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There is NO reason we
should be paying for electricity

Electricity is plentiful
it used to be free before
the Rockefellers decided,
like oil,
they should own it
and charge us for it

We are surrounded by electrical energy.

We literally walk around in it.

Imagine if it also turned out that even oil could be virtually free – because there’s so much of it, and it regenerates anyway and it’s as common as water.

Imagine if we could harness or collect it then use it – all without cost.

We can. And it’s now becoming apparent that civilisations for hundreds/thousands of years before our knew about it and powered their civilisations using it.

And it’s no secret.

Our so called ‘leaders’ have known for centuries that every person on earth can have access to as much energy they need to support their lifestyle.

Tesla’s free energy inventions were hidden and he was prohibited from creating or using them by the robber-barons who, for all our known history, have controlled the energy on this earth in favour of their motives – world control and greed for profit.

They sell us the energy that’s there for everybody.

The robber barons don’t own it – but they find ways of claiming it for themselves so they can sell it to us. They ensure our governments , who are their servants, don’t tell us.

They’re paid-off, threatened, imprisoned, murdered – if they upset the profit machine which is the energy industry.

In the process they pollute the world unnecessarily – the energy we could have, as well as being free, is clean and simply extracted from that all around us.

Both individuals and industry have been denied this energy – imagine what we could have achieved as a species, without polluting our planet, if we want bound by the debt we incur by having to buying this free energy.

The following videos, collectively, tell the whole story about free energy, where it comes from, how we can get it and what we have to do to get it and remove the greed that controls our world.

WHY are we paying so much
for oil, gas,
electricity and water
(and other things like land
and natural cures for illness).

There’s plenty of these resources
on Earth for humanity to use
for free.

Easy to answer!

THESE monsters got to them first
took ownership of them

(STOLE THEM from us)

And we’re stupid enough to
PAY them to get them back.

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one of the Cabals
greatest secrets

Free Electricity – from the Ether – hidden from us
Exposing one of the Cabal’s best-kept secrets
They control us and make us pay for what they get for free.
They destroy old the technology so we never find out.
Free Energy – from the Ether – hidden from us

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Only a few people on Earth
know about it

(UFO Disclosure)

This page is taking a path
that wasn’t considered some years ago
when it was created.

Back then it was wind farms and solar and E.Vs

It was never imagined that topics
which are now almost common knowledge even existed.


Dr. Steven Greer shares his views on challenging authority, questioning conventional wisdom, and exposing the truth behind organized religion, political parties, institutions, and social movements.

He highlights the alarming reality of important technologies and information being held covertly by an unelected and unappointed group, outside the oversight of the president and Congress, posing a grave threat to democracy and freedom.

Dr. Greer discusses the freedom of the press and why crucial information about advanced technologies and extraterrestrial encounters is not being covered by mainstream media due to corporate and financial interests.

He emphasizes the urgency of addressing these issues and the need for courageous individuals both inside and outside the government to take action.

The astonishing reality
Quantum Technology
and free energy

A new dawn for
humanity begins now!

The world as we know it is on the cusp of an extraordinary transformation, a metamorphosis that’s been brewing in the shadows, just out of sight of the mainstream narrative. This isn’t your run-of-the-mill technological advancement or a simple shift in global politics. No, this is something far more profound, something that will redefine the very essence of human existence.


At the heart of this seismic shift is a revelation that will make even the most open-minded among us pause and reconsider everything we thought we knew. It’s about technology, yes, but not just any technology. We’re talking about a ground-breaking, almost mystical amalgamation of quantum science and what has been traditionally perceived as the material realm. This is about the unveiling of hidden truths, long suppressed by those who feared the power it could unleash.

The narrative starts in Japan, a nation that, for decades, underwent an insidious form of intellectual and spiritual manipulation. A subtle yet profound brainwashing that stripped away the rich tapestry of ancient Japanese spirituality, replacing it with a homogenized, westernized worldview that served the interests not of the Japanese people, but of external powers, predominantly the United States. It’s a story of cultural erosion, a systematic stripping away of identity and uniqueness, all under the guise of modernization and globalization.


But this tale takes an unexpected turn with the advent of a new era, heralded by none other than President Trump around 2020. With his arrival, we see the activation of something known as the “Galactic Federation’s Space Force,” a concept that sounds like it’s straight out of a sci-fi novel. This marks the beginning of what’s termed “ascension,” a period of profound environmental and spiritual transformation.

This ascension, as incredible as it may sound, is linked to the unlocking of Tesla’s long-suppressed technology. Imagine a world where Tesla’s genius wasn’t stifled, where his revolutionary ideas on free electricity and quantum mechanics were allowed to flourish. We’re talking about a delay of a century in technological evolution, now finally coming to fruition.


The implications are staggering. Free electricity, a concept long deemed utopian, could become a reality, reshaping our society’s very foundations. This isn’t just about saving on your electricity bill; it’s about dismantling a system that has kept humanity chained to the whims of a select few who control the world’s energy resources.

And it doesn’t stop there. Free communication, transportation, health care, education, clothing, and even food – all these pillars of modern life could be revolutionized. Imagine Medbeds, devices capable of restoring health and youth; or clothing replicators that eliminate the need for the fashion industry; or hydroponic systems that provide abundant, healthy food for all. This is a future where the concept of work is redefined, where survival isn’t the primary driver of human endeavor.


But why has this information been suppressed? Who stands to gain from keeping humanity in the dark? The answers lie in the shadows, in the corridors of power where decisions are made that shape our world, often without our knowledge or consent.

Enter GESARA Law, a set of proposals that could redefine global economics and politics. Under GESARA, concepts like universal basic income aren’t just feasible; they’re integral to this new world order. This isn’t just about financial liberation; it’s about breaking free from the very concept of money as a necessity for survival.

Skeptics will call this a fantasy, a delusion. They’ll say it’s impossible, that it defies the laws of economics and physics. But what if they’re wrong? What if we’re standing on the brink of the greatest revolution in human history?

