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The Baron David Ward Affidavit

We need to use the
Baron David Ward Affidavit
to stop the fraud when it comes to debts
and other legal injustices says
Kirsty, my guest and advocate
of the lawful system.

  Baron David Ward Contract
Rumble Channel

  Baron David Ward Contract
Audio video on Brighteon



The cornerstone of justice:
Do no harm

IN 2019, 11 Supreme Court Justices reaffirmed the Rule of Law across the United Kingdom, though this may come as a surprise to many of us who have borne witness to events since.

In what was essentially an argument between government and Parliament about who the boss is, the Supreme Court confirmed the constitutional position established by the Bill of Rights (1688) that Parliament is sovereign, but sovereign only over the government. Parliament as legislature has no authority over anyone other than the government (the executive).

Importantly, the Supreme Court did not stop there, as that would allow for a corrupted Parliament to approve governmental interference in our lives beyond the constitutional constraint to do no harm.

The court reaffirmed the correct constitutional position as evidenced by both the Bill of Rights and the Coronation Oath Act 1688, that it is the court and the court alone that determines the lawfulness of what they, Parliament, approve.

This is law; it is fundamental to recognise that legislation is not law, a common error which disrupts our ability to go peaceably about our business.

The judiciary then went further still, and said that it is the people who create the law of the land through the independent judiciary, after all, as the Act of Settlement (1700) clearly states: “…the Laws of England are the Birthright of the People thereof.”

Hence, from an argument between the government and Parliament as to who is the boss, it transpires that the court has restored the position that it is we, the people, who are the boss, in keeping with our founding constitutional documents.

Indeed, when viewed from on high, our forebears bequeathed an incredibly elegant system of lawful governance whose beating heart is to do no harm. However, before we explore this any further, it is necessary to bring God into the courtroom.

Simply put, until such a time as we can bring the Creator (howsoever you may see it,) into the court, to provide firsthand, cross-examinable witness testimony that any individual, or group of individuals, can impose their will upon another, then it is self-evident that all are equal under the law, and that no one is above the law.

To understand what it means to be equal under the law, you need to apply one simple question: can I also do that? If the answer is no, then the action to which you are applying the question is unlawful. That no one is above the law simply means that we are all accountable for any harm we cause.

In 2019, when those 11 Supreme Court justices, flanked by an expensive retinue of silks, delivered a verdict that Boris Johnson was not able to prorogue Parliament, they would no doubt have arrived more promptly at the same verdict had they simply asked whether they themselves – or indeed, you or I – are able to do similarly. Clearly, I cannot prorogue Parliament, and consequently, neither could Boris Johnson.

‘What one can do, all can do’ is the simplest and most efficient test of whether something is lawful or not.

Turning back to our lawful governance arrangements, with a fuller understanding of its central tenets in hand, we can now sketch out how the monarch swears to govern us according to our laws and customs, by instituting a government controlled by an independent Parliament.

And it is a Parliament constrained to do no harm to the people, and whose every act is subject to the independent judiciary to determine whether they are acting lawfully or not. Following this, and understanding that we are all equal under the law and nobody is above the law, it is illegal for any individual or group of people (for instance, Parliament) to knowingly impose their will upon any other person without first obtaining their consent, freely given.

In this way, and only in this way, are our duties, rights, and obligations created, i.e., by contract.

Clearly, if I cannot tell you what to do without first having reached an agreement, then neither can anybody else.

Not one item of parliamentary legislation has the people as a contracting party, due to the impossibility of obtaining the consent of all the people.

Similarly, the judiciary, the police, and all officers of the state are bound under contract of their oaths, attestations or affirmations, through which their respective duties, rights and obligations are created.

These contracts are the social contract, and unless you are in possession of one, then you have none of those duties, rights, or obligations bar one, to do no harm.

Our constitutional arrangements are an elegantly designed contractual set of arrangements such that the parties to the agreements are bound over to keep the peace (do no harm), corralled by an independent judiciary in which the people create the law.

It is precisely here where our collective obligation arises.

Should we wish to properly restore the one right that is foundational to us all, the right to do whatever we wish, save that which causes another harm, then we are obligated to act, in the face of harm, to see that the peace is kept.


(God’s law)
and man’s law

Natural Law is based on principles of truth while man’s law is based on beliefs and claims to authority.

Embodying, harmonizing, complying, aligning and living according to principles of Natural Law has been done by people like Gandhi who had recognized this knowledge, while most of us are living in the illusion of a myriad of law volumes that we are expected to understand.

They fabricate nonsense into existence with rules and regulations to confuse and complicate our lives.

We comply for fear of punishment if we do not.

We can choose to become enlightened through an understanding of the forces of the universe as they are, or we can stay out of the prison cell of punishment by complying and basing our actions from the lowest modality of consciousness: fear.

Man’s law is based on the dictates of men given power to create rules of conduct.

These laws can be different from one time to another or one place to another, so how are they supposed to be based on right and wrong if they are always changing?

Choosing what is right and wrong instead of recognizing right from wrong is moral relativism.

Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law is sourced from the cosmic forces of creation. Which force do you want to align yourself with?

In society there are some who are punished and lose their freedom for not having harmed another, while others who engage in harm against another are never acted upon and stopped.

In order for someone to violate Natural Law, another must be violated or harmed, and then action can be taken against them to stop this harm.

No imaginary rights can be invented or granted to individuals or groups where they did not exist for every other individual.

For example, can you imagine giving someone a right you do not possess?

If one person can’t steal from others, who then can take from the labors of others?

No one.

No amount of people collected into a group can assume or grant such a right that does not exist.

If 1000 people don’t have the right to take the labor of others by threats, (which is what taxation is), then a group of those 1000 people calling themselves “government” can’t invent or assume a right that does not exist.

Granting something you do not possess yourself is an illusion.

You cannot ‘grant’ what isn’t yours to ‘grant’.

A right cannot be assumed if it does not already exist.

So why can’t we write laws into existence?

Because we are not “God”.

Man’s law is irrelevant in light of the revelation and recognition of Universal Cosmic Natural Moral Law.

If man’s law is in contradiction with Natural Law, it is false and immoral and cannot be binding upon anyone.

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Harmful Actions:

• Murder / Assault – Ending a life without the right to do so. If a being is killed in the act of somebody defending themselves, it is not murder. Under no possible circumstance does the “right to murder” or the “right to assault” exist. However, the right to defend oneself through physical force exists at all times.

• Rape – Coercing the free will of another person, and making them sexually associate with whom they wish not to.

• Theft – Taking what somebody else has created or acquired through lawful means, which is their property for as long as they are using it and being responsible for it. You have no right to just take something that does not belong to you.

• Trespass – Every person has the right to set aside a (reasonably sized) space for themselves. And invading this area without permission or consent would be invading their privacy and their personal space, while taking away their security in the process.

• Coercion – Forcing somebody through threat of violence to have their will comply with yours, whether they wish that to be the case or not. Making somebody do something against their will is not a right.

Although this is already a short and seemingly simple list, all these transgressions can ultimately be narrowed down to just one wrong-doing: Theft.

Every harmful action that a person is capable of taking is a form of theft; some form of property is always being stolen when a wrong-doing is committed.

• Life is a form of property.

• Rights are a form of property.

• Freedom is a form of property.

• A person’s own body is a form of property.

A living being or their property must have been harmed or damaged in order for a violation of natural law, or a wrong-doing to have taken place.

Any action which does not cause such harm to other sentient beings is a right.

No victim, no crime.

This is the fundamental crux of natural law; what is right behaviour, and what is wrong behaviour.

There is no such thing as the delegation of a wrong-doing.

In other words, if a specific action is not a right for any individual, then that action cannot be “delegated,” “granted,” or “licensed” to any other individual, or group of individuals, and suddenly be called a right.

That action forever remains wrong under natural law.

Rights can’t be granted to human beings by other human beings, because rights don’t come from human beings; everybody is born with the exact same rights.

Natural law (the difference between right and wrong behaviour) always holds true regardless of a population’s belief systems (culture).

This means that it doesn’t matter how many people agree that a wrong action can be turned into a right action, or that a right action can be turned into a wrong action.

Such things can never be done in reality.

People can only believe they can claim such reversals and that this will in some way make it so.

Unfortunately, at this moment in time most people do erroneously believe that it is morally possible for some groups of people to create and delegate “rights” which do not exist, or to take away rights which do exist.

When in doubt as to whether an action is, or is not in harmony with natural law, visualise the scenario of a world with only two people.

If the behaviour is a right or a wrong in that instance, it shall forever remain a right or a wrong in any size population; regardless of how many people may believe otherwise.

So, if the action is a right for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a right.

And if the action is a wrong for one person to do toward another, it shall always remain a wrong, regardless of the number of people involved.

For example, let’s examine Taxation
for what is really is, without euphemising.

Taxation is the claim that a group of people who call themselves ‘government’ have been given or delegated the “right” to (forcibly) confiscate an arbitrarily chosen percentage of the product of another individual’s labour (a form of property), whether or not that person agrees to share that product voluntarily (coercion is involved).

Taxation is enforced by the threat of theft (seizing property that is rightfully a person’s possession), the threat of imprisonment (taking away the physical freedom of movement), or even the threat of violence (behaviour resulting in bodily harm) if those from whom the product is being seized attempt to resist the confiscation.

This practise is always “justified” by those who claim that such practises are necessary and required to uphold the common good.

The word ‘Justified’ etymologically derives from the Latin noun ‘Jus / Juris’ which mean ‘Right / Law,’ and the Latin verb ‘Facere’ which means ‘to Create / to Make.’

Therefore, ‘to Justify’ etymologically means ‘to Create right / to Create law.’

If we define the concept of slavery as: the involuntary confiscation of 100% of the product of labour of another person, we can clearly see that there is no percentage to which we could lower this number (other than 0%) that would no longer constitute slavery.

Many people try to justify this by saying this money is used for different services.

However, we aren’t able to refuse most of these “services.”

Imagine, you have a computer at home; one day a computer technician knocks on your door and tells you: “I am now your computer technician, and you are not allowed to refuse my services.”

Immediately the right to choose (free will) has been taken away.

Then he tells you “Whether you want or don’t want my technician services, I’m going to need $300,- every year, I’ll come over every two months to collect my money.

I do not care if you are happy with my service or not, and if you refuse to pay me, I will take your computer.”

Does it seem like the computer is truly yours, if you are living under that kind of coercion? Or does it seem more like a violent criminal telling you: “I am going to steal your possessions if you don’t give me what I tell you to.”

That sounds more like a form of extortion or duress, and that is what all forms of taxation fall under; duress.

If we are being completely honest with ourselves, taxation is merely a euphemism for theft, violence, and slavery; these are the three practises on which it is actually truly based.

Since no individual anywhere on Earth has the right to claim ownership of the product of another person’s labour, such behaviour can never be delegated to a group of people, and called a “right.”

Therefore, all forms of taxation
are always wrong
according to natural law.

Another important example of something to examine for what it actually truly is, is Prohibition.

Whether regarding drugs or junk-food, ingesting anything harmful into the body is strongly opposed, hopefully for obvious reasons; purification of the body is an important part of purification of the mind.

It is crucial to recognise that anyone should be allowed to put anything inside their body, because they own their body.

If an individual, for whatever reason, wants to ingest any given substance they always have the right to do so; because their body is their property.

People easily tend to overthink the concept when confronted with the question whether their body is theirs or not.

They often pause and ask themselves questions like: “Am I going to own my body forever? I’m going to die someday, does that mean I don’t own it now?”

This is a complete over-mystification of the concept. All sensible people recognise that they will die someday, and that their consciousness will then leave their bodies. Does that mean they don’t own their body right now?

Your consciousness inhabits (lives- / exists inside) your body, which is one of the specific reasons you own your body, the other is that you are using your body right now.

Specifically, because your conscious inhabits your body, and you are using it as the vehicle for the expression of your consciousness; your body is yours.

Continuing on the topic of prohibition, it is the claim that a group of people who call themselves ‘government’ have been given the “right” to prevent others from putting any given substance into their own bodies, and if those people refuse to comply with those terms, they will be fined or imprisoned.

It should be self-evident that since an individual’s body is their own property, that individual always maintains the natural right to decide what will or will not be put into their own property.

In this instance, their own body.

Imagine another person telling you that you aren’t allowed to put your jacket into your car, or that you can’t put a certain piece of furniture inside your home.

Why is it that most people would not accept that, but do accept this concept regarding their own body?

Because people can’t seem to separate the act of imbibing the substance, and the action that someone may subsequently take, which are two different things.

A person may have some drinks, and get drunk if they wish to; but if that person goes out on the street afterwards and starts beating somebody up for no reason, they obviously have no right to do that.

However, an individual maintains the right to go drinking, or use cocaine, or even inject heroine into their arm.

They obviously aren’t good ideas, but every individual has the right to do so if they please; as long as their subsequent behaviour isn’t immoral and wrong.

And if it is, they are still fully accountable for the actions they took, that’s what personal responsibility is.

The two separate acts of a person having the right to put whatever they want into their own body, and still being personally responsible for whatever he or she may do with their body afterwards, need to be clearly delineated, and separated from one another.

Understanding this, we can easily see that the claim of “right” to dictate what will or will not be put into the body of another person amounts to a claim of ownership upon the other person’s body.

Imagine somebody telling you that you aren’t allowed to eat carrots or drink orange juice for example.

The claim of
ownership upon another
person’s body is slavery.

Therefore, prohibition is merely a euphemism for slavery, backed by violence, regardless of the justifications made by those who claim such practises are necessary to uphold the common good.

Since no individual anywhere on Earth has the right to claim the ownership of another person’s body, such behaviour can never be delegated to a group, and called a right.

Therefore, all forms of prohibition are always wrong according to natural law.

Lastly, we will examine Licences and Permits, keep in mind to also visualise the same scenario with only two people as was mentioned before.

In that sense, most people can readily see that no single person, or group of people is able to legitimately make these claims towards another person; regarding taxation, prohibition, licenses and permits.

We have gotten to the point where most people actually believe that certain groups of people have created rights for themselves that other people don’t have.

Licences and permits
are claims that a group of people
who call themselves ‘government’
have been given the “right”
to prevent other people from
exercising specific behaviours,
even if such behaviours
cause no harm to others,
or their property.

Unless those people petition (definition of petition: “a formally drawn request, that is addressed to a person or group of persons in authority or power, soliciting some favour, right, mercy, or other benefit.”), or pay the government for permission (where the word ‘permit’ is derived from) to be allowed to exercise those behaviours.

This amounts to the claim that rights are merely privileges that may be granted or taken away by government at any time, based upon the people in government’s preference or discretion.

Remembering that the definition of a right is: ‘any action which does not cause harm to another sentient being or their property.’

It can be readily seen that there is no such thing as the “right” to stop someone from exercising a right, since rights cause no harm.

The claim over the rights of another person is called slavery, regardless of the justification made by those who claim such practises are necessary to uphold the common good.

Since no individual anywhere on Earth has the right to claim the ownership of another person’s rights, such behaviour can never be delegated to a group, and called a right.

Therefore, all forms of licensing and permits
are always wrong according to natural law.

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Concerning the Rights, Power,
and Prerogative of the Kings,

and The Rights, Privileges,
and Properties of the People.

By 1st Baron Lord Justice
Sir John Somers Keeper of the Seal of Britain
Corrected to Modern English
John; of the Family Tray.
2024 Edition.

Recommended as proper, to be kept in all Families, that their Children’s Children may know the Birth-Right, Liberty, and Property belonging to The People.

This may suggest Britain, but it applies to ALL peoples of the British Commonwealth.

The US is a Commonwealth, as you know from your Historical Training and Education here on this Channel. Remember 1871 and 1873.

Please download and study a copy of this for future reference, as it applies to ALL Kingdoms and People’s, including Americans, Aussies, Canadians, et al.


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What is Government?

“What is government itself
but the greatest of all reflections
on human nature?

If men were angels no government
would be necessary.

If angels were to govern men,
neither external nor internal controls
on government would be necessary.”

– James Madison – 



Supreme Court of the
United States 1795

“Inasmuch as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons.

The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible.

The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.” S.C.R. 1795, (3 U.S. 54; 1 L.Ed. 57; 3 Dall. 54)

Government is merely a legal fiction which was created solely to protect peoples’ rights, property and natural resources; and, to provide the people with services, not to lord over them.

Ask yourself, how can a
piece of paper rule over
real living tangible people?

It cannot, dear people;
only by our consent;

It has no jurisdiction over the tangible as affirmed by the above ruling.

What is the essence of government?

After you cut through the rhetoric, the doublethink, and the smokescreen of altruism that surround the subject, you find that the essence of government is force…and the belief it has the right to initiate the use of force whenever expedient.

Government is an organization with a monopoly, albeit with some fringe competition, on the use of force within a given territory. As Mao Zedong said, “The power of government comes out of the barrel of a gun.”

There is no voluntarism about obeying laws.

The consent of a majority of the governed may help a government put a nice face on things, but it is not essential and is, in fact, seldom given with any enthusiasm.


The word ‘government’ comes from the Latin verb gubernare which means “to control” (also the root for the word ‘gubernatorial’), and the Latin noun mens, mentis which means “mind.”

Put them together.

In colloquial English, the suffix ‘-ment’ means “the state of or condition of,” but all things must first begin in the mind.

Those who formulated the English language knew this which is why they used the Latin word for “mind” to mean this.

All creation
emerges first from thought.

So, if you want the world to be a certain way then you have to steer and control how people think.

If they think and believe what you want then that is the reality they will manifest.

So yes, “government”
does mean mind control.

Through the control of our thoughts with false ideologies (religion, culture, statism, solipsism, scientism, and other erroneous and dogmatic beliefs) resulting in Wrong Action in the world, we are – as a species – manifesting a reality of suffering and slavery.

Government cannot protect you
from Violence and Chaos
because government
IS Violence and Chaos.

We have inherent natural,
pre-existing, in-alienable un-alienable
Creator-given rights
that have existed since the
beginning of our species
and before the man-created
fiction called “government”
that installed itself to rule over us.

“In as much as every government is an artificial person, an abstraction, and a creature of the mind only, a government can interface only with other artificial persons.

The imaginary, having neither actuality nor substance, is foreclosed from creating and attaining parity with the tangible.

The legal manifestation of this is that no government, as well as any law, agency, aspect, court, etc. can concern itself with anything other than corporate, artificial persons and the contracts between them.”

We have inherent natural pre-existing inalienable unalienable Creator-given rights that existed thousands of years before the fiction called “government”.

Now, ask yourself: Then how can a fiction rule over a living wo/man? And, the answer is by numerous frauds of conversion and semantic deceit (legalese)

Theory of Government

The theory of government is supposed to be that we have surrendered some of our rights to government so that the government protects the rights that we have not surrendered; that is the sole purpose of government: to protect our rights!

Not lord over us.

The government derives its powers from the consent of the governed; the fiction is that we have consented to the surrender of ALL our rights; the reality is that our rights have been stolen from us because the government monopolises force; it’s a sad and terrible reality;

The government must stop! When it wants to touch our natural rights, whatever we think our natural rights are; because these are the things that we all yearn as human-beings to do; to be free from interference by the government;

If my rights belong to me as my fingers belong to me then they cannot be taken away by majority vote; they cannot be taken away by legislation; they cannot be taken away by command of the executive; they can only be taken away if I give them up myself.

Since mankind lived in co-operative, non-coercive, non-hierarchical, self-organizing and self-governing tribal societies we were never without a common law – which means to exchange together;

If, our Creator has made us with reason to govern ourselves, then it makes no sense at all for corporate fictions fronting as government and for London, Rome, Washington DC and New York to interfere with our independence and claim authority over us with unrestrained power;

When rights become subjected to unrestrained power, respect for natural law and natural justice is destroyed, and rational self-government is impossible.


Un-alienable rights
are in-born-at-birth-rights

In Natural Law, you were created equal to any other man or woman, and you were endowed with certain inherent Un-alienable Rights that you possess as your lifelong private property.

Your Unalienable Rights were not given to you by any man-made authority, nor can they be taken away by any man-made authority.

The State, as a creation of the People, can only acknowledge, uphold, and protect your Unalienable Rights.

However, your sovereign nation has been usurped by YOURNATION (INC.), which is bankrupt and using a debt-money system – (but that’s another story).

The real property, wealth, assets and productivity of the People have been pledged as Surety for the corporate national debt.

This was done, and is perpetuated, by offering contracts to the private sovereign People.

By contract, your private Rights and Properties can be exchanged for public Privileges and Benefits offered by YOURNATION (INC.).

