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Masonic Symbolism

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All Popes of the
Catholic Church
St Peter – Pope Francis

The head of the Catholic Church and, since 1929, the head of state of Vatican City. His official list of titles is, “Bishop of Rome, Vicar of Jesus Christ, Successor of the Prince of the Apostles, Supreme Pontiff of the Universal Church, Primate of Italy, Archbishop and Metropolitan of the Roman Province, Sovereign of the State of Vatican City, Servant of the Servants of God.”

Not quite infallible. Wears a very nice Hat of Authority.

And Red Shoes (well, only a few did).

At any given time – in recent history, that is – probably both the most loved and the most hated human being around (with a few notable exceptions).

Has the best job security of anyone on the planet (not to mention some of the best physical security, in the form of the bulletproof Popemobile and the Swiss Guards).

These days, anyway; things were very different in the Middle Ages.

In addition to being the leader of the worldwide Catholic church he is also the diocesan Bishop for the Diocese of Rome.

However, since the Pope is usually a bit busy with the leadership of the whole church part of the job, the day to day Bishop responsibilities are handled by an official called the Cardinal Vicar, who functions as the de facto Bishop for Rome.

As of 2023, the Cardinal Vicar is Angelo De Donatis.

The infallibility thing is generally misunderstood.

It doesn’t mean that the Pope is incapable of being wrong about anything, or even that he cannot sin – just that he cannot be wrong regarding on a matter of revealed faith or morals explicitly in his capacity as the earthly Head of that Church.

It’s not so much “the Pope’s word is law and he is perfect” as “God will stop the Pope saying anything wrong in his authority, because he would lead lots of innocent people astray if he did.”

All in all, a Pope has only spoken infallibly seven times over two millennia.

Note He is also infallible when adding Saints to the Canon, but that isn’t really what most people (Catholics included) think of when talking about infallibility.

Popes usually hold the office for the remainder of their lives and die in office.

In February, 2013 Benedict XVI shocked the world by resigning the papacy.

The last Pope before Benedict to resign was Pope Gregory XII in 1415 in order to resolve the Western Schism.

Benedict was the first pope to resign on his own initiative since Celestine V left office in 1294.

Due to advancements in medicine and people living longer there has been concern over what would happen if a Pope were to become incapacitated for an extended period as there is no mechanism to remove a Pope due to permanent disability.

In the days leading up to Benedict’s death it was revealed Francis did prepare a resignation letter in 2013 to be used in the event he ever becomes permanently disabled and unable to communicate.

The death of the Pope while in office sets off a whole series of elaborate rituals.

First the Camerlengo has to verify the guy is actually dead.

In the past this was by tapping the deceased Pope with a small hammer while calling out his name three times however more modern means are used now to ascertain death.

The Camerlengo then destroys the former Pope’s ring and seal in order to ensure false orders aren’t issued in the dead Pope’s name.

(In the case where a Pope resigns
the ring and seal are destroyed
after the resignation takes effect,
and the former Pope receives
a Bishop’s ring for daily use).

While funeral protocols for incumbent Popes are fairly well defined, the death of Benedict XVI in 2022 highlighted church officials would be making it up as they go when it comes to handling a funeral for a Pope Emeritus.

The Pope is elected via an unusual process that involves smoke from chimneys, (the colour is indicative of whether an agreement is reached or not) and locking a bunch of late middle age to elderly men in the Sistine Chapel, (starve the cardinals into a decision).

Only Cardinals younger than 80 years old at the start of a conclave are eligible to vote for the next Pope.

Officially, any practicing Roman Catholic male is eligible to become Pope. However, in practice the Pope is now chosen from the ranks of the College of Cardinals.

As the Pope needs to be an ordained Bishop, if he does not hold the offices of Priest and/or Bishop he is ordained to those offices after election.

The last man elected from outside the College was Urban IV in 1378, and the last man who wasn’t a priest at election was Pope Leo X (Giovanni di Lorenzo de’ Medici), who was elected in 1513.

As a result Leo had to be ordained a priest and consecrated as a Bishop before he could take on the office.

The last man to not already be a Bishop when elected was Bartolomeo Cappellari – Pope Gregory XVI – in 1831.

The history of the position is tumultuous, to put it mildly, because the potential power and influence of a Pope attracted the ambition of many power-hungry European families that were willing to commit all sorts of unsavory or ruthless acts to put one of their family members on the pontifical throne, without caring about whether or not said family member would be a good religious leader.

This resulted in many popes acting more like powerful kings than leaders of the church; it took quite a few centuries until the papacy was finally separated from these political wheeling-dealings.

The Pope should not be confused with the heads of the Orthodox Churches (one of several Patriarchs, who are sometimes called “Greek Popes” erroneously), the patriarch of the Coptic Church (whose official title is “Pope”), or the head of the Jesuit order, often called the “Black Pope” due to the power of the order in the past and his wearing of simple black priests robes instead of the papal white.

Pope Benedict Dies


Pope Benedict was at the top of the Vatican not Francis.

Francis was just a puppet on a string to head boss Benedict.

Benedict was the highest of evil, the spawn of Satan, the most evil of any of them.

That evil satanic lizard being announced dead on New Year’s Eve is a signal to us that the satanic Religious arm has completely been dismantled.

Plus the cabal slavery financial arm has collapsed with the Lizard Queen and Evelyn Rothschild being removed from the board.

D.C. is already Military occupied but soon we will physically see Chyna Biden removed along with all the other D.C swamp rats.

The Whitehats are taking all the top cabal and deep state players out for the world to see while completely destroying [their] Babylon.

It certainly is biblical.

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The Unholy Roman Church

The Jesuit Order is an almost 500-year old covert geo-political, male-only organization, structured as a secret military operation.

Demanding secret oaths & complete obedience to each direct superior, which is ultimately the Black Pope, named since he dresses in black and ‘stands in the shadow’ of the white Pope.

The Jesuit Order since 1814 controls the – Vatican institution, its Catholic clergy hierarchy) and with the Military Order of Malta controls …

• the United Nations
• European Commission
• Council on Foreign Relations
• various central banks
• big corporations
• secret services
• numerous societies and cults, such as
Freemasonry (“The Brotherhood”) & Opus Dei

The Vatican-Jesuit-Masonic agendas include, war, genocide & depopulation, Political subversions, Economic slavery! Poor quality nutrition, healthcare and housing, Government propaganda (via education, media, science, and religion)Suppression of sovereignty, consciousness & spirituality.

  The Great Work Website

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Vatican secret societies
Jesuits and
The New World Order

This is an excellent documentary that gives a wealth of information related to the Vatican Secret Society of Jesuits and their hidden control over global politics!

A must-see documentary revealing matters you will not find in Main Stream Media!

The documentary focuses on the unknown history of the setting up of the American Colonies, and the influences of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuit order in the Establishment of the Sovereign Constitutional Republican Nation States of America.

Much of this information will be new to many people who received a classic Government-provided education.

The truth has been modified by the Society of Jesus and the people indoctrinated via their state-controlled and mandated education system.

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The Unholy Roman Church
Control Power
Tri-Entity Pyramid

The Great Work Website

   Unholy Roman Church

The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the One World Order pedophilia operations for Satanic rule, throughout the Controller Pillars of Society, which is overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and bloodline families.

This particular satanic agenda goes back to 2,000 years ago, when the Black Sun Draconians retaliated by infiltrating the Greek sacred texts and Rome to build the Church of Rome.

The Vatican City in Rome is one of the NAA Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters. It is the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and operations for gaining wealth and material power for the globalist Luciferian bloodline families and funding their satanic agendas.

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The Unholy Roman Church
Control Power
Tri-Entity Pyramid

The Great Work Website

   Unholy Roman Church

The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the One World Order pedophilia operations for Satanic rule, throughout the Controller Pillars of Society, which is overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and bloodline families.

This particular satanic agenda goes back to 2,000 years ago, when the Black Sun Draconians retaliated by infiltrating the Greek sacred texts and Rome to build the Church of Rome.

The Vatican City in Rome is one of the NAA Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters. It is the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and operations for gaining wealth and material power for the globalist Luciferian bloodline families and funding their satanic agendas.

The top power echelon in the Vatican is secretly working with the international criminal cabal government groups, the Jesuit military orders and the luciferian bloodline families –together called the “globalists”– to carry out Blood Sacrifice rituals and child trafficking in order to nourish the satanic forces on the planet.

The three Obelisks are markers of the Orion Group’s One World Order programming for the Black Sun’s placed in the major cities mentioned which are combined to form into an energetic structure that is the Global Unholy Trinity.

The Obelisks are designed to be satanic pillars that denote the directions that act as the main compass for running Black Magic reversals into the North, South, East and West pillars of the inorganic four.

These pillars are connected to the beast machine in the planetary grid.

They hold multidimensional layers of alien machinery that run reversal energies into the planetary grid which enforce the satanic portals and frequency fences that are used globally by the NAA.

These main pillars are Cleopatra’s Needle in London, Caligula’s Obelisk in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, and the 555-foot-tall Washington Monument in central Washington D.C.

These main three link into the many hundreds of obelisks and pentagram geomantic structures that have been set up all over the world that align directly to the Orion constellation.

The Orion constellation is the original home of the Black Sun nonhuman entities, the majority of the NAA.

The City of London (that is the square mile within Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as Vatican City is not part of Rome or Italy. Likewise, Washington DC is not part of the United States that it controls.

These three entities have one goal and that is to do away with the old world order of sovereign nations and usher in a new global world order under one government rule under the iron fist of the cabal.

These sovereign, corporate entities have their own laws and their own identities.

They also have their own flags.

Seen below is the flag of Washington DC. Note the three stars, representing the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of the City.

The government of the United States, Canada and Britain are all subsidiaries of the crown, as is the Federal Reserve in the U.S.. The ruling Monarch in England is also subordinate to the Crown.

The global financial and legal system is controlled from the City of London by the Crown.

The square mile making up the center of Greater London is the global seat of power, at least at the visible level.

Washington DC was established as a city-state in 1871 with the passage of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a corporation under the rule of Washington, which itself is subservient to the City of London.

Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call the person perceived to hold the highest seat of power in the land “the president.”

The fact is the president is nothing more than a figurehead for the central bankers and transnational corporations (both of which themselves are controlled by High Ecclesiastic Freemasonry) that really control this country and ultimately call the shots.

Catholics have always been prohibited from questioning the Pope and the precepts of the Church, for a very good reason, which will be explained as you read on.

All Pope’s and the privately owned Corporate Holy Roman Church, have always been a major player in shaping World politics; Governments; Commerce and minds, since the early Roman Empire and continues to do so to this date!

The Roman Church was originally a Pagan Church and remained so under Roman Emperor Constantine.

The advent or appearance of Jesus Christ and His new Christian religious movement called Christianity, and the religious wars that ensued; caused Emperor Constantine to rethink his position as the Pagan Emperor of Rome.

So, upon the orders of Constantine, at the Council of Nicaea, the Pagan Priests of the Roman Church, were ordered to begin the difficult and tasteless task of attempting to blend Christianity and Paganism together to create one church, to be called: The Holy Roman Church.

Christ was an unusual man and prophet, with some typical human traits, and at the Council of Nicaea, the Pagan Priests, decided that Christ must be perceived as a living God and as a living God, any suggestion or possibility that Christ took a spouse must be removed from the Scriptures, and thereafter Priests were forbidden to marry.

The Holy Roman Church, actually remained more Pagan than Christian and Emperor Constantine, would eventually submit to what he considered to be, “the indignity of baptism,” just months before his natural death. Historians for the Vatican made certain that Constantine would be depicted as a reformed man and Christian Emperor but that was not exactly accurate or true!

NOTE: The Pagan influence in The Holy Roman Church, explains the outward discrepancies between the organization of the Church and the Holy Scriptures, such as ostentatious buildings and religious garb; idol worship, purgatory, exorcisms, excommunications, Saints, Demons; the hording of wealth and antiquities, which always existed in the ancient Pagan cult.

Most people do not know that there are two Popes! The White Pope is responsible for the administration of the Holy Roman Church and the Black Pope is a Jesuit and mercenary and is responsible for eliminating people and problems affecting the Church, with extreme prejudice!

The Vatican today is a privately owned, corporate, money-driven and self-interested religious cult. It is a front for the Italian P2 Masonic Lodge or “Illuminati,” which is routinely involved in murder for hire; gambling; pedophile sex and white slavery.

Vatican City, is one of three privileged and autonomous City States, which also coordinates elite Pan-American global organized crime for the Western Banking Cabal.

The other two City States are: Washington, D.C. and the City of London.

The Holy Roman Church, has become identified as the center of the World’s spiritual leadership; the City of London, has become identified as the Center of World Finance, and Washington, D.C., has become identified as the Center of World Military power.

All three are inseparable in philosophy and yet separate, corporate centers in their own right!

[e.g.] Vatican City is immune from Italian Law; London is immune from British Law; Washington, D.C. is immune from State Law, and all three are collectively the unified center of a Secret Society and Criminal Cabal called, ‘The Illuminati,’ and their headquarters is the United Nations Building in New York City, the proposed Capitol City for their, New World Order.

Proof of both the United Nations and the City of New York, can be located in the United States Code.

During WWII, the hierarchy of the Vatican, freely supported the Nazi program for World Domination and Pope Pius XII, personally rendered his blessing upon Adolph Hitler, [Baron Rothschild].

As mentioned before during this expose’- King George eventually gained control over the new Government of America but he did not lay any new claim to the Colonial land because of another Treaty entered into by his predecessor, King James in 1213.

