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This page will do it’s best to
expose the truth about Australia,
(or whatever it’s called),
in an attempt to honour those
who were tricked into giving their hearts,
their souls, their lives in the illusion they
was protecting Australia against foreign invaders.
Little did they realise,
the true enemy was much closer to home
This page cannot cover everything.
However – if it alerts visitors to the treachery of governments
in all countries, colluding together
which is just as prevalent today as it was since 1900,
and encourages them to discover for themselves
how they are nothing more than fodder
in a great paddock of chafe for politicians worldwide
then this page has succeeded.

Read this message…
They have now admitted that they
to remove the Great Seal In 1973.
Rod Culleton finally got a reply to the FOI request written 2 months ago to the Attorney – General for legality of the removal of the Great Seal of the Commonwealth in 1973.
The Great Seal is required to make Commonwealth law.
It is the most central thing to run Government and Parliament under the Constitution.
The answer came in yesterday morning
They have now admitted that they *DID NOT HAVE ANY AUTHORITY* to remove the Great Seal In 1973.
That means it’s ‘ILLEGAL & DONE IN TREASON* & every ACT since is NOT VALID LAW, NO AUTHORITY means there is NO LAW ever since.
The document received is the single most important thing to do blow every current government and parliament in Australia out of the water.

The Tragic comedy
of the
Commonwealth Parliament of Australia:
The Quislings of foreign influence
Sean Ambrose
Mar 20, 2025
The author is a former 20 year member of
the Australian Labor Party and a former federal Labor candidate.
In 2004 the author stood against the Minister for Agriculture.
At the time the big issue was the
US Free Trade Agreement that
decimated local industries and rural communities.
In 2022 the author resigned from the Australian Labor Party
in absolute disgust and because of the vaccine mandates and lockdowns.
The author was also a union delegate for the Maritime Union of Australia
and believes that the MUA are just as guilty with regard to the treachery and betrayal
that has been orchestrated not only against their own members
and the trade union movement but also against the Australian people.
The hallowed halls of the Australian Parliament, a veritable stage for the grandest of tragedies and comedies, a place where the members of parliament are as cunning as a Dingo stealing a newborn baby.
Whilst our elected officials strut about the stage, often oblivious to the fact that they are merely puppets dancing on the strings pulled by unseen foreign actors.
One can almost hear the ghostly and jaded whispers of the Zionist Lobby, the State of Israel and the Ukrainian AZOV Lobby echoing through the chambers, reminding our politicians that loyalty, like a well-placed bribe, is often negotiable.
Foreign Aid and money laundering
Our members of parliament, those staunch defenders of democracy and freedom, have, it seems, taken a keen interest in foreign affairs – specifically, how to cozy up to foreign powers while simultaneously forgetting the very citizens they purportedly serve.
One certainly wonders about how much Foreign Aid was laundered back to Australian politicians?
If ever there were a modern-day Narcissus, gazing lovingly at his own reflection while the world crumbles around him, it would surely be found in the mirrors of Parliament House.
They stand transfixed, enamored by the siren call of foreign patronage, even as the sword of Damocles dangles precariously above their heads.
Take, for instance, the New South Wales Premier, Chris Minns. With a deftness that would make a magician envious, he has managed to pander to the Zionist Lobby while simultaneously launching a false flag operation to erode the freedoms and liberties of the citizens of New South Wales.
The despot Premier of New South Wales
The Zionist Federation should be registered as an agency of a foreign power
What a spectacular way to win friends and influence people – by sacrificing the very principles of democracy on the altar of political expedience.
Does he hear the applause.
Or perhaps he’s too busy counting the foreign aid that has been funnelled back to the charities and Labor Party front groups that now litter our political landscape?
Let’s take a moment to reflect on Section 13A (b) of the New South Wales Constitution Act 1902 and Section 44 of the Commonwealth of Australia Act 1901.
These little stipulations were designed, one might argue, to maintain the integrity and loyalty of our parliamentarians.
Yet here we are, like tragicomic characters in a Shakespearean play, watching as our elected officials flout these laws with all the grace of a drunken seafarer.
Quislings, every last one of them, selling their souls and our nation for 30 pieces of silver!
Link to Section 13A (b)
of the New South Wales Constitution Act 1902
The tragic irony of this situation is that while our leaders cavort with foreign powers, the citizens of Australia are left to pick up the pieces, wondering who exactly their leaders are loyal to – if anyone at all.
The Australian Government is under the duress and dictates of foreign powers
The notion of a loyal servant of the public has been replaced by the image of a sycophantic and flea ridden lapdog, eager to please its foreign masters while the interests of the people languish in the shadows.
In light of this grotesque circus, one must call for an investigation into the parliamentary criminality and corruption that has since become as common as a Sunday barbecue.
It is high time that these so-called representatives face the music and not just be expelled from their positions but be publicly shamed for their treachery.
Let them experience the same scrutiny they’ve so easily evaded, as they bask in the glow of foreign benefactors.
We must also demand a Constitutional Challenge.
The rights of Australians have been eroded under the weight of these betrayals and it is our duty to restore them.
Let us not merely sit idly by while our democracy is transformed into a tragicomedy of errors.
We must rise, voice our discontent and reclaim our rights from the clutches of those who have betrayed us.
In conclusion, as we stand at the precipice of political farce, let us not forget that the greatest tragedy of all is not merely the corruption of our leaders but our own complacency in allowing it to continue.
It’s time for the spotlight to be cast upon those who have betrayed the trust of the Australian people

click image to follow link at bottom
ATO Illegally
collecting tax
There is no such thing as "law" - only scribbles/words on paper which people are duped into believing are "special words" which they "must obey".
Unless a document is signed as a contract voluntarily and intentionally by the people it's supposed to apply to, the words are of no authority over anyone, nor of any obligation to anyone.
So even if the scribbles about an "ATO" were so-called "gazetted", it would make zero difference in reality - the theft and robbery called "taxes" have always been, still are and always will be theft and robbery.
Another version of this image has been spread around the internet... to which I further replied:
The argument that "the ATO was never legally formed" misses the fundamental point and is actually irrelevant anyway. It contains a false implication that it would be possible to be "legally formed" - if only they had done this or that according to some other (also bogus) procedure, or used some other "seal", or waved their "magic wand"...
Freedom advocates must stop wasting their time (and everyone's time) spreading this and similar useless arguments, when they could be teaching the fundamentals and be vastly more effective.
"Tax" is a euphemism for theft/robbery.
No matter what a bunch of shysters and parasites who masquerade as "government" do or say, the simple obvious fact remains that no-one signed any contract authorizing anyone to "govern" them, therefore there is no valid/legitimate institution authorized to help themselves to your income/assets, therefore you cannot have any kind of "Tax" (theft) Office that isn't actually just theft/robbery.
They fabricate all manner of nonsense, trying to trick/brainwash people into believing that they are "authorities", but all of it is lies. The more people "research" into their scam "system" - with the presumption that ANY of it is valid (it's not - the whole supposed "system" is a fraud/scam) - the more they waste their time and tend to become tricked, in some way or another.
There's a lot more on this here:

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AUSTRALIA and "Commonwealth of Australia" are not the same!
it appears that AUSTRALIA's border starts 200 Meters offshore and extends 200 nautical miles out to sea also including some islands, however, the Commonwealth of Australia is not "included" in the government's interpretation of what constitutes AUSTRALIA.
This may be happening in all western countries around the world.
What Australia REALLY is
according to the
Australian Taxation Office

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Where is Australia
What the government is hiding
Australia was sold to USA many years ago - but what was sold?
WHY are we paying tax to Australia?
WHERE does the tax go?
WHO is the tax being paid to?
WHAT is the tax used for?
The 'territories' or the huge lump of mineral-rich-dirt-with-no-name
surrounded by the locations listed.
Many of them couldn't even be listed as 'islands'
as they're not much bigger than bumps sticking out of the ocean.
Either way, more history that's been hidden
by the traitors posing as 'goverment'.
More skulduggery to screw us over
if it wasn't it wouldn't be a secret.

