cult of the dead will ultimately lead to self-destruction.

Octagon Flier PDF

Finally, after 500,000 years of oppression, planet Earth is on its way to complete liberation from its alien oppressors who have installed their own pawns on Earth, such as pharaohs, kings and subordinate spiritually controlled government officials.

The people who are experiencing this now are the chosen ones who can contribute to this liberation.

Those who think it will take too long are not yet ready to contribute and therefore will not go to the new 5D world.

The Deep State, to which the above belong, is the source of everything negative on planet Earth.

In order to survive the hard times we are in now, it is important to understand what it is all about.

The Deep State is made up of the top brass of more than a dozen powerful agencies such as the CIA, FBI, NSA, IMF, CFR, BIS, high-ranking generals, admirals and other military officers, veteran parliamentarians, congressmen and senators, directors of major regulatory agencies, and CEOs of most major multinational corporations, the majority of whose stock is owned by Deep State cronies.

All government agencies are the cabal’s backers, so to speak.

Satanic control is the result of a highly organized long-term conspiracy aimed at establishing the New World Order based on the Luciferian revolution against God and nature.

The real top of the pyramid is formed by the Luciferian pharaonic rulers of Octogon based in Switzerland, who are the core of the global octopus structure of ruling elites with their tentacles in every niche of “our” society. These are the pharaonic Templar bankers of Switzerland with their 5th column of Masonic followers.

They form the ruling oligarchy all over the world.

The ruling Pharaohs originate from the occult mystery religions of Lucifer which originated in Babylon and Egypt. They are now identified as the global elite or the cabal of the Deep State, who consider us their slaves and property to do with as they please.

At the top of the pyramid hierarchy are the Swiss OCTOGON templars, followed by the second layer consisting of George Soros and the Nazis. Actually, the Nazis are an integral part of the Octagon and somehow belong at the top as well.

According to the highly recommended documentary The Pharaoh Show. (also available in German and French).

The last stronghold of the Crusaders, the Templars, fell on May 18, 1291, and just two and a half months later, on August 1, 1291, Switzerland was founded.

According to the document, the treasure of the Knights Templar was hidden in Switzerland, which was used to found the Swiss banks.

The Freemasons evolved from the Templars.

The Pharaohs are still present and rule the world through secret societies, although it is said that “the Pharaoh and his army disappeared into the sea”.

In ancient Egypt, the pharaoh was the most powerful person.

The Pharaoh was the political and religious leader of the Egyptian people and held the titles: ‘Lord of the Two Lands’ and ‘High Priest of each temple’.

The headquarters of the Deep State

Their headquarters (HQ) is located in Switzerland, 6,000 meters below the surface of Lake Geneva, with one of their entrances in the CERN complex.

Their name Octogon is a top secret Nazi organization established at the end of World War II to acquire their assets from looted Nazi gold and funds deposited in Switzerland to be used for future wars and illegal actions.

The following are the ten reasons
why Switzerland became the
headquarters of the Deep State..

Switzerland is located in Central Europe.
It is the only neutral nation on earth.
It is the only sovereign nation on Earth.
It is the home of Onyx Interception Systems.
Switzerland is the home of the Holy See, i.e. the Holy See means CIA.
Switzerland is the home of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
The names for Switzerland are CH and Suisse, which correspond to CIA and SS.
Swiss national holiday coincide with the anniversary of the Temple of Spies.
Switzerland is closely associated with dictators such as Hitler, Mussolini, Jong-Un, etc.
Switzerland was originally founded by the Knights Templar and the Order of St. John.

CERN serves as a secret entrance to CIA headquarters, located in the undersea alpine canyons of Lake Geneva, accessible only by subways from CERN and by submarines traveling through a 275-kilometer subway tunnel that begins in Genoa, Italy, and ends in Lake Geneva.

Satanic Hierarchy

The true purpose of governments and authorities everywhere is to enable the few to exploit the many.

The current Deep State monetary system is a clever way to do this.

The modern world of industry, commerce and investment operates on the basis of win-win software.

Only governments, with their penchant for fighting, wars, taxes, tariffs, commandments and prohibitions, continue to operate on the basis of primal programming, plundering the public for what they can grab.

“Satanic rituals” that invoke the power of demonic and other negative entities to subjugate humanity in spirit.

Putin said in his 2013 State of the Union address that the New World Order actually worships Satan.

Dark magic ceremonies are routinely held at various energy vortexes or “sacred sites” around the planet, as many occult researchers, including Fritz Springmeier in his Bloodlines of the Illuminati book series, have revealed.

More recently, Brad Olsen, an experienced researcher and author, has exposed many of these black magic/satanic practices in his Beyond Esoteric book series.

People are being completely controlled; the thought that black magic could be used to control the masses is disturbing. The occult is now being used in a new kind of fascism to completely control every aspect of our lives, from health and finance to politics and education.

Agenda 2030 was designed to give voice to the satanic hierarchy and tell it who will rule the world on planet Earth: the name of Lucifer. And on the spiritual level, the Lord of the world of Satan.

