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Australia Constitution

It’s said people get the
governments they deserve and
that fact is nowhere else
more applicable
than in Australia.

Since Whitlam sacked the Queen in 1973, all Australian governments then and since have been no more than an illegal bunch of crooks who have no right to be there.

People seem to think there’s a ‘Governor General’ representing the Queen in Australia.

There isn’t.

There can’t be if Australia is no longer part of any commonwealth.

Who these ‘Governor Generals’ are is a mystery – that’s probably why they don’t seem to actually DO anything.

Bob Hawke, (often very aggressive when he was drunk seemed to aspire to emulate Churchill with his capacity for booze), was also a traitor and finished the job in 1986, just 2 years before before the biggest stock-market crash since the depression.

A coincidence, what was going on in those times … ? 
who was actually running the financial world at that time … ?

we know now!

This video explains how the Australian Government stole our future, our rights, and a whole continent.

See the explanation about how Australians have been screwed for decades, (along with the rest of the world),  and why Australia sent troops to war with Vietnam for no reason any sane person can understand.

Australians, it’s time we took our country back.

If we as a species don’t, globally, then what the controllers have in store for the world population including your children – won’t be worth living, if indeed they are.

The people who reckon they’re in charge who are doing no more than screwing us sideways have no right to be there – and are only there by our whimpering consent.

That’s why voting in ‘elections’ in Australia is compulsory – by doing so we give our consent for them to be there.

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Australia – we’re screwed

Tim’s Truths
video 1
Australia’s Prime minister
Harold Holt
was murdered

Click either image for video 1

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Ten minute look
at the hidden history of Australia.

This is the history
that they don’t want you to know.

That’s why it was
never taught in the
Education ‘system’.

A treaty was signed in Geneva
called the
‘Declaration regarding
he Teaching of History’
(Revision of School Textbooks)
to change the way history is taught
because Australians might get a
little upset to discover the truth
which is that we are a foreign occupied nation:

See treaty here

Click image for video


Some truths about
Australia Day

This is information that
all Australians should know
but won’t want to.

Time to expose the BS about
what people think ‘Australia’ is.

It’s not what most people
will even want to think.

The reason Australia day is celebrated on 26 January but don’t expect any education system to provide you with these facts as it is more important to the agenda of the parasites that Australians do not find out what’s been ‘going on’ in their backyard for over 100 years and how they’ve been screwed by selected and inserted traitor governments since then for their own personal enrichment and the enrichment of their parasite masters.

Australia Day does not celebrate the arrival of the first fleet or the invasion of anything.

Captain Cook did not arrive in Australia on the 26th January.

The actual landing of
Captain Cook in Sydney
happened on the
28th April 1770
not on 26th January

The first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on 18th January.

The 26th was chosen as Australia Day for a very different and important reason.

It is the day Australians are told
they received their independence

from British Rule, largely because Australia
was sold to the USA by the UK
to pay off loans UK had taken to pay for it’s wars
and Australia became an ‘occupied territory’.

However, Captain Cook’s landing was included in Australian bi-centenary celebrations of 1988 when Sydney-siders decided Captain Cook’s landing should become the focus of the Australia Day commemoration.

Sadly the importance of this date for all Australians has begun to fade and now a generation later, it is all but lost.

The media as usual is happy to twist the truth for the sake of controversy.

Captain Cook didn’t land on the 26th January, so changing the date of any celebration of Captain Cook’s landing would not have any impact on Australia Day, but maybe it would clear the way for the truth about Australia Day.

Australians of today, quite rightly, abhor the treatment of the Aborigines, the Irish and many other cultures around the world under British governance.

So after the horrors of WW2, we decided to try and fix it.

We became our own people.

On 26th January 1949, the Australian nationality came into existence when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was enacted.

That was the day we were first called Australians and allowed to travel with passports as Australians and NOT British subjects – which makes sense as, essentially, ‘Australians’ are, in reality, USA ‘subjects’.

In 1949 therefore, we all became ‘Australian citizens’ under the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948.

Before that special date, all people living in Australia, including Aborigines, were called ‘British Subjects’ and forced to travel on British passports and fight in British wars – now Australians fight in USA wars, e.g. Vietnam and, lately, Ukraine.

26th January is the day Australians thought they became free to make our own decisions about which wars we would fight and how our citizens would be treated.

Well, that’s what Australians are told, in reality it’s the USA that decides where Australian forces are deployed.

