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The Banker The Banker
William Montague 3rd.
The Banker
Performed By Mike Daviot
Written, Directed and Produced By:
Craig-James Moncur
The Banker
Hello, my name is Montague William 3rd
And what I will tell you may well sound absurd
But the less who believe it the better for me
For you see I'm in Banking and big industry
For many a year we have controlled your lives
While you all just struggle and suffer in strife
We created the things that you don't really need
Your sports cars and Fashions and Plasma TV's
I remember it clearly how all this begun
Family secrets from Father to Son
Inherited knowledge that gives me the edge
While you peasants, people lie sleeping at night in your beds
We control the money that controls your lives
Whilst you worship false idols and wouldn't think twice
Of selling your souls for a place in the sun
These things that won't matter when your time is done
But as long as they're there to control the masses
I just sit back and consider my assets
Safe in the knowledge that I have it all
While you common people are losing your jobs
You see I just hold you in utter contempt
But the smile on my face well it makes me exempt
For I have the weapon of global TV
Which gives us connection and invites empathy
You would really believe that we look out for you
While we Bankers and Brokers are only a few
But if you saw that then you'd take back the power
Hence daily terrors to make you all cower
The Panics the crashes the wars and the illness
That keep you from finding your Spiritual Wholeness
We rig the game and we buy out both sides
To keep you enslaved in your pitiful lives
So go out and work as your body clock fades
And when it's all over a few years from the grave
You'll look back on all this and just then you'll see
That your life was nothing, a mere fantasy
There are very few things that we don't now control
To have Lawyers and Police Force was always a goal
Doing our bidding as you march on the street
But they never realise they're only just sheep
For real power resides in the hands of a few
You voted for parties what more could you do
But what you don't know is they're one and the same
Old Gordon has passed good old David the reigns
And you'll follow the leader who was put there by you
But your blood it runs red while our blood runs blue
But you simply don't see its all part of the game
Another distraction like money and fame
Get ready for wars in the name of the free
Vaccinations for illness that will never be
The assault on your children's impressionable minds
And a micro chipped world, you'll put up no fight
Information suppression will keep you in toe
Depopulation of peasants was always our goal
But eugenics was not what we hoped it would be
Oh yes it was us that funded Nazis!
But as long as we own all the media too
What's really happening does not concern you
So just go on watching your plasma TV
And the world will be run by the ones you can't see
Written By Craig-James Moncur
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How the system works