Click image for PDF
What the government is hiding
Australia that we know it to be
does not exist.
The following excerpt from the
Australian Taxation Assessment Act 1997
Section 960 5.05
Confirms 'Australia' is:-
SECT 960.505
Meaning of Australia
- (1) Australia when used in a geographical sense, includes each of the following:
- (a) Norfolk Island
- (b) the Coral Sea Islands Territory;
- (c) the Territory of Ashmore and Cartier Islands;
- (d) the Territory of Christmas Island;
- (e) the Territory of Cocos (Keeling) Islands;
- (f) the Territory of Heard Island and the McDonald Islands.
(1) Acts Interpretation Act 1901 provides that an
Act is taken to have effect in the coastal sea
as if the coastal sea were part of AustraliaOffshore areas
(2) Australia when in a geographical sense, includes an offshore area
for the purposes of the Offshore Petroleum and Greenhouse Gas Storage Act 2006Note 1: The offshore area includes all things located in that area,
including all installations and structures such as oil and gas rigs.
The area also extends to the airspace over,
and the sea-bed and subsoil beneath, that area.
Note 2: The offshore area includes the
exclusive economic zone and the continental shelf of Australia

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What Includes Australia
Due to the events Re: the so called Corona Virus,
this has been urgently uploaded for the latest finds
in relation to what includes Australia and New South Wales.

click image for video
Australia – we’re screwed
Tim’s Truths
video 1
Australia’s Prime minister
Harold Holt
was murdered
Click either image for video 1
click image for video
Australian Whistleblower:
Australia, Canada & New Zealand
Are Fake Nations Illegally Highjacked
October 15, 2010
Wayne Levick &
NZ Radio Host, Vinny Eastwood
This Shocking Secret Poses the Biggest Threat to the British Crown Colonies, the UK and USA. Conclusive Proof they have Highjacked the Legitimate Constitutional Governments and Replaced them with Fraudulent Corporations Under the Control of a Secret Globalist Led Cabal.
Claims have been made that Rogue Nations like China and Israel Have All of the Documentation that Conclusively Proves they are All Illegitimate Nations.

click image for video
Next 4 videos
from Tim’s Truths

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True history of Australia
What the government is hiding
What the government is hiding, (well, some of it).
You have to weep for those guys who was sacrificed for money.
Still going on – will we never learn?
Track : The Band Played Waltzing Matilda
A song, written by an Irishman, Eric Bogel,
about an Australian in the early part of WW1,
and the aftermath.
Music video by Eric – good quality in colour.
If anyone wants to hear this video backing track by the Pogues in full

click image for video
Australia Constitution

click image above for link to speech
Bob Hawke
election speech 1990
After Whitlam signed away
Australia’s industrial future
to China with the
‘LIMA’ agreement, in 1975
in conjunction with Hawke,
Bob Hawke delivered this
election speech to Australia.
Rather than comment on either let
his-story determine the real agenda.
“Central to everything I am putting forward today
– and central to the decision you will make on 24 March –
is the kind of Australia we want for our children.”
Click arrow icon below on right to see/un-see article
Langton is set to address the
National Press Club on
6 September 2023
Click arrow on right for full article and to close
Langton is set to address the
National Press Club on
6 September 2023
Their castle of sand crumbles
Insider traitor clowns are using historical lies to disconnect us from our history our land and each other.
Their intention is to shame us into submission, coercing us to comply with their global governance agenda in order to rob us of our valuable resources and wealth, much like what has been experienced in Africa.
As the UN cultural heritage law is scrapped and the yes vote tanks, Marcia Langton, the Queen of insider traitor clowns, is rolled out by her now desperate billionaire handlers as she spits out her trademark racist labels in the final hurrah.
To revive their failing plot, they stage a performance of unpredictable, unstable and spiteful Langton as their castle of sand crumbles.
There is a rising tide of lies that threatens to engulf these criminal actors, bringing Langton and Bruce Pascoe to their knees and justice.
Their endorsement of the fabrications and fairy tales of Dark Emu manipulation, and the nefarious treasonist distortion of history.
As a dangerous form of mind control is being exposed after years of deception.
We have been infiltrated by insider traitor clowns committed to sabotaging our country both through claims that we are too racist to manage our own affairs, as well as by demoralising our countrymen so that they comply with global control in order to achieve their own desires.
Langton’s inequitable gravy train –
Germaine Greer
According to the perspective of wise elders, it has come to their attention that the grifters are currently enjoying a never-ending gravy train when it comes to Aboriginal Affairs in Canberra¹.
The objective behind this manipulation is to convince Australians to vote in favour of an industry that has consistently failed for over fifty years, thereby perpetuating this cycle of sabotage.
To achieve this, various tactics are being employed, including shaming strategies, distorting historical facts, and the use of sweeping racial stereotypes to divide us.
These tactics are aimed at demoralising the Australian public, pressuring them to relinquish their land rights, which are a fundamental part of our heritage and liberty.
Parasitic entities
There are parasitic entities such as corporate sports celebrities, sold-out Hollywood actors, Big Pharma, and other corporate cartels including the United Nations social cartel system encompassing 40,000 weaponised not-for-profits who work together to steal Aboriginal people’s voices.
The UN system attempts to usurp Australia’s voice through a psychopathic UN social/shame system.
The billionaire grifters are the parasites behind this neo-feudal agenda by exploiting the perceived weakness of our concern for our countrymen to undermine our inalienable rights.
Their parasitic behaviour can be seen with their tax haven system getting all the benefits of a country without contributing back any of their mega profits.
They are asset-stripping the 3rd world by siphoning profits into their tax havens whilst keeping the country starving to death using UN debt slavery.
This system enables the most heinous criminals of our time to operate the largest human trafficking network in history to compromise leaders worldwide.
Additionally, the bought media
co-offending conduct is designed
for confusion and demoralisation.
These grifters, in their manipulative approach, have even resorted to falsely advocating for human rights.
As a means to shame Australians into giving up their fundamental private property rights.
Thus undermining the very fabric of our society. This situation calls for a closer examination of the tactics being used and the need for Australians to remain vigilant in protecting their inalienable rights, our heritage, and our historical record.
It is crucial that we stand together in preserving what is rightfully ours.
An example of Aboriginal voices being usurped by parasitic billionaires is Badger Bates recruited from jail to become the voice of Wilcannia.
Parasitic billionaires instructed Minister art collector Don Harwin, and his federal counterpart to grift $7M out of the public purse to build an art gallery for this fake claimer killer.
Yet, Wilcannia’s water is poisoned.
They suffer the lowest life expectancy in the world at 34 years.
Consequently, there is a growing push to adopt Voice/treaty/Truth, with these concepts being used as a decoy to divert attention from the real agenda at hand – the full UN control under Agenda 21/Agenda 2030 for neo-feudalism².
It is abundantly clear that the implications of this issue reach far beyond what meets the eye.
The consequences of such manipulation and interference have far-reaching ramifications that cannot be ignored.
Distinguished deceiver
Despite Marcia Langton’s dishonesty and lack of integrity, the Press Club is staging a special event featuring the distinguished deceiver herself.
It is important to highlight the extensive track record Langton has developed over the years, of disseminating harmful falsehoods, endorsing government-funded criminal leaders, and legitimising fake claimers, including the notorious grifter Pascoe.
These actions have resulted in
significant distortions of history,
putting Australia at great risk.
The danger of distorting history cannot be underestimated.
It is crucial to acknowledge that Hitler, in his pursuit of absolute power, also utilised these deceptive strategies.
To achieve this he simply had to exploit the existing fabrications of history and convert them into potent propaganda weapons that resulted in unbelievable evil and immense human suffering³.
Therefore, it is imperative to actively counter these psychological weapons by exposing the traitors and disseminating the facts.
The erosion of reality and the distortion of truths is a potent instrument for psychological control.
The one who controls the past controls the future – George Orwell
Manipulation of historical records
is a precursor to genocide.
Since World War 2, these actions have been condemned and acknowledged as serious criminal offences in numerous countries⁴.
We must uphold the integrity of historical facts to combat this form of manipulation.
Bruce Pascoe manipulating the historic record of our nation with the active endorsement of Marcia Langton is a deliberate treasonous assault on all Australians.
They claim Aboriginal people were engaged in agriculture before 1788, despite the fact that there were no native hoofed animals.
It would be impossible to harness a kangaroo, wombat, or koala to plough the land.
The lack of evidence provided by Pascoe is considered “deeply problematic” by an anthropologist at the Australian National University, Ian Keen.
Geoffrey Blainey, a historian renowned for his belief that Australian farming did not begin until 1788, as well as others brave enough to fight against the invasion of Australia by parasitic entities attempting to gradually control our minds and land.
Furthermore, Terra nullius did not exist
during the 18th and 19th centuries.
The concept originated from a 1975 International Court Opinion and was later introduced into the Australian lexicon by Lionel Murphy in 1979.
This introduction was an attempt to manipulate the future of our country through deceit. By introducing a single word, they sought to alter the perception and legitimacy of our connection to the land⁵.
These neo-feudal parasites are highly motivated to
These weak billionaire parasites are so desperate to satisfy their sense of superiority over everyday individuals that they were compelled to devise a deceitful scheme to deprive us of its resources for their substantial benefit.
Yet their failure is inevitable.
The stage is set for humiliation.
The act of misleading people with a single word requires a significant amount of time to manipulate an entire group of “leaders” into becoming useful idiots.
Can you fathom the amount of time and strategising that goes into turning an entire category of “leaders” into accomplices to a doomed-to-fail parasitic scheme?
Now listen to Pascoe gloating about it.
They face a wave of contempt and disgust.
We have insider traitors
working to demoralise us
and disconnect us from
our people, country and land.
They aim to implement global governance, control resources and wealth, and strip Australia like Africa.
Through historical distortion, shame, disunity, and demoralising tactics, we are groomed to silence our voice and fighting spirit to protect our property rights. They falsely claim that we cannot make a difference individually.
These weak individuals resort to bullying and shaming to convince Australians that we are powerless. This is not true.
It is by exposing the traitors that we make it clear we won’t be manipulated by them.
The stage is set for a humiliating fall.
The Australian people are prevailing.
Their malicious motives aimed to sow chaos and undermine society through confusion, distraction, and deceit.
Spreading historical falshoods contaminates public discourse.
The objective is to erode trust in a stable society, causing doubt in perspectives and trust in others.
Insatiable greed drives celebrities, corporations, government “leaders”, and the media to commit crimes against the people.
They supported the fraudulent agenda of Pascoe and Langton and attacked Aboriginal Australians opposing it, hoping to fuel division and mistrust.
However, their attempts
have been unsuccessful.
The Australian people are prevailing, and I take immense pride in the fact that we have refused to be divided.
Recognise the web of deception these grifters have woven, manipulating public sentiment with false cries for human rights.
Resist their orchestrated effort to undermine private property rights. Australians must unite against these insidious tactics.
This issue has sparked a nationwide dialogue, with people from all walks of life voicing concerns and sharing experiences.
The depth and breadth of this conversation highlight the urgent need for action. Every Australian must stay informed and engage in meaningful discussions.
We must address these challenges head-on, ensuring our voices are heard to safeguard land rights for future generations.

