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Rule Britannia
Standing out in all weathers
waving our little Union Jack flags
which are made in China
while we give homage to the biggest
bunch of murdering thieves
this world has ever created
who give not a thought to
the dignity of human life
unless it’s their own.”

and rub it in our noses
the ‘system’Â came up with this
‘patriotic’ song about not being slaves
we hum on the way to the poor house.”
“The fact is, there are few
people on this Earth that are
not, in some way,enslaved by
the financial system that was
created by the UK royals
and their tyrannical cohorts.
And still is”
When Britain first, at Heaven’s command
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”
The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”
Still more majestic shalt thou rise,
More dreadful, from each foreign stroke;
As the loud blast that tears the skies,
Serves but to root thy native oak.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”
Thee haughty tyrants ne’er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”
To thee belongs the rural reign;
Thy cities shall with commerce shine:
All thine shall be the subject main,
And every shore it circles thine.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”
The Muses, still with freedom found,
Shall to thy happy coast repair;
Blest Isle! With matchless beauty crown’d,
And manly hearts to guard the fair.
“Rule, Britannia! rule the waves
“Britons never will be slaves.”

God Save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
happy and glorious,
long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!
Thy choicest gifts in store on her
be pleased to pour,
long may she reign!
May she defend our laws,
and ever give us cause to
sing with heart and voice,
God save the Queen!
God Save our gracious Queen!
Long live our noble Queen,
God save the Queen!
Send her victorious,
happy and glorious,
long to reign over us,
God save the Queen!

London Bridge is falling down
The fall of the British Empire:
The first domino in a Global Reset
November 2024
“History is repeating itself, folks.
The cracks in the global financial system are widening, and the first to fall may be Great Britain—the once-mighty empire now limping toward collapse.
What we are witnessing today isn’t just a series of unrelated crises but the beginning of a tectonic shift.
This will be in the history books, on par with the fall of the Soviet Union and the 1929 stock market crash.
The UK’s economy has been in a death spiral for years,
but things are accelerating now.
The bond markets are sending distress signals.
Gilts are the weakest link, with British government debt performing worse than the U.S. and Germany.
The pound is set to unravel.
This is a slow-motion crash that the financial elites are preparing to profit from—because that’s what they do, isn’t it?
But make no mistake:
The game is up.
And the collapse won’t stop with the UK. Japan, the European Union, and even the United States will soon feel the tremors.
This isn’t just speculation.
The establishment knows it.
Look at their actions: Bank of England policies are designed to delay the inevitable, not stop it.
They know a new financial order is on the way.
The Empire Strikes Back—or tries to.
It’s no coincidence that Britain remains a cheerleader for every conflict, from Ukraine to Gaza.
They are positioning themselves as the reliable enforcer for the globalist agenda.
Because they know they have no economic future without maintaining control over the old colonial trade routes.
But here’s the rub: The world isn’t playing along anymore.
BRICS nations, led by Russia and China, are devising new ways to trade without the dollar—and without Western interference.
A multipolar world is rising, and with it, the tools of colonial power—like the pound and the dollar—are losing their grip.
The Kazan BRICS summit made this clear.
Putin didn’t mince words.
Russia and its partners didn’t want a currency war, but the West forced their hand.
Gold will return to the center of global trade, and Britain—long removed from gold-backed discipline—will be left out in the cold.
Will Britain Balkanize?
The coming collapse isn’t just financial.
It will shatter political stability too.
Scotland has been itching for independence.
Northern Ireland could rejoin the Irish Republic.
England may find itself an isolated nation-state, dealing with internal strife as well as the ghosts of its colonial past.
And let’s not forget that the monarchy itself, a centuries-old institution, may finally meet its reckoning.
What happens when the people demand real democracy—or when foreign powers demand reparations for centuries of plunder?
Russia, China, and even India have long memories.
How much longer before claims for colonial reparations reach London’s doorstep?
When they do, the elite’s safe havens may no longer protect them.
London’s bankers have been playing with stolen wealth for decades, but the day of reckoning is near.
Will the oligarchs scatter to Dubai?
Or will they be held accountable for the economic and political ruin they leave behind?
What comes after the collapse?
After the dust settles, we will see a new kind of order—one where gold-backed currencies replace fiat money, and countries trade as equals rather than through coercion.
The United States, too, will need to shed its role as global policeman and find its place among peers.
Britain’s fall will signal the beginning of the end for the Western financial cartel—but also the opportunity for a new, fairer system to emerge.
Dr Jim Willie

has voted to evict
the last of Britain’s hereditary peers
from the House of Lords
after more than
seven centuries in occupation
but the bishops cling on.
12-November 2024
Labour’s House of Lords (Hereditary Peers) Bill
overwhelmingly passed its third reading by 435 votes to 73 on Tuesday,
consigning the principle and the 92 places reserved for
hereditary peers in the party’s 1999 effort at reform to history.
Justin Welby is facing losing
seat in House of Lords
after Church of England crisis –
Daily Mail
The House of Lords contains 26 Church of England archbishops
and bishops known as the ‘lords spiritual’.
Their automatic right to sit and vote in the House
has been established by ancient usage and by statute.
Queen – Removed
Bishops – Removed
King – Checkmate
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The Dark Secrets
the British Empire
Uncover the untold stories of
the British Empire
in this eye-opening video.
We delve into the darker narrative of exploitation, brutality, and greed that shaped historical events across the globe.
Discover Britain’s use of opium to dominate the Chinese market, leading to devastating societal impacts and the infamous Opium Wars.
Explore the ruthless plundering of India’s resources, resulting in recurring famines and suffering.
Witness the violent British expedition on Benin City, its cultural heritage looted, and its people devastated.
This video challenges us to confront these uncomfortable truths and recognize the ongoing impact of imperialism.
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The Untold Story
of Britain’s DARK Legacies
Join me on a transformative journey
as we honour our black ancestors and
reclaim our world through the lens of Africa.
Through engaging dialogue, we will explore the rich tapestry of African history, culture, and worldview, discovering their profound relevance in our lives today. Together, we will share our thoughts and knowledge, fostering a new culture of awareness and reclaiming our collective narrative.
Let’s celebrate the vibrant heritage and enduring legacy of Africa,
forging a path of enlightenment and unity.
Together, we can shape a future rooted in understanding, respect, and shared heritage.