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How do BANKS really work
when “Money” and “DOLLARS”
are completely separate “things”.
A DOLLAR is a Military or Company Scrip, an internal bank note or promise to pay at some point in the future and only relates to the “internal” private account holders of such a private “corporate” banking entity.
A DOLLAR is not money evidenced by the Latin meanings of both words: “Dollar” and “Money” The very word Bank, does not mean “Safe”, a bank is the edge of a river, that controls (Directs) the flow of current, (Currency) energy is current, dollars are the ACCOUNTS of debt currency
So, a bank does not have money!
it is just the 'director' of the
FLOW of debt currency.
(Debt titles being DOLLAR’s)
The gold is you, being the dominion over the Mineral and Energy wealth that was originally granted to the living man and without you acting as the ACCOUNT holder of their bank, (Under a hidden TRUST-LAW-SPLIT-TITLE arrangement that renders you as the Legal Title holder of their ACCOUNT), they lose equitable rights over your Dominion because Dominion was never granted to a dead entity such as a corporation, “Dominion” was only ever granted to man and the Bank can only act as a commercial “agent” of living man on the condition such a living man has agreed or been deceived into acting as the DEAD ACCOUNT holder of such a BANK in order that the “Equitable Title” falls into the hands of the Bank.
The BANK sits between your “Christian” name (CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH) and your “SURNAME” (STATE BIRTH CERTIFICATE) as an Agent-administrator of the Christian name (Christian ACCOUNT. being the separate CERTIFICATE OF BIRTH, birthed on the registration date), Once the BANK can deceive you into assuming that “their” SURNAME, that looks a lot like your heritage name, (“Smith” is glossed into “SMITH”) the bank assumes consent in order to confer the legal title of the BANK to their SURNAME that you assumed was your property.
(ALL UPPERCASE TEXT is a foreign written language identified in article 11:147 of the: Chicago Manual of Styles 16th edition) Your surname glossed into a foreign SIGN language, is not your property! but when you attach your Christian name, being the name that is attached to your dominion, to their foreign ALL UPPERCASE SURNAME you, by your own consent, become subject to the ACCOUNT of their property … So simple but so effective and yet so biblically perfect once you violate the laws of the first GOD by serving the false God, GOD of the person-corporation.
The POWER of TRUST-LAW is the greatest power of all… Trust Law is Master-Servant, relationship, it does not work backwards, it is the system of conferring debt ACCOUNTS onto the unsuspecting…
The one who accepts LEGAL TITLE
is the one who acknowledges that the
Equitable Title is with the one who
granted such a man the LEGAL TITLE.
can not be held by a 'living man'.
Only a “Person”
(a corporation)
can hold 'Legal Title'
and what is a Person you may ask,
it is the legal title holder of man.
The thing that created the
“Person”, being a mask in a play,
was the VATICAN: “ROME”.
The Word “Vatican” means:
“vat I can”,
meaning ...
... “holder or vessel I can do”,
meaning, the VATICAN has become
the first Trustee Legal Title holder
of the dominion of the living man.
The VATICAN has become the beast of burden, it has no jurisdiction with living man because it agreed to act as the trustee… The VATICAN, that now held the Legal Title over the Dominion of man, offered the ACCOUNTS of the Legal Title to its own Persons by offering such a title to a living man and only when the living man was deceived into accepting such an ACCOUNT, did such a man become the “assumed debtor trustee person” of the world debts of the VATICAN and such acceptance of such an ACCOUNT was the “conformation” that granted Equitable Title back to the VATICAN because the living man accepted Legal Title, rendering the living man to fall into the jurisdiction of the DEAD ACCOUNT holder of the VATICAN beast instead of being the first trustee to the real GOD of living man.
The VATICAN is the
GOD of the dead persons
because it was not God of man that created
the DEAD juristic corporate Person, it was
the VATICAN that created such a thing as the “Person”.
is the false GOD.

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(Chapter 1)

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(Chapter 2)

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(Chapter 3)

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(Chapter 4)

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(Chapter 5)

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(Chapter 6)

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(Chapter 7)

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(Chapter 8)

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A Thousand Pieces
A Thousand Pieces is a feature length
documentary film that exposes the
top down corruption within the CIA & FBI.
The film is supported by incredible
insider testimony from members of
the CIA, FBI and Classified Government Programs.

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Thrive Part 1
Thrive was first released in 2012
and has had tens of millions of views
It’s theme is considered MORE relevant
now than it was then
Film Synopsis:
THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s REALLY going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives.
Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

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Thrive Part 2
Thrive 1 was first released in 2012
and has had tens of millions of views

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Dystopia Downunder
Foster Gamble Speaks with
Max Igan and Ricardo Bosi

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Age of Disclosure

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PROOF of how
the Main-Stream Media
thinks it
you see
Rather than
it makes it up or
modifies or ignores it
to suit it’s agenda
You get to see what the media wants
regardless of whether it’s true or not.

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Glenn Beck Presents:
Ukraine: The Final Piece
The media and the Left drove the narrative from the start on the July 25 phone call between President Trump and Ukrainian President Zelensky.
They wanted us to see only one thing. It’s time to look at more. Glenn Beck connects the dots between the phone call that led to the impeachment of President Trump and why an investigation into Hunter Biden is so important.
Ultimately, this was never about Trump. It wasn’t even about the Bidens.
This is about a violation of constitutional power by Barack Obama that will horrify even his most ardent supporters. Glenn pulls back the curtain on the theft of billions in international funds to Ukraine by following the clues in the phone call.
Those clues could lead to mountains of corruption, and Hunter Biden might be the lynchpin to uncovering the entire thing.

Everything is a lie,
including this video
I really hope you find this interesting, but please note this is a heavily dramatized analysis for effect.
I do believe the topics covered are important, but obviously I do not actually think we should doubt everything.
This video is NOT suggesting you should abandon all your beliefs, it’s a reminder to be aware of the biases we all have, so we can try to make better choices.
I think it’s healthy to question things, and that includes this video.