It’s time to open our minds to the possibilities that lie ahead. The world is changing, and we must be ready to embrace a future that, until now, has existed only in our wildest dreams. The transformation is underway, and it’s up to us to ensure that the truth doesn’t remain hidden, buried under a mountain of skepticism and fear.


Stay vigilant, stay informed, and be prepared to question everything you thought you knew. The future is here, and it’s nothing like we expected.

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Nuclear fusion breakthrough:
‘Holy grail’ of power production
is closer to reality as the
world’s biggest reactor –
capable of reaching
200 MILLION degrees Celsius –
is turned on in Japan


4 December 2023

Now the largest fusion reactor in the world
until ITER in southern France is built.

Nuclear fusion reactors mimic
energy-producing process of stars like our sun.

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the National Grid

OK, I supposes they got to maintain the grid and supply system.

Wonder who originally built it.

Now I get to see why Electro Magnetic Pulse surges can be such a problem – they’d then to upset the ether and might take out the ‘system’ for a while.

And why they build sports stadiums and other places masses of people congregate, where people generate energy, are often built by the side of rivers or railway lines – they conduct the energy the humans generate to wherever it goes to.

How many cities are built by rivers that are not used for navigation or trade?

Most of them, probably, when you start thinking about it.

Loosh conductors, for the awake.

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in Airships

Today, we investigate Airships,
as well as other nations that
haven’t been shown to us in
our education system.

We explore pictures from the past…
… and much, much more!

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Global e-car fiasco!

The government fails to mention
that energy transition will cost
hundreds of billions more

January 2024

Gigantic, heavily polluting waste mountain of wind turbines, solar panels and batteries.

Current climate policy does not help anything and will leave Europe and the Netherlands bankrupt and in deep poverty

A few weeks ago I wrote that the sale of e-cars should be banned immediately from an energy, safety and environmental point of view.

The total failure of one of the most important parts of the CO2 climate change hoax, the mandatory phasing out of ‘fossil’ fuels and the switch to electric means of transport, became painfully clear in recent weeks when many thousands of e-cars and – buses refused service due to the low temperatures. Hertz, one of the world’s largest car rental companies, is therefore calling it a day and is exchanging 20,000 Teslas that have proven to be unreliable for normal ones that run on petrol and diesel.

Competitor SIXT already preceded Herz in saying goodbye to e-cars and purchasing new fuel cars.

Officially, both companies cite high repair costs and ‘residual value development’ as the main reasons, and it is claimed that the car fleet will eventually become electric.

Nevertheless, the move by both companies is a clear sign that the forced switch to e-cars is turning into both a technical and a commercial drama.

After all, they could have also chosen a different brand of EV, but that was not done.

E-cars cannot withstand the cold

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Global e-car fiasco!

The government fails to mention
that energy transition will cost
hundreds of billions more

January 2024

Gigantic, heavily polluting waste mountain of wind turbines, solar panels and batteries.

Current climate policy does not help anything and will leave Europe and the Netherlands bankrupt and in deep poverty

A few weeks ago I wrote that the sale of e-cars should be banned immediately from an energy, safety and environmental point of view.

The total failure of one of the most important parts of the CO2 climate change hoax, the mandatory phasing out of ‘fossil’ fuels and the switch to electric means of transport, became painfully clear in recent weeks when many thousands of e-cars and – buses refused service due to the low temperatures. Hertz, one of the world’s largest car rental companies, is therefore calling it a day and is exchanging 20,000 Teslas that have proven to be unreliable for normal ones that run on petrol and diesel.

Competitor SIXT already preceded Herz in saying goodbye to e-cars and purchasing new fuel cars.

Officially, both companies cite high repair costs and ‘residual value development’ as the main reasons, and it is claimed that the car fleet will eventually become electric.

Nevertheless, the move by both companies is a clear sign that the forced switch to e-cars is turning into both a technical and a commercial drama.

After all, they could have also chosen a different brand of EV, but that was not done.

E-cars cannot withstand the cold

As a result of the Solar Minimum, Global Cooling continues unabated – despite the daily warming propaganda.

For example, the United States is currently being hit by an icy ‘polar vortex’, which has turned charging stations in Chicago into a kind of ‘e-car mass graves’.

Just like in Norway, Germany, China and other countries, EV batteries appear to be unable to withstand the cold. Charging for hours is a fruitless endeavor for many; the battery is still at 0% even after an afternoon of plugging in.

You should rush to a medical post. Or your refrigerator needs to be filled.

You have to go to work, your children have to go to school… and then you have a non-working e-car in front of your door, while your neighbor just starts his petrol car at -15 and drives away happily.

The demand for EVs in the US has therefore completely collapsed; hardly anyone wants one anymore.

Experts have long warned that the electricity grid will be unable to cope with even a substantial switch to e-cars and will collapse.

In our own country, companies and private individuals can hardly get a new connection thanks to the climate/energy policy.

If the ‘Green New Deal’ is not immediately canceled and the forced transition to electric is not stopped very quickly, we can expect major shortages and eventually long blackouts, just like in California.

True “net zero” costs
are being hidden

Recently, the Wall Street Journal editorialized the ‘net zero’ policy of the German left-wing/liberal/green government coalition, which, despite a staggering collapse in opinion polls and increasingly massive popular protests, continues with the targeted dismantling of Germany as the industrial engine from Europe.

The German government appears to be hiding the real costs of the ‘energy transition’ from the people, (and it is very likely that The Hague has not been working differently for years).

According to a recent estimate by the Institute for Energy Economics in Cologne, the government will be as much as €60 billion short by 2030 to build sufficient power sources to meet electricity demand.

That money can only be raised in one way, namely through tax increases.

However, after the shutdown of Germany’s nuclear power plants, already sky-high electricity prices have exploded further, causing more and more international investors and large companies to flee the country.

In 2023, the number of bankruptcies will increase by 30%, which analysts say is “just the beginning.”

The new jobs in the ‘green’ industry promised years ago have also not materialized at all.