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British empire killed
3 million Biafran children
in 1967
A scholarly study found that over 3 million Biafran children was taken to an undisclosed location in 1967 & used starvation as a killing tool
to deliberately & systematic exterminate over 3,000, 000 children simply because Biafrans questioned the British about the amalgamation fraud they committed against Biafrans, looting of Biafra minerals & self determination of breaking away from the evil union of the 3 different countries they brought into union named them Nigeria.
During this time much money was collected by charities to aid Biafra which was reported to be in famine because of drought.
Photographs of these starving children was use to advertise the catastrophe which was, essentially, deliberately, created by the British government. Whatever happened to the money collected is not known.
The world must watch just a clip of the evil & wickedness of the late Queen Elizabeth & the British.
Nigeria is another evil British enterprise.
It’s a fraud.
The amalgamation was established by the British in 1914 & 1960 Queen Elizabeth came up with a name Nigeria.
This amalgamation expired 9 years ago, and no Biafran signed this union into action.

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International public notice
the elephant in the room
There has been no
King or Queen of England
since 1702.
That means that the land and soil jurisdiction of England has been vacated since 1702 and the country exists only as a matter of public record, in the minds of its people, and as assets held by a foreign Public Trust.
The land and soil assets of
England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
have all been bound in an
International Trust and Trading Company
known as "Great Britain" operating in
the International jurisdiction of the sea.
Recently, this government entity has been dissolved and a new corporation "acting as" a government has been set up in the global jurisdiction of the air, where it proposes to operate with similar disrespect and disregard for Law and Custom --- and in evasion of treaties and contracts owed to other nations.
England has gone rogue,
and Scotland, Ireland, and Wales
have gone rogue with it.
What is startling is that these countries have been operating in this manner for three centuries, and nobody called them on it.
The governments of these countries have wilfully vacated their land and soil, and operated in a private, incorporated Territorial capacity for 300 years.
They "went to sea" and have remained there,
with the consequence that everything that they
have done or pretended to do in all that time
has been done under color of law.
They have fraudulently misrepresented
the nature of their "government" to the people of
England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales
and the rest of the world, too.
While claiming to have a Constitutional Monarchy in England, for example, they have in fact evaded their contracts and vacated the Constitutional Monarchy long ago; they have only continued the "show" for their innocent victims, trotting out the Stone of Scone, pretending to be Protestants, and kissing the Bible in public, while carrying on a completely different and private agenda divorced from Law and Custom.
They were helped in this unlawful conversion of government, a process of replacing the government of the people with corporations, by members of the Bar Associations hired as privateers who have abused their positions of public respect in favor of private profit.
Faced with these realities there is little wonder why the people of these afflicted nations find themselves laboring under the lash of slave masters and are confused by the fact that their government doesn't "add up" and provide those benefits and protections that are supposed to be in place for the people, despite the public façade of civility and order.
There is a very simple reason for this.
The Government of Great Britain
has been operated in a
Territorial capacity,
not a National capacity.
It has given over its functions as a government to private interests that are for-profit corporations in the business of providing "essential government services" --- corporations that have been profiteering under color of law on the side.
This profiteering has taken place against the people of the afflicted countries and every other country that one way or another, has had service contracts with or been illegally occupied by "Great Britain" in the guise of its Territorial government units.
As they have vacated the land and soil of each home country, the Perpetrators have vacated and violated the Law and Customs of each country, too.
They put to sea instead; left their land in the care of the National Trusts, and carried on as if all was well and normal -- when it decidedly is not.
This circumstance has allowed the abuse not only of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but has promoted abuses ranging around the world, impacting billions of people, and guaranteeing "endless" war for profit.
This is, in the end, the reason that all roads lead to Rome and why Britain is always at the bottom of every dog pile.
These "governmental services" corporations belong to Rome -- accounting for Rome's part in these trespasses, and the Brits responsible for these breaches of trust and contract work for Rome.
These "Kings" and "Queens" have been the Overseers of the Pope's Commonwealth land in England for 800 years and it is the Pope who gave them their crowns.
The Pope can also take their crowns away from them,
which ensures their slave-like obedience.
The "split of the take" that has endured since the 1580's was engineered by King Henry the Eighth, who got his divorce sanctified and a 40% share of whatever assets he could drag in.
The initial assets shared out with the Pope were ownership interests in the souls of members of the Church of England, represented as "baptismal certificates".
The Pope got 60% and the King got 40% of the value of the souls of Anglican Church members, a quid pro quo that has remained in place from that time to this.
This abuse of "certificates" and "registrations" to establish ownership interests in private property -- your soul, your Good Name, your car, your land, your business and everything else you think you possess -- has run its course.
So has the use and misuse of "Great Britain" and "the UNITED KINGDOM" and all the other nameless, faceless corporations that have been used to defraud and deprive and deceive the people of this world, so as to evade plainly-stated contracts and treaties -- all these criminal impersonations have run their course.
What we are left with are the
good people of each country
and an economic nightmare.