The Treaty of 1213, was between King James and Pope Innocent III of the Holy Roman Church. Google: The Treaty of 1213 and read it for yourself.

Like most historic Kings, James was not an intelligent man and was easily manipulated by Pope Innocent III. King James had been excommunicated by the Holy Roman Church because of having given His Royal Assent to an Aristocratic document titled: THE MAGNA CARTA, which in part recognized the Dukes and Lords as Sovereign and which prevented the return of their estates to the King upon their death. King James had been forced into signing this document to avert a Rebellion.

James also realized that the Magna Carta would now deprive him of his income on those estates and there resale upon the death of the Dukes and Lords, so he invoked an ancient law he remembered, titled: THE LAW OF MORTMAIN [or] “the dead mans hand,” which established the basis of the current Probate Courts in America.

Probate provides for a tax or percentage of the decedents estate be paid to the King, upon the distribution of a dead mans estate and the failure to pay this tax, resulted in the ownership in the estate being sold by the Court, to pay the tax and absent a valid, Last Will and Testament, the estate is returned to the King. In America, the same laws apply and the estate is returned to the State!

The Magna Carta and The Law of Mortmain, upset Pope Innocent III, because it placed the Lords and Dukes on equal footing with the Sovereign King and His Holiness, the Pope [and] the Law of Mortmain prevented Catholic parishioners from willing the deeds to their homes and land to the Church, by obligating the Church to pay the Kings Probate Tax!

Pope Innocent III, retaliated by excommunicating King James and he also issued a decree, declaring that, The Magna Carta, was be an affront to God and the Holy Roman Church, and therefore was unlawful!

King James was eventually convinced by Pope Innocent III, that because of his excommunication, that upon the King’s death, his soul would be condemned to purgatory.

Out of his fear of purgatory, King James, made a serious act of contrition to regain the favor of the Holy Roman Church and the Pope, whom the King now regarded as: God’s only living representative on Earth!

The Treaty of 1213, spelled out King James concessions: 1] Giving the land titles of Ireland; England and France, too the Holy Roman Church; 2] The lands and oceans of the Earth; 3] The payment of 1000 gold Marks each year, and 4] A Royal Decree, which declared the Pope, “The Vicar of Christ,” meaning the only living descendant of Peter, Christ’s appointed representative on Earth!

NOTE: All royalty is an historic prevarication but man has accepted their presence like a bad government. Devout Christians might argue this point but realistically, somebody has to be in charge, whomever they are, to maintain order and organize protection from other Nations.

The Holy Roman Church and all future Pope’s, would all pursue other avenues to gain similar Treaties and control around the World, which is much easier to accomplish if you are the “Vicar of Christ,” and this does however explain England’s historic thirst to conquer other Nation Countries around the World!

King James Royal Decree; that all the lands and sea’s of Earth, was the property of The Holy Roman Church; eventually became the impetus behind the change in American land titles from [Allodial Deeds] to [Fee Simple Deeds], which utilizes the Ancient Roman Trusts as a model!


Remember the story about crazy Nero setting fire to Rome? Well it happened but he wasn’t crazy! He and the Roman Senate arranged that one and blamed it on the Christians as a distraction.

Problem is that the fires were predominately set in the Christian section! So what was behind this?

After the fires had burned out, the Roman Senate created a Land Trust and into the Trust they entered all of the estates of Romans who owned property.

Then by Royal Decree, they declared that all of these property owners had died in the Great Fire and the Senate was appointed the Trustees for these estates.

As Trustees, they could demand a percentage of the crops and excessive taxes.

If the owner couldn’t pay, he went to prison or surrendered his daughters as Bond Slaves!

If the original owner died, the estate was sold, usually to a member of the Senate and the gold held in the Trust.

All that the original estate Owner had to do to stop this insanity, was to hire a scribe and decree that he did not die in the Great Fire and was in fact alive and quite capable of managing his own estate and serve it on the Senate! Few Romans were intelligent enough to know what to do and subsequently lost everything!

All land deeds in Colonial America, use to be Allodial Deeds, which recognized our individual Sovereignty and Ownership, whereas Fee Simple Deeds, only recognizes the State and are an open end deed that are never closed or finalized!

What does this mean, you ask?

ALLODIAL: Recognizes you as the King of your land. You make the rules on your land and nobody and no government can trespass upon your property.

You the King, are revered and respected and have an absolute right to use lethal force to protect your property. No government can tax your land, and the title is passed down from parent to child or husband to wife, etc!

No Bank will ever lend money against an Allodial property because the Bank has no way to foreclose against it but it will lend money against your chattel [livestock or crops].

FEE SIMPLE: Recognizes you
only as a Tenant on the property.

The State makes the rules on your land and anybody can trespass upon your property.

You actually lease the property from the Land Trust, which belongs to the Holy Roman Church.

The Deed can only be passed down to family members upon your death but not before your descendants open an, Estate in Probate, which means that the State receives a percentage of everything the decedent once owned!

If the descendants are short of cash, the property is auctioned off or a loan [mortgage] can be obtained from a Bank. In a loan situation, the Deed to the property is encumbered by the Bank.

This means that the Bank is entitled to be satisfied first, if the loan [mortgage] is defaulted on for non-payment! This process is better known as: Foreclosure.

The Banks have arranged for the Vatican, the Judge, the Clerk, the Bank and the lawyer, to each receive a piece of the Foreclosure.

If you are unmarried and you failed to leave a: Last Will and Testament, the State can reclaim your property and leave your descendants with nothing!

With this change in Deeds: A Land Trust was created for these Fee Simple Deeds, and the Holy Roman Church was designated the Owner of the Trust.

The State and the Courts become the Trustees, and we Americans become a corporate tenant.

Now here’s where things get sticky:

In every Trust: There is an Owner; a Trustee and a Beneficiary. The Owner cannot be the Trustee and neither of them can become the Beneficiary, so we ignorant human beings, have been appointed as the Beneficiaries of the Trust! Into the Trust they have entered other valuable property.

Birth Certificates of Corporations, our Birth Certificates and our Social Security Accounts, which are converted into National Securities and marketed as Mutual Fund Investments.

The trick: The trick is how too avoid giving these ignorant humans the benefits of the Trust? And the solution arrived at by these lawyer/politicians, is to convert those ignorant humans into sub-corporations! Corporations are companies and as such, have no inalienable rights!

You’ve got to admit that these people are clever?

American’s who believe they have just purchased a home and land, have been lied to by the government; the bank and their lawyer!

They all lie as a precaution against inciting another American Revolution! Everything is about Commerce/Money!

It rules the World and it Rules your lives!

In the small type of all Fee Simple Deeds; is the wording that specifies that the buyer is the Tenant and not the Owner!

Your lawyer set up that little piece of fraud, never told you about it and then charged you a fee for his services!

And America keeps electing these lawyers to high political offices and you wonder why your life is so much harder today than it was for your parents? Hell—they were just getting started!

That’s not all: In the small print of the Deed is a poorly worded contract between you and the State Government, wherein you consent to pay the property taxes on this Deed and directs the State too send the Tax Notice in care of your name and address and by signing all of the Deed transactions, you have agreed to another fraudulent debt!

The Tax Debt guarantees that you can never own or reside on that property without paying!

Whatever happened to that “nest egg” we were taught to believe in?

Your lawyer set up that Tax Debt too and he receives a large percentage of your first tax bill, for arranging that one!


“Let the buyer beware!”

Beware of the politicians and lawyers!

The Ecclesiastical Laws of England; Ireland; France and America, now give the Pope absolute superiority over all governmental laws, decisions and orders governing these countries.

That would normally be a reasonable concession to God however the Vatican is a cult and is all about: Power; Control and Wealth, masked by the veil of a National Religious Cult, supervised by the false, Vicar of Christ!

In all fairness: Many of the individual parish Priests are gentle, religious and well-meaning people who are just as confused about everything, as you are.

It is the Jesuits and the Priests who are promoted to Bishop and Cardinal, who you need to be wary of.

They are generally more politically aggressive and corrupt than they are religious! Didn’t you ever wonder why Priests are never prosecuted for Pedophile Sex or Drunken Driving?

It is because the Vatican is at the center of the Illuminati P2 Group and that is part of their business; the Vatican is in bed with them and the Pope can exonerate everybody and absolve them of their crimes and sins.

Priestly perversions make it virtually impossible for a fallen Priest to ever leave the Church because once he does; he is no longer protected by the Church!

Every time a Priest slips up, the Pope gains a permanent soldier who cannot refuse a Vatican accommodation!

NOTE: The United States Congress adopted The Holy Bible as one of the organic laws of the United States.

Organic means a foundational law. What Pope Innocent III missed during his editing of the Holy Bible, is the fact that the Bible eliminates enforcement of all man-made laws in the first five books, which then becomes another prime example of how the laws of a corrupt government contradict each other, and as long as they are in power, they don’t care!

Remember the proverb:

“Power corrupts and
absolute power corrupts

Nothing could be more truthful! In all fairness, you all need to know that [except for about one half dozen] of the men who we have elected too a State or National political office, are actually much more corrupt than any of you ever imagined!

They have sex slaves; perform mind control experiments upon them; take drugs; arrange murders; engage in pedophile sex; prostitution and have been involved in white slavery and the sale of children and teenagers to foreign Potentates!

Anything for a buck and for their personal pleasure, with absolutely no accountability or conscience! They are the true Sociopaths of this society and should be in prison, and I am not excluding any of the United States Presidents; Congressmen or Heads of State in this description! Except for those six; there wasn’t a good one among them and that’s the absolute truth!

They are only half at fault because we stupid American’s put them there and never paid any attention to what they were doing and we accepted every lie they told us!


The High Contracting Powers in Europe and America have decided that we common, illiterate and unwashed slaves are better off not having this and other knowledge or information readily available to us because that would make us all as intelligent as they are, and that could make us difficult to control!

Intelligent slaves have always been perceived as a threat to Plantation owners; Emperors; Monarchs; Dictators and other despots and we common folk are perceived by them in this same light.

As hard and tasteless as this comment is to digest, the middle and poor classes are viewed by all governments and by the Royal and Elite of the World as ignorant slaves that require management, by and through slave driving program techniques.

Too many slaves are much too difficult to control and so programs to reduce populations in addition to Wars, have constantly been engineered and employed without our consent or knowledge!

[e.g.] Hence, the recent growing number of Cancer and Aids patients and other diseases, which have been created by government laboratories under Military Defense Contracts, were then introduced into our society by air, water and contaminated blood.

[e.g.] During WWII, Nazi scientists experimented with a toxic substance called fluoride and discovered that watered down doses of fluoride ingested over a long period of time, makes the human mind more malleable or easier to influence.

Other tests involving an acid compound called chlorine, ingested in small doses over an extended period of time, severely injures the human immune system.

Today all public water in America is treated with Chlorine and Fluoride chemicals and we have all been told for the last 70 years that this is good for us!

[e.g.] All humans should actually be ingesting small doses of Alkaloids applied or added to their boiled drinking water to maintain their natural immunity from childbirth.

All human children are born with an alkaloid system however due to the health benefits derived from Alkaloids, the US Government has prohibited the sale of all water purification devices that Alkalizes drinking water.

The abuse of Alkaloids however like all abuses is just as detrimental to human health as acids and poison; so care should be employed.

China or Japan manufactures an alkaloid purification system, which can be purchased by mail order only.

Another popular Slave Driving Technique involves racial disunity.

Kings and Governments intentionally stir up problems between the various countries and races, which causes fights and murders between these groups and once they get out of control, Officials step in and kill or imprison everyone they can.

At present the big move is to create racial disunity between the American masses and immigrants from the Middle Eastern Countries or with the Latin and South America ethnicities.

If you are one of those American people who hate the Mexican and or the Muslim immigrants in America, then you are probably not too awfully bright because you are being handled and manipulated by Uncle Sam with extreme prejudice!

The same thing was done to Japanese American families during WWII and they were totally innocent of any wrongdoing!


Most people actively participate and cooperate in these slave driving programs. I’m certain you won’t like reading this but the most identifiable programs involve our professional sports competitions such as: Football; Baseball; Wrestling, etc.

Team sports are much easier to manipulate because they involve so much activity whereas, Wrestling is the only sport that appears phony all of the time, even when participants are paid extra, to physically assault each other!

Just so you understand, all of these professional athletes truly are the consummate athletes in their own right, and it really would be quite a spectacle to watch them legitimately attempt to win a competition but, it could also result in their last and cost them a profitable career; so games; matches and coaches need to be manipulated!

The offer of large salaries helps smooth over the athlete’s conscience and in time they lose their conscience, just like actors and politicians!

Sorry to break your bubble but that’s life and they and we are being manipulated!

All of the players occasionally suffer real injuries from accidents but it still amounts to nothing more than the glitz and glimmer of Hollywood, just on a different plane or level!

The purpose of these professional sports is too entertain the masses and to inflate and expand Commerce.

It’s all about the money.

Unfortunately, the public is bamboozled into paying horrendous prices to view these sports competitions; they are huddled into stadiums with uncomfortable seating and sometimes exposed to the elements!

They are usually offered expensive refreshments to purchase and members of the public are encouraged or enticed to wager bets on the outcome of each competition!

The team owners receive a percentage of those bets in exchange for a pre-arranged list of win’s and losses; a percentage of the ticket sales, concessions, television advertisements and merchandizing!

The owners even attempt to perform like they are elated or concerned but its all an act!

It’s all about the money!

Former athletes are hired by the media to discuss the players; teams; forecast the outcome and narrate the competitions.

These star narrators help add more drama to the game and they help cover up “bad acting” and “botched plays” by legitimizing or chastising the actions of plays, referees, coaches and players who react, get kicked out, strike out, miss a shot, push an opponent, miss a block or drop a pass!