Millions of Germans have also ended up in poverty thanks to the ‘Energiewende’.

Many millions more will be added in the coming years, because most families cannot afford the forced purchase of very expensive but inefficient heat pumps.

To make matters worse, electricity prices will almost double again this year.

Energy transition costs
Germany alone
€240 billion PER YEAR

€10 billion is needed for new gas-fired power stations (yes, which are being shut down in the Netherlands, which means a drama for our energy supply) and – mainly still experimental – hydrogen installations.

Winter too.

Once again it is clear that in a period with little wind, low temperatures and a lack of sunlight, society has virtually no use for so-called ‘sustainable’ wind turbines and solar panels.

(But Russian gas is no longer allowed – though?
Europe ‘secretly’ buys the same gas, but now via India, and at much higher prices.)

But this is the least bad news. Another study from the same think tank revealed the staggering €1.9 trillion needed to get close to the net zero target by 2030.

That equates to around €240 billion per year.

The WSJ editors could hardly believe it, but it is true: this amount does not apply to the entire EU, but only to Germany.

And one more thing: this monstrous sum of money is only needed for new investments.

This does not even include older wind turbine and solar panel farms that will have to be replaced in the coming years.

And those ‘old’ parks often turn out to wear out much faster than expected. For example, from my own area I know a solar panel park that may have been there for 2 to 3 years, but has now been completely demolished. Of course, there is no mention of this enormous destruction of capital.

Meanwhile, Europe’s largest solar factory Meyer Burger is teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.

Not because there is no demand, but because the costs of raw materials are skyrocketing and competition from China is fierce.

The crisis in the ‘sustainable’ industry has affected many companies, especially because the government can no longer afford the huge subsidies.

And without subsidies, ‘green’ energy sources are unaffordable.

Giant waste mountain

What the climate fanatics in politics prefer not to talk about is the gigantic waste mountain that solar panels and wind turbines cause, a topic I have written about before.

Vast fields and deep excavations full of unrecyclable wind turbine blades and exhausted solar panels testify to unprecedented environmental pollution, plus the painful fact that the promised lifespan of 30 or even 20 years is not even remotely achieved.

Even worse are the highly toxic used batteries from e-cars, which can only be stored in a handful of highly secured facilities at insanely high costs and can only be processed to a small extent.

The energy transition has now also triggered a gigantic e-waste flow.

In 2019, 53.6 million tons of e-waste were produced annually worldwide, a huge amount that will only increase exponentially.

The vast majority of this waste cannot be recycled (so what do you mean ‘circular economy’?).

Many companies and manufacturers advertise so-called ‘eco’ or ‘climate-friendly’ products, but fail to mention that waste is increasingly burdening the environment.

Martin Armstrong:
‘Plans are being made in Davos
on how they can eliminate you’

The well-known German top economist Hans Werner Sinn once again warns that it is completely pointless for the EU to ban ‘fossil’ fuels.

‘That has no effect whatsoever on the global amount of oil burned, nor on global CO2 emissions. Such bans, through falling oil prices, only subsidize competitors on world markets, who consume the very oil that the EU releases.

The oil tankers are just making a turn.”

What is the EU really about?

“The globalists have landed in Davos to discuss climate change, and how to eliminate the least desirable CO2: You,” writes top American economist Martin Armstrong about the summit of Klaus Schwab’s globally hated World Economic Forum.

“They are drawing up plans on how they are going to limit the public’s use of vital resources, causing people around the world to suffer because of the belief that they must disappear to save the world….

All climate change initiatives threaten the entire civilization.”

And do we, as peoples, still unwillingly and without resistance – I would even say: in a suicidal way – agree to this?

So far, but there is hope.

It seems that more and more people are finally waking up to the existential danger that the climate globalists of the WEF, the WHO, the EU and the UN pose to our future and our lives.

The WEF statements that other ‘wrong’ opinions are considered more dangerous than terrorists says everything about the fear that the globalists have that their totalitarian Marxist power grab over our society will fail.

So things will be tense in the coming years;

From 2024 onwards, increasingly strict measures will be taken to severely restrict our freedoms, which will further increase the number of people who will resist.

In the end, the globalists will inevitably lose out, but it is up to us whether they do soon after they first caused billions of euros to be destroyed with their climate and war policies.

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No such thing as a free lunch?

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The Complete
utter fraud
of WIND power

June 2, 2017

The Global Wind Energy Council recently released its latest report, excitedly boasting that ‘the proliferation of wind energy into the global power market continues at a furious pace, after it was revealed that more than 54 gigawatts of clean renewable wind power was installed across the global market last year’.

You may have the impression from announcements like that, and from the obligatory pictures of wind turbines in any New York Times story, that wind power is making a big contribution to world energy today.

You would be wrong. Its contribution is still, after decades — nay centuries — of development, trivial to the point of irrelevance. Even after 30 years of huge subsidies, wind power provides only slightly more than zero energy to the world.

Even put together, wind and photovoltaic solar are supplying less than 1 per cent of global energy demand.

From the International Energy Agency’s 2016 Key Renewables Trends, we can see that wind provided 0.46 per cent of global energy consumption in 2014, and solar and tide combined provided 0.35 per cent. Remember this is total energy, not just electricity, which is less than a fifth of all final energy, the rest being the solid, gaseous, and liquid fuels that do the heavy lifting for heat, transport and industry.

Such numbers are not hard to find, but they don’t figure prominently in reports on energy derived from the Unreliables Lobby (solar and wind). Their trick is to hide behind the statement that close to 14 per cent of the world’s energy is renewable, with the implication that this is wind and solar.

In fact the vast majority — three quarters — is biomass (mainly wood), and a very large part of that is ‘traditional biomass’: sticks, logs, charcoal and dung burned by the poor in their homes to cook with. Those people need that energy, but they pay a big price in health problems caused by smoke inhalation.

Even in rich countries playing with subsidized wind and solar, a huge slug of their renewable energy comes from wood and hydro, the reliable renewables.