These unlawfully converted and incorporated government corporations have run up a gigantic amount of debt and the books have (deliberately) never been balanced against the credit that the living people are owed as a result of all the inequitable exchanges of goods and services for legal tender [promissory] notes that have been imposed under color of law.
When we do this, simply by balancing the books,
the "national debt" disappears, and instead,
a very substantial "national credit"
owed to the living people appears.
The corporations responsible for this situation would rather go bankrupt and presume that their victims are the "public" responsible for their bankruptcy protection, but no such corporate veil can be afforded to criminal organizations --- especially when they misidentify the public responsible for their existence and operations, and cast their debts on innocent strangers they've impersonated, instead.
What started out as a national-level bilking of the people of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, depriving them of their Law and Customs, their property assets, contracts, and guarantees in 1702, has led to an international crime spree of unimaginable proportions -- a crime spree that has lasted 300 years and adversely impacted all jurisdictions of air, land, and sea worldwide.
All this harm has been engendered because the governments of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales vacated their natural estate on the land and soil, incorporated their functions as "service corporations" and went to sea, thereby evading all their land-based treaties, contracts, and guarantees by vacating their land jurisdiction.
They left Law and Custom, the Magna Carta, and their own Kingdoms behind in favor of life "at sea" as international pirates and mercenaries.
As attractive as that might have seemed at the time, it also has the effect of leaving the Perpetrators "legless" and without standing among the nations of the world.
The elements of fraud intrinsic to this situation including the willful misrepresentation of events such as staged and phony coronations appearing to meet the requirements of a long-vanished Constitutional Monarchy have tainted all business dealings, contracts, and relationships entered into by the so-called British Monarchs and their unlawfully converted Parliaments.
The land and soil of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales have stood vacant for over 300 years--- except for their abused, deluded, and defrauded people and their traditional assemblies, Clan Governments, and the sovereign estate holdings bequeathed by William the Conqueror -- to the extent that lawful inheritors still exist.
The Perpetrators have worked, to some effect, to create the same deplorable deceit and usurpation via their interest in the British Territorial corporation known as "the United States of America --- Incorporated" and have used this association to promote numerous substitution, impersonation, and identity theft schemes against the Americans.
This has resulted in the same kind of criminal misadministration of contracts and evasion of the Law and Customs of our country and our Constitutions, confusion, national identity theft, unlawful conversion of assets, human trafficking, certificate and registration fraud, mortgage fraud, property tax fraud, real estate title fraud, bankruptcy fraud, banking and securities fraud, substitution fraud, trespass crimes, false impersonation crimes, barratry crimes, inland piracy, press-ganging, illegal conscription, illegal and unlawful salvage operations, illegal and unlawful imposition of foreign citizenship obligations via False Registrations and Unconscionable Contracts foisted off on American babies in their cradles, currency and commodity rigging, false claims in commerce, misrepresentation, conspiracy against the Constitutions, and treason against our lawful contract government.
This has also led to a crime spree of unlawful and illegal mercenary operations using American assets under color of law to promote war-profiteering without the Americans ever being made aware of the nature of these activities.
The misuse and abuse of American assets empowered the crime syndicate based on collusion between Rome and the so-called Government of Great Britain, Inc., to attack a great many other nations using a long litany of spurious excuses -- nations which were subsequently occupied illegally by British Territorial forces and hired mercenary forces, similar to the British Raj system inflicted on India.
This and various financial schemes that went on in tandem with this activity resulted in destabilizing and controlling national currencies that were seized upon as part of a currency commodity rigging scheme promoted by the Federal Reserve and other central banks, which weaponized and selectively obstructed trade and commerce on a worldwide basis.
Two social and financial class systems were promoted to ensnare the General Public, with a class of "professionals" being enrolled as indentured servants to oversee, control, and direct the masses, and a class of debt slaves misidentified as Municipal citizens, both serving as "securitized assets" and collateral belonging to the criminally misdirected and maliciously mismanaged corporations responsible for this rampage.
England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales went off track a long time ago, and their action vacating their land jurisdiction and obstructing the Law of the Land in their own countries, has been both unlawful and illegal with respect to their people, who are owed good faith service and contractual performance from the government they ordained.
The same can be said for every other country and nation adversely impacted by this outrageous Romano-British Fraud Scheme -- a roster that now includes not only the British home lands, The United States, the former Commonwealth nations, the seventeen still-occupied countries of Western Europe, Japan, South Korea, Iraq, Libya, and numerous other countries that have all similarly been overtaken by the deceits and fraudulent misrepresentations of these incorporated "government service providers".
It's well-past the time when this circumstance
should have been settled in favor of the
living people to whom all right, title,
and interest does belong.
All the erring institutions, the corporations malfunctioning "as" governments, and all the misdirected professionals supporting them, need to be fully informed ---and then need to stand down with respect to the lawful government, knowing that the only government giving substance to a country is vested in its physical assets and the people living within its borders
It is of paramount importance, therefore, that the land and soil of each country remains populated, that the Law of the Land is enforced, and that the government service contracts are fulfilled in good faith and order.
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The English Constitution
– Graham Moore –
Heritage Party Conference 2024