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In this film we look at how Patriots are in control as President Putin and the Global Patriots battle the Deep State Cabal in the War for the World.

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George Orwell’s Animal Farm
Animation (Full Movie)

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Tomorrow the World!
Fredric March, Betty Field,
Agnes Moorehead, Skip Homeier
WWII Classic
Emil, a young boy, is sent by his parents from Germany to live with his uncle in the USA. A firm believer of Nazism, Emil creates trouble for her uncle’s fiancee Leona, a Jew.
Tomorrow, the World! is a 1944 black-and-white film directed by Leslie Fenton and starring Fredric March, Betty Field, and Agnes Moorehead, about a young German boy (Skip Homeier) who had been active in the Hitler Youth who comes to live with his uncle in the United States, who tries to teach him to reject Nazism. It was based on the successful 1943 Broadway play of the same name.
Take a moment to make note of this film from 1944. Most people never really watch movies/videos posted, just being satisfied to react to the title or image of said post with an emoji.
However, this 1944 film is an OUTSTANDING movie which is 100% relative to what’s going on in America today. Unfortunately for us in present day America, the story line can easily be changed by substituting the Nazi imagery and indoctrination of ‘youth’ to that of the Democrats/Leftist/Communist ‘New World Orders’ agenda in America today.
I first saw this film as a child in the 1960s and have always remembered its message.
Watching the events of the past year and three months that have transpired in this country since January 20th, 2021 have made the message of this film even more poignant.
This is a MUST watch for every American, especially one that has a ‘child’ in any public school, or an ‘institution of higher learning’ (indoctrination). PLEASE make note of it and watch it from beginning to end.

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As a watchman, I am called to expose the darkness to the light and make others aware of what is shown to me.
Thank you to everyone who has shared information with me over the last several years.
You help me connect more dots that I would not be able to as quickly on my own.
Time is speeding up.
You are not promised tomorrow.
Yeshua Jesus Saves! Follow Him!
Love you all!
SMHP may not agree with everything from the content producers I share.
Apply critical thinking and use discernment to come to your own conclusions regarding the content in the videos / links.

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Early Warning (1981)
A Christian woman wants a newspaper man to publish a story about a One World Foundation being set up whose only goal is to control the world.
She wants him to warn people that this is coming and explain how it ties into the end times spoken about in the Bible.
The newsman is opposed to such an idea until he sees the woman being pursued by the Foundation.
As this adventure unfolds, the newspaper man begins to realize that what the woman is saying could be true.
This evangelistic, classic end times film presents the truth about Jesus Christ and has interesting insight into what might be coming in the last days.

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MIT scientist links
and severe disease
People say they won’t believe it
until they see it on the ‘News’ on TeeVee.
Well, this is for them.
Is FOX News good enough?
16 – January – 2022

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Battleground Melbourne

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Dr Sean Brooks
vaccinated have between

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(mad as hell scene)
Peter Finch.

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The Wizard of Oz movie
what it’s really about …
the hidden message
The Wizard of Oz = Ounces of Gold. The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.
The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction — PERSON. The Straw Man wanted a Brain but got a Certificate — the Birth Certificate for a new legal creation & he was proud of his new legal status, plus all these other legalisms he was granted.
The Tin Man — (TIN) Taxpayer Identification Number, a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul. He wanted a HEART.
The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was a true coward when someone stood up to him. He lacks true courage. That was what he wanted — Courage. At the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.
The Wizard of Oz — uses magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance into doing what he commanded. — The TRUTH is the Wizard have NO real power & only uses illusions to create FALSE power & authority.
The Wicked Witch — pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto. She controlled the flying monkey police — the policy enforcers— the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association attorneys who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz – Gold.
In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged. The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when the Rockefeller & pharmaceutical begin to take over the medicine & education — the DRUGGING of America. The Crown was the largest drug dealers & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.
Toto the Dog — was what the Wicked Witch was after. Toto in Latin means ‘in total, all TOGETHER’. Toto was the One who exposed the Wizard of Oz. Toto had no fear & was very small compared to the Great Wizard so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene — The End. He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention & Red Pill the others.
The curtain ‘VEIL’ that hides the corporate legal fiction & its false courts is exposed. The jig is up. No matter how small your bark is — it can be heard. 🗣🗣🗣