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The Hawke Keating Government
introduced many policies that
destroyed Australia’s sovereignty.
• In 1983 Hawke got the High Court to rule that Foreign Treaties should override the State governments
• In 1985 Keating lifted all foreign capital controls allowing banks to borrow offshore and lend recklessly against houses pushing house prices from 4 times earnings to 12 times earnings today.
This is turn forced two parents back to work and children into childcare.
• In 1985 the Button plan destroyed manufacturing
• In 1990 the Dawkins plan allowed everyone to go to university. This destroyed our skills sector and TAFE colleges. Our children become brainwashed with Marxism and were virtually bankrupt with HECs in their early 20’s.
This is the reason why we also have high immigration today as we have to import migrants who are actually skilled in a trade.
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King Charles III
proclaimed as Lord of Mann
His Majesty King Charles III will be proclaimed as Lord of Mann at Government House at 12 noon on Sunday 11 September 2022.
Only 3 days after official death of QE2
The Proclamation will be read by the Lieutenant Governor, His Excellency Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer.
Whilst the public are able to attend, regrettably there is only limited on-site car parking at Government House.
Therefore, the public are instead encouraged to attend the second Proclamation Ceremony in St John’s at 11 am on Friday 16 September 2022.
The second Proclamation will be made from Tynwald Hill, the ancient seat of the Kings and Lords of Mann.
Following this, a resolution of loyalty and condolence will be put before a sitting of Tynwald Court in the Royal Chapel.
This ceremony is based on the one held at St John’s in February 1952 to proclaim Queen Elizabeth II, and is similar in outline to the normal Tynwald Day ceremony.
It will begin with a short act of worship in the Royal Chapel. The actual Proclamation will take place on Tynwald Hill and the sitting will conclude back in the Royal Chapel.
The public are welcome to witness the proceedings on the Hill. Sound amplification will be put in place as far as possible in the time available. The event will be broadcast on Manx Radio and live-streamed online. There will be no grandstand seating.
Office-holders who formed part of the processions at the most recent Tynwald Day will be contacted by the Clerk of Tynwald’s Office with detailed instructions.
King Charles III proclaimed
as Lord of Mann

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Ten minute look
at the hidden history of Australia.
This is the history
that they don’t want you to know.
That’s why it was
never taught in the
Education ‘system’.
A treaty was signed in Geneva
called the
‘Declaration regarding
he Teaching of History’
(Revision of School Textbooks)
to change the way history is taught
because Australians might get a
little upset to discover the truth
which is that we are a foreign occupied nation:
Click image for video

Some truths about
Australia Day
This is information that
all Australians should know
but won’t want to.
Time to expose the BS about
what people think ‘Australia’ is.
It’s not what most people
will even want to think.
The reason Australia day is celebrated on 26 January but don’t expect any education system to provide you with these facts as it is more important to the agenda of the parasites that Australians do not find out what’s been ‘going on’ in their backyard for over 100 years and how they’ve been screwed by selected and inserted traitor governments since then for their own personal enrichment and the enrichment of their parasite masters.
Australia Day does not celebrate the arrival of the first fleet or the invasion of anything.
Captain Cook did not arrive in Australia on the 26th January.
The actual landing of
Captain Cook in Sydney
happened on the
28th April 1770
not on 26th January
The first fleet arrived in Botany Bay on 18th January.
The 26th was chosen as Australia Day for a very different and important reason.
It is the day Australians are told
they received their independence
from British Rule, largely because Australia
was sold to the USA by the UK
to pay off loans UK had taken to pay for it’s wars
and Australia became an ‘occupied territory’.
However, Captain Cook’s landing was included in Australian bi-centenary celebrations of 1988 when Sydney-siders decided Captain Cook’s landing should become the focus of the Australia Day commemoration.
Sadly the importance of this date for all Australians has begun to fade and now a generation later, it is all but lost.
The media as usual is happy to twist the truth for the sake of controversy.
Captain Cook didn’t land on the 26th January, so changing the date of any celebration of Captain Cook’s landing would not have any impact on Australia Day, but maybe it would clear the way for the truth about Australia Day.
Australians of today, quite rightly, abhor the treatment of the Aborigines, the Irish and many other cultures around the world under British governance.
So after the horrors of WW2, we decided to try and fix it.
We became our own people.
On 26th January 1949, the Australian nationality came into existence when the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948 was enacted.
That was the day we were first called Australians and allowed to travel with passports as Australians and NOT British subjects – which makes sense as, essentially, ‘Australians’ are, in reality, USA ‘subjects’.
In 1949 therefore, we all became ‘Australian citizens’ under the Nationality and Citizenship Act 1948.
Before that special date, all people living in Australia, including Aborigines, were called ‘British Subjects’ and forced to travel on British passports and fight in British wars – now Australians fight in USA wars, e.g. Vietnam and, lately, Ukraine.
26th January is the day Australians thought they became free to make our own decisions about which wars we would fight and how our citizens would be treated.
Well, that’s what Australians are told, in reality it’s the USA that decides where Australian forces are deployed.
It was the day we were all ‘declared’ to be ‘Australians’ – though it’s just a term to give Australians a ‘warm fuzzie’.
Until this date, Aborigines were not protected by law.
For the first time since Captain
Cook’s landing this new Act gave Aboriginal Australians the full protection of Australian Law.
This is why 26th January is the day new Australians receive their citizenship.
It is a day which celebrates the implementation of the Nationality of Citizenship Act of 1948 –The Act which gave Australians the illusion of freedom and protection to the first Australians and gives all Australians, old and new, the right to live under the protection of the Australian Law”, which is owned by USA bankers, united as one nation as a profit-making (for them) corporation, registered in USA.
We’re told, what was achieved that day is something for which all Australians can be proud.
Isn’t it time that all Australians were taught the real reason we celebrate Australia Day on 26th January and let Australians make up their own minds about how good it was for them to this day?
Though, most would not want to even consider the truth
More about this,
from various sources,
follows on this page

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click image for video
Australia is a major world economy,
with highly developed industries and
close to 25 million of
the wealthiest citizens in the world.
But Australia is harbouring
a deep, dark secret …
… it is an American company!

Click image for video
Part 2A
The Ark of the Covenant

Click image for video
Part 2B

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Part 3
click image for link to article
How To Hijack a State
– Exposing –
– The Great Australian Government –
On Our Channel, Exposing The Great Australian Government, We will be using Official Government Documentation to show you, The People, what these Purported Politicians and Political Parties have conspired and done behind your back’s and behind closed doors to side step Our Primary Law, Commonwealth Of Australia Constitution Act 1901 as Proclaimed and Gazetted under Royal Coat of Arms.
“If you do not take an interest in
the affairs of your government,
then you are doomed
to live under the rule of fools.”
― Plato
Click image to link to article
Australians are forced to vote,
whether we like it or not.
We all know that our vote is meaningless,
because no matter who we vote for
we only end up with one of two
major political parties;
either the ALP or the LIB/NATS.
Yet, very few people understand why our wishes are ignored once we elect these people to power over us.
The simple answer is that the Political Parties have already sold us out to the United Nations while we were all asleep.
Since the Whitlam Labor Government Australia has been registered as a Corporation.
We have lost our sovereignty.
We are no longer subjects of HM Queen Elizabeth the Second.
Nor are we a part of the Commonwealth under the Crown.
Instead, we have been sold out and we are now dictated to by the United Nations.
The MEDIA are complicit and being very quiet about it.
Corporate Government?
How did this happen?