In today’s world, greed, sex and material wealth play the most important role in the lives of people whom Satan has inspired to help draw up the plans for the New World Order.

Most of them see the economy as an important means of creating a New World Order. But eventually it became the Covid pandemic to exert a broader and more sinister influence, which proved to be much more successful.

Meanwhile, the pyramid structure of the global elite, including most governments and corporations, has become dysfunctional. The structure that created class divisions and fed the belief in “scarcity” and the lies about “global warming” is coming to an end.

Abandoning fossil fuels is the key to unleashing a host of alternative free energy technologies that have been suppressed since the early 20th century.

These technologies have been suppressed since the beginning of the twentieth century. Similarly, many other suppressed technologies, such as electromagnetic and holographic healing, will be released and replace most of the soon-to-be discredited hospitals, medical facilities and pharmaceutical companies.

This will be the result and will soon usher in the revolt of the populations against the forced vaccination policies of the medical mafia and the big pharmaceutical companies that have reinforced and administered these toxic injections.

The real change is in consciousness and thinking

When free energy, transportation and replicators are available to all, all are equal. No one is a slave anymore, people can do what they want, have enough free time to think and be creative.

There is no need to hoard anything.

Advanced civilizations don’t wonder where their next meal will come from, how they’ll pay their rent, how they’ll get from point A to point B.

But fundamentally, the real change is in the change of consciousness and thinking.

The time of great change in our society is approaching. It is time to change the pain and suffering of the past into joy, peace and prosperity! A new day is dawning that will usher in a caring and respectful era for humanity!

It should be remembered that more than 6,000 patents have been suppressed by the cabal, citing national security from the intelligence agencies. Most of these suppressed patents are related to alternative energy and medicine.

The new 5D world is waiting for us

When the collective consciousness of humanity is sufficiently developed to adapt to the higher frequencies of the fifth dimension, the golden age of wisdom, love and peace will begin.

It must be made clear to humanity that the global elites have lost the battle to take over planet Earth. The new 5D Earth can use the Antarctic portal to travel to other planets.

The QFS money system, Gesara
and other projects are ready
for immediate implementation.

Before the main cabal figures are removed from planet Earth, people must have the opportunity to see their enemy face to face in order to open their consciousness to the truth. As painful as this process is, it is necessary.

Incredible new era

A new timeline has begun in which the world is moving toward new financial, health and energy systems that will revolutionize our lives.

There are more revelations of facts that have been suppressed for over 70 years, such as Admiral Byrd flying his plane directly through the hollow earth from the North Pole to the South Pole.

He was able to tell about it even on his deathbed. And he also told about an impressive underground city in Antarctica called Shamballa.

After Admiral Byrd’s death, his son found his diary and eventually published it.

This is a small excerpt from the book titled The Missing Secret Diary of Admiral Byrd by Richard Evelyn Byrd.

It is still available in major bookstores.

Click for video


The CIA HQ is under
Lake Geneva connected with Cern.

FBI. director J Edgar Hoover (Huber) was swiss and had Kennedy assassinated, US president Herbert Hoover (Huber) was Swiss and had the fed rob the people`s savings by the Swiss B.I.S.

in 1929 and us president 5 star general Dwight D Eisenhower (Eisenhauer) was Swiss and refused to bomb the simple targets of concentration camp railroads and just executed the Swiss Octogon Nazi templar agenda on the allied side letting the swiss Nazi templars get away with the Nazi gold and ship the Nazis out to Argentina over the Swiss Nazi ratline.

Octogon also did 911 and is the real enemy within.

it has taken exactly 50 years from Kennedy`s assassination 1963-2013 for the truth to prevail.

Time for justice to strike back.

Octogon – the Empire of Darkness

click image for video

The Emipre of Darkness


JFK Assassination: Swiss Conspiracy with FBI Hoover (Huber) Octogon Group killed John F.Kennedy

This video opens up in 7:59.56 evidence about the Pharaonic Masters.

They have a legal mafia like the police, politicians, justice department, banks and government agencies, and they have an illegal mafia to do things, their legal mafia can’t get by without causing too much distrust which makes the slaves distrust the system; their legal mafia is run by the Freemasons while their illegal mafia is from the Knights Templar with their main base Switzerland high up in the strategic Alps.

In reality, their legal mafia and their illegal mafia work together as the two hands of the same body.

The Octogon Group: an ultra-secret globalist network based in Switzerland, consisting of powerful Catholic and Jewish families whose lineage dates back to the Egyptian Pharaohs.

It is the wealthiest, deadliest and most technologically advanced mafia in the world with hundreds of front organizations.

Their various insignias contain 8 points, sides or elements.


The removal of the UK prime minister (BORIS) has led to Long expected plans of Military control of the country. This long awaited EVENT took over 16 years to bring into play.

As the fake UK majesty dynasty (German bloodlines loyal to the communist VATICAN regime) has fallen.

Over the past 4 years Buckingham palace was closed, their gold was seized under military operations in the end of 2017. The majesty royal crest embed with real gold was removed through the country.

