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Has there been an adding of
about 1000 years to our timeline
to give us the impression
we’re much more ‘advanced’ than
previous civilisations when, in reality,
we haven’t made any advances at all
as a species/community since
our last ‘reset’ about 300 years ago.

There’s plenty of evidence to support this theory
along with theories why something might want
to install this notion to hide the true nature of
where we are in our development
as a species and to hold human development
back in order to completely control us.

When we become aware about technology
far advanced to whatever we have now
it doesn’t take much of a stretch of
the imagination to realise we’ve not really
invented anything new in hundreds of years
and the so-called technological ‘advances’
we experience are simply old inventions that are
drip-fed to us to give us the impression
we’re ‘clever’ and ‘advancing’ and make
us upgrade from the old version of something
that appears to have new features we must have
one using a system of planned obsolescence.

The reality is, it’s not a ‘new’ invention at all.

Here’s a selection of work from
dedicated researchers.


Here’s a selection of videos
by Michelle Gibson
from her channel on Rumble called

The real origin of the world

video: What if everything
you were taught was a lie?

Notes attached to this video (pdf)


Real Timeline Of Deception Part 1
Exploring Tartaria
1000 Years Added To Our History


Click button above or this link to
visit Michelle Gibson’s amazing
You Tube Channel HERE



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There is NO SPACE

𒐆𒐆𒐆 >>> MATRIX <<< 𒐆𒐆𒐆

>  There is no space, (in the way we are taught to think about it we live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome called the firmament )

>   NO one can come visit from another planet because they can’t break through the dome.

>   For the same reason no one can fly to another planet.

>   When they talk about space and planets they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean.

  Antarctica is not a continent -it’s a giant containment ice-wall surrounding a crater called earth it’s also called the van Allen belt.

>  One can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents called planets.

>  The seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms.

  We reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the universe.

>  There are many other continents called planets outside the Antarctica wall.

>  There are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater called aliens.

  These aliens are previous creations and some of them look humanoid.

>  There are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater -what they call space colonies hence why over [ 8 ] million humans disappear every year.

>  The original nepheline bloodlines are alive and well living underground the earth crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt.

  The earth is not as old as we are told - it’s way younger than we are told.

>  We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2023.

> 1300 years of invented human history never happened - they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartar and explain architecture and remaining artefacts.

Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too its descendants have survived and live outside of the earth crater one thing.

I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants / bloodlines of the Nepheline although I do believe that is most likely the case.

>  Most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids.

>  There was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s - it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today.

>  The earth is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the universe.

>  Souled humans are being farmed as animals the words male and female female actually depict the sex of an animal not human in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words man woman boy and girl and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence] humans began to be described as female and male which was the way only animals were described at the time.

>  There is more than one great flood the question is who and what caused the more recent ones.

>  The Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time.

In fact there are pyramids all over Europe quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones - there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us.

> I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old one of the oldest in Europe I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.

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1775 Bible proves
we live in a LIE

As we lied to our kids about Santa
they lied to us.

They got us good.

No More!

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We don’t live in
the 21st Century?

2 short videos joined discussing
the timeline deception we live in today.

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Timeline Begins
in 1800?

Today we revisit this insane
narrative that we are told,
that everything happened
within the last 300 years.

We go further than ever before,
exposing so many lies
showing that it is not
mathematically possible for the
mainstream narrative to be true!

We cover all of this…
and much…much more!


There is nothing new
under this sun

Our previous and current planetary civilizations have been destroyed using floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of parasites, who falsified our past and created our current ignorant civilisation

On the fictitious date of April-July 1887, a fictitious investigation, led by the fictional scientists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley, intended to prove that the Aether did not exist.

The fabricated Morley-Michelson experiment concluded that there was no Aether.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment that the false theory of relativity, by equally false Einstein, and all current science rest.

All the scientists, including Mendeleev, whose names would glamorously fill the history books after our defeat, are false.

All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the Previous Civilization.


