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Whatever you want to call them.
They’re here, they've always
been here like guardian angels and
they are now ready for contact.
Just because we can't see them,
don't know who they are or
what they are (yet) - it
doesn't mean they don't exist.
This is for those who are awake
and who recognise the
proof is all around us.
The others just won't 'get' it and
will complain at being challenged.
There are forces seen and unseen involved beyond our ability to remove, that have been controlling humanity for thousands of years.
These forces have been behind every war, every plague, every economic collapse, they thrive on the pain and suffering of humanity.
They are involved in everything from drug, child, and sex trafficking to human sacrifice.
They are now trying to bring us to another global conflict which will cause our demise as a species.
No problem for them - they've done it many times before in the history of this world.
The reason we don't know about it is because they write our 'history' - and control our education systems to omit any truth, other than what they want us to know.
And all we think we know is ONLY whatever suits their agenda.
What we're experiencing now is
simply our 'turn' in a scenario
that's been repeated many times before
in many places in the universe
they choose to inhabit.
Why now, probably because we're getting too smart and wising up to them or simply because there's too many of us for them to control.
We're becoming a threat and need to be culled - some would say, harvested.
Then, once we're gone, they'll simply start all over again - as they have many times in the past and a new bunch of cloned babies will appear, as it did in the mid 1800's, to start a new era of farming for them.
It’s time to wake up and grow up
because if they're not stopped
it's rinse-repeat for them
and we'll simply be the latest round-up
to be sent to the abattoir!
None of us have the luxury of denial
any longer - any semblance of our
society is being stripped away daily
by the demon-helpers who have
been moved into positions of
authority and power.
Our ultimate destruction is
long-planned and imminent
and we don't have long left.
Whistleblowers are coming forward in every agency including SSP Secret Space Fleet speaking about harvesting humans and abducting them as slaves.
This is also replete within the upper echelons of many of your institutions.
Most people cannot handle the depth of corruption and depravity.
Satanic/Luciferian forces within the global elite have taken control of almost every institution and have since the beginning of our history - which was re-written to suit their narrative of deceit and lies they used to control us.
But, luckily for us, somehow,
this is being rectified with help from
entities we cannot see or
communicate with, yet
and without this help we're
otherwise defenceless.
Why these entitites have chosen to become
involved in our salvation (this time around)
isn't known - but the alert realise
'something's going on that no-one can explain'
and, with their help it could be we'll make it out of this.
Which is fortunate they've elected to help us - because without their help we would be powerless to prevent the long-planned destruction of us as a species by other forces we can't see - but which we now realise have been controlling us entirely since the beginning of our known-time on Earth.
And the salvation plan is so precise, so perfect, all we see is the 'middle-management' clowns of our world running around in circles now without any instructions to follow or credible plan of their own due to the demise of their masters.
Their empire, that has ruled over us for thousands of years is being/has been relentlessly destroyed - piece by piece.
The reason everything is
looking like theatre is because it is.
Many of our installed so-called 'leaders' who have been assisting in our demise have already been dealt with, many more will be removed as time goes on - but once the final cleansing process starts, it will be swift.
Right now, what you are seeing are actors, masks and CGI for the most part in an attempt to wake up the socially engineered brain-washed masses.
There are none so blind
as those who
- WILL NOT see -
- or CANNOT see.
Whether you can see it or not
there's a WAR going on
and if you're going to survive it
you'd better wake up.
Every day, we meet the socially engineered
who are devoid if any level of critical thinking,
base logic and are research impaired.
Maybe they're just too far
'gone' and there's
no hope for them.
No matter what your age now, we've all been involved in a war since we was born, and every war there's casualties.
The casualties of this war are not only physical or mental but will include those who suffer from cognitive dissonance and those who are morally impaired to the point they are no longer redeemable.
As time goes on, more evidence
will come to light to prove that
the so-called vaccine
was just a weapon used against us.
You don't want to believe any of this that's OK it's your choice, and always has been, but make no mistake, whatever side or the fence you decide to sit on, there's no such thing as a free-ride.
Some very hard lessons are coming for those who choose not to see that have already learned by those more alert.
Those that refuse to learn from them may still have a future but it could be, not here.
Generally those who capitulate first are among the first casualties in any conflict.

