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Richard Vobes
YouTube Videos
over 180k subscribers

I am Richard Vobes,
also known as The Bald Explorer
and now also as one half of
The English Couple.

I have created this channel
to express my concerns over
the way things are in the world.

Particularly those issues that
affect us here in England.

creates many videos
on a daily basis
and it’s not practical
to mention all of them
here on this web page.

Make sure you visit his
You Tube Channel
for the latest.

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  Go to You Tube channel
for all content

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Settle your utility bills

You can access the Trust
and pay your utility bills easily.
I have done it and it
has been 'accepted'.


If you choose to take this route, be careful.

Your problem is - the utility biller won't like you much.

People taking on utility billing companies,
may think have a 'win' where the biller sort of
'gives up' trying to collect relatively small amounts of money
as it's getting too expensive for them.

So the biller takes it on the chin and writes to the person
that their account is cleared -
'but please take your business somewhere else'.

Problem is, if a new biller finds out what happened
- then they won't take on that person.

Be careful - and have a plan 'B' if you decide to try this out.

There's some links below for some documents that might help you.

We have not produced any of this material
and accept no responsibility for your outcome
if you choose to use

  Pay Government and Corporate Bills
with Cestui Que Trust

Click image for video

The Baron David Ward Affidavit

We need to use the
Baron David Ward Affidavit
to stop the fraud when it comes to debts
and other legal injustices says
Kirsty, my guest and advocate
of the lawful system.

  Baron David Ward Contract
Rumble Channel

  Baron David Ward Contract
Audio video on Brighteon

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Break free from their control …

From birth we are told what to do.

We forget that we are unique and are
here to thrive and
express ourselves
in our own individual way.

Be you, and
don’t allow them to control you

Click image for video

Richard Vobes
interview video
A new beginning
for our world

I talk to Thomas Williams,
the author of
‘A New Blueprint for Humanity’
about his concept of starting afresh
with a common sense approach
to living on this planet.


  Home of Thomas Williams

New Blueprint for Humanity

Click image for video

History that
has been hidden?

The greatest empire
that may or may not have existed.

What do we know about Tartaria?

I am joined by Guy Anderson,
author and reseacher,
who introduces me to the
so-called conspiracy of Tartaria.

click this image to go to video

We are doing it all wrong

The lies that have been put upon us
have warped our thinking …

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The ‘establishment’
rotten to the core!

Rob, the Rat Catcher,
is back with more evidence and
stories of corruption in the police,
the courts and council services.

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evidence of
UK Government fraud

Former policeman, Gary Waterman,
joins me to expose a huge government fraud
surround illegal practices at Company House
and the registration process, and how this
makes the tax system unlawful.

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Council Tax
We need an Inquiry!

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Protecting your property


How do you protect your property
from the bully boys of the state
and third party interlopers?

Peter Wilson joins me to
explain the basic principles
of the private trust.

click this image to go to video

Why do we keep
going along with it?

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Questions for Councils

A viewer, pushing back against the
unfair and some might say fraudulent,
way the council tax is collected,
has asked his council some
interesting questions.

1. Are you or any of your colleagues aware that you do not actually work for a County Council?

2. Are you aware that SoandSo County Council (SCC) is actually a Dun and Bradstreet listed corporation?

3. Under what jurisdiction is a public listed corporation able to send out demands for money without a signed contract?

4. Under what law does SCC have authority to photocopy a likeness of a Law Court Official Crest onto their paperwork?

5. Under what law does SCC have authority to actually raise a ‘NOTICE’ which purports to be a legal ‘SUMMONS’?

6. Under what law does SCC have authority to raise its’ own summonses?

7. Under what law is SCC able to hire a room at X Magistrates Court (XMC) and conduct its’ own hearings?

8. In the question of the two liability orders that we await sight of, who actually signed these?

9. Do said liability orders carry the official seal of XMC?

10. Are summonses raised in this manner valid or fraudulent?

11. Are liability orders raised in this manner valid or fraudulent?

12. What subsequent paper work is raised by SCC and how is the supposed debt assigned to an enforcement agency?

13. Am I right in saying that the prescribed forms for liability orders have not been in use since 2003?

14. Under what law is such an enforcement agency empowered to use threats and menaces to extort money and goods from a man and a woman living in a private property?

15. What powers do enforcement agencies have without an official court stamped and signed liability order?

16. Has SCC ultimately followed the due process of LAW in dealing with this situation?

17. If SCC does not hold a liability order and the court has no record of sums awarded against individuals in bulk hearings and cannot produce a liability order, then essentially there is no liability order.

Is that correct?

18 If neither SCC nor XMC can produce a court stamped and certified copy of the amount awarded against my wife and myself and SCC have merely produced a NOTICE, then surely council tax is unenforceable?

19 If SCC cannot prove to us that they have lawfully raised said summonses then surely we must accept that they are fraudulent?

20 Therefore, any subsequent liability orders must also be fraudulent?

21 Which in turn surely makes any actions taken by enforcement agents fraudulent?

22 The result of which must then mean that council tax is unenforceable?

23 Is it true that the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) has ruled that liability orders are NOT court orders?

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More problems
for Council Tax

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Council Tax debts
now unenforceable!

December 2023

Great news if you are
behind with payment
for the council tax.