It was the day we were all ‘declared’ to be ‘Australians’ – though it’s just a term to give Australians a ‘warm fuzzie’.

Until this date, Aborigines were not protected by law.

For the first time since Captain

Cook’s landing this new Act gave Aboriginal Australians the full protection of Australian Law.

This is why 26th January is the day new Australians receive their citizenship.

It is a day which celebrates the implementation of the Nationality of Citizenship Act of 1948 –The Act which gave Australians the illusion of freedom and protection to the first Australians and gives all Australians, old and new, the right to live under the protection of the Australian Law”, which is owned by USA bankers, united as one nation as a profit-making (for them) corporation, registered in USA.

We’re told, what was achieved that day is something for which all Australians can be proud.

Isn’t it time that all Australians were taught the real reason we celebrate Australia Day on 26th January and let Australians make up their own minds about how good it was for them to this day?

Though, most would not want to even consider the truth

More about this,
from various sources,
follows on this page


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click image for video

Australia is a major world economy,
with highly developed industries and
close to 25 million of
the wealthiest citizens in the world.

But Australia is harbouring
a deep, dark secret …

… it is an American company!

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Part 2A
The Ark of the Covenant

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Part 2B

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Part 3

click image for link to article

How To Hijack a State

– Exposing –
– The Great Australian Government –

On Our Channel, Exposing The Great Australian Government, We will be using Official Government Documentation to show you, The People, what these Purported Politicians and Political Parties have conspired and done behind your back’s and behind closed doors to side step Our Primary Law, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under Royal Coat of Arms.

“If you do not take an interest in
the affairs of your government,

then you are doomed
to live under the rule of fools.”

― Plato

Click image to link to article


Australians are forced to vote,
whether we like it or not.

We all know that our vote is meaningless,
because no matter who we vote for
we only end up with one of two
major political parties;
either the ALP or the LIB/NATS.

Yet, very few people understand why our wishes are ignored once we elect these people to power over us.

The simple answer is that the Political Parties have already sold us out to the United Nations while we were all asleep.

Since the Whitlam Labor Government Australia has been registered as a Corporation.

We have lost our sovereignty.

We are no longer subjects of HM Queen Elizabeth the Second.

Nor are we a part of the Commonwealth under the Crown.

Instead, we have been sold out and we are now dictated to by the United Nations.

The MEDIA are complicit and being very quiet about it.

Corporate Government?

How did this happen?

  Link to full article HERE

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Albanese is NOT a legitimate
Prime Minister of Australia

see video for explanation

Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article

Langton is set to address the
National Press Club on
6 September 2023

Their castle of sand crumbles

Click arrow on right for full article and to close

Langton is set to address the
National Press Club on
6 September 2023

Their castle of sand crumbles

Insider traitor clowns are using historical lies to disconnect us from our history our land and each other.

Their intention is to shame us into submission, coercing us to comply with their global governance agenda in order to rob us of our valuable resources and wealth, much like what has been experienced in Africa.

As the UN cultural heritage law is scrapped and the yes vote tanks, Marcia Langton, the Queen of insider traitor clowns, is rolled out by her now desperate billionaire handlers as she spits out her trademark racist labels in the final hurrah.

To revive their failing plot, they stage a performance of unpredictable, unstable and spiteful Langton as their castle of sand crumbles.

There is a rising tide of lies that threatens to engulf these criminal actors, bringing Langton and Bruce Pascoe to their knees and justice.

Their endorsement of the fabrications and fairy tales of Dark Emu manipulation, and the nefarious treasonist distortion of history.

As a dangerous form of mind control is being exposed after years of deception.

We have been infiltrated by insider traitor clowns committed to sabotaging our country both through claims that we are too racist to manage our own affairs, as well as by demoralising our countrymen so that they comply with global control in order to achieve their own desires.

Langton’s inequitable gravy train –
Germaine Greer

According to the perspective of wise elders, it has come to their attention that the grifters are currently enjoying a never-ending gravy train when it comes to Aboriginal Affairs in Canberra¹.

The objective behind this manipulation is to convince Australians to vote in favour of an industry that has consistently failed for over fifty years, thereby perpetuating this cycle of sabotage.

To achieve this, various tactics are being employed, including shaming strategies, distorting historical facts, and the use of sweeping racial stereotypes to divide us.

These tactics are aimed at demoralising the Australian public, pressuring them to relinquish their land rights, which are a fundamental part of our heritage and liberty.

