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The Fraud of Bank loans


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Small Change-Big Profits

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with this location or it’s creators/owners


The Bank Mortgage
An unconscionable scam from the get-go,
as the bank deceives the borrower,
so no true contract exists;
here’s the process step by step:

Borrower Signs the Bank’s Loan Contract and Mortgage

The Borrower’s Signature transforms the Loan Contract into a Financial Instrument worth the Value of the agreed Loan Amount

Bank Fails to Disclose to Borrower that the Borrower Created an Asset

Loan Contract (Financial Instrument) Asset Deposited with the Bank by Borrower

Instrument remains property of Borrower since the Borrower created it

Bank Fails to Disclose the Bank’s Liability to the Borrower for the Value of the Asset

Next the Bank Fails to Give Borrower a Receipt for Deposit of the Borrower’s Asset

New Money Credit is Created on the Bank Books credited against the Borrower’s Financial Instrument

Bank Mortgage
An unconscionable scam

The Bank Fails to Disclose to the Borrower that the Borrower’s Signature Created New Money that is claimed by the Bank as “A Loan” to the Borrower

Loan Amount Credited to an Account for Borrower’s Use

The Bank Deceives Borrower by Calling Credit a “Loan” when it is an Exchange for the Deposited Asset

And the Bank Deceives Public at large by calling this process Mortgage Lending, Loan and similar

Also Bank Deceives Borrower by Charging Interest and Fees when there is no value provided to the Borrower by the Bank

>Provides None of it’s own Money… So the Bank has No Consideration in the transaction and so no True Contract exists

Since the Bank Deceives Borrower that the Borrower’s self-created Credit is a “Loan” from the Bank, there is No Full Disclosure… So no True Contract exists

The Borrower is the True Creditor in the Transaction. Borrower Created the Money, and the Bank provided no value.

Deceives Borrower that Borrower is Debtor not Creditor

And the Bank Hides its Liability by off balance-sheet accounting and only shows its Debtor ledger in order to Deceive the Borrower and the Court

Now the Bank Demands Borrower’s payments without Just Cause… Deception-Theft-Fraud

Then the Bank Sells Borrower’s Financial Instrument to a third party for profit

Sale of the Financial Instrument confirms it has intrinsic value as an Asset yet that value is not credited to the Borrower as Creator and Depositor of the Instrument

The bank hides the truth
from the borrower

Bank Hides truth from the Borrower, not admitting Theft, nor sharing proceeds of the sale of the Borrower’s Financial Instrument with the Borrower

The Borrower’s Financial Instrument is Converted into a Security through a Trust or similar arrangement… In order to defeat restrictions on transactions of Loan Contracts

This Security, including the Loan Contract, is sold to investors, despite the fact that such Securitization is Illegal

Bank is not the Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract …only the Holder in Due Course can claim on the Loan Contract

So the Bank Deceives the Borrower that the Bank is Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract

Bank makes Fraudulent Charges to Borrower for Loan payments. However, the Bank has no lawful right to, since it is not the Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract

And the Bank advanced none of own money to Borrower but only monetized Borrower’s signature

Bank Interest is Usurious based on there being No Money Provided to the Borrower by the Bank… so that any interest charged at all would be Usurious …


  Small Change-Big Profits

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with this location or it’s creators/owners

Banks are thought of as
being intermediaries,

but this not really
what’s happening.

Banks are creators
of the money supply.

I produced the first empirical studies to prove
that [banks create money out of thin air.

Banks are thought of as deposit-taking institutions that lend money.

The legal reality is banks don’t take deposits and banks don’t lend money.

So what is a deposit?

A deposit is not actually a deposit.

It’s not a bailment.

And it’s not held in custody.

At law, the word deposit is meaningless.

The law courts and various judgements have made it very clear
if you give your money to a bank even though it’s called a deposit,
this money is simply a loan to the bank.

So there is no such thing as deposit.

It’s a loan at a bank.

So banks borrow from the public.

So that much we’ve established.

What about lending?

Surely they’re lending money.


No, they don’t.

Banks don’t lend money.

Banks again, at law, it’s very clear.

They’re in the business of purchasing securities.

That’s it.

So you say. OK.

Don’t confuse me with all that legalese.

I want a loan.

Fine, here’s the loan contract.

Here’s the offer letter.

And you sign.

At law, it’s very clear, you have issued a security.

Namely a promissory note.

