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‘This is a film about psychological warfare.

A specific type of warfare designed to distract,
misinform and anaesthetise the brain.

It has many disguises and is
used against everyone.

Of course, such Machiavellian activity
requires a disguise which is why
the propagandists call themselves the
public relations industry but do not be fooled!

Public relations and propaganda are interchangeable
and it is a massive public relations industry
that is designed to alter perception,
reshape reality and manufacture consent.

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David Rockefeller
thanks the media barons for
for Keeping their Mouth Shut

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Have you ever researched
Operation Mockingbird?
Here it is in 7 minutes


The Mainstream Media
the enemy of the people
know your history to know why

Over several decades our media and information systems are continuing to wage psychological warfare against citizens of all countries. This represents a clear and present danger and they are “the enemy of the people”.

They so this with the full knowledge and support of our ‘elected’ governments who benefit from a distorted reporting of truth, hiding of material facts and political propaganda that benefits their narrative.

Our education system teaches a curriculum designed to distort history and truth by educators who, themselves, have probably never left school.

Scholars leave schools as young adults with little life-skill education, heads-full of trivia which will have little beneficial impact on their lives. They won’t know how to cook, run a bank account, balance their finances, buy a house, survive in a relationship, grow their own food, care for others.

More likely they’ll be looking to impress their peers gaining positions in highly paid careers. Many will pay for additional education – to learning facilities which are themselves a business that needs to encourage paying customers to sign up.

They’ll have an expectation of buying flashy cars wearing designer clothes and dining in expensive restaurants while taking frequent overseas holidays to exotic destinations.

They’ll feel they deserve these because of the scholarly ‘qualifications’ they achieved during education by learning pre-arranged scripts allowing them to ‘pass’ examinations which test only for what they’re retained from the classes they attended.

It will come as a shock for many of them to discover the things they ‘learned’ at school which seem so important at the time have little real value to future employers who are only interested in how their labour can create profit for their business.

They’ll discover all the ‘plum’ careers that might exist have a huge waiting list and, rather than walk in to them, they must compete with a multitude of others who are much more ‘savvy’ about gaining the positions.

This is why it is important to know this untaught history in our education system of the control of our perceptions that have been formed by the mainstream media.

Our citizens have been brainwashed to hide this reality and most have no idea they’re being fed a litany of untruths to lead them, un-questioning like sheep, along a pre-determined path to a destination that suits government, business and authority.

The education system was established to ensure populations are educated enough to earn an income and pay taxes.

The following is a brief history that has brought us to today.

1917 – Banking cabal purchases the main newspapers to control the perception of information to the public

The start of mainstream media control in the 20th century was initiated when JP Morgan, Rockefeller and Paul Warburg (the same person who previously helped create the Federal Reserve in 1913).

They purchased the main twenty-five newspapers of the country and dictated to the editors they put in place in those newspapers, how the information was released under their guidelines and policies to control the perception of information to the public.

These policies were then later in 1921
controlled and formed by the Council
on Foreign Relations as they are today.

In 1921 the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) was formed.

The New York branch was dominated by the associates of the J.P. Morgan bank.

Council members set the narrative for the media with their members in major mainstream media outlets. Among the members of the Council on Foreign Relations is Allen Dulles, who later will be infamous for his role in the Nazi infiltration into the US.

1944 – Before the end of WWII the Nazis had a plan to infiltrate America and control the media using “world view warfare”

Before the end of the war, it was revealed that the Nazis had a fall-back plan to infiltrate into the United States via support from the same group that funded the Nazi operations originally.

Their approach was to have very long range plan over several generations using psychological warfare to completely dominate the full spectrum of information of the American public in all forms of media and education in order to manipulate the populace’s perceptions in order to move forward on their agenda.

This “matrix of perception” would thus influence the public’s interpretation and decision making abilities in order to effectively hide their secret compartmentalized operations of their hidden civilization that has broken away from the rest of humanity as they slowly advance their agenda for world domination.

The Nazis called this plan
or translated as
“World View Warfare”.

Starting with Operation Paperclip, Nazis were put into the highest positions within the CIA, NASA, Pharmaceutical corporations etc.

They rewrote the school history books to hide their escape and infiltration.

The American public believed we won the war due to the battle victories, but the Nazis cleverly escaped and effectively infiltrated and operated their network from the underground.

The mainstream media was their greatest tool, with Allen Dulles who set up Operation Mockingbird to control the media.

While they also controlled NASA, they kept America believing rocket propulsion was the only option for overcoming gravity for space travel while they secretly used their anti-gravity craft.

Any advanced technology inventions in anti-gravity or energy were effectively suppressed with the Invention Secrecy Act of 1951.