Parasitic entities

There are parasitic entities such as corporate sports celebrities, sold-out Hollywood actors, Big Pharma, and other corporate cartels including the United Nations social cartel system encompassing 40,000 weaponised not-for-profits who work together to steal Aboriginal people’s voices.

The UN system attempts to usurp Australia’s voice through a psychopathic UN social/shame system.

The billionaire grifters are the parasites behind this neo-feudal agenda by exploiting the perceived weakness of our concern for our countrymen to undermine our inalienable rights.

Their parasitic behaviour can be seen with their tax haven system getting all the benefits of a country without contributing back any of their mega profits.

They are asset-stripping the 3rd world by siphoning profits into their tax havens whilst keeping the country starving to death using UN debt slavery.

This system enables the most heinous criminals of our time to operate the largest human trafficking network in history to compromise leaders worldwide.

Additionally, the bought media
co-offending conduct is designed
for confusion and demoralisation.

These grifters, in their manipulative approach, have even resorted to falsely advocating for human rights.

As a means to shame Australians into giving up their fundamental private property rights.

Thus undermining the very fabric of our society. This situation calls for a closer examination of the tactics being used and the need for Australians to remain vigilant in protecting their inalienable rights, our heritage, and our historical record.

It is crucial that we stand together in preserving what is rightfully ours.

An example of Aboriginal voices being usurped by parasitic billionaires is Badger Bates recruited from jail to become the voice of Wilcannia.

Parasitic billionaires instructed Minister art collector Don Harwin, and his federal counterpart to grift $7M out of the public purse to build an art gallery for this fake claimer killer.

Yet, Wilcannia’s water is poisoned.

They suffer the lowest life expectancy in the world at 34 years.

Consequently, there is a growing push to adopt Voice/treaty/Truth, with these concepts being used as a decoy to divert attention from the real agenda at hand – the full UN control under Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 for neo-feudalism².

It is abundantly clear that the implications of this issue reach far beyond what meets the eye.

The consequences of such manipulation and interference have far-reaching ramifications that cannot be ignored.
Distinguished deceiver

Despite Marcia Langton’s dishonesty and lack of integrity, the Press Club is staging a special event featuring the distinguished deceiver herself.

It is important to highlight the extensive track record Langton has developed over the years, of disseminating harmful falsehoods, endorsing government-funded criminal leaders, and legitimising fake claimers, including the notorious grifter Pascoe.

These actions have resulted in
significant distortions of history,
putting Australia at great risk.

The danger of distorting history cannot be underestimated.

It is crucial to acknowledge that Hitler, in his pursuit of absolute power, also utilised these deceptive strategies.

To achieve this he simply had to exploit the existing fabrications of history and convert them into potent propaganda weapons that resulted in unbelievable evil and immense human suffering³.

Therefore, it is imperative to actively counter these psychological weapons by exposing the traitors and disseminating the facts.

The erosion of reality and the distortion of truths is a potent instrument for psychological control.

The one who controls the past controls the future – George Orwell

Manipulation of historical records
is a precursor to genocide.

Since World War 2, these actions have been condemned and acknowledged as serious criminal offences in numerous countries⁴.

We must uphold the integrity of historical facts to combat this form of manipulation.

Bruce Pascoe manipulating the historic record of our nation with the active endorsement of Marcia Langton is a deliberate treasonous assault on all Australians.

They claim Aboriginal people were engaged in agriculture before 1788, despite the fact that there were no native hoofed animals.

It would be impossible to harness a kangaroo, wombat, or koala to plough the land.

The lack of evidence provided by Pascoe is considered “deeply problematic” by an anthropologist at the Australian National University, Ian Keen.

Geoffrey Blainey, a historian renowned for his belief that Australian farming did not begin until 1788, as well as others brave enough to fight against the invasion of Australia by parasitic entities attempting to gradually control our minds and land.

Furthermore, Terra nullius did not exist
during the 18th and 19th centuries.

The concept originated from a 1975 International Court Opinion and was later introduced into the Australian lexicon by Lionel Murphy in 1979.

This introduction was an attempt to manipulate the future of our country through deceit. By introducing a single word, they sought to alter the perception and legitimacy of our connection to the land⁵.

These neo-feudal parasites are highly motivated to

These weak billionaire parasites are so desperate to satisfy their sense of superiority over everyday individuals that they were compelled to devise a deceitful scheme to deprive us of its resources for their substantial benefit.

Yet their failure is inevitable.
The stage is set for humiliation.