It’s all good because drama sells tickets, increases betting and sells merchandise and we pay the price!

The success of these professional programs also encourages high schools and colleges to entertain similar athletic programs because of the extra collateral that can be earned for the schools and they unwittingly help to legitimize the professional sports.

High schools and college teams play legitimate sports, so naturally those spectators are more likely to expect and believe the same amount of legitimacy will continue in the professional sports too.

All of these sports promote combat, competition and separate and eliminate the weak from the strong. Strong slaves are more productive, it’s a fact!

These sport competitions help drive the public mind to pay little attention to what government and business is doing too them; and they help promote sales, patriotism and loyalty before each competition!

All of this creates and sustains a multi-billion dollar commercial enterprise and government from which the Royal and Elite classes all profit!

CREDIT SCORES: I believe you first need to understand the purpose behind Credit Scores.

The Credit Scoring System is another slave driving program; that was devised by the Federal Reserve System and with the blessing of the High Contracting Powers.

Its purpose is to squeeze more cash out of borrowers and to force the public into becoming loyal conditioned slaves!

First of all, when you apply for a mortgage, you are requesting a loan of their valueless currency, to purchase a home or automobile, which you can never own and upon which you pay a penalty, called Interest and Costs.

Those who are approved for a loan are watched closely to see if they have swallowed the fraud, “hook, line and sinker” and follow the repayment instructions fully!

Those who can’t follow their directions; lost a job or financially over extended themselves are rated badly [credit scores] and are penalized severely then and whenever they apply again, called [points].

The personal information you provide to them when applying, is also sold to other Financial Institutions and Collection Agencies.

They tell you NO, but unless you take the time to read all the fine print, they bluffed you again!

Some merchandizing companies have or perform a type of collection process first as a courtesy and when you fail to bring your payments up to date, they discharge the debt and sell the discharged debt to Collection Agencies for pennies on the dollar!

These Collection Agencies are all owned by Law Firms who hire people to contact you and attempt to collect the original debt plus penalties for them.

They do not represent the merchandizing company, they represent their own business and probably paid $25.00 for a $300.00 discharged debt.

If they can persuade you to begin making payments too them, that creates a contract between you and the collection agency, regarding a debt that no longer exists!

When a debt is discharged, it means that your agreement with that company is cancelled for good!

Those lawyers really are pretty clever!

If you are a compliant slave, your credit rating will be high and yet their really isn’t a difference between the borrower who has perfect credit and the borrower who has poor credit, as I will discuss next under Home Mortgages!

It is all a corporate fraud to increase their wealth and deplete yours!

HOME MORTGAGES: Whenever you apply for a loan, you are requested to sign a Promissory Note for the total amount of the loan.

Then a Payment Account is established.

The Promissory Note is never endorsed by a member of the Financial Institution so that it can be sold without your permission.

Three days later, the original promissory note, signed in ink, is sold to another Institution or Foreign Government, who will COLLATERALIZE it or use it like a BOND and issue currency or loans against it.

Why the three days?

It is because you have the right to withdraw from or cancel any contract within three days of acceptance.

It is about the only right we have left and it may be found under the, Truth in Lending Act!

All that matters to the Bank, is that you are a flesh and blood human being and that you have affixed your signature to a Promissory Note! They don’t care if you have a great credit score or a poor one!

Flesh and Blood Human Beings, technically own everything, and all Corporations are fictional companies that have no value and cannot function until some HUMAN BEING blows life into them!

The Promissory Notes each sell for the same value!

Since the Promissory Note was sold without your permission, your Mortgage Debt to them is actually [paid in full] but they never tell you about that!

In fact, the Bank also sells your repayment plan to an investor or another Bank for much less, and agree to manage the payments for them.

Most Banks now employ a middle company to collect your Mortgage payment.

They do this because your Mortgage and repayment plan is not reflected on the Banks Bookkeeping and under Federal and International Law, it is supposed to!

So the middle companies act as a buffer and keeps them out of trouble!

Since the Banks can’t legally make loans against their depositor’s assets, everything is just a, Paper Chase!

Your payments are deposited into the investor’s account who purchased it and if it involves another Bank, your payment is transferred to that Bank where it is deposited into a savings account, under a number instead of your name!

The reason the account is numbered, is because it is really your savings account!

You don’t owe them a debt and so they conceal your payments as a numbered savings account! If they included your name, they would have to mail you a monthly accounting and that would tip you off!

So any foreclosure that might occur thereafter is totally bogus and unlawful because they cannot produce the Original Promissory Note!

If demanded, they will produce a black and white photo copy but that is actually the Counterfeiting of a Negotiable Instrument unless it is reduced or enlarged!

The point being that if they cannot produce the original Note, it was sold!

Given these circumstances, it was absolutely necessary for them to involve the Judges in their criminal conduct.

Foreclosure Judges receive 10% of the original Promissory Note, after they authorize the Bank to steal and sell your assets in FORECLOSURE.

This process essentially makes the rich man richer and explains how the Banks can own the bulk of the skyscraper buildings, parcels of land and stadiums across America.

In reality, we pay for our homes three times over its original purchase price without ever securing ownership.

Mr. Warburg was a pretty ingenious fellow when he designed the Federal Reserve System and why we Americans always need to be two steps ahead of the Banks, Courts and lawyers!

According to the Constitution: The only way you can pay a debt is with silver or gold and since there is no silver or gold backed currency, the only thing we can do is to DISCHARGE our debts!

A DISCHARGE is never a payment in full and it can be resold or borrowed against.

Hence, lawyers purchase discharged debts for pennies on the dollar; open a collection company and hire people to harass you into paying that debt to them!

Remember that in all legitimate contracts you always received something of equal value from the company or person you borrowed from.

Collection companies fail to provide you with anything of equal value and lie to you that they are collecting the debt on behalf of the original creditor!

The best way to handle a debt collector is to deny who you are and every question they ask …..

INTERESTING NOTE: In Libya, a citizen can apply for a home mortgage or business loan from the government, interest free, and he owns the land.

In most cases, a citizen who desires to start a business like farming, the borrower is given a $50,000 grant or the land, a tractor, the seed and livestock to get started all for free!

And our government has the audacity to call Momar Ghaddafi a fascist? President Ghaddafi had control over $200 Billion in gold and his life was threatened by the Criminal Cabal, if he refused to surrender that gold. Ghaddafi refused and was subsequently murdered by paid assassins hired by the United States Government.

May he rest in peace…

CORPORATIONS: As I mentioned earlier, a corporation is a fictional character or entity in law, created by the government, which makes that fictional character or entity the intellectual property of the government but you are never told that! Corporations can own any number of other corporations but can never own a flesh and blood human being!

All laws created under this parent corporation will essentially become corporate laws and regulations to govern the parent corporation and all subordinate or sub-corporations owned by the parent. These corporate laws and regulations are called statutes and their affect and control over human beings is deceptively obtained by consent through civil contracts.

Look up the word: Person, in any modern law dictionary and you will see that a person is regarded as a corporation and not a flesh and blood human being.

These civil contracts were secured by and through several federal and state voluntary registration programs designed to convert and enslave flesh and blood American citizens of the Republic into corporate property.

These registration programs always involved government benefits as an inducement however nothing is for free and when the State and Federal Governments offer anything for free, you can bet that upon your acceptance, there are ropes and chains about to be attached to your neck; hands and ankles!

‘Most people do not know the weight of chain they already bare!’ Charles Dickens

Legally, these civil contracts lacked “mutuality,” meaning that all registrants must understand the true nature and intent of the contract [and] subsequently must knowingly accept or consent to the terms of those contracts.

The government’s subversive tactics perverts “mutuality” and lawfully eliminates any and all contractual relationships, as historically established by the ‘International Law of Contracts’ a/k/a Uniform Commercial Code.’

The Federal Government; the B.A.R. and the Courts, rely upon the Maxim that: “Ignorance of the Law is no excuse,” which is capable of being thrown back in their deceptive faces through literacy, which is what this expose’ is attempting to provide to you!

When a person is arrested or sued for a Statutory Regulation, also known as a: Criminal or Civil law, he is actually being accused of violating a: corporate regulation or corporate breach of contract!

A civil contract that only exists over human beings by deception and fraud!

There are NO CRIMINAL LAWS in America.

Rule 1 of the Federal Rules of Procedure [F.C.R.P.] use to specify this very fact. [e.g.] ‘All laws are civil,’ which was later modified by the Judiciary Act too conceal this fact by creating one set of Civil Rules [F.C.R.P.] and one set of Criminal Rules [F.Cr.R.P.] but this never changed the fact that there are NO CRIMINAL LAWS in America.

The Judiciary Act was necessary, once common people began to represent themselves in Court and uncovered this and other frauds.

These Rules of Procedure and Rules of Court were originally designed and adopted to reduce confusion in the Courts and was intended only for lawyers however this is not to say that the Courts will not try to enforce them against non-lawyers!

And by the way: There is no legislation, which prohibits a common man to practice law without a license! Neither Lincoln nor Clarence Darrow ever attended law school; neither was licensed and each became a famous lawyer.

This prohibition will be discussed next.

Today, each Judge representing a Court of Record is a lawyer and a member of the American B.A.R. Association Union, and all these Union Judges have conspired to write a Local Rule of Procedure, prohibiting non-lawyers from the practice of law without a license!

This practice protected their Treason; insured work for the Union membership [B.A.R. lawyers] and is openly in violation of Federal Anti-Trust Laws!

Anti-Trust Laws were intended to prevent large monopolies from forming because such monopolies can control prices; eliminate competition and violates free enterprise, which is exactly what the B.A.R. and this Local Rule of Court intended to accomplish!

Those Anti-Trust Laws have been modified so many times by B.A.R. Congressmen, that they now almost assist in the creation of large monopolies. Gee, how could that happen?

A lawyer is issued a license to practice law, a license permitting him to do something unlawful, so how did he pay for his license when our government has abolished our right to possess or own silver and gold?

The lawyer paid with Federal Reserve Notes [promissory notes] having no ascertainable value. So now, how is it that any lawyer is licensed to do anything?

They aren’t; so when a lawyer or a lawyer judge enters a Court, they both come into that Court with unclean hands to prosecute; defend or judge.

“Unclean hands,” means that: Their appearance is reproachable and it makes them incapable of seeking or rendering a judgment or a conviction against anyone else!

An old Maxim of law says it all:


The Federal and State Governments are not real.

They are privately owned corporations called governments.

The Judges are privately employed administrators called Judges and the law is nothing more than their corporate regulations called Statutes.

The Courthouses are no longer public buildings but are privately owned structures called Judicial Centers or a Department of Justice and the prisons are privately owned facilities that do not mention the City or County anywhere in its name.

The public defenders, prosecutors and police are not there to protect and serve the public but to the contrary, they are there to protect and serve the private corporation.

The Vatican, Judges, Prosecutor and Clerk make money off of your conviction and the private owners of the prison make money off of your incarceration.

Everything you sign with a wet ink signature becomes a negotiable instrument in their World and is converted into a guaranteed asset, like a [Security or Bond] because you are a real flesh and blood living person!

Many Judges and law firms own the Government Buildings and the Prisons.

Your presence in a prison also fuels a Mutual Fund investment.

In their World, everything is fictional and therefore your living status creates substance for their World both physically and in writing!

Who pays for the bulk of these convictions?

Remember those Land Trusts in the name of the Vatican?

The Prosecutor levels [files] a charge against you and the Trust, with the Clerk.

The Clerk documents the case and appoints a judge as the Administrator for the Trust.

You are brought before them and asked if you are the named person on the indictment and they promptly advise you of your rights and the charge.

It is your BIRTH CERTIFICATE that is actually on Trial and being prosecuted, but you don’t know that and your Court appointed lawyer or privately hired lawyer, never tell you!

Upon your conviction, (and you WILL be convicted), the Land Trust pays damages to all involved except you, because you are not real!

The living you is the beneficiary of the Trust and the corporate you is on Trial! They consider that those Trusts are for them, if they can access it!

You never receive the benefits of the Trust and you are sentenced to prison, probation and or fined!

Rebellious or free thinking individuals are usually ostracized; censored; punished or stone walled at every turn because they refuse to accept the propaganda and slave driving techniques being forced upon them by their private corporate owners called the High Contracting Powers!

We are all forced to submit to a forced education wherein the subject content has been fictionalized and is supervised by the: “Department of Education.”

We are periodically tested and graded to insure that we have been sufficiently indoctrinated with these facts before being graduated.

The “Carrot” or rewards used to entice us into memorizing these false facts are words like: Cum Lade, Diplomas, Intelligence Quotients, College Entrance Exams, Stats and rewards like educational scholarships, grants and the promise of a better job and life!

And few ever receive the: “Carrot!”

You are never taught the truth unless you are Royalty; the Elite or you are a Specially Gifted Individual. Naturally high intelligence [genius status] is an asset to the Elite and the Royal factions, and besides, you probably will figure everything out for yourself, and so they encourage such children to join them! Those who refuse are eventually eliminated with prejudice.

PHARMACEUTICAL COMPANIES: Is another one of the largest scams in America! The Congress and the Department of Defense poisons us and the pharmaceutical companies provide drugs that treat the symptoms.

They own all of the Medical Schools and make sure that new Doctors never learn how to treat disease only the symptom.

When it was discovered that the juice of the Marijuana Plant [Hemp Oil] stimulated the Human Immune System, which in turn naturally eliminated every disease affecting the human body; the Congress made Marijuana a Schedule I Drug and the propagation, use or sale of it a felony crime!