In 1955 president Eisenhower had
negotiated a surrender agreement due
to a 20 year technological advance
over the United States which the defeat of 
Admiral Byrd’s
Operation High Jump
attested to

Eisenhower attempted to warn the American public that the Nazi ‘Fourth Reich’ had infiltrated the military industrial complex.

While they kept America technologically suppressed, they used America as a resource and greatly advanced in secret their continuing technological superiority and with their control within the intelligence agencies they controlled the mainstream media that forms the world view of the public’s perceptions.

How could have this possibly happened and we not know about it?

Remember when your parents used to watch the evening news and they didn’t really have any reason to question the information broadcasted on their television?

(Not that it would have made any difference if they did.
All media, radio, newspapers was tuned to the same narrative).

Besides, people had no idea their government would by lying to them.

Then as you grew into adulthood you also naturally assumed the television networks would not have any reason to deceive you, and you accepted the information as being reliable, based on assuming numerous broadcast journalists researching and vetting the information to be accurate.

Someone once said…

“When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.”

When the truth sounds like an unbelievable bizarre science fiction movie plot that is so far from what we have been indoctrinated to believe, the very nature of the truth will keep it’s own best secrecy. This was only able to be accomplished through public indoctrination spanning multiple generations

“It’s easier to fool people
than to convince them
that they have been fooled.”

– Mark Twain

1946 – Rockefeller Foundation has official history rewritten to hide some of the historical facts of WWII and the banking cabal’s connection to the Nazis and their escape and subsequent infiltration into the US

The Rockefeller Foundation spent US $139,000 in 1946 to present an official history of the Second World War which covered up the whole story of the U.S. bankers building up the Nazi regime as well as the occult and mystical background of the Nazis and many activities that would have brought future students of history into questioning who was behind those who controlled the education system they were in.

Also the many mysterious wartime expeditions conducted by all the combatant countries, especially Germany, were not entered into the World War II history books. One of the main sponsors of this manipulation of history was Rockefeller’s own “Standard Oil Corp” (lately, Esso).

1950 – Operation Mockingbird –
Beginning of CIA Media Manipulation
headed by Allen Dulles

Setup by Allen Dulles within the OSS/CIA, who began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success.

The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post).

Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens.

The CIA had infiltrated the nation’s businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950’s. CIA Director Dulles had staffed the CIA almost exclusively with Ivy League graduates, especially from Yale with figures like George Herbert Walker Bush from the “Skull and Bones” Society.

Allen Dulles and his successors were fearful of what would happen if a journalist operative’s cover was blown, or if details of the Agency’s dealings with the press otherwise became public.

Today journalists are still working for the CIA and are called “Non Official Cover”, meaning they write articles for the CIA, but the CIA will disavow any relationship if they are exposed.

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Fake media

They’ve been doing it for years
and we fall for it.

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Julian Assange
How to stop wars

Nearly every war in the last 50 years
has been a result of media lies.

The media could have prevented them
if it hadn’t reprinted government propaganda.

Operation Mockingbird

Dan Willis

Set up by Allen Dulles within the OSS/CIA, who began a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and putting reporters on the CIA payroll, which has proven to be a stunning ongoing success.

The CIA effort to recruit American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda, was headed up by Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post).

Media assets will eventually include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. and 400 journalists, who have secretly carried out assignments according to documents on file at CIA headquarters, from intelligence-gathering to serving as go-betweens.

The CIA had infiltrated the nation’s businesses, media, and universities with tens of thousands of on-call operatives by the 1950’s.

Allen Dulles and his successors were fearful of what would happen if a journalist operative’s cover was blown, or if details of the Agency’s dealings with the press otherwise became public.

Today journalists are still working for the CIA and are called “Non Official Cover”, meaning they write articles for the CIA, but the CIA will disavow any relationship if they are exposed.

1954 MAY 29 – The first of yearly ongoing Bilderberg secret meetings now begins setup by former Nazi SS officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands at the Hotel de Bilderberg in the Netherlands, (hence the name of these secret meetings).

One of the early items on the Bilderberg agenda was the contact by the Star Nations. Shortly after establishing itself, the Bilderberg Group collaborated with the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), another international policy body devoted to world management and control of the media.

They discussed the problem
of adjusting human-kind
to Star Visitors presence.

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands had been a member of Schmitz’s I.G. Farben’s secret Industrial Espionage Unit N.W. 7 and SS- Knight of the Black Sun.