The act of misleading people with a single word requires a significant amount of time to manipulate an entire group of “leaders” into becoming useful idiots.

Can you fathom the amount of time and strategising that goes into turning an entire category of “leaders” into accomplices to a doomed-to-fail parasitic scheme?

Now listen to Pascoe gloating about it.

They face a wave of contempt and disgust.

We have insider traitors
working to demoralise us
and disconnect us from
our people, country and land.

They aim to implement global governance, control resources and wealth, and strip Australia like Africa.

Through historical distortion, shame, disunity, and demoralising tactics, we are groomed to silence our voice and fighting spirit to protect our property rights. They falsely claim that we cannot make a difference individually.

These weak individuals resort to bullying and shaming to convince Australians that we are powerless. This is not true.

It is by exposing the traitors that we make it clear we won’t be manipulated by them.

The stage is set for a humiliating fall.

The Australian people are prevailing.

Their malicious motives aimed to sow chaos and undermine society through confusion, distraction, and deceit.

Spreading historical falshoods contaminates public discourse.

The objective is to erode trust in a stable society, causing doubt in perspectives and trust in others.

Insatiable greed drives celebrities, corporations, government “leaders”, and the media to commit crimes against the people.

They supported the fraudulent agenda of Pascoe and Langton and attacked Aboriginal Australians opposing it, hoping to fuel division and mistrust.

However, their attempts
have been unsuccessful.

The Australian people are prevailing, and I take immense pride in the fact that we have refused to be divided.

Recognise the web of deception these grifters have woven, manipulating public sentiment with false cries for human rights.

Resist their orchestrated effort to undermine private property rights. Australians must unite against these insidious tactics.

This issue has sparked a nationwide dialogue, with people from all walks of life voicing concerns and sharing experiences.

The depth and breadth of this conversation highlight the urgent need for action. Every Australian must stay informed and engage in meaningful discussions.

We must address these challenges head-on, ensuring our voices are heard to safeguard land rights for future generations.

click image for video

The coup d’état
by ‘Government’
and the judiciary


Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency


is a foreign corporation.

We are under communist rule since April 10th 2022


The Commonwealth Constitution has ended
The Federal Election Is an officially a scam


Over the Easter Weekend that we have learned
from 10 APRIL 2022 APHRA operates under
a NEW CONSTITUTION created and controlled by
the “World Health Organisation”
which the Global elitists have total control over,

From Derek Balogh at
Educate for Protection website


The Video Explains How the Government Changed the The Constitution and How this has effected the People in Queensland with Land Rights Civil Right and Human Right Basically destroying the Way of living in Queensland to advance the Queensland Government Corruption.

click link for article

The Treasonous 1901
Constitution Act of Australia

Why did the people vote for the
Constitution Act, if it gave
supreme power to Parliament?

Back in 1901 the people were ignorant and still are as to the meaning of democracy. They were led to believe democracy was voting for two wings of the same bird with one agenda.

By then voting in elections for a political party was well established therefore what the people accepted as democracy.

Consensus does not change the truth but it does become what is accepted as truth.

Political parties only began to form prior to the creation of the bill of rights which signalled the shift of power away from the last governmental failsafe mechanism of the monarch (takes an oath to protect the rights of the people from government intrusion) denying assent to any legislation that infringes on the people’s rights.

click image for video

Australian Whistleblower:
Australia, Canada & New Zealand
Are Fake Nations Illegally Highjacked

October 15, 2010
Wayne Levick &
NZ Radio Host, Vinny Eastwood

This Shocking Secret Poses the Biggest Threat to the British Crown Colonies, the UK and USA. Conclusive Proof they have Highjacked the Legitimate Constitutional Governments and Replaced them with Fraudulent Corporations Under the Control of a Secret Globalist Led Cabal.

Claims have been made that Rogue Nations like China and Israel Have All of the Documentation that Conclusively Proves they are All Illegitimate Nations.



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Everyone in Australia should watch this video.

Then we might all stop voting for the criminals.

This video proves that the political parties have stolen our birth-right, our freedoms, and our government.

Many thanks to ABPAC (Australian Business and Peoples’ Alliance Council Inc.) for permission to reproduce this video. The ABPAC website is no longer active, as their leader has retired.

If you are looking for a solution to the illegal political party politics that dictate our lives today, please visit our website at:Advance Australia website

click image to follow link at bottom

ATO Illegally
collecting tax

There is no such thing as "law" - only scribbles/words on paper which people are duped into believing are "special words" which they "must obey".