There is absolutely
no monarchy …
There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government.
The Queen was given the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.
The fraudulent Royals of the bankrupt City of London, Tony Blair, David Cameron and all our corrupt government will face a traitors justice.
Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited company and are security guards for the non existent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government who moved to the Local Governments Act 1985, this was a clear act of high treason and fraud upon we the people the people.
In 2001 war criminals George Bush & Tony Blair launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people.
Julian Assange was sent to prison for exposing war crimes in Iraq.
Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and Royals, MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those innocent people.
Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by the Barons in 2001 due to the signing of the nice treaty as it was unconstitutional.
This means the Queen was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001.
The people of the UK have had no lawful government or courts of justice since that time. Common Law was Invoked in 2001, The Government and Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001.
Since then the Queen and all the other satanic royals lost all immunity to the laws that they themselves set out, the Royals became subject to the same laws that we are subject to now.
Meaning they can be arrested and put on trial.
Common Law is the Law of the Land, it’s our true law.
We are not dead entities, we are living breathing men and women.
We have been witnessing the destruction of the old guard for the last 5-6 years or so.
Now it’s becoming very obvious that the Monarchy and Government have no power and everything we are seeing right now is all part of waking up the masses to the evil.
Remember back in 2018 when Trump walked in front of the Queen, that was our signal that the Royals and Corporation were finished.
Remember when Trump sat in Churchills chair?
That was a massive middle finger up to the Cabal and Deepstate.
Trump’s 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour.
The Cabal are finished they’ve been finished a long time.
If you are just waking up, welcome to the Great Awakening there is much to re-learn.
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Explaining Govern-ment
to an alien
An inquisitive alien visits the planet to check on
our progress as a species, and gets into a
conversation with the first person he meets.
The alien discovers that we live under the rule of
a thing called “government”, and wants to
understand more about what “government” is,
what it does, and why it exists.
Produced and voiced by Graham Wright,
based on part of the talk by Larken Rose
at the ‘Free Your Mind’ Conference
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Why we was turned into
when we was born
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Back in 1999 68 Barons gathered to discuss whether entering treaty of Nice was unconstitutional.
The evidence proved it would be an act of high treason to enter into any such agreement so the Barons put together a committee of 25 Barons to petition the Queen.
They gave the Queen 40 days to respond.
The Queen’s secretary responded on the 39th. day acknowledging our constitutional rule.
The Queen failed to deal with the issue according to her constitutional and contractual duties as per her coronation oath of June 1953 – so the Barons committee invoked article 61 of Magna Carta on March 23rd. 2001.
This means the Crown has been disposed of all authority until we the people find redress and restore UK common law and constitution.
Since then UK hasn’t had any lawful government.
There are no courts of law with any authority at this time.
UK has been controlled and deceived by traitors and criminals in Parliament.
The UK government has
stripped away all basic human rights
and invoked war on it’s own people.

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Charles III
is NOT king
of England
It’s said that the Companie of Merrie Men — the progenitor of today’s Bar Association  — arrived in Britain as a troupe of actors and “mummers” — pantomimes, during Shakespeare’s last days at the Globe Theater.Â
He commented on their arrival and deemed it an “ill wind”.Â
We are left to assume that he was already aware of their activity on the Continent. Â
This past weekend, the British people witnessed a pantomime in which the former Prince Charles was ostensibly being crowned — at least verbally, Â as the Protestant King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales, but was actually crowned as His Imperial Majesty and a pagan Roman Emperor, instead.
That’s what the Imperial Crown used in the ceremony means, and it is a public admission — entirely silent, but obvious — of what is actually going on. It doesn’t matter what they say, it only matters what they do. Â
Imperial crowns belong to Emperors, not Kings.Â
The same kind of crown landed on the heads of Napoleon Bonaparte and Kaiser Wilhelm II just prior to the demise of their respective empires. Â
So, after all these years, Charles III isn’t King of England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales.Â
He couldn’t be, thanks to The Norman Settlement.Â
Like his ancestors, he is limited to working as the Pope’s Overseer of the Commonwealth, so not only is he not a King, he’s a Protestant obligated to serve the Pope, plus, he’s a German who has just been crowned as a Roman Emperor.
We couldn’t possibly make this up. Â
This situation and the failure of the British CROWN to act upon BREXIT and the failure of the former Queen’s Government to effectively monetize the British Pound Sterling (not that they could do that on their own) has led a group of British Landlords who have reclaimed their natural political birthright to join our Claim and act on behalf of their lawful Government.
They claim the land and soil of Great Britain, including but not limited to England, Scotland, Ireland, and Wales, the Orkney Islands and other outlying British Possessions worldwide.
They claim the British Pound Sterling and the Gold Sovereign as their lawful money, and they stand with the Lord High Steward, Ivan Talbot, as the actual Throne is unoccupied.
They reject Charles III’s offer to reign over them as an Emperor sitting on The Chair of the Estates — estates formed as a result of the original Dead Baby Scam we have described earlier — instead of the Throne owed to England, Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. Â
They decry the attempted substitution of an Emperor for a King which they witnessed on Saturday. They refuse the offered contract on behalf of themselves and their lawful government.Â
They cite the High Court case of YAH v Regina as historic precedent, revealing purposeful fraud and substitution of Offices, which is happening again. Â
As a result no contract exists and none is agreed upon with regard to the Kingdom and Countries of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales and the British Possessions worldwide.
In the interim and until the actual Throne is occupied, the land and soil jurisdictions will be administered by the traditional lawful government under the guidance of the Lord High Steward; whatever administration is provided by Charles III acting as the comptroller of Municipal Corporations, must be regarded as a private Subcontractor arrangement with the Pope and the City of Rome. Â
Further confirmation of this deliberate action will be forthcoming.
They simply asked that Cardinal Mamberti and the Vatican Chancery Court and the Archbishop of Canterbury be fully informed that the Imperial Crown offer has been rejected, and so, Notice is hereby served to the Principals and the Agents. Â
We regret that it has come to this, but the defense of the British Homeland against legalized usurpation against the Constitutional Monarchy by foreign Municipal Corporations must be objected to, both privately and in public.