A Few Famous Bilderberg Attendees: David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Bill Clinton, Gordon Brown, Angela Merkel, Alan Greenspan, Ben Bernanke, Larry Summers, George Soros, Donald Rumsfeld, Robert Murdoch, Jean-Claude Trichet (EU Bank President), Mervyn King (Bank of England), Edmond de Rothschild, Robert Oppenheimer, Robert McNamara, Henry Ford II, Hilary Clinton, Steven Spielberg.

These highly secretive meetings are held practically every year since 1954 with some of the most powerful and wealthiest people on the planet to select leaders and the narrative in support of their world agenda.

This bird has been mocking us
ever since 1973

Setup by David Rockefeller in 1973 (also founder of CFR), Zbigniew Kazimierz Brzezinski and Jimmy Carter.

David Rockefeller stated goals were to create a new world order and population control.

Zbigniew Brzezinski was the United States National Security Advisor and not only was a member of the Trilateral Commission, but also helped to organize it further with Henry D. Owen, foreign policy studies director at the Brookings Institution; George S. Franklin, executive director of the Council on Foreign Relations in New York; Robert R. Bowie, the director of the Harvard Center for International Affairs; and Alan Greenspan who later headed the Federal Reserve System just to name a few.

The below are brief relevant excerpts from Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 2012 speech in Poland

“The technetronic era involves
the gradual appearance of a
more controlled society.

Such a society would be dominated by an elite, unrestrained by traditional values.

Soon it will be possible to assert almost continuous surveillance over every citizen and maintain up-to-date complete files containing even the most personal information about the citizen.

These files will be subject to instantaneous retrieval by the authorities.”

“A universal awakening of mass political consciousness has become increasingly difficult to suppress and control the persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples”.

The accessibility of radio, television and the Internet, (clearly referring to the alternative media), is to blame for this global political awakening

Today the members of the Bilderberg Meetings, Council on Foreign Relations and The Trilateral Commission head the top executive positions of the mainstream media that controls the narrative

Consolidation of Media Control

Since 1983 yearly Secret Meetings of the heads of Mainstream Media and the CIA in Sun Valley, Idaho started Media Consolidation

In 1983 encouraged by the CIA, media moguls began meeting at Sun Valley, Idaho to plan strategic consolidations and coordinate policies and acquisition strategies for the media industry.

Making complete corporate media control today much easier than in 1983.

These 6 corporations control the perception on the mainstream media – GE – News Corp – Disney – Viacom – Time Warner – CBS

2021 JUL 6 –
Top Secret Meeting of
Mainstream Media,
Big Tech,
and Intelligence Heads
in Sun Valley, Idaho

Top-secret meetings are taking place between the top communications firms in the US. Big Tech, Mainstream Media (Big Media), and the intelligence community are gathering to strategize on how to consolidate their power over the information fed to the American people.

Every July since 1983 Allen & Company meet with a small group of media moguls, tech titans, investors, politicians, and intelligence agency insiders, all gather in the small town of Sun Valley, Idaho, for a week of meetings to develop the consensus regarding policies for Mainstream media, social media, and emerging communications technology.

It’s basically like the Bilderberg meeting for media and since tech companies like Facebook, Twitter, Apple, and YouTube have become major players in the media industry, they all come together each year in Sun Valley trying to make sure no emerging platforms can threaten their power.

The intelligence community is involved as well, to either allow back door access or get permission from these CEOs to collect data. We are talking CIA Directors and other intelligence groups.

As consolidation of big media since 1983 into 6 corporations, the unprecedented media consolidation of big tech was facilitated by a wave of big tech companies such as Facebook Twitter, Google, Netflix and Amazon all aggressively purchasing independent media and start-up tech companies.

This aggressive purchasing accelerated the growing global media monopoly being secretly encouraged by the CIA at the annual Sun Valley meetings.


Operation Mockingbird was a CIA project to infiltrate and covertly control the media.

It began in the 1950s under then CIA director Allen Dulles.

The declassified files (most are classified and secret, but a tiny fraction here) show how the CIA infiltrated the mainstream media and had its pieces inserted into TV, newspapers and journals everywhere as “news” when they were nothing more than lies and propaganda.

Richard Salant, former President of CBS News, once said that “our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have.”

Mockingbird was famously exposed in the 1975 Church Committee hearings.

Nothing much has changed today. Journalists worldwide are still on the payroll, and some were brave enough to talk about it, such as the late Udo Ulfkotte.


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CIA’s MK-Ultra
infiltration of media

In “CIA’s MK-Ultra Infiltration of Media,” Robert Sepehr unveils the dark secrets of the CIA’s covert operation, MK-Ultra.

This chilling expose delves into the agency’s manipulation of popular culture, particularly hip-hop music, to sow discord and corrupt the American youth.