Video - click image
What does a nuclear
explosion feel like?
Now ‘Useless’ Australian soldiers returning home
from WW2 got to find out how they was now
‘excess to requirements for the
‘Mother’ country and it would probably be
better if they didn’t return at all.
After Word War II
the British government
decided to randomly explode
a nuclear bomb right next to
20,000 soldiers
just to see what would happen.
What a sick and vile experiment.
Notice these are all Australians
All through this time period and WW2
Aussies were considered expendable
by UK Military and Churchill –
probably because they was easier to ‘hide’
in those days of limited news coverage.
Like his father,
Churchill was a Eugenicist and
puppet of the Rothschilds.
He considered Australians as ‘colonials’
and of little ‘value’ and he was renowned
for his sacrifice of Australian Troops to do ‘work’
that would involve heavy casualties that
he didn’t want to explain to people in England
who considered him a hero.
Also – the war was over so these troops
was now ‘expendable’ as they was no longer needed
and would probably incur financial expense
to the ‘mother’ country as they was demobilised.
In effect, they was a liability
and now disposable.
Click image for video
The Truth Will Set You Free
Part 3
The Remedy
Produced By Dawn Kelly.
The final video in the 3 part documentary “THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE” series, technically there are 4 videos as part 2 has a Part A and a Part B.
I approach this topic from a spiritual perspective as we are in a spiritual war. I hope that you enjoy it and connect with me if it resonates with you.
Realm and Commonwealth
PART 1 The Introduction
Source: https://https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBzdtdptIg4
Music Credit: Slim Dusty
The Travellers Prayer and Youtube royalty free music library.
No copyright intended.
WEBSITE: https://dawnkelly.com.au
SHOP: https://dawnkelly.com.au/shop/
BLOG: https://dawnkelly.com.au/blog/