Unless a document is signed as a contract voluntarily and intentionally by the people it's supposed to apply to, the words are of no authority over anyone, nor of any obligation to anyone.

So even if the scribbles about an "ATO" were so-called "gazetted", it would make zero difference in reality - the theft and robbery called "taxes" have always been, still are and always will be theft and robbery.

Another version of this image has been spread around the internet... to which I further replied:

The argument that "the ATO was never legally formed" misses the fundamental point and is actually irrelevant anyway. It contains a false implication that it would be possible to be "legally formed" - if only they had done this or that according to some other (also bogus) procedure, or used some other "seal", or waved their "magic wand"...

Freedom advocates must stop wasting their time (and everyone's time) spreading this and similar useless arguments, when they could be teaching the fundamentals and be vastly more effective.

"Tax" is a euphemism for theft/robbery.

No matter what a bunch of shysters and parasites who masquerade as "government" do or say, the simple obvious fact remains that no-one signed any contract authorizing anyone to "govern" them, therefore there is no valid/legitimate institution authorized to help themselves to your income/assets, therefore you cannot have any kind of "Tax" (theft) Office that isn't actually just theft/robbery.

They fabricate all manner of nonsense, trying to trick/brainwash people into believing that they are "authorities", but all of it is lies. The more people "research" into their scam "system" - with the presumption that ANY of it is valid (it's not - the whole supposed "system" is a fraud/scam) - the more they waste their time and tend to become tricked, in some way or another.

There's a lot more on this here:

Click image for video


AUSTRALIA and "Commonwealth of Australia" are not the same!

it appears that AUSTRALIA's border starts 200 Meters offshore and extends 200 nautical miles out to sea also including some islands, however, the Commonwealth of Australia is not "included" in the government's interpretation of what constitutes AUSTRALIA.

This may be happening in all western countries around the world.


What Australia REALLY is
according to the
Australian Taxation Office

Click image for video

Where is Australia

What the government is hiding

Australia was sold to USA many years ago - but what was sold?

WHY are we paying tax to Australia?
WHERE does the tax go?
WHO is the tax being paid to?
WHAT is the tax used for?

The 'territories' or the huge lump of mineral-rich-dirt-with-no-name
surrounded by the locations listed.

Many of them couldn't even be listed as 'islands'
as they're not much bigger than bumps sticking out of the ocean.

Either way, more history that's been hidden
by the traitors posing as 'goverment'.

More skulduggery to screw us over
if it wasn't it wouldn't be a secret.

Click image for PDF


What the government is hiding

Australia that we know it to be
does not exist.

The following excerpt from the
Australian Taxation Assessment Act 1997

Section 960 5.05
Confirms 'Australia' is:-

SECT 960.505

Meaning of Australia

  •  (1)  Australia when used in a geographical sense, includes each of the following:
  • (a)  Norfolk Island
  • (b)  the Coral Sea Islands Territory;
  • (c)  the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands;
  • (d)  the Territory of Christmas Island;
  • (e)  the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands;
  • (f)  the Territory of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands.

    (1) Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provides that an
    Act is taken to have effect in the coastal sea
    as if the coastal sea were part of Australia

    Offshore areas

    (2) Australia when in a geographical sense, includes an offshore area
    for the purposes of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006

    Note 1: The offshore area includes all things located in that area,
    including all installations and structures such as oil and gas rigs.
    The area also extends to the airspace over,
    and the sea-bed and subsoil beneath, that area.

Note 2:  The offshore area includes the
exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Australia

Click image for video

What Includes Australia

Due to the events Re: the so called Corona Virus,
this has been urgently uploaded for the latest finds
in relation to what includes Australia and New South Wales.


Why are Australia’s governments desperate to enforce experimental inoculations on citizens?

An interconnected web of relationships, family ties, government grants, funding from sponsors.

Could there be a conflict of interest amongst some politicians, bureaucrats, academic institutions, business owners and others?

Why shouldn’t Australians demand answers?

click image for Video

NWO The Plan – Australia
how we got here

Jeremy Lee
Way ahead of his time.

We were warned but few people seem to notice, even fewer seem to care.

Listen now and tell me how much you think has come to pass in the last 30 years.

If only every Australian had seen this I don’t believe we would be where we are today.

Absolutely brilliant video. Concise, logical and spelt out in layman’s terms so that any, every person can understand this.

Pinpoints where, how, when and who. Its actually very sad to think in so many ways we have done this to ourselves.