The exposé features riveting testimonies from former CIA agent John Homeston, admitting that the CIA finances prominent hip-hop acts to propagate anti-establishment and anti-American ideologies.

Sepehr also explores the alleged connections between iconic musicians like Jim Morrison and the Beach Boys to the CIA’s mind control program, MK-Ultra.

This groundbreaking work exposes the hidden hand of the CIA in shaping popular culture and manipulating public behavior.

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CIA’s Operation Mockingbird

In July 2021
Sun Valley once again featured
major big media figures and
big tech leaders such as :-

Bill Gates – Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bill Burns – CIA Director – (Biden’s pick for CIA director)
George Tenet – former CIA Director
Mark Zuckerberg – Facebook
Jack Dorsey – Twitter
Larry Page – Google
Tim Cook – Apple
Richard Haass – Council of Foreign Relations President
Brian Roberts – Comcast
Bob Iger – Disney
Shari Redstone – Viacom
Jason Kilar – Time Warner Media
Gayle King – CBS News
Thomas Friedman – New York Times
Anderson Cooper – CNN
Diane Sawyer – ABC News
Tom Brokaw – NBC journalist
Becky Quick – CNBC
Mike Bloomberg – Bloomberg News
Warren Buffett – Berkshire Hathaway
Van Jones – CNN host
Evan Osnos – New Yorker
Lionel Barber – Financial Times
Andrew Ross Sorkin – New York Times & CNBC
Satya Nadella – Microsoft
Ted Sarandos & Reid Hastings – Netflix
Kenichiro Yoshida – Sony
Robert Kraft – Patriots owner
Will Hurd – US Representative former CIA officer
Bill Bradley – US Senator (Democrat)
Elaine Chao – wife of Senator Mitch McConnell
James Baker – former US Secretary of State
Nicholas Christakis – Yale University
Bob Zimmer – University of Chicago President
Jack DeGioia – Georgetown University President
and more…

“There is something about the way the CIA has been functioning
that is casting a shadow on our historic position [of freedom]
and I feel we need to correct it”

– Harry S. Truman 1963

 This documentary “Out of the Shadows” lifts the veil on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda going back to how through Operation Paperclip Nazis were brought into the CIA and controlling both the mainstream media and Hollywood movies to move forward on their agenda. In this movie it stated that…

“Operation Paperclip it is documented, there’s absolutely no question about it, Allen Dulles CIA director was associate of Heinrich Himmler of the Third Reich, so what Dulles proceeded to do when the Third Reich was brought down was he secretly brought all of the top Nazi scientists into the U.S., he falsified their files that he gave to Harry Truman making them look like there were no war crimes. They brought these Nazi scientists into the CIA to work for the CIA”

The CIA centrally controlling the script
that media news reporters read
in support of the agenda

The Media and the Pandemic Vaccination Push Agenda

Wuhan Coronavirus COVID-19

Multiple indications have shown that the mainstream media has been complicit in an agenda connected with a fabricated propaganda of the COVID-19 pandemic in order to subjugate the population with fear in order to justify and promote an extreme push to inject all of the world’s population with an experimental injection. 

Indications are that the so called “vaccine” wasn’t created to save us from the pandemic, the pandemic fear was falsely created to convince us to take this experimental vaccine.

Highly credible scientists and doctors around the world have been attempting to warn the public to not take the injection, as accumulating evidence points to a nefarious depopulation agenda which has been pre planned.

The message of these scientists and doctors has been facing extreme censorship on big media and big tech to keep their warning from the public that this is a bioweapon.

Their message is in direct contrast to the mainstream media’s message that the vaccines are “safe and effective” and everyone needs to be injected for the safety of everyone in order to return to “normal”. While at the same time the media is ostracizing those who are “vaccine hesitant” as representing a problem by being “unvaccinated”, which the media is blaming for the surge in cases and keeping everyone from returning to normal.

Whereas scientists have shown that this is a deceptive lie, and is instead highly toxic and will ultimately lead to the death of millions within a few years time or less.

As death numbers will continue to rise due to the effects of the bioweapon weakening immune systems of all those who have been vaccinated, the rising death toll will be blamed on the “unvaccinated”, whereas scientists have shown that the vaccinated, not the unvaccinated, will be the ones who are shedding highly contagious spike protein virus variants.

These millions of vaccinated people with weakened immune systems will be falsely recorded as a COVID death due to the PCR tests yielding false positives and not putting the blame on the true source of the problem which is in the vaccine.

This genocidal situation is something the eugenicists of Nazi Germany would have been proud to accomplish, and may very well be connected when one researches the history of infiltration into our medical system by the Nazis.