Nothing was invented
or discovered in the
19th-20th centuries – (by us)
that we use today.

Everything we take for granted now
is inherited.

It’s ‘invention’ and and release
is timed to let us think
our society is ‘clever’
and ‘developing’.

If someone does invent something useful
(like a water-powered car or a 
medical device facilitating natural healing)
they’d be advised to keep it to themselves
as these people seem to have a habit
of disappearing, along with their inventions.

What they invariably do is go running to
the ‘Patents’ office to announce their invention
thereby alerting that they need special attention.

Everything already existed in the world.

Many people are suspicious of Tartaria’s existence
since they’ve never been taught about it .

But they are blind.

They fail to realise that
Tartaria’ is just a word to designate
the highly advanced civilization
that existed before our current
mediocre one and it’s presence is
blatantly visible in all of the whole world’s
infrastructure, technology and architecture
around us today that hasn’t been destroyed yet.

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All money is brand new

Today, we continue on from Episode 64
and we dive into the financial system, worldwide.

We explore the possibility that all currencies
have been created within our brand new
timeline that we have discussed.

We show which years banks were created,
currencies, laws, etc.

There is a very real possibility that a
reset took place within the last 300 years
and we are adding another proof
in my opinion, that this is the case.


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200 Years of
Photo Manipulation?

Today, we take a photo from the 1800’s
and send it through in for a
Forensic Analysis to see if
it has been altered from it’s original form.

We also take a look into massive palaces,
that were supposedly thrown together
in just 8 years.

We find so many flaws
in the narrative and
much, much more!

  My Lunch Break
Rumble Channel

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in 1890s Newspaper Article

There are many maps that clearly show the name CHILAGA in the exact same location as where Chicago would be 250 years prior.

In the 1890s, a Newspapers Article from the Chicago Tribune covered this topic but only 6 days later a response was issued in order to cover up this subject.

Is it because they don’t want people to know that Chicago is actually much older and was established by the Tartarians and NOT by the European colonist in the 1800s. When we connect this with the Chicago World Fair things start to make a lot more sense…

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Old World is Worldwide

For Part 3 of
Old World is Worldwide,
we dive even deeper
into the narrative
and uncover even
more flaws in the story!


‘If the old world has been knocked down
100s of times, where are we?

Do the cities get destroyed so our reincarnated soul
doesn’t remember being here before?

Do they need a new map for us to be on every 300 years
or else we would begin to remember and in doing so,
take back our power?

I’m not sure, but it does seem possible.
nobody knows where we are or what
we’re doing here but it’s seeming more and more
this is the plan all along.

Distraction and misdirection is key for control.’

  My Lunch Break
Rumble Channel

Video - click image

The world population lie?

Today we look into the
mainstream narrative’s
population chart.

We go back in time and find
that there is something
massively wrong with
the numbers that we are given.

We find that we are being told that
nobody was here for thousands
of years, until the 1700s hit…
and all of a sudden… out of nowhere,
humans finally start reproducing
at an extremely rapid rate.

What happened in the 1700s?

We get closer to the truth today…
… and much more!

Video - click image

The Old World origins
Land of Mu

Today, we take a step closer to finding out where this knowledge, of constructing massive cathedrals and basilicas truly came from.

We add valuable information, that will help us in the future.

Understanding that there has to be a beginning place for all of this old world technology.. all of the knowledge to construct the Milan cathedral, the st marks basilica, the Cologne Cathedral.

I had to originate from somewhere.

Today I think we begin to pin down, where this location might be…and much..much more!

Today, we investigate the Great Fires.

In my personal Favorite Episode to this point, we find a massive flaw in the narrative that mathematically opens the floodgates.

Understanding that there is nearly zero chance that these Great Fires happened, the way that we are told, will possibly change the way that people think about our mainstream history forever.

We cover all of this..and much..much more!

Video - click image

is the Old World?

Possibly my #1 city in the world when it comes to the Old World Structures.

The city of Budapest is incredible.