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Have you ever
at least been curious
if there was ‘another side’ of
the ‘official’
World War II story”
and if there is –
what it is?
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history.
During the many years that have now passed, only a single narrative of the great conflict has been heard.
This over simplistic narrative totally ignores the previous decades of critical history leading up to World War II, ignores vital information from the actual war years, and outright fabricates lie after lie after lie.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes.
After World War II, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books, infiltrate our media and public education but even going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy.
The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the architects of it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism.
Between the old and New World Order.
The Traditional and the “Progressive”.
Day in and day out, has the post-war propaganda been pounded into the minds of three subsequent generations.
Every medium of mass indoctrination has been harnessed to the task of training the obedient masses as to what the proper and “acceptable” view of this event should be.
Academia, news media, public education, book publishing, TV documentaries, Hollywood films and politicians of every stripe all sing the same song.
For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore.
You have already heard the official history millions of times.
This new epic documentary gives an overview of how Europe has been shaped in modern history.
In it, you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events.
Watch this series and
uncover the real root causes
were of World War 2.
You’ll be surprised.
The Last Battle
The Full Documentary (2017)
Since the mid-20th century, the world has only ever heard one side of the most horrific war in human history.
We are today living in the world of the victors of that war and without an objective, rational and balanced view of our history, we are doomed to repeat the mistakes.
After World War Two, the victors of the war not only went on to write our history books , but also going so far as to criminalize the mere questioning of the official story’s orthodoxy.
The truth is, that our world today can only be understood through a correct understanding of World War II, the forces behind it and the conflicts between Globalism and Nationalism.
For very good reasons, most people don’t trust the mainstream media anymore. You have already heard the official history millions of times, In this series of videos you will find the secret history, where you will find the real causes of the events.
The intention with this documentary
is to correct over decades of
of misinformation, disinformation
and propaganda
and to restore truth, honesty justice
to honour those who gave their everything
in the false idea they was fighting for
freedom for future generations.
The truth, however unpleasant and inconvenient it may be must be told.
We can’t do anything about the past; but by correcting the misinformation and distortions of the truth attached to it, we can unite and make sure that these horrors never will be repeated.
and who are just some of the
monsters responsible for them.
Couldn’t help including this
‘Arrgghh!!!’ people scream – ‘not this one’
‘Flat earth – you’re nuts’.
‘Now you’ve lost me.’
Once again, if you think this without reviewing the information on this page, you don’t belong here.
For the others, if anyone’s left, our thanks to EWARANON, (who we don’t know), for his astonishing work in the creation of these videos for the benefit of everyone – along with the randomly selected Bitchute channels we link to, for hosting these priceless works of art.

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Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 1 episodes 1-7

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Lost History of Flat Earth
What on Earth Happened?
episodes 1-13

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Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 1
The Great Flood

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Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 2
The Master Key

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Lost History of Flat Earth
Series 2 episode 3
The Two Books of Mankind

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Aaltiyan Childs
Exposes Freemasonry
for what it is – Part 1 of 5.
A 5-hour discussion – I watched it all in one go.
I had to split this up to get it on Bitchute.
I found this somewhere.
My initial reaction – no way I was getting into this one.
Besides, I’d never heard of Altiyan Childs.
Then I looked at the comments so I thought I’d take a closer look and
and that was it.
Couldn’t put it down.

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Aaltiyan Childs
Exposes Freemasonry
for what it is – Part 2 of 5.

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Aaltiyan Childs
Exposes Freemasonry
for what it is – Part 3.

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Aaltiyan Childs
Exposes Freemasonry
for what it is – Part 4.

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Aaltiyan Childs
Exposes Freemasonry
for what it is – Part 5.

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They Live
Full Movie
is this a documentary?
I own no rights to this video – all credits to the creators of it.
I just want to help justify and preserve it by making it available to a wider audience on another platform from which I found it.