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The Secret History
of the British Empire
The British monarchy was
for no other reason than
to control it for it’s real masters.
The Nazis did not lose WW2,
they infiltrated the World with Operation Paperclip
and founded the CIA, Mossad and Israel.
Hitler was a Rothschild.
Rothschild = Zionist =
Khazarian Pedo Satanists.
Part 1: The Freemasonic Takeover of England – 4:21
Part 2: The Freemasonic French Revolution – 16:56
Part 3: The Unexpected Connection – 31:38
Part 4: The Irish Slave Trade – 46:21
Part 5: The Freemasonic – Luciferian Religion – 61:20
Part 6: The Committee of 300 – 75:40
Part 7: The Knights of The Golden Circle Part 1 – 90:00
Part 8: The Knights of The Golden Circle Part 2 – 104:05
Part 9: The Hellfire Club – 118:30
Part 10: The Mystery of The Spanish Armada – 132:38
Part 12: Manly P Hall: Mankind’s Most Transparent Freemason – 161:12
Part 13: Sacrifice & Skulls – 176:20
Part 14: The Collapse of Christianity – 195:10
Part 15: Secrets From World War I – 210:50
Part 16: Adrenochrome & Freemasonry – 226:40
Part 17: The Torture of India – 243:32
Part 18: The Myth of “Christian” England – 259:40
Part 19: The Plandemic – 274:45
Part 20: Anglo Supremacy – 290:40
Part 21: The End – 307:00
Part 11: Drugging China – 145:51
Part 12: Manly P Hall: Mankind’s Most Transparent Freemason – 161:12
Part 13: Sacrifice & Skulls – 176:20
Part 14: The Collapse of Christianity – 195:10
Part 15: Secrets From World War I – 210:50
Part 16: Adrenochrome & Freemasonry – 226:40
Part 17: The Torture of India – 243:32
Part 18: The Myth of “Christian” England – 259:40
Part 19: The Plandemic – 274:45
Part 20: Anglo Supremacy – 290:40
Part 21: The End – 307:00
The U.K. is under continuity of Government and Military control.
Remember Trumps capitulation world tour in 2017?
Remember when Trump walked in front of the Queen in 2018 and people got pissed off?
Remember when he sat in Churchills chair?
That’s when the corporation of the City of London and the Head of that Corporation, Head of State the Queen capitulated and surrendered to CIC Donald J. Trump.
The U.K. government have committed HIGH treason, crimes against humanity, sedition, genocide the list goes on.
The U.K. government along with the royals are a corporation and stand on foreign land. The City of London.
They are foreign terrorists and a major threat to we the people.
The law of war manual explains this more on how the Military can take over if the Government is not fit for purpose and are not upholding their oath to protect the people.
The U.K. government and royals have committed treason against we the people of this great country.
They will be brought to justice and will be executed.
If not already.
The UK Government stand under their bullshit Maritime and Admiral unlawful legislations and Acts.
We are NOT dead entities at sea! We the people of this sovereign country stand within Gods law – Common Law.
We are all free living breathing men and women. We cause no harm, cause no loss, cause no injury.
Everything happening now is to show the sleepers how evil our government is and what lengths they would of gone to harm we the people if the Cabal were in control.
Key main players have already been removed and many are playing a role under the direction of the Military.
Basically following WH instructions and reading off a script.
People are being brought to the precipice on different levels.
People are being forced to wake up and stand in their power.
The military are not going to do that for us, we are being taught how to take hold of our own lives and not depend on the Satanic system that has enslaved us for many years.
Our faith in God and our connection with source is becoming stronger by the day and the Great Awakening can not be stopped. This scares the Globalist elites.
Too many people are waking up now, so the more chaotic it gets the more we know the government are in absolute panic (in the movie) and we are coming to the end.
That’s why we are seeing so much bullshit fear porn stories being pushed from Israeli Zionist owned lame stream media.
They have nothing left.
No ammunition.
No support from the people.
The Government are own their own and they are running scared.
You can’t tell people the truth,
you have to show them.

click image for video
Now I am going to awake a few people up.
The throne of England represents the leadership of the 13 tribes of Israel.
The throne was sacked and Stewart Kings removed with the union of the crown in 1701. aka (STEWARTSHIP Leadership.GODS THRONE).
The Bill of Rights was what we as Americans got.
The Throne got the Company.
Why were the Stewart’s executed and or deposed off the Throne?
They would not give up divine Providence to the Pope and or the sovereignty of the throne of that of our God.
The Pope and Rome took it.
NOW if you replace that Contract and or remove that contract…aka Great Reset, NESARA/GESARA.
That contract is null and void.
You will lose the Bill of Rights in the process.
That is why the Bankruptcy receivership has to be completed… and the throne has to be returned.
You are playing with removing the sovereign seat of GOD.
There has to be a sovereign KING sitting on that throne and a valid Era.
Elizabeth was never a valid Era to the throne.
Nor was she corononated with the real Stone of Destiny.
TRUMP comes from the Stewart line…aka STEWART aka Leadership line of the 13 tribes of Israel.
He is of Jacobite descent.