Today, we investigate some of the most eye opening buildings in the world.

Buildings that would blow our civilization’s minds today if they were scheduled for construction.

A place, that by just going there, will put you right back into the Old World.

It will make you feel like you are in the previous civilization.

We also find a character, that is possibly giving the whole thing away…and much more!


  My Lunch Break
Rumble Channel

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The old world
is it in the Catacombs?

Today, we go underground
and find a massive clue
to where the previous civilization
may have gone.

We find that there are thousands of miles
of catacombs present, all over the world.

All because the cemeteries were over crowded?

Or…is there a much darker secret to these tunnel systems
that hold bones of the past, that are placed into geometric patterns

Are you ready to take
this research to another level?

Are you ready to go
into the Catacombs?


  My Lunch Break

Rumble Channel

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This Documentary film traces the Roots of the Rothschild’s Khazarian Mafia aka Ashkenazi Jews, Bolshevik Jews, US Jews, Donmeh – Turkish Jews, The Saudi Family and Israeli Jews.

The Deception that they have played on mankind for over 200 years.

Their Magic Money, Drug trade, Slave trade and their Participation in every War since the War of 1812 and French Revolution.

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Forbidden History of Humanity
We are only 200 years old

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Video - click image

Star Forts
and flames

Star Fort


  My Lunch Break
Rumble Channel

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Excerpt of
Repopulating the New World –
19th Century Charities, Orphans,
Infantoriums, & Immigration

  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s massive YouTube channel

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What are
‘Star’ forts?

Michelle Gibson

Visit Michelle Gibsons
MASSIVE channel
on YouTube


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Some Star fort Images

There’s a theory that star forts
were not built in the traditional way.

The theory suggests that they are so perfectly proportioned and shaped that they was actually created by sound frequency re-shaping the Earth

Either way, they are magnificent structures, many of which still exist today.

Here’s some images.

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Star forts

If there’s any better proof of previous
civilisations we’ve never been told about
Star Forts are a perfect example.

Most people aren’t even aware
they exist and that there’s

so many of them around the world.

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The Manner in which
a Global Canal System
has been kept
from our awareness

Michelle Gibson

  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s massive YouTube channel

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Exposing Exhibitions, Expositions
& World Fairs Since 1851

Michelle Gibson

  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s massive YouTube channel

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How monuments & memorials
hide the advanced ancient civilization

Michelle Gibson

  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s massive YouTube channel

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A tall tale …
or …
Mundi Authentica …

Michelle Gibson

This video project is a collaborative effort between myself, Brother B, the Authentiq and Almost-Ancient Hermit of the Hills, also known as the Blackall Ranges in Queensland Australia, and his friend, 7-string master guitarist Paul B. Clement.

It is based on a manuscript Brother B sent me back in January of a tale he crafted last year for a friend who was troubled by recent and past events.

I read through it, and it made a considerable amount of sense to me.

I saved a copy of it and didn’t look at it again for several months.

Then, just a short while ago, I re-read it, and it made even more sense to me than it did the first time I read it back in January because my research has led me to the same conclusions about what the Old World was really like and what has taken place here with the onset of the New World Order time-line we find ourselves living in.

So I sent him an email asking if it was okay for me to turn his tale into a video, and here we go:

  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

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  Go to Michelle Gibson’s
massive YouTube channel

Go to Michelle Gibson’s massive YouTube channel

click image for Part 1 video



Parts 1-3

Al Bielek, Duncan Cameron and Preston Nichols are three men with intimate knowledge of the strange and incredible events that took place and may very well be STILL taking place now.

They explain the technology they helped develop and test and how it may be being used to change the future. Prepare for an unprecedented Journey into the Strange and Unknown.




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Weird History: The Last President
Nikola Tesla
Radiant Energy

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The Lost Secret Key Of Red Mercury
Ancient Aryan Vimana’s Secret

Ancient Aryan Vimana’s used
Red Mercury to create
anti gravity propulsion.