Operations through the UK underground bunkers and airports that housed bioweapons, BIOLABS and human trafficking/experiments has comes to a near end as the country has now been seized by Military FULL control.

The current UK government under military guidance has now reached a deal with RUSSIA/U.S. Military Whites HATS to bring the Ukraine War down (as is in earlier statements Russian WILL have Eastern Ukraine and West Ukraine will be reconnected to Poland and central Ukraine will remain).

The new UK government under military control has now started to comply with bringing down the UN. And NATO by FULLY restructuring the regimes.

All assets deployed to other countries including the return of their GOLD in 2021 ( direct flights from Cheyenne mountains U.S military base delivery) that helps run the northern EU currency is now coming into FULL Whites HATS control as the Euro falls and EU continues to FALL under the regimes of the 4rth Reich.


(I have been telling you this information from Q the Storm Rider official page and Twitter since early 2021 these events would happen ,.. And are now currently taking place)

Xi, China white HATS are watching the development of the new UK system being put into place. The old Central Banking system help created by the VATICAN/ROTHSCHILDS/ Chinese clans has come to an end and the Chinese Dragon families who help create allot of the chaos in the world through deceit given to them are now making sure EU . U S DEEP STATE falls apart.

The old Dragon families of China had been lied to several times through the VATICAN and U.S. handlers to hello create a better equal world and had given trillions in Gold back in early 1900s to develop the world into unity but the lies of the CABAL led to World Wars and the creation of deep state world banking system…

Now the Chinese Elders, clans and dragon families are helping current their mistakes and also dismantling the CCP communist regimen in their own country.

SpecialQForces, THEY used HEK 293 cells that are derived from aborted fetus’, along with flouride – the endless poisons in the name of ‘science’ to keep crops ‘growing.’ To keep water safe, to keep the air safe, the airwaves safe – an endless pursuit of full control of the population. By using the medical industry to comply vaccines be injected to new borns, the use of feminized cells has an unnatural effect.

Using adrenochrome as their supply taken from children that have been raped and tortured to elicit the highest levels of the adreno from the body. They’d have Spirit Cooking events, which was how they would end up – eaten. With the remains they would poison the food supply, the air, the water, each ingredient was masked with a name as ‘natural flavors. ‘

My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…

Friends of Earth!

As you observe life in this waking dream, it might be easy for some to feel or assume that the magnificent force of creation has abandoned you, was never there, or the doctrine of your choice is proving not to match in the promises given since the beginning of division through written word.

Indeed, the way of humans is blame and more solutions by throwing money at nature and making schemes of changing the very landscape of your world.

Understanding you are spirit having a temporary human experience should give you wisdom to know that issues are never created on the physical plane of existence.

Earth was created to change, adapt and survive.

This intention was for every being that would arrive.

The intention was never to remain on earth, but to learn and grow with expanded consciousness and progress through the ages with technology and abilities.

Humans were never meant to alter the earth, pollute the oceans or emit toxic gases and chemicals to poison food, animals or to block the natural flow of the relationship between the sun and earth.

Without the sun, you would not exist. there would be no discussions of climate change.

You would not be here.

There are natural cycles that have always occurred.

Fifty six million earth years ago, sea levels were much higher.

There were no polar ice caps and rainforests were abundant.

In these moments the earth warmed naturally from both poles and the seas warmed greatly.

There was a sudden spike in carbon monoxide from thriving forests and plants.

Different types of carbon caused methane to be released which caused further change.

These gases came from mass forest fires and changes continued.

Methane was released in oceans that became suddenly warm.

The release into the air caused changes in all life forms.

The rate was subtle and life adapted.

Compared to today, the levels were safe for life but the carbon emissions have continued with no thoughts of changes on earth until now.

The often spoken of ‘greenhouse effect’, is a large political phrase that has little to do with any remedy.

Indeed, the shift will change all of this and there will be no issue at all.

As life has continued, heat and humidity allowed some life to thrive while the effect on human life is devastating.

Now you find yourself living on a planet that is being destroyed by methods of living that will not sustain the planet as it was created.

Carbon dioxide and methane trap the sun’s heat in earth’s atmosphere.

While some of this is normal, there is no remedy in this lifetime to correct the damage done.

Regardless of the political talking heads with ridiculous answers as they fly in jets that fill the air with gases that slowly fall on your food and body, we say enough!

There has been an effort by the elites to destroy people, animals, crops and so much of the sacred place you call home.

In these moments, fires have been deliberately set, weather has been tampered with to change the atmosphere to create droughts and starvation.

You only have to see the news for one day to understand the plight of earth.

Cattle and horses are dying. Chickens are being destroyed intentionally.

People are dying from heat stroke and the elderly are suffering in lack.

So what you are experiencing would be partly natural and the rest would be amping up what is possible to sustain and survive over time.

Things will grow worse.

Prepare with water and supplies.

Be prepared for blackouts with no cooling.

Purchase fans with batteries.

Assure animals have food, water and shelter.

These will be the times spoken of as the great tribulation.

But do not give up!

The galactic federation is always adjusting and saving lives.

None of this is a surprise.

We have always known that our intervention would be the light that covers life.