City of London built on Rome
City of London
The City of London (i.e. the square mile in Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as the Vatican is not part of Rome or Italy. Similarly, Washington, D.C., is not part of the United States, which it controls. These three entities have one goal — to end the old world order of sovereign nations and usher in a new global world order under one government rule under the iron fist of the Cabal.
These sovereign legal entities have their own laws and individuality, as well as their own flags.
Pay attention to the three stars on the flag of Washington, they represent the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of Cities (the number 3 also has great esoteric significance).
The governments of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are subsidiaries of the Crown, as is the Federal Reserve in the United States. The reigning monarch in England is also subordinate to the crown. The global financial and legal system is controlled by the Queen from the City of London.
The square mile that makes up the center of Greater London is the center of world power, at least on a visible level.
Washington was founded as a city-state in 1871 with the adoption of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a corporation under the authority of Washington, which itself is subordinate to the City of London.
Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call a person who is considered to hold the highest position in the country “president”.
The fact is that the president is nothing but a figurehead for the heads of central banks and multinational corporations (both of which are controlled by the Highest Spiritual Freemasonry), who really control this country and, ultimately, lead it.
Washington operates within the framework of the Roman law system and outside the restrictions established by the US Constitution.
Papal states are territories on the east coast of the former United States under the sovereign direct rule of the Pope from the fall of the United States at the turn of the twentieth century to the present day. The Papal Region is one of the regional powers of the Chesapeake Bay, controlling the city of Washington, as well as most of its surroundings. The Pope also owns several cities, baronies and other possessions outside of Washington, creating a complex network of possessions that pay tribute directly to the pope.
The Papal region originated on the territory of the former United States, which the modern world views as an ancient empire and a continent-generating government. After the violent coup in Washington, Chester Hale Fitzgerald founded the Papal Region based on the beliefs of a new religion, which later became Unionism. However, the Pope claims that his power comes from the American Empire, which allegedly gave the first Pope full power over the empire through the Gift of Lincoln, a fake American imperial decree. Since then, this document has been used to support the papacy’s claims to political power.
A corporation called Washington, D.C., is now a foreign legal entity on the American soil of sovereign states. It was created at the expense of the Vatican when the District of Columbia was transferred to the city-state and it is a legal entity. The Vatican and other foreign states that intervened, such as Germany, Italy, China, etc. are now enemies of the state, and their assets should be confiscated.
The entire territory of the corporate Capitol was laid out by secret societies in the form of a pentagram that honours the god they follow — the god Baal/Baal, who sacrifices children.
It’s sad, but it’s true.
Everything that is hidden will become known.

City of London built on Rome
The fraudulent Royals
of the bankrupt City of London
Tony Blair, David Cameron
and all our corrupt government
will face a traitors justice.
There is absolutely no monarchy, the British Crown was dissolved years ago due to high treason committed by our treasonous government.
The Queen was given the title of ‘The Head of State’ of a bankrupt corporation known as the City of London which is the financial pillar of the world and sits on foreign land exactly like Washington DC and the Vatican.
I’m using this for example – Police officers in the UK are nothing more than a private limited company and are security guards for the non existent corrupt fraudulent bankrupt corporation, they no longer work, have any power or have any authority over we the people of the UK as the Crown Corporation and all Crown Agents were dissolved in 1995 in a fraud and treasonous act by Tony Blair and his government who moved to the Local Governments Act 1985, this was a clear act of high treason and fraud upon we the people.
In 2001 war criminals George Bush & Tony Blair launched an illegal war in Iraq, leading to the death of a million people.
Julian Assange was sent to prison for exposing war crimes in Iraq.
Tony Blair, George Bush, The Queen and Royals, MI5, MI6, CIA, MOSSAD and other Cabal intelligence agencies with Benjamin Netanyahu was involved in 9/11 and brought down the Twin Towers and murdered all those innocent people.
Article 61 of Magna Carta 1215 was invoked by the Barons in 2001 due to the signing of the nice treaty as it was unconstitutional.
This means the Queen was dethroned and we the people have had all authority since 2001.
The people of the UK have had no lawful government or courts of justice since that time.
Common Law was Invoked in 2001, The Government and Monarchy was Dissolved in 2001.
Since then the Queen and all the other satanic royals lost all immunity to the laws that they themselves set out, the Royals became subject to the same laws that we are subject to now.
Meaning they can be arrested and put on trial. Common Law is the Law of the Land, it’s our true law.
We are not dead entities, we are living breathing men and women.
We have been witnessing the destruction of the old guard for the last 5-6 years or so.
Now it’s becoming very obvious that the Monarchy and Government have no power and everything we are seeing right now is all part of waking up the masses to the evil.
Remember back in 2018 when Trump walked in front of the Queen and the masses got angry.
Look at the video – the Queen motioned for him to go in front of her.
that was our signal that the Royals and Corporation were finished.
Remember when Trump sat in Churchills chair?
You don’t do that unless you’re in charge.
That was a massive middle finger up to the Cabal and Deepstate.
Trumps 2017 World Tour was a capitulation tour.
The Cabal are finished they’ve been finished a long time.
If you are just waking up, welcome to the Great Awakening there is much to re-learn.
It’s sad, but it’s true.
Everything that is hidden will become known.

Atlantic slave trade
N M Rothschild & Sons Bank in London was linked to slavery.
The company was one of the biggest names in the City of London had previously undisclosed links to slavery in the British colonies.
Documents seen by the Financial Times have revealed that Nathan Mayer Rothschild, the banking family’s 19th-century patriarch, made personal gains by using enslaved Africans as collateral in dealings with slaves.
The cotton they picked went through his textile business in Manchester.
Rothschild and his business partner Moses Montefiore loaned the British Government £15 million (worth £1.51 billion in 2022) with interest which was subsequently paid off by the British taxpayers (ending in 2015).
This money was used to compensate the slave owners in the British Empire after the trade had been abolished.
According to the Legacies of British Slave-Ownership at the University College London, Rothschild himself was a successful claimant under the scheme.
So, Nathan Rothschild loaned his fortune that he made through the black slave trade to the (puppet) British government with interest to compensate slave owners, this resulted in enslaving the British public without their knowledge (as we working people had to pay income tax) It didn’t get paid into the system neither would have been credited to your retirement fund)
The loan was not
paid back in full
until…… 2015!!!! 😱
England has not been
British land nor soil for centuries.
We have then lived in ignorance
and steered away from what’s
actually been going on around us.