These media corporations control the multitude of information media outlets

The media talking points narrative that are centrally controlled and psychologically prepared are distributed to the various media outlet teleprompters for the newscasters to uniformly form the public’s perceptions in alignment with the set agenda, and “this is a danger to our democracy”.

Newscasters are simply reading the script provided on their teleprompters

2013 DEC 26 – President Obama signs
NDAA 2013 which legalizes
the use of Propaganda on the US Public

While the majority of concerned Americans were focused on the indefinite detention of US Citizens without trail clause contained in the NDAA, what received little to no attention was HR 4310 which was part of this NDAA, also known as Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012 which would legalize the use of propaganda on the American public. This would effectively nullify the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948 which explicitly forbids information and psychological operations aimed at influencing U.S. public opinion. This essentially made it legal to lie to the American people.

What if there was an infiltration into our country by a domestic enemy that had a long range plan to destroy America?

At the 2016 Bilderberg Conference in Germany, Hillary Clinton was their selected choice for the 2016 presidency to carry out their agenda.

All of the mainstream media outlets gave their full support to the Bilderberg’s choice for president to lead the country.

They never expected her to
lose the election to
President Donald J. Trump

The “Deep State” Alliances

By definition, the Deep State is state within a state, a shadow government that manipulates shapes the polices of the visible government, without regard to the best interests of the country, the US constitution, the laws enacted by congress, and the public policies of the president who heads the executive branch.

This infiltration originally connected with the Nazis and their sympathizers who share a common ideology and agenda with eugenicists and the globalist banking elite of the ultra-rich that originally funded the Nazis into power and control the many transnational corporations that collectively seek to destroy our constitutional republic and replace it with their plan for a “New World Order”. This is what is commonly termed the “Deep State”.

The Chinese Communist Party’s totalitarian regime’s agenda is aligned with the “New World Order” agenda of the Deep State of total population surveillance and control and has infiltrated within to coordinate with and influence the perceptions of the American public.

Today the Top U.S. Media Outlets
and Big Tech are “Compromised”
by Communist China

In 1963 the communist goals to
overthrow the United States
were entered into congressional record,
they stated:

1. Capture one or both of the political parties
2. Infiltrate the press
3. Gain control of key positions in radio, television and motion pictures

It’s pretty clear they have achieved those goals.

A host of corporate media outlets including CNN, The New York Times, The Washington Post, and MSNBC have participated in private dinners and sponsored trips with the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a Chinese Communist Party-funded group seeking to garner “favorable coverage” and “disseminate positive messages” regarding China.

Other outlets involved in the propaganda operation include Forbes, the Financial Times, Newsweek, Bloomberg, Reuters, ABC News, the Economist, the Wall Street Journal, Fox News, AFP, TIME magazine, LA Times, The Hill, BBC, NPR and The Atlantic. The relationship is revealed in the Department of Justice’s Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA) filings, which reveal a relationship spanning over a decade between establishment media outlets and the China–United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF).

According to 2011 disclosures made under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) cited by Axios, CUSEF paid BLJ $20,000 each month to promote pro-Beijing propaganda in America. This included sending journalists and journalism students to China to give them a “positive look at China’s accomplishments.” This was done to supposedly “educate the next generation of U.S. journalists on China and U.S.-China relations while they are still honing their craft,” the public filings revealed. CUSEF added. “This includes recruiting top journalists to travel to China, selected for effectiveness and opportunities for favorable coverage.” It paid off, with the CCP getting its propaganda pushed in dozens of top outlets and hundreds of “news” and opinion pieces across America.

CNN for example is owned and operated by WarnerMedia, which has significant financial and institutional ties to the CCP. In June 2013, WarnerMedia announced it had forged a partnership with a Chinese investment fund to the tune of $50 million.

According to a 2018 Pentagon report, the regime has even been buying up radio stations — including American stations — using subsidiaries to conceal the ownership. “These radio stations broadcast pro-China content but have not registered as agents of a foreign government under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA),” explained the Defense Department report, headlinedAssessment on US Defense Implications of China’s Expanding Global Access.”

The New American reported, CUSEF is also flying top American politicians to China to be wined and dined. The list of politicians who have made the trek include congressmen, senators, governors, mayors, and prominent state lawmakers from both parties.

The National Committee on U.S.-China Relations, which has a leadership that reads like a who’s who of pro-Beijing powerhouse figures in the United States. The roster includes former U.S. Secretary of State Henry “New World Order” Kissinger, former U.S. Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair, former U.S. Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, and more.