30. Are you aware of the fraudulent RT-PCR tests with the “positive” test is “meaningless” unscientific and cannot differentiate from the flu?
31. Are you aware that Doctors have never told you to take a prescribed drug based upon its failure rate but rather its success rate?
32. If you have had the mRNA Inoculations you are transmitting to others who become infected from the spike protein?
33. Are you aware of unlawful “orders or mandates are not law?
34. Are you aware that the chain of command has been severely breached from the PM down to the Health Dept to CMO’s to police commissioners?
35. Are you aware of the two (2) constitutions in Australia?
36. Are you aware of this Foreign-Australian Corporate-Government Surveillance Regime is masquerading as de jour government is a gangster government with its private mercenary contractors Impersonating the “police” force who are following unlawful orders and blatantly ignoring and breaching the Commonwealth of Australia Act commonly known as the Australian Constitution by breaching peoples free will conscience?
37. Are you aware that Australia has never lawfully gained her national sovereignty compared to all of the other Commonwealth countries?
38. Did you know that Australia is a Concealed colony?
39. Are you aware that Australia has been in sedition, treason and misprision of treason for decades with a number of unlawful Acts passed by the treasonous traitors the Freemasons in parliament acting with complete impunity?
40. Causal Links to Treason and Misprision of Treason https://www.ofopoa.com/causal-links-to-treason-and-misprision-of-treason/
41. Occultic Freemasonry Oaths
in Public Office Australia
42. Are you aware that there is a premeditated conspiracy for food shortages, incremental price rises and starvation to take place next?
43. Are you aware that Australia is under an asymmetrical war, a biological war, with the mRNA Inoculations, toxic chemtrails, 5G is a military weapon, an economic war, a spiritual war and a cyber-space psychological war that they have never experienced before?
44. Are you aware that state-sponsored terrorism has been taking place with the corporate “police” enforcers for the Corporate Parliament?
In 1973, Gough Whitlam, signed Australia over to the foreign: UNIDROIT Treaty of Rome, handing the Equitable Title of the mineral and energy wealth of Australia to a “foreign power”, head office Rome.
Why do so few people know about this criminal act of treason and why are there so many lawyers in parliament that pledge their Oath to the foreign: CITY OF LONDON in order to hide the truth from the masses?
UNIDROIT uses the ALL UPPER-CASE debased corrupt DOG-LATIN text of Babylon (Rome), being foreign to the common law English language.
DOG-LATIN is used for foreign Roman (VATICAN) military accounts.
(Military Dog Tags) The UNITED-STATES was signed over to UNIDROIT in 1964, just after Kennedy was shot dead.
48. Did you know this fact was hidden from the masses? UNIDROIT, dealing with the private contracts of Rome…
49. Did you know every state and territory and the Australian Federal Police to file a complaint to for the fraudulent PCR tests from a lack of standardisation, excessive PCR cycles and lack of recording cycles?
50. What did the Police Association do for its members when these unlawful mandates were dictated by edict and not lawful or constitutional?
51. Why has not member of the police filed a complaint and charges against the Australian Medical Association and to any other medical association promoting the PCR tests and the ‘Experimental Irreversible Genetic Modification Injection’ breaching their Hippocratic Oath of “First Do No Harm” motto and much more?
52. Why has not members of the police filed charges against any medical doctor, nurse, pharmacy or anyone who has been trained to give these Experimental Irreversible Genetic Modification Injections’ of premeditated Murder by Injections?
53. Are you aware those who are culpable and liable for faulty statistics and fraud to deceive the public and others for gaining access to monies under false pretences for hospital equipment i.e. ventilators or for falsely declaring dying of Covid-19 to gain more monies instead of declaring the multiple health issues that contributed to their deaths of not actually dying of Covid-19?
54. Are you aware the public have not been “Fully Informed” of this mRNA Experimental Irreversible Genetic Modification Injection’ or the side effects, adverse reactions and death?
55. Are you aware it is a criminal offence for any doctor, nurse or pharmacist to not “fully inform” their patients?
56. Are you aware those in private nursing homes or government regulated aged care facilities have been injected without their “informed consent which is a violation of their human rights, best practice, due diligence, the Nuremburg Code of Ethics and sheer medical negligence on a massive scale?
57. Are you aware that 90% of those people who have died are in government regulated aged care facilities?
58. Are you aware that the CDC is an Public Relations and Marketing arm of vaccine and mRNA corporations?
59. Are you aware that a number of Commonwealth legislations have been blatantly ignored?
60. Are you aware this is a corporate-military operation?
61. Are you aware this Agenda21/2030 is Crimes against Humanity?
62. Are you aware that this is a world-wide Psyop against Humanity?
63. Are you aware this is a premeditated conspiracy of Depopulation planned decades ago?
64. Are you aware that this is a premeditated global conspiracy to destabilise countries with loss of their national sovereignty and national security?
65. Are you aware this is a premeditated global conspiracy to wreck the economy to bring in a 5G cashless society with a Communist Social Credit Token System with points and penalties?
66. Did you know that a premeditated global conspiracy to install a military grade weapon of 5G against civilians with LRAD’s already used against peaceful unarmed civilians?
67. Did you know that a premeditated global conspiracy to install 5G for banking surveillance of every single item purchased?
68. Did you know there has been Malfeasance in High Office?
69. Did you know that there is and has been fraud by deception for enrichment to individuals, governments officials, corporations and shareholders?
70. Did you know there has been false advertising with false claims by all of the MSM electronic and press which is a criminal offence?
71. Have you notice that No alternative narratives are allowed with the heavy censorship by the MSM propaganda arm, IT corporations YouTube, Goggle, Facebook and Twitter deactivating accounts for revealing evidence to the contrary of the official narrative?
72. Did you know that the RICO Act is to be implemented from the United States towards the vaccine corporations and mRNA corporations in Australia for Racketeering with stringent Vicarious Liability applied?
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) R.I.C.O.
73. Have you realised that Extortion by the police through unlawful fines with intimidation, threats, physical assaults under false pretences by unlawful ‘Directives’ with false imprisonment?
74. Have you realised a Disproportionate Measures to a virus that has not been isolated or purified and no evidence exists?
75. Have you realised the breaching of the Biosecurity Act 2015 protocols in a number of areas?
76. Have you realised the breaching of the Privacy Act 1988 94H?
77. Have you realised coercion, threats, blackmail and fines for businesses to implement the unlawful QR code or sign in sheets for unwarranted “tracking and tracing” of consumers personal data is unlawful?
78. Did you know that police entering businesses uninvited in unlawful ‘soliciting’ and harassing consumers by threats, arrests and surveillance to check if they have signed in or used the QR code?
79. Did you know this agenda and operation is Murder by Injection world-wide?
80. Did you know that the “authorities are covering up Covid Vax Deaths and Injuries Says Ambulance Workers and Nurses False statistics and false declarations?
81. Why hasn’t the police acted on the false statistics?
82. Do you understand or comprehend that you are assisting the corporate authorities to administer a poison to Australians. Public Health Act 2016 (WA) – Instrument of Authorisation – Authorisation to Supply or Administer a Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19) VACCINE – Australian Defence Force] (No.2) 2021 https://www.wa.gov.au/government/publications/public-health-act-2016-wa-instrument-of-authorisation-authorisation-supply-or-administer-poison-sars-cov-2-covid-19-vaccine-australian-defence-force-no2-2021
83. Did you know that it is Rape by a foreign object into ones’ body without consent or being “Fully Informed”?
84. Did you know that the unscientific and unwarranted mandatory mask wearing is unhealthy?
85. Did you know that the unscientific and unwarranted “social distancing” mandating was created by a 15 yr. old female in a competition where she got third place?
86. Did you know the population has not been “Fully Informed” of the shedding and transmission of the mRNA Injections?
87. Did you know the insertion of the DARPA Hydrogel or any other hydrogel with nano-particles that are replicating inside the body without the “Fully Informed” consent of those receiving Experimental Irreversible Genetic Modification Injections?
88. Did you the TGA is a ‘corporation’ with a ”Conflict of Interest” with the corporate-government entity giving faulty information and unaccountable to the public know?
89. Did you know that the Health Department is a ‘corporation’ with the corporate-government entity giving faulty information and unaccountable thus far to the public?
90. Did you know the monopolising of “health” with the aiding and abetting by this corporate-government entity for and on behalf of the corrupt and criminal medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine cabal the politicisation of “health” by this corporate-government entity over-riding ones freedom of conscience to choose without duress or coercion of what goes into ones’ body?
91. Did you know the restriction of alternative therapies and the criminalisation of a number of products is a criminal offence?
92. Did you know the monopolisation of health by the medical-pharmaceutical-vaccine cabal against Fair Trade by the aiding and abetting of this corporate-government entity?
93. Did you know that the seriously flawed medical ideology of “This is the best way to protect us is to get the shot” is untrue, unscientific, unwarranted, unsound, unhealthy and a complete lie?
94. Are you aware that this has NEVER been about “Health” it is about CONTROL-CONTAINMENT-COMPLIANCE to subjugate the populations by FEAR by State-Sponsored Terrorism with the aiding and abetting of Foreign Agencies and Foreign Powers?
95. Did you know that unlawful Commonwealth Legislation that has been put in place over the decades with no Dissent from Australians? It is NOT to be Obeyed and it its null and void if it did not come under the Commonwealth of Australia Act?
96. Are you aware that Australia has been in Sedition and Treason for decades with impunity right in front of their eyes. Freemasons, Fabians, NGO’s, Zionists, Council of Foreign Relations (CFR), the CIA, the WEF and the evil oligarchs, Soros etc. with the vaccine and mRNA Corporations?
97. Did you know that NATO and the Vatican-Papacy and many others are behind this Agenda 21/2030 which was signed by 194 nations including Australia?
98. Did you know that this Service Corporation commonly known as the “police” is registered in foreign county on the stock exchange with Dunn & Bradstreet in Washington D.C. and has a ABN. Foreign corporations have no jurisdiction over any nationals. It is a money making business model through ‘law enforcement’ through the establishment of a Corporation SAPOL, VICPOL etc?
99. Did you know that The criminality of the police in conjunction with this unlawful entity and the corrupt BAR courts with their above acts have created a ‘hostile business model’ based on false declarations of a Pandemic which is a criminal offence and a false declaration for a State of Emergency which is another criminal offence? Are they not involved in extortion, fraud and receiving money under false pretences with their fine system under the Crimes Act?
100. Did you know that when any “government” disarms the population democide-genocide commences?
101. Did you know that the Australian Westminster system does not have the true separation of powers?
102. Did you know we are under the communist United Nations Trusteeship and Bankruptcy?
104. The Lima Treaty No Referendum=Treason
105. The Unidroit Treaty No Referendum=Treason
106. The Australia Act No Referendum=Treason
107. Many Australians are ignorant of their own history that has placed them under oppression over the decades.
108. Other unlawful oaths Any person who —
(1) Administers, or is present at and consents to the administering of, any oath or engagement in the nature of an oath purporting to bind the person who takes it to act in any of the ways following, that is to say —
(a) To engage in any seditious enterprise;
(b) To commit any indictable offence other than one entailing the killing of a person;
(c) To disturb the public peace;
(d) To be of any association, society, or confederacy formed for the purpose of doing any such act as aforesaid;
(e) To obey the orders or commands of any committee or body of men not lawfully constituted, or of any leader or commander or other person not having authority by law for that purpose;
(f) Not to inform or give evidence against any associate, confederate, or other person;
(g) Not to reveal or discover any unlawful association, society, or confederacy, or any illegal act done or to be done, or any illegal oath or engagement that may have been administered or tendered to or taken by himself or any other person, or the import of any such oath or engagement;
109. Did you know People think they know about Freemasons but they don’t.
They have an 800 year history of over-throwing governments and assassinations.
Freemasons are a Front for the evil cunning and conniving Jesuits which represent the evil Vatican-Papacy who are behind this as well as they have been positioning themselves as the NWR Religion and there will be another and the last Inquisition before this is all through.
The Vatican-Papacy hate the rule of law and the separation of church and state.
click image for link to article
Some points
to explain why
the 1901 is a fraud
1. There is only one commonwealth and that’s the commonwealth of great Britain of which Australia is a part.
It has a prime minister that is suppose to be put forward by Parliament to be approved by the governor general, the representative of the crown.
This means that Australia is under the governance of one system and cannot create its own commonwealth.
2. The royal prerogative to deny assent was removed in 1688 by Parliament through the creation of the bill of rights therefore Queen Victoria did not hold the authority of the people to grant assent to any commonwealth nation having their own constitution as she was a treasonous monarch.
So under the correct governing monarchy structure all fake constitutions are null and void.
3. The Magna Carta 1215 is a democratic common law constitution that recognises the people as the supreme judiciary and legislature meaning the people govern themselves through the independence of the jury the judge and annul government legislation.
4. The 1688 bill of rights took away jury independence so that a government dictatorship could be established..colonisation began 100 years later therefore the colonies were established on the principles of dictatorship.
5. The 1901 was written by British parliament (a dictatorship) that set up Australian parliament as the supreme judiciary see chapter 71 judicature act.
Any system that gives government the power to judge the legitimacy of it’s own legislation and the power to punish people into compliance is by definition a dictatorship.
6.Australia was setup as for profit outdoor prison whose largest revenue raiser was crime and prisons because administered by Parliament considering it gave itself the power to write and enforce legislation the interfered with peoples natural born rights.
7. Back in 1901 the people were ignorant and still are as to the meaning of democracy.
They were led to believe democracy was voting for two wings of the same bird with one agenda. By then voting in elections for a political party was well established therefore what the people accepted as democracy.
Consensus does not change the truth but it does become what is accepted as truth political parties only began to form prior to the creation of the bill of rights which signalled the shift of power away from the last governmental failsafe mechanism of the monarch (takes an oath to protect the rights of the people from government intrusion) denying assent to any legislation that infringes on the peoples rights.v
8. Government has the capacity to become criminal in nature by being influenced by private interests and the only mechanisms that prevent criminal government (royal prerogative and jury independence were removed in 1688.
9. By upholding the 1901 dictatorship people are saying they are bound to the ignorance of their forefathers to remain a prison colony under government dictatorship.
10. The word democracy means the people rule not the people vote for which flavour of slave master they want to be whipped by. Without jury independence the people are enslaved.
The 1901 is the antithesis of democracy and it’s time for Australians to mature by understanding the sins of the past so they can stop repeating them.
11. Magna Carta 1215 is a restatement of the democratic common law constitution that formed the construction of a nation state which was sealed in perpetuity making it the sole constitution for the entire British Commonwealth realm because a legitimate constitution imposes limits on what government can do not the people, so we need to take responsibility and use the standards government knows it’s bound to assert our natural born freedoms therefore liberating ourselves from government dictatorship.
Understanding the principles of democracy contained in the MC1215 is the only solution to getting government get out of our way and back to its intended purpose of keeping the power on and emptying the bins.