How Britain stole
$45 trillion from India
And lied about it
by Dr Jason Hickel
There is a story that is commonly told in Britain that the colonisation of India – as horrible as it may have been – was not of any major economic benefit to Britain itself.
If anything, the administration of India was a cost to Britain.
So the fact that the empire was sustained for so long – the story goes – was a gesture of Britain’s benevolence.
New research by the renowned economist Utsa Patnaik – just published by Columbia University Press – deals a crushing blow to this narrative.
Drawing on nearly two centuries of detailed data on tax and trade, Patnaik calculated that Britain drained a total of nearly $45 trillion from India during the period 1765 to 1938.
It’s a staggering sum.
For perspective, $45 trillion is 17 times more than the total annual gross domestic product of the United Kingdom today.
How did this come about?
It happened through the trade system.
Prior to the colonial period, Britain bought goods like textiles and rice from Indian producers and paid for them in the normal way – mostly with silver – as they did with any other country.
But something changed in 1765, shortly after the East India Company took control of the subcontinent and established a monopoly over Indian trade.
Here’s how it worked.
The East India Company began collecting taxes in India, and then cleverly used a portion of those revenues (about a third) to fund the purchase of Indian goods for British use.
In other words, instead of paying for Indian goods out of their own pocket, British traders acquired them for free, “buying” from peasants and weavers using money that had just been taken from them.
It was a scam – theft on a grand scale.
Yet most Indians were unaware of what was going on because the agent who collected the taxes was not the same as the one who showed up to buy their goods.
Had it been the same person, they surely would have smelled a rat.
Some of the stolen goods were consumed in Britain, and the rest were re-exported elsewhere.
The re-export system allowed Britain to finance a flow of imports from Europe, including strategic materials like iron, tar and timber, which were essential to Britain’s industrialisation.
Indeed, the Industrial Revolution depended in large part on this systematic theft from India.
On top of this, the British were able to sell the stolen goods to other countries for much more than they “bought” them for in the first place, pocketing not only 100 percent of the original value of the goods but also the markup.
After the British Raj took over in 1858, colonisers added a special new twist to the tax-and-buy system.
As the East India Company’s monopoly broke down, Indian producers were allowed to export their goods directly to other countries.
But Britain made sure that the payments for those goods nonetheless ended up in London.
How did this work? Basically, anyone who wanted to buy goods from India would do so using special Council Bills – a unique paper currency issued only by the British Crown.
And the only way to get those bills was to buy them from London with gold or silver.
So traders would pay London in gold to get the bills, and then use the bills to pay Indian producers.
When Indians cashed the bills in at the local colonial office, they were “paid” in rupees out of tax revenues – money that had just been collected from them.
So, once again, they were not in fact paid at all; they were defrauded.
Meanwhile, London ended up with all of the gold and silver that should have gone directly to the Indians in exchange for their exports.
This corrupt system meant that even while India was running an impressive trade surplus with the rest of the world – a surplus that lasted for three decades in the early 20th century – it showed up as a deficit in the national accounts because the real income from India’s exports was appropriated in its entirety by Britain.
After Queen Elizabeth II’s death, many Indians demand return of Kohinoor diamond
Shortly after the death of British monarch Queen Elizabeth II on Sept. 8, the word “Kohinoor” began trending on Indian Twitter.
It was one of the most famous gemstones. The Kohinoor diamond is just one of 2,800 stones set into the crown made for Elizabeth’s mother, known as the Queen Mother – but the 105-carat oval brilliant is the proverbial jewel in the crown.
The Unmaking of India:
How the British
Impoverished the World’s
Richest Country
The Romani (colloquially known as the “Gypsies”) are a community of European itinerants with surprising origins in northwest India.
In this video, we explore the fascinating histories of two distinct Romani groups: the Roma and the Sinti.
From surviving Turkic and Arab invasions, to navigating the complex social worlds of unfamiliar lands in the Middle East and Europe, this is the tale of migrant peoples who made a life for themselves despite extraordinary circumstances.

click image for link to article
British empire killed
165 million Indians in 40 years:
How colonialism inspired fascism
A scholarly study found that
British colonialism caused
approximately 165 million deaths
in India from 1880 to 1920,
while stealing trillions of
dollars of wealth.
The global capitalist system was
founded on European imperial genocides,
which inspired Adolf Hitler and led to fascism.

click image for video

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The Observation Deck is a channel which explores lesser known views on many subjects. From history to the roots of modern scientific facts and theories. Rather than seek to change the minds of subscribers, I simply pose views some may not have considered and leave the rest up to you.
I guess it actually is "For elucidation purposes only" and I hope you enjoy your journey of self-discovery and much as I do.
My opinions about the content are simply that, my opinions, and should not be taken as fact but rather as additional information you can form your own opinions about.
As the saying goes...
"I don't want you to think like me, I just want you to think."
We live in a universe of impossible possibilities and the Observation Deck acts as a vehicle to explore the known and unknowable in equal amounts.