We are here now!

There are not enough years left to change the damage done.

This will allow you to understand the shift will be.

We do not share times or dates as this would prevent you from living your lives and continuing in growth!

You are safe and so loved!

click image for video

Where do your
blood donations really go?

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance is the mental conflict that occurs when core beliefs are contradicted by new information.

The unease or tension that this conflict arouses in people is relieved by one of several defensive manoeuvres: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information; persuade themselves that no conflict really exists; reconcile the differences; or resort to ridicule, anger or any other defensive means to preserve stability of their conceptions of the world and themselves.

Our individual and collective human system is used to a certain “normal” way of operation.

A way of understanding and perceiving this life, that we have become familiar and comfortable with.

We like our comfort zone.

Change causes the human system stress.

We rather stay in the known, even if this known is faulty, then accepting the challenge of diving in the unknown.

Our human survival Mind demands control to find familiarity and regain safety in stress of change.

But if you like it or not change is here.

We will no longer look away!!!

And no one will ever have the same perspective again because everything is changing in this worldwide virus of Truth coming to Light.

It is forcing and teaching us, by confronting us with our own and collective mental conditioning that blocks expansion and change.

Triggering every lower aspect in your emotional database with memories of fear, insecurity, lack and loneliness.

In the now we are all confronted with these aspects in our own personal way, revealing our own hi-story of fear.

Fear about safety, fear about health, fear about death fear about being laughed at or being called crazy when we bring our True emotions

Fear, the lowest dense vibration that causes the human design to transit from creation of life to survival for life.

Fear is the most devastating hormonal virus in the human body.

We have two systems in our human design that can operate and sit behind the stirring wheel, navigating this portal of change:

1. Mental – your Subconscious Mind

With your subconscious Mind you surpress, deny and reject fear and activate survival behaviour of Fight, Flight, Freeze, Hide and Fawn.

This behaviour of the Mind does not actually deal with the fear but finds a way to relate to it. And if fighting and flying from it is no option, like with this virus and our Lockdown, we move into Freeze, Hide and Fawn. We adapt and submit to our surrounding narrative to regain the feeling of belonging and safety.

2. Emotional & Spiritual – your Conscious Heart

With your full consciousness you understand the triggers, the emotions that you feel, the survival mode based on your hi-story that kicks in automatically.

You see and observe what happens but you discern.

You are able to hold on to the driving wheel, reverse, sit back and feel your way through the emotion, quiet your Mind and remain in the Now.

When you break through the cognitive dissonance you release fear and enter your heart space.

There you can feel what your heart and Spirit are telling you. What is right for you in this moment connected to all. What is your truth aligned with your path and your values and mission in this Life connected to all there is.

Your Mind builds up a persona/ego in the early age of childhood. This is the protection asset of the human design system.
For as a child you have to be able to adapt to your surroundings in order to get what you need; love, attention, basic needs etc.

This means you have to deny and repress those parts of you that see or feel different emotions then what your family or others allow you to deal with.

So your Mind adapted to this narrative to survive the reality back then.

It is to devastating for a child to acknowledge the fact that your parents could, would or can not give you what you needed, so you make it go away with your Mind.

To make this reality acceptable, your younger self build up a persona/ the Ego that found a way to hide your truth and adapt to collective narratives and do what was asked of you to belong.

The plan to hide NESARA worked well for a time, but gradually news of NESARA began to be leaked to the public.

To circumvent any public action to enforce NESARA, “plan B” was created.

The plan was to forever delay the enforcement of NESARA by fooling the people with trickery.

NESARA was embroiled in fictitious legal procedures and court orders by both the United States Supreme Court and the International Court of Justice.

This game of deceit could be played forever, NESARA could be permanently delayed, and the people of the world would never be the wiser.

I believe the time is here for us to move into this 5D state of structure where equality, peace and justice prevail.

However, as always, (YOU )the viewer / reader are advised to use one’s own discernment in evaluating the information.

“Conspiracy theorists” claim “anti-semitism” is a term used to attack those who get too close to the truth, such as those who join the dots and work out that khazarian jews are not real hebrew jews but a satanic babylonian blood cult who once came from a land called khazaria, which is now ukraine (a land mass that russia is currently de-nazifying someone told me).

These “conspiracy theorists” also reveal that the khazarians are known to have a long history of being masters of identity theft who take on other identities such as nazis, bolsheviks, zionists, and that they own all the corporate media, including tv, hollywood, magazines, newspapers or so the “conspiracy theorists” say.

These “conspiracy theorists” also have a tendency to show convincing evidence of Nazis in Ukraine but that’s silly isn’t it, because the UK and us governments wouldn’t help Nazis will they?

Some silly “conspiracy theorists” also go on about operation paperclip, which must be something to do with office skills, like keeping bits of paper tidy and stuff, come to think of it the mainstream media were saying Nazis were in Ukraine long before 2020; I saw that when I was reaching for a copy of my Beano.

These “conspiracy theorists” also have a habit of showing government documents showing a depopulation agenda using covid, using media fear propaganda so that people rush to get the jab.