Yes, government have orchestrated it and sold us all out BUT it was our apathy as a nation as Australians that allowed it all to happen.

click image for link to article

In 1975 Gough Whitlam
signed the LIMA Agreement.

He sold Australia to the United Nations – but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.

Donald J Trump’s Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE. Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 – City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned)

The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer. This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.

Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.

The Whole World goes to 1776 in law.

The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD – Think Revaluation of All Currencies.

The Whole World goes to 1950’s Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]

The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes.

13818, 13848, 13959.

The White Hats must be in control or Biden would have immediately cancelled the Executive Orders after his ‘inauguration’.

Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.
Ladies & Gentlemen



Riccardo Bosi is the leader of the Australia One party, a party formed to fight against globalism and with a goal of removing an “unconstitutional government”.

The party has come to prominence in the backdrop of the pandemic and in this wide ranging chat, Riccardo discusses COVID, vaccine mandates, government responses, the threat of China and Australia’s housing crisis with Kalkine TV host James Preston

click image for video

Riccardo Bosi



Click image for download

Preface to
Dick Yardley’s book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’.


The Political Parties took ownership of the
Governor-General on the 2nd February 1960.

The Political Parties went to war against Vietnam
with Our Commonwealth Defence Force which was

for the Defence of the Commonwealth NOT to tell
other countries how to live.

The Political Parties while sitting in Our Parliament

created their own Parliament, Government, Australia,
Commonwealth, Commonwealth of Australia and a
Queen of Australia all statutory instruments, nothing

Political Parties in conjunction with the Religious

Leaders removed Our God “humbly relying on
the blessing of Almighty God” there by
removing Queen Defender of the Faith from all
Titles to Land so the Political Parties took
ownership of all Land.


Advance Australia

Get Dick Yardley’s e-book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’
only $15
and much, much more
from the
Advance Australia website
links above

Dick Yardley is a well-known and
respected Constitutional researcher

Australian Political
& Religious Leaders Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage.

Dick’s Story

Dick was a North Queensland fruit grower who had his farm stolen by the Cairns Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats with electric grids. The Council told him to stop. He refused. It was his land… but not for long when the greedy council go their hooks into him.

As a result, he started investigating how they could do that to him. The result was this amazing book that took 10 years to research and write.

In this 500+ page book he documents the many treasonous crimes committed by the political parties that led senior legal experts like Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs to conclude that “the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States Territories has no basis in law.”

Dick Yardley’s book provides a handy reference for anyone who would like to understand how the political parties have stolen our freedoms and imposed a party dictatorship on us all.


Advance Australia

Get Dick Yardley’s e-book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’
only $15
and much, much more
from the
Advance Australia website
links above

click button for link to article


Thank you Dick Yardely
from a grateful nation.

Our Rights, Freedoms, Land, Resources, and Wealth were handed to the Rothschild owned United Nations in 1959 in an act of
Treason, progressively reinforced through further acts of Treason by EVERY Governor, Governors General and sitting member

In acknowledgement of Mr. Dick Yardley’s 30 years of relentless research and analysis of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (1901) and his recording of events leading up to the constitutional crisis we now face.


Timeline of Treason

Dick Yardley
12 December, 2012

Time sheet

Prime Minister and Premier is only a name of an individual, this doesn’t give him any authority to sign any document, like The League of Nations, Unidroit Treaty, Lima Declaration, Agenda 21 etc, etc.

All so called agreements like these outside Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act have no Crown and Constitutional Authority.

To enforce these agreements is Treason.

1959 December Political Parties took ownership of the Governor-General and Commander-in-Chief, therefore removing Crown Authority from all Commonwealth Acts forward. All Governor-Generals forward sit in Treason.

1962 Political Parties took Our Defence Forces to war against North Vietnam.

1965 every State Governor and Parliament joined the Commonwealth in creating the Dollar, Counterfeit to Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act.

All State Governors and all State Parliaments acted in Treason.

The Enacting Manner and form change, removed Crown and Constitutional Authority

1972 “Be it enacted by the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, the Senate and the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Australia ..”

December 1972 to 1973, After the 1972 election, although the people of the Commonwealth of Australia were led to believe that their elected representatives would sit as Members of the House of Representatives in the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia, Prime Minister Gough Whitlam and Deputy Prime Minister Lance Barnard, being two Members of a Political Party with its own Party’s Constitution and policies, were sworn in by Governor-General Sir Paul Hasluck into 27 Portfolios of a duumvirate government, (“duumvirate” meaning a ministry of two).