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I was only 19
All of our State Governments report to China.
All of our police and courts and upper ranks of the Military are Freemasons.
Our Federal “government” is a foreign owned service corporation, as is our Tax Office, Borders and Customs etc.
All sitting Parliamentarians in all Parliaments in “Australia” (what you think is Australia does not actually exist) are criminal frauds and traitors.
They have usurped our actual Constitution for a fake corporate constitution.
They are pretending that local councils are a “third level” of government and allowing these bodies to levy tax and enter into Treaties with foreign unelected bodies.
They have up-armoured mercenary foreign owned armies of policy enforcers in Police costumes operating under the colour of Law, they have allowed a foreign owned central bank to debauch the currency, they moved 99% of our gold reserves to the vault of the Bank of England where it was stolen, they have allowed State governments to unconstitutionally raise state borders and restrict trade and travel, they allowed State governments to legislate quarantines and injection mandates which went against the supposedly superior Federal laws.
If the Diggers who fought for this country in WW1 could have seen this, they would have got back in the boats and come home!

click image for video
The Planned
surrender of Australia
Eric Butler – 1989
to join
The New Economic International Order
bypass our Constitution
International Conventions
• Bob Hawke,
• John Howard,
• John Button,
• Malcolm Fraser,
• David Rockefeller and more…
but the manipulated program
started much earlier
click image for video
It’s said people get the governments
they deserve and that fact is
nowhere else more applicable
than in Australia.

Click image for download
Preface to
Dick Yardley’s book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’.
The Political Parties took ownership of the
Governor-General on the 2nd February 1960.
The Political Parties went to war against Vietnam
with Our Commonwealth Defence Force
which was for the Defence of the Commonwealth
NOT to tell other countries how to live.
The Political Parties while sitting in Our Parliament
created their own Parliament,
Government, Australia, Commonwealth,
Commonwealth of Australia
and a Queen of Australia a
ll statutory instruments, nothing living.
Political Parties in conjunction with the Religious Leaders
removed Our God “humbly relying on the blessing
of Almighty God” thereby removing Queen
Defender of the Faith from all Titles to Land
so the Political Parties took ownership of all Land.
Advance Australia
Get Dick Yardley’s e-book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’
only $15
and much, much more
from the
Advance Australia website
links above
Dick Yardley is a well-known and
respected Constitutional researcher
Australian Political
& Religious Leaders Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage.
Dick’s Story
Dick was a North Queensland fruit grower who had his farm stolen by the Cairns Council because he was trying to stop fruit bats with electric grids. The Council told him to stop. He refused. It was his land… but not for long when the greedy council go their hooks into him.
As a result, he started investigating how they could do that to him. The result was this amazing book that took 10 years to research and write.
In this 500+ page book he documents the many treasonous crimes committed by the political parties that led senior legal experts like Sir Harry Talbot Gibbs to conclude that “the current legal and political system in use in Australia and its States Territories has no basis in law.”
Dick Yardley’s book provides a handy reference for anyone who would like to understand how the political parties have stolen our freedoms and imposed a party dictatorship on us all.
Get Dick Yardley’s e-book
‘Australian Political Treason,
Treachery & Sabotage’
only $15
and much, much more
from the
Advance Australia website
links above

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In 1975 Gough Whitlam
signed the LIMA Agreement.
He sold Australia to the United Nations – but wait Australia & Pfizer are listed on the NYSE.
Donald J Trump’s Executive Order 13818 has seized the NYSE. Therefore by default he is the owner of Australia. Chapter 11 – City Of London, Vatican & Washington DC are bankrupted (Filed & Actioned)
The Act Of England 1871 has been reversed. The Secondary Judiciary Act 1869 is no longer. This also overturns the Balfour Declaration of 1917.
Now we wait Justice Thomas to open a can of WHOOP ASS [1776] Style.
The Whole World goes to 1776 in law.
The Whole World goes to A LEVEL PLAYING FIELD – Think Revaluation of All Currencies.
The Whole World goes to 1950’s Prices. 1955 the Chosen Year. Post [CRASH]
The 3 Most Important Executive Orders of our lifetimes.
13818, 13848, 13959.
The White Hats must be in control or Biden would have immediately cancelled the Executive Orders after his ‘inauguration’.
Think Crimes Against Humanity, Foreign Election Interference Globally, Think Chinese Military Companies, Think EVERGRANDE.
Ladies & Gentlemen
click image for video
Albanese is NOT
the legitimate
prime minister
of Australia
He’s the ‘office-boy’

Click image for download
You thought your ‘vote’ mattered …
… tell him he’s dreamin’.
Voting in Australia is compulsory but, it turns out, how anyone voted made absolutely no difference to the outcome or the future of your country.
Irrespective of which party appeared to ‘win’ nothing mattered to the path your country followed.
And if any of the politicians stepped out of line, at the very least, their careers were over – they was removed, or worse.
All promises whatever party gave prior to the election were forgotten as they followed the orders their owners gave them.
And, it’s likely the pre-determination of the result in Australia was not even MADE in Australia.
International influences came from Bankers keen to maximise their returns from Australian resources.
‘Politicians’ that was owned by the bankers, military that was instructed by the politicians and it’s Freemason employers, policies that was instructed by it’s Freemason employer.
And, it turns out, this was not exclusive to Australian politics.
Every politician in every country in the world is in the position they are by the grace of their masters.
So are military, so are police and, presumably EVERY senior public servant with any kind of influence over their various ‘departments’.
Whether this continues into the bleak futures any country has depends on citizens globally to rise up.
While people seem to be depending on a legal system to rectify the problems an awareness that they are as corrupt and compromised as the parliamentary systems is now becoming blatantly obvious.
Who actually VOTED for any of the
‘senior’ politicians that rule our lives?

The Video Explains How the Government Changed the The Constitution and How this has effected the People in Queensland with Land Rights Civil Right and Human Right Basically destroying the Way of living in Queensland to advance the Queensland Government Corruption.

click image for video
Everyone in Australia should watch this video.
Then we might all stop voting for the criminals.
This video proves that the political parties have stolen our birth-right, our freedoms, and our government.
Many thanks to ABPAC (Australian Business and Peoples’ Alliance Council Inc.) for permission to reproduce this video. The ABPAC website is no longer active, as their leader has retired.
If you are looking for a solution to the illegal political party politics that dictate our lives today, please visit our website at: http://advance-australia.com.au/

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NWO The Plan – Australia
how we got here
Jeremy Lee
Way ahead of his time.
We were warned but few people seem to notice, even fewer seem to care.
Listen now and tell me how much you think has come to pass in the last 30 years.
If only every Australian had seen this I don’t believe we would be where we are today.
Absolutely brilliant video. Concise, logical and spelt out in layman’s terms so that any, every person can understand this.
Pinpoints where, how, when and who. Its actually very sad to think in so many ways we have done this to ourselves.
Yes, government have orchestrated it and sold us all out BUT it was our apathy as a nation as Australians that allowed it all to happen.

Every single
Australian Police force
is corrupt.
author unknown
They are killers.
The two rookie Queensland cops were sacrifices by corrupt senior police.
Nathaniel Train was a pedophile ring buster and he was treated as the criminal.
Make no mistake, he fled NSW after being told he’d been marked for a police execution to silence him.
What happened at the Tara property was an act of self defence, as the Train’s video makes clear.
The two rookie cops were sacrifices to send in a SWAT team to murder the Trains, consistent with threats they’d received from police.
Every single Australian should now fear police murderers.
Every single Australian police force needs a commission of inquiry to root out corrupt and criminal police.
This is what we all should be calling for.
Stop police criminality and corruption.
We do not want police investigating police and nor do we want politicians in charge, who benefit from crooked cops.
We need clean non-Freemason judiciary to carry out a deep cleansing of the Australian police and judicial system.
Parliaments and politicians can’t be trusted, as we’ve seen with the Wood protected twenty eight pedophiles.
In the wake of Covid mandates police brutality, Australians have lost faith in police, who are now political and criminal enforcers.
To brand the Train’s pejoratively as anti-vaxxers, is dishonest and incitement.
The Train’s were exposing pedophiles.
Conversely, the police were protecting powerful and high level pedophiles.
That’s the crux and essence of this matter.
Do not be distracted by the misdirection of sovereign citizen, Antivaxxer and conspiracy theorists pejoratives.
This whole sorry saga, all leads back to the national cancer of the 28 pedophiles, from the Wood Royal Commission.
High level pedophiles are being protected by the Australian parliament.
Every single politician is complicit by their silence.
This has to end. Release the 28 pedophile names now.
The law in Australia has been totally corrupted.
The people have no confidence in their institutions.
The 28 Wood names are proof of the corruption.
The Train saga links back to pedophiles now being a protected class in Australia.
All Australian children are at risk.
Parents should be alarmed, as was the respected school head, Nathaniel Train, when he uncovered a high profile and powerfully connected pedophile nest.
The police are the culprits in this matter.
The Train’s were acting in self defence.
The two rookie cops were sacrificed by crooked police colleagues.
We must not let crooked cops, and their compliant media, direct the narrative that Australians need more surveillance and crackdowns. These are malicious threats on every Australia.
The Australian democracy is in crisis. Freedoms are in crisis.
The rule of law is in crisis.
Those who are supposed to uphold the law can’t be trusted.
That’s what the Train executions teach us.
Corruption Pervades Police Forces
in Australia and the United Kingdom