Use a juicer to extract the juice.

It will not make you hallucinate unless you heat or smoke it because heat changes the chemical composition.

These companies make billions off of the medical profession and they kick back a large portion of the profits to every Congressman and President!

  The Great Work Website

 Unholy Roman Church

Vatican Snake Theatre

The Vatican paid out
$3.8 billion dollars
in lawsuits to
cover up their
sex assaults on children.

They also run one of the largest
pedophile rings in the world

These people are sick

Vatican Snake Theatre

Do you see a snake here?

City of London built on Rome

City of London

The City of London (i.e. the square mile in Greater London) is not technically part of Greater London or England, just as the Vatican is not part of Rome or Italy.

Similarly, Washington, D.C., is not part of the United States, which it controls.

These three entities have one goal — to end the old world order of sovereign nations and usher in a new global world order under one government rule under the iron fist of the Cabal.

These sovereign legal entities have their own laws and individuality, as well as their own flags.

Pay attention to the three stars on the flag of Washington, they represent the trinity of these three city-states, also known as the Empire of Cities (the number 3 also has great esoteric significance).

The governments of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom are subsidiaries of the Crown, as is the Federal Reserve in the United States.

The reigning monarch in England is also subordinate to the crown.

The global financial and legal system is controlled by the Queen from the City of London.

The square mile that makes up the center of Greater London is the center of world power, at least on a visible level.

Washington was founded as a city-state in 1871 with the adoption of the Act of 1871, which officially established the United States as a corporation under the authority of Washington, which itself is subordinate to the City of London.

Corporations are run by presidents, which is why we call a person who is considered to hold the highest position in the country “president”.

The fact is that the president is nothing but a figurehead for the heads of central banks and multinational corporations (both of which are controlled by the Highest Spiritual Freemasonry), who really control this country and, ultimately, lead it.

Washington operates within the framework of the Roman law system and outside the restrictions established by the US Constitution.

Papal states are territories on the east coast of the former United States under the sovereign direct rule of the Pope from the fall of the United States at the turn of the twentieth century to the present day.

The Papal Region is one of the regional powers of the Chesapeake Bay, controlling the city of Washington, as well as most of its surroundings.

The Pope also owns several cities, baronies and other possessions outside of Washington, creating a complex network of possessions that pay tribute directly to the pope.

The Papal region originated on the territory of the former United States, which the modern world views as an ancient empire and a continent-generating government.

After the violent coup in Washington, Chester Hale Fitzgerald founded the Papal Region based on the beliefs of a new religion, which later became Unionism.

However, the Pope claims that his power comes from the American Empire, which allegedly gave the first Pope full power over the empire through the Gift of Lincoln, a fake American imperial decree.

Since then, this document has been used to support the papacy’s claims to political power.

A corporation called Washington, D.C., is now a foreign legal entity on the American soil of sovereign states.

It was created at the expense of the Vatican when the District of Columbia was transferred to the city-state and it is a legal entity.

The Vatican and other foreign states that intervened, such as Germany, Italy, China, etc. are now enemies of the state, and their assets should be confiscated

The entire territory of the corporate Capitol was laid out by secret societies in the form of a pentagram that honours the god they follow — the god Baal/Baal, who sacrifices children.

It’s sad, but it’s true
Everything that is hidden will become known.

There’s been so much going on
here throughout all
Earth’s know history
it’s difficult to know where to start.

And it’s still ‘in ‘business’
controlling the life of every single person
walking this earth right now
and has done throughout all Earth history.

Those with limited levels of
cognitive dissonance
will not want to know
what this place was really all about.

Rather than be a place of sanctity to be revered by the world this place should be completely destroyed and all it’s existence relegated to the dung-heap of the world.

The rest of this page will give a superficial overlook as to what it’s been up to and how it’s made a difference to everyone’s life – every day of all their lives on this realm.

The Vatican

“The sad facts of the matter are that the Vatican has been THE “major player” in the geopolitical arena for many centuries (including the current PANDEMIC and VACCINATION AGENDA).

And, for the past four centuries, the Jesuit Order, (operating from within the Vatican), has been THE major player in both the geopolitical arena and the theological arena – and a very big player, (through its Knights of Malta), in the financial arena and in the international intelligence community!

The more I study history and the more ‘I turn over stones’, the more I find the ‘footsteps and fingerprints’ of the Vatican – and, again, more specifically, its Jesuit Order – involved in the most sinister and evil activities!

Indeed, the Jesuit Order, (i.e., The Society of Jesus, ‘The Company’), headed by the Jesuit Superior General (i.e., the ‘Black Pope’), is the most formidable enemy to religious and civil liberty that the world has probably ever seen.

The Jesuits became so infamous in Africa, Asia, North America, Europe and other continent for fomenting wars and revolutions, and for assassinating heads of State, that they were expelled from 83 countries, city-states, and cities by 1931 – quite often by Roman Catholic monarchs!

The Jesuit Superior General, the Black Pope, not only controls his powerful Jesuit Order, but also controls the powerful Knights of Malta, top-level Knights of Columbus, and the top-levels of FREEMASONRY.

Through his control of the top levels of Secret Societies, (especially Knights of Malta and high-level FREEMASONS), he controls the top intelligence agencies of the world.

A good example of this occurred in World War II: the top intelligence man in the OSS (later CIA) was Knight of Malta William “Wild Bill” Donovan; the top intelligence man in Nazi Germany on the eastern front was German Knight of Malta General Reinhard Gehlen; and the top intelligence man in the Soviet Union was Knight of Malta Prince Anton Turkul, (who used Jesuit priests for his couriers).

Thus, the Jesuit Order was in control of the major combatants, and able to ‘steer’ the war in the directions they wanted – and in the process to slaughter millions of their favourite targets (Jews, Protestants, and Orthodox Christians).

Additionally, because of his control of the Vatican hierarchy, (through his Jesuit Order and P-2 Masonry), the Jesuit Superior General also has control and use of the ‘Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith’, (i.e., the Office of Inquisition), the Roman Curia, and Vatican finances, (which are substantial!).

If all this does not make the ‘Black Pope’ the most powerful man on the face of the earth, I do not know what would.

Secret societies – most particularly the Jesuit Order with its Knights of Malta and top-level Freemasons – must be exposed and removed from our shores, or America will not survive!”

Darryl Eberhart (2021)
Editor of “Tackling the Tough Topics”
and “Examining the Tough Issues”

At about the time of the
invention of the printing press
the Bible was re-written to suit
a narrative of what we’d call
the ‘Deep State’ today

Many books was removed
to leave only 66.


Listen up Catholics.

The Vatican is merely a perpetuation of the Mystery schools and Mystery Babylon Religion.

It intertwined with Christianity to remain hidden.

It very literally merged Christianity with the ancient Egyptian worship of the sun.

The obelisk in the courtyard of the Vatican representing the Phallus of Osiris (The Lost word of Freemasonry) and the courtyard is the round temple of the Sun.

The same as the Druids
and Celts built at Stonehenge.

The Druids migrated from the Middle East after the fall of Babylon.

The Roman Empire never fell, just became the Vatican, and the Emperor is now the Pope.

It is a perversion of the Babylonian Mysery Religion and was established by a Pagan Roman Emporer and worshipper of the sun.

Emporer Constantine a worshiper of the sun and Mystery Babylon Religion, blended pagan worship of the gods of the Heavens and Earth with Christianity, partly as a political move but also to continue the worship of the Mystery Schools.

The Emperor became the Pope,
as seen in the below source:

“Boniface VIII was ecstatic He remembered the words said to him as the papal crown had been placed on his head: ‘Take the tiara, and know that thou art the father of princes and kings, the ruler of the world, the vicar on earth of our savior, Jesus Christ.’

Now, he indeed felt like the ruler of the world as he staged a regal pageant

He put on the dress and the insignia of the ancient Roman emperors and went out into the streets with two swords, held high in front of him, indicating his supreme authority over both the secular and the spiritual worlds, with heralds crying out, ‘Behold! I am Caesar!'”

– Dungeon, Fire and Sword,
John J. Robinson
(This book is the complete history of
the Knights Templar
and I highly recommend it)

It was the Old World Order, and since America was founded, has since become the New World Order.

Constance Cumbey, who has authored numerous books on the New Age Movement, said,

“The New Age movement is a religion complete with its own Bibles, prayers and mantras, Vatican City/Jerusalem equivalents, priests and gurus, born-again experiences (they call it ‘rebirthing’), spiritual laws and commandments, psychics and prophets, and nearly every other indicia of a religion.”

The symbol of the Roman Empire
was the double headed eagle.

Symbolizing the rule over East and West.

This symbol remains on the walls of the Vatican to this day.

click image for video

The Pagan Necropolis
under Vatican City

Beneath the floor of St. Peter’s Basilica,
an ancient Roman cemetery
holds the secret to the origins of Vatican City.

The 1st trust of the world
Unam Sanctam

ALL new borns is still practiced
almost secretly today

The 1st trust of the world,
Unam Sanctam is one of the
most frightening documents of history
and the one most quoted as
the primary document of the
popes claiming their global power.

It is an express trust deed.

The last line reads: “Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.”

It is not only the first trust deed in history but also the largest trust ever conceived, as it claims the whole planet and everything on it, conveyed in trust. Triple Crown of Ba’al, aka the Papal Tiara and Triregnum In 1302 Pope Boniface issued his infamous Papal Bull Unam Sanctam––the first Express Trust.

He claimed control over the whole planet which made him “King of the world”.

In celebration, he commissioned a gold-plated headdress in the shape of a pinecone, with an elaborate crown at its base.

The pinecone is an ancient symbol of fertility and one traditionally associated with Ba’al as well as the Cult of Cybele.

It also represents the pineal gland in the centre of our brains––crystalline in nature–– which allows us access to Source, hence, the 13-foot tall pinecone in Vatican Square.

Think about why the Pontiffs would idolize a pinecone.

The 1st Crown
of Crown Land

Pope Boniface VIII was the first leader in history to create the concept of a Trust, but the first Testamentary Trust, through a deed and will creating a Deceased Estate, was created by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, through the Papal Bull Romanus Pontifex.

This is only one of three (3) papal bulls to include the line with the incipit “For a perpetual remembrance.”

This Bull had the effect of conveying the right of use of the land as Real Property, from the Express Trust Unam Sanctam, to the control of the Pontiff and his successors in perpetuity.

Hence, all land is claimed as “crown land”. This 1st Crown is represented by the 1st Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born.

It deprives us of all beneficial entitlements and rights on the land.

The 2nd Crown
of the Commonwealth

The second Crown was created in 1481 with the papal bull Aeterni Regis, meaning “Eternal Crown”, by Sixtus IV, being only the 2nd of three papal bulls as deeds of testamentary trusts.

This Papal Bull created the “Crown of Aragon”, later known as the Crown of Spain, and is the highest sovereign and highest steward of all Roman Slaves subject to the rule of the Roman Pontiff.

Spain lost the crown in 1604 when it was granted to King James I of England by Pope Paul V after the successful passage of the “Union of Crowns”, or Commonwealth, in 1605 after the false flag operation of the Gunpowder Plot.

The Crown was finally lost by England in 1975, when it was returned to Spain and King Carlos I, where it remains to this day.

This 2nd Crown is represented by the 2nd cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is born and, by the sale of the birth certificate as a Bond to the private central bank of the nation, depriving us of ownership of our flesh and condemning us to perpetual servitude, as a Roman person, or slave.

The 3rd Crown
of the Ecclesiastical See

The third Crown was created in 1537 by Paul III, through the papal bull Convocation, also meant to open the Council of Trent.

It is the third and final testamentary deed and will of a testamentary trust, set up for the claiming of all “lost souls”, lost to the See.

The Venetians assisted in the creation of the 1st Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540, to use this papal bull as the basis of Ecclesiastical authority of Henry VIII.

This Crown was secretly granted to England in the collection and “reaping” of lost souls.

The Crown was lost in 1816, due to the deliberate bankruptcy of England, and granted to the Temple Bar which became known as the Crown Bar, or simply the Crown.

The Bar Associations have since been responsible for administering the “reaping” of the souls of the lost and damned, including the registration and collection of Baptismal certificates representing the souls collected by the Vatican and stored in its vaults.

This 3rd Crown is represented by the 3rd Cestui Que Vie Trust, created when a child is baptized.

It is the parents’ grant of the Baptismal certificate––title to the soul––to the church or Registrar.

Thus, without legal title over one’s own soul, we will be denied legal standing and will be treated as things––cargo without souls––upon which the BAR is now legally able to enforce Maritime law.

The Cestui Que Vie Trust

A Cestui Que Vie Trust is a fictional concept.

It is a Temporary Testamentary Trust, first created during the reign of Henry VIII of England through the Cestui Que Vie Act of 1540 and updated by Charles II, through the CQV Act of 1666, wherein an Estate may be effected for the Benefit of a Person presumed lost or abandoned at “sea” and therefore assumed “dead” after seven (7) years.

Additional presumptions, by which such a Trust may be formed, were added in later statutes to include bankrupts, minors, incompetents, mortgages, and private companies.

The original purpose of a CQV Trust was to form a temporary Estate for the benefit of another because some event, state of affairs, or condition prevented them from claiming their status as living, competent, and present, before a competent authority.

Therefore, any claims, history, statutes, or arguments that deviate in terms of the origin and function of a CQV Trust, as pronounced by these canons, is false and automatically null and void.

A Beneficiary under Estate may be either a Beneficiary or a CQV Trust.