Meanwhile, world energy demand has been growing at about 2 per cent a year for nearly 40 years. Between 2013 and 2014, again using International Energy Agency data, it grew by just under 2,000 terawatt-hours.

If wind turbines were to supply all of that growth but no more, how many would need to be built each year? The answer is nearly 350,000, since a two-megawatt turbine can produce about 0.005 terawatt-hours per annum. That’s one-and-a-half times as many as have been built in the world since governments started pouring taxpayer money into this so-called industry in the early 2000s.

At a density of, very roughly, 50 acres per megawatt, typical for wind farms, that many turbines would require a land area half the size of the British Isles, including Ireland (61,000 sq mi). Every year.

If we kept this up for 50 years, we would have covered every square mile of a land area half the size of Russia with wind farms (3.05 million sq mi).

Remember, this would be just to fulfill the new demand for energy, not to displace the vast existing supply of energy from fossil fuels, which currently supply 80 per cent of global energy needs.

Further, the Unreliables Lobby cannot take refuge in the idea that wind turbines could become more efficient. There is a limit to how much energy you can extract from a moving fluid, the Betz limit, and wind turbines are already close to it.

And more: wind turbine effectiveness (the load factor, to use the engineering term) is determined by the wind that is available, and that varies at its own sweet will from second to second, day to day, year to year.

As machines, wind turbines are pretty good already; the problem is the wind resource itself, and we cannot change that. It’s a fluctuating stream of low–density energy. Mankind stopped using it for mission-critical transport and mechanical power long ago, for sound reasons. It’s just not very good.  How much global cargo is shipped by sailing ships these days?

As for resource consumption and environmental impacts, the direct effects of wind turbines — killing birds and bats, sinking concrete foundations deep into wild lands — is bad enough.

But out of sight and mind is the dirty pollution generated in Inner Mongolia by the mining of rare-earth metals for the magnets in the turbines. This generates toxic and radioactive waste on an epic scale, which is why the phrase ‘clean energy’ is such a sick joke and greenie politicians should be ashamed every time it passes their lips.

It gets worse.

Wind turbines, apart from the fiberglass blades, are made mostly of steel, with concrete bases. They need about 200 times as much material per unit of capacity as a modern combined cycle gas turbine. Steel is made with coal, not just to provide the heat for smelting ore, but to supply the carbon in the alloy. Cement is also often made using coal. The machinery of ‘clean’ renewables is the output of the fossil fuel economy, and largely the coal economy.

A two-megawatt wind turbine weighs about 250 metric tons, including the tower, nacelle, rotor and blades. Globally, it takes about half a ton of coal to make a ton of steel. Add another 25 tons of coal for making the cement and you’re talking 150 metric tons of coal per turbine.

Now if we are to build 350,000 wind turbines a year (or a smaller number of bigger ones), just to keep up with increasing energy demand, that will require 50 million metric tons of coal a year more than being mined now. That’s about half the EU’s hard coal–mining output.

The point of running through these numbers is to demonstrate that it is utterly futile, on a priori grounds, even to think that wind power can make any significant contribution to world energy supply, let alone to emissions reductions, without ruining the planet. As the extraordinary polymath Sir David MacKay pointed out, the arithmetic is against such unreliable renewables.

MacKay, former chief scientific adviser to the Department of Energy and Climate Change, said in the final interview before his tragic death last year that the idea that renewable energy could power the UK is an “appalling delusion” — for this reason, that there is not enough land.

The truth is, if you want to power civilization with fewer greenhouse gas emissions, then you should focus on shifting power generation, heat and transport to natural gas, the economically recoverable reserves of which — thanks to horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing — are much more abundant than we dreamed they ever could be.

It is also the lowest-emitting of the fossil fuels, so the emissions intensity of our wealth creation can actually fall while our wealth continues to increase.

And let’s put some of that burgeoning wealth in nuclear, fission and fusion, so that it can take over from gas in the second half of this century. That is an engineerable, clean future.

Everything else is a political displacement activity, one that is actually counterproductive as a climate policy and, worst of all, shamefully robs the poor to make the taxpayer-subsidized crony-rich even richer.

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Free energy
provided electricity
150 years ago

The horse-drawn streetcar
(horse-drawn carriage)

Proof that electricity was used by Mankind much earlier than official history tells us.

Think about it, how irrational is it to invest huge sums in the reorganization of the city, only to move the passenger flow was not on a flat road, but on the rails?

After some cataclysm, the ability to support the transportation infrastructure with electricity disappeared, while the railroad tracks remained, and, logically, these tracks were used by traditional horse-drawn traction.

The photo of Chicago, supposedly after the fire, looks more like the carpet bombing of Hamburg, Dresden, or Stalingrad.

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As more & more counties
get more solar farms…
from a STEPHENVILLE resident,
George Franklin:

I should start by telling you what bonafides I have for writing this.

I am a retired aerospace engineer.

A literal rocket scientist if you will.

I worked on MX (Peacekeeper) Space Shuttle, Hubble,
Brilliant Pebbles, PACOSS, Space Station, MMU, B2,
the Sultan of Brunei’s half billion dollar private 747
with crystal showers, gold sinks and 100 dollar a yard coiffed silk carpets.

I designed a satphone installation on prince Jeffry’s 757.

I did all of the design work for the structure of Mark 1V
propulsion module currently flying on at least 3 spacecraft that I know of.

Some of the more exciting projects I have worked on are not shareable.

I am also am FAA certified glider pilot and FAI certified gold glider pilot.

I fly both full scale and model sailplanes.


I am Microsoft certified and ComTIA A+ certified.

SOLAR PANELS are at best about

They convert almost 0% of the
UV light that hits them.

None of the visible spectrum and
only some of the IR spectrum.

At the same time as they are absorbing light
they are absorbing heat from the sun.

This absorbed HEAT is RADIATED

It should be obvious what happens next.

When air is warmed it rises.