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“… the universe is teeming with life …”

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The true story of humanity.

The leader of the
Earths Illuminati
is called the
The Pindar is a member of one of the 13 ruling Illuminati families and is always male.
The title, Pindar, is an abbreviated term for “Pinnacle of the Draco”, also known as the “Penis of the Dragon”.
Symbolically, this represents the top of power, control, creation, penetration, expansion, invasion, and fear.
The holder of this rank
reports to the purebred
reptilian leader in the
inner Earth.
Recently, there have been reports that the Marquis de Libeaux is the Pindar, but this is disinformation.
The true current Pindar is the head of the Rothschild family, as has been for several hundred years.
He is based in Germany near Frankfurt. In the late 1970s, he oversaw the sister project to Montauk, called M.A.L.D.A. is an anagram for Montauk-Alsace-Lorraine Dimensional Activation.
This project was located near the city of Strasbourg, France, historically once part of Germany.
There is a winery
on the east end of Long Island,
not far from Montauk Point,
called Pindar Vineyards.
This wine is growing in popularity,
gaining international accolades.
This fits nicely into the plan,
as this area will be a part of
the capital district of the
Earth/United Nations
in the Empire State!
Red wine is symbolic of
the blood ingested
by the Reptilians.
The Illuminati here on Earth have established a pyramid structure of control identical to the system that exists in the Draco Empire.
The pyramid with the Reptilian eye, located on the American one-dollar bill, is symbolic of this control structure.
The eye is the cap on the pyramid, thus explaining why the original surface of the Great Pyramid in Egypt was capped in solid gold.
The Pindar is represented by the gold cap on the pyramid.
The next layer, or “eye”, on the pyramid represents the 13 ruling families.
Each of the 13 ruling families is given an area of the Earth and/or a particular function to fulfill on the Earth.
These particular functions include global finances, military technology/development, mind-control, religion, and media.
They also know that
there are really 13 Zodiac signs,
not the commonly acknowledged 12.
They have kept the 13th hidden for centuries because it is the sign of the Dragon.
They keep the qualities and traits of this sign secret to avoid giving away clues to the Reptilian mind-pattern.
The next layer is the second-in-command families who do the support work for the Pindar and 13 ruling families.
While all of the 13 ruling family members are shape-shifters, all members of the 300 supporting families are not.
They do, however, all have a high percentage of Reptilian DNA.
They are known as the
“Committee of 300”.
These families include such notable names as Agnelli, Balliol, Beale, Bell, Bouvier, Bush, Cameron, Campbell, Carnegie, Carrington, Coolidge, Delano, Douglas, Ford, Gardner, Graham, Hamilton, Harriman, Heinz, Kuhn, Lindsay, Loeb, Mellon, Montgomery, Morgan, Norman, Oppenheimer, Rhodes, Roosevelt, Russell, Savoy, Schiff, Seton, Spencer, Stewart/Stuart, Taft, and Wilson.
There are many others.
The Illuminati structure also creates artificial countries to further their goals.
Examples of these are the United States, Switzerland, Kuwait, the Soviet Union, Panama, Israel, Italy, Yugoslavia, the United Kingdom, most of Black Africa, all of the Arab countries, and all of Central and South America.
These nations were created to amass wealth for the ruling families and their supporters, to hide or keep their wealth, and to create unstable conditions necessary to start wars or increase military budgets.

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“Your value does not decrease
based on someone’s
inability to see your worth”
Humanity as a whole is suffering from a lack of esteem because those we trusted to lead us, think we are worthless and treat us as such.
They think human life is of no value and have for many decades brainwashed everyone to feel we are a burden to the planet; useless eaters that need to be exterminated for the betterment of nature.
They have laden us with guilt, shame and fear.
We have been victims of mental abuse and moral corruption, no wonder most people go about life feeling they are not worthy and believing they are never ‘enough’.
The problem is that too often people have come to treat others just like our self-proclaimed overlords treat us; with disdain, contempt and disrespect and so the vicious circle of lack of confidence, worthiness and self-respect, continues.
I have on many occassions had to pull friends out of this damned state of not feeling ‘enough’.
I have literally had to make them see themselves for the first time, I had to describe to them who they were, how wonderful they were, and they would say in disbelief ‘really?’ – yes, really!