When a Beneficiary loses direct benefit of any Property of the higher Estate placed in a CQV Trust on his behalf, he do not “own” the CQV Trust; he is only the beneficiary of what the Trustees of the CQV Trust choose to provide.

As all CQV Trusts are created on presumption, based upon original purpose and function, such a Trust cannot be created if these presumptions can be proven not to exist.

Since 1933, when a child is borne in a State (Estate) under inferior Roman law, three (3) Cestui Que (Vie) Trusts are created upon certain presumptions specifically designed to deny, forever, the child any rights of Real Property, any Rights to be free, and any Rights to be known as man or woman, rather than a creature or animal, by claiming and possessing their Soul or Spirit.

The Executors or Administrators
of the higher Estate willingly and knowingly:

convey the beneficial entitlements of the child, as Beneficiary, into the 1st Cestui Que (Vie) Trust in the form of a Registry Number by registering the Name, thereby also creating the Corporate Person and denying the child any rights to Real Property; and,

Claim the baby as chattel to the Estate.
(See HEELING – it still happens)

The slave baby contract is then created
by honouring the ancient tradition
of either having the ink impression
of the baby’s feet onto the live birth record,
or a drop of its blood,
as well as tricking the parents
to signing the baby away through
the deceitful legal meanings
on the live birth record which is a
promissory note, converted into a slave bond,
sold to the private reserve bank of the estate,
and then conveyed into a
2nd and separate CQV Trust,
per child, owned by the bank.

When the promissory note reaches maturity and the bank is unable to “seize” the slave child, a maritime lien is lawfully issued to “salvage” the lost property and is monetized as currency issued in series against the CQV Trust.

claim the child’s soul via the Baptismal Certificate. Since 1540 and the creation of the 1st CQV Act, deriving its power from the Papal Bull of Roman Cult leader Pope Paul III, 1540, when a child is baptized and a Baptismal Certificate is issued, the parents have gifted, granted, and conveyed the soul of the baby to a “3rd” CQV Trust owned by Roman Cult, which has held this valuable property in its vaults ever since.

Since 1815, this 3rd Crown of the Roman Cult and 3rd CQV Trust representing Ecclesiastical Property has been managed by the BAR as the reconstituted “Galla” responsible, as Grim Reapers, for reaping the souls.

Each Cestui Que Vie Trust, created since 1933, represents one of the 3 Crowns representing the three claims of property of the Roman Cult: Real Property (on Earth), Personal Property (body), and Ecclesiastical Property (soul).

Each corresponds exactly to the three forms of law available to the Galla of the BAR Courts: corporate commercial law (judge is the ‘landlord’), maritime and canon law (judge is the banker), and Talmudic law (judge is the priest).

What is the real power
of a court ‘judge’?

Given what has been revealed about the foundations of Roman Law, what is the real hidden power of a judge when we face court?

Is it their superior knowledge of process and procedure or of magic?

Or is it something simpler
and far more obvious?

It is unfortunate that much of the excitement about Estates and Executors has deliberately not revealed that an Estate, by definition, has to belong to a Trust––to be specific, a Testamentary Trust or CQV Trust.

When we receive legal paper or have to appear in court, it is these same CQV Trusts which have our rights converted into the property contained within them.

Instead of being the Trustee, or the Executor, or Administrator, we are merely the Beneficiary of each CQV Trust, granted only beneficial and equitable use of certain property, never legal title.

So if the Roman Legal System assumes we are merely the beneficiary of these CQV Trusts, when we go to court, who represents the Trustee and Office of Executor?

We all know that all cases are based upon the judge’s discretion which often defies procedures, statutes, and maxims of law.

Well, they are doing what any Trustee or Executor, administering a trust in the presence of the beneficiary, can do under Roman Law and all the statutes, maxims, and procedures are really for show because under the principles of Trust Law, as first formed by the Roman Cult, a Trustee has a wide latitude, including the ability to correct any procedural mistakes, by obtaining the implied or tacit consent of the beneficiary, to obviate any mistakes.

The judge is the real and legal Name.

The judge is the trust, itself.>

We are the mirror image to them –– the ghost –– the dead.

It is high sorcery, trickery,
and subterfuge that has
remained “legal” for far too long.

AD 1493:
The Pope asserts rights
to colonize, convert, and enslave

Pope Alexander VI issues a papal bull or decree,
“Inter Caetera,”
in which he authorizes Spain and Portugal
to colonize the Americas and its Native peoples as subjects.

The decree asserts the rights of Spain and Portugal
to colonize, convert, and enslave.

It also justifies the enslavement of Africans.

“… Out of our own sole largess and certain knowledge and out of the fullness of our apostolic power, by the authority of Almighty God conferred upon us in blessed Peter and of the vicarship of Jesus Christ, which we hold on earth, do by tenor of these presents, should any of said islands have been found by your envoys and captains, give, grant, and assign to you and your heirs and successors, kings of Castile and Leon, forever, together with all their dominions, cities, camps, places, and villages, and all rights, jurisdictions, and appurtenances, all islands and mainlands found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered towards the west and south, by drawing and establishing a line from the Arctic pole, namely the north, to the Antarctic pole, namely the south, no matter whether the said mainlands and islands are found and to be found in the direction of India or towards any other quarter, the said line to be distant one hundred leagues towards the west and south from any of the islands commonly known as the Azores and Cape Verde.

With this proviso however that none of the islands and mainlands, found and to be found, discovered and to be discovered, beyond that said line towards the west and south, be in the actual possession of any Christian king or prince up to the birthday of our Lord Jesus Christ just past from which the present year one thousand four hundred ninety-three begins.

And we make, appoint, and depute you and your said heirs and successors lords of them with full and free power, authority, and jurisdiction of every kind…”

Pope Alexander VI,
“Inter Caetera”

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When you
are born

When you are born (given life),
a “Record of Live Birth” is “recorded”
as testimony of your Life,
which is your private Estate.

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When you
are born

When you are born (given life),
a “Record of Live Birth” is “recorded”
as testimony of your Life,
which is your private Estate.

The New Zealand equivalent is a “Notification of Birth for Registration”.

It is your Affidavit of Life, with details that identify your living standing holding private properties. It records your “given name” as a unique “Title”, i.e. John, to your Estate.

Your Estate is the “land” (real estate), or property, of your mind, body, and soul, and all the physical and intellectual property that derives from your living energy, including your inborn unalienable rights.

Your Mother’s autograph is her testimony of your Estate (an Estate must come before a Trust). In Common Law (the Law of the “Land”), your Mother and the State are automatically Trustees in an “expressed” Sovereign Trust with you as the Beneficiary.

You are the holder in “expectancy” (“Holder in Due Course”) of your Estate, which will descend to you as of right when you attain the “age of majority” (20), unless …

Soon, your parents are told that you “must” be “registered”.

They are under no such lawful obligation, but the State is insistent for reasons undisclosed.

According to Ecclesiastical Law an Estate can only be held in Trust by a man.

But your Mother was asked
for her maiden name,
constituting “Maternity”.

It is either legitimate or natural. 

The former is the condition of the mother who has given birth to legitimate children, while the latter is the condition of her who has given birth to illegitimate children. 

Maternity is always certain,
while the paternity (q.v.) is only presumed.
– Bouvier’s Law Dictionary, 1856 Ed.]

The Record of Live Birth is used to issue a Birth Certificate Bond, certifying that a property “Title” is registered as a Security.

It is like a Warehouse Receipt for the baby, the delivered goods.

A warehouse receipt, which is considered a document of title, may be a negotiable instrument used for financing with inventory as security. – Black’s Law Dictionary, 7th Edition].

At the same time, your “given name” and family name have been registered as a tradename.

Only corporations have a “last name”.

An artificial legal “person” has been issued by the State as a franchise child of the parent corporation.

The Bond is sold to the World Bank (Bank for International Settlements, created in 1931 by the Vatican) as Settlor of the Trust.

Your value to society is calculated using actuarial tables.

Your Bond becomes a registered Security, which the Treasury uses as Surety for Treasury securities such as Treasury Bonds, Notes and Bills.

So you have been monetized.

You, and the people truly are the “Credit of the Nation”.

However, in the corrupted system, the people’s credit is effectively “human capital”, or “livestock”.

Although the State can seize the baby as a “Ward of the State” if the State’s “investment” is threatened, its greatest value is realized from the “matured” working adult.

The perpetrators of this deception know that you could one day discover the truth and invoke your Power of Attorney from the age of 18.

Property Law Act 2007, Section 22.(1) ‘Person between 18 and 20 years may do certain things, … (c) accept appointment, or act, as an attorney, 22.(2) … has the same effect as if the person were 20 years old.’ In short, you can attain the age of majority (20) by declaring your own Power of Attorney from the age of 18.

But if they can somehow “kill” you off, again, legally speaking, they can continue to hold your “deceased Estate” Titles: real property (lands), personal property (life), and spiritual property (soul).

When you reach full legal age under the Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction, which is the “Law of the Sea”, you become eligible to “register” your Estate as a “vessel” navigating on the “sea of commerce” with you as the Master (Mr/Mrs/Ms).

Your “vessel” will have a legal “person” NAME such as MR JOHN DOE, and as the Master you will be the liable “owner”, while the State retains the “Equitable Title” (Beneficiary) as the Registrar.

You will probably “voluntarily” forfeit your Estate.

You may start work and register as a “taxpayer”, or you may enroll as a “voter” on a voting register.

If you decide not to register, you have “gone to sea”, and if you are missing for seven years you are declared legally dead.

The same process is applied to ships and mariners lost at sea.

To avoid court proceedings, the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, simply declared that everyone is dead after an absence of seven years, unless they return to claim their Estate.

After seven years, you “died” without a will “Intestate”, so someone is appointed to manage your Estate/Trust. The Public Trust applies to the Family Court to manage your Estate under the ‘Protection of Personal and Property Rights Act 1988, Section 11.

Form PPPR 6 Application for order to administer property’.

Under the first Sovereign Trust established by your Mother, you are the “Holder in Due Course” of your Estate, and a future Creditor.

As a private man/woman, you are the Beneficiary/Executor(rix) of your Common Law Estate Trust, and all oath-bound officials are your Public Trustees.

But under the new Foreign Situs Trust, the State gains the “Equitable Title” (Beneficiary) to your Estate, while the legal “person” has the “Legal Title” (Trustee).

The Trustee is liable, and the legal “person” is a Debtor.

Any man/woman who mistakenly takes responsibility for the legal “person” NAME and its debts steps into the role of the liable Trustee, as “surety” for the indebted State.

The State has turned the tables on you.

The People, by registration (legalisation), are employed by the State as debtors for a private banking cartel, which is upheld by a private Bar Association Guild (Law Society).

While “acting” in the legal fiction “role” of your corporatised NAME, you will receive endless presentments (bills), which that employee of the State, the legal “person” (Strawman) is obliged to settle.

But the theft of your Estate is based on false presumptions that cannot be proven in fact.

The fundamental flaw is that in order for a Birth Certificate to be issued, a man or woman must first have been born on the land.

Plainly, you are not really dead, so you are still the living “Holder in Due Course” of YOUR Estate Title. Under the Cestui Que Vie Act 1666, IV ‘If the supposed dead Man proves to be alive, then the Title is revested.’

Remember that only you have a “birthday” on which you were born into the world from your Mother. Whereas the artificial legal “person” has a “date of birth” on which it was registered by the Registrar.

These two events usually have different dates! (see your Registration Print-out)

Maxim of Law:
He who fails to assert his rights
has none.


There is a SPIRITUAL battle that has been going on for centuries for the SPIRIT within.

The parasites have tried countless ways to infiltrate the human creation.

They have been trying to get to the SOURCE and now they are beginning to find a way through the jab which will alter ones DNA without them knowing.

Our DNA has all the information they need to succeed in fully modifying/altering humans to bring them under total and absolute control.

The more natural humans they kill, the faster they reach their aim of a “post human” world with only a soulless modified cloned race having enhanced dna and technology interfaces.

Despite the violence, suffering and chaos they have caused, we allow them to remain at the top, and in control.


All that needs to be done is for living man to give his consent to a DEAD corporation in order that a dead corporation can access the “dominion” (Total Authority) from such a living man. If the man does not consent, then a secret system of deception may have to be created in order to deceive such a man into consent without such a man ever being aware…

The secret system exists. Its deception is: “Legal Title” and its tool is Grammar.

“DOG-LATIN” identified in Black’s Law Dictionary, 4th Edition: DOG-LATIN, the language of the Illiterate, being: Latin Text based on the grammatical rules of English.

In relation to the English Dictionary, Dog Latin is debased Latin, and is criminal, immoral and constitutes a counterfeit. ➝ The TRUTH Shall Set You FREE

The Concept of Modern Day Slavery:

This Article is not legal advice in any way, it is a story in relation to research and findings that have been uncovered in relation to such research directed at the grammatical appearance and the grammatical standing of Government, (Or what could be foreign de-facto governments) Court and Banking Contracts and Charges.

This article hopefully may alert some of you to the dangers of entering into contracts when you are not aware of the importance of the grammatical appearance of the languages employed within such contracting paper instruments. Is the “legal title” you hold “really” saying what you assumed it to say?

An Account of “Grammatical Crimes” of Corporate Governance, courts and enforcement agencies by the use of DOG-LATIN: a “debased” criminal immoral foreign written language that renders all such DOG-LATIN documents, tendered by such corporate private governments, as “counterfeit”.

DOG-LATIN is unhyphenated all uppercase Latin symbolic text that follows the grammatical rules of English and not the grammatical rules of Latin.

It is the language of the Illiterate, (Blacks Law Dictionary 4th Edition) it looks just like English, “IT LOOKS JUST LIKE THIS” but grammatically, it is the deception right under your nose… It is the poison in the text, it is the corruption in the contract.