Even small differences in ordinary land surfaces are
capable of creating powerful forces of weather like
thunderstorms and tornadoes.

These weather phenomena are initiated and reinforced
by land features as they are blown downwind.

It is all too obvious to me what will happen
with the heat generated by an entire solar farm.


Solar panels are dark and and they emit energy to
the space above them when they are not being radiated.

This is known as black-body radiation.

Satellites flying in space use this phenomenon
to cool internal components.

If they didn’t do this they would fry themselves.

So solar farms not only produce more heat in summer
than the original land that they were installed on,
but they also produce more cooling in winter,
thus exacerbating weather extremes.

So I conclude with this.

except the DIRTY MONEY flowing into corrupt pockets.

There is no such thing as green energy.

The science doesn’t exist.

The technology doesn’t exist.

The engineering doesn’t exist.

We are being pushed to save the planet
with solutions that are worse than the problems.

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You don’t pay for electricity
you pay for the
rental of the meter


After the Napoleonic wars of 1815, the Rothschilds bankrupted the United Kingdom by selling all their stocks and shares.

They knew that because of their status within the financial world as the main player, everyone would copy and do the same (which they did!). When the value was at rock bottom they came back in and bought everything.

To this day, they (Blackrock and Vanguard) still own every industry in the world including oil and pharmaceutical companies, all mainstream media organisations, education (large universities, schools) and more – all of these seemingly disparate systems are connected and funded by the same hand.

This is very important to understand.

The Rothschilds are just one faction of the Black Nobility bloodline who rule above them (a more complex topic for another conversation).

After this orchestrated bankruptcy, people were ordered to hand in their gold and silver in exchange for promissory notes (the cash system we have today) and the gold standard was officially removed in 1931 (UK) and 1933 (US) meaning money is backed by nothing and so was the birth of a new control system.

Since people were essentially forced to hand over their wealth and were now being used as collateral for the central bank loans, a deal was struck that every man and woman would have a share of the natural resources (i.e. energy, water etc) which basically meant free access to energy!

This was part of the deal.

The main resource at the time was coal and this was given freely to everyone.

Soon the use of coal advanced in to the production of electricity & gas – which again, was free for the people based on this original exchange deal. It wasn’t long before the Rothschild empire + the elitist bankers wanted to expand business and gain monopoly over these new energy sources.

At the time there were strikes from the coal miners who weren’t being paid fairly & demanded better working conditions.

Governments were instructed to orchestrate power cuts so the public would be frustrated thinking it was due to the coal miner strikes.

Using propaganda and PR trickery, the idea was sold that in order to solve these problems in the mines and stop power cuts, energy distribution would need to be monitored in order to keep track of how much power was being used in each household.

This vague, almost nonsensical reason
was promoted heavily using
psychologically manipulative
slogans/techniques and media campaigns
to convince people to allow the
installation of a meter in their home for
‘just a very small cost’
per month.

Using quotes such as ‘to make it fair for everyone!’ and ‘to keep you and your neighbours safe!’ this new, fraudulent system was accepted by the masses without any questioning or understanding that this went against the initial deal and was essentially a giant scam by the bankers to expand business.

The public were desperate to have running electricity again.

What reason did they have to disbelieve what they were being told?

They just wanted to heat and light their home without issues!

It is important to understand that
the monthly charge was NOT
and still to this day is not for the
usage of electricity like we are told,
but rather for the rental of the meter.

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Weird History: The Last President
Nikola Tesla
Radiant Energy

It would appear the Old World
harnessed Free Energy
the Earth’s electromagnetic
energy field:
think giant Magnets
within Architecture.

But zero research is talked about.

Just go get indoctrinated at school,
get your vaccines, stay addicted to sex,
money, drugs and alcohol
and work to pay your debt …

… and  keep Free Energy ideas quiet

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Click HERE
for one of the most astonishing videos ever made

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don't miss anything
watch at a slower speed
50% suggested

One of the most astonishing videos ever.

Don't miss this.


aEther is the element, mysteriously removed from our current periodic table, that’s thought to fill the region of the Universe above the Terrestrial sphere.

In mythology it was thought to be the pure essence that the Gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals.

All cities located at strategic points on Earth along rivers, seas and oceans were Star Fortresses
utilising electromagnetic energy extracted from the aEther.

The energy in the aEther was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in red and white striped power stations of the high civilisation called Tartary.

There was always a water fountain close by.

This planetary civilisation was destroyed in the 20th century using floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations and epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was passed into the hands of the Parasites who falsified our past history and created the current docile civilisation of an ignorant species, we call humans, that it has enslaved.

During the ficticous period of April-July 1887 a ficticious investigation led by the fictitional Albert A Michelson and Edward W. Morely set out to, and succeeded in, conclude that aEther does not exist.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment the equally-false theory of the fake and manufactured Einstein that all current non-science rests. Einstein was not a scientist and employed by Freemasons to create a fake theory, that did not make any sense and therefore could not be understood, to confuse people

Names of other scientists, like Mendelov would glamorously fill the falsified-history books after our defeat and are also false.

All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the previous civilisation.

NOTHING was invented or discovered
by our civilisations during the 19th-20th centuries.

EVERYTHING already existed and was simply passed on to us to be ‘discovered’ or ‘invented’ in a time-frame not of our making.

Consequently, people are blinded, non-informed and ignorant Tartaria, a highly advanced civilisation that existed before our current world of mediocrity, since it’s been erased from all our history and education.

However, it's previous existence is clearly visible to those who want to look a bit closer at much of our current World’s infrastructures, technologies and architecture.

click image for video


the water which
connects everything

Video edition by

Essay by

"aEther is the material supposed to
fill the region of the universe
above the terrestrial sphere.

In mythology, it was thought to be
the pure essence that the gods breathed,

filling the space where they lived,
analogous to the air breathed by mortals"


(From wikipedia)

"aEther is the material supposed to fill the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere.