In fact these “conspiracy theorists” showed me that Matt Hancock bought two years worth of Midazolam so the doctors could give it to the care homes in April 2020.

Clearly it was administered perhaps a day or two too late as the majority of care home deaths happened at the same time.

Clearly a coincidence that makes “conspiracy theorists” jump to the conclusion that the old folk were murdered.

I think Matt is a very nice man, he must be as he went into the jungle with all those bugs ‘n stuff.

One “conspiracy theorist” did tell me that Rockefeller refers to ordinary people as being “useless eaters”, I guess that’s because we are just messy eaters, and they also said Khazarian Jews have been filmed calling everyone a “goyem” but me being a bit of a thicky I am unaware of what that means, it’s probably a term of endearment.


Did you ever feel so overwhelmed
and just wanted this moment in time
to hurry up and be over?

Well it appears many are feeling that way the closer we get to the end of this portion of the mission.

Know one thing at least…god is in control.

God has complete authority and control over all human beings and every aspect of the universe and this plan!!!

And because god is so good, we should have total confidence in his absolute and loving control over every aspect of our very existence especially in our current mission.

When we trust in our heavenly father’s sovereignty, we stand on two assurances:

The first is that he is intimately involved in our daily life.

He resides within us.

No matter what, he never stops providing, protecting, and caring for every believer.

he knows what we need for today and tomorrow.

The second is that without any exception, the lord will always work every circumstance for our benefit!

When situations are more demanding, our confidence may waiver, god promises that he will be there for us even when some difficult things must come to pass.

Nothing we have done in this life is by chance or a coincidence.

You and I do not live by chance and never have.

As children of this sovereign god, we do live secure and under his control.

We just need to trust him to carry us through whatever test or trial that is currently happening…especially in this mission.

He chose us and gave us a gift of his armor of god to protect us.

We must let go and truly just let him guide our way.

This mission was to save our children, ourselves and all mankind….

But this mission has also become a spiritual journey for many of us.

look around at all the new people in your life that you now consider family and friends.

yes, the best is yet to come.

The future will be ours because we have indeed learned a mighty lesson being on this mission…this journey.

We are freeing the world so stop listening to those trying to plant seeds of doubt.

Stop listening to those that are disparaging the leaders that god chose for us.

Remember that this is indeed a biblical event.

Also remember that we were chosen for this time in history.

We are the ones that will forge the future for the next generation and generations to come.

we are the generation that will reveal the true history that was always hidden from us.


This week in history.

A week to remember.

December 15-21, 1773:  Boston’s patriots hold a tea party in the Harbor “voted, that this body will oppose the vending of any tea sent by the East India Company to any part of this continent, with our lives and fortunes.”

So read the declaration passed by the 1,000-person town meeting at Faneuil Hall in Boston on Nov. 5, 1773.

What could possibly have motivated such a strong stand against buying tea?

Was it poisoned?

In a sense, it was.

The story of the Boston tea party of Dec. 16, 1773 begins with the British Parliament’s passage of the stamp act.

This 1846 lithograph by Nathaniel Currier was entitled “The destruction of tea at Boston Harbor”.

After the end of the French and Indian war in 1761, a war which had also been fought in Europe and Asia under the name of the seven years war, Great Britain acquired a vast empire.

Trying to recoup some of the expenses of the war, the British oligarchy decided that the American colonials should bear part of the burden.

Never mind that Pennsylvania, New York, and Massachusetts had spent considerable sums on behalf of Britain and had never been paid back.

First came the sugar act, which fixed the price of molasses and limited the American molasses trade to the British West Indies, which could not possibly meet the American demand nor absorb the exports the colonies used to pay for the molasses.

Then came the stamp act, which went into effect in 1765.

This tax on licenses, publications, and legal papers sparked protests, including the Virginia resolves, which were endorsed by most of the other colonies.

Then the Massachusetts legislature sent out a call for a congress of all the colonies to meet in New York to consider united action.

That body produced a declaration of rights and grievances, stating that only the colonies themselves could levy taxes on colonists.

That statement caused an Englishman who was living in America to write home, contrasting “the remarkably pliant and submissive disposition of the inhabitants of Bengal,” with that of the frisky American colonials.

The British East India company, which was fast becoming the controlling factor in the British empire, was already developing plans to tame the Americans into submission.

It was dealt a setback, however, by massive American demonstrations against the stamp act and a partial boycott of British goods.

British merchants and manufacturers became alarmed, and the New Rockingham Ministry repealed the stamp act.

However, American joy at the repeal was quickly tempered by parliament’s refusal to repeal “the Declaratory Act,” which allowed Britain to pass restrictive laws and levy taxes on the American colonies.

A very specific parliamentary pronouncement stated that the right to tax the colonies had always existed and would exist for all time.

When the ministry of Charles Townshend, better known as “Champagne Charlie,” came to power in 1767, a new attempt was made to force the colonies to admit that they had the “right” to be looted by the British empire.

The Townshend acts taxed imports from Britain such as paper, lead, glass, paint, and tea.

But there was a new and very threatening element embedded in the Townshend acts, which the colonists did not take long to recognize.