Also: Vimana –
The Ancient Indian Aerospace Craft

Click image video

Ancient Maps
Support Giants
and Mudfossil Research

are a true source of ancient knowledge
as few people could read.

My research is based on things
that were well recorded long ago
and you will see the actual evidence in stone.

click image for video


Legends speak of Giants that once walked the earth. In America alone there have been over 1,500 newspaper accounts, including 3,781 skeletons of a race of blond-haired giants discovered and exhumed. Where did the evidence go? Did the Smithsonian Institution cover it up?

More videos you might like:

The occult, black magic, rituals, symbolism, MK Ultra, The Illuminati and more HERE

Why The Red Shoes? HERE

Head of German Hospital Commits Suicide – There’s no virus, it’s a Dictatorship, disguised. HERE

The invasion of this world by Demonic Aliens HERE

Vaccinated Doctors are Dying and Unvaccinated Doctors are Quitting or Being Fired HERE


Declassified Documents Reveal Fallen Angels – The Government Knows Aliens Are Really Demons HERE

Bird gets “stuck” in mid air. Glitch in the matrix? HERE

Proof: Kids will die, Pfizer knew – Your government representatives know this also. HERE

More on the black eyed babies (Pandemic vaccinated babies) HERE

When you find the person who vaccinated your child without your consent… HERE


Karma Alert – Doctor Who Said He Wanted To Punch Aniti Vaxers Dead From Covid Vaccine HERE

The Satanic Music Industry EXPOSED – THE DEVIL’S CHOIR Satanic Propaganda In Modern Music HERE


This man has a message for the politicians, cops and especially for the haters (hilarious) HERE


There is a living creature inside the vaccine. It is immortal. The “Hydra Vulgaris” See description. HERE

ARCHONS: THE FORCE BEHIND EVERY GOVERNMENT – This is who the “Deep State or “Shadow Government” is! HERE

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Giants – among us

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We live in a mined crater
of the giant earth

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What is found at
The Grand Canyon
SHOCKED scientists!

Can you find a lost ancient city
in the grand canyon?

Yes, the answer is yes.

The Grand Canyon has millions of years of history.

But what about history that has been purposefully withheld from us?

Not necessarily concealed to safeguard historical places, but to conceal history since it will change the history that we have all been taught.

Is it even possible?

Could the Grand Canyon contain a subterranean Egyptian city?

There’s no denying that Theodore Roosevelt adored the Grand Canyon.

He returned multiple times to investigate and enjoy the modern-day region of Lake Powell and the Grand Canyon.

He named the Grand Canyon a National Monument in 1908, and the Grand Canyon was designated a National Park in 1919.

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Click HERE
for one of the most astonishing videos ever made

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don't miss anything
watch at a slower speed
50% suggested

One of the most astonishing videos ever.

Don't miss this.


aEther is the element, mysteriously removed from our current periodic table, that’s thought to fill the region of the Universe above the Terrestrial sphere.

In mythology it was thought to be the pure essence that the Gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals.

All cities located at strategic points on Earth along rivers, seas and oceans were Star Fortresses
utilising electromagnetic energy extracted from the aEther.

The energy in the aEther was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in red and white striped power stations of the high civilisation called Tartary.

There was always a water fountain close by.

This planetary civilisation was destroyed in the 20th century using floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations and epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was passed into the hands of the Parasites who falsified our past history and created the current docile civilisation of an ignorant species, we call humans, that it has enslaved.

During the ficticous period of April-July 1887 a ficticious investigation led by the fictitional Albert A Michelson and Edward W. Morely set out to, and succeeded in, conclude that aEther does not exist.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment the equally-false theory of the fake and manufactured Einstein that all current non-science rests. Einstein was not a scientist and employed by Freemasons to create a fake theory, that did not make any sense and therefore could not be understood, to confuse people

Names of other scientists, like Mendelov would glamorously fill the falsified-history books after our defeat and are also false.

All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the previous civilisation.