In mythology, it was thought to be the pure essence that the gods breathed, filling the space where they lived, analogous to the air breathed by mortals"

All cities located at strategic points on earth along rivers, seas and oceans were star fortress and had electromagnetic energy extracted from the ether.

The energy was captured through towers and obelisks and stored in the red and white striped power stations of the high civilization called Tartary.

They always had a fountain with water near them.


This Planetary Civilization was destroyed in the 20th century through floods, energy weapons, scheduled mass exterminations, epidemics.

All the architecture and technology was then stolen and passed into the hands of parasites, who falsified our past and created the current ignorant civilisation

On the fictitious date of April-July 1887, a fictitious investigation, led by the fictional scientists Albert A. Michelson and Edward W. Morley, intended to prove that the Aether did not exist.

The fabricated Morley-Michelson experiment concluded that there was no Aether.

It is in the shadow of this false experiment that the false theory of relativity, by equally false Einstein, and all current science rest.

All the scientists, including Mendeleev, whose names would glamorously fill the history books after our defeat, are false.

All the fundamentals of modern technology were reared by the Previous Civilization.

Nothing was invented
or discovered in the
19th-20th centuries - (by us)
that we use today.

Everything we take for granted now
is inherited.

It's 'invention' and and release
is timed to let us think
our society is 'clever'
and 'developing'.

If someone does invent something useful
(like a water-powered car or a 
medical device facilitating natural healing)
they'd be advised to keep it to themselves
as these people seem to have a habit
of disappearing, along with their inventions.

What they invariably do is go running to
the 'Patents' office to announce their invention
thereby alerting that they need special attention.

Everything already existed in the world empire
that I call 'White Federation'.

Some people are suspicious of Tartaria's existence
since they had never heard of it before they saw
the first version of my Aether video two years ago.

But they were blind.

These people fail to realize that
Tartaria' is just a word to designate
the Highly Advanced Civilization
that existed before the current
mediocre one and whose presence is
blatantly visible in all of the
whole world's infrastructure,
technology and architecture.

Click image for video

FAKE history

Tartaria is never
spoken about or taught
and has been erased
from history

Trump Towers
Tesla Towers...
they are built of Gold

They are also
time travel machines...

Nikola Tesla made the
NewYorker building
into one...

Question :- Where would be a good place
to hide famous people in the
witness protection program?

Answer : - ... in hotel rooms that are
portals to time travel
... hidden in plain sight!


The original
Eiffel Tower

This was the original design of the Eiffel Tower and served its purpose of collecting free energy like many other Old World buildings. In addition, airships could dock at the top.

It is officially claimed that this design was never realized as seen in the painting and that the Eiffel Tower was only a temporary building for the World's Fair and it was only later accidentally discovered that it could be used as a radio station.

What a huge fairy tale that the historians of this world are trying to tell us once again.

The truth is, the Eiffel Tower originally stood exactly as shown in the painting and was then sort of neutered for the World's Fair.

Only those who know the truth about the past can understand the present and shape the future!

Video - click image for video

is it a battery?

click image for video

History is made up.
Everything that happened
before 1860
is hidden from us.

click 'orphan' link to go to page

... the mystery gets deeper!

As time went on, our own research into this subject uncovered another mystery which, though it's likely related, we decided need it's own page as it's a huge subject all by itself.

It's about the ORPHANS that started appearing in huge numbers around the early-mid 1800s. 

Nor was they 'children', old enough to look after themselves, they was babies, that needed looking after by nurses in orphanages - of which there seemed to be an  ample supply of. 

Odd, given that promiscuity of 'fallen' women was frowned up in those times and that a baby produced by one could expect little charity from the society of that era.

It appears that a planned and organised re-population on earth was going on.

Who was responsible for this, why it was deemed necessary to hide it/lie about it- and why it was deemed necessary to keep it hidden from history is not know, (yet).

This page offers little in answers and much in question. 

Maybe an explanation will occur one day - but not if we allow it to remain in the darkness of our fake-world-history story we've been fed.

And by whom? 

And, then,  perpetuated in all taught,
(or more correctly untaught?), history.

Our research has not yet come up with an explanation to this subject - but there's so much material now coming to light we decided to separate into a new topic.

For now - check out the information below, (all sourced from elsewhere), bring yourself up to speed.

The various video platforms,
e.g. YouTube, Bitchute, Rumble ... etc.
will also provide a colossal amount of
information for those
who choose to research further.

Roman underfloor heating
the date we're told
makes no sense

Roman heating worked like this: hot gases were vented into cavities in the walls and floor, heating the dwelling, only then escaping through the chimney from the house.

But this system consisted of fireclay bricks, found by archaeologists.

The problem is that fireclay bricks are fired at 1'300-1'500°C in rotary kilns.

No idea how an ancient Roman could get it if the wood produced a maximum of 900°C and the coal 1200°C?

Not enough temperature! And that kind of temperature became possible closer to the 15th century.

The Romans just didn't know they didn't have the right technology.

Well, either the dating is wrong by a thousand and a half years. Or history is deliberately "aged" and "ancient"

Rome was in the 15th century.

click image for video

What is the
Tartarian conspiracy?

Brian Wilson breaks down more insights
into the history, advanced technology,
and architecture
attributed to the Tartarian people.

Click image for video

History that
has been hidden?

The greatest empire
that may or may not have existed.

What do we know about Tartaria?

I am joined by Guy Anderson,
author and reseacher,
who introduces me to the
so-called conspiracy of Tartaria.


click image for video


click image for video

There is NO SPACE

𒐆𒐆𒐆 >>> MATRIX <<< 𒐆𒐆𒐆

>  There is no space, (in the way we are taught to think about it we live in a completely enclosed ecosystem under a dome called the firmament )

>   NO one can come visit from another planet because they can’t break through the dome.

>   For the same reason no one can fly to another planet.

>   When they talk about space and planets they mean deep ocean and other continents accessible only via the deep ocean.

  Antarctica is not a continent -it’s a giant containment ice-wall surrounding a crater called earth it’s also called the van Allen belt.