By contracting into a foreign jurisdiction (Admiralty Maritime, the Law of the Sea), the sovereign People remove themselves from the protections afforded by their sovereign nation in the Common Law jurisdiction, the Law of the Land.

For example, if your country has a “Bill of Rights” or a “Constitution” they do not apply to a normal living man or woman – only ‘corporations’ and your ‘common-law rights’ are not affected by them.

The corporate takeover of your sovereign nation, and the subsequent denial of your Unalienable Rights by non-disclosure, is treason.

Freedom, like truth, is not inherited.

It must be learned and preserved by each generation.

The pursuit of truth, freedom and happiness is every man’s birth-right and individual responsibility.

It cannot be transferred or deferred to another or to a government.

People who don’t accept individual responsibility, and won’t strive for their own freedom, are known as slaves.

Un-alien-able Rights

Unalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State, and which, being antecedent to and above the State, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by the State, except by Due Process of Law.

Nor can any Unalienable Right be fundamentally removed or waived by contract, whether by non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in Law, or knowingly by sufferance, which is contrary to the Spirit of the Law and prejudicial to Sovereignty.

The Original, Permanent, Unalienable Rights
of every Man or Woman, include:

* The Right to Life, Freedom, Health and the Pursuit of Happiness

* The Right to Contract, or Not to Contract, which is Unlimited

* The Right to Earn a Living Income by being Compensated with Wages or a Salary in a Fair Exchange for one’s Work

* The Right to Travel in the Ordinary Course of one’s Life and Business

* The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from Unwarranted Invasion

* The Right to Own, and Hold Property, Lawfully without Trespass

* The Right to Self-Defence when threatened with Harm, Loss or Deceit

* The Right to Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend

* The Right to be Presumed Innocent, suffering NO detention or arrest, NO search or siezure, without reasonable cause

* The Right to Remain Silent when accused, to avoid Self-Incrimination

* The Right to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to Equal Representation

* The Right to Trial by Jury, being an Impartial Panel of one’s Peers

* The Right to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both

* The Right to Expose Knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms

* The Right to Peaceful Association, Assembly, Expression, and Protest

* The Right to Practice a Religion, and to have Beliefs, of one’s choosing

* The Right to Love, and to Consensual Marriage with Children, as a Family

* The Right to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War

* The Right to Refuse to Kill under command, by reason of Conscience

* The Right to Live in Peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding

If you do not know and
exercise your rights,
you effectively have none.

By the path of ignorance, whether by
apathy or deception, the People arrive in a
state of exploitation, oppression, and tyranny.

Common Law

What is it?

We hear a lot about our ‘Common Law rights’
but few people know what they are
or what ‘Common Law’ really means.

Here’s a simple explanation.

‘Look, it’s your life,
you do whatever you like,
as long as what you do
doesn’t affect me in a way I don’t like’.

Common Law in 6 words.

Now for another explanation

Common Law is the Law of the ‘Land’ –
and concerns only men and women.

‘Admiralty Law’ – or ‘Maritime Law’
is the Law of the ‘sea’ 

the law of commerce/business/trading.

Admiralty Law
is concerned only with
corporations, business.

Which is why was all of us was turned into
our own personal corporation
when our birth/berth was registered
so that this law system would be
able to take control / rule over us.

(But that’s another topic).

Common Law has been the basis of all law since the dawn of time.

You don’t need a ‘judge’ to tell you when
you’ve broken a Common Law –
your conscience does that for you.

It is the law decided on by the people,
a community, or a nation that
they decide on as a whole.

Common Law is also known as God’s Law,
Natural Law, and the People’s Law.

Common Law is very simple.

It is a common law ordained by the creator
(whatever you choose or not choose that to be)
and the people of the community you choose to live in.

It has only two basic principles:

Do no harm to others
Take responsibility for your actions

It’s basis is that you, as a sacred human being,
have the freedom to do pretty much whatever you like,
where you like, when you like.

As long as…

You do not harm another person physically or mentally or financially

You do not harm another person’s reputation by slander

You do not harm any other person’s environment.

The world is owned by all
to be enjoyed by everyone

with as much claim to it’s
sovereign state as anyone else.

No other person has any right
to interfere with YOUR right and
tell you / force you
how you can or can’t live your life.

You do not harm another person by stealing from them.

You do not harm another person by defrauding them.

Live and let live.

Not hard or complicated, is it?

Admiralty Law
was created

to completely enslave us
and make us compliant
to more rules and regulations

than we know exist – so we can
be fined when we ‘break’ them.

All the other legal BS we put up with was created by man – to keep us enslaved in whatever ‘rules’ the legal system imposed – mostly to keep us ‘in-line’ and poor.

They make out that, by using whacky fancy dress and language to intimidate us, bowing and scraping to each other to give us the impression they’re ‘special’ humans in some way, symbology like blindfolded people holding scales to impress us that justice is fair to all.

But, we know, it isn’t.

We KNOW It favours the rich and powerful – as we see time and time again – but are now conditioned to accept ‘that’s just the way it is’.

And, it is, as long as we allow it.

Time for a change in attitude – or this we’ll never be rid of this control.

Common law supersedes the ‘Admiralty Law’ our controllers have imposed on us.  They know it – they just don’t want us to know it because they know if we find out we will destroy them.

This is why they made us ‘DEAD’ and lost-at-sea as individuals when we was born and, instead, turned each and every one of us into a ‘corporation’ when we was born and gave us a BERTH (no error) certificate.  We was ‘cargo’ that came out of our mother’s BERTH canal.

And we was turned into cargo with a value that could be traded.

Why, because …

Admiralty Law cannot have jurisdiction over a living person.
Only Common Law can.
but ,conversely …
Common Law cannot deal with a corporation only Admiralty Law can
and it can also impose ‘rules’  on those corporations, (us), for us to break
so it can punish us and issue penalties for breaking them.

Admiralty Law is there to screw us and keep us poor.

Common law is fair for all and requires no legal ‘system’ to maintain

Only the rich with their slick expensive lawyers can benefit from Admiralty Law.

Are you beginning to see what’s been going on?

What are some of the crimes
the political parties have
committed against us under
their Admiralty Law?

Among the many actions they have taken that have destroyed our once productive and wealthy nation are:

  • They have implemented punitive fines against us without our permission.
  • They have sold off our Publicly owned utilities and services to private corporations, (they usually have a financial interest in).
  • Unlawfully taxed us without a referendum, as required by our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901.
  • Raised taxation to such a level that our once thriving manufacturing industries were forced to relocate overseas, which has weakened our nation so that we are unable to produce goods for our own needs, and protect our nation from invasion.
  • They have set aside our Constitution and deprived us of the lawful protection of the Crown and our Common Law.
  • They have created a false Queen, THE QUEEN OF AUSTRALIA (which is NOT the Queen of England), and registered this entity in their corporate entity in the USA.
  • They have forced us to vote into power over us political party representatives who are employees of a private corporation registered in the USA and known as THE AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT.
  • They are forcing medical procedures on us, a clear violation of the 1946 Constitutional amendment (51 [xxiiiA] that We, the People of the Commonwealth of Australia voted on to allow the government to provide medical services, but with the proviso that they cannot force any procedure on us.
  • They have attempted to socially distance us, force us to wear masks, and force us to be ‘vaccinated’ with an unknown and untested ‘vaccine’ (in reality an experimental DNA altering cocktail)
  • They have destroyed our right to Freedom of Movement by locking us down, and trying to introduce a ‘Vaccine Passport’, forcing us to accept their ‘vaccination’ before we can fly anywhere.

These are just some of the many TREASONOUS ACTS the political parties have enacted against us.

The only reason they have got away with bringing in so many laws and destroying our rights and freedoms that actually harm We, the People, is because we were not informed and therefore we were blind to their criminal actions.

You can choose to ignore this or, maybe, it’s time to have a look at what’s been going on.

It’s a theory that courts applying maritime law were created by Satanists.

Apparently, when a judge, (or any other person in situation of apparent ‘authority’), bangs a gavel 3 times it’s a celebration of the nails that Jesus experienced when he was crucified. (One in each hand and one in the ankles).

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Finding Jacob’s Pillow
restoring Common Law

Jacob’s Pillow,

“The Coronation Stone”, the Stone of Scone, Stane o Scuin, Tanist Stone, “the stone of fate”, An Lia Fáil, clach-na-cinneamhain, Jacob’s Pillow Stone, the Stone of the Kingdoms, the Cornerstone rejected, the Stone of the Corner, the Stone of the Kingdom to Ireland, the Stone of Destiny Lia Fáil, the King of Ireland’s Stone of Destiny Lia Fáil, the Stone of the Kingdoms of Israel & Ireland, the Stone of the Kingdom of Israel and the King of Ireland’s Stone of Destiny Lia Fáil, the Coronation Stone of the King of the Scots, and the Stone of Destiny found by Joseph Gregory Hallett, King John III of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and All Ireland from the prophecy and predictions he has been named in. 3 November 2020.

Click PDF button for full article

Retired Judge Reveals All
By Judge Dale


I didn’t plan on writing this but given the global movement in play to collapse the fiat financial dominance historically created and controlled by the Vatican; European Royal and Elite plus the retaliatory efforts by the United States Corporation to recoup their control of America; I felt a need to point out the flaws in their CORPORATE PROCESS.

You probably identify with this CORPORATE PROCESS as LEGAL PROCESS but it really isn’t about what is legal or lawful because all process is about the enforcement of CONTRACTS or the imposition and enforcement of CORPORATE REGULATIONS called STATUTES.

The best advice you will ever receive is to: AVOID THEIR COURTS WHENEVER POSSIBLE. There is NO justice to be found in those courts unless you are a member of the Vatican; the royal or Elite, or have purchased Diplomatic Immunity.


The only Constitutional Court in America is the International Court of Trades, which was created because no Foreign Nation Government would trade with the Corporate United States, until they provided a way for these foreign Nations to enforce their Trade Agreements with America.

NOTE: Historically, the World Court was created to provide Nations with a venue to enforce their Trade Agreements but the Corporate United States refused the Courts invitation to participate because they were denied control over the Court.

All of the other American Courts are pseudo courts or fictions and simply are Corporate Administrative Offices designed to resemble Courts and all of their Judges are simply Executive Administrations designed to resemble Judges.

The purpose of these pseudo Corporate Courts are only to settle contract disputes and since George Washington’s government was military in structure; if either party refuses to participate, these Courts cannot become involved and the dispute is dead in the water!

For full article download PDF HERE

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Your Rights in 20 seconds

There is much confusion about the law,
and your rights.

Common Law appears baffling
or too simple to be true.

Ruth Skolmli has been studying
common law for years
and explains to me just what it is,
and why it is so empowering.

click image for video

This is explosive

Richard Vobes chats to Sovereign Pete,
from the Sovereign Project,
about freedom, car tax, council tax,
government oppression and constitution.

There are two states a person can be in this world:

you are either sovereign or a slave;

the choice is only yours to make.

  Find out more:


from the Sovereign Fraternity!

If you’re reading this you certainly know what is happening in the world today.

We will not dwell on this, nor will we despair or run from it, for we know the threat is not real.

We do not accept or consent to tyranny.

You may be living in fear as you read this;
perhaps that is why you gravitated towards the Project.

However, let the Fraternity assure you, there is no need to live in fear any longer, for you have a position of power and those in the illusion of power are truly in an extremely vulnerable position.

The system that we have been enslaved by all our lives does have a weakness that is easy to grasp. In fact, it couldn’t be any more clear – you just need to open your eyes to see it.

We will show you this weakness, open the door to escape the system and move into the world of the living, where you will be free.

Claiming back your rights and freedom is there for the taking as it was never anyone’s to take away.

However, it is you, and only you, who is going to save yourself.

You must change your mindset from a slave mentality to one of Sovereign, and truly know that it is your journey to take, and yours alone.

If you can do this, then we can help. As a member of The Sovereign Fraternity, you will never be alone on this journey.

You are now connected to others who have chosen to be free and together we will create a world of peace and abundance for all.

By joining us, you have taken the Sovereign Oath and agreed to become a proactive member of the Fraternity.


“Do no harm; keep your word, and help your fellow Sovereign.”

Sovereign Oath Becoming Sovereign is a way of life that must be lived daily.

Being proactive means helping, in whatever you can, with the Sovereign Project:

If you have skills to offer, please contribute your time;

Promote The Sovereign Project on all your social media; Set up local chapters and become organised;

We ask you to set a goal of getting a minimum of two other people to join and become a part of the Fraternity, who will work together on The Sovereign Project, and return this planet back to one of peace – there is strength in numbers.

Join our private members only Facebook group to connect with your fellow Fraternity members! ADIUVARE NOS, ET NON ES AUXILIATUS SUM “Help us and we help you.”

Use the Members Resources on the website to help change your mindset, and work on getting your language and paperwork right.

This will help you understand the system of law vs. that of the legal system.

The correct tools and documentation will not only protect you and set you free, but will also increase your prosperity and wealth.

And finally, we at the Fraternity will never initiate force, we only react, but when we do it shall be at a level of vexation so immense that no one will ever try it again.

  Find out more:

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Justice and judgment
are the habitation of thy throne
mercy and truth
shall go before thy face

THE REAL LAW The common law is the real law, the Supreme Law of the land; the code, rules, regulations, policy and statutes are not the law.

Legislated statutes enforced upon the people in the name of law is a fraud.

It has no authority and is without mercy.

Justice without mercy is Godless, and therefore repugnant to our United States Constitution.

Lawmakers were given authority by the people to legislate codes, rules, regulations, and statutes which are policies, procedures, and “law” to control the behaviour of bureaucrats, elected and appointed officials, municipalities and agencies, but were never given authority to control the behaviour of the people—as we read in a US Supreme court decision: “All laws, rules and practices which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void.”





to become a common law Jurist.

We are establishing Common Law Grand Juries in all 3,141 counties in the United States of America.

By doing this the people will move our Courts back to “Courts of Justice” and take 100% control of our government.

is to right any wrong.

If anyone’s unalienable rights have been violated, or removed, without a legal sentence of their peers, the Grand Jury can restore them.

In addition, if a dispute shall arise concerning this matter it shall be settled according to the judgment of the Grand Jurors, the Sureties of the peace.

IN A US SUPREME COURT STUNNING 6 TO 3 DECISION JUSTICE ANTONIN SCALIA, writing for the majority, confirmed that the American grand jury is neither part of the judicial, executive nor legislative branches of government.

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Blacks Law Dictionary
some definitions
of words explained

Click PDF button for full article

Checkmate Handbook

What to do if stopped by police

For full article download PDF HERE

video: Click image for video

Infringement Notices

Sick of getting petty fines and infringement notices?

Want to know the truth about them and how to deal with them?

Understand your rights and how you are being deceived.

video: Click image for video

License fraud

Licenses give you permission,
(a ‘permit’),
to do something illegal.

But licenses are not legal either

Licenses generally are issued by a
self-appointed authority that has
no right to even assume it has
the authority to issue that license
but takes money off you as a
license fee to give you permission
to do something you don’t need
permission to do but it’s given the illusion
you can’t do without the license it sells you.

video: Click image for video

Sick of paying
Car Registration and License fees?

Click ink for video

to get police
or others

I don't answer questions


“The right of a citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, by horsedrawn carriage, wagon, or automobile, is not a mere privilege which may be permitted or prohibited at will, but a common right which he has under his right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Under this constitutional guaranty one may, therefore, under normal conditions, travel at his inclination along the public highways or in public places, and while conducting himself in an orderly and decent manner, neither interfering with nor disturbing another’s rights, he will be protected, not only in his person, but in his safe conduct.”

Thompson v.Smith, 154 SE 579, 11 American Jurisprudence, Constitutional Law, section 329, page 1135 “The right of the Citizen to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon, in the ordinary course of life and business, is a common right which he has under the right to enjoy life and liberty, to acquire and possess property, and to pursue happiness and safety. It includes the right, in so doing, to use the ordinary and usual conveyances of the day, and under the existing modes of travel, includes the right to drive a horse drawn carriage or wagon thereon or to operate an automobile thereon, for the usual and ordinary purpose of life and business.” –

Thompson vs. Smith, supra.; Teche Lines vs. Danforth, Miss., 12 S.2d 784 “… the right of the citizen to drive on a public street with freedom from police interference… is a fundamental constitutional right” -White, 97 Cal.App.3d.141, 158 Cal.Rptr. 562, 566-67 (1979) “citizens have a right to drive upon the public streets of the District of Columbia or any other city absent a constitutionally sound reason for limiting their access.”

Caneisha Mills v. D.C. 2009 “The use of the automobile as a necessary adjunct to the earning of a livelihood in modern life requires us in the interest of realism to conclude that the RIGHT to use an automobile on the public highways partakes of the nature of a liberty within the meaning of the Constitutional guarantees. . .”

Berberian v. Lussier (1958) 139 A2d 869, 872, See also: Schecter v. Killingsworth, 380 P.2d 136, 140; 93 Ariz. 273 (1963). “The right to operate a motor vehicle [an automobile] upon the public streets and highways is not a mere privilege. It is a right of liberty, the enjoyment of which is protected by the guarantees of the federal and state constitutions.”

Adams v. City of Pocatello, 416 P.2d 46, 48; 91 Idaho 99 (1966). “A traveler has an equal right to employ an automobile as a means of transportation and to occupy the public highways with other vehicles in common use.”

Campbell v. Walker, 78 Atl. 601, 603, 2 Boyce (Del.) 41. “The owner of an automobile has the same right as the owner of other vehicles to use the highway,* * * A traveler on foot has the same right to the use of the public highways as an automobile or any other vehicle.”

Simeone v. Lindsay, 65 Atl. 778, 779; Hannigan v. Wright, 63 Atl. 234, 236. “The RIGHT of the citizen to DRIVE on the public street with freedom from police interference, unless he is engaged in suspicious conduct associated in some manner with criminality is a FUNDAMENTAL CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT which must be protected by the courts.” People v. Horton 14 Cal. App. 3rd 667 (1971) “The right to make use of an automobile as a vehicle of travel long the highways of the state, is no longer an open question. The owners thereof have the same rights in the roads and streets as the drivers of horses or those riding a bicycle or traveling in some other vehicle.”

House v. Cramer, 112 N.W. 3; 134 Iowa 374; Farnsworth v. Tampa Electric Co. 57 So. 233, 237, 62 Fla. 166. “The automobile may be used with safety to others users of the highway, and in its proper use upon the highways there is an equal right with the users of other vehicles properly upon the highways. The law recognizes such right of use upon general principles.

Brinkman v Pacholike, 84 N.E. 762, 764, 41 Ind. App. 662, 666. “The law does not denounce motor carriages, as such, on public ways. They have an equal right with other vehicles in common use to occupy the streets and roads. It is improper to say that the driver of the horse has rights in the roads superior to the driver of the automobile. Both have the right to use the easement.”

Indiana Springs Co. v. Brown, 165 Ind. 465, 468. U.S. Supreme Court says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Highways/Streets No License Is Necessary Copy and Share Freely 2 2 “A highway is a public way open and free to any one who has occasion to pass along it on foot or with any kind of vehicle.” Schlesinger v. City of Atlanta, 129 S.E. 861, 867, 161 Ga. 148, 159;

Holland v. Shackelford, 137 S.E. 2d 298, 304, 220 Ga. 104; Stavola v. Palmer, 73 A.2d 831, 838, 136 Conn. 670 “There can be no question of the right of automobile owners to occupy and use the public streets of cities, or highways in the rural districts.” Liebrecht v. Crandall, 126 N.W. 69, 110 Minn. 454, 456 “The word ‘automobile’ connotes a pleasure vehicle designed for the transportation of persons on highways.”

-American Mutual Liability Ins. Co., vs. Chaput, 60 A.2d 118, 120; 95 NH 200 Motor Vehicle: 18 USC Part 1 Chapter 2 section 31 definitions: “(6) Motor vehicle. – The term “motor vehicle” means every description of carriage or other contrivance propelled or drawn by mechanical power and used for commercial purposes on the highways…” 10) The term “used for commercial purposes” means the carriage of persons or property for any fare, fee, rate, charge or other consideration, or directly or indirectly in connection with any business, or other undertaking intended for profit. “A motor vehicle or automobile for hire is a motor vehicle, other than an automobile stage, used for the transportation of persons for which remuneration is received.”

-International Motor Transit Co. vs. Seattle, 251 P. 120 The term ‘motor vehicle’ is different and broader than the word ‘automobile.’”