And the bank is going to purchase that.

That’s what’s happening.

What the bank is doing is very different
from what it presents to the public that it’s doing.

How does this fit together?

So you say fine, the bank purchases my promissory note,
but how do I get my money?

This is a loan.

I don’t care about the details.

I want the money.

The bank will say you’ll find it in your account with us.

That would be technically correct.

If they say, we’ll transfer it to your account,
that’s wrong because no money is transferred,
at all, from anywhere inside the bank or outside the bank.


Because what we call a deposit,
is simply the bank’s record of its debt to the public.

Now it also owes you money [for the promissory note]and its record of the money it owes you
is what you think you’re getting as money [as a loan].

And that’s all it is.

That is how the banks create the money supply.

The money supply consists to 97 percent of bank deposits
and these are created out of nothing
by banks when they lend.

Because they invent fictitious customer deposits.


They simply restate, slightly incorrectly in accounting terms
– what is an accounts payable liability arising from
the loan contract having purchased your promissory note
– as a customer deposit.

But nobody has deposited any money.

I wonder how the FCA [Financial Conduct Authority]deals with this because in the financial sector
you’re not supposed to mislead your customers.

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DON’T leave your home!

Foreclosure or mortgagee
sale on your house….

What does it really mean
and how do you legally
stand your ground..🤔🤔

Don’t leave your home!

Don’t argue…
…just learn the correct questions to ask!!

Click link to information website

Judges who
foreclose a mortgage
receive a payment
based on the value of
the mortgage.

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purposes ONLY
and is

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Contracts must have
wet ink signatures
and consent

Contracts must have wet ink signatures and consent

As soon as the debt is passed from the claimed debtor to some collections agency then you instantly know it is a fraudulent claim of debt.

If there was a VALID and Legal Contract this would never happen.

SO, they hide the Facts by using a debt collection agency.

Now think about that.

One company is giving another company an Assignment of work.

 (third party need contract for that)

The very first thing you do is look at the Debt company to see if the letter you have is Signed with a Pen by a named officer of the Debt company.

It has to be signed and Not by a computer Graphic or the company name or some position within the company.

It has to be signed by a Named person in wet ink in compliance with the Companies Act 2006 section 44.

Now the Companies Act 2006 section 44, tells you exactly how a document MUST be signed and who By.

SO, look for that signature because if it isn't signed correctly and legally then that is Fraud by abuse of position because it isn't signed.

And you have Incontestable forensic material evidence of fraud in your Hand.

They sent it to you.


This is a Company-to-company Assignment of work.

Could also be fraud SO that Assignment also has to be signed in wet ink by an authorised company officer.... SO... Debt Collection.


Bailiff Company it doesn't matter who they are. ""HE who makes a claim carries the Obligation to present the material substance of that Claim""

This is the Golden rule and Maxim.

So, the Debt company/ Lawyer/Bailiff whoever they are have a Contractual Obligation to give you a certified copy of the Company-to-Company assignment of Works.

IF this paperwork is not all legally correct it is because for whatever reason the Debt is and was Fraud in the first place.

Now that's every credit card and Bank Loan for starters and that's how they Hide.

Now if the Paperwork is Not legal and correct you CANNOT pay them because you are complicit in Criminal Fraud.

This is EXACTLY how I have rid FRAUDULENT claim of Debt.

It’s a simple six letter process.

They always Run for the Hills.

Every single time.

Without fail.

That's the POWER of the Pen.

SO, there is NO DEBT and the claim is Criminal Fraud and Malfeasance in the Office and it is also a Wilful and Belligerent act of terrorism.


Gas/Elec is Criminal Fraud.

Water rates, Council Tax, Credit cards ARE ALL Criminal Fraud.

Paying all these scumbags is Criminal Fraud.

There is NO legal means for you to pay because there is no Valid Contract and the Contract you think you have is Criminal Fraud. SO, we are all getting Fleeced Blind.

A Licence is a Permission to do something that would otherwise be illegal, and Fraud IS Illegal (James bond 007).

So, every government licenced Billing office is committing Criminal Fraud. Gas/Elec is a Government licensed Billing office.

They don't sell you gas/Elec.

Paul Webster made the Judge throw the Gas/Elec Case out of the court because the claimant could not provide Proof of Claim.

SO, if the Gas/Elec CONTRACT was Legal, it would be a simple Breach of Contract.

Now you are beginning to see the Dark side.