>  One can leave the earth crater only deep under the ocean through gates on the bottom of the ocean and reach other continents called planets.

>  The seven planets of our solar system are allegories and are not physical places/realms.

  We reside on this giant continuous terrain/realm called the universe.

>  There are many other continents called planets outside the Antarctica wall.

>  There are many living beings living on these continents outside the earth crater called aliens.

  These aliens are previous creations and some of them look humanoid.

>  There are humans being enslaved on the other continents outside of the earth crater -what they call space colonies hence why over [ 8 ] million humans disappear every year.

>  The original nepheline bloodlines are alive and well living underground the earth crater and on the other continents outside Antarctica belt.

  The earth is not as old as we are told - it’s way younger than we are told.

>  We are currently in year 723 +/- a few years A.D. and not in year 2023.

> 1300 years of invented human history never happened - they were simply added to obscure the destruction of Tartar and explain architecture and remaining artefacts.

Tartarian super-advanced technology was deliberately destroyed although it is unclear who destroyed it and who the parasites were Tartaria did exist although I believe its location is different than what we are told and also its original name is most likely different too its descendants have survived and live outside of the earth crater one thing.

I have been unable to confirm is whether the Tartarians are descendants / bloodlines of the Nepheline although I do believe that is most likely the case.

>  Most of the aliens are manufactured synthetic robotoids.

>  There was a mass manufacture of human [most likely cloned] babies therefore the sudden explosion of orphans with unknown origins in the late 1800s and early 1900s - it’s possible these were the original soulless NPC bloodlines that represent more than half of all humans today.

>  The earth is a non-rotating stationary flat realm/crater within a much larger continuous terrain/plane/realm called the universe.

>  Souled humans are being farmed as animals the words male and female female actually depict the sex of an animal not human in the late 1770s and early 1800s humans were only described by the words man woman boy and girl and then suddenly for unknown reasons [or more likely under unknown influence] humans began to be described as female and male which was the way only animals were described at the time.

>  There is more than one great flood the question is who and what caused the more recent ones.

>  The Egyptian civilization is not the oldest one the Bosnian pyramids are twice as large as the Egyptian ones and have been hidden from the world for the longest time.

In fact there are pyramids all over Europe quite a few of them older and bigger than the Egyptian ones even the Mexican pyramids are older than the Egyptian ones - there has been a concerted effort to hide a vast amount of history from us.

> I come from a tribe that is 2500 years old one of the oldest in Europe I have the feeling that we will discover that a significant part of the Egyptian and Babylonian history is fabricated.

Thrive Part 1

Thrive was first released in 2012
and has had tens of millions of views

It’s theme is considered MORE relevant
now than it was then

Film Synopsis:

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.

Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

Thrive Part 2

Thrive 1 was first released in 2012
and has had tens of millions of views

click image for video


Peak oil/Petroleum
is not a fossil fuel
made from ancient dead things
nor is it going to run out

Peak oil does not come from ancient dead things.

It’s abundant – and it’s not going to run out any time soon.

It’s a regenerating mineral.

It was made expensive in the same way as diamonds, (which are also plentiful and also have little value – other than what the marketers convince us we need to pay for them.

Try buying a diamond and then returning it to the shop for what you paid for it – even immediately afterwards).


Peak oil Oil is not a fossil fuel.

We’ve been fed a line by the oil barons that oil is expensive to locate and produce, (there’s no cost), that it’s scarce and a limited resource and that one day it’s going to run out.

As a result the oil ‘barons’ have been able to make fortunes selling it to us at a hefty price.

More importantly they’ve controlled countries economies and foreign policies based on this fallacy.

All fake

It turns out … oil is the 4th most abundant liquid on earth.

(Magma is first, liquid iron (as in core) is a rather distant second, and water is very distant third. Oil is fourth).

So, who would possibly have the resources to pull off a
con job like this for so long … who indeed ..?

Maybe the same ruthless business man who took over control of
oil industry, medical industry, education system, all media, 
and business’ and governments – whole countries that rely on them.

click image for video

Earth Truths

Clever man!

He knows the truth about oil and its origin.

And it is not organic – because of some dead dinos and trees, it is naturally built in the earth’s crust the very moment we are speaking now, it is UNLIMITED.

This alone abolishes the fraud about dinosaurs, evolution and therefore the spinning ball earth.

Prof. Konstatin Meyl demonstrates in front of some major oil magnates how he can produce petrol in minutes, no dead dinos!

Click image for full article

Nikola Tesla
Radiant Energy System

Nikola Tesla was a multi-disciplinary genius.

His discovery of the rotating magnetic field in 1882 led to a series of US Patents in 1888, which gave us the AC electric power system still in use today.

This one achievement earned him the honor of being called “The Man Who Invented the 20th Century”. But his research went way beyond what has found its way into everyday use.

He is the recognized inventor of the brushless AC induction motor, the radio, remote control by the radio, super-conductivity, fluorescent lighting, the bladeless turbine engine and pump, the capacitor discharge ignition system for automobile engines, the mechanical oscillator, and dozens of other inventions.

But he also discovered that useful energy could be extracted from the heat of the ambient air and that electric power in the form of Radiant Energy could be broadcast to everyone in the world through the ground.


Video - click image for full article

Nikola Tesla
only  a few people on Earth
know about this!

Imagine this!
posted in 1896
and we’re paying
for power in 2021.

If Tesla was alive he’d be
rolling in his grave.

Free energy has been suppressed
because it would create
freedom for all humanity.

Nikola Tesla revealed that an earthquake
which drew police and ambulances
to the region of his laboratory at
48 E. Houston St., New York, in 1898,
was the result of a machine
he was experimenting with at the time.

“I was experimenting with vibrations.

I had one of my machines going and
I wanted to see if I could get it in tune
with the vibration of the building.

I put it up notch after notch.

There was a peculiar cracking sound.

I asked my assistants where did the sound come from.

They did not know.

I put the machine up a few more notches.

There was a louder cracking sound.