The writs of assistance legalized by the acts were blank search warrants which could by used by royal agents at their pleasure, and anyone could be dragooned to help in the searches.

The Townshend acts also established an American board of customs commissioners in Boston, whose members were directly answerable to the royal treasury.

Ostensibly, these members were to use the funds to defend the colonies, but the phraseology of the act stated that they would defray “the charge of the administration of justice, and the support of local government.”

Thus, the colonies would lose not only any fiscal control over their activities, but their self-government as well.

Men who were responsible to the crown and East India company would control local government and the courts.

Again, the colonies united in protest, and in February 1768, the Massachusetts legislature published a circular letter to the other colonies, stating that the Townshend acts established taxation without representation, that colonial representation in England was impossible, and that the very idea of making colonial judges and governors independent of the electorate was intolerable.

The new prime minister, Lord Hillsborough, furious over the circular letter, dissolved the Massachusetts legislature.

Not content with that, Hillsborough sent a large flotilla of the British fleet, loaded with British redcoats, to police Boston and ensure that royal officials could carry out their tax-farming duties.

Parliament also threatened to transport any American protesters to England for trial, and the colonies answered with a much larger boycott against British goods.

In 1770, the Townshend acts were repealed, but one subversive tool of empire was left intact, and that was the tax on tea.

in 1773, the East India company’s stock on the London exchange dropped from 280 pounds to 160 pounds, and the company was facing bankruptcy.

Parliament obligingly granted the company a tea monopoly for the American colonies, in order to put a dent in the surplus of over 17 million pounds of tea sitting in warehouses in England.

The price of the tea was dropped to well below that of Dutch tea, which the Americans were smuggling into the colonies, but the 3-cent tax was left in place.

Even with the tax, the price of the tea was so low that the East India company was confident that the Americans would give in to the temptation to break their boycott.

Four merchant ships loaded with tea were dispatched to Boston, and six more headed to other American ports.

The Americans knew that political and economic slavery to the British Empire was riding on those ships, and they prepared accordingly.

The first tea ship, the “Dartmouth,” arrived on Nov. 28, but the Boston Town Council demanded that the tea be returned to England.

Two more ships arrived over the next two weeks; the final ship never appeared because it was wrecked off Cape Cod.

The three sea captains were willing to return the tea to England, but Royal gov. Thomas Hutchinson sent a letter to Boston stating that by law he could not allow the ships to leave Boston until they had disposed of their cargoes.

Hutchinson had appointed several of his relatives to be consignees for the tea shipment.

As Boston patriot leader James Otis had said, “a very small office in the customs in America has raised a man a fortune sooner than a government. ” the British troops at Boston’s Castle Island, commanded by Col. Alexander Leslie, were ordered to transport their artillery on some of the British warships to the outer Harbor, in order to be able to fire on any tea ship that tried to leave.

In this seemingly impossible situation, Samuel Adams and Dr. Joseph Warren developed a daring plan that was touched with humor.

On Dec. 16, a crowd of 5-6,000 people met at old south meeting house to determine what to do with the 348 chests of tea on the three ships.

One last attempt was made to convince Hutchinson to release the ships to return to England, but he sent a reply, which arrived as darkness was falling, stating that the tea would be unloaded on schedule.

At this, Samuel Adams told the crowd that, “this meeting can do nothing more to save this country.”

The statement was a pre-arranged signal, and it was answered by a war-whoop from a man at the back of the crowd who was dressed as a Mohawk indian.

The cry was immediately answered by other “Indians” outside the building.

About 200 such Bostonians, smeared with paint, soot and grease, marched two-by-two to Griffen’s wharf and divided into three groups, one for each ship.

They were dressed as mohawks as an answer to Hutchinson, who had publicly stated that Sam Adams was the “chief of this tribe of mohawks,” referring to the sons of liberty.

What happened next was described by George Hewes, one of the participants.

“As soon as we were on board,” wrote Hewes, “Lendall Pitt, my commander, appointed me the boatswain, and ordered me to go to the captain and demand of him the keys to the hatches and a dozen candles.

I made the demand accordingly, and the captain promptly complied, but requested me to do no damage to the ship and rigging.

We then opened the hatches and took out all the chests of tea.

First we cut and split the chests to thoroughly expose them to the water, and thus broken, we threw overboard every tea chest to be found in the ship; while those in the other ships were disposing of the tea in the same way, at the same time, it being about three hours from the time we went on board.

We were surrounded by British armed ships, but no attempt was made to resist us.”

No American was allowed to take even a pinch of tea for himself, and the two “Indians” who gave in to temptation were treated roughly.

Many young apprentices of 12 or 13 years of age had slipped away from their masters and wanted a part in the proceedings.

They were given the job of stomping into the mud any of the tea which had washed up on the flats near the ships.

This proved a difficult task, for the piles of washed-up tea were large, and many of these exhausted boys did not reach home until midnight.