If you hold any part of this debased criminal all uppercase text of the dead corporations, such as your Driver License, you are claiming membership to the Underworld, criminal counterfeit, corrupt, corporate world of the Dead Corporations.

You become a criminal.

  Justinian Deception –
The concept of modern-day slavery


So now we have factually established
the part of your “berth/birth”

The fraudulent system makes claim to (a dead placenta) and that it was weighed and record of that placenta made by the maternity doctor nurse they have never said where it was deposited to ??? (who knows with occultists…(perhaps adrenochrome was extracted who really knows ) mothers know that the placenta was examined and recorded (Some hospitals keep the placenta for a period of time in case the need arises to send it to pathology for further analysis?

Why! DNA records?

In any circumstances the placenta is not “alive” but is a dead part of the berth/birth” and as a DEAD PORTION it is claimed openly by the Vatican they claim dead souls…so what ACTUALLY came “alive first” the baby clearly came first and there is the FIRST EVIDENCE of a living child The PLACENTA is the SECOND part to exit the mother and this is where the Vatican steps in and makes claim as a DEAD SOUL part of you once the umbilical chord is severed

….now here is created the PERSON and it is openly declared in the legislation by the Blair Administration (Births, deaths, Marriages and Relationships Act 1995 it does NOT include Live babies conclusion Blair is a confirmed occultist and advocate of collecting “dead souls” . This is where all gets confusing to unravel the mystery of the dead legal world?

All should by now realise that baby came first placenta second….under the laws of nature and god no living baby can be claimed except by mum and dad by an occult legal system deliberately and by design to trick mum and dad unto not knowing what had just happened.

What mother or father ever asks the question “what am I registering here?” a dead placenta (claimed by the Vatican Crown ) or the live born …..simple answer THEY DONT …because they are elated with happy emotions and they want to care for their live born bundle of joy…so your placenta is “the person” not you or your baby…but for decades they apply the deception to you as a baby, toddler, teenager, adult OAP because they don’t want you to recognise their scam …they give low education …they want THE PERSON(legal entity) without rights freedoms and to be able to own property oh no they want to steal it all….. not the LIVE BEING that has rights ….can own property and more as it does NOT create profits for governments and the Vatican a living being keeps what it reaps.

The only entities Rishi Sunak has an “authority” over is DEAD SOULS and breaks SUPERIOR LAWS to get what bankers want (YOUR ENERGY) and fat fingers Charlie agrees break SUPERIOR STATUTES to let Sunak carry on the greatest deception inflicted upon living kind (men women and children)

What is written on the Pics is:
“separation from the umbilical chord

A. Live Born and …

B. Placenta/afterbirth . ” afterbirth/berth ” = (admiralty law terms) Berth IS TO ABANDON and the PLACENTA is a “dead entity ” that is the only entity actually claimed by the Occult Vatican and registered with governments” and cannot have any rights or own property because it is DEAD!

The Birth Registration Certificate of death of the part of the PLACENTA is the only part subject to LEGISLATION (see Births, Deaths Marriages and relationships Act 1995) defines STILL BIRTH (placenta) includes a “still birth” and EXCLUDES all else including LIVING Babies and LIVING Beings the placenta is INCAPABLE of being living or dead.

By agreeing to “sign” a birth certificate is a certificate of a dead placenta and mum and dad have agreed to sign that certificate agree part of the birth is DEAD and has no rights and this is how the vatican and governments have operated for centuries ON ONE BIG LIE …this is the reason they say “get a solicitor” as they know the fraud …but with understanding we wake up to it all…(part copied from a recent piece of research).

Text on images

Image 1 – Single live entity

Still joined and until the act of separation the governments being in league with the Vatican cannot claim the placenta.

Then mother and father are tricked/deceived into registering and naming a dead placenta in the belief it, (the registration), means the living child.

Image 2 – TWO entities

Separation from the umbilical chord creates TWO entities Live Born Placenta – After Birth After Birth/Berth is to abandon and is a dead entity that is the only entity claimed by the Vatican that has NO rights AS IT IS dead.

The birth registration then becomes subject to legislation and is called a ‘STILL BORN’ by being a dead placenta without legal rights.

Governments and the Vatican claim jurisdiction over the ‘dead soul’ claimed and recorded at the hospital.

The Vatican
and your
Birth Certificate

The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300’s.

The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity. 200 years later during the Renaissance, the Hermetica was written, which is where the bible draws all of its inspiration from.

This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC.

Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter).

In 325 AD, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, “Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes.”

We pay taxes to Rome, the Kazarian and Venetian black nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine.

Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything,

Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds).

We can thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church claims as Christian holidays.

The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar:

They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman.

They have absconded with nearly all our rights. From the moment you are born to the moment you transit this frequency.

They only acknowledge the Mother as she signs Schedule 1 of the Birth Certificate. In Upper and Lower Case. ie John Smith.

He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages which is the State.

They declare the baby dead and appoint the parents guardians and Administrators until the child reaches maturity.

The parents have thirty or sixty days to declare the child lives otherwise the Courts take over as Administrator and you have to study Trustee Law.

They State takes out a loan against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off.


You all have money being administered by the State which runs into millions and the only way they can access it is through Legal Aid hence all the Fines which are artificial they create to fleece you.

On a Tombstone you will see the name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS.

They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your life.

As to the Church when you are Baptized or Confirmed or However and You receive a Baptism Certificate well yes the Church Invests your Soul as collateral as has been doing the same for years.

The same story is in the Wizard of Oz.

The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm.

You have the Tin Man who represents the Tax Identification Number.

You have the Strawman which represents the ALL CAPITAL LETTER ARTIFICIAL PERSON looking to live and the Cowardly Lion who has to become educated and fight the System to regain his rights.



The Roman Catholic Church has a long history of tyranny and oppression.

Because of the desire to control through their inquisitions, they decided they would create the first express trust, called unum sanctum which was written on a papal bull and placed in their vault.

On the papal bull, it says that all of the souls in the world belong to the Roman Catholic Church and they do because no one has challenged their claim.

Your birth certificate is the title of the soul that they own in their registries. They have registered you and that is the title to your soul.

The Inquisition began because many people were waking up to the tyranny and oppression of the Roman Catholic Church in the early 1300’s.

The RCC killed these people due to their need to control humanity.

200 years later during the Renaissance, the was written, which is where the bible draws all of its inspiration from.

This knowledge was also suppressed by the RCC.

Elite families control the Vatican and the corporation (the incorporation of the Apostle Peter).

In 325 AD, the emperor, Constantine the Great, made a donation to his Pope, Sylvester saying, “Saint Peter is the Apostle of Jesus of whom Jesus gave this kingdom of Earth to, therefore we are going to claim taxes.”

We pay taxes to Rome, the Kazarian and Venetian black nobility elite families based on a fictional document from Constantine.

Because of a decree written by Pope Nicholas V in 1455, the RCC owns everything,

Even what you think you might own such as your car, house or even the pair of shoes you are wearing belongs to the RCC (in their twisted minds).

We can thank Pope Gregory for the current Gregorian calendar, which rearranged the previous Julian calendar to match the Pagan holidays that the Roman Catholic Church claims as Christian holidays.

The Gregorian calendar also conveniently has a correlation with the Mayan calendar.

They only control the Persona not the living breathing flesh and blood man or woman.

They have absconded with nearly all our rights. From the moment you are born to the moment  you transit this frequency.

They only acknowledge the Mother as she signs Schedule 1 of the Birth  Certificate.

In Upper and Lower Case. ie John Smith. He is registered in Birth Deaths and Marriages which is the State.

They declare the baby dead and appoint the parents guardians and Administrators until the child reaches maturity.

The parents have thirty or sixty days to declare the child lives otherwise the Courts take over as Administrator and you have to study Trustee Law.

They State takes out a loan  against you which is what they want your taxes to pay off.


You all have money being administered by the State which runs into millions and the only way they can access it is through Legal Aid hence all the Fines which are artificial they create to fleece you.

On a Tombstone you will see the  name of your loved ones chiselled in ALL CAPS. They are dead and so are you deemed the same all your life.

As to the Church when you are Baptized or Confirmed or However and You receive a Baptism Certificate  well yes the Church Invests your Soul as collateral as has been doing the same for years.

The same story is in the Wizard of Oz.

The Bailiff is going to Steal the farm.

You have the Tin Man  who represents the Tax Identification Number (TIN)

You have the Strawman which represents the ALL CAPITAL LETTER ARTIFICIAL PERSON looking to live

You have the Cowardly Lion who has to become educated  and fight the System to regain his rights.

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In 1302 the Pope
declared himself king of the world
along with everything in it of value

This included all people
who would be enslaved.

He started the Unam Sanctum trust
which is still in force to this day

This is how it’s done ‘Heeling’



Taking the Heel Print
of a new-born
to attach it to the
‘still-born entity’ file
to deliver it to the
Vatican archive
by postal services
generating a serial number’

The Vatican file of each living and departed
human for several thousand years back in time
exists in those archives
Trillions of them

All on factual paper

… along with all your previous incarnations
… are stored and processed with the Vatican walls
…modern hi-tech data centres are managing the 
processing of all this data on us and our existence
here on earth

click image for video


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Candace Owens

Talks about her experience in the hospital
just after the birth of her child,
when the ‘Heeling’ process was about to be performed.

She talks about how it is an
offence to not allow this, (where she was).

Just goes to show what importance
this is given to this process to this day.

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The Papal Bloodlines
& Black Nobility
crime families

For thousands of years the ruling elite classes of monarchies, priests, black nobility, pharaonic blood lines, secret societies, money changers, dark occultists and Cabalists have been keeping knowledge from humanity, dividing and ruling us through fear and ignorance while all the while setting up a system of enslavement based on creating ignorance and division amongst us through false paradigms like money, religion, race division, the spreading of multiple conflicting ideologies, confusion through mixing of different languages, holding back occulted esoteric knowledge from our schooling and the general population, chemical dumbing down of populations through food, air and water additives, controlled propaganda, psychological warfare, false flags, psy-ops, hegalian dialectic tactics, sports and entertainment distractions, pharmaceutical, drugs, alcohol and other means.

Click HERE
or button below for
PDF with full article

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Three Corporations run the world:
City of London,
Washington DC
and Vatican City

And still do.

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– Mystery Babylon –
the Jesuit Order
& American history

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Vatican, Global Elites
Found Guilty of Child Sacrifice

Since 2013 over 60 eyewitnesses have testified against well known global leaders, claiming that on a regular basis they were kidnapping children and youth for the purpose of holding paedophile parties that included human sacrifice.

The Ninth Circle rites were said organized and sponsored by an office at the Vatican.

In two separate trials six judges at the International Common Law Court of Justice in Brussels handed down guilty verdicts on various global elites including Pope Francis and the former Pope Joseph Ratzinger – who then immediately resigned from his office.

In 2014 authorities in the US, Australia, Norway, Serbia, Switzerland and Colombia cooperated in hundreds of raids on a Ninth Circle child exploitation ring suspected run by the Vatican office.

In this video Holland therapist Toos Nijenhuis discussed child sacrifice experiences done by global elites as late as 2010. Eyewitnesses gave accounts of human hunting parties in the Netherlands and Australia organized by the Ninth Circle.

In both cases they said children and teens were stripped naked, sexually abused, hunted down and killed by European royalty and other global elites including Nicole Kidman’s father and US businessman George Soros.

No one has been investigated, charged or tried for the disappearance – suspected murder of over 50,000 missing native children in Canada.

The government, British Crown and Catholic, United and Anglican Church officials ran 80 mainly Catholic native residential schools wherein now hide at least 32 child mass grave sites.

All have been legally absolved of responsibility.

The ICLCJ international judges also ruled that on Oct. 10 1964 Queen Elizabeth and Prince Phillip took ten children, all around the age of ten, from the Catholic Kamloops native Residential School in British Columbia.

Their parents haven’t seen them since and two eyewitnesses to the kidnapping died of mysterious causes prior to their testimonies before the Court.

In 2014 an investigator for the Irish Garda Police Force testified that “Marks on some bones of 796 children found in an Irish Roman Catholic Nun septic tank indicated they had been ritually killed.”

Another child mass grave site located on Catholic-owned land in Spain may be connected to an unknown number of children of political prisoners who disappeared out of Catholic orphanages during Argentine’s Dirty War – under arrangements of the now Pope Francis.

On April 30 of this year sexually abused, beaten and starved babies and children, all below age six, were found in small padlocked cages among frozen body parts of prior victims.

The raid by ITCCS teams ( ) and local police disrupted Satanic Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice rites at Catholic facilities in Zwolle Holland, Dijon France and Lucerne Switzerland.

The 19 Ninth Circle cult members arrested gave recorded statements.

Photos of the evidence collected included children’s blood-stained clothing, blood-marked torture devices and other Satanic regalia.

All cult members arrested were released the next day without being questioned, nor charged.

Some of the participating police officers have been transferred, while others were fired.

Sadly it was assumed that Ninth Circle child sacrifices proceeded as planned in the US and Canada after all members of the three ITCCS teams in Vancouver, Montreal and Washington DC were arrested by plain clothed security forces who refused to show identification.

One of those ITCCS team members remains missing.

Other April 30 human sacrifice rites by global elites had been scheduled at Catholic facilities in Rome, London, Paris, Brussels, Geneva, Frankfurt and Tara, Ireland.

Child rape and killings were also to be in a sub-basement crypt at the Vancouver Club; in a sub-basement hall at Marie Reine du Monde Catholic Cathedral in Montreal and within the St. John’s Episcopal Church near the White House in Washington D.C.