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JFK to 911
everything is a rich man’s trick
Everything you think you know is a rich man’s trick.
3.5 hours of discussion – one of the most astonishing videos ever.
Covers all sort of areas of history – including the players in JFK’s assassination.
Grab your popcorn and go for a …

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JFK to 911
everything is a rich man’s trick
This movie begins with an extremely important ‘history lesson’ that provides historically accurate details that are important to know in order to fully understand the (modern day) information which follows part one of the movie.
Part one ends (roughly) between 30-40 minutes, if you prefer to bypass the introductory segment.
THIS IS THE LONG-AWAITED SEQUEL TO “JFK TO 911, EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN’S TRICK!” THIS EPIC, MEGA-VIRAL SECOND INSTALLMENT in the “EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN’S TRICK!” Documentary Series will keep you on the very edge of your seat, yelling “I KNEW IT ALL ALONG!” Dominated and ruled by the Super Rich and All Powerful Elite, our World has been Intricately Fabricated from the ground up to be something that it is NOT! Forget all the LIES you’ve been told your entire life!
Patriots, I never knew I had SO MANY UNANSWERED QUESTIONS – until this EPIC and POWERFUL movie – “EVERYTHING IS A RICH MAN’S TRICK! THE SEQUEL!”. Every single thing you thought was REAL…was just a LIE or a Fabricated Reality, made to order by the Luciferian Cabal and their Deep State Puppets! During The Great Awakening, we’ve found out more about the REALITY of the world in which we live – and the Truths covered in this presentation are absolutely Mind Boggling!
Covered in this MEGA-HIT are topics like NESARA/GESARA being in FULL FORCE – Big Pharma & Big Tech GOING DOWN – the Global Elites & MSM are PANICKING right now – PANIC in DC, EU, UN & NATO – the Obama’s & Bush’s Dirty Little Secrets – who is really in control of the Military right now – the Long Hidden Secrets of the Rothschilds and Queen Elizabeth, AND COUNTLESS OTHER MIND-BLOWING TOPICS OF TRUTH ARE COVERED!
This WORLDWIDE DOCUMENTARY BROADCAST EVENT is excellently laid out in an easy to follow format, each segment building from the previous, into a crescendo of LIGHT & TRUTH that is sure to Dazzle even the most ardent Dis-Believer!
You might want to grab the “OH CRAP!” handles for this one, Patriots, as you follow me down one of the DEEPEST, DARKEST RABBIT HOLES KNOWN TO MAN!

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the end of the
Human Condition
Interview and link for free download of this book by Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith
At last, the redeeming, reconciling and rehabilitating biological explanation of the human condition that brings about the dreamed of dawn of understanding and ends all the suffering and conflict on Earth
‘FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition’
FREEDOM: The End Of The Human Condition is the definitive presentation of Australian biologist Jeremy Griffith’s breakthrough biological explanation of the human condition needed for the complete understanding of human behaviour and the ultimate amelioration of all the underlying psychosis in human life.
Professor Harry Prosen, former president of the Canadian Psychiatric Association, has said: “This book of books, indeed this greatest of all books, effectively takes humanity from a state of bewilderment about the nature of human existence to a state of profound understanding of our lives. It is a case of having got all the truth up in one go! I believe this is the most sensational information to ever appear on planet Earth.”
And Professor Scott Churchill, Professor and Founding Graduate Program Director, Psychology Department, University of Dallas, has said: “Nothing Dr. Prosen has said about the immense importance of this book is an exaggeration. This is the book that all humans need to read for our collective wellbeing.” Read Churchill’s full review.
FREEDOM was launched at the Royal Geographical Society in London in June 2016, where Sir Bob Geldorf — who was essentially knighted for his concern for humanity — began proceedings by pleading for scientists like Jeremy to save the world. Jeremy then presented that desperately needed scientific solution to the world’s problems, which is the reconciling explanation of our species’ ‘good and evil’ conflicted human condition.
Click HERE or image below for YouTube video

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Martin Bryant
The Patsy

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Australia has NO military
or Police,
only mercenaries
Hidden foreign military in Australia
Australia has NO police or Military of it’s own.
Australian police are nothing more than
foreign privately owned mercenaries…
This may apply to all police subject to the
and its subdivision companies deriving from
the US FEDERAL RESERVE banking system.
And a private military…
This video explains how the
Australian Government
stole our future, our rights,
and a whole continent.
See this explanantion about how
Australians have been screwed for decades.
Find our why Australia sent troops
to war with Vietnam, for no valid reason.