Sam Adams had arranged for the returning “Mohawks” to be serenaded by a fife and drum band on the dock.

as they marched into town, British Adm. Montagu, who had been visiting friends near the Harbor, leaned out of a window and shouted,

“You’ll have to pay the fiddler yet!  You have had a fine pleasant evening for your Indian caper, haven’t you?”

And, indeed, the British East India Company reacted with fury when they heard about the Boston Harbor teapot.

The parliamentary reaction, labelled the “intolerable acts” by the colonists, contained everything the empire had wanted to do to America but couldn’t up until that time.

The port of Boston was closed, even to ferry boats, and the royal capital was moved to Salem.

The city was under martial law, and supplies could reach it only over a narrow neck of land.

Another act of parliament stated that it was aimed at “better regulating the government of Massachusetts bay and purging their constitution of all its crudities.”

This meant that the governor’s council, the attorney general, judges, sheriffs and justices of the peace were to be named by the royal governor, and juries were to be selected by a crown-appointed sheriff.

Town meetings could only be held when the governor consented, and had to follow an approved agenda.

But the British made the same mistake with the intolerable acts as they had made with the tax on tea, for they tended to see others in their own image.

They assumed that Americans would be tempted by the low price of tea to selfishly break the boycott and sell their Birthright for a mess of potage, but it did not happen.

Again, the British counted on the other colonies to shrug off the intolerable acts as affecting only Massachusetts.

And again, this did not happen, for the other colonies realized that what was done to Massachusetts could also be done to them.

All the colonies pledged aid to starving Boston, and the colony of New York went so far as to pledge a food supply for the next ten years.

The most important result of the intolerable acts, fatal to British empire plans for America, was the call for a continental congress to be held in Philadelphia in September 1774.

Click image for video

Time Hoax
the Illusion of
time and more

Alan Watts

I more see it as the direct result of those in the photo who have all removed the “glo-bal fiat currency human bondage / human trafficking money laundering system” from their countries and now stand as the public relations sector of the international military alliance formed in 2014 to remove all nefarious activities from earth permanently and introduce NESARA/GESARA (put in place by JFK in 1963 > Bill Clinton was threatened with exposure when in office so forced to sign NESARA/GESARA into being but he did not put it through parliament > Trump did that).

The primary goal is to lift humanities operating frequency high enough to cease the production of “looshe”.

Humanity as a collective has been through programing held in a 3rd dimensional field for thousands of years to maintain a high production of “looshe aethereal energy” which our overlords of higher dimensions feed upon to sustain themselves while waiting for souls, their preference.

If you think in the vain of tesla energy only this is harvested from the atmosphere through devices whereas louche energy is energy all humans express from their personal auric field when in any negative emotional state (mostly caused by $$$$$ fiat currency) that is harvested through devices like the obelisks they have positioned on very powerful ley line nods across earth along with revers engineering the pyramid systems that were put in place to keep humanity in good order.


Take care🧘⚛️🌈💓

The Enigma successor
could have been a silver bullet

The Enigma was considered unbreakable until the British decrypted it. Its successor, the “Key Device 41”, was not introduced until 1944.

If the Wehrmacht had had the cipher machine three years earlier, the Second World War might have been different.

In Germany there were definitely experts who warned against too much trust in the German standard encryption device, but the electromagnetic Enigma was considered unbreakable up to the upper echelons of the Wehrmacht because, depending on the version, there were between tens of billions and more than 150 trillion encryption options.

But the developers had overlooked two important points: First, by design, the Enigma could never encode a letter as itself. This gave cryptanalysts, first in Poland and then in Great Britain from the end of August 1939, the opportunity to crack the encryption using extremely sophisticated mathematical models.

Secondly, there were recurring formulaic elements in every radio message that could form a “bridge” to the respective key setting.

The fundamental analysis of the Enigma had taken several months; then, in the spring of 1940, British cryptologists in Bletchley Park were able to decrypt radio messages encrypted in this way, albeit with a delay of many days.

It was not until 1941 that most German secret messages were deciphered in real time.

Alternative to Enigma

However, there was an alternative to the Enigma in the German arsenal: a significant further development of the purely mechanical C-38 cipher machine, which had been commercially available since 1938 and was developed by the Swedish engineer and entrepreneur Boris Hagelin.

Under the name M-209, this device, slightly modified, was used by the US Army from 1939 as a standard encryption machine.

Based on the model of the C-38, the Chemnitz Wanderer-Werke, a factory for office machines, wanted to develop a heavily modified encryption device.

The criteria for this improvement went back to Fritz Menzer, a clerk in the “Chi” (for “encryption”) department of the Wehrmacht High Command.

Menzer, who himself “broken” a precursor of the C-38, i.e. developed a way for cryptanalysis, recommended: “A displacement between the bolt wheels and the toothed rack (sliding tongue) should take place during the encryption and decryption.

It does not matter whether the toothed rack or the pin wheels (with a given command from the pin wheels) lead by one division.

The advance command is sampled by the pin wheels, just like the stop command, but offset by 180 degrees.”

Freddie Mercury,
and Bohemian Rhapsody


Why is the song called
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’?

Why does it last exactly
5 minutes and 55 seconds?

What is this song really about?