Canadian Cardinal Lacroix, Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Denis Lebel, the Ninth Circle and it’s mafia arm Ndrangheta have been under investigation for the planned sacrifice of two children in Westmount Quebec on Aug. 15 2014.

Ninth Circle members appeared to be preparing for human sacrifices of two children when they were arrested by deputies from the ICLCJ Court assisted by Montreal police including Head of Ottawa’s Human Trafficking Division Kal Ghadban.

A couple of months later Ghadban died under mysterious circumstances.

Evidence collected at the scene included blood samples from a stone altar, metallic torture devices, ceremonial swords and sophisticated film equipment containing child pornography.

One of the suspects later confessed that the two children to be killed were being held in a special facility at McGill University in Montreal.

The informant was granted protective custody and flown to the ICLCJ Court in Brussels.

In a Sept. 2014 nine-day sting 30 Romanian children targeted for human sacrifice were rescued and over 2 tons of drugs seized by European INTERPOL police. Evidence from pedophilia and murder cases of the ICLCJ Court helped the INTERPOL police arrest 1027 suspected Ndrangheta mafia and Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members from six countries.

“I have personally provided evidence of the identity of known child traffickers to INTERPOL and police agencies in three European countries” said a ITCCS spokesperson in Sept. 2014.

“Arrests” in Europe included members of Ndrangheta criminal syndicate who were transporting thirty Romanian children to ritual sacrifices in Belgium and Holland.

We identified these criminals to the police as well as the addresses where they were being sent, including in Zwolle, Holland and a suburb of Brussels.”

“It was hoped that police would cooperate in taking down executives of the Cargill corporation in Minneapolis who were engaged in child trafficking and killing” the spokesperson continued.

“Police in three European nations have been working directly with the ITCCS to arrest global elites who feed children into Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifices and paedophilia.

Cargill Corporation Executive Kerry Brick is among the suspected Ninth Circle members.

Months ago a survivor testified that as a child they were taken to Cargill Corporate Headquarters in Wayzata Minn where they were forced to observe a child sacrifice.

The wife of Ninth Circle Ndrangheta Mafia boss Blijenburgh claimed in a hearing of the ICLCJ Court, “By order of Dutch Queen Beatrix the Ndrangheta Mafia worked from 1960 through today organizing the murder, torture and rape of children of Netherlands youth detention centers.

I have been taken to their ceremonies three times and seen a child killed each time.”

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The Vatican Library
is one of the most
guarded sites in the world

The Vatican Library’s protection is more serious than that of any existing nuclear power plant.

In addition to numerous Swiss guards, the library is guarded by modern automatic systems, which form several levels of security.

The secret archives of the Vatican became known in 1611 under Pope Paul V.

Only a limited number of people could get in.

Some scientists with a letter of recommendation can get into the holy of holies, but the entrance is regulated and allows two people per year.

At the same time, the entrance to the archive does not imply free movement and access to any documents.

The visitor indicates the topic of interest, and the appropriate literature is selected.

This insularity raises questions and leads to theories about what the Vatican archives actually hold.

Probably that is where the library of Ivan the Terrible and the Library of Alexandria are kept.

click link for video

The Vatican;
Holy Roman Empire Association:
World Terror Organization

Link to video on YouTube
if Bitchute video doesn’t play

  Link to video on BITCHUTE
if You Tube video doesn’t play

Have you ever wondered how wealthy the Catholic church really is?

The Vatican, in fact Saturn worshipping, is in charge of most religions worldwide and has large investments with the Rothschilds of Britain, France and America, Credit Suisse in London and Zurich…most banks.

It has billions of shares in the most powerful international corporations such as Gulf Oil, Royal Dutch Shell, General Motors, etc.

Some idea of the real estate and other forms of wealth controlled by the Catholic church may be gathered by the remark of a member of the New York Catholic Conference, namely that his church probably ranks second only to the US Government in total annual purchase.

‘The Vatican is the biggest corporation in the US and Europe and has an office in every neighbourhood”.

It’s protected by the Swiss Guard. Does this ring a bell?

Once all assets have been put together, it’s the most formidable stockbroker in the world.

The Wall Street Journal said that the Vatican’s financial deals in the U.S. alone were so big that very often it sold or bought gold in lots of a million or more dollars at one time.

The Vatican’s treasure of solid gold has been estimated to amount to several billion dollars.

A large bulk of this is stored in gold ingots with the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank, while banks in England and Switzerland (repr. ALL BANKS WORLDWIDE) hold the rest.

This is just a small portion of the wealth of the Vatican, which is greater than that of the five wealthiest giant corporations.

When to that is added all the real estate, property, stocks and shares abroad, then the staggering accumulation of the wealth becomes so formidable as to defy any rational assessment.

The Catholic church is the biggest financial power, wealth and WAR accumulator and property owner in existence.

It’s a greater possessor of material riches than any other single institution, corporation, bank, giant trust, government or state of the whole globe.

The pope, as the visible ruler of this immense amassment of wealth, is the richest individual of both 20th and 21th century. No one can realistically assess how much he is worth in terms of billions of dollars.

Question yourself regarding the moral conduit of the catholic church:

Jesus was the poorest of the poor.

Roman Catholicism, which claims to be His church, is the richest of the rich, the wealthiest institution on earth.

How come, that such an institution, ruling in the name of this same itinerant preacher, whose want was such that he had not even a pillow upon which to rest his head, is now so top-heavy with riches that she can rival – indeed, that it can put to shame – the combined might of the most redoubtable financial trusts, of the most potent industrial super-giants, and of the most prosperous global corporation of the world?

I’d love to hear the pope answering me this question.

He won’t, being leader of war against humanity in order of fake Royals worldwide.

To end humanity; killing all women, taking OUR Children.

I have no interest in their wealth, but I am outraged of their corruption, warfares, child abuse and -sacrifices.

Their plans to get rid of most of the people of the planet including motherhood.

All women…

I’m a female member of the human species. A real mother of two daughters and a son.

The Vatican’s wealth is so big that they could create sustainable goals to end famine on Earth, to oppose wars, to create an Eco-friendly planet — Heaven on Earth.

They do opposite: ruining our planet to kill mankind.

How could they be willing to invest in “green technology” when they have huge investments in oil and gas cars manufacturers? In fact wars perfectly suit their financial investments.

In conclusion, religion is financially and morally corrupt.

Priests from all over the planet, open your minds and hearts, and stop indoctrinating your followers! Stop singing about fairytales and start facing the true challenges that lay ahead of us.

I am, while struggling to survive, bringing my small contribution to the human species almost every single day, knowing that only the truth can set us all free and together we will achieve a positive future for mankind and for our beautiful planet.

I am ex-wife of a “Royal” Black Adler Rabo-banker’s son, being terrorized for six years now and robbed from literal everything including my three kids and my home. Out of sadism.

This is what will happen to all, if we don’t STOP FOLLOW ORDERS!

To ALL: confront your superiors and start preaching the TRUTH.

STOP SATANISM! There’s a God inside of us all. Help each other survive this Last IIIuminati Game.

>Let it be OUR endgame. From them!

You can achieve your highest good and others’ by finding your true path. Being HUMAN.

Follow your heart and walk it by tomorrow.

Jesus didn’t want us to go to church, he wanted us to BE the church…

War IS (about) child abuse.

The Vatican Deception

The core of every organized religion is the Dark being sold as the Light.

Very dangerous! I hold the Church completely responsible for the brainwashing of the masses.

They are the ones pushing the lie.

They are the pushers…

These Temples of Deception get all their marching orders from our dear Vatican.

The Vatican is the hub of worship of this off world evil that has ruled our race for thousands of years.

All these different religions are just veins that run from a central source which is the Vatican.

The Vatican is an incredibly evil and sinister place just look at its decor.

It’s all serpent and incredibly Dark.

It’s always been right in front of our faces.

Underneath the Vatican are miles of tunnels and hidden rooms where the child rituals take place to show their worship to these off world gods that look at the human race as cattle.

We are a grand experiment that fell under the control of this off world evil empire.

They keep the human population in a continuous state of confusion, suppression and desperation only to keep us from knowing who and what we really are.

We are their workforce and in theory the very thing that keeps them alive.

This is what’s bringing on the Human Awakening, this is why there is so much chaos on our planet right now.

Meaning, everything is frequency, vibration and everything has consciousness and when you tweak that frequency just a little bit it causes immense change that ripples throughout all creation.

We are the Greatest Show on Earth.

Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

In retaliation to
the Yeshua Mission …

… the Orion Group chose to invade the territories near the 5th dimensional stargate, by infiltrating this central region of Italy, in order to lay the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome, the Papacy and the Vatican City.

This began the invasion of the Black Sun nonhuman entities into the region, which are the groups who originally built the Catholic religious control mechanism and then infiltrated the Jesuit military order.

This historical infiltration of the Jesuits at its top Supreme General position, by the negative aliens in the Orion Group, greatly plagues human society today.

By combining these two Negative-Alien-Agenda infiltrated organizations over time, the Vatican and Jesuit Order, these would become the merciless planetary controller mechanism for the worldwide political banking cartels.

Click arrow on right for full article and to close

In retaliation to
the Yeshua Mission …

… the Orion Group chose to invade the territories near the 5th dimensional stargate, by infiltrating this central region of Italy, in order to lay the foundation for what would become the Church of Rome, the Papacy and the Vatican City.

This began the invasion of the Black Sun nonhuman entities into the region, which are the groups who originally built the Catholic religious control mechanism and then infiltrated the Jesuit military order.

This historical infiltration of the Jesuits at its top Supreme General position, by the negative aliens in the Orion Group, greatly plagues human society today.

By combining these two Negative-Alien-Agenda infiltrated organizations over time, the Vatican and Jesuit Order, these would become the merciless planetary controller mechanism for the worldwide political banking cartels.

It is the center point of the satanic pillars used for the perpetuation of global Blood Sacrifice offerings, which are used for summoning demonic spirits and satanic alien forces that actually enter this realm through the stargate that exists under Vatican City.

From about the 13th century, several Northern Italian aristocratic families infiltrated by the Khazarians much earlier, began to develop into the highest of the ruling satanic elites through the accumulation of vast wealth in the banking and merchant businesses.

These ruling elites found their wealth exploding through satanic practices of blood and child sacrifice and began to settle into the areas close to the power center of the Vatican.

These wealthy Roman aristocratic families are the main lineages of the Black Nobility and Papal bloodlines whose ancestors include: the House of Sfroza, Visconti, Savoy Genovese, Torlania, Colonna, Massimo, Aldobrandini, Doria, Orsini, Farnese, Pallavicini, Ruspoli, Hapsburg, Hesse and Rothchild.

Additionally, the Jesuit Order was being structured into a male only secret military operation from about 500-years ago, which began to infiltrate these same aristocratic lineages for gaining power and control in geo-politics.

Over time, the Jesuit secret oath for complete obedience to the Supreme General, who eventually became the Black Pope, progressed considerably when the secret order became influential and in full control of the obscene amount of wealth hidden in the Vatican underground vaults.

The Jesuit control over the Vatican institution further evolved into the generation of many other subsidiary organizations for handling assorted operations, such as the Military Order of Malta, along with the creation of various central banks, secret societies and cults.

Many of these subsidiary organizations, run by the high-ranking Jesuits, were the driving force behind the creation of the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund, the World Trade Organization and NATO after World War II.

These are the “globalist” organizations that were put in place, after the largest and most recent human holocaust, to fully protect the monopolies represented in the international business interests that promote the same anti-human agendas of these bloodlines.

The Black Nobility, through its Jesuit connections, put fascist dictator Benito Mussolini in power who established the Vatican as a sovereign nation, through the Lateran Treaty of 1929, ending decades of struggle between the Italian state and the Papacy.

Following the conclusion of the Lateran Treaty in 1929, the Black Nobility were given dual citizenship in Italy and Vatican City.

This gave the Black Nobility full unrestrained access and unchecked power to use the Vatican as their covert business entity, installing the Black Pope and forming the Holy See Corporation, while shrouded in the veils of secrecy and fronted by the White Pope and those wearing holy robes, purporting to be “men of God” to the religiously devoted.

A top objective of the Vatican mafioso control, was accumulating and concealing vast amounts of wealth from global criminal activities when deposits were made in the Swiss and Vatican bank accounts.

These funds are used for money laundering and funding the overall objectives of the One World Order in favor of these satanic ruling elites.

It is rumored that many prominent political figures across the globe have bank accounts with unfathomable wealth earmarked for funding and carrying out the objectives of the Satanic Council and the Black Nobility, whom are enmeshed within every political, financial and governmental decision that greatly impacts the state of the nations across the globe.

Recent news reveals that Switzerland had bought the rights of the company connected to the current “back door” voting system used globally, as well as evidence of signed affidavits and testimony given about Italy’s involvement to manipulate recent elections in the United States.

This goes straight up to the Black Nobility, Jesuits and the Vatican, which illustrates this point perfectly.

The Vatican remains a massive power and global control center for running the One World Order pedophilia operations for Satanic rule, throughout the Controller Pillars of Society, which is overseen and managed by the Black Nobility and bloodline families.

This particular satanic agenda goes back to 2,000 years ago, when the Black Sun Draconians retaliated by infiltrating the Greek sacred texts and Rome to build the Church of Rome.

The Vatican City in Rome is one of the Negative-Alien-Agenda Black Sun entity’s main control bases and global headquarters. It is the spiritual center used for carrying out the satanic ritual and operations for gaining wealth and material power for the globalist Luciferian bloodline families and funding their satanic agendas.