If we understand that a constitution is an agreement that sets the limits of of power given to people who take up formal positions of service to administer the supports that enhance the peoples freedoms then a constitution can only be created by the people through their collective understanding of how to live together harmoniously which is forged out of the alchemy of the trials and tribulations of daily life.
So one red flag is how can there be such a thing as an international constitution written by people that take it upon themselves to decide for others without expressed permission and then a process of transparent scrutiny?
Another flag is that if we are going to have nations then a constitution sets the boundary for that nation as separate from other nations.
To suggest a world constitution means that we all agree that we are no longer functioning as nations but one globalised dictatorship. So then who gets the power to decide for billions of individuals each imprinted with free will choice.
That idea alone contradicts the laws of nature that our very existence hinges on.
Some points to explain why the 1901 is a fraud
1. There is only one commonwealth and that’s the commonwealth of great Britain of which Australia is a part. It has a prime minister that is suppose to be put forward by Parliament to be approved by the Governor General, the representative of the crown. This means that Australia under the governance of one system and cannot create its own commonwealth.
2. The royal prerogative to deny assent was removed in 1688 by Parliament through the creation of the bill of rights therefore Queen Victoria did not hold the authority of the people to grant assent to any commonwealth nation having their own constitution as she was a treasonous monarch. So under the correct governing monarchy structure all fake constitutions are null and void.
3. The Magna Carta 1215 is a democratic common law constitution that recognises the people as the supreme judiciary and legislature meaning the people govern themselves through the independence of the jury the judge and annul government legislation.
4. The 1688 bill of rights took away jury independence so that a government dictatorship could be established…colonisation began 100 years later therefore the colonies were established on the principles of dictatorship.
5. The 1901 was written by British parliament (a dictatorship) that set up Australia’s parliament as the supreme judiciary see chapter 71 judicature act. Any system that gives government the power to judge the legitimacy of it’s own legislation and the power to punish people into compliance is by definition a dictatorship.
6.Australia was setup as for profit outdoor prison whose largest revenue raiser was crime and prisons because administered by Parliament considering it gave itself the power to write and enforce legislation the interfered with peoples natural born rights.
7. Back in 1901 the people were ignorant and still are as to the meaning of democracy. They were led to believe democracy was voting for two wings of the same bird with one agenda.
By then voting in elections for a political party was well established therefore what the people accepted as democracy. Consensus does not change the truth but it does become what is accepted as truth.
Political parties only began to form prior to the creation of the bill of rights which signalled the shift of power away from the last governmental failsafe mechanism of the monarch (takes an oath to protect the rights of the people from government intrusion) denying assent to any legislation that infringes on the peoples rights.
8. Government has the capacity to become criminal in nature by being influenced by private interests and the only mechanisms that prevent criminal government (royal prerogative and jury independence were removed in 1688.
9. By upholding the 1901 dictatorship people are saying they are bound to the ignorance of their forefathers to remain a prison colony under government dictatorship.
10. The word democracy means the people rule not the people vote for which flavour of slave master they want to be whipped by. Without jury independence the people are enslaved.
The 1901 is the antithesis of democracy and it’s time for Australians to mature by understanding the sins of the past so they can stop repeating them.
11. Magna Carta 1215 is a restatement of the democratic common law constitution that formed the construction of a nation state which was sealed in perpetuity making it the sole constitution for the entire British Commonwealth realm because a legitimate constitution imposes limits on what government can do not the people, so we need to take responsibility and use the standards government knows it’s bound to assert our natural born freedoms therefore liberating ourselves from government dictatorship.
Understanding the principles of democracy contained in the MC1215 is the only solution to getting government get out of our way and back to its intended purpose of keeping the power on and emptying the bins.