-City of Dayton vs. DeBrosse, 23 NE.2d 647, 650; 62 Ohio App. 232 “Thus self-driven vehicles are classified according to the use to which they are put rather than according to the means by which they are propelled” – Ex Parte Hoffert, 148 NW 20 ”

The Supreme Court, in Arthur v. Morgan, 112 U.S. 495, 5 S.Ct. 241, 28 L.Ed. 825, held that carriages were properly classified as household effects, and we see no reason that automobiles should not be similarly disposed of.”

Hillhouse v United States, 152 F. 163, 164 (2nd Cir. 1907). “…a citizen has the right to travel upon the public highways and to transport his property thereon…” State vs. Johnson, 243 P. 1073; Cummins vs. Homes, 155 P. 171; Packard vs. Banton, 44 S.Ct. 256; Hadfield vs. Lundin, 98 Wash 516, Willis vs. Buck, 263 P. l 982;

Barney vs. Board of Railroad Commissioners, 17 P.2d 82 “The use of the highways for the purpose of travel and transportation is not a mere privilege, but a common and fundamental Right of which the public and the individual cannot be rightfully deprived.”

Chicago Motor Coach vs. Chicago, 169 NE 22; Ligare vs. Chicago, 28 NE 934; Boon vs. Clark, 214 SSW 607; 25 Am.Jur. (1st) Highways Sect.163 “the right of the Citizen to travel upon the highway and to transport his property thereon in the ordinary course of life and business… is the usual and ordinary right of the Citizen, a right common to all.” –

Ex Parte Dickey, (Dickey vs. Davis), 85 SE 781 “Every Citizen has an unalienable RIGHT to make use of the public highways of the state; every Citizen has full freedom to travel from place to place in the enjoyment of life and liberty.” People v. Nothaus, 147 Colo. 210. “No State government entity has the power to allow or deny passage on the highways, byways, nor waterways… transporting his vehicles and personal property for either recreation or business, but by being subject only to local regulation i.e., safety, caution, traffic lights, speed limits, etc. Travel is not a privilege requiring licensing, vehicle registration, or forced insurances.”

Chicago Coach Co. v. City of Chicago, 337 Ill. 200, 169 N.E. 22. “Traffic infractions are not a crime.” People v. Battle “Persons faced with an unconstitutional licensing law which purports to require a license as a prerequisite to exercise of right… may ignore the law and engage with impunity in exercise of such right.”

Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham 394 U.S. 147 (1969). U.S. Supreme Court says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Highways/Streets No License Is Necessary Copy and Share Freely 3 “The word ‘operator’ shall not include any person who solely transports his own property and who transports no persons or property for hire or compensation.”

Statutes at Large California Chapter 412 p.83 “Highways are for the use of the traveling public, and all have the right to use them in a reasonable and proper manner; the use thereof is an inalienable right of every citizen.” Escobedo v. State 35 C2d 870 in 8 Cal Jur 3d p.27 “RIGHT — A legal RIGHT, a constitutional RIGHT means a RIGHT protected by the law, by the constitution, but government does not create the idea of RIGHT or original RIGHTS; it acknowledges them. . . “ Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1914, p. 2961. “Those who have the right to do something cannot be licensed for what they already have right to do as such license would be meaningless.”

City of Chicago v Collins 51 NE 907, 910. “A license means leave to do a thing which the licensor could prevent.” Blatz Brewing Co. v. Collins, 160 P.2d 37, 39; 69 Cal. A. 2d 639. “The object of a license is to confer a right or power, which does not exist without it.”

Payne v. Massey (19__) 196 SW 2nd 493, 145 Tex 273. “The court makes it clear that a license relates to qualifications to engage in profession, business, trade or calling; thus, when merely traveling without compensation or profit, outside of business enterprise or adventure with the corporate state, no license is required of the natural individual traveling for personal business, pleasure and transportation.”

Wingfield v. Fielder 2d Ca. 3d 213 (1972). “If [state] officials construe a vague statute unconstitutionally, the citizen may take them at their word, and act on the assumption that the statute is void.” –

Shuttlesworth v. Birmingham 394 U.S. 147 (1969). “With regard particularly to the U.S. Constitution, it is elementary that a Right secured or protected by that document cannot be overthrown or impaired by any state police authority.” Donnolly vs. Union Sewer Pipe Co., 184 US 540; Lafarier vs. Grand Trunk R.R. Co., 24 A. 848; O’Neil vs. Providence Amusement Co., 108 A. 887. “The right to travel (called the right of free ingress to other states, and egress from them) is so fundamental that it appears in the Articles of Confederation, which governed our society before the Constitution.”

(Paul v. Virginia). “[T]he right to travel freely from State to State … is a right broadly assertable against private interference as well as governmental action. Like the right of association, it is a virtually unconditional personal right, guaranteed by the Constitution to us all.” (U.S. Supreme Court,

Shapiro v. Thompson). EDGERTON, Chief Judge: “Iron curtains have no place in a free world. …’Undoubtedly the right of locomotion, the right to remove from one place to another according to inclination, is an attribute of personal liberty, and the right, ordinarily, of free transit from or through the territory of any State is a right secured by the Constitution.’

Williams v. Fears, 179 U.S. 270, 274, 21 S.Ct. 128, 45 L.Ed. 186. “Our nation has thrived on the principle that, outside areas of plainly harmful conduct, every American is left to shape his own life as he thinks best, do what he pleases, go where he pleases.” Id., at 197.

Kent vs. Dulles see Vestal, Freedom of Movement, 41 Iowa L.Rev. 6, 13—14. “The validity of restrictions on the freedom of movement of particular individuals, both substantively and procedurally, is precisely the sort of matter that is the peculiar domain of the courts.” Comment, 61 Yale L.J. at page 187. “a person detained for an investigatory stop can be questioned but is “not obliged to answer, answers may not be compelled, and refusal to answer furnishes no basis for an arrest.”Justice White, Hiibel “Automobiles have the right to use the highways of the State on an equal footing with other vehicles.”

Cumberland Telephone. & Telegraph Co. v Yeiser 141 Kentucy 15. “Each citizen has the absolute right to choose for himself the mode of conveyance he desires, whether it be by wagon or carriage, by horse, motor or electric car, or by bicycle, or astride of a horse, subject to the sole condition that he will observe all those requirements that are known as the law of the road.”

Swift v City of Topeka, 43 U.S. Supreme Court says No License Necessary To Drive Automobile On Public Highways/Streets No License Is Necessary Copy and Share Freely 4 Kansas 671, 674. The Supreme Court said in U.S. v Mersky (1960) 361 U.S. 431: An administrative regulation, of course, is not a “statute.” A traveler on foot has the same right to use of the public highway as an automobile or any other vehicle.

Cecchi v. Lindsay, 75 Atl. 376, 377, 1 Boyce (Del.) 185. Automotive vehicles are lawful means of conveyance and have equal rights upon the streets with horses and carriages.

Chicago Coach Co. v. City of Chicago, 337 Ill. 200, 205; See also: Christy v. Elliot, 216 Ill. 31; Ward v. Meredith, 202 Ill. 66; Shinkle v. McCullough, 116 Ky. 960; Butler v. Cabe, 116 Ark. 26, 28-29. …automobiles are lawful vehicles and have equal rights on the highways with horses and carriages. Daily v. Maxwell, 133 S.W. 351, 354.

Matson v. Dawson, 178 N.W. 2d 588, 591. A farmer has the same right to the use of the highways of the state, whether on foot or in a motor vehicle, as any other citizen.

Draffin v. Massey, 92 S.E.2d 38, 42. Persons may lawfully ride in automobiles, as they may lawfully ride on bicycles. Doherty v. Ayer, 83 N.E. 677, 197 Mass. 241, 246;

Molway v. City of Chicago, 88 N.E. 485, 486, 239 Ill. 486; Smiley v. East St. Louis Ry. Co., 100 N.E. 157, 158. “A soldier’s personal automobile is part of his ‘household goods[.]’

U.S. v Bomar, C.A.5(Tex.), 8 F.3d 226, 235” 19A Words and Phrases – Permanent Edition (West) pocket part 94. “[I]t is a jury question whether … an automobile … is a motor vehicle[.]”

United States v Johnson, 718 F.2d 1317, 1324 (5th Cir. 1983). Other right to use an automobile cases: –


TWINING VS NEW JERSEY, 211 U.S. 78 – WILLIAMS VS. FEARS, 179 U.S. 270, AT 274 – CRANDALL VS. NEVADA, 6 WALL. 35, AT 43-44 – THE PASSENGER CASES, 7 HOWARD 287, AT 492 – U.S. VS. GUEST, 383 U.S. 745, AT 757-758 (1966) –

GRIFFIN VS. BRECKENRIDGE, 403 U.S. 88, AT 105-106 (1971) – CALIFANO VS. TORRES, 435 U.S. 1, AT 4, note 6 –

SHAPIRO VS. THOMPSON, 394 U.S. 618 (1969) – CALIFANO VS. AZNAVORIAN, 439 U.S. 170, AT 176 (1978) Look the above citations up in American Jurisprudence. Some citations may be paraphrased.

Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights are the Inherent, Sovereign, Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State, and which, being antecedent to and above the State, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or levied by the State, except by Due Process of Law.

Nor can any Unalienable Right be fundamentally removed or waived by contract, whether by non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in Law, or knowingly by sufferance, which is contrary to the Spirit of the Law and prejudicial to Sovereignty.

The Original, Permanent, Unalienable Rights
of every Man or Woman, include:

*   The Right to Life, Freedom, Health and the Pursuit of Happiness

* The Right to Contract, or Not to Contract, which is Unlimited

* The Right to Earn a Living Income by being Compensated with Wages or a Salary in a Fair Exchange for one’s Work

* The Right to Travel in the Ordinary Course of one’s Life and Business

* The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from Unwarranted Invasion

* The Right to Own, and Hold Property, Lawfully without Trespass

* The Right to Self-Defence when threatened with Harm, Loss or Deceit

* The Right to Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend

* The Right to be Presumed Innocent, suffering No Detention or Arrest, No Search or Siezure, without Reasonable Cause

* The Right to Remain Silent when accused, to avoid Self-Incrimination

* The Right to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to Equal Representation

* The Right to Trial by Jury, being an Impartial Panel of one’s Peers

* The Right to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both

* The Right to Expose Knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms

* The Right to Peaceful Association, Assembly, Expression, and Protest

* The Right to Practice a Religion, and to have Beliefs, of one’s choosing

* The Right to Love, and to Consensual Marriage with Children, as a Family

* The Right to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War

* The Right to Refuse to Kill under command, by reason of Conscience

* The Right to Live in Peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding

If you do not know your rights,
you effectively have none.

By the path of Ignorance, whether by Apathy or Deception,
The People arrive in a State of Exploitation, Oppression, and Tyranny.

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War Castle

Sergeant Robert Horton
Admiralty Law
Civil Jurisdiction
Masonic War Platform

Sergeant Robert Leroy Horton (US Army Civil Affairs and Psychological Operations Command) trained US Army Special Forces Green Berets explains how Russell Jay Gould and David Winn Miller saved our Republic in 1999 which will have a knock on effect for all nations subjugated to the crown.

Read this message…

They have now admitted that they
to remove the Great Seal In 1973.

Rod Culleton finally got a reply to the FOI request written 2 months ago to the Attorney – General for legality of the removal of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth in 1973.

The Great Seal is required to make Commonwealth law.

It is the most central thing to run Government and Parliament under the Constitution.

The answer came in yesterday morning

They have now admitted that they *DID NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY* to remove the Great Seal In 1973.

That means it’s ‘ILLEGAL & DONE IN TREASON* & every ACT since is NOT VALID LAW, NO AUTHORITY means there is NO LAW ever since.

The document received is the single most important thing to do blow every current government and parliament in Australia out of the water.

  Queen Victoria’s
Letters Patent 1900 (link)



Federal Judges must be appointed by the Governor-General and Stale Judges by the State Governors who must have been appointed by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.

However, Privy Council and the Foreign & Commonwealth Office in London confirm that the Queen docs not and can not appoint the Governor-General nor the Governors because she is the Head of State of the United Kingdom and has no executive powers exercisable in the Commonwealth of Australia.

Therefore, any appointments made by these false representatives of the Queen are also fraudulent and those “Judges” have no authority or jurisdiction, whatsoever.


Common Law demands that an essential element in the creation of a contract is “certainty of terms”.

Variable interest rates render a contract void for uncertainty because ‘Variable” means “uncertain” and “certain” means “not variable” (Oxford English Dictionary).

However, Australian Judges say and maintain that variable interest rates are indeed certain.

That is a lie with which they conceal the illegality of variable interest rate loan contracts.


Australian Judges conceal 2 major counts of fraud committed by Banks.

The first is the fraud of variable interest rate loan contracts (above) and the second is the fact that Banks create money for themselves “out of thin air’ and inject it into the economy as loans, which they recoup with interest.

Judges work for banks and
receive payment for all
property foreclosures
and penalties they collect.

These fraudulent practices amount to hundreds of billions of dollars and have resulted in the illegal dispossession of homes and businesses as well as bankruptcy, family breakdown, suicide and hardship to many ordinary Australians.

Australian Judges aid and abet in this atrocity.


Australian Judges swear to well and truly serve Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and to do right to all manner of people without fear or favour, affection or ill-will.

In the Queen’s Coronation Oath, she promised to execute Law and Justice with Mercy in all her Judgments.

Apart from the Queen being the Head of State of a foreign power, Australian Judges betray that allegiance and betray the Australian People through their Corruption and the denial of Justice.


Listed in Australia’s Constitutional Enactments are Magna Carta 1297, Petition of Right 1627, Habeas Corpus 1640 and Bill of Rights 1688 which guarantee the Right to Trial by Jury – the denial of which is punishable by 5 years imprisonment (Imperial Acts Application Act 1969, section 43).

Bill of Rights 1688 actually says that “counsellors, judges and ministers” who “subvert and extirpation the laws and liberties of the kingdom” are “evil”.

All evil-doers are fools.

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Aussies waking up
so Corporate media &
fake “police” mutts
Attack Australians

   Link to book PDF
‘Australia the concealed colony’

The difference between
sovereign citizen
sovereign man.

(sovereign) “in modern democracies the peoples will is in theory sovereign , therefore claiming your god given right to claim ownership of yourself , your body your mind and your soul, rebutting the presumption of unam sanctum and Justinian .

For no man or entity can claim ownership over another as this will be considered forcing slavery, as according to the slavery act 1995 sec 268.10 and sec 268.15. as and according to genesis 1:26.

Being sovereign is the recognition of being living breathing sentient being , with supreme authority over yourself and standing under no-one but god the almighty creator.

Therefore one cannot be a sovereign citizen, as citizen means bond, dead entity, lost at sea, fictional name, fraudulent chattel identity ie birth certificate.

For we are not birthed we are born or borned, as ships are birthed not people .

the term birthed was created to contract the people by deception to maritime admiralty laws, which rightfully belong 12 nautical miles out at sea therefore by you claiming to be birthed they can identify you as a non living ship, hence the words citizenship, relationship, fellowship , kinship, partnership and all words ending in ship .

Therefore it is not possible to be a sovereign citizen, this is an oxymoron, as one cannot be living and breathing and dead lost at sea, at the same time .

The mainstream media is trying to label all those claiming their god given rights and rebutting the systems of forced slavery as terrorists .

And also vilifying those who reserved and continue to reserve their right to bodily integrity and labelling them the fictitious term, sovereign citizens.

this is disgusting and an act of discrimination and a blatant targeting of all those not willing to consent to contract to their corporate new world order slavery systems.

Disclaimer: for I the sovereign man
rebut the term sovereign citizen
and deem that terminology
to be completely incorrect.

I am morally opposed to violence and terrorism or any given form of lawlessness against any laws derived from the laws of god the almighty creator .

I am strongly opposed to any and all persons or people claiming to be sovereign citizens in order to devoid themselves of accountability to the laws set down by god the almighty creator .

True sovereign man stand in honour and good will without malice nor ill intent.

Without prejudice nor vexation, with pledge to help all deserved man in need as and according to the teachings of Jesus Christ our saviour as I do.

True sovereign man should avoid at all costs suffering any deserved man harm loss or damage, and display a right standing character in all mannerism.

The right to defend ones god given freedom is not a crime, but to presume the right to unlawfully take from that man his god given freedom is!

All man are subject to Gods laws, therefore all laws created by man cannot simply be delegated without the consent of the people by referendum, nor created by corporations /entities or people without any ascent .

To simply claim a law to be true and correct is not a god given right.

All authority authenticity must be proven by confirmation of that authority as per requests to confirm that presumed authority .

to date the countless requests of confirmation to confirm that authority has not been met.

Therefore silence and or failure to reply to these simple requests can only be considered tacit agreement by default through acquiescence .

it is not an unreasonable ask for someone claiming authority to confirm that authority , and this is in no way defined as domestic terrorism.

As moral representatives of the people its not only our right but our god given duty to question all claiming authority without proof .

As written by those claiming authority: rights and protections.

In Australia, it is unlawful to discriminate on the basis of a number of protected attributes including age, disability (status), gender (identity ) and sexual orientation in certain areas of public life, including education and employment as and according to the anti discrimination act 1997- and amended act 2011.

Therefore those who claimed authority to have created them laws are now bound by them.

And yet here we have the mainstream media such as the ABC, the Australian, seemingly without any accountability ignoring these laws and obviously being allowed to do so by those claiming to have the authority to uphold these laws .

They are generalizing to vilify those who question the integrity of this corporate system .

They are using the CIA term conspiracy theorist to do so, and yet ignoring all and any solid evidence that is being presented to back all claims of those they label.

By using the term anti vaxxer they are claiming that people do not have a right to their own bodily integrity, and to slander those identifying as sovereign is denying people the right to protect their god given freedom .

(Discrimination of identity).

And yet a fully grown man can throw on a dress and identify as a woman and use a ladies room .

You, the mainstream media are formally put on notice for your discriminatory behaviour, and all who are proclaiming to be representatives of your delegated laws are bound by oath to put a stop to this behaviour.

Royal Commissions
in Australia

In 1973 Gough Whitlam sacked the Queen
Since then, true royal commission’s
don’t exist anymore.

Gough Whitlam also removed
1901 constitutional right to
referendum and royal commission.

We’re on a legalese Roman law system now,
Corpus Juris Admiralty.

The bar survives on Gough’s treason,
so does the corporate 1986 Australia Act.

So anyone thinking that a
royal commission
will get real recognition,
needs do do some research.

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The seven principles
of Natural Law

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Natural Law and
the concept of “Authority”.

Natural Law or Law of Nature does not mean the “Law of the Jungle” of our environmental condition.

Natural Law is not the imitation of the functionality of plants or animals in nature.

Each species has its own Nature to follow, not to imitate the Nature and evolutionary development of other species (more on this truth later). Neither is Natural Law the “natural law” from early 15c or natural order as ‘apparent order in nature’, from 1690s.

Natural Law is based in
principles of truth about
the reality we live in.

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Natural Law and
the concept of “Authority”.

Natural Law or Law of Nature does not mean the “Law of the Jungle” of our environmental condition.

Natural Law is not the imitation of the functionality of plants or animals in nature.

Each species has its own Nature to follow, not to imitate the Nature and evolutionary development of other species (more on this truth later). Neither is Natural Law the “natural law” from early 15c or natural order as ‘apparent order in nature’, from 1690s.

Natural Law is based in principles of truth about the reality we live in.

Principles are first and foremost, at the root, the most necessary and important, a foundation to build upon.

The word “principle” expresses Natural Moral Law in the very way we use the word itself, such as “in principle” and “on principle”.

Natural Law is an essential property of existence; it is born into being and is forever there in our reality without human causality.

Our goal is to put these principle first-things first in our lives, to recognize and align with them because they are based in truth, not belief.

Man’s society is not putting original, generative, beginning, foundational principles first, but trivialities, lies, and deception.

Therefore, Natural Law is not man’s law.

“THE natural liberty of man is to be free from
any superior power on earth, and not to be
under the will or legislative authority of man,
but to have only the law of nature for his rule.”
John Locke

Anarchy, etymologically broken down into it’s component parts has a completely different meaning than what people today imagine the concept to actually be.

If you ask somebody on the street what they would define anarchy as, what do you think their answer would be? Chaos?

Well, let’s look at the word itself. Anarchy comes from two Greek words. “An“meaning without and “Arkhos” meaning Chief/ Ruler.

Therefore, when combined it makes the word “anarkhos“, which translated to the English language is Anarchy.