We are wonderful, powerful creatures of light, fueled by love, driven by creativity, wanting to experience, to live, to love, to laugh, to enjoy… yearning freedom, seeking connection and kindness, that’s who we are. Just know it and tell yourself over and over again.
Become that which you wish to see in others and never allow anyone to lessen how you feel about yourself.
Try to lift others as you go along. Kindness and encouragement have truly magical properties, so become a magician.
We must break the vicious circle once and for all. We need a world full of strong, empowered people that know their worth and are prepared to fight for it.
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I wish I could tell you to ignore all of this, to live your lives, go about your business and be happy, but that’s exactly what got us here, and if we keep ignoring things, we will end up owning nothing, and no, we won’t be happy, and no, I don’t like bugs, and no, I don’t want to be a serf on a miserable universal income.
The time of ignorant bliss is over, they kept us entertained with nonsense so we wouldn’t see what was really happening, but little by little, inch by inch, we were being encircled, trapped, poisoned, brainwashed and hypnotised to think things had to be this way.
There’s no more time for ignorance, the music must be faced, the realities confronted, and the walls of our mental prison must be brought down just like Joshua did in Jericho.
We must blow our trumpets loud and clear, not just 7 but 7 billion of us, and the walls of the matrix will come down in an instant.
This battle is won with knowledge, with awareness, with consciousness, with courage and faith.
It is won with righteousness, with conviction, with determination and with love.
We can no longer afford to hide our heads in the sand, we can no longer pretend others will fight for us and we can no longer assume things will be ok if we don’t do our share.
We can and we must contribute to positive change by changing ourselves, by speaking out, by not complying, by saying ‘no’, by claiming our sovereignty, by shining our light and by singing in tune with the symphony of the creator.
Those that chose to believe the lies, that took the easy route of compliance, that allowed fear to guide them, that ignored their better judgement, that did not listen to their intuition, now have poison running through their veins and a tougher journey to take.
Let’s help them heal, let’s warn others and let’s save the children.
The time is now.
We have a mission, we have a duty, we have to gain the knowledge to save ourselves and everyone around us.
Keep planting the seeds, keep shining your light and keep singing the song of life, of love and freedom.❤️❤️❤️
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About hope…
I often get messages and emails from people that don’t see the way out of this dark tunnel.
They can see how the evil side’s agenda is slowly progressing and they naturally wonder how on earth will we be able to stop it.
I don’t live in denial, I can see how the circle is closing in on us and how they keep taking measure after measure to bring us a step closer to their dystopian Great Reset.
However, it’s important to understand that their Great Reset and our Great Awakening both require of the collapse of the current system, we want something better, they want something worse, but either way the current system serves neither side.
Another important thing to recognise is that a majority of people are still living in a hypnotic state, completely absorbed by the matrix, and the only chance of waking them up at this point, is by pushing things to the limit.
I strongly believe that humanity is going through a ‘rite of passage’ of some sort. All rites of passage are characterized by three distinct phases: separation (leaving the familiar), transition (a time of testing, learning and growth), and return (incorporation and reintegration).
Unfortunately, the masses have not even entered phase one, ‘separation’, they are very much attached to the matrix and the only way to get them to separate from it, is by making it unbearable, so that they themselves will reject it. That’s where we are getting to.
Things have been crazy for a while but they are reaching total lunacy levels.
Let’s hope it has the desired effect.
In my experience more and more people are waking up every single day.
There are many people in the 2nd phase, ‘transition’; they are researching, learning and digesting shocking truths which will make them grow, evolve, understand and come back to assist others in their journey as we all try to connect to a different reality.
The third phase ‘reintegration’ is not so much about getting back to the old system but about learning to navigate it now that you understand that it’s a fallacy.
It is vital to bear in mind the importance of this individual transformation, as it is precisely in this metamorphosis where the key lies to reaching the light at the end of the tunnel.
For the light is not outside of us, it is within us, the light is not a place we arrive to, it’s something we become.
As more and more people become the light, the darkness will have no place to be, it simply cannot exist.
The good news is, that the collective consciousness has such an incredible power that we only need a critical mass to become the light for things to turn around completely.
Why am I hopeful?
Because I see it happening around me all the time, and you are all a clear example of it.
Don’t for a moment underestimate our collective power, and please continue to be and spread the light.