UN Mega-Fires
The UN-human agenda
to burn us into submission
November 5-2023
There is a lot of devastation from these UN mega-fires.
They are using it as a device to bring their UN death cult policies upon the world.
They create the problems for their pre-planned solutions.
In the 1800s, wildfires diminished rapidly in size and frequency.¹
Then, UN policies were incorporated into law, making protecting our families, land, and animals illegal.
The most significant decline in human life protection began in Australia in 1992 when we fully incorporated Rio Earth Summit Forest Principles² into our National Forest Policy Statement.³
The UN’s influence over a compromised political class around the world resulted in a greater number of people being exposed to UN mega fires which destroy everything in its path.⁴ UN bushfire agenda has resulted in the destruction of thousands of homes, businesses, livestock, native vegetation, and animals.⁵
When we examine the actors involved, it becomes clear that’s exactly what they’re trying to accomplish.
One of these UN actors/frontmen
is David Foreman,
an eco-terrorist and
anti-property rights activist.
Foreman believes humans
have become a disease
Foreman calls us
“the Humanpox.”
Foreman has been an advocate for
rewilding since the 1970s,
which led directly to the United Nations
Convention on Biological Diversity.⁶
The UN wants to transform 50% of North America into untouched wilderness that is forbidden to humans as part of its rewilding plan.
With 25% of the land remaining, the population will be relocated into ‘sustainable’ communities designated by the UN.
Our land is gradually and stealthily converted to conform to this agenda over decades.
This has been accomplished through land confiscation, conservation easements, regulations and laws.⁷
State and national parks have been locked up since the UN Convention on Biological Diversity,⁸ and they have become breeding grounds for pests and weeds.
These parks are a fire torrent waiting to happen.
They are a threat to human life, private property, livestock, and farms.
In the event of a hot fire, our wildlife cannot escape and will be wiped out.⁹
They would rather sabotage us blaming it all on their climate change pseudoscience.
Or worse, will they use the problems they created as the device to herd us into a ‘sustainable’ ghetto archipelago of smart cities?¹⁰
We need to hold these people accountable for the damage they have caused and stop them from managing our decline worldwide.
1 Rosling, Hans, Ola Rosling, and Anna Rosling Rönnlund. 2019.
Ten reasons we’re wrong about the world –
and why things are better than we think.
2 United Nations:
Forest Principles:
3 Australias forest policies/nat_nfps.pdf
4 The device for the Federal Government entering into a rash of UN Treaties since the 1980s is an erroneous broadening of s51(xxix) ‘external affairs power’ in the Australian Constitution has allowed our compromised Federal government to enter into a rash of international treaties/plans for global governance; To implementation of global governance policies including smart cities, Agenda 2030, The United nations sustainable development goals, Net zero, UN Build back better/Sendai framework (https://knowledge.aidr.org.au/resources/sendai-framework/), UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). Entered without consulting Australian people.
6 Janet Levy,
The Agenda for Serfdom
in the Land of the Free,
American Thinker, 2021
7 “Under the Wildlands Project, the United States would be transformed from a land where people can live where they choose and travel freely, to a Wildlands dominated landscape where people live in designated population centers with limited travel allowed through highly restricted corridors.
The Wildlands Project is the master plan for both the United Nations’ Agenda 21 (Agenda 2030) and Biodiversity Treaty.
In classic socialist utopian idealism, Agenda 21 defines how every human being must live in order to save mother earth.
The Wildlands Project represents a grandiose design to transform at least half the land area of the continental United States into an immense “eco-park” cleansed of modern industry and private property.”
8 UN Convention on
Biological Diversity:
see also
Convention on
Biological Diversity:;
See how this convention has been
implemented in NSW legislation,
see all other laws repealed
NSW Overview
of Biodiversity
9 Hazard reduction is such a matter of instinctive common sense it seems incomprehensible anyone would oppose it.
But a hard core of influential environmental activists do, claiming it is a “scorched earth policy” and clouding the debate with bogus science and an ideology which holds all human intervention is intrinsically bad.
“Most of the 438 submissions received by the inquiry are about hazard reduction, the systematic removal of ground fuel by controlled burning in winter months, which doesn’t prevent bushfires, but keeps them small and cool so they can be managed by local volunteer firefighters.
The inquiry has heard that a fourfold increase in ground fuel leads to a 13-fold increase in the heat generated by the fire.
In Canberra on January 18, three fires converged, creating a monster measured by the CSIRO at 1000 degrees and producing 100,000kW per metre of energy, so intense it created a tornado that uprooted trees and ripped the roofs off houses.
All the Elvis helicopters
in the world can’t put out such a fire.”
Click image for video
Internal CDC Documents Reveal
the Agency Expected Serious
Issues from the COVID Jabs
[From these contracts]
they’re expecting almost 700% more reports
during this time for COVID and they said
only 5% [historically] were serious…
[but now were] expecting about 40%,
so what did they know?
Click image for video - link for article
Drug regulator hid information
February 2023
BREAKING: Australia’s drug regulator
hid vaccine deaths from the public,
concerned that ‘disclosure
could undermine public confidence’
The hidden deaths include two children,
seven and nine years old,
who both suffered fatal cardiac arrests
which the TGA assessed as causally
linked to Covid vaccination
Click images for videos
the Vaccines were Created
to KILL Children!!!
Click image for download
Excess Mortality
@ 18 Percent!
Yet the government
is STILL pushing jabs.
This doesn’t make sense
unless you change the way you think,
then it makes perfect sense.
“Something is going on in Australia that needs to be explained,” asserted former Blackrock portfolio manager Ed Dowd. “18% excess mortality is a disaster.”
But “We have crickets over there in their national media.” Ed joined Del Bigtree on The Highwire Thursday (12/15/2022) to report his findings.
He’s not sure how to tell the entire story, but “the data is the data.”
So in 2020, Australia had about -2% excess mortality.
In 2021, it rose to +4%, and in 2022, it soared all the way up to +18%.
“We have supposed-miracle vaccines, and the virus is now less virulent, correct?” Ed continues, “So Omicron is a little more than a cold with some complications.
But unfortunately, I think if you’re vaccinated, there’s lots of complications.
And we know all the other health problems that are associated with the vaccination.
So what’s going on in Australia — it’s very curious. At the very least, I don’t hear Australian health authorities talking about 18% excess mortality.
And it’s across all age groups.”
Ed doesn’t pretend to know the answer.
I don’t know what went on in Australia; I’m focused on the US.
I’m sure there’s a story that tells a little bit about why we’re seeing this and why the elderly are being more adversely affected than the young.
In Europe and the US, it’s mostly the young.
“But again, we have crickets over there in their national media and their health authorities.
But 18% excess mortality is a disaster,” emphasized Dowd.
“Because an insurance executive at One America, Scott Davison, on the results of his company not blaming the vaccine, of course, said that a 10% excess mortality in young folks is a once-in-a-200-year flood, a three standard deviation. 40% is off the charts.
All of Australia is at 18%.
And it doesn’t look like it’s levelling off.
It looks like it’s continuing to rise.”
“So Australia, we dropped the data. You guys can use it for whatever you want to do,” invited Dowd.
“It’s a force multiplier.
And again, the data is the data.
We haven’t gotten into yet to analyse what exactly the particularities are, but excess mortalities up into the right, so that’s the story right there.”
Silent health crisis rips through Australia
The Highwire: Episode 298: BRINGING THE HEAT
Covid-19 Vaccine Pharmacovigilance Report
More Than 1,000 Peer Reviewed Articles
on COVID Vaccine Injuries
COVID-19 Vaccination Stories,
Side Effects & Healing
COVID-19 Vaccine Adverse Event
Tracking System (VAERS)
COVID-19 Vaccine Bad Batches
Reference Page
Increasing Death Rates,
Plummeting Birth Rates,
Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS)
COVID-19 – Mystery Clots in
vaccinated deceased people
COVID-19 & Antibody-Dependent
Enhancement (ADE)
Covid-19 – Vaccine-Induced T Cell Suppression,
Virus Activation, Cancer, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s
COVID-19 Menstrual & Breast Milk Disruptions,
Miscarriages, Infertility, Transmission (Shedding)
COVID-19 Magnetism, Graphene Oxide,
UV Fluorescence
Has our blood supply been
contaminated by vaccinated,
genetically-modified blood?
Cause Unknown:
The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths
in 2021 & 2022
Ed Dowd Videos Featured
on Sunfellow on COVID-19
Ed Dowd: “Big Pharma Is Not Your Friend…”
Ed Dowd Summarizes the info he shared
during Washington D.C. Roundtable Meeting
Ed Dowd & Josh Stirling Present Alarming
COVID-19 Vaccine Statistics at Washington D.C. roundtable
Ed Dowd: Chinese lockdowns about
collapsing economy & controlling
Chinese population, NOT COVID
What Motivates Ed Dowd
to tackle COVID-19? “
I prayed to God to be of service …
Mike Adams Interviews Ed Dowd:
Excess mortality following Covid vaccines
Ed Dowd: A quick overview of
the devastating impact COVID vaccines
are having on the U.S. & World
Edward Dowd:
It’s classic criminal behaviour.
when they’re caught,
they double and triple down
Edward Dowd:
“The issues ae just starting to show up
[and that] makes me very, very frightened!”
Ed Dowd On Dr. Drew:
Sudden Adult Deaths Since 2021
Edward Dowd shares dramatic statistics
before and after covid 19 vaccine
Dr. Joseph Mercola Interviews
Edward Dowd: Global Financial Collapse
Is A ‘Mathematical Certainty’
Edward Dowd: The Global Economic Collapse
Is Unfolding Before Our Eyes
Edward Dowd:
The Great Reset explained
Edward Dowd: Massive uptick in
disability claims since vaccine rollout
Edward Dowd:
Funeral Homes & Insurance Company
COVID-19 Statistics
Wolf & Dowd:
Wall Street now paying attention to
‘Trust the Science’ fraud
Edward Dowd: Canada’s death data
confirms acceleration of deaths in millennials
(25-44 Year Olds)
Jessica Rose:
How COVID-19 Vaccines
are killing millennials
What Is Killing The Millennials?
Drugs? Suicide? Injections? Cancer?
Wall Street quality Vaccine death research:
“This is going to get serious soon!”
Edward Dowd explains how
thousands of people have died
Edward Dowd: 2.5 To 3 million Germans
have been injured by COVID vaccines
Edward Dowd: CDC
data reveals the Government,
through mandates,
has killed thousands of people!
BOMBSHELL: Naomi Wolf interviews
Edward Dowd about Pfizer fraud
& criminal ramifications
This is a mass murder event”
Naomi Wolf interviews Edward Dowd
about Pfizer FRAUD
Vaccine Makers Liability Protection
is at risk because of fraud
“[Big] Pharma is not your friend.
Their job is to sell new patented drugs and not push forward over-the-counter drugs or repurposed drugs.
That’s what they do.
They’re there for the bottom line.
They are not there for your health.
They treat symptoms.
They don’t treat the root cause.
They don’t want to cure anything . . . curing a disease is not a good business model because once you cure the patient the cash flow stops.
It’s about treating symptoms, not causes. We know this and they are not your friend…”
Ed Dowd on Alex Jones,
December 14, 2022
“I can say with complete certainty that I have never been more convinced in my whole career of the fact that the vaccines not only don’t work, but that these are the deadliest vaccines ever introduced into the human population on such a global scale.
The US government is guilty of democide with their forced mandates, and countless corporations and government agencies are also likely liable for forcing employees to accept injections of experimental vaccines which employ novel gene therapy-based technology.
The corporate media and large tech companies are also complicit due to their censorship of the nature of these vaccines, and in my opinion are accessories to wrongful death.
The single greatest implication is that once we succeed in opening up the Overton window of allowed discourse on this topic, and the majority of the population gains the knowledge of what has happened, we will witness an incredible loss of trust in our institutions.
At a bare minimum the NIH, CDC, FDA and Health and Human Services need to be razed and built up again anew.
In addition, the politicians involved, the unwitting Doctors who pushed this vaccine program, University Administrators-departments and the media-tech complex have all lost the trust of the public, will need to rethink their institutions and governance structures, will have much to answer for in the coming years…”
Edward Dowd, Central Banks,
Global Debt & COVID,
July 26, 2022
“The brave frontline doctors blew the whistle on this vaccine early on…the signals they identified should have stopped the vaccinations in its tracks like the 70’s swine flu.
They are the heroes.
They were attacked & smeared. The fact that the apparatus of government & private corporations through their actions allowed it to get to the point where bodies & injuries are piling up is the largest global crime against humanity ever seen.
The implications are staggering & profound.
We are not going back to normal anytime soon.
My insurance industry partner & I are forever grateful for the brave doctors…we are just 2 ex Wall Street geeks exposing through our skills the damage wrought by those who didn’t listen to the warnings from the frontline doctors.”
Edward Dowd,
GETTR, March 13, 2022
“I think as this scandal collapses and unfolds, it’s going to remake a lot of our institutions,” Dowd says, “and I think that’s a good thing.
I think people like yourself [Dr. Joseph Mercola] and others who’ve been out in the wilderness are going to be vindicated.
I’ll never take another vaccine again, or a flu shot.
I’m done.
I’m out.”

click link for video
Vaccine Deaths and Injuries
Yet the government
is STILL pushing jabs.
This doesn’t make sense
unless you change the way you think,
then it makes perfect sense.
There were public hearings in congress with testimonies from doctors and vaccine victims but the media was silent about it.
At the local level, here where I live, there were also public hearings at the state capitol but the local media was also silent.
Only one TV channel was there but it can be watched by air, neither is in cable line up, it is an internet only streaming channel that not many people watch and only one digital newspaper reported something about it (noticel) but soon disappeared.
Today’s video is a fragment from those hearings in congress and to understand better the pressure over media, doctors and even victims to stay silent about those dangerous side effects of the vaccines.

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