It’s the same word with the same meaning.

We learn that the word does not mean chaos but is literally defined as No Rulers/ No Masters.

Does that sound like chaos to you? I didn’t think so.

Actually, if the world were to have no masters/ no rulers, that would appear to be, more so, a lot like order rather than chaos.

The question that then comes to mind is WHY would we believe anarchy to be the exact opposite to that which it actually is?

The term Obfuscation comes to mind.

The term Obfuscation is derived from the Latin words “ob” meaning over and “fuscare” meaning to make dark.

When combined the definition of Obfuscation literally means ‘To darken the meaning from above’.

So, who could possibly be darkening, confusing, and obscuring key words, concepts, and information from above?

The next term that should come to mind is Hierarchy.

Hierarchy is a fairly intricate word which has a lot of concepts to understand.

Hierarchy comes from the Greek hierarkhos meaning sacred ruler.

It is derived from the same root as Anarchy.

Let’s do a little word play and come to a deeper understanding of what is actually going on here.

Higher ARCH = Supreme Ruler.
Royal Arch Masonry = Supreme Ruler Construction.

Building, brick by brick (mind by mind), a supreme ruler who governs mankind.

The flip side of this concept represents TRUE masonry.

Which would then be interpreted: Building Supreme Mastery of one’s will in accord with the governing forces of nature.

The status quo (The Higher Archs/ Rulers) stunt imagination and forward progress of consciousness every time they obfuscate words, such as anarchy, to mean the opposite of what it is.

George Orwell, in his novel 1984 referred to this as “doublespeak” and the intention of doublespeak, in the story, is analogous to the selfish desires and ambitious endeavors of the elites of today.

They use their unlimited financing to obscure from your eyes, life saving information that you can use to make informed decisions, so that their agenda of domination/ control will go through as planned.

What we are currently experiencing now IS chaos (The elites call it order, democracy, socialism and a plethora of other names).

As a RESULT of this chaos, we are experiencing manipulated suffering in our world and can not solve the problems because we do not have the knowledge of natural law as our guiding light in any of our endeavors.

We NEED to know this knowledge, understand it, and utilize it in the world if we desire to be free to express ourselves without restriction.

This knowledge is a PRE-REQUISITE to liberty, meaning we MUST come to know how natural law is governing the behaviors of every human on Earth and understand why we must do that which is in accord with what is Right.

True anarchy, then, would be “the hidden concept” to strive toward in order to manifest an orderly/ wholesome society.

The question now is, how do we do this?

The solutions can not be derived from the same system of manipulation that reinforced it’s own creation and growth.

People must come to know and understand the foundation which all Truth in the world rests; The Trivium methodology of truth discovery & The Hermetic Principles of Divine cosmic order.

The result of incorporating a pure information stream into one’s life is conducive to living a self-responsible, self-governing existence in accord with nature and her laws.

Internal Monarchy which means self ruler-ship/ Mastery of oneself will manifest itself automatically once Natural law is understood and consciously acted upon.

What we call the Matrix, which we are all born into on this planet IS the problem.

The Matrix has the human kingdom set up like a colony of Bees.

This hierarchical structuring is not natural for human beings because we are not animals.

Animals are operating on instincts alone.

They are completely programmed by nature to behave the way that they do.

Humans are not.

Humans are operating on a much higher plane of consciousness.

Mankind IS NOT bound completely by nature because mankind has free will.

As a result of free will, Consciousness is molded according to the actions of the collective majority of the people on the planet.

Therefore, Authority is not a true principle for humanity but is in fact an illusory concept based in fear. but it is for animals.

Because Man wants to control the behavior of other beings, the environment around him, and the possible outcomes of the future, the consequence is a contraction, rather than an expansion, of consciousness, a reduction, rather than an abundance, of liberty.

The control grid is set up so the ultra wealthy preserve their future generations power and control while the poor struggle to survive and get milked more efficiently.

This behavior is in complete opposition to all that is naturally lawful in the Universe… and it IS therefore a Deception.

Science teaches that humans are programmed by nature and free will does not matter because the GENETIC PROGRAMMING is God.

Christians teach that it’s all part of God’s plan so just stand down and let what happens happen.

Both “belief systems” are WRONG and do not align with the truth.

The Creator, whatever that is, did not design us with the conscious ability to decide for ourselves just to sit on our hands and let the ultra wealthy manipulate and bend the masses to their will.

In fact, the personification of Jesus took ACTION on the bankers in the temple of his day, noticing their evil, and whipped their asses.

We are to follow the example that Christ laid down for us.

It’s clear and simple, like all truth is.

Humanity is in sufferance and it is human ‘ity’ that are the targets of mind control! Our aim needs to be pointed at the root causes of that suffering, at the top of the hierarchy.

The root causes are Authority and those who would thwart forward progress and freedom.

The only authority that IS true for humans is “self-authority”.

We are in control of no other human being but ourselves.

If we try to control another human, we are committing a serious violation against natural law.

We are to love each other and promote freedom. We own our own bodies and we own whatever property we are using.

If someone demands that I can not smoke weed, that person is a tyrant by his conscious action.

If someone coerces me to purchase a permit for $30 so I can smoke the weed then that person is a slave master.

If I were to comply,
I have consented to their supremacy.

If I do not comply, I could be threatened with violence and fines.

That is NOT the progression of free will, freedom or the pursuit of happiness.

Cicero described Natural Law as True Law: “True Law is right reason in agreement with nature (God, the Supreme Being); it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting; it summons to duty by its commands and averts from wrongdoing by its prohibitions …. It is a sin to try to alter this law, nor is it allowable to repeal any part of it ….”

Further explaining his concept, Cicero added that Natural Law comes from God to man through man’s ability to reason, “(Man) is the only one among so many different kinds and verities of living beings who has a share in reason and thought (given by God) …. And reason, when it is full grown and perfected, is rightly called wisdom … the first common possession of man and God is reason.”

Thus Natural Law is law that can be reasoned by man, because it is law written on man’s heart by the Creator.

The Creator doesn’t just grab us and in a lightning bolt write with his finger on our chest.

Natural law is embedded in the conscience.

Natural Law provided our founders with such concepts as: unalienable rights, unalienable duties, self-preservation or the right to self-defense, justice by reparation and duty to take care of one’s self, to name a few.

Blackstone justified further the American founders’ use of Natural Law within the Constitution and its framework when he wrote, “… man depends absolutely upon his Maker for everything, it is necessary that he should in all points conform to his Maker’s will … this will of his Maker is called the law of nature … This law of nature dictated by God himself, is of course superior in obligation to any other.” Another way of saying our rights come from God.

“The Liberty of man consists solely in this, that he obeys the Laws of Nature, because he has himself recognized them as such, and not because they have been imposed upon him externally by any foreign will whatsoever.” – Mikhail Bakunin

Right = Correct = True = Moral =
Natural Law = No harm done = Good

Wrong = Incorrect = False = Immoral =
not Natural Law = Harm done = Evil

“Throughout human history, as our species has faced the frightening, terrorizing fact that we do not know who we are, or where we are going in this ocean of chaos, it has been the authorities; the political, the religious, the educational authorities, who attempted to comfort us by giving us order, rules, regulations, “informing”, forming in our minds their view of reality.

To think for yourself you must question authority and learn how to put yourself in a state of vulnerable, open-mindedness; chaotic, confused, vulnerability to inform yourself.

Think for Yourself.
Question Authority.”
Timothy Leary

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The deception
Common law, Maritime Admiralty law
and the perversion of language…

video: Click image for video

Secret Contracts

Why the law does not work for you
Why you own nothing
including your house and car
even though you paid for them

Interviewed by Sean Stone

Go to website for FREE courses

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Meet your strawman

Your Strawman Is an Artificial Person.

At the time of birth, each person is issued their own strawman, legally speaking.

On a birth certificate, the name that appears is in all capital letters.

This name is a person’s legal name.

However, people often write their names using a combination of lowercase and capital letters, which is, legally speaking, a separate entity.


Meet you Strawman PDF

Your strawman is a non-living fiction which uses a name which can easily be confused with your name. However, please don’t concern yourself about your strawman as it is only significant where there is Rule of Law and today I can’t think of anywhere in the world where there is Rule of Law.

There are two kinds of courts: Criminal Courts which have a jury and de facto courts which never have a jury.

De facto courts are private, seldom pay any attention to the facts in a case, and always find in the favour of the rich and unscrupulous.

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You are NOT a PERSON

GREAT video, simply
explains your rights
under common law

Don’t be tricked by word-play
set to deliberately
confuse and deceive

Sovereign citizen is = oxymoron,
Sovereign person = oxymoron,
sovereign is born ‘unalienable’ rights
should be pronounced
un-a lien-able rights

a ‘lien’ = a right to keep possession
of property belonging to another person
until a debt owed by that person is discharged
as there is NO ‘lien’ on your rights under god,
the unfettered right to travel throughout this land,
the right to be free to be owner of ones self
and the right to
control your own affairs.

A Citizen = a Bondman a slave, one who owes his fidelity to the state, and this is the stupid uneducated term that is being used to cover up the corporate fraud throughout this land, did you know that the corporation of NSW police force (force = apply pressure to achieve desired results, is actually operating under Roman law, and that is is the eagle in the insignia, well last time I checked this isn’t Rome, imagine if we went to Rome and said you are now subject to Australian laws.

You can only be a
Sovereign MAN
or a
Sovereign WOMAN

A ‘person’ is also a corporation

Did you know that the state of NSW is registered to Washington DC on the securities exchange commission sec cik 0000071545.

Without the people
of this land consent.

Meaning that all corporations operating under the state of NSW are foreign vested corporations, meaning they require the following ASIC licenses.

ASIC memorandum, ASIC 402,403,404,405. to which have been requested on many occasions to the NSW police force and the NSW courts along with a plethora of, in fact an A to Z of questions to prove their authority and their jurisdiction and to date they have all remained in acquiescence to all that has been proposed, acquiescence is tacit binding agreement by default that they are unable to produce what has been requested.

Did you know that the Commonwealth of Australia is also registered to Washington DC without the peoples knowledge or consent sec cik 0000805157.

That is treason.

Did you know that the Queen / King of Australia is non existent, and is only an A4 document which jurisdiction is limited to Norfolk Island, Christmas island and certain parts of the Coccus islands.

That is also treason .

Did you know that the Australian courts are operating under unum sanctum and 12 (presumptions) of roman court as and according to what’s known as the Justinian deception.

This is carried out by the birth certificate fraud.

Originating in 1483 (1 rich. 3c. 1)

So what is cestui que vie
trust you may ask?

Well that was the cestui que vie act 1666 whereas 3 crowns were created and all of mans inheritance from their fore families was ceased and divided into 3 trusts.

And due to the birth certificate fraud as to where your mother and father were tricked into signing you over as corporate wards of the state, state meaning dead, as in lying in state.

Therefore these foreign vested corporations declare themselves executor (de son tort) by presumption and administer your trust without your consent, this trust is also known as commissary fide trust or hidden trust, have you not ever wondered with thousands of years of generations, where is all your inheritance?

Did you also know that
maritime law jurisdiction
starts 12 nautical miles out at sea.

But by calling this land a nation = birth they are deeming the land to be floating or a ship, therefore presumed subject to maritime law which is revenue based slavery laws, as and according to the slavery and servitude act 1995 sec 268 10 and 268 15, and the modern day slavery act 2018 sec 270.

Did you also know that a corporation cannot contract with the living , therefore by declaring you birthed as and according to the fraudulent chattel document aka birth certificate , they are deeming you to be a vessel a ship, hence citizenship.

So as a vessel you are non living to them, a bond on the stock market, as and according to the slave name or surname as written in black = dead and in a contractual black which is a contract border.


Your Unalienable Rights

Unalienable Rights
are the Inherent…

.. sovereign Natural Rights that existed before the creation of the State and which, being antecedent to and above the State, can never be taken away, diminished, altered, or liened upon by the State, subject only to the Due Process of the Common Law Nor can any Unalienable Right be fundamentally removed whether mistakenly by contract through non-disclosure, which is fraud and unenforceable in Law or knowingly by renunciation which is contrary to Natural Law The Original Permanent Unalienable Rights of every Man or Woman include

The Right to Life, Freedom, Health, and the Pursuit of Happiness

The Right to Contract or Not to Contract which is Unlimited

The Right to Earn a Living by being Compensated with Wages, a Salary, or any trade Goods, in a Fair Exchange for one’s Work.

The Right to Travel in the Ordinary Course of one’s Life and Business

The Right to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from Unwarranted Invasion

The Right to Control, and Hold one’s Property, lawfully without Trespass

The Right to Self-Defence when threatened with Harm, Loss, or Deceit

The Right to Due Process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to Defend

The Right to be Presumed Innocent, suffering No Detention or Arrest,

No Search or Seizure, without Reasonable Cause

The Right to Remain Silent when accused, to avoid Self-incrimination

The Right to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to Equal Representation

The Right to Trial by Jury, being an Impartial Panel of one’s Peers

The Right to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both

The Right to Expose Knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms

The Right to Peaceful Association, Assembly Expression, and Protest

The Right to Practice a Religion, and to have Beliefs, of one’s choosing

The Right to Love, and to Consensual Marriage with Children, as a Family

The Right to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War

The Right to Refuse to Kill under command, by reason of Conscience

The Right to Live in Peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding

Surely the most critical failure of
The People is their failure to ensure
the teaching and common knowledge of
their Unalienable Rights

If you do not know your Rights
you effectively have none

By the path of Ignorance

whether by Apathy or Deception

The People arrive in a state of
Exploitation Oppression, and Tyranny

click image ABOVE for video

The (very convenient)
Great Fire Of London 1666

Few people are aware of the effect the Great Fire of London has had on their lives to this day.

It could be, after watching this video, you might consider that this event might have been one of the first ‘false-flag’ events  our society has ever experienced.

The official story is that, on September 2nd, 1666, a tiny spark in a bakery oven in Pudding Lane, London, ignited the worst fire that London has ever seen – subsequently called the ‘Great Fire of London’.

The Great Fire of London burned for four days destroying all the mostly wooden built houses and buildings and the entire  City had to be rebuilt from its ashes.

As official records of individuals were pretty much non-existent this event made it easy for King Charles II to declare everyone DEAD and claim ownership of all (their) property.

King Charles II also created the CESTUI QUE VIE (WHAT IS LIFE) ACT 1666 which declared all (dead) individuals as property of the crown as well and, as they say, the rest is just history …

The problem is that, without anyone being aware of it,  this state of affairs persists to this day and ensures just about all people walking this earth do so in a state of permanent slavery, owning nothing – buried all their lives in debt they can never pay off.

This video describes what was going on behind the scenes in parliament and the act that took away our freedom and handed it to the state.

The convenience of the Great fire of London in 1666, only the following year after the ‘Great Plague’ of London  was a major turning point in our history and how the matrix was started.

Was it really started in Pudding-Lane?

Did it really happen or was it one of the first ‘false-flags’/deceptions ever undertaken.

Mystery surrounds the event to this day but things don’t stay unsolved forever and new information is coming to light, we take a look behind the scenes at what the parliament was doing while London was burning.

As always do your own research and never take anyone’s word as gospel, always question the facts being presented in videos and come to your own conclusions about the facts being presented.

click image ABOVE for video

ACT 1666

that turned us all into dead people in the eyes of the law.

A nice concise explanation to help with
an understanding about how we might be fix this.

Click THIS button
for more videos from
Stop the Pirates
Bitchute Channel

The Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666

Overstanding Cestui Que Vie Act 1666
Existence of Life

London in 1666, during the black plague and great fires of London, Parliament enacted an act behind closed doors, called Cestui Que Vie Act 1666.

The act being debated was to subrogate the rights of men and women, meaning all men and women were declared dead, lost at sea/beyond the sea. (Back then operating in Admiralty law, the law of the sea, so lost at sea).

The state (London) took custody of everybody and their property into a trust and became the trustee/husband holding all titles to the people and property, until a living man comes back to reclaim those titles, he can also claim damages.

When CAPITAL letters are used anywhere in a name this always refers to a legal entity/fiction, Company or Corporation no exceptions. e.g. John DOE or Doe: JANE

1) CESTUI QUE TRUST: (pronounced setakay) common term in New Zealand and Australia

2) STRAWMAN: common term in United States of America or Canada

These are the legal entity/fiction created and owned by the Government whom created it.

It is like owning a share in the Stock Market, you may own a share… but it is still a share of the Stock.

Legally, we are considered to be a fiction, a concept or idea expressed as a name, a symbol.

That legal person has no consciousness; it is a juristic person, ENS LEGIS, a name/word written on a piece of paper.

This traces back to 1666, London is an Independent, City, State, just like Vatican is an Independent City State, just like Washington, DC is an Independent City State.

The Crown is an unincorporated association.

Why unincorporated?

It’s private.

The temple bar is in London, every lawyer called to the “bar” swears allegiance to the temple bar.

You can’t get called without swearing this allegiance.

Our only way out is to reclaim your dead entity (strawman) that the Crown created, become the executor and then collapse the called Cestui Que Vie trust and forgive yourself of your debts and then remove yourself from the admiralty law that holds you in custody.

When London burned during the Great Fire in 1666, the subrogation of men’s and women’s rights occurred.

The responsible act passed… CQV act 1666 meant all men and women of UK were declared dead and lost beyond the seas.

The state took everybody and everybody’s property into trust and takes control until a living man or woman comes back and claims their titles by proving they are alive and claims for damages can be made.

This is why you always need representation when involved in legal matters, because you’re dead.

The legal fiction is a construct on paper, an estate in trust.

When you get a bill or summons from court it is always in capital letters, similar to tomb stones in grave yards.

Capital letters signify death. (Grave-stones are always carved with capital letters)

They are writing to the dead legal fiction.

A legal fiction was created when someone informed the government that there was a new vessel in town, based upon your birth.

Birth Certificates are issued to us by the Doc. just as ships are given berth Certificates at the Dock.

It’s about commerce.

We come from our mothers waters.

Your mother has a birth canal just like a ship.

The ship moves by the sea current just as we are able to move by the currency.

All this information relates to how the general public are still legally tied through Maritime Admiralty Law.

Through this ancient legal construct we can be easily controlled and duped.

Learning about your legal fiction helps you to unlock yourself.

Otherwise you are just an empty vessel floating on the sea of commerce.

Parents are tricked into registering the birth of their babies.

In about 1837, the Births, Deaths and Marriages act was formed in UK and the post of registrar general was established. His job was to collect all the data from the churches which held the records of birth.

Regis from Queen or Crown

All people are seen to be in custody of,” The Crown”.

This allows people to function in commerce and to accept the benefits provided by state.

We have to understand who we are as men and women and how we can relate in the system.

The City of London is a centre for markets, where merchants work.

Then there is Mercantile Law. It comes from Admiralty Law.

Look at the symbols in your City Courts that relate to Admiralty.

So where you have commerce and money, you also have “justice” and “injury”.

You need to understand the bankruptcy before you can understand the judiciary.

We have accepted the claim to accept the summons, yet ONLY the dead can be summoned.

There is an obligation to accept any liability which has been created.

We are operating in Admiralty

A not guilty plea, or ANY plea admits jurisdiction.

The strawman, aka legal fiction is always guilty.

Barristers and solicitors make a living out of creating controversy.

By creating a controversy you become liable for the case.

Honour and dishonour

To remain in honour you have to accept a claim and settle (discharge) it.

Then you add conditions, ie. “I accept on proof of claim and proof of loss”.

This gives the liability back to them.

The legal fiction is always guilty.

Only in the High Court, can the real man or woman appear.

Games are played on courts, hence the name ‘court’.

It is a game with actors (acting on acts).

It has to be treated as a game and just business.

Court room dramas are misinformation.

In the public, we’re operating in bankruptcy and you receive benefits.

It takes a lot of time, effort and study to understand and use these tools.

You have to be prepared to go fully through the process, get the right tool out of your toolbox at the right time.

People need to learn how to act as a creation of God rather than a creation of Man.


Cestui Que Vie Trust –
Your birth certificate
is a slave contract with Rome


What can we do . . . . .

We claim our birth-right and take back our Republic

David is a former Intelligence Officer, Former County Sheriff Deputy, Former Presidential Task Force Agent, and has also been helping people succeed in court for over 30 years.

He is educating us on the fraud that was perpetrated on us, “We the People” when we were born. He is teaching us about the differences between a US citizen and state national of your birth state located at 8 USC 1101(a)(21).