With the obvious fact that America’s top propaganda outlets posing as “news” organizations are compromised by the world’s most murderous dictatorship, it is perhaps no surprise that those same “news” organizations refused to expose the Biden and Harris families’ myriad corrupt ties to that dictatorship.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to the National Governors Association. During his speech Pompeo told the governors that China is keeping a list of the governors and China is rating US governors as “friendly, hardline, or ambiguous.” China knows who is “friendly” and who have sold out.

If not stopped, the “New World Order” that globalist elites and Beijing are seeking to build will look a lot like Communist China and the corrupted US mainstream media would be to blame.

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This video discusses the narrative battle
in the current information war

with the Deep State

U.S. patents show
CDC ownership of Coronavirus.

Both China and the U.S. involved in the creation of Wuhan SARS-CoV-2. Gates and CCP controlled WHO appoints criminal Tedros. CDC, FDA, CIA, NIH, Gates, Fauci, Baric, Rockefeller are all involved in Federal Crimes.

Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation paid Google, Facebook, Politico, Wikipedia, Fact Checkers in order to censor and control all the information.

The CIA has been using Operation Mockingbird for years and has over 3,000 agents implanted in Mainstream Media to control the population.

Event 201 was sponsored by Bill Gates, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security (CIA) and the World Economic Forum to enforce a worldwide Pandemic response 5 months before the WHO fraudulently declared a global pandemic. It was a planned coordinated criminal effort worldwide.

In January 2017 Anthony Fauci said there will be a surprise virus outbreak before the end of 2020. Bill Gates in 2015 talked of a future pandemic and lied in April 2020 when he said they did not simulate or practice for a pandemic.

Klaus Schwab in his book Covid-19 The Great Reset shows Covid was the Trojan Horse to Reset the World according to the UN 2030 Agenda. Build Back Better slogan is a criminal coordinated effort to remove human rights and institute a one world government.

Bill Gates and the Rockefeller foundation bribes the WHO, NIH, NIAID, CDC, FDA, Medical Schools and Journals to control the health industry and public health policy.

WHO Chief Tedros involved in genocide
killing and torture in Ethiopia.

Tedros is a known member of the communist party.

He is Beijing’s and Bill Gates puppet.

As a Health Minister he was accused of covering up three Cholera Epidemics and committing crimes against humanity.

The CCP and Bill Gates helped put Tedros in charge of the WHO.

John D. Rockefeller over 100 years ago seized the U.S. Media and took control over public health using toxic petroleum based drugs for profit and controlled the American Medical Association blacklisting and expelling any doctors who practiced natural medicine.

Rockefeller’s poison injections and medicines started causing cancer in early years and to cover it up formed the American Cancer Society. Medical error is the 3rd leading cause of death in America.

Bill Gates used India and Africa as guinea pigs for pharmaceutical companies to make a financial killing while killing a lot of people in the process including killing innocent children and babies with vaccines.

Bill Gates controls GAVI The Vaccine Alliance to vaccinate the world with his poisons.

National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests December 10, 1974 (THE KISSINGER REPORT) shows the intention of governments to reduce the population.

Bill Gates is one of the key funders in the Stratosphere experiment to block out the sun for Climate Change by releasing poisons in the air. Environmental Scientist call it global genocide experiment.

Gates has invested over one billion dollars in the Earth Now Global Surveillance project to launch hundreds of satellites to monitor people everywhere 24/7 a day.

In partnership with MIT Bill Gates has developed a new technology that allows vaccines to be injected under your skin along with your medical records.

Bill Gates Gates funded genetically modified mosquitoes released in the USA to allow human immunization by means of mosquito bites “Flying Syringes.”

Bill Gates had business dealings and a relationship with Jeffrey Epstein, a convicted child sex criminal.

Why would he choose to partner with the world’s most notorious pedophile?

To Blackmail?

Bill Gates is the top financial donor of the WHO and CDC.

No one person has more power than Gates to influence and control the health and medical freedom of all people.

Bill Gates and all mRNA Vaccines must be stopped.

This is a global genocide experiment and a takeover of the world.

Operation Church

Mikael Hagenbo,

The CIA Church Committee was a United States Senate committee formed in 1975 to investigate the activities of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other intelligence agencies in the United States.

The committee was formed in response to concerns over the CIA’s involvement in a number of controversial activities, including illegal surveillance, assassination plots, and other covert operations.

The committee was chaired by Senator Frank Church of Idaho, and its formal title was the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities.

The committee’s investigation lasted from 1975 to 1976 and resulted in the publication of a 14-volume report that revealed a wide range of illegal and unethical activities carried out by the CIA and other intelligence agencies.

The report of the Church Committee revealed that the CIA had engaged in a number of illegal and unethical activities over the years, including the illegal surveillance of American citizens, the use of illegal and unconstitutional methods of interrogation, and the assassination of foreign leaders.