I knew I was approaching the vibration of the steel building.

I pushed the machine a little higher.

Suddenly all the heavy machinery in the place was flying around.

I grabbed a hammer and broke the machine.

The building would have been about our ears in another few minutes.
Outside in the street there was pandemonium.

The police and ambulances arrived.

I told my assistants to say nothing.

Where is the machine today?

Electricity taken from air
drives generator

Electricity taken from air
drives automobile

In 1921 Nikola Tesla’s Pierce-Arrow electric car ran on pure etheric electricity.

This is a self recharging car, it does not run on batteries, oil or gas.

Electric vehicles have been around for much longer than most people realize.

This is not even a myth, just a cover up of our lost technology so that they could bill us every step of the way, and have a complete control over us. Free energy = Independence, freedom from the matrix, freedom to go wherever you want, live off grid, have heat and electricity, and live your life happily without government interferences.

derived from air drives car

This is Nikola Tesla’s 1921 Pierce-Arrow electric car,
powered by pure etheric electricity.

It is a self-charging car; it does not run on batteries, oil, or gas.

Electric cars have been around much longer
than many people think.

It’s not even a myth, just a cover-up of lost technology

click image for video

C. Earl Ammann
and his
‘atmospheric generator’
powered car: 1921

Denver Post –
Monday, August 8, 1921
Earl Ammann and his
‘atmospheric generator’ powered car:

Denver Post — Monday, August 8, 1921 Denver Man invents generator that takes electricity from air & propels automobile believes he has apparatus that will revolutionize power & lighting & gives it a test on streets of city.

Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air?

Denver electrical experts say “yes”, and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.


Has an invention been made that will revolutionize the electrical world? Will the apparatus conceived by a Denver man light buildings, run automobiles, battleships, power plants by the unlimited supply of electricity in the air?

Denver electrical experts say “yes”, and the young inventor, C. Earl Ammann, Monday demonstrated his invention by attaching it to an old automobile and running it about the city.

An atmospheric generator is the name of Ammann’s apparatus. It is a compact, cylindrical object with two small brass spheres protruding from the top.

Inside, Ammann says, is an arrangement of steel wires and minerals, so fixed as to draw the electricity from the air, condense it and utilize it for driving power.

The automobile which Ammann used for his demonstration Monday was the body and chassis of an electric vehicle.

There are said to be no batteries in the car.

It propelled itself with remarkable speed at the touch of the foot, climbed hills and glided through a maze of traffic under easy control.

Seems this company is still in business

  Tesla, Radiant Energy Motors

Careful To Conceal His Invention ~

When asked by skeptical persons if he had a storage battery concealed inside of the power cylinder, Ammann said:

“As badly as I would like to show the inside of my invention, I can’t, for I have not yet obtained the patent rights.

It would be exposing the result of seven years of work to open the cylinder.

I leave for Washington this week to obtain the patent rights.

When I return I will gladly show everything and I can only say, wait until then and time will tell.

“I have bucked every law of the textbooks to perfect the invention.

It appears on the order of the wireless telephone but it is decidedly different, except that the electricity is derived from the air.

It will run anywhere except under water.

The automobile is only a simple test.

The generator will light buildings, do away with steam turbines, and, in fact, propel any kind of engine motor”.

J. N. Davis, the proprietor of the Davis Electric Garage company, at 921 East 14th Avenue, and one of the oldest electrical men in Denver, made a thorough study of the generator.

Electrical Man Has Faith In It ~

“I believe that Mr. Ammann has at least made the invention which will revolutionize power”, Mr. Davis said.

“Of course, we don’t know what is inside of the generator and the inventor would be foolish to show us.

We have long known that certain minerals exist, which if properly arranged together, would furnish power.

That, in substance, according to the blueprints of the invention, is the basis of the whole thing.

“If the generator has been perfected to the extent that it will propel an automobile, the rest of its work is assured. It will be the greatest invention of the age.

The electricity obtained from the air, first passing through the generator, would be available for any use”.

So impressed was Mr. Davis that he offered the use of his building for Mr. Ammann’s headquarters. Ammann, who is but 28 years old, came to Denver from Spokane, Washington.

He is an electrical engineer and lives at the Argonaut Hotel.


click image for video

Then he was killed


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Edison Promoting electric car
1000 mile run with his
“new” (at that time) battery

1910. New York.

More than 110 years ago we had electric cars that had 1000 miles run batteries on a single charge, which is at least 2-3 times better than todays best electric car battery.

Back in the day they didn’t use Lithium batteries, instead they used Sodium ion batteries which were much more powerful, safer and cleaner for production and environment.

click image for video

History is a Lie

Armoured Skeptic

click image for video

slide show

click image for video

Free Energy is Real?
History is a Lie

Armoured Skeptic

click button for PDF

The Global Wireless Energy Network

Nikola Tesla’s dream for the world was
for everyone to be able to tap into a
wireless energy grid for free.

He might have gotten that idea
from a Ancient Civilization.



As the truckers convoy
comes thru the United States,
along with the
Jerry Cans of fuel.

As the prices of oil skyrocketed

Nikola Tesla’s Free Energy would
eliminate any need for any fossil fuels.

Wireless Energy is available for all to use –
the nanotechnology embedded in the mind
are blockades in the conduits.

COVID-19, the bioweapon on Humanity
with A.I hijacking LIGHT bodies into trans-humanism,
like Skynet/Google.

The Reptilians enact their control over Humanity
with symbolism in the form of World Leaders,
Governments, CDC, FBI and much more.

These Agencies or Governments
never held Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton,
Barack Obama, Michelle Obama

John F Kennedy Jr.
19th Vice President

click image for video


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Forgotten Ancient Technologies

Click image for video

Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 1 episodes 1-7

Click image for video

Lost History of Flat Earth
What on Earth Happened?
episodes 1-13

Click image for video

Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 1

The Great Flood

Click image for video

Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 2

The Master Key

Click image for video

Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 3

The Two Books of Mankind

click image for video



Star forts


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