He is teaching us how to correct our status and take back our birth-right.

click image for video


The 1st Trust of the world
Unam Sanctam.

ALL new borns is still practiced
almost secretly today

The 1st Trust of the world,
Unam Sanctam is one of the
most frightening documents of history
and the one most quoted as
the primary document of the
popes claiming their global power.

It is an express trust deed.

The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust. Triple Crown of Ba’al, aka the Papal Tiara and Triregnum In 1302 Pope Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam––the first Express Trust.

He claimed control over the whole planet which made him “King of the world”.

In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

The pinecone is an ancient symbol of fertility and one traditionally associated with Ba’al as well as the Cult of Cybele.

It also represents the pineal gland in the centre of our brains––crystalline in nature–– which allows us access to Source, hence, the 13-foot tall pinecone in Vatican Square.

Think about why the Pontiffs would idolize a pinecone.

The 1st Crown of Crown Land

Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust, but the first Testamentary Trust, through a deed and will creating a Deceased Estate, was created by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, through the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex.

This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.”

This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property, from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity.

Hence, all land is claimed as “crown land”. This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born.

It deprives us of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.

The 2nd Crown of the Commonwealth

The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”, by Sixtus IV, being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.

This Papal Bull created the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, and is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff.

Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns”, or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot.

The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975, when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day.

This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving us of ownership of our flesh and condemning us to perpetual servitude, as a Roman person, or slave.

The 3rd Crown of the Ecclesiastical See

The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III, through the papal bull Convocation, also meant to open the Council of Trent.

It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See.

The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII.

This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls.

The Crown was lost in 1816, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England, and granted to the Temple Bar which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.

The Bar Associations have since been responsible for administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.

This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptized.

It is the parents’ grant of the Baptismal certificate––title to the soul––to the church or Registrar.

Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, we will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things––cargo without souls––upon which the BAR is now legally able to enforce Maritime law.

The Cestui Que Vie Trust

A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept.

It is a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II, through the CQV Act of 1666, wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed “dead” after seven (7) years.

Additional presumptions, by which such a Trust may be formed, were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages, and private companies.

The original purpose of a CQV Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs, or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent, and present, before a competent authority.

Therefore, any claims, history, statutes, or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a CQV Trust, as pronounced by these canons, is false and automatically null and void.

A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a CQV Trust.

When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in a CQV Trust on his behalf, he do not “own” the CQV Trust; he is only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the CQV Trust choose to provide.

As all CQV Trusts are created on presumption, based upon original purpose and function, such a Trust cannot be created if these presumptions can be proven not to exist.

Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as man or woman, rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.

The Executors or Administrators of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly:

  1. convey the beneficial entitlements of the child, as Beneficiary, into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights to Real Property; and,

  2. claim the baby as chattel to the Estate. (See HEELING – it still happens)

    The slave baby contract is then created by honouring the ancient tradition of either having the ink impression of the baby’s feet onto the live birth record, or a drop of its blood, as well as tricking the parents to signing the baby away through the deceitful legal meanings on the live birth record which is a promissory note, converted into a slave bond, sold to the private reserve bank of the estate, and then conveyed into a 2nd and separate CQV Trust, per child, owned by the bank.

    When the promissory note reaches maturity and the bank is unable to “seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and is monetized as currency issued in series against the CQV Trust.

  3. claim the child’s soul via the Baptismal Certificate. Since 1540 and the creation of the 1st CQV Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III, 1540, when a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued, the parents have gifted, granted, and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” CQV Trust owned by Roman Cult, which has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since.

    Since 1815, this 3rd Crown of the Roman Cult and 3rd CQV Trust representing Ecclesiastical Property has been managed by the BAR as the reconstituted “Galla” responsible, as Grim Reapers, for reaping the souls.

Each Cestui Que Vie Trust, created since 1933, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the three claims of property of the Roman Cult: Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (body), and Ecclesiastical Property (soul).

Each corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the BAR Courts: corporate commercial law (judge is the ‘landlord’), maritime and canon law (judge is the banker), and Talmudic law (judge is the priest).

What is the real power of a court ‘judge’?

Given what has been revealed about the foundations of Roman Law, what is the real hidden power of a judge when we face court? Is it their superior knowledge of process and procedure or of magic?

Or is it something simpler
and far more obvious?

It is unfortunate that much of the excitement about Estates and Executors has deliberately not revealed that an Estate, by definition, has to belong to a Trust––to be specific, a Testamentary Trust or CQV Trust.

When we receive legal paper or have to appear in court, it is these same CQV Trusts which have our rights converted into the property contained within them.

Instead of being the Trustee, or the Executor, or Administrator, we are merely the Beneficiary of each CQV Trust, granted only beneficial and equitable use of certain property, never legal title.

So if the Roman Legal System assumes we are merely the beneficiary of these CQV Trusts, when we go to court, who represents the Trustee and Office of Executor?

We all know that all cases are based upon the judge’s discretion which often defies procedures, statutes, and maxims of law.

Well, they are doing what any Trustee or Executor, administering a trust in the presence of the beneficiary, can do under Roman Law and all the statutes, maxims, and procedures are really for show because under the principles of Trust Law, as first formed by the Roman Cult, a Trustee has a wide latitude, including the ability to correct any procedural mistakes, by obtaining the implied or tacit consent of the beneficiary, to obviate any mistakes.

The judge is the real and legal Name.

The judge is the trust, itself.

We are the mirror image to them –– the ghost –– the dead.

It is high sorcery, trickery,
and subterfuge that has
remained “legal” for far too long.


So now we have factually established
the part of your “berth/birth”

The fraudulent system makes claim to (a dead placenta) and that it was weighed and record of that placenta made by the maternity doctor nurse they have never said where it was deposited to ??? (who knows with occultists…(perhaps adrenochrome was extracted who really knows ) mothers know that the placenta was examined and recorded (Some hospitals keep the placenta for a period of time in case the need arises to send it to pathology for further analysis?

Why! DNA records?

In any circumstances the placenta is not “alive” but is a dead part of the berth/birth” and as a DEAD PORTION it is claimed openly by the Vatican they claim dead souls…so what ACTUALLY came “alive first” the baby clearly came first and there is the FIRST EVIDENCE of a living child The PLACENTA is the SECOND part to exit the mother and this is where the Vatican steps in and makes claim as a DEAD SOUL part of you once the umbilical chord is severed

….now here is created the PERSON and it is openly declared in the legislation by the Blair Administration (Births,deaths,Marriages and Relationships Act 1995 it does NOT include Live babies conclusion Blair is a confirmed occultist and advocate of collecting “dead souls” . This is where all gets confusing to unravel the mystery of the dead legal world?

All should by now realise that baby came first placenta second….under the laws of nature and god no living baby can be claimed except by mum and dad by an occult legal system deliberately and by design to trick mum and dad unto not knowing what had just happened.

What mother or father ever asks the question “what am I registering here?” a dead placenta (claimed by the Vatican Crown ) or the live born …..simple answer THEY DONT …because they are elated with happy emotions and they want to care for their live born bundle of joy…so your placenta is “the person” not you or your baby…but for decades they apply the deception to you as a baby, toddler, teenager, adult OAP because they don’t want you to recognise their scam …they give low education …they want THE PERSON(legal entity) without rights freedoms and to be able to own property oh no they want to steal it all….. not the LIVE BEING that has rights ….can own property and more as it does NOT create profits for governments and the Vatican a living being keeps what it reaps.

The only entities Rishi Sunak has an “authority” over is DEAD SOULS and breaks SUPERIOR LAWS to get what bankers want (YOUR ENERGY) and fat fingers Charlie agrees break SUPERIOR STATUTES to let Sunak carry on the greatest deception inflicted upon living kind (men women and children)

What is written on the Pics is:
“separation from the umbilical chord

A. Live Born and …

B. Placenta/afterbirth . ” afterbirth/berth ” = (admiralty law terms) Berth IS TO ABANDON and the PLACENTA is a “dead entity ” that is the only entity actually claimed by the Occult Vatican and registered with governments” and cannot have any rights or own property because it is DEAD!

The Birth Registration Certificate of death of the part of the PLACENTA is the only part subject to LEGISLATION (see Births, Deaths Marriages and relationships Act 1995) defines STILL BIRTH (placenta) includes a “still birth” and EXCLUDES all else including LIVING Babies and LIVING Beings the placenta is INCAPABLE of being living or dead.

By agreeing to “sign” a birth certificate is a certificate of a dead placenta and mum and dad have agreed to sign that certificate agree part of the birth is DEAD and has no rights and this is how the vatican and governments have operated for centuries ON ONE BIG LIE …this is the reason they say “get a solicitor” as they know the fraud …but with understanding we wake up to it all…(part copied from a recent piece of research).

Text on images

Image 1 – Single live entity

Still joined and until the act of separation the governments being in league with the Vatican cannot claim the placenta.

Then mother and father are tricked/deceived into registering and naming a dead placenta in the belief it, (the registration), means the living child.

Image 2 – TWO entities

Separation from the umbilical chord creates TWO entities Live Born Placenta – After Birth After Birth/Berth is to abandon and is a dead entity that is the only entity claimed by the Vatican that has NO rights AS IT IS dead.

The birth registration then becomes subject to legislation and is called a ‘STILL BORN’ by being a dead placenta without legal rights.

Governments and the Vatican claim jurisdiction over the ‘dead soul’ claimed and recorded at the hospital.

The Vatican
and your
Birth Certificate

The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300’s.

The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. 200 years later during the Renaissance, the Hermetica was written, which is where the bible draws all of its inspiration from.

This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC.

Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter).

In 325 AD, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, “Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes.”

We pay taxes to Rome, the Kazarian and Venetian black nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine.

Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything,

Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds).

We can thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church claims as Christian holidays.

The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar:

They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman.

They have absconded with nearly all our rights. From the moment you are born to the moment you transit this frequency.

They only acknowledge the Mother as she signs Schedule 1 of the Birth Certificate. In Upper and Lower Case. ie John Smith.

He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages which is the State.

They declare the baby dead and appoint the parents guardians and Administrators until the child reaches maturity.

The parents have thirty or sixty days to declare the child lives otherwise the Courts take over as Administrator and you have to study Trustee Law.

They State takes out a loan against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off.


You all have money being administered by the State which runs into millions and the only way they can access it is through Legal Aid hence all the Fines which are artificial they create to fleece you.

On a Tombstone you will see the name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS.

They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your life.

As to the Church when you are Baptized or Confirmed or However and You receive a Baptism Certificate well yes the Church Invests your Soul as collateral as has been doing the same for years.

The same story is in the Wizard of Oz.

The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm.

You have the Tin Man who represents the Tax Identification Number.

You have the Strawman which represents the ALL CAPITAL LETTER ARTIFICIAL PERSON looking to live and the Cowardly Lion who has to become educated and fight the System to regain his rights.

When you
are born

When you are born (given life),
a “Record of Live Birth” is “recorded”
as testimony of your Life,
which is your private Estate.

The New Zealand equivalent is a “Notification of Birth for Registration”.

It is your Affidavit of Life, with details that identify your living standing holding private properties. It records your “given name” as a unique “Title”, i.e. John, to your Estate.

Your Estate is the “land” (real estate), or property, of your mind, body, and soul, and all the physical and intellectual property that derives from your living energy, including your inborn unalienable rights.

Your Mother’s autograph is her testimony of your Estate (an Estate must come before a Trust). In Common Law (the Law of the “Land”), your Mother and the State are automatically Trustees in an “expressed” Sovereign Trust with you as the Beneficiary.

You are the holder in “expectancy” (“Holder in Due Course”) of your Estate, which will descend to you as of right when you attain the “age of majority” (20), unless …

Soon, your parents are told that you “must” be “registered”.

They are under no such lawful obligation, but the State is insistent for reasons undisclosed.

According to Ecclesiastical Law an Estate can only be held in Trust by a man.

But your Mother was asked for her maiden name, constituting “Maternity”. [MATERNITY.


It is either legitimate or natural. 

The former is the condition of the mother who has given birth to legitimate children, while the latter is the condition of her who has given birth to illegitimate children. 

Maternity is always certain, while the paternity (q.v.) is only presumed. – Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 Ed.]

The Record of Live Birth is used to issue a Birth Certificate Bond, certifying that a property “Title” is registered as a Security.

It is like a Warehouse Receipt for the baby, the delivered goods.

A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument used for financing with inventory as security. – Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition].

At the same time, your “given name” and family name have been registered as a tradename.

Only corporations have a “last name”.

An artificial legal “person” has been issued by the State as a franchise child of the parent corporation.

The Bond is sold to the World Bank (Bank for International Settlements, created in 1931 by the Vatican) as Settlor of the Trust.

Your value to society is calculated using actuarial tables.

Your Bond becomes a registered Security, which the Treasury uses as Surety for Treasury securities such as Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills.

So you have been monetized. The people truly are the “Credit of the Nation”.

However, in the corrupted system, the people’s credit is effectively “human capital”, or “livestock”.

Although the State can seize the baby as a “Ward of the State” if the State’s “investment” is threatened, its greatest value is realized from the “matured” working adult.

The perpetrators of this deception know that you could one day discover the truth and invoke your Power of Attorney from the age of 18.

Property Law Act 2007, Section 22.(1) ‘Person between 18 and 20 years may do certain things, … (c) accept appointment, or act, as an attorney, 22.(2) … has the same effect as if the person were 20 years old.’ In short, you can attain the age of majority (20) by declaring your own Power of Attorney from the age of 18.

But if they can somehow “kill” you off, again, legally speaking, they can continue to hold your “deceased Estate” Titles: real property (lands), personal property (life), and spiritual property (soul).

When you reach full legal age under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, which is the “Law of the Sea”, you become eligible to “register” your Estate as a “vessel” navigating on the “sea of commerce” with you as the Master (Mr/Mrs/Ms).

Your “vessel” will have a legal “person” NAME such as MR JOHN DOE, and as the Master you will be the liable “owner”, while the State retains the “Equitable Title” (Beneficiary) as the Registrar.

You will probably “voluntarily” forfeit your Estate.

You may start work and register as a “taxpayer”, or you may enroll as a “voter” on a voting register.

If you decide not to register, you have “gone to sea”, and if you are missing for seven years you are declared legally dead.

The same process is applied to ships and mariners lost at sea.

To avoid court proceedings, the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, simply declared that everyone is dead after an absence of seven years, unless they return to claim their Estate.

After seven years, you “died” without a will “Intestate”, so someone is appointed to manage your Estate/Trust. The Public Trust applies to the Family Court to manage your Estate under the ‘Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, Section 11.

Form PPPR 6 Application for order to administer property’.

Under the first Sovereign Trust established by your Mother, you are the “Holder in Due Course” of your Estate, and a future Creditor.

As a private man/woman, you are the Beneficiary/Executor(rix) of your Common Law Estate Trust, and all oath-bound officials are your Public Trustees.

But under the new Foreign Situs Trust, the State gains the “Equitable Title” (Beneficiary) to your Estate, while the legal “person” has the “Legal Title” (Trustee).

The Trustee is liable, and the legal “person” is a Debtor.

Any man/woman who mistakenly takes responsibility for the legal “person” NAME and its debts steps into the role of the liable Trustee, as “surety” for the indebted State.

The State has turned the tables on you.

The People, by registration (legalisation), are employed by the State as debtors for a private banking cartel, which is upheld by a private Bar Association Guild (Law Society).

While “acting” in the legal fiction “role” of your corporatised NAME, you will receive endless presentments (bills), which that employee of the State, the legal “person” (Strawman) is obliged to settle.

But the theft of your Estate is based on false presumptions that cannot be proven in fact.

The fundamental flaw is that in order for a Birth Certificate to be issued, a man or woman must first have been born on the land.

Plainly, you are not really dead, so you are still the living “Holder in Due Course” of YOUR Estate Title. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV ‘If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the Title is revested.’

Remember that only you have a “birthday” on which you were born into the world from your Mother. Whereas the artificial legal “person” has a “date of birth” on which it was registered by the Registrar.

These two events usually have different dates! (see your Registration Print-out)

Maxim of Law:

He who fails to assert his rights has none.


There is a SPIRITUAL battle that has been going on for centuries for the SPIRIT within.

The parasites have tried countless ways to infiltrate the human creation.

They have been trying to get to the SOURCE and now they are beginning to find a way through the jab which will alter ones DNA without them knowing.

Our DNA has all the information they need to succeed in fully modifying/altering humans to bring them under total and absolute control.

The more natural humans they kill, the faster they reach their aim of a “post human” world with only a soulless modified cloned race having enhanced dna and technology interfaces.

Despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.


All that needs to be done is for living man to give his consent to a DEAD corporation in order that a dead corporation can access the “dominion” (Total Authority) from such a living man. If the man does not consent, then a secret system of deception may have to be created in order to deceive such a man into consent without such a man ever being aware…

The secret system exists. Its deception is: “Legal Title” and its tool is Grammar.

“DOG-LATIN” identified in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition: DOG-LATIN, the language of the Illiterate, being: Latin Text based on the grammatical rules of English.

In relation to the English Dictionary, Dog Latin is debased Latin, and is criminal, immoral and constitutes a counterfeit. ➝ The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE

The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:

This Article is not legal advice in any way, it is a story in relation to research and findings that have been uncovered in relation to such research directed at the grammatical appearance and the grammatical standing of Government, (Or what could be foreign de-facto governments) Court and Banking Contracts and Charges.

This article hopefully may alert some of you to the dangers of entering into contracts when you are not aware of the importance of the grammatical appearance of the languages employed within such contracting paper instruments. Is the “legal title” you hold “really” saying what you assumed it to say?

An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”.

DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin.

It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract.

If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.


The 1st medical surgery massacre where consent is not required followed by the heel prick, (capturing the DNA and Reptilian bloodline (or adrenochrome) after sweeping you off your feet to disconnect you from touching Earth and keeping you on the water and then docked (documented) and a goods receipt for the cargo is recorded as a still birth and the placenta is the living-being and all rights go with he/she/they/them meanwhile you are berthed as a ship, under admiralty law and are a pirate without licence, on the Currency (current sea) bonded to the bank(ers) (river) as chattel (slave) with your birthed-weight converted to gold and traded as a stock when the bell rings and EVERY signature (sin-at-nature) in the black rectangle (coffin) where you CREATE (a value) variety of public contracts is x 1000 which they (the bankers) claim ownerSHIP of and print more money.

The Vatican
and your
Birth Certificate

The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression.

Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault.

On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim.

Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul.

The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300’s.

The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity.

200 years later during the Renaissance, the was written, which is where the bible draws all of its inspiration from.

This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC.

Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter).

In 325 AD, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, “Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes.”

We pay taxes to Rome, the Kazarian and Venetian black nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine.

Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything,

Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds).

We can thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church claims as Christian holidays.

The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar.

They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman.

They have absconded with nearly all our rights. From the moment you are born to the moment  you transit this frequency.</p >

They only acknowledge the Mother as she signs Schedule 1 of the Birth  Certificate.

In Upper and Lower Case. ie John Smith. He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages  which is the State.

They declare the baby dead and appoint the parents guardians and Administrators until the child reaches maturity.

The parents have thirty or sixty days to declare the child lives otherwise the Courts take over as Administrator and you have to study Trustee Law.

They State takes out a loan  against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off.

Being now among the living dead you have an  ALL CAPITAL LETTER DRIVING LICENSE , PASSPORT, CREDIT CARD, BANKCARD.

You all have money being administered by the State which runs into millions and the only way they can access it is through Legal Aid hence all the Fines which are artificial they create to fleece you.

On a Tombstone you will see the  name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS. They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your life.

As to the Church when you are Baptized or Confirmed or However and You receive a Baptism Certificate  well yes the Church Invests your Soul as collateral as has been doing the same for years.

The same story is in the Wizard of Oz.

The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm.

You have the Tin Man  who represents the Tax Identification Number (TIN)

You have the Strawman which represents the ALL CAPITAL LETTER ARTIFICIAL PERSON looking to live

You have the Cowardly Lion who has to become educated  and fight the System to regain his rights.

click image for video

In 1302 the Pope
declared himself king of the world
along with everything in it of value

This included all people
who would be enslaved.

He started the Unam Sanctum trust
which is still in force to this day

This is how it’s done ‘Heeling’



Taking the Heel Print
of a new-born
to attach it to the
‘still-born entity’ file
to deliver it to the
Vatican archive
by postal services
generating a serial number’

The Vatican file of each living and departed
human for several thousand years back in time
exists in those archives
Trillions of them

All on factual paper

… along with all your previous incarnations
… are stored and processed with the Vatican walls
…modern hi-tech data centres are managing the 
processing of all this data on us and our existence
here on earth

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Why you are DEAD!