The report also revealed that the CIA had been involved in the development and implementation of numerous covert operations around the world, many of which had resulted in the deaths of innocent civilians.

Perhaps the most shocking revelation to come out of the Church Committee’s investigation was the CIA’s involvement in the assassination of foreign leaders, including Fidel Castro of Cuba and Patrice Lumumba of the Congo.

The committee also revealed that the CIA had been involved in the planning and execution of numerous assassination attempts against other foreign leaders, including Rafael Trujillo of the Dominican Republic and Ngo Dinh Diem of South Vietnam.

The Church Committee’s investigation also uncovered evidence of the CIA’s involvement in domestic surveillance activities, including the illegal surveillance of American citizens and the infiltration of political and social groups in the United States.

The committee’s report revealed that the CIA had maintained a database of information on over 300,000 American citizens, many of whom had no connection to any criminal or subversive activities.

In addition to its findings on the CIA’s activities, the Church Committee also made a number of recommendations for reforming the intelligence community in the United States.

These recommendations included the creation of a permanent oversight committee to monitor the activities of the intelligence agencies, the establishment of legal guidelines for the conduct of intelligence activities, and the imposition of restrictions on the use of covert operations.

The Church Committee’s investigation had a significant impact on the intelligence community in the United States, and many of its recommendations were eventually implemented.

The committee’s findings also led to a greater awareness of the potential dangers of unchecked intelligence activities and the need for greater oversight and transparency in the operations of the intelligence community.

The CIA Church Committee was a landmark investigation that revealed the extent of the CIA’s illegal and unethical activities in the United States and around the world. The committee’s findings led to significant reforms within the intelligence community and helped to ensure that the activities of the intelligence agencies were subject to greater scrutiny and oversight.


The CIA Operation Mockingbird was a covert operation launched by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during the Cold War period.

The purpose of the operation was to influence media outlets in the United States and around the world in order to promote the interests of the US government and counter communist propaganda.

The operation was officially launched in the early 1950s, and it involved the recruitment and placement of journalists and other media personnel as CIA assets.

These assets were used to shape the narrative of news stories and to influence public opinion on a variety of topics, including foreign policy, national security, and other sensitive issues.

The operation was carried out through a variety of methods, including the use of disinformation campaigns, the planting of false stories in the media, and the manipulation of news coverage.

In some cases, CIA assets were even placed in newsrooms in order to directly influence the reporting and editing of news stories.

One of the most famous examples of Operation Mockingbird in action was the case of journalist Carl Bernstein, who reported on the CIA’s infiltration of the media in a 1977 article for Rolling Stone magazine.

Bernstein revealed that more than 400 journalists and other media personnel had worked for the CIA as assets, and that the agency had used these assets to manipulate news coverage and shape public opinion.

The revelation of Operation Mockingbird caused a significant public outcry, and it led to a renewed focus on the need for greater transparency and accountability in the operations of the intelligence community.

In response to the criticism, the CIA claimed that the operation had been discontinued in the early 1970s, although there is evidence to suggest that some form of the program may still be in operation today.

The impact of Operation Mockingbird on the media landscape in the United States and around the world cannot be overstated.

By infiltrating the media and manipulating news coverage, the CIA was able to shape public opinion on a variety of topics and promote its own interests at the expense of the truth.

The operation also undermined the credibility of the media and led to a widespread distrust of news organizations and journalists.

The CIA Operation Mockingbird was a covert operation carried out by the US intelligence community in order to influence media outlets and promote the interests of the government.

The operation was carried out through a variety of methods, including the use of disinformation campaigns and the placement of CIA assets in newsrooms.

Although the operation was officially discontinued in the early 1970s, its impact on the media landscape in the United States and around the world is still felt today.

The operation serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked government power and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the operations of the intelligence community.


The CIA MK-Ultra was a top-secret program launched by the United States Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the 1950s and 1960s.

The program aimed to explore the potential use of mind control techniques in interrogation and other intelligence operations.

The program involved the use of a wide range of unethical and often illegal methods, including the use of drugs, hypnosis, and other forms of psychological manipulation.

The MK-Ultra program was initially launched in response to concerns about the potential use of mind control techniques by foreign intelligence agencies, particularly those of the Soviet Union and China.

The program was designed to explore the potential of mind control techniques in interrogation and other intelligence operations, as well as to develop methods for protecting American personnel against such techniques.

One of the key components of the MK-Ultra program was the use of drugs, particularly LSD, as a means of inducing altered states of consciousness and increasing suggestibility.

The CIA conducted a wide range of experiments using LSD and other drugs, often without the knowledge or consent of the test subjects.