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Fall of the Cabal
Episodes 1-10
The END of the world
as we know it

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episodes 1-7

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episodes 8-11

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episodes 12-15

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 16

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 17

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 18

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 19

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 20

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Sequel to the
Fall of the Cabal
episode 21
The truth about nose swabs

The Jeffrey Epstein scandal was the tip of the iceberg as Sean Stone, the former host of Buzzsaw, lays out the hidden agenda of the dark elite in this six-part documentary series…
In this ‘red pill’ journey, Stone explores famous cases like the Franklin Scandal, MK-Ultra and Monarch programming, the Jon Benet Ramsey murder and even the Son of Sam case, to connect the dots of a dangerous ideology, now driving the philosophy of a ‘trans-humanist’ idea – to remake the human being.
As more and more people awaken to these hidden truths, the more rapidly we can rise to take our power back.
Judging by the comments from source
this looks like a controversial series.
Something to be expected with thinking people.
Whatever your personal opinions are about the content,
this seems to be a thought provoking series –
so, worthy of it’s inclusion on this website.

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The Beast

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Many Americans may have heard of the CIA’s MK-Ultra programs, but the deepest layers of those programs, involving traumatization of children, and attempts to create mind-controlled spies, have been largely ignored by conventional history…
Featuring Dr. Colin Ross, Cathy O’Brien & Mark Phillips, Ron Patton, James Martinez, and Michael Aquino

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WTC – North Tower Collapse
Never seen before videos of
COORDINATED explosions

WTC 9/11
What really happened?
exploding floors
no planes
Some videos that reasonable people
might consider cast some doubt
on the official story.

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Did the The Titanic really sink?
For over a century we’ve been told about how the Titanic hit an iceberg and sank.
But was there more to the story than we’ve been told? Was it simply a coincidence that the only 3 people who was against starting the Federal Reserve were on the ship when it sank, that the insurance was increased just prior to the voyage… and so much more that we wasn’t told.
This well-made video is guaranteed to make you wonder and draw you own conclusions.

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The Spiders Web
This is, essentially, the UK office of the cabal, New World Order.
While it’s The Vatican, that essentially, controls of all the money in the world – there are two other financial centres controlling the world money –
Unknown to even the people that live there, both Washington DC is not part of or owned by the USA and The City of London is not part of London – or even the UK. The City of London is not subject to the laws of UK and even has it’s own Mayor and Police force.
All will eventually be revealed.
Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of empire, City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands.
Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.
The Spider’s Web: Britain’s Second Empire is a documentary which details the transformation of the UK as a colonial super power to a global financial power.
It suggests that the City of London Corporation and its banks have done tremendous damage to the world economy since the 1960s and that up to half of all offshore wealth (globally) is hidden in one of many British offshore jurisdictions.
With contributions from leading experts, academics, former insiders and campaigners for social justice, the film claims to highlight how in the world of international finance, corruption and secrecy have prevailed over regulation and transparency, and the UK is right at the heart of this.
The film was co-produced by Tax Justice Network founder John Christensen, and is based in part on the book, Treasure Islands, by expert on British offshore havens Nicholas Shaxson; an interview with Shaxson is one of its major elements.
Christensen was an advisor to the Queen’s government of the island of Jersey for a number of years.
The Spider’s Web:
Britain’s Second Empire
The Secret World of Finance
Michael Oswald’s film The Spider’s Web reveals how at the demise of the empire, the City of London’s financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands.
Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in The Secret World of Finance.
⌚️ Timestamps:
0:00 Introduction
2:22 The British Empire
4:33 The Eurodollar Market
6:54 The Last Remnants of Empire
9:37 The Corporation of London
13:28 The Bank of Credit and Commerce International
16:53 Trusts
23:27 Who is in charge of Britain’s Overseas Territories?
28:35 Global Financial Centers and Empire
37:15 How America Embraced Offshore Finance
42:15 Growth of Offshore Finance and Corruption
48:05 Whistleblowers
54:54 Politicians and Financial Secrecy
1:01:35 Accountants
1:07:20 Protesters Confront Dave Hartnett
1:10:27 Private Finance Initiative
1:13:42 Conclusion
For the sleepers
Poor quality sound – turn up the volume

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Smart Meters
The internet of things, or IoT, is a system of interrelated computing devices, mechanical and digital machines, objects, animals or people that are provided with unique identifiers (UIDs) and the ability to transfer data over a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction.
A key component of this system are smart meters that are connected to smart appliances in houses located in smart cities. In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth speaks with Jerry Day from the EMF Help Center about the dangers of smart meters, the internet of things, where this is all heading and most importantly what you as an individual can do to protect yourself and your family moving forward.