The top power echelon in the Vatican is secretly working with the international criminal cabal government groups, the Jesuit military orders and the luciferian bloodline families –together called the “globalists”– to carry out blood sacrifice rituals and child trafficking in order to nourish the satanic forces on the planet.

These elaborate satanic rituals are meticulously well organized to directly communicate and interact with the Anti-Christ forces, mainly nonhuman entities.

Through black magic sorcery, human sacrifice and blood harvesting, they receive detailed instructions from the off planet anti-Christ forces, to carry out the next moves for their One World Order agenda.

These black magic rituals, with child sacrifices, go back to the Negative-Alien-Agenda invasion and the introduction of the Kabbalah teachings, when the Artificial Tree of Life and demonic hierarchies were presented in Babylon by the Saturnian blood worshippers.

This spiritual template is still being used by Satanists and Luciferians worldwide, it is their religion. Some believe they are the descendants of superior alien Gods and through the practice of blood ritual sacrifices, it gives them the means by which to contact demonic entities and their spiritual master, Satan or Lucifer, and carry out his wishes. Satanists and Luciferians are masterful deceivers who cloak themselves in many assorted names and labels, which go way beyond the Church of Rome, choosing their disguise to hide behind many different religions, atheism or secret societies.

This makes them appear to be separate groups, but they are actually running the world under the same unifying umbrella of hidden satanic practices.

Since the Atlantian Cataclysm, these practicing satanists with hybridized bloodlines, sponsored by the Negative-Alien-Agenda, have been enslaving humanity through instigating never-ending wars, racial discrimination, poverty, and blood sacrifice.

Through divide and conquer manipulation tactics and increasing world suffering they maintain control over the human race.

The Vatican, along with the draconian infiltration of the trained militants of the Jesuit Order, bring their combined objectives to infiltrate all world governments and cultures with the ultimate goal of achieving global satanism.

This includes the implementation of Armageddon software and instigating wars and conflicts in partnership with the Negative-Alien-Agenda.

The Jesuits are behind the key soft kill methods being used in the attempt to accelerate the death rate for global depopulation and eugenic models through deploying and weaponizing multiple toxic exposures: GMOs, vaccine injections, Chemtrails, radiation, nuclear and toxic waste “accidents” and the transhumanist agenda.

Their sinister plan is to destroy sovereign nations and cultural identity in so to lay the groundwork for the one world religion, which is based upon the open acceptance of practicing Satanism by the ruling elite satanic families.

The cornerstone of these depraved practices includes Child Sexual Abuse, child sexual ritual, human blood sacrifice, blood drinking and cannibalism.

Packaged as a religion that is desired and promoted by non-human alien entities, assorted lunar forces and demonic spirits, these most vile planetary controllers carry out abhorrent anti-human agendas.

Covered in opulent robes, they publicly profess to be devout men of God praying for world peace, while behind closed doors, the top echelon is negotiating to incite terrorism, war and run child trafficking rings to every corner of the globe.

Pedophilia is a prime tool used by the Negative-Alien-Agenda to conquer various races, planets and solar systems. This why it is prevalent in the organizations they control, such as the Vatican, the Catholic Church and Washington, DC.

This destructive behavior has been genetically programmed into the alien hybridization programs with human beings in order to destroy the original 12 strand DNA Christos design of the human lightbody.

Conquer the earth by targeting the children as young as possible.

This is one reason as to why all the world religions and organizations, formed to enslave humanity by the Negative-Alien-Agenda, have major pedophilia problems in their leadership and representatives, even when they may not be practicing Satanists.

The Vatican and their armies have played a major role in the proliferation of global child trafficking and the Pedophilia epidemic.

High ranking Satanists oversee an assortment of international banking and criminal activities making them the wealthiest organization on the earth.

The grotesque amount of this stolen and accumulated wealth remains largely unknown in its accurate scope.

The Vatican’s legal status as a sovereign nation with protected borders has made this wealth largely unaccounted for and tax free.

However, it is known that the Catholic Church is the biggest financial power, wealth accumulator and property owner in existence–on the entire planet.

    The Papal Bloodlines
Black Nobility Crime Families

  The Unholy Roman Church
Control Power Tri-Entity Pyramid

Sadly, the most caring spiritual human beings cannot fathom the existence of such levels of pure evil and deceit to harm human beings, or how much pain and suffering these imposter ‘men of God’, manipulated by non-human satanic forces, have caused to human souls.

Thus, the lack of accountability and unchecked power is what has allowed the Church of Rome to continue their crimes against humanity with impunity, despite its long history of criminal activities, including thousands of known, covered up and ongoing pedophilia cases.

It is important to discern the difference of the Vatican Power Elite and the devout Catholic followers, who have no idea the original intent of the Church of Rome and that Catholic religion was designed to be a mind control religion by invading non-human entities seeking to enslave humanity.

The current levels of corruption and crimes against humanity that is taking place is unimaginable.

Recently, Guardian Host has requested support for transiting out human souls, victims of Blood Sacrifices in satanic ritual under Caligula’s Obelisk in Vatican City.

These sacrifices are connected to many obscenely wealthy Cardinals and the Papacy, which in turn are connected to the Black Nobility lineages in the energetic terrain around Rome.

For many years, we have witnessed the gradual reconfiguration in the structure in the 5D gate in Vatican, which has enforced these black magic grids for human Blood Sacrifice and collecting Loosh from martyr’s blood in the name of the Black Suns’ declaration of Satan as God in the Vatican City.

The Vatican is a Black Sun Negative-Alien-Agenda racket with a stranglehold on global human affairs and it is clear that that many Cardinals and Popes have been heavily involved in SRA and Pedophilia for hundreds of years.

In this phase, the hidden levels of darkness that reside in the minds and hearts of those people and organizations that are corrupted by power, wealth and depravity are being revealed to the masses.

Many positive changes are occurring in the planetary architecture that may not be visible with our human eyes, but are radically shifting our consciousness landscape to where humanity must awaken to see what has really been happening behind the hidden veils of secrecy in our world.

click image for link to original source

Long ago, the
Vatican has declared us all
“lost at sea” or “dead-in-the-water”
and therefore it must
manage all our Estates forever.

April 2015

The Vatican is not just a church of politics and military minds; it is a Corporate Bank of Pirates. And it has been our position that a better system has already been designed that is far better than the Corporation.

The abolition of money through the release of all useful but suppressed technologies should free the people from debt slavery for good.

It is high that we chart our own course for humanity’s survival and put a final stop to medieval concepts that have deterred this planet from attaining its highest advancement possible through unhampered collective scientific effort.

The satisfaction of basic needs and the availability of resources to advance oneself should arrest the motivation to corrupt and should make all criminal justice infrastructures obsolete.


Through the issuance of Papal Bulls it has created the most elaborate system of deception through what is now known as Uniform Commercial Codes [UCC] or the corporate laws which transform our physical existence into an abject slavery.

Understanding how they’re doing it exactly is the only way we can defeat them.


Pope ‘Ruler Of The World’ To Go After War Criminals?

Pope Francis has practically canceled the decree of Benedict, replacing Bertone and other members of the committee in charge of reforming the bank

UPDATED 8.06.2013 – When we originally posted this article I did not have the exact supportive information connecting the Pope, the Vatican and the Corporate structure of our planet. Thanks to Brian Kelly, and all his research over the past few weeks, I now have included that data.

If you are not aware of how much influence the Vatican and the Pope has had over the planet your veil is about to be lifted.

There is a preponderance of information to support what I am about to put forth and I am not going to detail every facet of it here.

This is simply a generalization for conceptual understanding in relation to this latest revelation.

Before we start to discuss this announcement and its possible significance lets gain some perspective on why the Vatican and Pope are so influential.

Unam Sanctum and Cestui Que Trusts

The Vatican and Popes between 1350-1550 AD enacted the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum and Cestui Que Trusts.

The Papal bull laid claim to the entire planet, the living beings on it and all the souls in perpetuity (all Eternal Essence Embodied).

The Cestui Que Trusts, of which there are 3, make the foundations for the nanny state, social security system and are used to “track” your PERSON in the slavery systems of the Powers that were.

For more on Papal Bulls see The Power of Papal Bulls – Black Magick made of Human Skin.

Here is the last paragraph from the Papal Bull Unam Sanctum, Pope Boniface VIII November 18, 1302:

For, according to the Blessed Dionysius, it is a law of the divinity that the lowest things reach the highest place by intermediaries.

Then, according to the order of the universe, all things are not led back to order equally and immediately, but the lowest by the intermediary, and the inferior by the superior.

Hence we must recognize the more clearly that spiritual power surpasses in dignity and in nobility any temporal power whatever, as spiritual things surpass the temporal.

This we see very clearly also by the payment, benediction, and consecration of the tithes, but the acceptance of power itself and by the government even of things.

For with truth as our witness, it belongs to spiritual power to establish the terrestrial power and to pass judgement if it has not been good.

Thus is accomplished the prophecy of Jeremias concerning the Church and the ecclesiastical power: ‘Behold to-day I have placed you over nations, and over kingdoms’ and the rest.

Therefore, if the terrestrial power err, it will be judged by the spiritual power; but if a minor spiritual power err,

it will be judged by a superior spiritual power; but if the highest power of all err, it can be judged only by God, and not by man, according to the testimony of the Apostle: ‘The spiritual man judgeth of all things and he himself is judged by no man’ [1 Cor 2:15].

This authority, however, (though it has been given to man and is exercised by man), is not human but rather divine, granted to Peter by a divine word and reaffirmed to him (Peter) and his successors by the One Whom Peter confessed, the Lord saying to Peter himself,

‘Whatsoever you shall bind on earth, shall be bound also in Heaven’ etc., [Mt 16:19].

Therefore whoever resists this power thus ordained by God, resists the ordinance of God [Rom 13:2], unless he invent like Manicheus two beginnings, which is false and judged by us heretical, since according to the testimony of Moses, it is not in the beginnings but in the beginning that God created heaven and earth [Gen 1:1].

Furthermore, we declare, we proclaim, we define that it is absolutely necessary for salvation that every human creature be subject to the Roman Pontiff.

What this paragraph is doing is establishing the authority of the church as our intermediary: a divine institution run by divine beings who are not human, who have been entrusted with the salvation of man because they are ‘superior’ and we are ‘inferior.’

Therefore we need to be led from the ‘lowest’ to the ‘highest’ place and if we ‘err’ we must be punished and judged according to our earthly ‘divines.’


Vatican City, London and Washington D.C. 

The Vatican and the Roman Cult is essentially the worlds first corporation; pirates.

The Holy “See” a ‘salvage yard.’ The Papal Bull Unam Sanctum and Cestui Que declare everyone in the world lost at sea and the Vatican owns the title to your Estate.

The Vatican is also the central nexus for all corporate activity. Public and Private corporations are arms of this central body by extension. London and Washington DC are linked to the Vatican and it is believed their charters are held there.

The vast majority of the worlds corporations are registered in Washington DC.

The Pope, is the “sovereign” head of this hierarchical corporate and ecclesiastical system.

The highest living authority on earth; the “boss.”

Therefore, when the boss, makes a statement like this: All crooked employee’s who have been committing crimes, in all the places of the world, I am removing your immunity and coming after you.

It is a big deal.


The Latest Revelation

In an article issued by Vatican Radio, Pope Francis issues Motu Proprio on criminal law matters in Vatican, it would appear that a great deal of change has been happening behind the scenes:

The criminal laws adopted today are a continuation of the efforts to update Vatican City State’s legal system, building upon the measures adopted since 2010 during the pontificate of Benedict XVI.

These laws, however, have a broader scope, since they incorporate into the Vatican legal system the provisions of numerous international conventions including: the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, on the conduct of war and war crimes; the 1965 Convention on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination; the 1984 Convention against torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the 1989 Convention on the rights of the child and its optional protocols of 2000.

Of particular note in this context is the introduction of the crime of torture and a broader definition of the category of crimes against minors (including: the sale of children, child prostitution, the recruitment of children, sexual violence and sexual acts with children, and the production and possession of child pornography).

In line with the most recent developments at the international level, the new legislation also introduces a system of penalties for juridical persons who profit from the criminal activities of their constituent bodies or personnel, establishing their direct liability and providing as penalties a set of interdictions and pecuniary sanctions.

One would think that out of all the countries on earth to recognize the Geneva Conventions it would be the Vatican; they are ‘superior’ after all.

There has been scandal in the Vatican and Catholic church related to child sex and pedophilia for decades.

There have been scandals related to money laundering and connections with organized crime.

Now it would appear that a reconciliation of law is happening within the church and they are finally going to enforce treaties and systems which have been in place for years.

This could be good news, and it very well may be, I however like to reserve such appraisals for hindsight.  There is a portion of this clarification issued by Vatican Radio which begs questioning:

A section of the legislation introduces a list of crimes against humanity, in particular, the crimes of genocide and apartheid, following broadly the definitions adopted in the 1998 Statute of the International Criminal Court.

The section of the Criminal Code regarding offenses committed in the exercise of public administration has also been revised in light of the 2003 United Nations Convention against corruption.

With regard to penalties, that of life imprisonment has been abolished and it has been replaced with a maximum penalty of 30 to 35 years of imprisonment.

What is the purpose for abolishing the life sentencing and reducing it to a maximum of 30 to 35 years?

It is hard to determine what the purpose of this would be but in the greater contest of this announcement and in the greater contest of the Shift we can infer that this will probably mean big changes; Especially in light of what D from RTS discusses later in this post.

This could be the trigger which starts another round of mass CEO resignations much like what we saw in late 2011 early 2012.


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