Why did the Queen movie premiere on
October 31 (Halloween)?

The movie premiered on October 31
because the single was
first heard on October 31, 1975.

It’s titled that way because a ‘Rhapsody’ is a free-form musical piece composed of different parts and themes that seem unrelated to each other.

The word ‘rhapsody’ comes from Greek and means ‘assembled parts of a song.’

The word ‘bohemian’ refers to a region in the Czech Republic called Bohemia, where Faust, the protagonist of Goethe’s work of the same name, was born.

In Goethe’s work, Faust was an elderly and intelligent man who knew everything except the mystery of life.

Unable to comprehend it, he decides to poison himself.

At that moment, church bells ring, and he goes outside.

When he returns to his room, he finds a dog that transforms into a kind of man.

It’s the devil, Mephistopheles.

He promises Faust a full life without misery in exchange for his soul.

Faust agrees, rejuvenates, and becomes arrogant.

He meets Gretchen and has a child.

His wife and child die.

Faust travels through time and space and feels powerful.

When he becomes old again, he feels miserable once more.

Since he didn’t break the pact with the devil, angels contend for his soul.

This work is essential to understanding ‘Bohemian Rhapsody.’

The song is about Freddie Mercury himself.

Being a rhapsody,
it has 7 different parts:

1st and 2nd acts – A Capella

3rd act – Ballad

4th act – Guitar solo

5th act – Opera

6th act – Rock

7th act – ‘Coda’ or final act

The song talks about a poor boy questioning if this life is real or if his distorted imagination is living another reality.

He says that even if he stops living, the wind will keep blowing without his existence.

So, he makes a deal with the devil and sells his soul.

Upon making this decision, he rushes to tell his mother and says…

“Mama, I just killed a man,
put a gun against his head,
pulled my trigger,
now he’s dead.

Threw my life away.

If I’m not back again
this time tomorrow,
carry on, carry on as
if nothing really matters…”

The man he kills is himself, Freddie Mercury.

If he doesn’t fulfil the pact with the devil, he will die immediately.

He says goodbye to his loved ones, and his mother breaks into tears, tears and desperate crying that comes from Brian May’s guitar notes.

Freddie, terrified, cries out, “Mama, I don’t want to die,” and the operatic part begins.

Freddie finds himself in an astral plane where he sees himself:

“I see a little silhouetto of a man”… ”
… Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?”

Scaramouche is an “escaramuza,”
a skirmish between armies with horseback riders
(4 horsemen of the Apocalypse of evil
fighting against the forces of good
for Freddie’s soul),
and he continues, saying,

“Thunderbolt and lightning,
very, very frightening me.”

This phrase appears in the Bible, specifically in Job 37 when it says, “the thunder and lightning frighten me: my heart pounds in my chest.”

Seeing his son so scared by the decision he has made, Freddie’s mother begs to save him from the pact with Mephistopheles.

“He’s just a poor boy…” “Spare him his life from this monstrosity.”

“Easy come, easy go,
will you let me go?”

Her pleas are heard, and angels descend to battle the forces of evil.

“Bismillah” (an Arabic word meaning “In the name of God”) is the first word in the holy book of Muslims, the Quran.

So, God Himself appears and shouts, “We will not let you go.”

In the face of such a confrontation between good and evil, Freddie fears for his mother’s life and says, “Mama mia, mama mia, let me go.”

They shout again from the sky that they won’t abandon him, and Freddie cries, “No, no, no, no, no,” and says, “Beelzebub (the Lord of Darkness) has a devil put aside for me.”

Freddie pays homage here to Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Johann Sebastian Bach when he sings… “Figaro, Magnifico,” referring to Mozart’s “The Marriage of Figaro,” considered the greatest opera of all time, and to Bach’s “Magnificat.”

The operatic part ends, and the rockier part bursts in.

The devil, angry and betrayed by Freddie not keeping the pact, says, “So you think you can stone me and spit in my eye?

So you think you
can love me and
leave me to die?”

It’s chilling how the Lord of Evil feels powerless against a human being, against repentance and love.

Having lost the battle, the devil departs, and we reach the final act or ‘coda’ where Freddie is free, and that feeling comforts him.

The gong that closes the song sounds.

The gong is an instrument used in China and East Asian cultures to heal people under the influence of evil spirits.

It lasts for
5:55 minutes.

Freddie liked astrology, and in numerology, 555 is associated with death, not physical but spiritual, the end of something where angels will safeguard you.

555 is related to God and the divine, an ending that will lead to a new beginning.

And the song plays on Halloween eve for the first time.

A holiday called ‘Samhain’ by the Celts to celebrate the transition and opening to the other world.

The Celts believed that the world of the living and the dead were closely connected, and on the Day of the Dead, both worlds would unite, allowing spirits to cross over.

Nothing in
‘Bohemian Rhapsody’
is coincidental.

Everything is carefully crafted and has a meaning that goes beyond being just a song.

It has been voted worldwide as the greatest song of all time.

This song marked a radical change in Queen, as if they had truly made a pact with the devil, changing their lives forever and making them immortal…”



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