NOTHING was invented or discovered
by our civilisations during the 19th-20th centuries.

EVERYTHING already existed and was simply passed on to us to be ‘discovered’ or ‘invented’ in a time-frame not of our making.

Consequently, people are blinded, non-informed and ignorant Tartaria, a highly advanced civilisation that existed before our current world of mediocrity, since it’s been erased from all our history and education.

However, it's previous existence is clearly visible to those who want to look a bit closer at much of our current World’s infrastructures, technologies and architecture.

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the water which
connects everything

Video edition by

Essay by

"aEther is the material supposed to
fill the region of the universe
above the terrestrial sphere.

In mythology, it was thought to be
the pure essence that the gods breathed,

filling the space where they lived,
analogous to the air breathed by mortals"


(From wikipedia)

"aEther is the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.

In mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals"

All cities located at strategic points on earth along rivers, seas and oceans were star fortress and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the ether.

The energy was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in the red and white striped power stations of the high civilization called Tartary.

They always had a fountain with water near them.


This Planetary Civilization was destroyed in the 20th century through floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of parasites, who falsified our past and created the current ignorant civilisation

On the fictitious date of April-July 1887, a fictitious investigation, led by the fictional scientists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley, intended to prove that the Aether did not exist.

The fabricated Morley-Michelson experiment concluded that there was no Aether.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment that the false theory of relativity, by equally false Einstein, and all current science rest.

All the scientists, including Mendeleev, whose names would glamorously fill the history books after our defeat, are false.

All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the Previous Civilization.

Nothing was invented
or discovered in the
19th-20th centuries - (by us)
that we use today.

Everything we take for granted now
is inherited.

It's 'invention' and and release
is timed to let us think
our society is 'clever'
and 'developing'.

If someone does invent something useful
(like a water-powered car or a 
medical device facilitating natural healing)
they'd be advised to keep it to themselves
as these people seem to have a habit
of disappearing, along with their inventions.

What they invariably do is go running to
the 'Patents' office to announce their invention
thereby alerting that they need special attention.

Everything already existed in the world empire
that I call 'White Federation'.

Some people are suspicious of Tartaria's existence
since they had never heard of it before they saw
the first version of my Aether video two years ago.

But they were blind.

These people fail to realize that
Tartaria' is just a word to designate
the Highly Advanced Civilization
that existed before the current
mediocre one and whose presence is
blatantly visible in all of the
whole world's infrastructure,
technology and architecture.

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The Grey
by Marcia Ramalho

Maybe this tends to
confirm information
in The Grey video

'The Grey' throws a whole new light
on the Tartaria story and the need for
and existence of star-forts.

It could be that the Tartaria story
could be a deliberate psi-op
to give an excuse for all the
ongoing destruction of structures
all over the world to eventually
eradicate the existence of a
previous civilisation destroyed by war
waged by parasites to take over the world
less than 100 years ago



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FAKE history

Tartaria is never
spoken about or taught
and has been erased
from history

Trump Towers
Tesla Towers...
they are built of Gold

They are also
time travel machines...

Nikola Tesla made the
NewYorker building
into one...

Question :- Where would be a good place
to hide famous people in the
witness protection program?

Answer : - ... in hotel rooms that are
portals to time travel
... hidden in plain sight!


The original
Eiffel Tower

This was the original design of the Eiffel Tower and served its purpose of collecting free energy like many other Old World buildings. In addition, airships could dock at the top.

It is officially claimed that this design was never realized as seen in the painting and that the Eiffel Tower was only a temporary building for the World's Fair and it was only later accidentally discovered that it could be used as a radio station.

What a huge fairy tale that the historians of this world are trying to tell us once again.

The truth is, the Eiffel Tower originally stood exactly as shown in the painting and was then sort of neutered for the World's Fair.

Only those who know the truth about the past can understand the present and shape the future!

Video - click image for video

is it a battery?

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History is made up.
Everything that happened
before 1860
is hidden from us.

click 'orphan' link to go to page

... the mystery gets deeper!