In law, a DEAD man has no rights…

While you are dead, the administrator-trustee, has total control over your estate, (Birth-right ownership over the mineral and energy wealth of the country you were born on) because you are assumed dead…

If you were assumed legally dead at such a young age and you never returned back to your true correct birthright legal standing without making a will or an agreement of compensation in order to enter into their fraud, (Because you were too young to know and you were never told), your whole life as an assumed legally dead “person” will be under the total control of the person that perpetrated the fraud against you in the first place…

If the registrar general of your birth certificate is a banker of the foreign private Rothschild’s banking system, than that is your master within their legally dead world, you left your real Christ…

The world of Mamon and usury is the underworld of the legally dead and if your equity dies (Your real body) while you remain in their system of the legally dead, so does your true God given rights that was only given to the living, die along with it…

To let go of the underworld gutter of Mamon is to reclaim your “life” but too many people love the life of the underworld-mamon too much to ever let go of the legal titles of the world of the legally dead…

Once you let go of the legal title, the equity returns on the condition you know who you “really” are, as in your real name, your real date of birth and your real number in registry…

Being “BIRTHED” into the underworld is being birthed into legal death …

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Candace Owens

Talks about her experience in the hospital
just after the birth of her child,
when the ‘Heeling’ process was about to be performed.

She talks about how it is an
offence to not allow this, (where she was).

Just goes to show what importance
this is given to this process to this day.

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An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”. DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin. It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract. If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.

The “presumption” of a foreign military occupation
of our country under the foreign control of Rome:

In 1973, Whitlam, Prime Minister of “AUSTRALIA” signed us up to a private military “Roman” contracting system of governance called: “UNIDROIT”, head office in Rome. This is why the written language and its relationship to Private Contracts is so important to be aware of. The UNITED STATES, being the de-facto government of the United States of America, is now also a part of UNIDRIOT, under the power of Rome. DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) appears to be the official language of the Infants: Military, infantry of Rome.

It appears to be the language of the DEAD, (Debtor) and the only way you can hold a military name is in the ALL UPPERCASE APPEARANCE of the dead language: LATIN and or DOG-LATIN, being the designation of things and not proper names, such as your SURNAME. Proper Latin appears to be the official language of Rome and we “Assume” that DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) is the language of the military debtor accounts/ledgers of Rome and a lack of understanding of such facts may be the cause of many Australians and people from around the world, to be losing their property and all their common law birth rights via a lack of understanding in relation to the appearance of such LATIN-TEXT-AND-ITS-DOGGED-CORRUPTION.

The Beast is the VATICAN and the mark of the beast is its written text.

Preamble: A simple question about the validity of the Queensland Driver License appearing in an all uppercase text, was never answered by a Queensland Magistrate, (2010) causing such research to be undertaken to understand how a government can take your $30,000.00 car and never return it.

How did they do it? (Stolen by a massive grammatical corruption)

This Article is the result of over seven years of research in relation to three questions that were put to Magistrate PINDER (Queensland, Australia) in 2010, relating to the validity of the Queensland Driver License. (And such a deception now extending to many governmental instruments) The three questions were:

(1) Why is the name on the Driver License back to front, with the last name first? and:

(2) What is the all uppercase text because it does not appear to be any correct form of English text in relation to the Oxford English Styles Manual, and:

(3) What styles manual did you use in order to construct the Queensland Driver License with the name appearing in all uppercase text. Such questions caused an “Estoppel” in the court because the magistrate refused to answer the questions, and the police were warned by Magistrate PINDER to “Never touch me again”. (A vendetta has been carried out ever since by State Police)

For the love of people and humanity: The Deception is DOG-LATIN, being the corruption in the text. The all uppercase foreign text is the DOG-LATIN appearing as the cause of the counterfeit-fraud. The act of usurping “DOG-LATIN” into English written instruments in order to deceive the public into surrendering the Treasury, is EVIL and DEMONIC. The CODE-OF-DECEPTION-HAS-BEEN-CRACKED.

Justinian Deception (PDF)

Justinian -Deception

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An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”. DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin. It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract. If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.

The “presumption” of a foreign military occupation
of our country under the foreign control of Rome:

In 1973, Whitlam, Prime Minister of “AUSTRALIA” signed us up to a private military “Roman” contracting system of governance called: “UNIDROIT”, head office in Rome. This is why the written language and its relationship to Private Contracts is so important to be aware of. The UNITED STATES, being the de-facto government of the United States of America, is now also a part of UNIDRIOT, under the power of Rome. DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) appears to be the official language of the Infants: Military, infantry of Rome.

It appears to be the language of the DEAD, (Debtor) and the only way you can hold a military name is in the ALL UPPERCASE APPEARANCE of the dead language: LATIN and or DOG-LATIN, being the designation of things and not proper names, such as your SURNAME. Proper Latin appears to be the official language of Rome and we “Assume” that DOG-LATIN (Debased Latin) is the language of the military debtor accounts/ledgers of Rome and a lack of understanding of such facts may be the cause of many Australians and people from around the world, to be losing their property and all their common law birth rights via a lack of understanding in relation to the appearance of such LATIN-TEXT-AND-ITS-DOGGED-CORRUPTION.

The Beast is the VATICAN and the mark of the beast is its written text.

Preamble: A simple question about the validity of the Queensland Driver License appearing in an all uppercase text, was never answered by a Queensland Magistrate, (2010) causing such research to be undertaken to understand how a government can take your $30,000.00 car and never return it.

How did they do it? (Stolen by a massive grammatical corruption)

This Article is the result of over seven years of research in relation to three questions that were put to Magistrate PINDER (Queensland, Australia) in 2010, relating to the validity of the Queensland Driver License. (And such a deception now extending to many governmental instruments) The three questions were:

(1) Why is the name on the Driver License back to front, with the last name first? and:

(2) What is the all uppercase text because it does not appear to be any correct form of English text in relation to the Oxford English Styles Manual, and:

(3) What styles manual did you use in order to construct the Queensland Driver License with the name appearing in all uppercase text. Such questions caused an “Estoppel” in the court because the magistrate refused to answer the questions, and the police were warned by Magistrate PINDER to “Never touch me again”. (A vendetta has been carried out ever since by State Police)

This research was undertaken in order to find the answers to such questions that all magistrates refused to answer. This article is a disturbing account to what has been uncovered in relation to such three questions. (The Government is nothing what you ever assumed) This is not legal advise, it is just an account of the research that may have uncovered what appears to be the underlying facts about why magistrates could not answer such questions for fear of exposing the truth about the grammatical standing, or lack thereof, of International Foreign Corporate “Maritime Law” governance over-ruling the sovereignty of our common law birth right to our own countries.

The grammatical deception uncovered by this research may very well be hundreds of years old, Re: Justinian, 530 – 560AD, and may even be a surviving system from the Egyptian masters of slavery and symbolism themselves, being thousands of years old, the Egyptian system of the Gods of the dead such as Osiris, Anubis, Horus, and the like, may still rule over us today via a deception that is more cunning and clever than anyone could ever imagine.

1: Justinian and the DOG-LATIN deception.

A The: SECRET-FOREIGN-SIGN language hidden in plain sight. “DOG-LATIN”: The poison in the text: It is a poisonous gloss that corrupts the essence of the text.

This story is about simple English text and a hidden text that has been usurped into the English text without you ever being aware of such a deception, causing such a corruption in the text to take on a different meaning than what you ever assumed. This story explains how a foreign alien text appears in contracts, court orders, your Driver License, passports etc., without you ever being aware that such a foreign text existed.

This trick played upon the unsuspecting public is administered by the true dogs of the underworld in order to render you as a trustee of a foreign corporate banking entity that is alien and foreign to your true sovereignty. The lawyers, judges, and the Courts and their military Police are the administrators of this hidden secret deception played upon the masses in order to maintain control of such Slaves. Welcome to the JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION.


B The “GLOSSA” is the all uppercase LATIN-TEXT appearing on any document. It is not English, it is an illustrative text (Picture-Symbol) and not a descriptive text such as English. It has no jurisdiction with other written text such as English Descriptive Text unless agreed.

2: If its not English, its not common law!

The poison in the text of the GLOSSA is now identified as: “DOG-LATIN” and has no correspondence with proper written English appearing on the same page It is a corruption that can only be agreed to.

Samples of how the fraud text appears.

“This is proper English descriptive text”


“THIS TEXT IS DOG LATIN BEING LATIN TEXT BASED ON THE GRAMMATICAL RULES OF ENGLISH” … Notice, no hyphens: This is know as: Debased Latin: “DOG-LATIN, language of the illiterate: Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition”

And is noted as criminal under the English Dictionary, identified as a “Dog Latin, being a debased form of text”. Debase synonyms appear as Criminal and Immoral and Evil and as a counterfeit, along with many more declensions.

There is no jurisdiction between two separate languages appearing on one document. This is the guts of their deceptive crime: “English” and “Latin” or “DOG-LATIN” can not exist as one jurisdiction. Reference: Article: 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles: Sixteenth Edition: Foreign Languages.

The reason why “DOG-LATIN” is used to deceive the public, is because, as a foreign written language, it resembles English text closer than any other written foreign text. It has deceived the best of the best… “EVEN THOUGH YOU ASSUME YOU CAN READ THIS TEXT AS ENGLISH”, Grammatically, its impossible, and this is how they can claim that “their” law is a “presumption”, because it grammatically does not exist.

According to the Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition, DOG-LATIN, is the language of the illiterate, it is the: LATIN-ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT usurped into the English Descriptive text, appearing under the grammatical rules of Descriptive English Text, (ALL UPPERCASE SYMBOLIC TEXT without the hyphens) and not appearing under the true correct grammatical rules of Latin and done in order to deceive the illiterate, being the ignorant masses. “Ignorance is negligence”. It is the hidden secret that destroys the dominion of living man over the land, the sky, the sea and the thing that creep, (SURNAME). (Genesis 1:26) DOG-LATIN is the “Babylonian” language of the VASSAL, being the third party, debtor of the debtor. (Vassal of the Vessel) It is found on the ledger, (TOMB-STONES) and by you being attached to it, renders the presumption of conformation “SIGN” that you have sinned and you are dead. You are no longer the servant of the God of living man, you have become the servant of the underworld, the Gods of the dead Corporation, the servant of the VATICAN, the debtor of the debtor, subject to the Justinian Corpus Juries, (Language of the DEAD). The VATICAN holds the souls of the dead and the DOG-LATIN is the language of the DEAD. (Look at any tomb stone in the grave yard, its written text is: DOG-LATIN) The Person, and the Corporation, exists only in the water world, maritime jurisdiction of the DEAD. It has no place on land and with the living existence of good men. Land corporations are ships in dry dock, and their fraud DOG-LATIN language is a crime of deception and fraud against the living man. (Check the synonyms of the word “debase” in your dictionary because DOG-LATIN is identified as “Debased” Latin, a crime)

Dog Latin is the poison in the text, the counterfeit contract, the false charge, the deception that tricks the unsuspecting illiterate ignorant masses into accepting the debts of another.

A man can not live in the sea without a ship, and if you enter into the legal world of commerce, (Maritime Jurisdiction, law of water) you must be able to trust your ship that holds your estate. If your ship is dogged with a corruption, your estate (Cargo) is in peril.

It may also help if you know the difference between the grammatical rules of the written language of the land and the written language of the sea or you may find yourself, “presumed”: “LOST AT SEA”

The: Power of Rome, is alive and well in the modern systems of governance that govern the “citizens” of the world today but is it right? is it Just? … Or is it the system of Satan itself, a system of hidden slavery in order to control the masses via a private CONTRACTING system in order to forgo true Justice? being a system to remove man from the common law of the public jurisdiction in order to subject such a man to fall into private foreign contracts in order to forgo common law justice without arousing suspicion… As described in Blacks Law Dictionary under “GLOSSA”, and Justinian.

the power of Rome in relation to modern day governance, depends on the hidden grammatical rules of a foreign language usurped into the English language without the common man ever being aware of such a deceit.

London or Rome? …Or Babylon?… A question only answered by a comprehension of the grammatical rules of: English, and the foreign: Latin, (SIGN-LANGUAGE) used as the official written language of the Roman debtor accounts. (Language of the Debtor)

3: Is England Really England?:

Is England and its “City of London” really “England” or the “Roman Empire”? and if such a choice exists, what official language controls the VATICAN if the Vatican holds Legal Title over England and its so called commonwealth subdivisions? (AUSTRALIA and CANADA etc.) is it the “English language” or is it the official language of Rome, being “Ancient Latin”? meaning, if you are the holder of any account rendered in Ancient Latin, (ALL-UPPERCASE-SYMBOLIC-ILLUSTRATIVE-TEXT) are you just the corporate citizen of Rome and no longer a true common law subject of the common aggregate of England, its subdivisions and the English Language? … Were you sold out to the foreign Roman military enemy as a Trustee Slave or were you ignorant to the greatest grammatical deception ever known in modern history and “fell” into their trap, deceived by a grammatical masterpiece revived by the: Justinian Deception and the Roman occult?

Occult, means: Hidden

The Latin meaning for Latin is: Concealed, Hidden.

The Ancient Latin (ALL UPPER CASE TEXT DOGGED INTO DOG LATIN) is the copyright property of the debtor of the VATICAN, the Military: Roman Empire, and if you use it, you attach yourself to the terms and conditions of such property of the Roman Empire, being the “babble text” of BABYLON. You need a License to use it! … But! is the Latin you see every day on Driver License, Court Documents, Banking Contracts, Government contracts, really true Latin? or is it the Dogged corruption that is neither, true English or true correct Latin? “If this written text is English” and “THIS-IS-PROPER-SYMBOLIC-SIGN-LANGUAGE-LATIN” than “WHAT IS THIS TEXT WITHOUT THE HYPHENS” and why is Rome and its Legal Eagles turning the blind eye? …. who benefits from such a corruption? …

If Rome holds the legal titles of the countries of the world, than it alone is the debtor, but if Rome has the ability to confer the legal title to a third party debtor! Rome becomes the benefactor of all such countries. This knowledge to confer such legal title, being the debtor of the world, to the unsuspecting masses, is the key to their success, Rome transfers itself from the world debtor to the world creditor via an incredible grammatical deception that you are/were never meant to know.

The Latin meaning for BABYLON (BABY-LON) is: Baby for long time. That’s why the infantry of the Roman Empire (UNITED STATES MILITARY) are called infantry, they are the infants, the children that have not grown up and never likely to. At the age of majority (21) when they are handed their Key to Life, such children are made sure that they are unaware of their true standing, and for that reason, such children remain holding the Rome military account (SURNAME) being the “cognomen” therefor remaining subject to the power of Rome and their true Christian Account (Ledger) is never claimed. After seven years, the child is legally presumed lost as sea and the Christian Credit Account remains under the control of Rome. The STATE has become Father of the Child and the Military have become the loyal DOGS that serve the State and that’s why their ID tags are called. (DOG-TAGS), because of their military language: DOG-LATIN. What did the child lose? his right to direct the Dominion, it remained under the control of the State because the child never claimed it back at the age of Majority.

That’s why the Christian name and the military SURNAME account have two different certificates of birth. The birthing of the Credit LEDGER and the Debtor LEDGER. What one you hold is up to you.

If ROME has become the legal title holder of England and its subdivisions, “defender of the Christian Faith”, than have you become the legal “third party” title holder of Rome? being the debtor of ROME evidenced by any account you may be holding with your name “GLOSSED” into Ancient Latin, (American Sign Language) or a corrupt version, being the property of Rome or its banking debtor, and appearing in such names or effigies as: “JOHN PAUL SMITH” or “John Paul SMITH” or “MR SMITH”? …(What foreign text appears on your Passport, Driver License, Bank Account, and the list goes on)…Is it even Latin or DOG-LATIN?… And if so, maybe you are not aware that a true name can never grammatically appear in “illustrative” (Symbolic) text? …(Illustrative text is a picture, not writing) Grammatically speaking, true proper names are “Capitalized”, not “SYMBOLIZED” (Oxford Manual of Styles) rendering the presumption that your own ignorance of the grammatical rules of English, and Ancient Latin, are the root cause of your own inability to know the difference between your true name and a foreign debtor account or LEDGER of the foreign Roman Empire that you were deceived into holding without your knowledge. Even your own name is made up of two entities, “Christian Name” and “SURNAME“, that is two! not one! and this is even evidenced by two birthing Certificates. (Birth of the Christian Name ACCOUNT (CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH) and the birth of the Surname name ACCOUNT) (State BIRTH Certificate) … The only time that the full legal Person was birthed, being the name appearing with the Christian name and surname appearing as one in proper English, such as: “John Paul Smith” is on the day of “registration” not the day you were born because the date the Christian Name was registered was on the registration date some time after you were born! and not your born date. Your true full name is only the Christian name or given name, it is the “State” that joined the family name to your Christian name so they are liable for the debts under the full name: “John Paul Smith” because its their property, their copyright, their creation. He who creates owns.

One would even wonder why the Church itself remained quiet about such a deception, was it because it was the roll of the Church to serve Christ so if Christ never returned, maybe the VATICAN (Debtor of man) would only need to serve itself? It could render itself as the benefactor if the beneficiary (Christian Account) was lost or not present?

I wonder why Latin and Grammar have been removed from the corporate “State School System”? …because if you could “really” read, and you knew your Latin and your Grammar, you would see the deception in plain sight. If you were born into fraud and lived your whole life in fraud without ever being aware of such a fraud, then coming face to face with the truth would understandably be a difficult thing to accept… Many will refuse to accept that their own lack of knowledge in relation to grammar is the cause of their own misunderstanding in relation to their own name. Your surname appearing as a symbol (GLOSSA) is assumed, it is not your property and does not appear as a part of your name on any birth certificate.

4: The: JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION 530-AD: Death of Humanity?


5: JUSTINIAN: Emperor of Rome from 527-AD to 565-AD, and the JUSTINIAN Principle of Corporate Dead Governance of the dumbed down distracted masses.

So why do we shed light on this “person”, what did Justinian do that changed the history of modern day governance? … Its simple, he understood the meaning of “G-O-D”, he had the comprehension to understand: “Article 1:26 Genesis”, being the authorization that granted total authority over the world to man, and nothing else, “Grantor of Dominion”, being the greatest of Authority that was granted to “man” from the GOD of the Bible we are all aware of today.

G-O-D: Meaning: Grantor Of Dominion. (So there can be many Gods to deceive you)

All that needs to be done is for living man to give his consent to a DEAD corporation in order that a dead corporation can access the “dominion” (Total Authority) from such a living man. If the man does not consent, then a secret system of deception may have to be created in order to deceive such a man into consent without such a man ever being aware… The secret system exists. Its deception is: “Legal Title” and its tool is Grammar.

6: TRUST-LAW, the legal CODE to modern day SLAVERY:
Article 1:26 Genesis, is the foundation to TRUST-LAW, and what is TRUST-LAW, it is the legal code to a “Master-Servant” relationship, being SLAVERY, (Devolution) however, slavery is outlawed, but, “voluntary servitude” is legally accepted! … What this means is that the servant (SLAVE) must “agree” or “consent” to a private “contract” of slavery.

No one in their right mind wants to be a SLAVE, and that is why the warnings appear in the Bible, warning against the deceptive nature of the serpent-snake in the Garden of Eden, because it is through the clever deception of the serpent (Being the usurper-snake) that TRUST-LAW has become the new system of slavery, perfected over hundreds of years by the legal minds of deception, the Masters of Deceit. JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION. (VATICAN)

7: KEY-TO-Conferring the Ledger upon the Unsuspecting Illiterate Ignorant Masses.

The key to their deception is not to send you a bill but to send you “their” account in order that you agree to become the “trustee” of “their” account!. that’s right! it was never your bill that appears in the mail with your (So called) name appearing in the false Dogged DOG-LATIN, it’s pure grammar that confirms that proper “names” are never “SYMBOLIZED”, they are “Capitalized” and when you see: “SMITH” and not “Smith” or the symbol: “MR” or “MISS”, you are looking at the foreign accounts or “LEDGERS” of a foreign (Roman) entity sealed in its coffin (Envelope or Article) waiting for the illiterate ignorant masses to claim their debt property appearing as a “symbol” of “their account” that looks so much like your name, and once you “Break the Seal” of the sealed envelope, the “spell” (Contract) within, the contract to pay the debt, will be attached to the LEDGER that you claimed, rendering their account to be settled by their new consenting debtor, YOU, being the one that “Claimed” the ledger appearing within such an Article or what you assumed was a bill in your name. It was their Account! and they needed a fool to hold their LEDGER, dogged into “their” dead DOG-LATIN text in order to subject you to the accounts of the underworld.