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In this video the truth is exposed about the fraudulent and criminal processes used by banks to supposedly lend money to purchase land and houses.
Do you really have a 'mortgage'? How do you protect you hard worked for property?
There's a whole channel of videos
like this on YouTube channel
Renaissance Entertainment

click image for video

click image for video
How Banks Enslave Humanity

Idolised as the guy who almost single handedly ‘saved’ Britain from tyranny.
Except – there’s evidence he was probably an alcoholic homosexual pedophile, (which, it seems, is the ‘norm’ for English aristocracy – even to this day), who was owned by the Rothschilds who instructed him to pal up with Roosevelt and Stalin to start a war with Germany, they the Rothschilds would finance both ‘sides’ of.
And all because Hitler refused to put a Rothschilds central bank into Germany so they could control it’s economy and rob it’s people blind as they have done with the rest of the world.
This war destroyed just about everything on the planet which had to be rebuilt, (again), by companies owned by you-know-who and cost the lives of around 66-million people. (See that number) When the war was ‘won’ UK, USA and Russia got to divi up Europe between them and make out a ‘cold’ war was still going on so they could keep buying weapons off of companies owned by guess who?
D-Day landings, which commenced at 6 a.m on the 6th day of the 6th. Month, started the mop-up process. (666)
Oh! and at the carve-up he and Roosevelt gave Palestine to the jews to create Israel – as per the Balfour agreement of 1917, (BEFORE the end of WW1), and then used UK troops to help them genocide the resident Palestinians to make room for them.
USA got a flattened Japan and Germany – which is how they got to be rebuilt into manufacturing powerhouses so quickly.
Don’t believe this?
How come UK made out went into war to protect Poland but gave Poland to Russia at the end of it?
The reality is, this guy was a traitor/monster who caused the deaths of millions of people – ably assisted by Stalin. His treachery has been transformed by a corrupt system of controllers throughout history to support their narrative.
It’s reputed that Churchill was a drug-addicted alcoholic paedophile – hardly capable of a lucid thought.
His bloodline in the English aristocracy along with his financial status when his father died when has was about age 21, (broke, with no prospect of a financial future), made him a perfect puppet for the Rothschilds – who were close friends and associates of his father – Â who educated, funded and groomed him and put him in the position of power they needed for him to start WW2 destroy Europe, (and blame Hitler), and create Israel.Â
He even provided English troops to assist in the cleansing of the original inhabitants of Palestine to make room for the influx of Jewish refugees seeking a new home at the end of WW2.
That he got elevated to ‘hero’ status after the end of WW2 until his death, (which earned him a state funeral), is a testament to power the Rothschilds have in burying the truth of history and crating their own narrative – it’s the ‘victors’ that write the history we live with.
Throw in a few well-written biographies by paid stooges, and few people, to this day, have any notion about Churchill’s real contribution, or lack of it, to humanity.
Don’t miss the video ‘Europa’ above for some information about this.

Crimes Winston Churchill committed
that have been conveniently
overlooked by history

Information intel from Jayne on
U.K. and Ireland DUMBS and Tunnels
Bentwaters/ Rendlesham Forest is or was a Nuclear Storage Facility, MK Ultra & child sacrifice, harvesting of organs.
Berkshire under the town of Peasemore, conducting Project Mannequinn which is an extension of MK Ultra, cloning operations to create Super Soldiers.
Berkshire DUMB under Newbury.Berkshiren RAF Greenham Common.
Berkshire Lambourne (UK’s Area 51 equivalent) Anti-Gravity aircraft storage facility, headquarters for MI16 Project Mannequinn mind control & genetic manipulation, A1 Hybrid Program.
Berkshire RAF Welford.
Cornwall St Ives sea access dumb for submarines which have access to the world sub system.
Cornwall under the small town of Zennor, quantum energy grid that connected it to Montauk & the Men An Toi ancient stones.
Lancashire Liverpool a complex of underground tunnel systems beneath the whole city.
Liverpool Metropolitan Cathedral full of Masonic sybology, Liverpool Anglican Catherdral dumb tunnels below the Cathedral also dumb tunnel entrance has Masonic black & white floor.
London CLC1 Base under Westminster Parliment, massive tunnel dumb facility which has intricate tunnels expanding out of the city area.
Access via New Victoria Tube Line, Intercontinental Hotel on Park Lane, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park tube station which is part of the Maglev System, tunnels to the residencies & Offices of Downing Street.
Manchester DUMB is connected by tunnels to DUMBS in Wales & Ireland.
Oxfordshire Harewell Laborotories.
Oxfordshire Watchfield Military Science College Defence Academy Institutation, Shrivenham DUMB & tunnels is located between Shrivenham & Watchfield in the Southern West corner of Oxfordshire (Vale of the White Horse), Suffolk RAF Lakenheath beneath the basr Monsoo – 1 facility, Wiltshire Rudloe Manor (formerly RAF Box), Wiltshire just outside Bath between the town of Box & Corsham (very nasy demonic beings in the DUMB & tunnels, the tunnels go all the way accross Hadrians Wall & into France.
Wiltshire Corsham Computer Centre holds blackmail documents. Wiltshire Porton Down, chemical & Nuclear storage, 6 levels, Hybridization research, Project Mannequinn & MK Ultra, this site is the worlds longest running chemical weapons testing on humans & is a huge facility.
Wiltshire East Knoyle has access from Cloud House owned by Aleister Crowley, massive demon presence.
York RAF Fylingdales, space operations & mission support. Ireland Mayo County dumb entrance from a feeder to the Aille River on the foothills of the Partry Mountains 12 miles east of Westport while heading to Lake Carra this is an ancient facility more than 1000yrs old, Station Island, High Level demonics SRA & 9th Circle sacrifice area.
Wales Brecon Beacons the whole are is a very ancient DUMB facility.Â

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