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Peak oil does not come from ancient dead things. It’s abundant – and it’s not going to run out any time soon.
It’s a regenerating mineral.
It was made expensive in the same way as diamonds, (which are also plentiful and also have little value – other than what the marketers convince us we need to pay for them. Try buying a diamond and then returning it to the shop for what you paid for it – even immediately afterwards).
Peak oil Oil is not a fossil fuel.
We’ve been fed a line by the oil barons that oil is expensive to locate and produce, (there’s no cost), that it’s scarce and a limited resource and that one day it’s going to run out. As a result the oil ‘barons’ have been able to make fortunes selling it to us at a hefty price. More importantly they’ve controled countries economies and foreign policies based on this fallacy.
All fake
It turns out … oil is the 4th most abundant liquid on earth.
(Magma is first, liquid iron (as in core) is a rather distant second, and water is very distant third. Oil is fourth).

click image for video

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New World Order – Communism by backdoor is Dennis Wise’s second documentary after his first documentary “Adolf Hitler: The Greatest Story Never Told.”
New World Order – Communism by backdoor focuses on New World Order and historical information that are related to New World Order.
Dennis Wise proves beyond doubt that the western countries both “victorious and the defeated” after World War Two have been covertly under Communism since 1945.

click image for video
It’s a Big Club
(George Carlin)

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Earl Nightingale
The Strangest Secret
The Strangest Secret was a 1957 spoken word record by Earl Nightingale which sold over one million copies and received the first Gold Record for the spoken word, which helped launch the fields of business motivation and audio publishing.
It was later adapted into print and video forms.
I first heard this about 30 years ago – on a cassette. I kept it in the car player and just played it over and over again in the background as I was driving around – 100 of times – and let my subconcious pick up the message.
Since then I’ve lived the message, without even thinking about it.
I went from flat broke at age of 30 and was able to retire by the time I was 50.
During that time everything in the message came to pass.
Service to others without the expectation of reward or recognition.
I’ve tried to teach others on the way.
Mostly, they don’t listen – their loss.
Movies to see list
(some may be Audio Only)
CONNECT THE DOTS and also watch
What is BLACKROCK ‘S Aladdin ??
Credit Suisse
More than 10,000
Episode 1 –
What is the Deep State?
Jupiter Ascending movie
Moonfall movie
Zero Hour (utube)
Alias movie
Davincis Demons
Divergent series
Aeon Flux – on Utube
Jason Bourne series movies
Fringe series
Tenent series
Deja Vu movie
Source Code movie
Lucy movie
Inception movie
Interstellar movie
Dune movie
Minority Report movie
Stranger Things
Black Widow movie
Vice (Dick Cheney) series
The Big Short
Trading Places (stockmarket rigging)
The Truman Show movie
Old Guard movie
Tomorrowland movie
In Time
Adjustment Bureau
Avatar movie
The Man in the High Castle
Kingsman The Secret Service
The Day the Earth stood still, AI ARCONS?
12 Monkeys (tv series + movie)
Knowing Movie
The Island (clones) Movie
Stardust 2007 (Hadrians wall) Movie
Don’t look up Movie
Matrix movies
Assassin’s Creed
Warrior Nun
John Wick Movies
Dream Scape (viking)1984 movie
Dave (dead Presidents )
RED, Red 2 movies
GI Joe Retaliation (actor President)
WarDogs (Arms Trading)
Made in America (CIA black opp’s)
Contact movie
Man who saved the World(Cold War)
Enemy Mine movie
Stargate movie
V for Vendetta movie
Amerigeddan movie
Sphere movie
Land of the Blind
The Expanse Series
Wag the Dog movie
Boys from Brazil movie
Rings of Power
The Peripheral
Soylent Green movie
Robocop + sequels
The Invitation movie

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