Posting means to confer an “Account” to a “LEDGER” … A Ledger is the stone on top of a tomb, in other words, your DEAD. However, the world of the dead is not all bad, the distractions are entertaining and to find your way back to Eden, is complex and not for the faint hearted.

The world of the dead has: Footy, Porn, Television, Sports of all kind, things to keep you distracted, things that you love doing on the condition that you keep paying the debts of your master. A lot of people have the best life ever as the Slave and in a way, their masters try to keep them happy and distracted because the wealth that the masters generate from their true dominion (True Title) is possibly beyond your comprehension. The masters are not really rich from their own wealth, they are rich from acting as the Equitable Title holder of your own Dominion.


Without that one simple article: (1:26 Genesis) being the granting of such dominion over the land, the sky, the sea and the thing that creep, man would never have any legal ability to govern anything. Such a Biblical statute also prevents any form of governance over man because “man” has the highest authority over all living things on this world as well as the authority over the thing that creep, and what is the thing that creep, the legal dead SURNAME, being, in Latin, the name that creeps up from below.

9: Respect for the Assize of the VATICAN:

Only living man holds the highest authority, being Dominion, over the natural mineral and energy wealth of Eden, (Earth-land) so man must be assumed DEAD-IN-THE-WATER in order that the serpent (Usurper) can claim equitable title over Eden but remember this, how many men are worthy of holding the true wealth of Eden (Mineral and energy reserve) over the VATICAN? and that is why the code of understanding in relation to the Biblical codes are so complex, in order that only the true learned, the servants of the first Grantor-Of-Dominion (The first GOD) comprehends why the serpent or Satan must exist. The Serpent (Usurper VATICAN) only holds authority over its own property, being the dead accounts and the “Persons” of ROME. You can only hold the dead accounts of Rome by holding the VATICAN created “Person”. If you hold any account of ROME, you, by your own “claim” are the property of ROME, rendering your GOD as the VATICAN, and not the true God because the VATICAN created the “Person” and when the living man is annexed to the “Person”, such a living man no longer serves the first GOD of the living “Existence” of man, he serves the grantor of the person, and the life granted to such a person by the VATICAN.

Only the VATICAN created “Person” has the ability to hold a debt account, man has no ability to hold any account, that is why your Christian LEDGER (Dead Christian Name) has a trustee, in order that we, man, only need directive powers over the Dead governing corporate contractor. It is the VATICAN, being the: VAT-I-CAN “holder”, that granted a “life” to a “person”. Man was granted “Existence” and without existence, there can be no person or life of a trust or contract or anything for that matter. To kill the life of a “person” does not kill the existence of the man, but if you kill the “existence”, the “person” no longer “Exists” and that is why no man or person has the right to end a mans “existence” for such a crime of ending existence, is the greatest insult against the highest Grantor-Of-Dominion.

10: Born into: LIFE or Existence?

Remember this, without “existence” there can be no life, so when you see the meaning of born: meaning, born into “life” or “existence”, it was “existence” that the first G-O-D granted, not life, life is only the duration of the Vatican created Person, being the life span of a Contract or Trust in a legal term. Only the true G-O-D can grant Existence, where as the VATICAN grants life, but only for the dead person. Hold life and you my very well be “existing” as DEAD. Hold life and your God is the VATICAN, not the true God, hold Existence, and your G-O-D is the true God, that grants real Existence and this may be where the saying: “own nothing and direct all” derives from.

Understanding the “Christian name”, and its trustee legal standing, and the words: in my name you will be saved, may be the greatest key that returns you to existence but before you search for your true God, the Gods of the underworld and Egypt, did offer the dead a life within death and if you are happy within that existing death, (As you hold your person) than think carefully before you search for your real God of “existence” because such a road to the truth and the real G-O-D is long.

The ACCOUNTS of ROME can only be attached to the property of ROME, being the “Persons” of ROME. A Person is not a living man, it is the rank in a society, a military account holder and by your own actions by agreeing to hold any form of Account, you have agreed to act as the person (Mask), you have agreed to serve the false GOD, being the GOD of the Person, the GOD of the Pagan (Pay-Again debtor of the Vatican) being the VATICAN, the world debtor, the legal title holder of Eden. The VATICAN is the: Beast of Burden, of man and by holding any accounts of Rome, you become the servant of the Beast by holding the Mark of the Beast, being dogged: DOG-LATIN. You have left the true God. You hold the dogged: DOG-LATIN text, and you are assumed: DEAD, chattels of the STATE, chattels of the VATICAN, you are the property of Rome.


So what did Justinian do in order to gain so much power and authority over man?

He created the greatest deception concept ever perpetrated against living man in modern known history, he killed man without any one ever knowing that they were all legally dead, sacrificed at birth, dumped into the sea (Sea of commercial paper) in order to be “salvaged” by the Roman Empire before they were ever aware that they were assumed dead, lost at sea and never likely to return. Justinian (Emperor of ROME) and his legal team between 530 and 560 AD created a governmental masterpiece of modern day deception in order to deceive the public into “falling into” the private military contracts of the Roman Empire, under the direct control of the VATICAN in order to forgo true justice.

Shortly after the Magna Carter in 1215, Accursius, Accursius was a Roman jurist, around 1230 in the Hohenstaufen Dynasty of the Roman Empire, had completed the Justinian GLOSSA Corpus Juries Code, laws of the Dead Corporation System. Such a system is now fully in play operating under the ALL CAPS GLOSSA LATIN HIDDEN CONCEALED SYSTEM OF WRITTEN LATIN TEXT, or a DOGGED VERSION OF IT, (Property of Rome) that is assumed as common English text today, however, this is still far from the grammatical facts as confirmed in Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition in relation to the: “GLOSSA” and also confirmed by article 11:147 of the Chicago Manual of Styles SIXTEENTH-EDITION, identifying American Sign Language, operating under the grammatical rules of Latin Text, being used in modern day governance and Private Banking Contracts.

Common law of the land is not gone, but if you hold the “Person”, being the property of Rome and the VATICAN, you have no right to be subject to the Common Law of the land, you have become the property of Rome and you are bound by the Justinian Code, code of the DEAD-CONTRACTS, because the “person” that you hold is not your property, but you are subject to its debts if you are “acting” as the “holder” of such a “Legal Person” that was granted to you by Rome. The Christian Name is also not your property, but it is the remedy because it has a trustee, saving you from death. Trustee’s are legally dead.

Justice is a straight line, DOG-LATIN is the bending of the line, the corruption, the spurious document, the declension, the debasement, the counterfeit, the immoral act that no positive law could ever follow. It is the clever deception that “PEOPLE ASSUMED THIS TEXT WAS ENGLISH” and that’s how you corrected the error in the name, it was never your name in the first place… This deception was right under your nose in plain sight all your life but because it was always there, you didn’t notice it.

12: Translations in Relation to the use of DOG-LATIN:

What is DOG-LATIN? Blacks Law Dictionary claims that it is a debased form of Latin Text appearing under the Grammatical Rules of English. Its unreadable, so what does it look like: “IT SIMPLY LOOKS LIKE THIS“, and where do you find it? well, look at Court Documents, Government documents, banking documents, and your DRIVER LICENSE, yes, all the entities you assumed that you could trust….. It exists only with the consent of the Ignorant, it is the language of the Illiterate.

Just to give an example of how dangerous this deception is, I will give you a translation from “DOG-LATIN” to “English” and then from “English” into correct “LATIN”. In relation to the text used by the US FEDERAL RESERVE, the BAR, the banking Systems and the UNITED NATIONS, the European Union (EU), such “things-entities” use American Sign Language, being the ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT in order to identify CORPORATIONS registered with the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, but do they? or is it the deceptive: DOG-LATIN?… Here is the presumption and the fact in relation to “DOG-LATIN“.

A sample is given in the Chicago Manual of Styles, in section: 11:147, [image below] FOREIGN-LANGUAGES, of the correct way LATIN Re: ASL, is to be used in relation to the sample: “A car drove by“. The translation into ASL (American Sign Language) appears as: “VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY“… Did you notice the “hyphen“? … One rest in Written LATIN and American Sign Language, constitutes a break between the two signs, (Words) where as in relation to the English grammatical rules dealing with English Text, one rest constitutes joinder between the two words. Two rests or one rest and a full stop constitutes the break in relation to the written English Grammatical rules.

Two different sets of very different grammatical rules! … This means that when LATIN or American Sign Language is used without the “hyphen” it renders nothing in fact, leaving only an ignorant presumption that such ALL UPPERCASE TEXT is valid. This is just word science. If you operate English text or Latin text in breach of its relating Manuals, you void warranty! just like operating an automobile in breach of its manuals. You void warranty.

13: BABYLON TEXT, The language of babble:

So lets translate: The: “The cat sat on the mat” into the Latin, in relation to article 11:147 of the: Chicago Manual of Styles, to see what happens:

“The cat sat on the mat” = “THE-CAT-SAT-ON-THE-MAT”

Now from DOG-LATIN to English:

“THE CAT SAT ON THE MAT” = “The. Cat. Sat. On. The. Mat.”

As you can see, the second sample translated into nothing readable, its babble, that’s why the second sample is called: “DOG-LATIN” or “Dog Latin” being the language of the illiterate. It is debased. It is a “declension” or a “debase” meaning, it is wrong, immoral, counterfeit and void. It is also the language of the DEAD LEDGER, being depicted as the Egyptian God of the dead underworld: Anubis, depicted as a man with the head of a dog in Egyptian hieroglyph symbolism. (DOG-LATIN), The Eye of Horus (God of War and the dead) also depicted on the US One Dollar Note, but is that even grammatically correct appearing in DOG-LATIN? Is this a revival of Egyptian Slavery?

Lets look at the company registered on the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, District of Columbia, being the registered company: “COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” The translation from DOG-LATIN into English text:

“COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA” = “Commonwealth. Of. Australia” …??? Does it grammatically exist in fact? Notice the full stops after each word? So lets translate the “Commonwealth Of Australia” into correct: American Sign Language, under the correct grammatical rules of Latin Text:

“Commonwealth Of Australia” = “COMMONWEALTH-OF-AUSTRALIA”. There is no ALL UPPERCASE TEXT constituted in the English Grammatical rules. It does not exist, and there is also no “unhyphenated” strings of SIGNES in the LATIN or American Sign Language. Article 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles, also states that there is no correspondence between the words and signs of any two languages, meaning, the DOG-LATIN has no jurisdiction with the written English on any instrument (Contract) unless agreed! but was your agreement to such a false corruption in such a contract done by consent or were you deceived by your own ignorance and illiteracy? and why were you never taught Grammar and Latin in School? … to keep you enslaved by a false debt? … one may ask…


Are you starting to see the deception yet?, the foreign private banks such as the US FEDERAL RESERVE, (That owns the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA account) may not exist in any lawful de-jure ability! it is only assumed by the illiterate ignorant that could not read proper English.

Why does the Governor General “Assume” Office? … because there is no office in fact! … Is this how the real governments have been destroyed by the private foreign banking entities? have they pulled a swiftie over the people of the world via a Grammatical deception, a trick in the text? (A JOKER card?)Is DOG-LATIN the language of the Dog that is always subject to their master, man? … Is the Dog the slave? is your DRIVER LICENSE your identification that you agreed to be the DOG? Are you a “Mr” or “Miss” in the military holding the “DOG-TAG” written in “DOG-LATIN”. Are you legally DEAD? but you have not worked it out yet? Are you a SLAVE by deception? …

15: Adam and Eve: The warning concept of TRUST-LAW being its real hidden meaning.

This concept is not new, its “TRUST-LAW“, and the original warning about such a deception is the first story in the Bible: “Adam and Eve“, Such a story has all the elements of a TRUST-LAW-ARRANGEMENT, the usurper (VATICAN) and the HOUSE of the DEBTOR (Tree of Knowledge) and the HOUSE of the CREDITOR (Tree of Life). (Split title being the concept of TRUST-LAW) (Divide and Conquer) The warning from GOD, being the first Grantor of Dominion to man, warned Adam (Man) to stay away from the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. (HOUSE-OF-THE-DEBTOR) (Was the Fruit the “privilege” of SLAVERY?)

The very attachment (Annexing) to the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge, being the HOUSE OF THE DEBTOR, (Legal Title Holder) rendered Adam as no longer a man, he became the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” (Trustee) of a dead Account of Rome being a dead “thing”.

(As GOD claimed, You will surely die if you eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge) being the “debtor account” of the garden of Eden, Adam became the “Legal Title Holder” losing the Equitable title of Eden to the serpent, (VATICAN) preventing Adam from entering the garden without permission (License) from the grantor of the legal title.

Adam was cast into the Sea and could only enter back into the garden under “license” because he was no longer the holder of the Equity, he held the Knowledge, the NOTICE, the Legal Title. He held the LEDGER, being the TOMB… He surely legally died.

Again I remind though: The very word “Posting” means transferring an account to a ledger, and what is a ledger, the stone that covers a tomb, the holder of the “ledger” is dead, entombed into the contract, just like God warned Adam, (Living man).

Remember, Re: Trust Law, “True Title” is split into “Legal Title” and “Equitable Title”, and if you hold Legal Title, you don’t have rights over the Equitable Title without License.

If you need a License to drive your car, you no longer hold Equitable Title over your car, evidenced by the fact that you need a license to drive it on public lands. The equitable title belongs to the one who granted you the license, and if your government is a company registered with the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, I assume that the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, private banking system is holding your Equitable Title to your car, maybe your home, maybe your own country, your own dominion, your own body and all the oil and mineral reserve (Dominion) that goes along with it? Did they take it? or did you give it to them without a fight?

16: SPLIT-TITLE: The Two Birthing Certificates:

That’s why you have two Birthing Certificates, and also why the bank needs the details of “one” of them in order to give you Legal Title, because you may be holding the wrong one? … The two Birthing Certificates are evidence of Split Title, being a “trust” agreement, Split Title, Debtor or Creditor, the choice is yours and the certificates identify the difference … You can’t get the “Other” CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH unless you know your name and date of birth of your Christian Account. (Its under your nose, again, on your Birth Certificate.) Another disturbing account is the Birthing Certificates themselves, they are also “DOGGED” in DOG-LATIN, rendering them potentially void from the beginning to the end. The signs: “CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH”, translates to: “Certificate. Of. Birth.” as you can see, its nonsensical.

The Prima Facie Certificate, being the certificate of the Christian Name (Effigy) is DOGGED in DOG-LATIN… Why you may ask? because when they are exposed, it is only your own stupidity and ignorance of the biblical codes and plain old grammar that gave them your equity.

You applied for everything, to hold their accounts, so they are obligated, as good dog servants do, and gave you what you wanted, LEGAL-DEATH… As Eve said, the “Privilege”, being the fruit of the house (Tree) of the Debtor, “tastes good”… And credit does taste good, until you miss a payment.

Adam’s (Man) loss of the Equitable Title over Eden (The Earth-Dominion) was due to a masterpiece of deception, deceived by the serpent (Usurper) the snake. (Reptilian) Remember the Biblical maxim: “Thou shalt not worship engraved images” (Or other GODs) and when you know your grammar and Latin, you become aware that the ALL-UPPER-CASE-TEXT, is grammatically, an “engraved image”, it is an “Illustrative Text” being an “Egyptian hieroglyph”, the engraved image is not that of the descriptive text of English, it’s the dead language of the HOUSE-OF-THE-DEAD. (Tree of Knowledge) It even tells you its dead: en-“graved” its the language of the “ledger” and what is a ledger? The slab of stone that sits on a tomb.

When GOD said that if you eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, (As the usufruct) you will surely die, God was not joking! … God meant every word, the language of the tree of Knowledge being the HOUSE OF THE DEBTOR is the illustrative text, the SYMBOLIC language of the DEAD, even the word “corporation” means: dead-speaking, “Body Corp” dead body, so how can you be assumed as the living man when you are the holder of the DEAD ACCOUNTS-LEDGERS of Rome? What does the Christian Cross symbolize, it means “Died” …(Webster’s Dictionary Re: Symbols) The warnings are everywhere. By holding any form of “License” you are telling the world that you are DEAD and you are no longer the Equitable Title holder of Eden, you are the Legal Title Holder of Eden and you worship the Serpent (SATAN), you are the servant debtor of the snake, you pay his bills and not even the true GOD of living man can save you from your adultery for worshiping “other” Gods of the DEAD.

You lost jurisdiction with the first GOD of living man by holding the dead “Person” and the DEAD-ACCOUNTS of ROME, being the creation of the Serpent. (Usurper) G-O-D simply stands for “Grantor Of Dominion”… The grantor is the master, the grantee is the Slave-servant.

In relation to the illustration above: Some words are far too dangerous to take for granted. Re: names: a “nomen” is a name, the power of Rome but a SURNAME is a “Cognomen” not a nomen! A cognomen is Rome, it is not the power of Rome, it is subject to the direction of the nomen, and if your Christian name (Nomen) is attached to the “cognomen”, (SURNAME) you become the servant of Rome and lose your directive power over Rome. Why does the Queen of England, hold no SURNAME?… The property of Rome is not your business. unless you make it your business.

Remember, Adam (The living man) was in the Garden of Eden first, he was the first trustee of the first Grantor of Dominion, the trustee of existence itself, trustee of the first God of the Bible and only when Adam was deceived into holding the legal title, by accepting the fruit of the tree of Knowledge (Meaning NOTICE), did Adam lose his equitable title hold over the dominion… (Total authority) Adam was not forced to accept the privilege of acting as the debtor, he accepted the fruit under his own volition and said that it tasted good, but it comes with death, meaning, you can not be the holder of Legal Title and Equitable Title at the same time. One or the Other, however, Christ offered a remedy within the dead world of the tree of knowledge (Jurisdiction of the debtor), he offered a “trustee” for your legal Christian ACCOUNT, rendering you as the living man to remain as “Director” of the serpent within the world of the DEAD. (That’s why you have two names, both being the property of the DEAD STATE but one has a trustee or a credit ledger whereas the other is the debtor ledger) Every system must have a remedy but this remedy comes with great comprehension of the nature of such a biblical TRUST-LAW system and a comprehension of just what G-O-D really means.

17: So what is G-O-D? (In the legal degree)

Anyone who grants or creates is the God of what he grants or creates, the grantor is the master and the one who accepts such a grant is indebted, being the slave or servant. Even if you grant a deception, the one who accepts such a deception is obligated because the grantee agreed to whatever the grantor granted.

The VATICAN (ROME) granted the “Person”, not the first GOD of Existence, God granted existence, not death. If you are a “Person”, your GOD is not the first God of the living, your god is the second God of DEATH, the serpent. A Person is a dead entity, a corporation subject to the en-graved world of the dead.

The Serpent (VATICAN-ROME) is now the “Benefactor”, being the “de-facto quasi” holder of the Equitable Title of Eden and all its mineral and energy reserve because the true first”Beneficiary” being “man” has been evicted via deception, lost at sea and assumed to never return and that is why the secret codes of Governance over the masses is kept so hidden in grammatical deceptions such as the Justinian Masterpiece.

(GLOSSA and its DOG-LATIN Deception) The return of the “Beneficiary” would render the “benefactor” back as the “Debtor-Trustee”. The VATICAN must surrender to the Christian Account because the VATICAN holds the dead “LEDGER” of Christ, and Christ holds the dead “LEDGER” of Man and Existence. The power of ROME is only a grammatical deception. The VATICAN is the servant of man via Christ, being no more than an Account of man.

Man granted legal title over the dominion of Eden to the VATICAN, as the debtor and the VATICAN accepted. It is the VATICAN’s deception that deceived man into becoming the legal title holder of the VATICAN, turning man from standing as the beneficiary of existence into the “VASSAL” of the Vessel, being the debtor of the debtor, debtor of the dead accounts and LEDGERS of the VATICAN…

Such a deception was done by a grammatical masterpiece of fraud in order to “annex” (Attach) the living man to the dead accounts of Rome, rendering such a living man as the “Account Holder” of the property of the Roman Empire, therefor giving Justinian, Emperor of Rome, total authority over the ACCOUNTS of Rome when being “attached” to such a living man, rendering his own standing from beneficiary to trustee of his own account. It was not the man that was under the Power of Rome, it was the ACCOUNT that was under the authority of Rome and because the living man had unwittingly become the “Holder” of such an account, (Assumed attachment) the man was bound as the assumed “trustee” of such a foreign account and is obligated to settle the debts of such an account. The Dog Latin trustee is the legal DEAD third party SLAVE of such a Roman Account.