However, all decisions made on and from 5th December 1972, were made contra to the people’s Founding and Primary “Law of the Commonwealth of Australia”, the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1901, as Proclaimed and Gazetted.

“BE IT THEREFORE enacted by the Queen, (Note: Most Excellent Majesty and Commonwealth removed) the Senate and the House of Representatives of Australia” Most Excellent Majesty, Royal Assent has been removed.

Commonwealth, Quick and Garrans Annotated Constitution (Cth) Page 927 Quote: “Attention is particularly drawn to this definition of Commonwealth, which is clear and unchallengeable, according to the express wording of the Preamble and the first six clauses of the Imperial Act.”

This is the start of the Treasonous Political Parties Cloning Our Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act to their Treason.

Therefore the Preamble and the first six Clauses are not consolidated forward.

This in FACT removed all living people and therefore creating all as Abstract.


Oxford Dictionary
abstract • adj theoretical
rather than physical.

Also does not consolidate “humbly relying on the blessing of Almighty God” Oxford Dictionary consolidate • v. make stronger or more solid. Acts Interpretation Act 1973 No 79 changed the Constitutional and official definitions creating their own Abstract Australia or Commonwealth means their Commonwealth of Australia in Geographical Sense for their own private Company Commonwealth of Australia now registered in Washington DC (District of Columbia).

This was done while sitting within the walls of OUR Parliament The Contrary intention has never appeared to this day. Click this button for PDF with full article


click image for link to article

Some points
to explain why
the 1901 is a fraud

1. There is only one commonwealth and that’s the commonwealth of great Britain of which Australia is a part.

It has a prime minister that is suppose to be put forward by Parliament to be approved by the governor general, the representative of the crown.

This means that Australia is under the governance of one system and cannot create its own commonwealth.

2. The royal prerogative to deny assent was removed in 1688 by Parliament through the creation of the bill of rights therefore Queen Victoria did not hold the authority of the people to grant assent to any commonwealth nation having their own constitution as she was a treasonous monarch.

So under the correct governing monarchy structure all fake constitutions are null and void.

3. The Magna Carta 1215 is a democratic common law constitution that recognises the people as the supreme judiciary and legislature meaning the people govern themselves through the independence of the jury the judge and annul government legislation.

4. The 1688 bill of rights took away jury independence so that a government dictatorship could be established..colonisation began 100 years later therefore the colonies were established on the principles of dictatorship.

5. The 1901 was written by British parliament (a dictatorship) that set up Australian parliament as the supreme judiciary see chapter 71 judicature act.

Any system that gives government the power to judge the legitimacy of it’s own legislation and the power to punish people into compliance is by definition a dictatorship.

6.Australia was setup as for profit outdoor prison whose largest revenue raiser was crime and prisons because administered by Parliament considering it gave itself the power to write and enforce legislation the interfered with peoples natural born rights.

7. Back in 1901 the people were ignorant and still are as to the meaning of democracy.

They were led to believe democracy was voting for two wings of the same bird with one agenda. By then voting in elections for a political party was well established therefore what the people accepted as democracy.

Consensus does not change the truth but it does become what is accepted as truth political parties only began to form prior to the creation of the bill of rights which signalled the shift of power away from the last governmental failsafe mechanism of the monarch (takes an oath to protect the rights of the people from government intrusion) denying assent to any legislation that infringes on the peoples rights.v

8. Government has the capacity to become criminal in nature by being influenced by private interests and the only mechanisms that prevent criminal government (royal prerogative and jury independence were removed in 1688.

9. By upholding the 1901 dictatorship people are saying they are bound to the ignorance of their forefathers to remain a prison colony under government dictatorship.

10. The word democracy means the people rule not the people vote for which flavour of slave master they want to be whipped by. Without jury independence the people are enslaved.

The 1901 is the antithesis of democracy and it’s time for Australians to mature by understanding the sins of the past so they can stop repeating them.

11. Magna Carta 1215 is a restatement of the democratic common law constitution that formed the construction of a nation state which was sealed in perpetuity making it the sole constitution for the entire British Commonwealth realm because a legitimate constitution imposes limits on what government can do not the people, so we need to take responsibility and use the standards government knows it’s bound to assert our natural born freedoms therefore liberating ourselves from government dictatorship.

Understanding the principles of democracy contained in the MC1215 is the only solution to getting government get out of our way and back to its intended purpose of keeping the power on and emptying the bins.