These are the Securitised Liens you will find in the files section.

Published for you to read.

So what else is there?

Parking Tickets.

Congestion charges.

Pay and display carparks WOW Stop.

It is Criminal Fraud for you to pay the fee at the Pay and display carpark.

It is Illegal and Criminal To pay it.

That Signage is not a contract and it is Total Criminal Fraud.

SO, what does all that add up to for the Millions of people in the country??


Baron David Ward The reality of Council Rates Must comply with the 2001 corporate act section 127/ 1882 bills of Exchange/ 2006 corporate act “ 44 execution of documents and they don’t they are in fraud not you.

Contracts must have
wet ink signatures and consent

The Parts of Contract.

• Parties competent
to contract

The parties to a contract should be competent, being of the age of consent, of sound mind, not disqualified from contracting by any law to which s/he is subject.

A flaw in capacity may be due to minority, lunacy, idiocy, drunkenness, or dissimilarity of kind.

The parties should be of the same kind, being either legal fiction actors, or living men/women, allowing more than two parties but never a mixture of these kinds and their respective jurisdictions.

• Free and genuine consent

The consent of the parties to the agreement must be free and genuine.

The consent of the parties should not be obtained by misrepresentation, fraud, undue influence, coercion or mistake.

If the consent is obtained by any of these means, then the contract is not valid or legally/lawfully enforceable.

• Full disclosure

When negotiating a contract, full disclosure is the step of providing all material information, or telling the “whole truth”, about any matter which may influence the decision-making of the other party or parties before they decide to enter into a contract.

If either party fails to make full disclosure, the contract is null and void.

• Valuable consideration

The consideration is something of value possessed by the parties that is brought to the contract table.

This something of value is bargained for and given in exchange for a promise or a performance.

The parties must each receive a benefit and each suffer a detriment.

A contract is unenforceable if it has insufficient or unequal consideration without agreement.

• Certainty of terms

The Terms and Conditions of the contract must be fully disclosed and agreed upon, and must be certain and fixed.

Any subsequent variation of terms must be agreed.

• Meeting of the minds

A meeting of the minds “consensus ad idem”, occurs between the parties when they recognise each other, understand their mutual obligations, and agree.

A meeting of the minds occurs between living men/women in lawful matters (Common Law jurisdiction), and between legal fiction actors in legal matters (Admiralty Maritime jurisdiction).

A contract must be either
Lawful or Legal.

If one party to a contract makes a “signature” as an “accommodation party” to a legal fiction person, while the other party makes an “autograph” for a living man/woman, the parties are of unequal kinds, and the contract is null and void.

• Autographs or Signatures

Lawful written contracts between living men/women must carry the wet ink autographs of the parties, comprising living identification such as a thumbprint, but more often living standing is recognised by an unambiguous declaration with the handwritten wet ink autograph, including the prefix “By:”, and/or the words “All Rights Reserved”, “Without Prejudice” usually written below.

Legal written contracts between legal fiction actors must carry the wet ink signatures of the parties, each thereby becoming an accommodation party, having waived the natural rights of a living man/woman to obtain the artificial rights of a legal fiction person in the matter of the contract.

• Privity of contract

A contract exists only between the parties.

No third-party can obtain rights contained within a contract, or buy or sell a contract, without the express permission of the original parties.

If any of the above parts
of a contract is missing,
the contract is null and void.

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The Great Taking

David Webb exposes the system
the Central Bankers have in place
to take everything from everyone.


David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

Former hedge fund manager David Webb takes the audience step by step through his forensic investigation into the legal, financial and regulatory changes that have set up “the greatest crime ever contemplated … the planned confiscation of everyone’s global securities assets.”

Webb, author of a book by the same title, exposes the “scheme by central bankers to subjugate humanity by taking all securities, bank deposits and property financed with debt.”

“Legal certainty has been established that the collateral can be taken immediately and without judicial review, by entities described in court documents as ‘the protected class,’”

Webb says in the film. “Even sophisticated professional investors, who were assured that their securities are ‘segregated,’ will not be protected.”

President and CEO Mary Holland, Webb said he has been studying global financial systems and warning of a coming “Great Taking” financial collapse for more than 20 years.

His decades of hedge fund experience gave him insight into money flows and systemic risks that he believes foreshadow an orchestrated crash.