This is how we win.
One person at a time.

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Links – 1
What is coded in your DNA,
Who put it there and WHY!
Our DNA IS the Tree of Knowledge!
Food Replicators:
The Future is Free Food for All Humanity
Food Replicators will Replace the Food Industry
The Truth About The Tower Of Babel
Church Bishop QUITS After Discovering ALIEN TRUTH!
Inciting Rhetoric from Democrats
How to IDENTIFY Counter Disclosure Assets!
Down from 100 YEARS –
THE FUTURE 20 YEARS FROM NOW! We now need to…
The Hidden Alien History of the Human Race
= “HIGHEST LEVELS OF SECRECY” – Question is WHY?????
Italy Exposes Obvious UFO’s
in Historical Art!
used to call FLYING SERPENTS!
UFO/UAP Spotted in Denver,
Colorado on December 11, 2022!
UFO Battle Of Los Angeles
ORIGINAL Footage & Broadcast February 26, 1942!

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Links 2
Avatar Shows How STARSEEDS Work!
How Enki COMPENSATES Humanity
for Damages done by Enlil!
How & When do Souls of Babies
enter the Body? MASSIVE INTEL DROP!
Galactic News! Giants, Ea, Spells & Energy
4 Year Old Predicts Ascension
‘By Christmas Everyone Will Know Everything Too’
Leaked Military Technique
on How to Speak Telepathically!
Nordic ET Supply Missions to Ganymede
& Europa’s Secret Underground City!
X-Men Apocalypse – All Powers Shown Are Real
The Second Coming: Enki and
#TheGreatAwakening of Anunnaki Scientists!
The Anunnaki and Human Origins
Ancient Mesopotamian Cuneiform Tablets
Galactic History: Anunnaki,
ET Seeder Races, Atlantis and #TheGreatAwakening
APOCALYPSE: The Great Disclosure
The 2nd Coming:
The Great Awakening of
7 Underground Giants including Q!
Are you ready to see arrests?
The RETURN of Q is NOW!
Recovering Stolen Seeds from a Tree of Life
Message from Ea (Enki) FOR HUMANITY!!!

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Links – 3
Skinny Bob – KGB Leaks Grey Alien Footage
RETURN OF Q, Enki, others & Saturn Moon Crash
Flashback: Code 777!
#GFW DESTROYS harmful SpaceX Rocket 9/1/2016!
Properly Defining
BREAKING: 2nd Mission in Undergrounds of Florida!
The MISSING GIFT for Humanity!
Space Ark at Lake Vostok
HEATING UP Antarctica & MELTING the ICE!
Heating Up of Planets
across Solar System linked to Space Ark Activations!
Bill Wood 2011:
‘Save Pain by not waiting for Aliens to come fix everything’ –
To my fellow incarnated extraterrestrials,
To be blunt…. GAME OVER.
Ascension To 5D: The Worlds Guiding Humanity
Med Bed Holographic
Healing Technology Delivered TO US ALL!
Epstein Island Adrenochrome Left Eye [Marker]
RETURN of Seeders,
GFW Preventing Nuclear War &
Extraterrestrials Living Among Us –
An Ancient Phenomenon Reemerges
Area 51 Engineer #DISCLOSURE ‘
I’ve worked with Aliens for a LONG TIME!’

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Links – 4
Covert Military Mission to
the Undergrounds of Florida!
Flying AirCar Flying Car Cleared for Takeoff!
TRANSITING INTO 5D ~ Oct 02 2022
RIP JFK – Shine the BEAM of LIGHT
FBI Raids Epstein Island to COVER IT UP!
Pentagon Fears Anunnaki Return;
The choice, to KNOW, will be yours [end].
Galactic Federation of Worlds (GFW)
Deathbed Confessions on Secret Govt
Aliens at S4 Area 51 and
MJ12 Current Members [FULL VIDEO]
Proof Our Galactic Allies
are blocking Solar Flashes from hitting us
SECRET Mission to Underwater Cities
in the Atlantic Ocean!
Military Witness videotapes
Flying Saucer
Law Abiding Citizen – It’s Gonna Be Biblical
SECRET Mission to Underwater Cities
in the Atlantic Ocean!

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All of the great fires
of the Americas, Australia, Europe,
Japan, China, Philippines and Cuba
between 1800 and 1900.