Federation of Australia

In the 1500s
the International Bar Association …
was created by the
Roman Vatican Empire
in collusion with the
Pope, Queen and Henry the VIII.

All lawyers swearing allegiance to The Bar work under direction of this Illuminati organization, meaning all courts were corrupted.

Every person who showed allegiance to The Bar was then a foreign entity who was trespassing on human rights.

These BAR associates, society and corporations have been working massive fraud under the cover of law for a long time throughout the world, in every country.

Read this message…

They have now admitted that they
to remove the Great Seal In 1973.

Rod Culleton finally got a reply to the FOI request written 2 months ago to the Attorney – General for legality of the removal of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth in 1973.

The Great Seal is required to make Commonwealth law.

It is the most central thing to run Government and Parliament under the Constitution.

The answer came in yesterday morning

They have now admitted that they *DID NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY* to remove the Great Seal In 1973.

That means it’s ‘ILLEGAL & DONE IN TREASON* & every ACT since is NOT VALID LAW, NO AUTHORITY means there is NO LAW ever since.

The document received is the single most important thing to do blow every current government and parliament in Australia out of the water.

  Queen Victoria’s
Letters Patent 1900 (link)


1. All government tiers, including Local Council are now inside the Parliament of the State of QLD

2. The public officials are not public officials of “the Crown” but public officials of “the State” of QLD


1. The British colonies in Australia were all independent, under military law.

2. In 1885, the independent states had interstate agreements for trade, etc under the Federal Councils of Australasia Act 1855.

3. As free settlers began to grow, the People decided to unite under one form of government.

4. 10 years of conventions and referendums culminated in the Draft Constitution of the People which went to England for ratification.
5. On July 9 1900, Queen Victoria signed the amended draft Constitution and returned it to Australia.

The people were not consulted or advised.

6. At this point a final referendum was required to acquire the agreement of the people to this amended Constitution.
7. This was not done, the heads of each independent colony instead agreed FOR AND ON BEHALF of the People.
8. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act 1900 (UK) was the result, brought into Australian law on 1 January 1901.
9. The first 8 clauses are British law.
10. The Commonwealth of Australia Constitution starts at clause 9.
11. The Constitution lays out the rules and regulations under which Parliament may administer government to the People.
12. There are no entities known as a Prime Minister or a Premier to be found in the Act to Constitute the Commonwealth of Australia 1900 (UK).
13. As the Preamble states, the People agreed to be united under one indissoluble Commonwealth.
14. Therefore the people are the Commonwealth.
15. The Commonwealth is defined in the Constitution as a State.
16. Therefore the People of the Commonwealth are their “own” state.

17. Section 117 states, verbatim, that the People governed by the Queen (of the Constitution), and members of a state (of the Commonwealth), cannot have their rights removed by another state, (that perhaps being the state they physically live in), WITHOUT A REFERENDUM as mandated by Section 128 of our 1900 Constitution.

18. There has been no Referendum of the Sovereign People to approve any of these moves. This means they are Ultra Vires, an act beyond the powers or authority of the government.

It appears that the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution Act (UK) 1900, ratified on 1 January 1901 is an act of the heads of the independent colonies of the Australian dominion, which means that the Constitution of the People is still a draft document.

As the people had formally agreed to this document, all state and federal government in Australia are in fact, a foreign entity to the rights of the people of the Commonwealth.

As our land ownership is a Deed in Trust and Equity with the Queen of the Commonwealth of Australia Constitution (UK) 1900, a foreign government has no lawful right to step inside that Deed and remove rights inherent in it.

In order to do so, government have created registration processes that manipulate our agreement.

They have also created a new jurisdiction known as the Environment, with which they have enslaved the People as a plural, thereby creating legislation which enforces the People as an individual.

However, they have not asked our permission to create the form of government under which they now legislate OVER the People.

How did we let things get to this stage?
Is there anything we can do to stop the rot?

The first step towards fixing any problem is recognizing that there is a problem.

This video at the start of this article explains in detail.
It runs for an hour and explains exactly how
the Socialists traitors lurking among us have
set about to slowly but surely destroy our nation.

These are the monsters that
Australian Government works for.

Check this out.

Monster Club

Scott Morrison

Australian ex
Prime Minister

Daniel Andrews

‘Premier’ (Governor)


‘we know lockdowns work’


‘Chief’ Health Minister




(another) Health Minister




(original) Premier


Minister for Health


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