Webb spent years researching historical precedents like Great Depression-era bank closures and gold confiscation to help him understand the “playbook used by powerful banking interests during times of financial turmoil.”

He first noticed that money velocity rates showed how excessive money creation drives unstable economic bubbles.

The mainstream news coverage during the 1990s Asian financial crisis aftermath did not fully explain the odd market movements he was seeing.

Digging deeper, Webb realized “the scale of the money creation during this period was very high.”

He found Federal Reserve Board activity generating over 1% of gross domestic product worth of new money in one week — “an order magnitude bigger” than annual growth rates, he said.

The massive liquidity influx was not going into the real economy, Webb said, but into “destructive things … wars… various operations that are about control.”

Webb compared the state of the economy just before World War I to today’s hyper-financialized economy, saying both are about “looting” in the late phase of economic bubbles, just prior to a crash.

Webb also witnessed a decade-long campaign to change commercial banking statutes and ownership definitions, state by state, that set the stage for revoking investor property rights during defaults.

“The underpinning of the entire securities infrastructure in the U.S. is the Depository Trust and Clearing Corporation, and this is the entity that was first formed to dematerialize all securities in the U.S.,” Webb said.

Webb told Holland a career CIA operative with “absolutely no background and banking or finance” was involved in this project and was later made the superintendent of banks in New York state by Nelson Rockefeller.

“It’s very clear that this was a CIA project,” he said.

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The Great British
Mortgage Swindle

Release Date: 2016

The Great British Mortgage Swindle is a captivating and thought-provoking documentary that exposes the chilling reality of institutionalized mortgage fraud and the brutal consequences of eviction-based genocide.

Over the course of eight years, this powerful film follows the harrowing and inspiring journeys of five courageous lay litigants, as they fight to protect their homes from unlawful repossession, driven by fraudulent mortgages and void court orders.

The documentary reveals the shocking truth that a staggering 11.2 million registered mortgages in the UK are not only void and unenforceable but also marred by fraudulent signatures and absent witnesses.

The Great British Mortgage Swindle is a must-see documentary that exposes the systematic corruption within the financial and judicial systems, leaving viewers both outraged and inspired.

The film’s relentless narrative builds to a triumphant climax as the protagonists take on the corrupt institutions in her Majesty’s courts, ultimately giving rise to a grassroots movement that aims to end institutionalized mortgage fraud and eviction-based genocide.



Make sure you watch to the end as it has a lot of important info will give you lots to think about

On June 28th 2015, Michael of Bernicia gave an incendiary presentation at the Dignity Alliance venue in Ashton-in-Makerfield, which he dubbed The Great British Mortgage Swindle, the title of the coruscating documentary feature film that Michael has spent the last six years co-producing with Michael of Deira.

During the course of the compelling presentation, Michael deftly describes, dissects and disembowels the nature of The Great British Mortgage Swindle and the seemingly futile quest for justice in her majesty’s courts, which he vehemently condemns as nothing more than a rigged game in favour of the Banksters and their minions, by which the crown house of Rothschild is sweeping up all the land and resources that it hasn’t already stolen from the people.

Since the legal professions, the judiciary, the police and politicians of every persuasion are complicit in crimes of institutionalised mortgage fraud, whilst every office of local government is engaged in the ruthless implementation of UN Agenda 21, which seeks to dramatically reduce the population of the Earth by up to 85% [in the name of “sustainable development”], Michael passionately evokes the spirit of his ancestors in a heart-felt plea that the people of Britain unite to put an end to the tyranny which is running rampant, by forming Peace-Keeping Forces and Grand Juries in every community.

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1. Borrower signs the bank’s Loan Contract and Mortgage.

2. Borrower’s signature transforms the Loan Contract into a Financial Instrument worth the value of the agreed Loan amount.

3. Bank Fails to disclose to borrower that the borrower created an asset.

4. Loan Contract (Financial Instrument) asset deposited with the bank by borrower.

5. Financial Instrument remains property of borrower since the borrower created it.

6. Bank Fails to disclose the bank’s liability to the borrower for the value of the asset.

7. Bank fails to give borrower a receipt for deposit of the borrower’s asset.

8. New money credit is created on the bank books, credited against the borrower’s financial instrument.

9.  Bank fails to disclose to the borrower that the borrower’s signature created new money that is claimed by the bank as a Loan to the borrower.