United States
Portsmouth Fire – USA (1802)
Richmond Theater Fire – USA (1811)
New York City Great Fire – USA (1835)
Pittsburgh Great Fire – USA (1845)
Brooklyn Theatre Fire – USA (1876)
Great Chicago Fire – USA (1871)
Peshtigo Fire – USA (1871)
Boston Great Fire – USA (1872)
Virginia City Fire – USA (1875)
Great Portland Fire – USA (1866)
Seattle Fire – USA (1889)
Spokane Fire – USA (1889)
Hinckley Fire – USA (1894)
Cripple Creek Fire – USA (1896)
Charleston Fire – USA (1838)
Great Fire of Veracruz – Mexico (1825)
Fire in the National Palace – Mexico (1872)
The Cathedral Fire of León – Mexico (1850s)
The Merced Market Fire – Mexico (1877)
Mazatlán Fire – Mexico (1870s)
Durango Conflagration – Mexico (1864)
Gran Teatro Nacional Fire – Mexico (1900)
San Juan de Dios Market Fire – Mexico (19th century)
Hobart Fire – Australia (1824)
Sydney Fires – Australia (1838)
Adelaide Fire – Australia (1855)
Goldfields Fires – Australia (1850s-1860s)
Melbourne Fire – Australia (1854)
Port Phillip Fire – Australia (1856)
Black Thursday Bushfires – Australia (1851)
Brisbane Fires – Australia (1864)
Clunes Fire – Australia (1873)
Tamworth Fire – Australia (1882)
Great Fire of Sydney – Australia (1890)
Kalgoorlie-Boulder Fire – Australia (1897)
Great Fire of Fremantle – Australia (1890s)
Great Fire of St. John’s – Canada (1816)
Great Fire of Miramichi – Canada (1825)
Montreal Fire – Canada (1852)
Great Fire of St. John’s – Canada (1846)
Quebec City Fire – Canada (1866)
Port Hope Fire – Canada (1868)
Great Fire of Ottawa and Hull – Canada (1900)
Great Fire of Saint John – Canada (1877)
Victoria Fire – Canada (1863)
Great Fire of Toronto – Canada (1849)
Great Carleton Fire – Canada (1870)
New Westminster Fire – Canada (1898)
Gaspé Fire – Canada (1886)
South America
Great Fire of Valparaíso – Chile (1858)
Fire at Teatro de la Victoria – Argentina (1886)
Great Fire of Manaus – Brazil (1850s)
Fire in the Cathedral of Lima – Peru (1854)
Santiago Fire – Chile (1863)
Rio de Janeiro Fire – Brazil (1868)
Great Fire of Bogotá – Colombia (1875)
Callao Fire – Peru (1880s)
Guayaquil Fire – Ecuador (1896)
Montevideo Fire – Uruguay (1891)
Great Fire of Cartagena – Colombia (1880s)
Salvador Fire – Brazil (1890s)
European Fires
Copenhagen Fire (1795)Destroyed 900 houses, leaving 6,000 people homeless.
The Great Fire of Copenhagen (1807)Caused during British bombardment, destroying large sections of the city.
Fire of Moscow (1812)Destroyed approximately 75% of the city during Napoleon’s invasion.
Great Fire of Edinburgh (1824)Destroyed a significant portion of Edinburgh’s Old Town.
Great Fire of Turku (1827)Destroyed approximately 75% of the city, including 2,500 buildings.
Great Fire of Oulu (1882)Destroyed a large part of the city, including the town hall and other buildings.
Great Fire of Hamburg (1842)Destroyed about 25% of the inner city, including 1,700 residences.
Great Fire of Tirschenreuth (1814)Devastated a significant portion of the town.
Great Fire of Bucharest (1847)Destroyed over 1,850 buildings, affecting one-third of the city.
Great Fire of Krakow (1850)
Destroyed large parts of the city center, including historical buildings.
Great Fire of Newcastle and Gateshead (1854)
Destroyed large parts of both towns, with 53 deaths and extensive property damage.
The Great Gothenburg Fire (1820s)
Multiple fires destroyed large sections of the city.
Sundsvall Fire (1888)
The entire town was destroyed, making it the largest fire in Sweden’s history.