As time went on, our own research into this subject uncovered another mystery which, though it's likely related, we decided need it's own page as it's a huge subject all by itself.

It's about the ORPHANS that started appearing in huge numbers around the early-mid 1800s. 

Nor was they 'children', old enough to look after themselves, they was babies, that needed looking after by nurses in orphanages - of which there seemed to be an  ample supply of. 

Odd, given that promiscuity of 'fallen' women was frowned up in those times and that a baby produced by one could expect little charity from the society of that era.

It appears that a planned and organised re-population on earth was going on.

Who was responsible for this, why it was deemed necessary to hide it/lie about it- and why it was deemed necessary to keep it hidden from history is not know, (yet).

This page offers little in answers and much in question. 

Maybe an explanation will occur one day - but not if we allow it to remain in the darkness of our fake-world-history story we've been fed.

And by whom? 

And, then,  perpetuated in all taught,
(or more correctly untaught?), history.

Our research has not yet come up with an explanation to this subject - but there's so much material now coming to light we decided to separate into a new topic.

For now - check out the information below, (all sourced from elsewhere), bring yourself up to speed.

The various video platforms,
e.g. YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble ... etc.
will also provide a colossal amount of
information for those
who choose to research further.

Roman underfloor heating
the date we're told
makes no sense

Roman heating worked like this: hot gases were vented into cavities in the walls and floor, heating the dwelling, only then escaping through the chimney from the house.

But this system consisted of fireclay bricks, found by archaeologists.

The problem is that fireclay bricks are fired at 1'300-1'500°C in rotary kilns.

No idea how an ancient Roman could get it if the wood produced a maximum of 900°C and the coal 1200°C?

Not enough temperature! And that kind of temperature became possible closer to the 15th century.

The Romans just didn't know they didn't have the right technology.

Well, either the dating is wrong by a thousand and a half years. Or history is deliberately "aged" and "ancient"

Rome was in the 15th century.

click image for video

What is the
Tartarian conspiracy?

Brian Wilson breaks down more insights
into the history, advanced technology,
and architecture
attributed to the Tartarian people.

Click image for video

History that
has been hidden?

The greatest empire
that may or may not have existed.

What do we know about Tartaria?

I am joined by Guy Anderson,
author and reseacher,
who introduces me to the
so-called conspiracy of Tartaria.


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There is NO SPACE

𒐆𒐆𒐆 >>> MATRIX <<< 𒐆𒐆𒐆

>  There is no space, (in the way we are taught to think about it we live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome called the firmament )

>   NO one can come visit from another planet because they can’t break through the dome.

>   For the same reason no one can fly to another planet.

>   When they talk about space and planets they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean.

  Antarctica is not a continent -it’s a giant containment ice-wall surrounding a crater called earth it’s also called the van Allen belt.

>  One can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents called planets.

>  The seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms.

  We reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the universe.

>  There are many other continents called planets outside the Antarctica wall.

>  There are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater called aliens.

  These aliens are previous creations and some of them look humanoid.

>  There are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater -what they call space colonies hence why over [ 8 ] million humans disappear every year.

>  The original nepheline bloodlines are alive and well living underground the earth crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt.

  The earth is not as old as we are told - it’s way younger than we are told.

>  We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2023.

> 1300 years of invented human history never happened - they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartar and explain architecture and remaining artefacts.

Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too its descendants have survived and live outside of the earth crater one thing.

I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants / bloodlines of the Nepheline although I do believe that is most likely the case.

>  Most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids.

>  There was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s - it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today.

>  The earth is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the universe.

>  Souled humans are being farmed as animals the words male and female female actually depict the sex of an animal not human in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words man woman boy and girl and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence] humans began to be described as female and male which was the way only animals were described at the time.

>  There is more than one great flood the question is who and what caused the more recent ones.

>  The Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time.

In fact there are pyramids all over Europe quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones - there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us.

> I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old one of the oldest in Europe I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.


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