A landmark ruling has
benefited thousands across the country.

Divine intervention, I think.

click this image to go to video

The ancestors
are calling me …

November 2023

It has been quite a journey
the past year,
but I now know what I must do
and where I am going.

click this image to go to video

Happy with your lot
or is there something better?

November 2023

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Alternatives to
local governance

November 2023

Common Law is Common Sense

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Are they destroying
child birth?

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Avoiding distractions and fear…

November 2023

The fear monster is dying
and it is time to start to take back
the control of our lives..

click this image to go to video

Liz Gunn declares
in New Zealand
and is calling for a
criminal investigation

October 2023

The leader of a new party in New Zealand
is calling for a criminal investigation
into the ‘thing’ that has been
causing deaths in her country
as well as elsewhere in the world.

  Click this image
to see entire video

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What is the
Consolidated Fund?

November 2023

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Tell them it is

November 2023

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It’s been hidden
for decades

November 2023

What ‘they’ want you to think
is alternative is far from it.

Water, light and magnetism hold
the key to greater health.

I am joined by Jeremy Ayres and Graham Norbury
to discuss the amazing benefits of nature health.

click this image to go to video

Get outside and embrace it

November 2023

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Liberty or freedom?

November 2023

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The world is upside down …

September 2023

The world isn’t all it seems.

My journey has taught me to be
tolerant to new ideas and things
that challenge me.

How about you?

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Are we doing enough?

October 2023

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What is Common Law?

October 2023

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Is democracy really fair?

November 2023

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Their rules only apply
if you consent

November 2023

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This man is out of the system
You can be too!

November 2023

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We shall win this

October 2023

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We are in charge, not them

September 2023

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Smart Meters
say NO
they are dangerous!

October 2023

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You are far richer
than you realise

October 2023

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Crop circles,
and what they
might be telling us.

October 2023

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The King that nobody wanted

May 2023

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The King prorogues parliament,
so what next?

October 2023

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It’s going to be

May 2023

People are rising up
against the tyranny of government.

Grassroots movements.

I talk to Joe and Adrian
from the Great Rising movement.

click this image to go to video

People are rising up
to make a better world

October 2023

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Is the UK Driving Test
failing people on purpose?

October 2023

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Seven Principles
Public Life

October 2023

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How they
secretly control us!

October 2023

Silent Weapons
(for quiet wars)

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How the ‘legal’ system
takes advantage of you!

October 2023

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are they running scared?

October 2023

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They knew
it didn’t work from the start!

Vaccinations proved
useless and dangerous

October 2023

As you will see from
this booklet sent to me.

The Government were aware that the
medical intervention they mandated
on the population not only wouldn’t work,
but potentially cause deaths.

Yet they pressed on.

Proved Useless
& Dangerous

click this image to go to video

Council Tax
We can prove
it’s a FRAUD!

October 2023

Six thousand names and addresses
have been leaked.

Rob, Peace Officer, joins me with his colleague,
Blakey, to report how Portsmouth residents
have had their personal data breached
by Portsmouth Magistrates Court
and how Council Tax is, in general,
a complete fraud.

click this image to go to video

Councils are Corporations

October 2023

When a corporation sends you an
invoice for money,
like a Council Tax demand,
one has to ask,
where is the contract,
the obligation,
the agreement that you made with them?

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We hold you
personally responsible
and accountable.

October 2023

I am going to have to guess whether
MPs have turned up for Andrew Bridgen’s
debate on the problem of increased excess
deaths since the medical intervention
that happened in 2021.

If they don’t appear to take part,
then I think it is obvious that they
ought to be held accountable
for those and future deaths.

click this image to go to video


Can you SEE
the change?

October 2023

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The system is fraudulent,
corrupt and broken!

October 2023

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Ring the bells
for freedom
and non-compliance

October 2023

We know something is about to kick-off.

We know the ‘Powers that Were’
are still trying to hold on and
cause trouble in their death throes.

But let us not comply with their
rubbish schemes and power grabs.

click this image to go to video

Who are the Illuminati and
what have they planned?

October 2023

Liz Philips, from
The Great Resist,
joins me to discuss,

Dean and Jill Henderson’s book:
Illuminati Agenda 21.

Who are they, what are they planning
for mankind and how can we stop them?

click this image to go to video

Saving our free will.

October 2023

The power of no is well
within our hands.

We do not have to agree to the
nonsense coming down the pipe,

but we must be aware of it.

Ignoring or being silent is as
good as agreeing to it.

click this image to go to video

The day is coming …
Anarchy cometh

May 2023

click either image to go to video

Design your own

You would never
do it this way

September 2023

If you put list the key features
of government today,
you would never vote for it,
and yet millions do so.



This website is always
'work in progress'.

None of the content of this website is original
and is sourced from that readily available on
the public domain and cannot be verified for accuracy.


It is posted here because of it's
perceived interest value only
and should be considered untruthful
and inaccurate, (possibly satire).


While we try to ensure the accuracy of items
mistakes/misinformation/disinformation will
occasionally occur and we invite your corrections.


Any/all information, including that
containing religious or political content
are the opinions of the author and
their inclusion does not reflect the views
or opinions of the website creator.


If you opt to ignore this message and choose to
rely on or accept anything you find on this website
- and act on it without doing our own research -
that's down to you.


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