10. Loan amount credited to an account for borrower’s use.

11. Bank deceives borrower by calling credit a “Loan” when it is an exchange for the deposited asset.

12. Bank deceives public at large by calling this process Mortgage Lending, Loan and similar.

13. Bank deceives borrower by charging Interest and fees when there is no value provided to the borrower by the bank.

14. Bank provides none of its own money so the bank has no consideration in the transaction and so no true contract exists.

15. Bank deceives borrower that the borrower’s self-created credit is a “Loan” from the bank, thus there is no full disclosure so no true contract exists. Borrower is the true creditor in the transaction. Borrower created the money. Bank provided no value.

16.  Bank deceives borrower that borrower is Debtor not Creditor

17. Bank Hides its Liability by off balance-sheet accounting and only shows its Debtor ledger in order to deceive the borrower and the Court.

18. Bank demands borrower’s payments without just cause. Deception-theft- fraud.

19. Bank sells borrower’s Financial Instrument to a third party for profit.

20. Sale of the Financial Instrument confirms it has intrinsic value as an asset, yet that value is not credited to the borrower as creator and depositor of the Instrument.

21. Bank hides truth from the borrower, not admitting theft, nor sharing proceeds of the sale of the borrower’s Financial Instrument with the borrower.

21. The borrower’s Financial Instrument is converted into a security through a trust or similar arrangement in order to defeat restrictions on transactions of Loan Contracts.

22. The Security including the Loan Contract is sold to investors, despite the fact that such Securitization is Illegal.

23. Bank is not the Holder in Due Course of the Loan Contract .Only the Holder in Due Course can claim on the Loan Contract.

24. Bank deceives the borrower that the bank is Holder in Due Course of the Loan.

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How Banks Enslave Humanity

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Richard Vobes

How they secretly control us

Today I want to demonstrate that
‘they’ have been dumbing us down
for generations and manipulating
us with their silent weapons.

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The bankers and governments
robbery of the people

And how they get away with it –
and still do, because we
LET THEM do it to us
thereby consenting to this robbery.

Most people, even realising this,
will continue to fund their criminal enterprises
out of the FEAR these institutions
encourage to intimidate anyone considering
not playing their game any more.

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The Banker

  The Banker
William Montague 3rd.

The Banker

Performed By Mike Daviot
Written, Directed and Produced By:
Craig-James Moncur

The Banker

Hello, my name is Montague William 3rd
And what I will tell you may well sound absurd
But the less who believe it the better for me
For you see I’m in Banking and big industry

For many a year we have controlled your lives
While you all just struggle and suffer in strife
We created the things that you don’t really need
Your sports cars and Fashions and Plasma TV’s

I remember it clearly how all this begun
Family secrets from Father to Son
Inherited knowledge that gives me the edge
While you peasants, people lie sleeping at night in your beds

We control the money that controls your lives
Whilst you worship false idols and wouldn’t think twice
Of selling your souls for a place in the sun
These things that won’t matter when your time is done

But as long as they’re there to control the masses
I just sit back and consider my assets
Safe in the knowledge that I have it all
While you common people are losing your jobs

You see I just hold you in utter contempt
But the smile on my face well it makes me exempt
For I have the weapon of global TV
Which gives us connection and invites empathy

You would really believe that we look out for you
While we Bankers and Brokers are only a few
But if you saw that then you’d take back the power
Hence daily terrors to make you all cower

The Panics the crashes the wars and the illness
That keep you from finding your Spiritual Wholeness
We rig the game and we buy out both sides
To keep you enslaved in your pitiful lives

So go out and work as your body clock fades
And when it’s all over a few years from the grave
You’ll look back on all this and just then you’ll see
That your life was nothing, a mere fantasy

There are very few things that we don’t now control
To have Lawyers and Police Force was always a goal
Doing our bidding as you march on the street
But they never realise they’re only just sheep

For real power resides in the hands of a few
You voted for parties what more could you do
But what you don’t know is they’re one and the same
Old Gordon has passed good old David the reigns

And you’ll follow the leader who was put there by you
But your blood it runs red while our blood runs blue
But you simply don’t see its all part of the game
Another distraction like money and fame

Get ready for wars in the name of the free
Vaccinations for illness that will never be
The assault on your children’s impressionable minds
And a micro chipped world, you’ll put up no fight

Information suppression will keep you in toe
Depopulation of peasants was always our goal
But eugenics was not what we hoped it would be
Oh yes it was us that funded Nazis!