These experiments often involved the administration of extremely high doses of LSD, leading to a wide range of physical and psychological side effects.

The MK-Ultra program also involved the use of other forms of psychological manipulation, including hypnosis, sensory deprivation, and other techniques designed to break down the will of the test subjects and make them more suggestible.

Some of the experiments conducted under the MK-Ultra program involved the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), a highly controversial treatment that involves the administration of electric shocks to the brain.

The MK-Ultra program was eventually exposed in the 1970s, leading to a public outcry and a renewed focus on the need for greater transparency and accountability in the operations of the intelligence community.

The exposure of the program also led to a number of legal and regulatory changes, including the establishment of new rules governing the use of human subjects in research.

The impact of the MK-Ultra program on the individuals involved cannot be overstated.

Many of the test subjects suffered long-term physical and psychological damage as a result of their participation in the program, including severe mental illness, personality changes, and memory loss.

In conclusion, the CIA MK-Ultra program was a highly controversial and unethical program that involved the use of a wide range of mind control techniques, including drugs, hypnosis, and other forms of psychological manipulation.

The program was eventually exposed and led to a public outcry, as well as a renewed focus on the need for greater transparency and accountability in the operations of the intelligence community.

The impact of the program on the individuals involved cannot be overstated, and it serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked government power and the need for greater protection of human rights and dignity.


The CIA Monarch program is a controversial and widely debated program that is alleged to be a sub-project of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program.

The Monarch program is said to involve the use of mind control techniques and trauma-based programming to create “mind-controlled” individuals who can be used for a variety of purposes, including espionage, assassination, and other covert operations.

The origins of the Monarch program are unclear, and there is a great deal of speculation and conspiracy theory surrounding the program. Some believe that it is an extension of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program, while others claim that it is part of a larger, international conspiracy involving secret societies, the military-industrial complex, and other powerful forces.

The core of the Monarch program is said to involve the use of trauma-based programming, in which individuals are subjected to extreme physical and psychological abuse in order to create a dissociative state.

This dissociative state is then used to “program” the individual with new identities, memories, and personality traits.

One of the key techniques used in the Monarch program is the use of “trigger words,” which are used to activate the programmed identities and control the behavior of the individual.

These trigger words are said to be implanted in the individual’s subconscious through a process known as “anchoring.”

The existence of the Monarch program is highly controversial, and there is little hard evidence to support the claims made by its supporters.

Many of the claims surrounding the program are based on anecdotal evidence and the testimony of self-proclaimed “survivors” of the program.

The impact of the Monarch program, if it does indeed exist, is difficult to quantify.

The program is said to have created a large number of “mind-controlled” individuals who are used for a variety of purposes, but there is little concrete evidence to support these claims.

In conclusion, the CIA Monarch program is a highly controversial and debated program that is alleged to be a sub-project of the CIA’s MK-Ultra program.

The program is said to involve the use of mind control techniques and trauma-based programming to create “mind-controlled” individuals who can be used for a variety of purposes. However, there is little hard evidence to support the claims made by its supporters, and the existence of the program remains a matter of speculation and debate.

The CIA, Central Intelligence Agency, has been involved in a number of “secret” covert operations throughout its history.

While many of these operations
remain classified or undisclosed,
some secret CIA operations include:

1. Operation Mockingbird:   A program launched in the 1950s that involved the infiltration of the media by CIA assets in order to shape the narrative of news stories and influence public opinion.

2. Operation Northwoods:   A plan proposed in the early 1960s to carry out false flag attacks against American targets in order to justify a military invasion of Cuba.

3. Operation CHAOS:    A program launched in the 1960s to monitor and disrupt anti-war and civil rights groups in the United States.

4. Operation Mongoose:    A program launched in the early 1960s to overthrow the government of Cuba and assassinate Fidel Castro.

5. Operation Gladio:    A program launched in Europe after World War II to combat the perceived threat of communist subversion through the use of secret armies and paramilitary groups.

6. Operation Cyclone:    A program launched in the 1980s to provide support to the Afghan mujahideen in their fight against the Soviet Union.

7. Operation Ajax:    A program launched in the 1950s to overthrow the government of Iran and restore the Shah to power.

8. Operation Phoenix:    A program launched during the Vietnam War to identify and neutralize Viet Cong operatives through the use of torture and other extreme measures.

9. Operation Condor:    A program launched in the 1970s to coordinate the activities of right-wing dictatorships in South America, including the abduction, torture, and assassination of political dissidents.

10. MK-Ultra:    A program launched in the 1950s and 1960s to explore the potential use of mind control techniques in interrogation and other intelligence operations.


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