Remember this, Under the legal meaning of TRUST, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th. Edition), a trustee has right to be compensated for acting as Trustee, however, if you were never aware that you were made a Trustee, than were you ever compensated? …

The VATICAN-ROME grants their system of mass control by deceit to the Empire in order to administer it, the VATICAN also has the power to resume such a system in order to end any empire that operates under such a VATICAN owned code (Copyright) if such an empire does not please such a grantor of such a system, in other words, if the serpent (VATICAN) doesn’t get its cut of what has been plundered by the administrating Empire, it may recall its copyrighted system and end such an Empire and may have the right to claim such a legal ability to justify itself…. Because Rome owns all persons, even though it doesn’t own the man, if the man is attached to the person, than the Vatican will claim the property of the man right along with the “Person”.

ROME is now the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE under the direction of the DOG-LATIN: CITY OF LONDON, so it is assumed. It may hold the Power of the Holy Lance of Rome, the Lance that divides and conquers, that Lance, power of Rome that split Christ into Blood and Water, Creditor and Debtor.

18: The Deception: and how it deceives us by our inability to read common English text.

The deception was simple, if a man assumed that his heritage name: “Smith” appearing as the foreign glossed account (Thing): appearing as the symbolic designation of a thing: “SMITH” on any paper instrument, and claimed such a name (Thing) assuming it to be his own property, then such a living man, in fact, has claimed “ownership” over a foreign Roman Debtor Account, being a Debt LEDGER in the foreign illustrative symbolic text appearing as “SMITH” and unbeknown to such a deceived living man, he has become the unsuspecting “debtor” of the property of the foreign Roman Empire.

The SURNAME is the property of Rome, not you! Why? because it appears in the Roman text: “SMITH”, and not as a true noun: “Smith”. The living man has become the dead “ACCOUNT” holder “trustee” of the property of foreign Rome, (UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE Accounts) subject to the laws and statutes of such a foreign ACCOUNT and without compensation.

He has been conned-trapped-snared-deceived into the savage grasp of the Justinian Deception and unwittingly become the ACCOUNT “holder” of the Accounts of the foreign Roman Empire.

The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA is registered to the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE Via the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION (USSEC) for good reason, its linked to the CITY OF LONDON and Rome. The COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA company is a foreign account of the Roman Empire, and such registration information is in the public domain.

They didn’t really hide anything! that’s how clever the deception has been, its your mind that has been programed to not believe the truth. (Get rid of your TV, take it from your home and dump it or just use it for your own choice of movies or whatever, and start learning your grammar and understanding just what LATIN and Grammar really is)

You will notice that any Government ACCOUNT relating to power bills, rates bills, water bills etc., being “ACCOUNTS”, are all rendered in the “illustrative” ALL UPPERCASE SYMBOLIC TEXT known as: DOG-LATIN, and why? they are grammatically telling you that the accounts are foreign and have nothing to do with correct English or even correct LATIN… They are the debts of a foreign private administrator. They are not your property. It is the property of the usurper (Serpent)

Anything rendered in the ALL UPPERCASE TEXT such as a name, or a town, or a street, or a suburb or an address or a State or even two or more capital letters joined together without a space renders a “presumption” it is not a fact! and this is where the “Presumption of Law” derives from. the ALL UPPER CASE SIGN language is not written text! it is a picture, an illustration, a symbol, it is the “JOKER” within the document. Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition.

19: The DANGER of the Truth:

When you start looking for the truth, you will confront the reality of just how corrupt and dogged our system has become, you will be subject to brutal attacks from the serpent, because, you are the real beneficiary of Eden but the Quasi Counterfeit will not let go without a fight and probably a fight to the death. Beware of these loyal DOGS of the Justinian Deception, their rich life depends on your slavery and your lack of ability to see the Justinian Deception in full swing.

The Kennedy kill, the 9/11 murder of thousands of people, the causing of World War in order to sell arms and run drugs, causing massive debt and hardship at the cost of your lives and the lives of our children for nothing more than profit for the people that cause the war in the first place, these people stop at nothing to keep hidden the deception they need in order to hold such corrupt power over the right to control the treasury of the people. You will be cast as a “Terrorist” or “Sovereign Citizen” being things that make no sense legally but will be tagged to you in order to discredit your stand for the truth. Your good will is their enemy, your quest for the truth undermines their fraud and their deception.

This truly is a sad situation for good people and once you become aware of how utterly corrupt and dogged the system is, you then must live with such disturbing knowledge but not having the ability and might to correct it. To make a stand for what is right may lead to nothing but humiliation and even death. I myself have now been subject to threats against the well being of myself and my children, and I fear for our well being. This document is all I have left in order to explain the danger I have faced for the research undertaken in order to discover the Grammatical Crime employed by such counterfeit deceptive corporate administrative entities passing themselves off as true common law governments of the people.

It is the fraud in the beginning that renders such a fraud to the end, such all uppercase symbolic text is only “assumed” to be the “written” fact because we, living man, have become stupid and ignorant and dumbed down to the point where we can not ever read proper English, but not really, we have been indoctrinated, programed from the day we were born, birthed into a fraud and we have never known any better. Its only when we start to feel things are wrong within our natural bodies, within our hearts that some of us start to look deeper into what is causing so many people to wonder, what is wrong with our system.

When you notice the rates bills, power bills, court bills, all state entities bills appear in the mail, they are not bills! they are “LEDGERS” they are not even domestic accounts, they are foreign accounts and its only when you claim such an account by opening such an envelope that “houses” such an account, you become the “claimant” of such a “foreign” ACCOUNT-LEDGER appearing within. Its only after you have claimed such an ACCOUNT appearing in the mail, does the ACCOUNT become your “bill”, why? because you agreed to “act” as the “ACCOUNT HOLDER” and why? because what you “assumed” to be your name or street, or town or your address, was in fact the foreign designation of a foreign assumed “ACCOUNT” and by your actions relating to you opening and claiming the mail, did you become the assumed “ACCOUNT HOLDER” of such an account. The ALL UPPERCASE TEXT was not even proper English! but you were never told. ACCOUNTS are things and things are rendered in the “SIGN” language, all uppercase text. The big question is who sent you the ACCOUNT? was it your true government? or was it a private quasi “foreign” corporate “Shadow” government that we know nothing about? … (Hidden in their Dogged Deceptive Language)

ACCOUNTING is the art (Art of cunning) of conferring debt titles upon the unsuspecting. The all uppercase text is just a legal title that renders you as the trustee of such a title. You must settle the debt if you have claimed “ownership-trusteeship” over such a debt ACCOUNT.

The greatest deception that people of today refuse to believe is that “THIS TYPE OF ALL UPPER CASE TEXT IS NOT ENGLISH“, and “This type of text is English“. The great difference is that “THIS ALL UPPER CASE SYMBOLIC TYPE OF TEXT” is totally foreign to the English language and has different grammatical rules to the English language and if you are not aware of such a difference between the grammatical differences between the two languages “English” and “Ancient Latin”, (American Sign Language, Re: Article 11:147 Chicago Manual of Styles) and the difference between their different grammatical rules, you will fall for the deceptive trappings of the foreign accounts of ROME, CITY OF LONDON and the UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE, (All foreign corporate accounts)… You become the Citizen of Rome, the debtor trustee of the VATICAN, you are no longer the living man with common law rights, you are the dead legal fiction, ripe for plunder by the Emperors of Rome in order to rape and plunder its own Citizens. You are no longer a Townsmen or a Countrymen or Civilian, you are a foreign “citizen” being the trustee to Rome, the world debtor… The very word “city” is an abbreviation of the: “CITY OF LONDON” being the square mile in in the middle of London.


Is the new style of militarized Police bordering on terror in order to terrorize the citizen to comply and not question their own Courts, Police, Government Officials, and its actions in relation to ever increasing debt and poor miss-management etc., or even theft of the Treasury of the People? Is it OK to ask who owns your own Government? … Tyrannical Governments are organized terrorists entities.

21: Article 11:147 of the Chicago Manual of Styles: SIXTEENTH-EDITION:

This (Picture below) is (One of the many bits of evidence) the written hard evidence that identifies the ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT as a foreign entity, a foreign language to the English Written Text and goes on to confirm that there is no correspondence between the SIGN language and the language of the Written Text. Not only does it confirm that there is no jurisdiction between the two written styles of text, it further identifies the grammatical error in all government and Court and Banking documents relating to the grammatical rule dealing with the SIGN language relating to hyphens between signs in order to string a sentence in SIGN-LANGUAGE. One rest in relation to SIGN-LANGUAGE constitutes a stopple between the signs, whereas, one rest in written English constitutes the joinder between the two words.

Two rests are needed to confirm the stopple between words appearing in written English text, whereas only one rest will cause the stopple between words appearing as SIGNS. (Article 11:147: Chicago Manual of Styles: SIXTEENTH EDITION_ See illustration below) These are also the rules Re: Ancient Latin, being an illustrative text, meaning symbolic text or SIGN-LANGUAGE and renders a very different grammatical rule to the written descriptive English text. Such grammatical rules can only confirm that your Christian name and all uppercase SURNAME have no jurisdiction with each other, in a legal sense, unless “agreed” by the two parties, but if you were never aware of such hidden knowledge that deceived you into assuming that the two names were one and you entered into a private foreign contract without you being aware, how could such a contract ever be deemed valid? … unless you were never made aware of who you really were until the day your body really did die. Deceived and denied from birth until death, your “first” GOD given rights that were granted to you when you were born were never known to you or hidden from you all your life.

What appears to be happening is that TERROR is now being used by such de-facto corporate foreign governing contractors, in order to enforce corporate governance upon the people. People that question any part of the system meet face to face with a very different government than what they assumed existed. Terrorizing the masses into a submission of servitude may be effective but is it right and will it work in the long haul? …

But always remember, its what we don’t know that scares us, and what you do know about their Deception, scares them … Once the light is turned on, you can see your way through the dark, the Owl can see in the dark, you must be like the Owl, know the foundation of your own standing and see the weakness in their own foundations of deception! …

If BANKS profit on the selling of debt and the corporate governments are a subdivision entity of such a foreign bank, (COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA and CANADA registered to the foreign USSEC) than is that not a conflict of interest when the Government causes outrages amounts of debt upon the people of a country because such a de-facto government is owned by the bank that needs to “sell” outrages amounts of debt in order to make such an outrageous amount of profit? Our governments are all registered to the foreign UNITED STATES FEDERAL RESERVE BANKING SYSTEM, Re: the UNITED STATES SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION, WASHINGTON DC: District of Columbia.

Meaning of Gloss: Disguise, mask?… the word “Person” derives from “Mask” Take notice in section 2 of the meaning of “gloss” the gloss, like the Latin meaning of Latin, means hidden, mask, camouflage, disguise, words that identify the all uppercase GLOSSA text as something in disguise, something hidden, a smokescreen! something spurious, in other words, you are being told that something is not right when you see such “ALL UPPERCASE FOREIGN LATIN TEXT LIKE THIS” Its you that must be vigilant because the people that operate such a text have already knowingly sold their souls to such a deception and crime.

Chicago Manual of Styles: FOREIGN-LANGUAGES: The Sign for a car drove by is: “VEHICLE-DRIVE-BY”… The Chicago Manual of Styles is the one book that is used by the UNITED STATES corporate banking system…(Enforcement military arm of Rome) All banking paper and instruments must be rendered as a FICTION and must never exist in Fact… It is you that agree to accepting their fiction in order that they are never held “ACCOUNTABLE” for the crimes you have committed by accepting such a crime against the living man and the laws of Grammar and God…(You served a foreign State) If you were ignorant to the rules of English, you only have yourself to blame because “Ignorance of the Law” is no defence and the real “Laws” are only the rules of the language used within the account you agreed to hold and the laws of GOD… If you don’t know your own GOD or don’t bother to research who your real GOD is, you may be serving and following the rules of a false GOD…


If you were aware of what the New World Order (Maritime Jurisdiction) government did to you in order to acquire your consent, you would never trust the Government, the Media, the Police and the Courts again. They are all one “thing” that maintains a massive grammatical deception over your mind in order to keep you “under VATICAN control”. One World Government or the so called NEW WORLD ORDER, can only appear under the water law of corporations, operating under the copyright of the written language of the VATICAN or a total corruption of such a language, and if you become the “citizen” of a private corporation operating under such maritime rules of such a corporation, you are no longer a civilian of the land. You are “over-seas” presumed dead.

If you don’t know who you are or your real name, you will be assumed LOST-AT-SEA, giving Rome and the Church the right to “salvage” (Salvation) you and plunder your estate, being your God given Dominion, but as Christ claimed, only in his name shall you be saved! …. You do have a “Christian Name” for that very reason, but not when you attach your given Christian name to the foreign ACCOUNTS of ROME, being the “mark of the beast” (DOG-LATIN-ALL-UPPERCASE-TEXT)

That’s why you have two state birthing certificates, one is the birth of the SURNAME “ACCOUNT” (Born Date) and the other is the birth of your Christian Name “ACCOUNT” (Registration Date). The choice is yours but only if you are aware that there is a choice. Such a choice appears in Adam and Eve, House of the debtor and the House of the Creditor…

22: Warning: To the Good People of the World

In reality, if you discover the key to the fraud of the private Banks and the VATICAN and their foreign counterfeit written language (DOG-LATIN)… you will come face to face with the worst type of corporate greed and such people that serve such a massive deception over the people of the world. Such corporate citizens will go to any length to uphold such a system of deceit and sometimes may go to extreme levels of terror in order to uphold your compliance to such a corrupt-deception.

Truth and right is not an easy road to travel so think carefully before you learn the JUSTINIAN-DECEPTION, but if you are honourable and understand the roll of the Beast of Burden, (VATICAN), and avoid interference with the underworld of Satan, the Gods of the DOGS, Anubis, and the underworld God: Horus, you may be forgiven or survive… but be careful, these gods of temptation and deception are powerful gods and their trustees, being the dead corporations of the sea, may go to extreme lengths to maintain the greatest deception ever.

23: WARNING-TO-THE-Industrial Military Complex:

When a dog bites the hand of his master, the trust is gone.

24: THE-SEVEN-YEAR-SEARCH: Conclusion:

In relation to the maxim: “GLOSSA VIPERINA EST QUIE CORRODIT VISCERA TEXTUS. 11 Coke, 34. It is a poisonous gloss which corrupts the essence of the text“, it has taken me seven years to find the poison in the text. the answer is: “DOG-LATIN” identified in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition: DOG-LATIN, the language of the Illiterate, being: Latin Text based on the grammatical rules of English. In relation to the English Dictionary, Dog Latin is debased Latin, and is criminal, immoral and constitutes a counterfeit.

This research will probably be hidden in time, and I am not even sure that the World wants to be saved or released from such a deception. It serves a lot of internally powerful people too well.

For the love of people and humanity: The Deception is DOG-LATIN, being the corruption in the text. The all uppercase foreign text is the DOG-LATIN appearing as the cause of the counterfeit-fraud. The act of usurping “DOG-LATIN” into English written instruments in order to deceive the public into surrendering the Treasury, is EVIL and DEMONIC. The CODE-OF-DECEPTION-HAS-BEEN-CRACKED.

Justinian Deception (PDF)

Justinian -Deception

click image for video

To: President of the Australian Bar Association Matthew Collins AM KC
From: National President of the Australian Fraternity of Trade Unionists John Wilson

Dear Mr: Collins, I am writing to you to put you and the Bar on Notice, that the National Body of our Fraternity is making moves to advise all of it’s members, to “Turn Their Backs and Abandon” the Australian Legal System in it’s entirety:

The Fraternity now holds a Crisis of Confidence in the Australian Lawyers and the Judicial Courts that they operate within and around:

And your Bar Association has been a central player in creating this Crisis of Confidence by way of your betrayal of the Australian people in which the Fraternity has many thousands of members:

For too long the Bar and it’s members have provided protection and interference for:- Killer Big Pharmaceutical Companies The Treasonous and Utterly Corrupt Political Class Big Tech and the Surveillance Vultures Permanent Australian Deep State Members of Dangerous Criminal Intent It is now so obviously clear that your Bar and Your Member Lawyers work for and were created by Foreign Entities of the Roman/Vatican Empire – in collusion with the Pope; – The Queen; and – Henry the VIII in the 1500s:

Your Association is controlled by Foreign Entities and the Rules of Civil Procedure that was written by old Roman Laws which are still used to this day and do not apply to “We The People”:

The Illegal practices of All Australian Judges and you Member Lawyers – including those who enforce the Illegal procedures are nothing more than Wailings and Bleating’s from a Null and Void dead Corporation:

Our National Fraternity is fully aware that all these Australian Courts are utterly corrupted:

Every person that is part of the your Bar Association are foreign entities that have trespassed on our National Members Human Rights:

Your Bar Association has been working under massive fraud, and all under the cover of law for a long time, But the fucken gig is up Matthew:

All of this Maritime Law, Contract Law and Corruption has now reached the Point of No Return:

It is currently – right now – crashing and burning into oblivion – it will be just a fucken memory old boy:

Sorry about that:

Old Chum No longer are these Fraudulent Elections going to give your Bar the Political Air Cover to continue to operate:

For you see, our Fraternity is also right on to this Election Fraud through Foreign Interference:

We are fully aware of these Chinese Communist Operatives who provide Election Management Systems to the Electoral Council of Queensland- viz Konnech Australia:

The same company who has the CEO Arrested in the USA for very serious criminal charges relating to data held on their Election Management System’s Chinese Servers:

We are also fully aware of how corrupt many of those with our within our Enforcement and Intelligence Agencies are:

Election Interference is well within their capabilities:

So, please be advised that it is the intent of the Fraternity to fully mobilise all of it’s membership base in addition to calling upon hundreds of thousands of other Australian Trade Unionists to “Turn Their Backs” on the entire Australian Judicial, Legal, and Law Enforcement system:

And no amount of sending your Drug Effected (Cocaine, Crystal Meth, Speed etc) Law Enforcers to try and intimidate our Fraternity will stop us from this mobilisation:

As the National President of the Fraternity, I have pointed out the relevant section of the Communist Party Manifesto that I believe contains the relief being sought by our members and all Australian more generally:

There is no claim that I or any within our Fraternity are Communist:

But simply we recognise that our Fraternity in having to deal with your Bar Association who are in fact – a back door Communist Organisation:


Who protects the pharmaceutical companies?
Who protects the corrupt politicians?
Who protects the Tech Giants?
Who protects the Deep State CABAL ELITES
in every country around the planet?


These INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION Lawyers work for and were created by Foreign Entities of the Roman/VATICAN empire, in collusion with the Pope, The Queen and Henry the VIII in the 1500s. The UNITED STATES CORPORATION in the 1800s crafted the NEW branch off the BAR (BRITISH ACCREDITED REGISTRY) and created ABA ( AMERICAN BAR ASSOCIATION).. both associations are controlled by Foreign Entities and the Rules of Civil Procedure was written by old Roman Laws that are still used to this day and do not apply to “We The People”.


All courts are corrupted. Every person that is part of the BAR are foreign entities that are trespassing on human rights. These BAR associates, society, corporations have been working under massive fraud, under the cover of law for a long time through out the world in every country.

They protect fraud elections, illegal practices by politicians, corporations, tech Giants pharmaceutical companies and ELITES that run the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION World Wide.

The BAR is about to be taken down worldwide the enormous fraud is about to be revealed.

You have no contract with this Unlawful Broken Corporation and associates of the BAR and their counterparts. You are not a property or subject to these false Entities, associations, and societies connected to the INTERNATIONAL BAR ASSOCIATION and their procedures.


the Lawyers who protect the Elite and evil is almost done…


video: Wilke Ferguson Courthouse Florida

Wilke Ferguson Courthouse Florida
built as a ship (in dry-dock)
to demonstrate the
Admiralty Law

You probably don’t want to find yourself in this place.

They make no attempt to hide what kind of justice they impart – other than to block the view with ‘supporting’ buildings on both sides.

There’s more information about what a horror this place is in the attached video

video: Click image for video

Roman Law / Admiralty Law
is the law of the Sea – 

The law of commerce,
The Law of Money
The Law of Debt Slavery

It is NOT the law of God
It is NOT the law for people.


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