But as long as we own all the media too
What’s really happening does not concern you
So just go on watching your plasma TV
And the world will be run by the ones you can’t see

Written By Craig-James Moncur

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We are born on the land
and are considered
heirs of the land assets
of our country.

But within hours of our birth
undeclared agents get our mothers
to sign certificates of our live bErth
which assign us to a lifetime of
debt slavery we can never escape from
with debts we can never repay.

And it’s all based on a fraud
we’re not even aware of
and we live in it all our lives.

These documents are misrepresented as simple recordings of our birth and they become registrations of us as commercial vessels using the name our mothers give us and serving to make the ‘state’ franchise the beneficiary of our estate on the land.

Many days, weeks or months later as determined by ‘state’ law, our “vessel In commerce’ Is reported missing-at-sea and we are presumed dead to the probate court which ‘doctors’ the civil records and converts our living estate to a trust ESTATE benefiting the perpetrators of this scheme.

You are now OFFICIALLY DEAD with the land Jurisdiction and unless you take action to correct the probate court records you and your assets are permanently trapped In the International Jurisdiction of the sea.

You are therefore unable to take recourse to your holdings on the land or the law forms of the land you are owed.

Ever heard the constitution called the “Law of the Land’?

This Is why your constitutional guarantees don’t apply.

There’s no version of ‘YOU’ operating on the land as a result of this fraud – you’re DEAD

That you was totally unaware that you needed to inform the probate court that you are actually alive in necessary for this fraud to persist.

The fraud is based on identity theft and unilateral adhesion contracts that are obtained under condition of deceit while you are still just a baby.

There is no possibility that you, or anyone else, could know this fraud is going on or have an opportunity to do anything about it.

That’s how fraud works.

At the moment you enter this world you are kidnapped and press-ganged into the International Jurisdiction of the sea and your ESTATE Is claimed and pillaged before you leave Junior school at age 7.

(You are presumed Lost-at-Sea’
and maritime law allows you 7 years
to claim ownership of your goods
before they can be claimed by
whomever ‘salvaged’ them).

Who are the monsters/parasites who are robbing you?

None other than the ‘prestigious’ IMF and FEDERAL RESERVE, other criminal international banking cartels, the American and English legal BAR Associations which use the mumbo-jumbo of legalese no-one can understand to confuse people so it can benefit and profit from this fraud.

The IMF does it’s business as the ‘UNITED STATES INC.’ and has franchises doing business for it like the ‘CITY OF LONDON CORPORATION‘ in every state in America.

While they sound ‘official’ they might as well be locations of  hamburger or coffee stores or supermarket chains.

The FEDERAL RESERVE Is the official sounding name of the corporation doing business as the ‘THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC.’

It OWNS’ and controls EVERY other bank IN THE WORLD.

It makes out It Is a US bank but It Is owned by private bankers not ordinary citizens.

Yet, none of these corporations has
ANY legal or lawful authority over you
and your assets.

However, their fraud scheme does give them control of your ‘ESTATE‘ which was created by them without your knowledge or permission.

They do this by creating a fictional character they call a ‘strawman’.

As you are dead, your strawman (who Is not you and does not exist) acts on your behalf when dealing with these parasites and is the entity they write to with their fake demands for payment called ‘bills’.

And your strawman simply 
pays ALL those bills,
with YOUR money,
without ever querying
their size or origin.

Your strawman, while he looks like he’s working for you, is actually working for the parasites to suck your financial lifeblood away from you and give it to them

Your strawman is contacted by them, in code he understands, with letters addressed using all UPPERCASE characters in your name and address.

They look like they’re addressed to you, but they’re not – you just think they are, so you pay them.

But, ALL these bills
needn’t be paid by you.

They don’t belong to you
and wasn’t sent to you.

In fact, ironically, It Is an offence to tamper with mail not addressed to you and, strictly speaking, it should be returned unopened as ‘not known’.


This website is always
'work in progress'.

None of the content of this website is original
it is posted here for interest only and should
be considered untruthful and inaccurate until
you've done your own research.

We are not responsible for the accuracy
of any item on this website -
if you choose to accept it and act on it
without doing your own research,
that's down to you.

All content is sourced from that
readily available on the public domain
and does not reflect the views or
opinions of the website creator and should
be viewed critically and considered satire.

While we try to ensure the accuracy of items
mistakes/misinformation/disinformation will
occasionally occur and we invite your corrections.


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