Umeå Fire (1888)
Destroyed most of the city on the same day as the Sundsvall Fire.
Grue Church Fire (1822)
A tragic fire during a church service killed 113–117 people.
Great Fire of Ålesund (1904)
Destroyed nearly 850 houses, leaving 10,000 people homeless.
Paris Bazar de la Charité Fire (1897)
Devastated a large area during a charity event.
Seville Cathedral Fire (1888)
Damaged the cathedral and nearby structures.
Ukraine (then part of the Russian Empire)
Great Fire of Podil (Kyiv) (1811)
Destroyed over 2,000 houses, 12 churches, and 3 monasteries.
Royal Opera House Fire (1873)
Destroyed the opera house in Valletta, leading to significant cultural loss.
Great Fire of Meireki (Furisode Fire) – Tokyo (then Edo) (1657)Though predating the 19th century, this is one of Japan’s most devastating fires, destroying over 60% of Edo and killing an estimated 100,000 people.
Edo Fire (1806)A significant fire destroyed large portions of Edo, underscoring the city’s vulnerability due to its densely packed wooden structures.
Great Fire of Osaka – Osaka (1833)Destroyed extensive areas of the city, with major impacts on commerce and residential districts.
Great Kyoto Fire – Kyoto (1852)A fire swept through Kyoto, severely damaging historical temples and shrines.
Yokohama Fire – Yokohama (1866)A fire devastated the port city, including the foreign settlement area, as Yokohama grew as a center of trade.
Tokyo Fire (1872)Occurred shortly after the Meiji Restoration, destroying parts of the rapidly modernizing capital.
Great Ginza Fire – Tokyo (1877)The fire razed much of the Ginza area, including newly constructed Western-style buildings, highlighting challenges of urbanization in the Meiji era.
Hakodate Fire – Hakodate (1879)A fire severely damaged the northern port city, disrupting trade and shipping.
Fires in China
Peking Fire – Beijing (1811)A significant fire ravaged a portion of the Forbidden City, destroying several palaces and historical buildings.
Great Fire of Canton (Guangzhou) – Guangzhou (1822)Destroyed a large part of the city’s densely populated commercial and residential districts.
Shanghai Fire – Shanghai (1870s)A fire broke out in the foreign concession area, damaging warehouses and trade infrastructure in the rapidly growing port city.
Forbidden City Fire – Beijing (1850s)Another significant fire damaged parts of the Forbidden City during the Taiping Rebellion, leading to extensive restoration efforts.
Great Tianjin Fire – Tianjin (1878)A fire destroyed several key trade and administrative buildings in this important northern port city.
Summer Palace Fire – Beijing (1860)During the Second Opium War, the Old Summer Palace (Yuanmingyuan) was burned by British and French forces, leading to the destruction of one of China’s most significant cultural landmarks.
the Philippines
Manila Cathedral Fire – Manila (1852)A fire severely damaged the Manila Cathedral, one of the most important religious structures in the country.
Quiapo Fire – Manila (1870)A fire destroyed significant parts of the Quiapo district, including homes and businesses.
Binondo Fire – Manila (1872)The Binondo area, a major commercial hub, was devastated by a large fire.
Tondo Fire – Manila (1890)A fire ravaged the Tondo district, one of the densely populated areas in Manila.
Iloilo Fire – Iloilo City (1891)A significant fire destroyed parts of Iloilo, one of the major trade centers in the Philippines during the 19th century.
Cebu Fire – Cebu City (1895)A large fire swept through Cebu City, damaging residential and commercial buildings.
Havana Cathedral Fire – Havana (1804)A fire caused damage to parts of the Havana Cathedral, a key colonial-era landmark.
Great Fire of Matanzas – Matanzas (1845)Destroyed a significant portion of the city’s commercial district, including warehouses and trade facilities.
Havana Fire (La Aduana) – Havana (1851)A major fire broke out in the customs area, destroying goods and disrupting trade.
Great Havana Fire (1862) – HavanaA large fire destroyed parts of the city’s port and business area, affecting the sugar trade.
Cienfuegos Fire – Cienfuegos (1881)A fire damaged significant sections of this growing port city.
Santiago de Cuba Fire – Santiago de Cuba (1895)Occurred during the Cuban War of Independence; fires set during the conflict destroyed parts of the city.

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